Wall Street Gambling With Billions Taken From Industry And Workers Small Speculators Given Unmerciful Trimming As Powerful Interests Manipulate Market "JF 1W Wt be good, be cmrefuir said...

...Again and again has this scene been enacted without changing the situation one iota except for the worse...
...nd $7l5J52,609jhJ92&1...
...When enough of them have been gathered in, the professionals pull forth their shears and begin to clip...
...General Motors has produced profits totaling $1,189,412,325...
...This measure of reUef - te ds*» placed workers becomes mors .and more as*4' sential as the industrial itTOlatlaa asmmsmp to all big industries...
...A U. S. department of commerce, swtmary covering the earnings/ of 95 utikty.cotftfwiues shows 1928 profits totaling $857,399395 compared wHh $775,177,254 in 1927...
...Call money has been known to shoot to 186 per cent as on December 16, 1899...
...It is all a gamble...
...Speaking of warning, ear heartiest cangratukdlens go to oar Mflaainei comrade* for their thoroughly saUatactocy showing ht the bad aaaasataal ahasaaa...
...Brother JJtr may wish he had tried Brother parrs method of deceiving the Senate inmtmt defying H. But on the whole hereZr itch nssn saay he a little leas defiant ^ismuoT Dollars Wmmry etttea of the United States has a |*aSJl*» aaeae sense of satisfaction because BjSpsssjSissa Court in the seven cents Siaaat...
...fet-whlr the Supreme Court decision should llJPfrltajui Walker to renominatipn and perBK tarteMsai while a contrary decision § ssaa* have hurt him, is one of those things plait...
...Above all, unemployment Insnrance shosseO have an important place on the prograu| of public relief...
...The rate on call money is usually below the rate on commercial loans, because the quick tfrn-over keeps the funds in constant use instead'#tk4pernntring them to lie idle awaiting the needs of industrialists and merchants...
...plague milions dt working men aad woman...
...it is an occasion for reviving the spirit of labor idealism, to demonstrate the brotherhood of toil, to take stock of the grave problems of the hour, to encourage the timid...
...The poor speculator is left with nothing, if the price has fallen below his margin...
...It is the small amount of money he actually has to lay put in cash in order to buy a large amount of stock...
...Demand Release of \ _ ; Mooner and Sittings There should also he as leslstriit demand i for old age insurance for workers, to fcslMs _ try...
...They are worried about upsetting the foreign exchanges and the price level...
...Nevertheless independent of the official movement institutions like the Philadelphia Labor College, Brookwood, the Rand School and others ought to affiliate for better carrying on the work...
...Only in this way will public measures he taken to meet la some measure the menacing problems at aa increasing army of jobless and hungry work-' srs...
...with every surviving member of the jury except one, the trial judge himself and two police officials who worked up the case, urging the release of these men, may day celebrations should also be devoted to earnest pleas for the restoration of these men to their families...
...g?****11* urarod oh him a year and a half jm.Ms...
...We won't," mkj the reprimanded ones, pouting and stamping their feet, and straightamy proceeded to do as they pleased...
...for 1928...
...In short there 2"**Tof ground for suspicion that Walker a?** PoBtical friends had ho real love for Jjehrtlun of the transit problem or of SBSjjy"* «° J0"*" as they might not eL"***'1, *y the people In cahoots with the Sg^f* »the traction magnates...
...From Sfl smt the nation workmen are complaining of tha new machines being tatrcdaced...
...Its agents in public power take little heed of the distress that faces the working deae in the coming months aad years...
...Combines Source of Huge Profits Domination of the production of electrical power is proving an increasingly profitable stronghold for the Morgan-MeJlon-Rockefefier oligarchy, according ,to;the annual reports of leading public-utility corpoialious -for 1928...
...Once more I repeat...
...They mast hh awakened to a knowledge of what is lupp*4 tag and induced to act in concert *• evert "'pepMlsrepSStemast uSsmmmX upon the probiekn of unemployment' aad jgreat May Day meetings in every city ef the natten may well initiate a nation-wide demand for relief...
