SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National Headquarters mSaS^1^ wau*m a. H*nry E S—^ktcJeTto tne^NaUonal WW « Sath no J""1 organixaW*f~Zm U the National ¦i Few Suggestions I *-lSoMr^Get » l»» due h...

...It in close contact ¦J.S jnaoElav Federation and appre¦SfLSrtig the finest possible coP"jTfMti the Federation...
...The Chums sad tbe Atom of WUllamsnurgh are preparing a program of entertainment for - a "Parents' Night" to be held at an early date...
...IN THE CLUBS The Junior Clubs are now engaged In a referendum on the proposed Junior Constitution...
...W. C. and oSciallst Center, 1581 Washington avenue...
...1 "Jigiitij Sm •SaaatoaWa?^m^ ers^TJnton and the Urdted" Hebrew TTadaa, to making lofi plans for a monster demonstration on May Day...
...23rd A. D. At the meeting of this branch held last Monday, It was decided to give full ce>operation-through a dslssattog of- a large committee, for the May demonstration at Madison Square Garden...
...State Secretary Merrill has been chosen by Local Schenectady *B^huutateafieg^,^ New York City ^T$^ly3^Cen^| ^v5BSS^jja» Ed...
...An effort wfll be made to Induce many mon of them to join tbe branch, BROOKLYN 4-14 A. D. The meeting place has been changed temporarily to the County Headquarters, 167 Tompkins avenue...
...Benry Yager and posstofy A. L Shiptocoff will addres this meeStog...
...Tbe enrolled Socialist voters wul be Invited and an effort wfll be made to induce them to join the branch...
...Another meeting to the 13th and 19th Assembly Districts will be called, in and around the same date...
...Patrick M Mahtn made an excellent chairman...
...After doing PfiTtaen t1ir'k of olller 1™°°"*"" 1*2*can do...
...Debs AudrtoriuafT Band School, 7 East 15th street April 27—Spring Dance...
...The branches to tbe fith, 6th...
...The branch wfll hold a theatre party on Friday evening...
...nasdVs^masy at g^P...
...CrssswaHh Speaks Prank Crosswalth, of New York, addressed aa audience of 300 to Red Men's Ban tost Sunday...
...BliRTrlneh'frt?1 wSeh mto ¦.¦Jfestoset N. Y. C, organised WaSh Ctob March 3S...
...BRONX Social Gathering A social gatbertmr wul be held under auspices of tbe Bronx County Committee and to which an Bronx County Socialists have been Invited, at tbe Workmen's Circle Center, 1581 Washington avenue near Claremont Parkway...
...The branch also decided to place'an ad to "The New Leader...
...The, Jewish Socialist Verband Ca> Committee was urged to elect a fraternal delegate to the City Cogtral Committee...
...This branch also meets at 167 Tompkins avenue...
...1 Ale»mderv>«Qtaptt a Balberer, contribution editor...
...that cpnsuerMnb'pxagmm--bas' hssn-'-xessw^htreachtog enrolled voters: tones amtttosa have gone out meetings hevebaan called and snrrabkl SoehUtot voters vtotted Xt was also noted that Mr...
...ofer fifty-one per cent of the Col the Italian daily paper in New B Otr "Nuovo Mondo...
...Jamaica The first social gathering held under tbe auspices of the Women's Section, Jamaica, tost Saturday evening, was very wen attended...
...Oregon Oregon Socialists are going right along) with their work of - building a powerful organization...
...Next Tueet*— April 16, Winlam M. Fettjenbsum win speak on some current topic...
...An appropriate program is being arranged for the last session of the forum and the enrolled Socialist voters of the 6-812th wfll be invited...
...An excellent musical program followed the speeches...
...The Prolemm makeup...
...on the "Prospects for a Progressive Labor Movement in the United States...
...or the Party...
...Maine Farrtagtan Returns Wendell F. Farrlngton, acting secretary for Maine, has returned from New York City and wul take up work of building a permanent Socialist organization in tbe state...
...mif* ji,,'— Federation I * »J^hrr Socialist Federation has P»ffaOdal pa-er...
...The object to just merely a get-together social and dance to acquaint tbe new members with tbe rank and file...
...The organization is functioning splendidly and new members I are being enrolled almost every week...
...Tbe Arista of East New York to busy puffins for their first anniversary celebration on May 11...
...SPRING CONCERT AND DANCE Maria Palsy, an accomplished artist win be seen in a program of Spanish dances at tbe Sprtoe Concert and Dance, arranged by the City Organization on Saturday evening, April 27, at tbe Debs Auditorium...
