Levinson, Edward

WORKERS EDUCATION IS EMASCULATED Washington Convention Ends Workers Education Bureau As Vehicle For Promotion of Labor Study Groups By Edward Levinson - jll^^egtj^hw to* executive baud l^aasA....

...Those who remodelled the W. E B. closer to the A. P. of l.'s heart's desire acted mere in the spirit of controlling workers' ednratton along "safe" lines than even the letter of tbe drastic changes would indicate, dander predicted that tbe executive committee "would frequently be called upon to answer the question: "What to academic freedom...
...TBsiaS tk» is not whether a teacher, infers amended constitution, will have a eaax* to be elected...
...pasMj the case against the Isbor i isaaa,j| report of an educators' confcaeatoM at Brookwood In which cratoaafim made of the A. F. of U; that BbM cutoted a play in which' a ptsufS made to appear sntsgonatln to M that Muste had criticised the Bt<|H as being Inefficiently ¦ i.l 111111 ka aaaastofii§M literature referred to, said OtoasBH serve only to demoralise the utv msnt Music's criticism of the *M he declared, should have eaeva within the councils of the bntJCT In reply...
...Reed pleaded...
...As long as the A- F. of L. is as cunaniaUvo as tt to, there was nothing to fear from this tendency...
...We give the classes what the A. F. of L. desires...
...Green opened bis Sdstoaa v/tttaa reference to...
...Imagine my teaching- that in the trade union clauses...
...At the request of MamvC,BM then returned to the convention...
...If placed In charge with another group toss efficiently equipped, will eventually gain complete control of the project...
...Perhaps we could all be classified as Impatient...
...Maura's remarks...
...In the belief ef former Prist last mamrmy the smsuitofti fem any possibility of free and todsjiandsat owuajkt and rtlirnsaion of tobor problems...
...I know that many here may not agree wtth me both as to the analysis of the situation as the remedies proposed...
...Maurer then toft tot m WoU taking his place...
...WOUW «d m* carry ant the paOetos hud down ¦aave^aamasraato TtJ"e k 110 '""tttntton **sr» aatoaaay* cast express himself...
...I know the line-up against us is six to one, but these things must be'-said because the labor educa¦ tion movement is facing a critical pe. riod...
...The amendments proposed had been suggested by the executive council of the A. F. of L. Israel Mufson, representing Philadelphia labor College, presented a minority amtttat vetoe^timss"xeoat aarnattb^ssal an?flm*aa^ run educational InslHsthms...
...Tt would permit a moat Important function of the worlas' ednratton movement to be toft to the hands of those furthest removed from the actual activities of the i movement...
...Wall, John H. Walker of Illinois, John Manning and D. W. Davis, of the miners, argued for the report...
...Otonder, a member of the new executive board, brought in a proposal, which was adopted, calling far the revision of text books reeom mended by tbe bureau...
...There is no denying that the ! American Federstton of labor and to; tarnations...
...We must do so, sat to taw By for Biuuis*ouda sake, buffer She sum of the cause which we mast tonaaaabfi 'eat'hrfvurnttoV*entorsaton...
...Davis asked...
...When he concluded, both Otonder and WoU stated they hoped conciliation could be effected...
...And this leads directly to another point Several changes in the constitution and procedure of this organisation are now suggested, which, in my estimation, will further demoralise' the movement...
...ate said...
...It reminds me of the story of when the pigmies went to war and when a flock of mice attacked tarn cats...
...I am not kidding myself, that we have any chance here...
...wouldn't be enough spirit left in this movement to keep It going for another year...
...tor* 'Tm "* *°kam to HTe* **>d bettkbbjr^r syavqsqsxafen.** ta^tam...
...Maurer from an address before the sixth convention of the workers education bureau...
...But beheve me that I speak only as s veteran In the movement who understands thoroughly bow important workers' education Is to the movement mat wheat only desire is to further Its cause...
...Wtth the best of intention, our eatottog universities cannot do the job required of workers' education...
...I cannot but urge In the most serious manner that this body continue the constitution as it now stands in so tar as representation of the Executive Board is concerned...
...So, likewise, is tbe Workers' Education Bureau, ss far as anything beyond some routine publishing is concerned... bad air, but we have to breathe it...
...Muste ssdd that tafiaV ence had no connection with spam and that the pamphlet oontosamH Brookwood...
