Inciting Race-Hatred The International Labor News Service Circulates A Mendacious and Dangerous Story in Opposition to the Letter and Spirit of the Trade Union Movement of lagaiilaad labaav Last...

...Corner Bristol street and Pitkin avenue...
...North Carolina...
...m Our inequality, materializes our upper class, vulgarizes our middle class, and brutalizes our lower class.— Mathew Arnold...
...9 P. M, Henry Jager...
...Farmers should answer that they have no program for the relief of Republican politicians in coming elections...
...fsaW^fl much information...
...How can it be consistent in this matter also considering the long history of local, state and national law-making bodies directly aiding many forms of capitalist enterprise ? As a matter of fact, the "self-help" theory is in conflict with all our economic and political history...
...Now since scene Native Cape voters have the political machinery we appeal to the American * Socialist Party to assist us to outvote these enemies of the working class...
...Auspices, Brighton Bmh Branch...
...Now seeing that the general election is coming soon we beg of you to assist us through your Party...
...WTatCSs ^wl^aansbnl O. Crisswold is one et.mSk ttmers tn Ohio...
...So werare not so jubilant over the gentle punishment assessed against the vulgar oil magnate whose ! elreed reduces all human values to" merchandise...
...When the time comes that the shuttle will weave and iron implements move of themselves, there will be no further need of masters and slaves.—Aristotle...
...Brill To "\»Tk The Myths of Sex wUl b- f ¦jxwed...
...out own inrpression is that workers education has no future in the bands of the majority...
...If it is possible, send us some leaflets for distribution amongst the rank and file of the Bantu Socialist Party hi the Free Slaves colony misnamed Free State... wed aa but sun workera of every rase...
...Yet free land, free power, and freedom from taxation for owners of industry are only possible by action of local and state legislative bodies, '.Moreover, what, is -being done in the South to aid capitalist interests has been done for generations in the North...
...The Bantu workers are becoming strongly Socialist and we would be pleased if you would contribute to our cause at least £30 sterling to encourage our propaganda amongst African workers for Socialism...
...We do not know how widely the labor press reprinted this consummate piece of lying filth...
...Chasing a Will-o-the-Wisp r£HE visit of President Green of the A. .F...
...Ma tj man a book is ordered by & A'dssjj of the State named...
...Chatteray, W. Virginia...
...Tremont Educational Forum, 4315 3rd avenue, near Tremont avenue...
...But at the same time we rise to ask a question: Considering that the "A...
...After nearly a year of thinking about it the committee declares that unemployment insurance belongs to the various industries...
...Brooklyn, N. Y. Lecture Calendar MANHATTAN Sunday, April 14, 8:30 P. m-,August Claeasens...
...We hope that the pptreMa* -rattetwn their dinner the day thgr sastdc fJss tepee**|Mj^r - they, did not miss their pay check .ier-ite-caWJWtnonffc, From all over the United States coguesi the) cry of working people being daaplaced by soechidesj This means that the displaced have no incomes, thntj the rent comes due, that the grew and butcher must...
...Our columns are open to any trade union official...
...gjg^ CBBbua ssRsssfCe^^B^Bm Psoffine BUeemuShe eg 4taM toads to the dated of t^ll -Send me a copy of — ¦111...
...The International Labor News Service, which is headed by Matthew Woll, owes it to union men and women and to common decency to discbarge its reporter, Joseph A. Wise, who wrote the story...
...d?Sns "There's always worth 4m|mH for the workers in our Nassltfi Thafs why August MaSSsMnjH Long Island sends as kit raaSStM rwf...
...M Patrick J. Murphy is umWJX around the Bronx, New Ysrk IS means that subs ore eonm$ UfuW thai locality and thai they amVfsM tinue to...
...Let's demand the standard of dumb animals...
...I edjeyagHH sue...
...M. LARENA...
...27.—About 486 peri sons attended- aa "interracial dance'' given by Yeaag Workers' (Cammanist) League of Chicago at S43 East Fortyseventh Street a few nights ago...
...There has been much talk about "chasing a will-o-the-wisp...