...Last Tuesday, Comrade Claessens delivered his second of a series of lectures...
...The audience adapted resolutions in favor of tbe release of Mooney and Bluings...
...The next meeting win be held on the second Wednesday In May instead of tbe first because of the May Day meetings...
...Kirchway, brought Out an attendance of about sixty...
...Sunday evening, are now being developed...
...WlBtaandmrgh Jewish Branch The WuTlamsburgh Jewish Branch has taken on a new lease ef fife and received a handsome Increase to membership following an organisation meeting held tost week...
...June 15...
...All efforts are now being directed toward making a success of the last social and dance to be held at the Labor Lyceum on Saturday evening, April 27...
...Branch meeting will be held on Fridays at this address until further notice...
...Jewish Branch One The next meeting wfll be beat on Monday eventag^AjPril,tt^ at tbe bsadnuarThto braneh^rin meet'Monday everting, April U, at the Workmen's Circle Center...
...Charles Solomon, James OneaL Pauline Newman, William Berlin, Algernon Lee, Rachel Pahken, Harry Laldler...
...The branch Is wen satisfied, for this was the first public meeting held and the first ever held In the district which comprises groups of recent housing developments...
...The staff consists of Martha Solomons, numagtog editor: A. Ubove, fiction edltor...
...a cartT^-pVin rling with ¦at Oklahoma" City for the pur¦PfegegiBg the date and place mm me state eonvmtiorr, and it ¦Pltot K can be held to tho first California plat as Csllfomla is leading the...
...Tbe Sunday evening forum win come to a close on April 31...
...David Bomxaer, 1417 Avenue K. The speaker wfll be August Claessens and the subject "These United States...
...On the other hand lectures are being given weekly at the branch headquarters, 600 West 181st street, Room 10...
...that the Peoples House be the convention headquarters...
...Dewatewa The Sunday morning forum of...
...August Claessens delivered a brief talk, following which an entertainment was given...
...aad be tt further REfhe we calf upon all our memMRf^ <xaader-tand*heto ^batons 1 among our friends...
...Reports were made on various activities and plans for the Sprung campaign were discussed...
...The money donated was the fruits of a season of card parties aad other activities In which the women Socialists worked hard and faithfully for the organization...
...P"**** «N THE NEW LEADER yMahtkai of the help received by EL*™1 tt* "New Leader," the Ksaal enmbershto meeting held gent ate Rand School and at tbe MM Cnopeiative Houses adoptSha resolution: -KBHhVtoe Tlew Leader" Is tbe KVaaxalkt newspaper to New El h an expressed aim of the BP achieve the ideals of the pttfceatt...
...Comrade HerHhtof eanpelfed to look out for berBtter too fine boys, has not the Oklahoma toraawaaB are signing up and we Im fei toy movement once har«|Jtot stats will again be playing tast fa that state's politics...
...nth and 18th Assembly Districts are engaged to a drive for membership, various meetings win be planned, to which the enrolled Soctoltot voters will be invited...
...todtoatsflT k*-^'^«W^y"Sm,'^i>ihsilpjM tor membership were accepted...
...Very few of their pa* am now without the 1829 ¦pan organisation to making totoat fight to help free Mooney Iowa faatrk that there "is ciasider¦Haat —nlfcvted at local meetnUtoCfiy Library which have regg.toa turned into open forums at Mto aasjlju...
...An order of business and rules of the convention is being prepared by a sub-committee...
...SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National Headquarters mSaS^1^ wau*m a. H*nry E S—^ktcJeTto tne^NaUonal WW « Sath no J""1 organixaW*f~Zm U the National ¦i Few Suggestions I *-lSoMr^Get » l»» due h S2rn*embershlp book...
...Coney Island A banquet wfll be held on Saturday evening...
...COMING EVENTS April 13—Spring Festival, Bronx...
...polish Alliance 1- ajwh socialist Alliance officials l?mSed the National Office that If ^TaJring in new members...
...activities,' humor and sports...
...a*Mwf*C ^Branch* 21» writes that a Senior and a Junior Young Otrcte abb bam been organised to Utica...
...Harry Rapport win deliver a lecture on tbe "Co-operative Movement In the United States...
...The youn- people danced and made merry...
...The J*ufaif^r^^^^Taraasky™'*' lmV^nSX^nh...
...Tbe resignation of Leo Sebon from the Parly...
...As there Is no dteemmpn altowed his remarks went unchallenged...
