A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE BRITISH DESPATCHES Labor Wins In British Local Polls Wffl Fwifygw fill iiiigfiit ¦^aa^aWB^peajt ^SSfcsBiHP^^R' j^^^^^f^^^^H^ JlMS^ilSTr'^^ .' . j; ;...

...X have seen some curious examples ol this...
...to Jim present chcuuistoiicm rofT baking up the time of Parliament in making constitutional changes, but would make up their minds as to what Is necessary to give Scotland "power over its own affairs, its needs could be met during the life-time of the next Parliament...
...A Revohrtion In Mexico: All history goes to prove that whenever the State takes, anything over you get blood...
...The general lmtoftotol population of beat brains available to work si lis setatorn, and win devote tise ssaupiuaa js| the nation to Hs treatment We have devoted asaah attention to maaaptoymemV and, to the teeth of the'opposition of the other parties, we have pressed ft ao tosfstentiy upon the Souse at Gaavtorm that we do not reontre to make ft an eleventh hour stunt In order -to gain votes...
...Tate labor candidates aero retort ill I I ate —at at the'head of the wfr...
...i *# • * North Lanark, though not ap dramatic as Boston, Is a surer Indication of the nomal rise of the tide, and Jenny Lee's victory 1c a fins, solid achievement, whilst Use position of the Liberal really shows what ttae Liberal revival amounts to in Industrial constituencies...
...We shall fight wtth unemployment as the first plank of bur domestic pro*"lftl...
...There is no TtT>g it...
...The teal result la that the labor out of a total ef M. - laaflTa iltffili...
...Sease Car toes Kvamaof...
...In the adjoining am Of Bdhi^i^ftttM^L gato^twcf ^ —Mad two Of the old Mi aa well, hebees...
...They show that we must fight with every ounce of energy at the...
...Since then, they have been played with...
...To the Highland counties our appeal should be specially effective...
...His mother fainted, and Ins father was Jast about to telephone for the doctor when the papers arrived aanonnelng that the Socialist Premier had resigned during the small hours and the Agrarian' Party bad a majority...
...a Joint meeting of the city easajtaii committee of the Socialist party aaf gaj, Socialist action (usianlttee to fee feaa\«a| April 16...
...In New Yctk...
...A Labor Government will resume diplomatic relations with Russia, win do everything it can to secure a large volume of trade with that country, and win pay particular attention to the opening of Russian markets' to our fishermen...
...A Monarchist or Fascist Government always means a sudden increase in church attendance, a decline In the sale of intoxicating liquor, and a corresponding increase to the consumption ol milk, cocoa, protocose, anti-tan, and other more moral beverages...
...Now for'the election itself...
...More liberty Is due for Massaefeaadjgfp Elisabeth Towne of that Stato elgaeff "Pioneers of Freedom...
...The steady drain of our people from their naive soil should move the T"yVll«~<- as they have not been moved since the days of the crofters' saltation The alienation of the land from the people, the sending to Jail of men whose patience had been exhausted by impotent Government Departments which decline to do anything to break .the toad monopoly and > atop the invasion of sport on toad which ought to rear men...
...1 ......-a*——a...
...which embody Scottish life, and before a aew appeal has to be made to the eeantfy...
...while a Socialist Government Is followed by an increase in the sales of face-powder, hairoil, playing-cards, and other evidences of a looser way of life...
...asp Wtwaa.-do.we find move-thaw- in oar TTimfl 4mtwFMtewtatiD Ot i) fCaXftl Vttlajft ? A ifi toast SS^S^H^amV and the other two parties have tolled lamentably to do anything to those ends...
...sympathy, wtth the Highland spirit, and the treatment of Highlanders as though they were aliens in their own country, have to be snapped...
...Tickets ranging In price from S1J0—S3 JO ¦nay fee secured from the office of Pioneer Youth, 46 actor Place, Stoyveaant 78*5, or from tea box office at the theatre...
...That's what used to make me laugh so in Vienna, where Mr...
...It nttt be ^drnj^cfiJbM tiK P»st spectacular of the fights barbeen Boston, where the liberals have won a victory, and where*, as in Livergpo^ we have not done quite so well as we expected...