...The kidnapping of Hoffman and McOrady only added to the fighting spirit of those leaders and the union...
...Even such large margins have not taken the zest out of stock exchange gambling...
...He may never see the shares himself but if their price goes up he sells them and pockets the difference...
...All that Mr...
...But he jigto hasa no true friend of the- five cent ^j"j»**sch leas of any program for a unified ipPSay- system...
...They browse on the side-lines for a while until their nervousness has worn off and their wool has grown thick...
...Every little sheep expects to be a big, big wolf some day...
...If they are not, the bank throws the shares it holds for security,, on the market and raises the money it needs...
...Bjtssarse when the I. R. T. went into the iig**Jj*l courts he had to fight- Anything else I^JM have'been political suicide...
...TheSr enterprise is a scheme for shaking down the public, a racket with the capitalist racketeer as the modern counterpart of the medical robber baron...
...perfect the monopoly, copper was selling for 13j^c a pound...
...They are only looking hungrily for profit...
...Out where the wealthy pleasure seekers do not go cheap labor is exploited to produce something like $250 a head* each year in dividends...
...Profits and Wages in Tobacco A penetrating X-ray is turned on the social order by the huge 1928 profits of a dozen leading tobacco companies...
...Money that could well go to workers to bring their wages up to the level of decency or at least keep the wheels of industry moving faster has instead been placed at the disposal of gamblers...
...It is a crying shame that seen ead~womea who have grown eld at seme imtBal' service in industry are thrown mma mi 11 see ; era nations, except the United States, mejssl provision for the veterans in ImlasUj tothehf' old age...
...mgW omtrsrt with the I. R. T. charges, ^Msd'TJhtermyer and his son Irwin conBjMpi'their sen-ices free, for which they ||p^ deserve the thanks of the city...
...They tried moral persuasion in vain...
...They hope to cover their margins, clear their profit and let the next fellow get caught'when prices topple...
...We believe that under private ownership no effective control can ever be exercised...
...The good work that the United Textile Workers, in this case loyalty backed by the A F of L, has been doing in Elhavbethon...
...Likewise there is a tidy item MKmjfM' iia< riiiiiidi ml "sml m 11 ill y flni thpu^>sssrdbBsn' for the un-needed seven cent ^ifms...
...Returns from 16 Hawaiian sugar plantations show 1926 profits totaling $11,975,582 compared with $10,496,918 in 1927...
...Organizing in the South It is magnificent that the supposedly cheap and docile workers of the Southern textile mills are standing up like men for then rights in a series of strikes in the South...
...consequence the City has lost not 22* to.money at the rate of at least 3y*y- Walker is personally responsB3* appointment of Craig as lawyer •jOty at a time when the latter had ^¦tereat in transit companies which would V « increased fare...
...The present price is about 3 times the average cost of production...
...States ahould be urged to carry out a similar program aad loan funds to the cities that rasjaUe ssoasr to extend public works and lni|iiriiiimsfits The floods in Alabama and the lower Mis- . tissippi Valley again call attention to a vastC 'work of conservation and leooaaSawetasa that - will protect millions of people in these reg-, ions and help relieve the uiuimphiyed...
...1 GAMBLING WITH PIOUS WISHES Brokers' loans must be repaid upon the demand or the call of die bank...
...The higher rediscount rate would hit the industrial and commercial borrowers hardest...
...But workers education is not dead...
...to pergSjEAs public that they didn't want the I freest far...
...Furthermore, even such an expert apologist ^or our social order as the United States Supreme Court has frankly Admitted in the Chicago Board of Trade Case that speculation is a legitimate and necessary part of the dbmmodity and stock exchanges that thrive under capitalism...
...This, has aroused the concern of the authorities of the Federal Reserve System, though not, ef course, for the reasons we have indicated...