...We feel conWFJzL, the Polish comrades are going Eba good showing this year...
...sign up for B^JSaon to the National OfIiP>JiSnwork...
...Fred Knot for bto cooperation...
...Speakers included Philip Geliebter, Joseph Weinberg and August Claessens...
...Mayers at J34-cmjTftoaTjrho^u^ in^^tojoinj YCL...
...It to attractively fllsstrated and has news, ntey revues, YCL...
...The enrollment hats of about thirte' counties are now available...
...A meeting of the 5th and 6th Assembly District voters will be held on Tuesday, April 30...
...Schenectady Schenectady Is completing arrangements for Its conference-dinner which Is to be held at Slrker's Restaurant 155 Barrett straet, Sunday evening, April 21, with Norman Thomas as the principal speaker...
...The lecture forum wfll conclude with a last lecture by August Claessens on Friday evening, April IS...
...May 1—Madison Square Garden...
...The ctob to busy rehearsing the "Tenor Shop" for presentation at the YCL concert on April 26...
...TJ-mer West Side This branch wfil hold meetings hereafter on tbe first and third Tuesday of the month in the office of Dr...
...The minutes of the Socialist Action Committee Indicated tbe following decisions: That a two-day municipal-affairs institute conference wfll be held on April 27 and 28...
...On Sunday evening, following the May Day celebration, the National Executive Committee wul be honored at a big banquet given at the labor Lyceum...
...Florida State Secretary Edson orders more national due stamps, and writes the Na' tional Office: "You certainly did a quick job and a good'one to getting out the mimeographed letters • • * I have finished sending them out and hope for good results • *¦ * Local Jacksonville has sent for more due stamps' • • • that local has a new secretary, Andrew Ltogren, who to taking hold of the work in fine shape * • * Comrade Claesaens is coming here next month and I am arranging a meeting for him...
...April 279-fGOacert and Dance...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...This was considered fairly good for a beginning and plans are being made for a continuation, on the other hand tortures are so...
...Louis P. Goldberg will act as chairman and help to the re-organization of the branch...
...that the City Convention be held June 15 and 18: that tbe representation be 150 delegates ' apportioned among the branches of tbe city organization...
...On Monday evenin April 15, Fred Shulman win speak on the "History of Marriage...
...April IS, to Bufldtog Three...
...and WHEREAS the We** to devoting a column of ¦g, TTtt'lilllliiii of the YCL: be it •ftot we express our thanks gPnantan to the editors of the -ftota...
...It was also decided that a convention banquet be held on Saturday evening...
...Surprised toto silence, tbe best the men could do was to give a rising vote of tbaaks to their sisters in tbe cause...
...Bpeskl^ st^^R^^fcultare Soetety aa^daaJgJVJaa, tD aKtta%B P^MfWl •tT*a**fw*">at1*Pt8 - ttoaaof Soctohcm...
...delegatesto Ccn¦By Mcettoas wfll bs held ^^a|i-Sb5rmnn^ aametoTaenry UprsOdto a^BSV^^S YCL at tbe May Day conference to be held April 11 at tbe Rand School...
...Italian Federation 1* ItaHan Socialist Federation has It...
...Crosswalth presented the Socialist position to relation to white and Colored workers to a brilliant speech...
...May 3, at the People's Theatres...
...221st A. D. This branch meets every second and fourth Thursday of the month at their headquarters, 2311 7th avenue...
...QUEENS Sonnyslde Some forty men and women attended the enrolled voters' meetings In Sunny side Tuesday night About fifteen were newcomers...
...April 13, under the auspices of the Coney Island ranch and affiliated organizations... SBXteg their membership paid Inesmml dues...
...He states they are Kfptostog a State organiser in Arisona Km.Sste Secretary, Ethel W. ^Qa arrived in Arizona, and vpkvtthto a few hours after aer Ei'The National Office has' sent Eavaw) handled books and pamph1 asaaods of leaflets and a quantity faaa sad record books for the K to addttton to this, the NaEa data has sent letters to ev^-y C* tot saultag list in that State, atoSaav to cooperate with the new Bgy...
...Brighton Beach The branch is participating actively in the May 1 Demonstration...
...and hereEfcat oaper will be managed by the ESL^rhere will be a Chicagc Erf the paper and our comrades Bating ready to push it to the limit...
...State Secretary McAlplne Is wasting no time in party work—every hour and every opportunity being taken advantage of...
...The next meeting on Tuesday, April 23, win nominate candidates for public office and win elect delegates to tbe city convention...