...All this history cannot be reconciled with the "self-help" philosophy of the A. F. of L. We also note that its press service rejoices that the Illinois lower, house of the legislature has enacted an old age pension bilL We share in the rejoicing and also hope that it is a better bill than a few states have enacted...
...The manner in winch Communist activity, in the south, as elsewhere, should be combat ted, la, as indicated in a New Leader editorial last week, to have the A. F. of L. or its affiliated unions take up the organisation work which the Communists so persistently and disastrously try to do...
...Hrnninr Palm of Wert VlrrWt,, late In sendinc his renewal m hi £ posed a "fine" upon himself, mth the rheck for renewal, ttJSS...
...What is evident in these decisions is a fear of wide culture among the members of the trade unions and a distrust of democracy* in workers education...
...In our issue of March 23 we quoted in our front page editorial article from Stuart Chase and credited the seardstsTSS to Mr...
...WM "The New Leader Jm...
...Providing a class does not own the machines...
...Over six million African Natives are kept in slavery by the Government of the Nationalists, which includes the Labour Party...
...One paragraph of his address, however, is of special interest to us as it relates to what is-called the "philosophy" of the A. F. of L. Mr...
...The A. F. of L. has frequently wtdte wceker...
...Herbert Hoover declares that he has no program for farm relief...
...Those textile workers on strike in the south are simply staging a little difference ef opinion 'between affectionate Capital and loving Labor...
...The particular story to which we have reference harms not only the Federation, but is a vicious lncitation to lynching and race hatred which every worker, unionist or nan-unionist, meat resent...
...Workers education will either die in this country or members of the unions wifl have to independently supply it for- themselves.' As forbidden fruit it may awaken wide curiosity and the spirit of free inquiry may thus burst its straight-jacket in which for the moment it has been bound...
...If any readers can help they should send their contributions direct to the writer of the above letter by international money order...
...than 16 or 17 years of age...
...Here young men and women of every race lire under the same roof, meeting socially and in exchange of ideas daily...
...Legislation, it also assumes, in aid of any group or class is foreign to American ideas...
...e ¦; -• ¦•¦ ¦ -It Is the stave who raak?3 the tyrant and then murmurs at ths master whom be himself has instituted.— Heary Grattan...
...J. Blake Bggen...
...As for the mingling of races as a crime...
...The oaths of drunken sailors rise to our lips and we must refrain from further comment...
...We make this correcricpT whsch is drse to the source from which we took the The Future of Workers' Education HECAUSE of the importance of the event The New Leader is giving an extended account of the sixth conference of the Workers Education Bureau in tins issue and we commend it to our readers far careful study...
...Party and today they passed the second reading of the NaUve Representation Bill, a more slave and oppressive measure, by a majority of 12 members...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, Amalgamated Co-operative Branch...
...Credit is really esse to The New Republic as Mr...
...If bankers are in need of marines in Nicaragua, well, that is a serious matter that must be undertaken without delay...
...color and creed who labor with hand and brain In theaa United The International Labor News Oeiike which claims to represent the policies of the A. F. of L, does the Federation serious injury in etrcntatina stories diametrically opposed to the Federation's pohcy...
...iWamm 'Pioneers of Freedom" swatsesfl chusets...
...In the last few weeks, the International Labor News Service, baa circulated through its service the following lurid story: "Kerfs" Disclose Their Caliber at Hot "Social Equality" Party "White Girts Plentiful at Hop of the Colors...
...An effort has been made to fairly state ate views and attitudes of both groups so that our leaders may dearly understand the issues between the majority and the minority...
...Tuesday, April 16...
...Another sentence of six months is awaiting decision upon
...we aajflfj plugging away...
...David Sooner, 1417 Avenue K. Auspice...
...Where ¦ do yon stand...
...April IS...
...Many ol those who own then- homes and seem to be in good circumstances so far as comforts are concerned, are really living from hand to mouth...
...The A. F. of L. owes it to itself to order the International Labor News Service to take these steps...
...Auspices, Socialist party, 23-23 A. O. Branch...
...The male part ef the crowd was largely saade ap at Negroes, with a sprinkling ef whites...