...logic cannot be explained..- That it BEfjto reflects no credit on the amount of •'**¦*» the public brings into politics...
...Their Communist leadership does not seem to be very wise or likely to win the most constructive results, but trade unionists, pvugieaalres and Socialists will not find that their allegedly superior wisdom is worth much, if it is the Communists who have the energy and enthusiasm to tackle the organising Job in the South...
...Copper Combine Makes Whole World Pony Up Copper shortage boosting the price to wartime {icaks, is the newspaper propaganda justifying 24c copper...
...Whatppsr jlsj decision ef the Supreme Court, Jimfelfr walker stands indicted and convicted of |£wte feuure to solve the transit problem...
...But their efforts to correct the evil as they saw it have met with tragic failure...
...Hence, it is the trick of the professionals to push stocks first up and then pull them down, catching the unwary, that is, the lesser rich...
...Down, down go the prices and out go the lambs a little sobered and shabby...
...tt^fflDaMBfii, — Pearl of Pacific is Profiteer Paradise If you've got * picture of 'Hawaii as nothing more than a heavenly isle in which men sit around playing guitars while girls dance and deck American sailors and millionaires with garlands you don't know the half of its significance as a providence of the American dollar empire...
...I . aSfssg the satisfactory features of the BBSs...
...Broker** loans at the present time amount to probably ten billion dollars...
...Although this was 5c over the average cost of production the profiteers remembered the days when they rooked the war-burdened government for more than 20c a pound and averaged 54% a year on their capital...
...Most important, however, it would not affect at all the main source, of the funds being used in stock gambling...
...Hardly anything that the Federal Reserve could do would touch them...
...A. H. Johnson, Chicago...
...And this is the spirit that u neede*' Progress in * Pottstown A couple of weeks ago I paid spects to a fine meeting of Soeiahsts of Pottstown arranged for me-aad I congratulated them, especially Comrade Weinberg, on their exeeUent paper...
...Up, up go the prices and in come the innocent lambs to join the frolic...
...With copper averaging 19c a pound, the IVall Street Journal estimates that Anaconda Copper alone will show a 1929 profit of $103,000,000...
...In the case of...
...These capitalists by all the laws of capitalism can do with their money— our money—as they please...
...Wall Street Gambling With Billions Taken From Industry And Workers Small Speculators Given Unmerciful Trimming As Powerful Interests Manipulate Market "JF 1W Wt be good, be cmrefuir said the Federal Reserve Board to the naughty bank* and speculators...
...Timely Topics By Norman Thomas HjijLxsB tft* Vetted States w« cannot bsasfct "more than ten million dollars," m am esse tocarnated In Harry Sinclair, of sad theft, it bow appears, thanks to LV^harenk Coart...
...All our vaunted mechanical ingenuity has not yet succeeded in contriving a device speedy enough to record the, transactions as fast as they occur...
...How well they succeeded is shown by the present price...
...The development of hlsjMMya ' and waterways win also provtsa employmeat . for many that are being iWsplarnl by m*»Z chines...
...The basic question facing the Federal Reserve System-rand all those who have taken public part in the recent discussions tacitly admit it—is: how far shall the Federal Reserve System go in controlling the banks and credit system of the country...
...r°r *" this -the public will pay be|£Tfi»J|s»eJty gets, a cent on its investment in BjpiSBjSL ¦Bus is part of the price of our...
...Result: the rate on commercial loans rises, curbing ordinary business activity...
...Incidentally a group of a«*"| comrades did me the honor to come down to the meeting and Jhn Usurer told me a strange tola of the etregsjbss ear Socialist Councthoan are having against the riatrttUd bum ef the state, the bias of the courts and the ballyhoo ef the press to put thwasjh the fairer system of tax sasrssmimt which they had promised...
...More than $1,000,000,000 of .this profit was gathered in the 10 years 1919-1928 with more than $500,000,000 available for dividends in the last 2 years...