...23-33 A. D. The experiment with the ferum, the first session of which was held last week with Prof...
...A meeting of the membership of Yorkvine branches and enrolled Socialist voters wfll be held Thursday, April 25...
...The Ffltos, of Brownsville, have just issued the first issue of their monthly magazine—"The Ffltobnuster...
...ZMstrtet have bean Invited to the first of a series of meetings...
...Leonard Bright will address the next Friday meeting...
...the Downtown branch and the Workmen's Circle held its closing session tost Sunday...
...The to*|tma*ary?»^^ ¦ayjiWexter...
...Eer sddress^is^wa East Van Washington M sate asmrbrra and s big list of ¦aK save professed at one time or Era to SBdslisU...
...No admtoalan fee is charged...
...Young Circle News {The Young Circle clubs have been formed by theWorkme.i s .Circle to provide children of its members an opportunity ' for social and intellectual contacts in an atmosphere sympathetic to the ideals of the labor movement...
...New York State State Secretary Merrill announces that another test drive for associate membersat-large wfil be launched this month...
...get subs to the E^Sr~put out propaganda matMSK'news of your activities to KsL!2i Headquarters...
...Join in discussing Fj^mae^ttme^^Local^I^ Moines Idaho E5i3?l,ner' °* fi°W- reports bis ¦KtajDaya tour of the state, holdJtfajkaji In school bouses and city P*»*>• aaa5°^r»wd?e*ker a&d WlU Pennsylvania ^^Sjgtotown aends^to,a monttdy ^HRPbpare Uyliig to get every «-.¦ *j££m %% anashjl ggj '^^^^^ggsi«gsgsaaa, asatot to'taaoraaanaadon stf an aettan Cammtttas at teaTlaampst —tr Mai Ttatr^wTui...
...A happy surprise was sprung by tbe Women's Soctoltot League at a recent meeting of Local clerks when a spokesman for tbe league presented the total wtth a check for $100 for general party activities...
...Delegate Malta, Sunnyside Branch, urged the initiation of a drive for funds for the British labor and tbelr comtag campaign...
...aon^retattve^toHta^'wfff *^emB?j of OhB^Omman ranch Thto wfu" oontatoeda provtaton for ZM to the Socialist Party, Local Mew York...
...The Executive Committee of the* branch wfll meet at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum on Sunday evening, April 14...
...Considerable enthusiasm is being shown and the comrades in charge of the drive are lnstoting that ¦ every Socialist to Chicago must get into the fight May Day to Cbtoage The members of all Party groups are expecting a big turn-out at tbe celebration of May Day on the evening of May 1, at the Labor Lyceum, Kedzie and Ogden avenues...
...There are some 300 enrolled BodaUst voters In this district most of'them residents in the Amalgamated CO-opeiaUve Houses...
...Kings Highway The next meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, April 17, In the office of Dr...
...second, to conclude the season of indoor educational activity...
...The committee an drive met at tbe National headquarters ^during the last week and worked out farther plans for getting the work moving In - good shape...
...Socialists and sympathizers who are Interested to developing the work that was begun last year are urged to write Farrlngton of th?lr suggestions and prospects, addressing hLn at Livermore Falls...
...The M,CRz...
...Secretary Claessens and other speakers wfll address this meeting...
...18th A. D. Simon Berlin, of tbe Bronx organisation, delivered a brilliant talk on "Ibsen and His Philosophy," st the April 5 meeting at the Rockaway Mansion, 695 Rocka way avenue...
...EeSsaxetary is filled...
...Knot, broUxr-in-taw of our toto comrade, forwarded thto money to toe cite office wtth a request that $$100 be returned towards the payment of funeral expanses The Executive Committee concurred with this request and a letter of spprectattan was •eat to Mr...
...Simon Berlin, 245 West 74th street A speaker wul be present to discuss some phase of current events...
...fn addition to the speaJring program, a concert Is being arranged...
...Central Breach The next meeting wfll be held on Tuesday evening, April 18, at the headquarters, 1167 Boston road...
...However, total Philadelphia has requested a stapling date from the Ethical Cultare Society or a debate between Horace Bridges and one of our spokmThe Ptotoh*Braach to'betog reorganised and will hold a meeting on Sunday, April 14 at 3 P. at, at IMS South 3rd street Prank J. Manning, organiser, will address the meeting...
...The members of the Women's Section provided tbe refreshments and sociability...
...6-8-12th A. D. A fairly well attended business meettag was held last Monday evening...
...This affair wfll doubtless be a tag one and all members are urged to get their reservations to at once...