...You wul not bsMw classes, the teachers or even the aBBj or state bodies In "here any Icaast, m win take away their rights...
...At least give them a voice...
...labor moveaaaat baa made eajasma despite great -But...
...There are jno teachers and students represented on [our Boards of Education...
...why the distinction...
...of the Waasttj of California extension itipsTtmaat dealing atth workers' ednratton...
...Until we can assure and now reassure the more intelligent and thinking men and women to the labor movement that j they or their classes and colleges will not be penalised for taking education seriously...
...built after half a century of experience, wtth all of Its ramifies tiara, its financial, economic and collective strength, then it seems to me they show about as much Judgment as the rabbit did when tt spat in the face of the "bulldog...
...John W. terchen...
...Candor prevents any illusion of self satisfaction...
...At every meeting and convention the fact was stressed that workers' education cannot duplicate the work performed by our formal educational institutions but should attempt to bring that information to the workers which they could rue ill mat struggles...
...more proposal that is of first importance to this body, and which again was first adopted at an American Federation of Labor Convention, this time last year at New Orleans, will be pre- j sen ted to you for consideration, which I think will do immense harm to ^our movement if made part of our procedure...
...We are all trade unionists...
...Even this activity is to be constricted and closely watched...
...Manning, of the'tobor B«|fl partment, felt that them was slafj slight the international uu1sk9 called on Spencer Milter, Jr~ aaem| of the bureau, to state the aMBJB the Internationals towards wortoaf tj| "The internationals have in awsafil measure cooperated with the W. B|| Mr...
...convention, James H. Manrer, then president, vetoed opposition to the tendency of the bureau to hand over partial aad complete control of workers educational enterprises to the formal colleges and universities...
...We are living...
...sfittes are tovotved, tt to not my fan...
...It would be Inconsistent and foolish for the A. F. of it to collect per capita tax to gappott students gft*71^ to an institution that would teach that philosophy and that would oondeam and flout the American Federation of labor...
...If you please, the state amy confer upon the workers all the hltsslngn and privileges which the state determines they are entitled to...
...the provision...
...And that is exactly the pssMt read these things freely and MBS open mind, but yet was not oaovaSsea some others were...
...Bar would he deny Institutions not supported by the A. P. of L. the right to follow such academic policies as they may outline...
...I do not desire here to go sll over again the attack on Brookwood I mention it merely to point to the fact that one of the basic elements for the success of workers' education has been tampered with and as such becomes a cause to the decline of the movement...
...We are daavajbj the possibility of free study of alii facts of tobor and the world wt BBS But you will not succeed to psflBn out of business We wtil aaaBfiH work, to fltht, yes, and, if mat hvl suffer for these ideals...
...M The debate on Brookweod wasapfl climax...
...Barry ItusasH...
...The proposals now before yod would deprive the students and teaaham on-our saneaae...
...In the end, the entire educational venture wm be turned over to the universities for their control...
...What of The Future...
...Them are those who would hare us follow some other potty than that adopted by the A. F. of *«¦ to wmmiilluiis ainmMrrt Many of ttoat are honest in their judgment sincere in tank- protestations .. . but those of us who have been associated with this that our great movcasent shall never be madead...
...He remmemt f) delegates that the bureau at PMjH supposed to be an autonosaom %m "Dont kid me...
...Then la aa defiance to the A. P. of L. involved, but rather loyalty to our original •j* "* 4 * u to toatoting thai i* Bureau must act according" td its own judgment in so vital an educational problem as this Brookwood case presents and cannot "pass the buck" to anybody else... state old ase protons...
...Panuta M. Cohen...
...aa the W. E. B. has been, it would be of no value to Brookwood to be back to the WEB Perhaps tt might do am good to the long run U Brookwood Labor Oottege joined wtth our own Band School of Social Science and other labor uiaasHuii institutions not under the saadi-iatog tsdusnce of the W. a & to revive tbe sasbssnssm sad activity Carpenters Expel Member For Attending Brookwood College totoscttmtby hp total wmml\actohea ly^t^r^tm^ aa^tto/!^ The Decline of Labor Education Universities far more progressive than A. F. of L., California Professor Tells Workers Education Bureau By James H...