...Editor, The Rev Leader: Have Just fbsabed McAhater Otdeman's article about sanding a iltliisaHsn to afrfiMm Bast idea w* have aad in a long time...
...Aaaakaa, Sochunt Party, 18-21 Wednesday, April A. 8:20 P. M.: August Clansstui, "These United States...
...las Aageka, Caatf...
...Editor, The New Leader: I second Coleman's motion^Enclased find ga to help meet expenses.4 In ease the plan does not go through, accept the money as a donation to The New Leader...
...a a • Capitalism feeds the worker so long as he is em- ¦ ployed but the horse gets his rations whether he works or not...
...Important Happenings of the Week" and Joseph T. Shipley in readings of current poetry, M Avenue C. Auspices, Socialist Party, 6-8-12 A. D. Tuesday, April 16, » P. m., William m. Felgenbaum, "Current Events...
...Either that or the state legislatures should study the problem, study it about a year as the committee did...
...No wander that H. T. AshMj Michigan rounds up subs SspssM gets rid of a bundle weekb...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, Branch Seven...
...v* Oat in Indiana a poverty-stricken girl of eighteen has been sentenced to from two to fourteen years ht jjrisoa for forging a check for $2.80 of...
...My renewal inclosed...
...F. of L. news service* has frequently denounced measures of the type of old age pensions as "state paternalism" and opposed to the philosophy of "self-help,** how can - it accept old age pensions in any state and stHl talk of its "self-help" philosophy...
...From the new leader mailbaG We ahcadd^eeMaT'hau* fire sr six of our leaders ever there, . j:>, - COS...
...discussed and disputed by the famooa Paychc-analyst...
...This second case grew out of the emptoyineni of Burns detectives to investigate members of the jrry who were trying Sinclair...
...The position of native workers is daily becoming precarious owing to the attitude of the Nationalist...
...Blast ef the tatter were not mar...
...A. A. Brill, coming Wed neeuay evening at the Cutba* Cash PoNew Leader's Army Reports From the Field na3s*v-nv jv ntusi *™aadaaa *Tignaen^sB^r|[ t^8T dfc., SB aesdb tg^S^^n •1...
...THE SINGLE TAX Editor, The New Leader: I have read your very interesting article endued, "New York, A Plundered City," and hope you will write another article calling attention to the fact that the landlords In Greater New York are collecting 'from- the workers each year (in the form of rent) approximately one thousand million dollars which is pure graft, as landlords do not provide land, nor do they provide buildings (buildings are provided by labor): When the people awaken aad all land rent for public needs, landlords will cease to graft one thousand minions of rent every year...
...Friday, AprO J8, 8:30 P. M; August Cweawna, "The BocJaham of O. B. Shawr" 223 Brighton Beach Avenue...
...The small sum desired by these colored Socialists of South Africa amounts to shout $150-in American money...
...If the second case goes against him he will serve note months...
...There have been eight cases in all m relation to the oil swindles and after many years this sentence of Sinclair is the only one that has jaile/tan offender and he gets only thfee months...
...Current Events...
...The ideal that inspired the niovement in its early stages, that workers have their own outlook on life and its problems, that they should venture 4rpon their own quest for knowledge,-formulate their own views and attitudes and round out a working class culture as it lacing done by the labor movement in other countries—-this ideal received its death blow at the Washington conference...
...It takes »w»**S keep up the good fight agaaaAag^^B...
...Quito it...
...Here, we believe, is an absurd Utopia... Lawrence Van Camp Of ms8j|gafl another trail-blaaer who vaats ksedffl man's book...
...Inciting Race-Hatred The International Labor News Service Circulates A Mendacious and Dangerous Story in Opposition to the Letter and Spirit of the Trade Union Movement of lagaiilaad labaav Last week a> naaracolored worltlDg-woaaan to Jcta Federation sxdons...
...Pioneers of FreedomV "-||mW writes U rood...
...all this in contrast with what happens to the worker in court, simply emphasizes the class character of justice in our courts...