...m Thk New British Labor Expects Tory-Liberal Deals And Is Ready For Them, MacDonald Declares Diplomatic and Trade RelationfttJBth RnJBttar Front of Labor Program, Leader Writes—Sees Big Gains in Scottish Districts By J. Ramsay MacDonald THE fast batch of byc-clections during the fife at this Gtfaarn-ment has been fought...
...The formation of a Socialist Government in mt»*riM was followed by a revolution, a thing which had not happened to that country before for at least a fortnight...
...Kibitzer', Talk by Vladeck Offered by Pioneer Youth For May Day Evening ; May Day activities will be concluded ifor members and friends of the tabor movement in the city by a theatre benefit party held under the auspices of Pioneer Youth of America celebrating the organisation's fifth anniversary...
...I desire to wink at the chamber-maid" A few minutes later, of course, we learned that Plotsch had putsched, and the thing was explained A week later, I was breakfasting at the house of a friend, when his young son...
...Freud lives...
...they have done nothing, Oar country retains now as heretofore the \unanviable for w-Wctwi 'di in\m aj^jpmmiroiii mdu&tDOQ for the bnfidteg of, houses to be, let to accordance wtth aejpttag class Incomes, win be amongst the first efforts of a Labor Oovemment, and the activities of local authorities wm he -watched and stimulated by ministers who mean business, and who themselves have had much experience as local councillors...
...end -that...
...That is selfevident, and I need not press the point...
...He was looking very worried, and on my enquiring the cause, replied, "I do not know what has come over me...
...They were deceived...
...So we an came down to breakfast thinking we were still under a Monarchist-centre-half-Agrarian Government...
...When the State took over the B3.C...
...Quite nice people will suddenly be overtaken by a violent desire to do something awful, such as shoot s policeman or put dead mice Into the vicar's letter-box...
...WsfeJtotiWwise, the first to rebel would fcthf team ^•sottish electors...
...This can be looked for wtth greater certainty from d Labor than from any other Government Therefore, I believe that Scotland Is to swell the victories which are to give us power...
...X stm beheve that the Liberal vote alone will not return more than 40, or, at the very outside, 50 Liberal members to the new Parliament, but, with the backing of reactionary groups of papers with imbue into the Government, that number* may be Increased...
...off in production of our own staple industries—coal, cotton, etc.—is due to Socialism, and the decline in the Sheffield steel trade during the last ten years Is due to there having been a Labor City Council for the last three...
...No, Father...
...The development of the Highlands mast not mean the dispossession of the Highlander, and there is but one party which can do this in accordance with its interests and Its principles...
...When the Upper Muddlcombe Rural District CpunoU suddenly went red and...
...t-friend and sup5 portin ci your press when the ad ,-crtiscr is informed that yon sac- bis...
...Aaata tor Labor m ngktand at lafiictiwcrth Qanlen cttj and MMMi Oetdatouab thaa Council easily retained tu Labor lead M-----,- , • * ,^t...
...We ought to regain everything we.ever had there, and add a few more teats...
...They have had chances abundantly...
...The Liberals'M^tKttfL Jfehtltq...
...Jf .the Scottish nohstltoenetos would l^cognlse the UiijmwIIiIIU...
...It is now dropping- snwt.Wng Hka an average of 4,000 votes at every election, and part of our problem win be to secure a good part of them...
...The entire house has been reserved by the organization which announces that B. C. Vtadeck win speak between the acta...
...eky$tap, and .take nothing for grarried...
...This article should be of special interest to our readers because Yaffle takes a quotation from that.great economic thinker, President Herbert Hoover, as his text...
...will fee toalsj dance when the convention Is eaaafjj order by the temporary cbatemaaTaM greutive groups, tiw.luduig many teayawaxa have signified an intention to sappS...
...If one does not read the papers and follow the political events the fluctuations to public morality are the only indication of what kind of Government is in per vr...
...Brotlanrt should give particularly good results...