...Students who would be stimuatod by education that promised contact /wtth the real problems of life, oould not be inveigled, toto class rooms ¦here only traditional trade union routine was to be durum rl...«at Qresn then took up the quesjjjju^^ tbb way matoaadad charges are aabtcbs^slavmsts to w. E- b. coasltaktioki wsalcla --f^"<'^^^'^^ bel 111© Est ^w5ebamsm^Op» gdjtorw^BxatioP p>Hsap aro the aaoended sections ef the ceatowlilm of Ito wartoata rAwmtato •xasraaa ewer which the chief battle was fusgdit at the Waahington convention...
...because tins case Involves that of aaaamsto freedom...
...Oompers later fought Stoito eiallsts and anarchists as hsnf at B could...
...The universities unconsciously reflect the dominant views of big business, of the militarists and impsriahats...
...wu sets' ednrstlon functions to rip free the dogmas sad aTtojtons which flutter up the social sctouoas and present to the workers an nndui standing of social life that wm make nssaBai an analytical survey Of existing institutions...
...There are no teachers or students on the boards ' of directors of our colleges...
...Let no man deceive himself: When foes attack us, let them be professing friends or open foes coming to the light of day or the darkness of night, whether to sheep or wolfs clothing, the voice of the American Federation of labor will be raised and we will strike back whenever we need to do so...
...l*i i ¦afli nt stales the ¥strpooe ©f ' woriien ettacatmn Thomas b. atorba, awsetoff bTsas- j mTmmM ttn parp^jl^sstct c^wloff iflsaw* jt-, wa»* 'fjsttct^xi trve*board win be btoaa Mimmsn, Mtae Workers...
...Workers' education, however, to a social process, organised to develop the individual for the sake of fats group...
...I am sorry that at present my report cannot be so optimistic...
...Green continued, to restrict the workers to their examination of t facts...
...AsseeWstor JN nightly conversation with Bocadtos SB snarchists had further luuuuad ewm views, Gompers had written...
...and idealism...
...Universities at their best, stand for the impartial balance of Ideas isgaMUng the aMntonees which control mankind...
...Muste Quotes Compen ; "The proposals on their face ha* appearance of democracy, but •efctw would mean the destruction of feZ racy," Dean Muste declared...
...He asserted the apposition was based on distrust of the International unions...
...The essentials of wuikers' education as expressed by Pantos Cohn—that It should stimulate the workers' desire for power and help them function on the economic, political, social and intellectual fields as an organised group wtth a definite program and purpose—have gotten little opportunity for development...
...If we tried to we would get toto trouble with the American Federation of labor...
...In tail there were ' fated...
...All these matters, of course, are for you to decide...
...Dont try to kill labor edlV'tionj to an effort to make It 'safe,' " Mr...
...Anybody aa> be etoctad'but the control^et^^B bricklayers speak for him...
...opposes university control On...
...We reserve to ourselves the right to withhold support, financially or otherwise, to an lihlltiiisin taut would ridicule our philosophy, ignore it and condemn its It la not the intention of the A. F. of U, Mr...
...Those engaged in workers' education were dishonestly trying to capture the unions...
...There are sense tillage we teach la Use University of California we wouldn't dare teach in the tobor classes...
...If the A. P. of L. proposal is adopted...
...the permanence of the A. F- of L. He urged the necessity of workers' education as a requisite tor the traintog af aettto unionists...
...Paul w. pate toM of bow educational aafitoaanasji at Parnate...
...WoU proposed the amendments noted above, as well aa an amendment which would give the international unions increased representation at the conventions...
...To am...
...Manrer Takes Issue: James H. Manrer, Socialist leader and president of the W. X. B. since its inception, did not hesitate to draw the line between himself and Green on the matter of Brook wood and the general principles of workers' education...
...The present constitution provides that two members of the executive board be chosen by labor education enterprises...
...The first link the company union idea...
...Green lilsii il Mr...
...Mim jS I chard reminded the convention that ft I A. P. or L. stands in favor of t*3 representation on joarda of sfiAm^sj ¦very BaixWu educational *"«**nt%Jt partial control and partlcipatton Uachers...
...Bat we dare not want to...
...Th: A. F. «t L. is Interested to "» wan legislative program covering old age pens-jns," Mr...