...M. C. Brooks of 'famag^M that she is enjoying "Boaws^" SjLf recently secured from The UUC& She sends in 83 and trahwda^spj the paper where It will do ttMSjtfOfl HAVE YOU ORDERED AM OP THE MAY DAY DMOg «g3 NEW LEADER...
...We do not believe that the new program will enlist the enthusiasm of union members...
...Some trade unions are affiliating with, chambers of commerce hi the Southwest...
...Speaker, Dr...
...8SlH CeUi, ffew York)- ''i'.'lm CELEBRATE MAY DdVtnM CURING SUBS FOR YOV**M PER, THE NEW LEADA4Lm BUNDLE ORDER WILLMM BRING DESIRED KESUOS^H "You deserve a muhan roaaaa'ltdj country of so many iiiittii—1 et SH except awakened ctvle doty, gvJM conscious working -class anVg...
...April 14, 8:30 P. m...
...b the ¦)*•*«, K. J. Dennison who mim |fe> newal from Texas...
...Thro SSfedfl with the order...
...Zaaety of the National a vie Federation speaks of "oar" labor movement...
...Ths middle class business men who are now complaining that chain stores ere displacing them should not forget their old slogan that "competition is the life of trade.'' • • r Take the profits out of war and you will assist^ the movement to end war before war ends us.—George Bernard Shaw...
...Those A. F. of L. leaders who have no use for revolutionary ideas have not done their full duty to their country...
...Studying the routine of accepted views cannot awaken interest . or inspire men and women... paid, and that children must be clothed if they* are to continue at school...
...Three subs aaMSBSfejfl vmhhhim r...
...Santa Barbara, Canf...
...We have learned with deep regret that one paper which did it Is The Union Herald of Raleigh...
...They are net ¦ ¦668a I economic aad >slhlrsl laaatHj, bat aa oj»i rr* 5 ga£ iwniilawt hi well-known aad need net be le-Mstated We must submit, however, that the way to fight CXaiiiHiiiiiam la not deliberately to play upon the prejudices of those who, contrary to the wishes of the A. F. of L, regard the Negioaa and foreign-born hi our raids} as inferior human beings...
...There Is much unemployment and suffering here...
...Harry Reppaport...
...This poor Jftrt isan wsSSv^io millions to employ slallee-lkwyers and - ,w«x¥»BsipiaV prestige and influence that accompany - great wealth...
...Just as many r«fl«*»«ilal representatives of the unions have casne to accept the spiritual leadership of the National Civic Federation' financed by powerful capitalists and bankers so they have decided to...
...FROM SOUTH AFRICA Editor, The New Leader: I must thank you heartily for the newspaper you have from time to time sent me hi the cause of the African workers Socialism with which many of our followers are delighted...
...Anrfi^"sVso P. if...
...Office of Dr...
...Ere long Ralph wHl call hut ! I beakers, speculator* aad capitalists to serve aa il Lasts . *» Barytas* umtrvrt those to defy tohsacttcsm...
...Anything but genuine action thr.t win in some measure grapple with a problem that means distress for millions of human beings...
...Senators Enjoy Their Dinner how MUCH may be expected by weekira.ruen ^ss^sdsen ef the gudkaaeu who make hrws-at W^smhjgfton is evident from a recent report of the SrTrstr Cnniliiillx on Education and Labor on unj3WJ3y%| '^>e txJ*™unlee bas for nearry- a year been stjatfying Tonemricyment and has reported ^"^^wnern^ The ~ cmtamtttee d^^jjj^ rmirniiij jp the uidusia^sseif m% **** a» *m^mi***p Feaecn isterfetestde* aad *dtfhgmm* h^stmrs should sttady the problem...
...It is the Lnsk spirit which ran rampant in New York State at the end of the World War and which sought to make public education a matter of turning ota witless and thoughtless youngsters babbling the comnronpfaces of conservative thought...
...winch she^Atomcd only twenty cents...
...It should make an immediate apeflogy...
...S-^alist Party...
...The Idea is an excellent one...
...The'appetite of American manufacturers for an exclusive tariff is also another example...
...If any of the tragic outrages so usual in the South occur In the near future, the International Labor News Service will have to share the responsibility...