...Labor Is not out .for law and bread atone, and will fulfil its task ^^^*^^***^ aaaawas SaaVagah aet end ^ whtoh saw native to> the etovsstoa saQ and a*ml"a# ¦ .. : . h M I pk-tmant^ml frtrr aalilatosi cjpbgam i^w^^^*^vf*w ^w^^et^^ ^i^j^ toatfparav^the^eiuiaty...
...larmert ^n»J^U...
...Blood, blood, blood...
...who had just departed for schoU, returned...
...This has a spiritual as well as a political side, and they cannot be separated...
...An Index to Morality...
...The Scottish ploughman "and shepherd and their wives are, moreover, democratic and independent beings, and to them the simple appeal of helping to secure power for a Labor Government drawing its inspiration from the common folk must have a great attraction...
...I "Kinltser," an uproarious Broadway comedy at the Royale theatre, has been chosen by a Pioneer Youth committee of which Harry Shuster is chairman and Fannie Pillm treasurer...
...The inevitability with which Socialism is always followed by rivers of blood la one of the moat obvious of economic truths...
...This can be seen in those countries where they continually change from one kind of Government to another...
...For example, I happened to be to Serbo-sia vodka at the time the Plotoch Putsch put Plunckel into power at the head of the Socialist-Corn rnnnlst-outsideleft-Radical bloc Plotsch had begun putaching at midnight, and by 6 am...
...AS those who have ¦tills tost year* ban wm tpssssjfen the woaawfisl tone they bad- and wm surety attend tnto affair...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE BRITISH DESPATCHES Labor Wins In British Local Polls Wffl Fwifygw fill iiiigfiit ¦^aa^aWB^peajt ^SSfcsBiHP^^R' j^^^^^f^^^^H^ JlMS^ilSTr'^^ .' . j; ; I""1J «5|it;o»^o^ niTiii^iw~%Mif!iii Vi^mi0 t"1* - bar in the first bateh"otf"Urban and^Rural | iteMkL way...
...bought, up the old...
...There was the dear old boy, busily psycho-analysing people to find out why they hated their wives or wouldn't eat their porridge, while all the time it was due to moral degeneracy brought on by the Socialist Municipal Government...
...They had fine words borrowed from us addressed to them...
...said his mother, fl have just remembered,*' said the lad, "that this morning I Inadvertently omitted to wash behind my ears...
...The two Tory candidates polled 3,700 less than did die fate Tory member...
...then, take your muddy feet off the cat...
...yaffle is the writing-name for a noted observer of British affairs and we have commissioned him to write these articles so that we may present the Tory as well as the Socialist side of the British general election...
...progressive ticket to the coming etatfljgmj win be represented by frateranl4M|2§ / original plans of Socialist party eaa^ mlttees caned for a convention eafiwfK May...
...make a trunrpeteering use of Aheir victory, bat there -sure1 few conStl-a rnencies-in the country wherenthey have such* a chance of pulling off a spectacular event...
...The relation between State ownership and blood can be likened only to the eternal affinity between bacon and eggs...
...I am more concerned with moral degeneracy...
...I see no cause why the nil*ah|toto of our present constitattansl sysiem to Scotland and Scottish affairs should: not be-remedied...
...Brownsville Socialist Dance Sattanay eve, April 37, the Socialist Party of the Jlrd Assembly District, man St, Breottyn...
...Yaffle Supports President Hoover's "Rivers of Blood" View of Socialism Study oj nut ion undergoing moral degeneracy through Socialism, By Yaffle LONDON...
...The rivers of blood proof has always appeared to me incontrovertible...
...June It...
...as you can't undo an evil deed simply by leanting why you did It, can you, Ernest...
...said, would be much more Urxxahn X*V' wider response to the Socialist ssaatiff the convention were held latorJajiffi Delegates and visitors from affMJaB states wUl be entertained by the Sasaw 1st party members at a banana to |*v held on Saturday evening...
...Hoovtr, as the "Dairy Mews* observes, "has an expert's knowledge of the economic and financial problems of the day...
...Later in the day they will learn that the Socialists effected a coup d'etat overnight...
...These things, I venture to assert, have a lesson tor the electorate...
...the other day a dog was run over in the Strand, and a retired major broke a blood vessel In the Carlton Club while trying to express his opinion of the labor Party...