...Wto/mj tend this accepted idea ef sss3 democracy to that field at «9k which finds tt In II i| i mill*) sal "As to the purpose behind tsasSsVam menu There a ground tar aatomgm distrust of the motives of abaafll sporanr these changes, but daasaiM the oonarquences...
...President Manrer'a fears might be Justified, The fact to however that there to more progressive thought la the colleges than there to la the labor movement...
...asa "The tendency has bam t% MM years to eMmtoatp entirely the asssM si Institution, the studenU sad Sato One labor education process after amm baa vanished...
...Green asserted,,would set up a "strikeless America" and make strikes a crime...
...It will not only hamper the growth of this movement but give cause for retrogression...
...There to no demand for cteaeea in Marxism, radical economies, or questions of the control of Industry...
...Wkf gb they come...
...And I teal that it a our duty, i aapaptoa as a body totoisstad to the spread of educational activity to the American labor Movement, to protest most vigorously against the action of the American Feneration of labor towards Preokeoud...
...This is the sadden M that could have happened to fl^SBB ment You will be taking the ba*VH soul out of the W. X. B. You stoatt | us plainly to dose up shop aai gtm of business...
...He agreed that there was an ! element of distrust, but argued that it ' was distrust of the labor colleges and classes...
...Under the proposed plan, we pit labor representatives whose experiences have certainly not been In the educational field against university representatives whose business has always been that...
...I've been worktoj SB you too long...
...Tina a* fj show our loyalty to the, totor saw Mr...
...What right * shall nt- to say anything abost mI classes...
...I pointed out that a procedure of functional democracy is necessary if we are to keep alive interest In the workers' ers' Education Bureau from all the groups Convention of the American Federation of labor, a proposal was adopted which would take away the right of representation cm the Executive Board of the Workers' Education Bureau fro man the groups except the American Federation of labor and international unions...
...Are you afraid of what CKnaaaa* elled in...
...The problems that con| front an organization like the Workers' I Education Bureau are best known by these groups because they meet them and must tackle them daily...
...ctanding before this convention...
...what X bare ampranitl touches the funliniiHsli of the movement and tt wm stand or fan depending upon bow yea decide the tomes X bars toto personaBtiss one way or the ether...
...have helped "aBay toilralwm" Harry W. RemuD...
...Davis wanted to know what right teachers and students had to a voice in an educational institution...
...The tfsetoaawk corded Brook wood has glvea saCjfl ground far distrust...
...But that tt all the more reason why we should consider the problems confronting us to a more serious and impartial light than otherwise, i X have called your attention to certain tendencies wtthl nthe workers' education movement...
...WoU saw no reason in electing the executive committee, for "creating "classes...
...He was practical and believed in "action," he said, while those who favored the minority report believed only to "theory new wjs.b...
...The proof of the Brookwood pudding is to tbe graduates, Muste said... which the famous conservative MM the A. T. of L. told bow a tnrBtef given him a copy of the "OaasaMft Manifesto" This pamphlet...
...If there are those who think they could destroy this great meiamtnt...
...If you pass this, I aflts go an any longer...
...X dont know bow we can keep out Brookwood labor College during a convention of tins kind, even tt- we should want to...
...Of all the groups represented at tins body, the students, teachers, directors, local unions and central bodies and state federations are the mom directly | concerned with workers' education proi jects because they are the very meat of | such activities...
...The executive committee shall be required to aoHett the attitude of the affiliated member ship U-annuaUy regarding their desire of holding or not holding a convention...
...The present plight of the British miners was a result of too much workers" education, he averred j "If that's what workers' education means, I don't want any of It...
...From both ends there was bound to be a let-down to Interest and enthusiasm Voluntary organiser and student drifted out of the workers' educational movement, and since workers' education always will depend to 90 per cent, of the cases on voluntary effort and interest, the activities of the workers* education movement were immediately affected, . academic freedom killed Once having started on a conscious policy of eseaadaa and denial, all' other causes that make for a retrogression to the workers ednratton movement naturally follow...
...Reviewing the principles which had made the workers' education movement possible, Maurer placed foremost the fact that the movement stood for a new social order...
...The second point, that of freedom of academic iflinwriir soon received tte death blow...
...F •< L shmliistluii thrice eertete that'titerej*** e*«y ¦Mtor-] swam dPw'sfc . WhcrBM there j at the lan convention, there acre 23 i jaamajajed at toto amstan...