...8:36 P. M...
...Kmaa Hlrhway Branch...
...Capitaham to chum ownership for class enrichment...
...IH J. GuscetU, Chicago...
...Sex in Civilisation...
...He »»W*jni ntrx too old to work •ctaaSpfSM move-mrnl...
...That's tto <slBB Stevens of Louhvlue, daacrgaejMPj of passing his copy of The BpfJI to the "unconverted...
...make workers education an annex to the extension departinerrts of universities...
...That* correct, yea BBn name of the State rightly...
...In saying this the speaker declared what is known to every student of current economic history...
...The bankers, power companies and loan sharks seem tc be the only -ones who are flourishing Living for most people, is a Joke—a hot air Joke...
...but he mast JSjBtMH P*l*r...
...The Oo-operative Movement...
...s»r» Harry W«mm> who has been and still fc mmj_ of a pioneer for freedom hbmoX "I Just most hare The Nov Imh More power to tod...
...No, of course, there are no class struggles hi the United States...
...fKindly be kind enough to put ps in contact with the General Secretary of the American Socialist Party...
...IJUHI letters like the following, esSSB money order for seven dbikwaeaasa which six Is to apply on siji^^B Mrs...
...Green declared that northern capitalists have in the South been assured of free land, free power, and freedom from taxation...
...This rnatter is of vital importance to the workers of this country and we will give space to any responsible trade union official who wishes to present the historical evidence which he believes warrants the peculiar and contradictory policy embodied in this theory...
...Will any respond ? IN A NUTSHELL It now appears that workers education in this country will be made safe by annexing it to universities that are sustained by investments in big corporations...
...Chase's new book...
...The highly respectable Columbia University maintains a beautiful structure, built by Rockefeller funds, caned the International House...
...Chinese, Filipinos, Mexican Indiana, aad ntainn Is A few Negro' women aad a large number of decidedly pretty white girts were In attendance...
...BROOKLYN Sunday...
...The tortuous course of slhese oil cases .through the csMrtS far many years, the delays, subterfuges, rulaad appeals, resulting in one dehwtte^sentence «to.t^ weeks m jail for the most bisaen of all thrictt%rais...
...Perhaps like the trade unions in Terre Haute a few years ago they want to be represented when these capitalist bodies declare for the open shop...
...Room 10...
...Loutt P. Goldberg, chairman, Workmen's Social Center, 3610 Church avenue...
...500 West 181st street...
...The Sentence of Sinclair JJY a decision of the United States Supreme Court Harry F. Sinclair must serve three months in jail and pay a fine of $500...
...Like the National Civic Federation, the unuuiittee likes theldea of "investigation...
...Two large banners bearing the following slogan conspicuously adorned the wans: "Fad social eauaSty for Negroes," and "Fight against race prejudice.'' "These twa slags ni epitomise the inducement hcM our to men of the colored races to Jam the Cemm artist party...
...Chase's book had net yet appeared...
...Thanking you in anticipation, T. W. ENABLE MOTE, General Secretary, Bantu Socialist Party, Kroonstadt, Orange Free State, South Africa...
...But ail this does not disturb the Senate committee...
...The Socialist movement seeks the ownership and mansgemant of industry for the common good...
...They have failed to denounce Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Henry and others...
...At this moment several Communists are In the region where that paper circulates...
...SUNNT CALIFORNIA" Editor, The New Leader: Here hi California it is almost impassible to make a living today...
...Building No 3, Amalgamated Co-opera Uve Apartments, Moshula Parkway and Van Cortbmdt Park...
...Soviet Slogans Adcgm Wans and Promise All Things Sensual Nothing JKcOBomh"Chieaa...
...of L. to Elizabethtown and his speech to the strikers there were both in keeping with a fighting spirit that is essential to a working class movement that is worth its salt...
...It is pure fiction...
...One candle can light naaygaW none of its light...
...But this, commonplace fact is important in relation to the A. F. of L. philosophy which is based on the assumption that the United States is a nation where "self-help" has always been and is now the rule...

Vol. 8 • April 1929 • No. 13

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