...The opposition to the Government is ao bitter amongst Conservatives that die Tory vote in Constituencies like Boston will swell the Liberal support, and it happens thajf the Liberal candidate last time was specially unpopular, and polled an abnormally low vote] owing to liberal abstentions...
...The diminishing population of farm workers must also look to us far help...
...Why have you oome back dear...
...Labor winning I OaaVfl...
...There will hemp* and downs in every aeries of contests...
...Having established my point about blood, I win take the other two inevitable results of Socialism: destroyed production and moral degeneracy...
...at*, rangements for the banquet vdS tosajgp: by a special committee to ba lluiajj...
...Thl* year ft happens to be on the Sat^r- durma N.Y...
...it was all over bar the shootings...
...When I was last up in those regions, theyswere told to expect a change in Russian policy...
...But It wWtoUe "fittie tana to do justice to Scottish jaaafiap...
...This will be seen from the following example of expert knowledge -Socbaton has fawted itself wtth to be aa ma new ami spa Ileal fallacy, aai has aiatiat Sheet finally upon the recks of destroyed preaacttoa and moral deaeaeraey...
...pK>R this week's exposure of Socialism, I will take as my text a notable utterance of President Hoover...
...5 'i^^T'^^'TZZ " But there is one farther consideration which should Influence Scottish votes.' I should like to see a body of Scottish members Inspired by the Scottish' spirit, recognising Scottish distinctiveness, and devising means and pursuing a policy which win make Scotland mistress in her own household...
...but, of course, thai doesn't help them much...
...Public morality goes up and down according to what Government there Is at the moment...
...The uphill fight at Bath, whleb one ssmi Islin with Beau Rash rather than with labor, also resulted to a fine achievement...
...Socialist Convention June l5,16th \JBWrrtTUCUm^ IOC* Maysto/M gates are Expected h local Socialists have condw^*?iJ June* 15th and ISth...
...Jt^MB branches...
...The Liberal gain at was inevitable, and was not nearly ao good aa It ought-to have been it the movement shown in Boston was general or had -any volume...
...but the political ntuatksx * W...
...The combined effect of Worth Lanark and Boston should five our friends the Incentive to fight as they never fought before, and win, as they have never won before...
...It is not generally realised to what extent Socialism undermines the morality of the people...
...Bvery vote on Russian trade given in the lobbies here in their same has been-for their continued Impoverishment...
...These fluctuations are quite involuntary...
...w do that, our victory in the country is sure...
...Socialism is always followed by blood...
...I think we may take It as generally acknowledged, now, that the recent aught falling This is the third of a series of articles in an exposure of Socialism...
...station bus, with horse, and ran It as a Council service at reduced fares, the local butcher killed a pig unintentionally In his sleep...
...and one each aTsteT Sis...
...In Boston there were no Tory abstentions as 1,500 more voters went to the poll than in 1924...
...arming in particular will be our concern, and the program of the Farm Servants' Union will find a Labor Government behind it at every point where legislation and administration can push It along...
...And ever since the days when the Communism of the early Christians led to their being thrown to the lions, any attempt to found a community upon a co-operative .basis has always led to blood...
...In a very batd |Mip Oa* CODevnttlKXICaCS fOsT US, WC have done weD...
...I sfffl hold that la a great many ooaatttaenctoi there win be a combination against us, Laterals and Tories dropping their own candidates and voting for each other as It fcecooass apparent which of the candidate* has the best,' chance -of beating os.' In the mass of industrial constituencies that will not affect the result, but to rural areas, like Boston, It win...
...If the result of the eteotion-be to *tve a Labor QuTeinment a reasonable jran of power...
...In the hotel lounge I met the old Bishop of Dzupp, one of the moat learned and highly-revered men to the country...
...the took, of...
...a •% • In any event the fate of the Government to sealed...
...That sturdy population on our coasts must also Jbs protected and helped- to maintain itself by a Sound fisheries palicy, i The men and women of places Ike Peterhead and Fraserburgh know hoe much diplomatic relations with Russia meant to them in 1934...

Vol. 8 • April 1929 • No. 13

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