...It will become an organisation without any tie whatsoever to the local study classes and labor colleges...
...of California, victor L. Otonder, Matthew WoU and a third to be chose later will represent the A. F. of L. executive council...
...Where are the tSjjH and students in this conveattoaf^e proposals seem to me to bi tovsjmb fear—fear of free thought, ef ttd of education...
...tendencies applied and proposed, which I sincerely consider harmful to the wider spread of our activity...
...ment for state aid far the aged...
...Kerehen referred to Usurer's fears concerning the inroads of formal educational institutions on tobor sdnration...
...Creech also asserted that the amendments would serve to deter local Interest, which is an Indispensable factor in the movement...
...It wul disrupt whatever activities are now carried on and further discourage most of those genuinely interested tin education...
...I will surrsme*M chairmanship, but not my pnMjH Those I will go out and fight tor* j% The vote was taken, revsaBag Sm so for the amendments and saaffj against...
...I warn the delegates to this body that this suggestion can be made part of our constitution only at the expense of the whole workers' education movement...
...The original provision act aside two places on the committee for representatives of workers education enterprises...
...Pannla Cohen of the International ladies Garment Workers Union...
...He suggested that same forces might be fearful of the consequences of untrammeled workers' education...
...Muste aa«V 10 other delegates, under the topsail that Maurer was going to leave bs1j|| went Into the tobby, Jototog to mrm The Debate on Bruubuagj| As muste was leaving tin to*, in Otonder of the Seamen's UatoB 1m a challenge at him, asserttog kefM "what was going to come out ef BBjj wood...
...I want workers' education to live, not die...
...As ma turn now stand, be said, the colleges and universities are far ahead of the tobor movement, and subjeeto freely taught In the colleges are barred out of workers' education classes by the present policies of the A. F. of L. and the W. X. B. • » « The convention resumed its sessions Saturday morning with a report of the constitution oosmntttoe Late the previous day, Mr...
...I cannot be as optimistic about the future of the cause as I was in 1937...
...MUler quickly responded...
...The convention is now history...
...Wall bad asked that this report be placed early on the calendar so that "the impression given In President assurer's opening address would not go out unchallenged as the vfijw of the convention...
...aniens should have representation on that board...
...All wiaama' 'aatoeadtoaaa suterprtoas under trade aabar smd awt asdav isas ll^to^ttw'lzaa^aa^ MaMrgyMgiaaa^ to general edncatiOB tor workers shall be eligible Car naaiubiahip...
...The words printed far hold type to the new portion at...
...cannot be hopeful I have presented what to me seem to to be able to came to these biennis...
...John Kerchea, of the University of California, repfied to Mr...
...fkejj bate oflered Muste an exoeltoataBM nlty to gain the ear of many UWlsSjI officials who have never beant BH wood's aide of the cam before...
...International ladles Garment Workers' Union, and John L. Kerehen...
...The need today is to bring the Bureau closer to the rank and file of students, not push it further away...
...The executive committee shafl conatot of 11 menibera...
...That wouldn't be tolerated in the A. F. of L. Why In the university we have a class to the history aad theory of revolutions...
...There was agreement on all sides that Muste had made an excellent statement of his case...
...Peace with Break wood tt ton*g-abshle If tt does come, tt may be the peace that means death Brookwood might be emsacuhaV ad...
...This proposal urges the establishment, wherever passible, of cooperative relationships with existing universities and their departments to do workers' education for us...
...Their experi iencee with workers' education are alive and Intimate, and the questions that arise and must be settled are dilemmas of their very existence...
...Younin the unions," she said, addressing herself to the international unions, "let those most interested in workers' education run the classes...
...Yet tt was argued by the majority of the Executive Oemmtttoe that Brookwood should be dtoaflOtotod trees the Bureau because "No other course was open to view of the A. P. of L. action'against Brookwood.'* But this to utterly eontiaiy to the constitution of the W. i. B. snd to the understanding we had wtth President Gempars when tte A. F. of la, entered tote official relations wtth the Bunam, vis: ganisatkm, wtth its own constitution, officers, duties and rights, not a rubber stamp far any other organtoattan...