...Somehow my remarks got crowded out and X renew them now...
...A TRIAL TREATMENT BRINGS RESULTS ,* "I have read your paper for six months and do not want to be without it...
...They belong to the posaaaateg classes...
...These tobacco profits mean returns to the owners ranging to several times their actual investment in land, plant and equipment But they are ejren more exorbitant when compared with the wages paid the tobacco workers for their part in producing the goods...
...To how low an estate the Democratic Party has fallen nationally I hardly realised until I went to the Institute of Statesmanship at Rollins College and heard what editors, professors and Senator Thomas Walsh did aad did not say about the prospects and platform of the poor old party...
...Manifesto of the Socialist Party rpo Locals and Branches of * The Socialist Party: Greetings—The return of May Day hahsgw^ with it new problems of gnat hBportaoceto the working people at the United StatSS...
...Yet it has been taken into possession by private interests...
...Never before has speculation in the stock market reached such swollen proportions as today...
...employed to aaad two men, Thesaen Msamew, this case at hand this whole case of monstrous perversion of justice is complete...
...Our middle class lias money to lose...
...Sgoam Reveals ' §P*^saa Brnmmel of floorwalkers, our g**"w»miag Police Cornmlaskjoar, GroI ISL*0 LauuTwaldma^ haTaought P**"c attaatJOB, When the bomb mrZS *+ to Gov...
...They'are going to wtn...
...When Speculation becomes rife, call money begins to soar, as the speculators make frantic efforts to grab up all the cash in and out of sight...
...chicago, Natfeaal kxacettv* Sec...
...All that money stolen from, productive enterprise to be gambled with in perfectly useless pieces of paper...
...The Democratic Party may be dead but it wont be burled until a strong party of our own forces a coalition of the two conservative parties...
...Volunteers Wanted Socialist party membua aad members of the Yawn* People's 8 orta Hot League who wish to help ba the arrangements for the May Day cetekeaUon at Madison Seaare Garden by doing addressing, etc-, are asked to send their names and addresses to Marx Lewis, secretary Soeiahst Action Committee, 31 Union Saaare, New York City...
...The despair and the ecstasy of the speculator would be of no more, concern to the community than other forms of gambling which are objectionable chiefly on moral grounds, dfere it not for the tremendous economic consequences that follow from stock speculation...
...In 20 years, the table shows...
...They Will act only, if they act arall...
...They^paid the ruling class $8,460,000 in cash drvidends :against 1927 dividends of $7,492,500...
...The full effects of the reinarhable revolution ". in industry are now apparent to avery —« lightened man and woman.' Haw pneassaa and methods in industry are increaatag the productive power of labor...
...They do not care what they pay for their loans...
...Credit is a social product...
...The employer who contracts such high priced loans is induced to take out in wages what he loses in obtaining his new capital...
...taken to restore our " 11 n"' sj timber sapply...
...Prices swing up and down magnificently, bankers require larger securities and brokers to protect themselves demand margins averaging fifty per cent of the market value of the shares in which their client is speculating...
...the tobacco manufacturers the reward is clearly out of all proportion to the social value of their service...
...The eight-hour workday ahoeM ha the rule and wagea should not ha leas- thee the prevailing union scales...
...New invantioaa are rapidly displacing workers...
...There should be a national referendum on the wet and dry question to which all parties should be in honor bound to give efficacy...
...That vital workers education has lost official A. F. of L. sanction is a blow not to be .minimised...
...The dividends that have had to be paid on them have come out 'of the pockets of the consumers and the workers who have slaved to meet the heavy dividend requirements...
...It is based on the pooled financial resources pf the community...
...The '.¦sat bene, however, of the validity of the lbs east fare contract may still be taken to nBnjIate courts...
...In it a single table sums up the extraordinary record of profiteering by which this J. P. Morgan giant lias made millionaires by the score while raising numerous millionaires into the restricted upper heaven of multimilHonaire rulers...