...Admission wfll be 35 cents...
...does to aad deal ^HMsBl^PBw-vfl^OflfeC daat^Vt ttP&B "tils...
...H. Liphshltx, manager...
...MANHATTAN 3-5-10 A. D. David George, our young Southern comrade, was tbe guest of the branch on Tuesday, April S. His subject: "The Progress of Socialism in tbe South," was interesting and bis- remarks created quite some discussion and questions...
...A—11 12...
...Plans for the entertainment and dance of the 18th A. D. in the Labor Lyceum, on April 21...
...In order to kep in touch with the movement tbe acting secretary urges every friend of the movement to subscribe to "The New Leader" and to distribute copies at every opportunity...
...Henry Yager has been engaged for a series of street-meetings to be held every Friday evening, at the corner of Bristol and Pitkin avenues...
...William M Felgenbaum delivered an engrossing talk on Queens politics and corruption...
...The Committee on Platform and Resolutions Includes, Norman Thomas, Louis Waklman...
...get a k* *J...
...A special tome of ttTneTOArcs?^ueeting>at "fie^eekscher ftoflgthUEi win bold a general discussion on "The Mystery of the Stock Market" at their next meeting April 13...
...M-, Saturday Max^Meyem...
...received s let¦SKfto-Satomal Office during the ¦ tftog then that the National B tot recerred the, resignation of geaereary Ruby Herman and that raatoas Office will handle Party Ki aVa*Otete' until a new secBftxajbctod- All readers to WaahaRwttffca...
...Among the speakers Wfll be C. KantOrovich and A. Claessens...
...It was decided to arrange Usui emit e memorial meetings this year to commemoration of tbe anniversaries of our tote comrades, Meyer London sad K V. Debs...
...Women comrades win provide refreshments...
...Fred Knot...
...Thto room is usually filled: to capacity and many new people are joining tbe branch...
...West Virginia Kgaa^kxa* to '"be' mimeographed BK5 Office He Is pushing HggeTergaznzatian to the limit LtossUktont that the membership gfi » Bit a high altitude before Bet Ike year...
...They BtftD arfler sufficient national due — for aU their members in the WfLTar three weeks...
...It was formerly WT^toi magasine form, but now it M0 zJhtMge seven-column, paper IfJSnoiThe last page is in Eng¦KSLrii for the purpose of reach?«JSni*e' f « s of their people who ¦!Li2ia ite English language...
...The next business meeting win be held Tuesday, April 23, at tbe home of Comrade Jessie and Evelyn Hughes, 8:30- P. M sharp...
...An interesting mmtoi nrosTam, plus rood dance music bids fair to assure an a pleasant evening...
...An adjustment was made relative to tbe Party membership of the Y. P. 8. L. laembem Decision made by the Executive Committee was that Party steams be furnished without charge and only on presentation of Y. P. S. L. membership card, showing payment of dues to that organization...
...1104 Garrison avenue.^ Tbe Enroned 8ocb& voters of tbe Fifth sewambh...
...Another artist is Alice Crawford, a Negro comtade, and an excellent soprano, who wul render a short program of songs, and Dora Wolinsky, pianist The concert, wflt be held between » and 10 P,1L - ^mediately following, the Negro Jam Band, tbe Renaissance Dance Orchestra, wfll play the dance music...
...Illinois Chicago Socialists ere pushing their drive for a fund of s4.000 for organisation purposes and new members are coming in...
...Those wttbtag to totoare asked Jo com-»—t- -a arv...
...An attendance of some 400 people was present...
...J.- J. DubameL of Medford, sends to a good donation to the organization fund, in addition to his yearly contribution, and to show his International spirit he sends $50 to the National Office to be forwarded to the British Labour Party...
...Central Branch, Bronx, was accepted...
...This affair wfll serve two purposes: First to celebrate the opening of the verv commodious and attractive new clubhouse obtained at 2202 Mermaid avenue...
...18-21 A. D. A meeting of the newly organized branch in this section wfll be held Sunday evening, April 14, at the Workmen's Circle Center, 3510 Church avenue...
...Umm^eopkTwfll^ *vto«»T wkSta'the next few^weeks^^^ attentat haesTef^ ApST 1J^ to ttTWrf ttrffirfeJaut Asaesjjeawtlssi ^fi^ertessate The enrolled acetone* vatofs of this election district which tochtdes the amalgamated Co-operative Apartments will be caned to a mesttfar an Tuesday evening...

Vol. 8 • April 1929 • No. 13

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