...Pies- ' , CTai^iav •dmOPOm-OA av gOOd ptlt Off us fci to repaying to the critics of A. P. L. n-Virtos He denied that tbs A. F. c." L. t: npimwrf to oat age sjeasjans and cited the toot that the unions affiliated w^h the A. F. of L. during 1325, 1923 . gad IfXl spent more than r».ooo ooo en aekt ehato...
...It would be but natural for labor to defer on most questions to the university until it wm gradually lose any desire to participate In the management of this cooperative project...
...Muste, Maurer BjW ers realised this...
...3 It would be better to turn the toM| over to the A F. of L outright M Maurer contended...
...But they are there ! to editor, en and to share to the mak' teg of general poflctas to accordance with ! the general needs of the labor movement They cannot totiuageatiy legislate tor specific and aetouedL procedures which reau away from the rank and file and thereby make it less effective...
...We sbaB fight tt wherever it presents itself.'' Those who favored such a philosophy, Mr...
...I bad hoped with every hope ever since the beginning of the workers' education movement, and the organisation of the Workers' Education Bureau of which I was the first and ao far the only president, to be able to come to these btoUBUal conventions and report Increasing progress in our activities: especially when I am ready to lay down the gavel for good did I want such to be the case...
...We are opposed to that philosophy...
...M Otonder...
...ant not ana* sgiaUvt protest to »^wpi,^"|^rp.jswhsw?fffsj^.:- it J^kmiJ jlpbw sta* ^rtb SUB,* ¦*» jti - a **** In his opening address at the W-EJt...
...The A. F. of I« accepts the present order of society...
...Kerehen said: "If the tobor movement were in advance of the colleges...
...Don't throw out all minority opinion,or you will make workers' education a cold and meaningless thing...
...They are built to develop the individual to personal advancement, to "getting ahead to the world...
...The second factor to the development of the movement, he said, was the freedom of academic discussion which the movement yja safisfi sad to^btoaeaam^bg rtlvaregea^^ as...
...QSBM wrote, had opened his mted to S i8 vista of new Ideas...
...most of them trade automata, of aB share of control to the wurkars' ednratton ! Mufson also opposed the plan to abobab conventions unless called with the approval of the international unions...
...Walker said he would like to see the A. F. of L. executive council pick the whole board...
...A. J. Muste, representing another local of the teachers, and Maurer opposed the committee's report...
...With the changes to Ba|jM sutution effected, the iraitobslj Brook wood with the bureau wsssflW doubtful value...
...Miss Cohen declared the classes and colleges do not want to be dominated from above...
...The question h, vjfl certain qualified group be able to shit its own representative...
...Workem' education stands tor the worker, and every bit of ednratton, information aad searttiflf fact hi to be used in promoting the workers' Interest, and bnlMtog up the power and tmtlagancs of the eraaaOnce the universities have partial con-j trol over our movement, It will be but natural for them to gain more and more power In the future, with a lessening of labor supervision to that degree...
...We all know that the body which is best organ- [ toed to do a certain piece of work...
...therefore, reflects on toto definite ponetas that bam either already bean pursued eg are Bin ill Jn the fntarf...
...Individuals who have hitherto given of their time and energy in organ hang educational activities could lot find sufltetent Interest in such a program and Have discontinued their rfforte...
...woh Propose* Amendments As chairman of the committee, Mr...
...ansaptoyment, old s"p eta-afltty cad nti=scItansous benefits to tbsfir aeedy members, ate did no- commit turners...
...Be warned that eonthnsaus reference to the words "social significance" end "social forces" led "straight to industrial unionism and internationalMMXL.** What is to be done...
...the amendments debated Mufson...
...there am ohm Who become Impatient...
...but by a local ef fgyj said tt- was unfariunateb/ a i3 sosao church leaders are asMsV| . ' ^^^sabbbbm charges against Brook* ood whUsj'SI in Passaic attempting to get *<*"w tile workers into the A. F o* uJjZ the miners strike, the Brockwouerjg ents had collected funds and ¦ I hundred dollars for men4*W Un^eo^Mine Workers untartly gave up $100,000 voted to it by tbe American Fund tor Public Service to tbe International Ladies Garment Workers Union, he pointed out Brookwood bad never given any support to the Communistic so-called "Save-theUntan" conference to Pittsburgh...