...For answer see the annual report of General Motors Corp...
...That class is bund to the consequences of the industrial revolution...
...Thesedivideods^gave the stockholders returns ranging as high,as41 op tJhjK InvestGeneral Motors Millionaires Crab $1,000,000,000 in 10 Years How are multimillionaires created...
...jf?!!Ww*a> *» hamper sir...
...BANKERS RULE THE ROOST From all over the world surplus funds have sped to Wall Street to take advantage of the high rate on call money...
...He has been too eager to buM up the r>smocraUc Party upstate and in consequence has made some bad appointments...
...There is asm veet£ work of reforestation that shouM be under...
...It was, however, the use of a principle that I think should be used in the whole country...
...It cangfj» tea strongly emphasised that the tran^Pftosta remains, that it ts in politics , ^ » politics until it ia settled and gg"a*t- Of sach settlement Walker ffftThsjiiiisuj Hall offer no hope...
...Big corporations who were too poor to give their employees adequate wages were sending in their surplus funds to take advantage of the call rate...
...It is idle to wait for poUUdasa in -office to anticipate the problem and prepare to meet it...
...He is, in short, too anxious to be President, Though why any Democrat should hope for that office, heaven only knows...
...Such *af*s~ lation would insure .that at least some amaey '' ure of the saving of labor power by the to- 7 traduction of new msfhlees end peoceaess shall go to the workers in industry...
...It is the demand of the Labor Party in England...
...Six years ago, when the financiers set out to...
...In my prepared speech I had devoted a few paragraphs to showing why the DemocraUc Party could not be an effective liberal party...
...With the power industry's increasing demand for copper, why net repeat...
...assay unemployed is being rapidly recruited...
...His eajey toe for this shocking performance is ; ffttef the million dollars which the I. R. T. J-Jj^mW-charge up against the City of New BBJBsl inclade-Saare than throe hundred Seed daBars for the unsuccessful work PE^sa'fiormad prass agent Ivy Lee...
...He is personally responsthe unsavory Equitable Bus fiasco 1 ***BColBB to It which he jammed KiBM^ the Board of Estimate violated comJJfcthe five cent fare principle...
...And just as money, which was once a private matter, has become nationalised, so credit, which is still in private hands, will be nationalised too...
...It is the demand of Socialists everywhere...
...It cannot live without the confidence of society...
...About $1,100,000,000 of this goes to the big tobacco corporations but only just over $100,000,000 reaches Plan For May Day Now...
...The above ''testimonial" and many similar ones, are on file in the office of The New Leader...
...But behind the scenes sit a few copper kings exercising a-monopoly control unequalled in respect to any other commodity...
...These profits of more than $100,000,000 reveal the fatal illness of an economic order based on the assumption that social well-being Is a necessary.byproduct of profiteering...
...Maay workers themselves are unaware of the stark misery that faces them...
...The bankers led by President Mitchell of the National City Bank could not forego the profits obtainable from a 15 to 20 per cent, call rate, nor did they want to take a chance with a complete collapse of security values...
...Today things are done on a generous scale...
...Meantime the great corporations that con* trol production and distribution are reaping . still greater gains...
...They are shorn again...
...More ' and more will the issue of money and credit appear to the workers as vital for their welfare...
...hehtn down system ef regulation of public i uaMte* which ought to be owned and run Iplbi-buc...
...N.HiiaM Cmmmmm* WBaaaa B. henry...
...We know that our orthodox economists will rush to tell us that each piece of paper represents a share in an industrial enterprise and that if these shares are owned, they must also be permitted to be sold...
...The steV cycle of wealth In abundance si nmnpaalsit with widespread distress is rstSCTlas...
...It is quite clear, for example, that the slowing down of building construction in recent months has been due to the difficulty of obtaining money cheaply, because it has been gobbled up by the parasites on the stock market...
...This enormous total was available for dividends after all deductions for depreciation, federal taxes, etc...