...The men and women trained by Brookwood are now loyally and ably serving the labor movement - Among these were Alfred Hoffman, who tost week was driven from Elizabeth town, Tennessee, where he was engaged to organising work for the United Textile Workers...
...Colleges and i T'ftv** xepeaanSad at thai convention Cropped to wauu, Inrtkathn graph tcslly the decbne of tobor ednratton during tbe last tew rears...
...International Union of atogtoeem,- Paul W. Puller, ef Passaic, until recently a progressive...
...President Green returned to his attack on the progressives...
...What kind of a H movement will we have to five yaflajH now if we shut" out sll new Maaa*^l Muste then read to the detopnaflS Samuel Ooxopen's sutotoosTasiB...
...In the first place, the basic purpose of workers' education, that it is an Intelligent guide to a hew social order, is now being entirely denied...
...Classes are to submit bats of their text books with statements explaining why they were chosen...
...La, tlto president, secretary, three niirassatatlvae selected by the A. F. of L. and six additional members to be ~nr*~«*HI and elected by the duty accredited delegates at large...
...Mew Jer•ey...
...By official pronouncement, both from the A. P. of L and the W.I B., workers' education Is now limited to study of trade union routine only, although I do not deny the necessity of that...
...Hare again one of the essentials' that made for the development of the workers' education movement, that of complete control by organised labor, is being menaced...
...That la a possibility which every trade unionist, as well as socially intelligent educators themselves, dread to contemplate in view of the revelations made by the Federal Trade Commission of the subsidizing of many teachers by the power trust to recent years...
...reported on the Hew enm," mytog be found little reason for The lugiiug*.* of this session—undoubtedly intended as a bit of gentle sarcasm—was a report by Prof...
...The new change would have all members of the board, excepting three appointed by the A. F. of L., elected by the convention...
...until we shall give evidence tc teachers and organisers to and of worken' study groups that the Workers' Education Bureau will stand back of academic freedom and free expression of opinion in clsss room, we shall not be able to entice any worthwhile workers, to number or quality, to spend any time establishing or studying to workers' classes, and sett-respecting educators will prefer working in conventional colleges and universities to working in a movement that travels under 'a false mask...
...It is therefore our duty to learn what the ?suse of this condition is...
...And to fine with that thought...
...I am sorry to note that there are to some quarters demands that some farm of a so-called progressive movement in our organization should be established, form a new policy, capture our great movement and make it responsive to these new Us dm' Ideals and hopes, it appears to me as really amusing...
...Charles L. Reed of the Salem Labor College, George Creech of the Philadelphia textile workers, Sehna Borchard of the Washington teachers' local...
...Constitution Violated I wanbMo point out that when the case of Brookwood came up for discussion at the meettos of the executive committee of the W. B. B. tost January, we were distinctly toto that the W. B B. bad no charges to make against Brookwood aad that tt bad oonsnctai no investigation of Brookwood to give any bash to linages... a lengthy toto...
...consideration at this convention...
...At that time we were a growing movement, sow we are losing ground Interest -asms to be lagging on every hand...
...It Is not necessary indiscriminately to vilify or attack the existing universities la order to bring out the dangers such a move places workers' education In...
...This change has had an immediate detrimental result...
...Kerehen maintained...
...And If It is our desire to carry on workers' education to the future and make It a living thing of effectiveness and worth, the first step Is to rectify the wrong done our foremost educational institution, Brookwood labor College...
...pleads far students and teachers The rtpremntatlvw of students, educational directors, teachers, local unions, ' central bodies end state federations bring wtth them to the meetings of the executive fowmttto the knowledge of attaa1 ttont that comes from eantntoOUS contact...
...S makes no difference to me who is behind this or the other, tt I consider them wrong aejaatoba they wffl as attar bed What X have saht...
...We have classes in the study of social reform...
...There am those who believe that the state Is supreme," be asserted, "that the individual must be controlled and dominated by the state, and that through this paternalistic pohcy...
...We are not trying to change the air...
...The result was inevitable...
...The fight against the continuance of cf I* regulation was Tinted wtth opc^oa to .the recently developed pro- j i -:-i=at wmaaia Oasea todtoatod the j ri&sep of these teadenetoi to his siarear"to the convention...
...Our great movement will ™* Pause to Ha constructive work to exlilltoiud, to the field Of untried theories...

Vol. 8 • April 1929 • No. 13

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