...He is *jgSSSasBy easBSsssTMs for delaying the no"capture of the subways which Mr...
...The Republican Party and big business which is behind both parties need it...
...sordid aotT revolting story* of' the'mettsdw•aw»assss" ¦ e>»»w»«^^bb) v if*" .eaaeabk fBBaaBBJsaBsaaalW...
...Building workers and their families are suffering the consequences of stock exchange speculation...
...Nationalise the banks is the Socialist cry of the new era...
...The inability of the Federal -Reserve Board to divert credit from stock speculation to commerce and industry is a perfect demonstration of the inadequacy of private capital...
...that we can send it to Z5 tar three months for contempt of the imsm And that's something...
...The Socialist solution is nationalisation of the banks...
...But what do the speculators care ? They are not interested in production and consumption...
...Benew my sub for a year and send "Pioneers of Freedom...
...Nor was it any use trying to make it more difficult for the banks to borrow from the Federal Reserve System by raising the rediscount rate, although it was known that money thus obtained was lent at a much higher interest to speculators...
...The fact is that the tremendous quantities of shares that have been issued in recent years have often represented nothing but pious wishes...
...A Program forVnmuuhymmmt.......^nm§J" can do much to avert the oncoming dhanhav Demands should be made upon the cttsmferr the extension of public works end liiipsais ; menu...
...Term, needs to be extended...
...The shares themselves might only yield an income of 6 per cent per year...
...We should demand aa early program of federal storage of flood waters...
...justice t-> mooney and billings who have suffered iroprtoninent for twelve years for a crime vh'.ch they did not commit .also imP3S3S on us the solemn duty i to make car sentiments known to die onfts official who has' the power to release these ra«n...
...That decision very definitely curbs itopSBW of lower federal courts lightly to BJpS Jaactkajs, interfering with the orBE suniiirtan of state commissions and mats- Moeover it rebukes the impudence afChtX R. T. in demanding an &% return BE dry property which it operates but does %mSm along with the elevated roads which fi tssfi aader an improvident lease...
...That Washington Funeral The convention of the Workers' Education Bureau at Washington was the funeral, so far as the A. F. of L. was concerned, of what once seemed to be one of the most promising movements in the labor world It was killed because the labor hierarchy feared it...
...The "margin" is the speculator's fare...
...Wagesand hours of labor are threatened...
...the implied rebuke to the" arguS5lpC:W- CtaiWes the Baptist Hughes who sasa*sUd his frequent pious homilies on BBjBs of the bar by appearing in a ? .as* at which to some degree his own actions aaOrreraor of New York were involved...
...The upper class of own* era are the chief beneficiaries of the enormous savings effected in industry by the hew , machines and Improved processes at fre»duction...
...With at least of world copper production regulated by a single corporation created for that purpose and with each individual company reporting weekly to the copper institute these multimillionaires are sitting pretty...
...Several hears work en the part of a i ensMaraeh number wtn be sufficient to take care of the work that mast be done...
...Imagine the consternation of the lambs when the rate went up to 20 per cent on March 26 of this year...
...It does not matter...
...So many worse things had been said by non-Socialists that I cut out those paragraphs as unnecessary...
...It was through aneaaployment Insurance that the wuihsis sa Oeta • many were in pert able to cope wtthttsmo...
...The members of the New York Stock Exchange at the close of March alone accounted for $6,804,457,408...
...upon a widespread aad inststeat demand by aroused and organised ¦iiislhginsii aad women and their friends...
...This tabulation does not indyfetsJtjfe^Md...
...wc urge the masses organized in trade unions, educational, fraternal and cooperative organisations, and r all-aympathetic citixens to join us la popular meetings in everyj city and town where possible on may Day...
...although governor young objects to letters and resolutions being sent to him in behalf of these victims we insist that the right of petition for the redress of vrongs cannot be surrendered...
...to strengthen the organised defenses of the working class, and to promote better understanding among all those who work for a world of peace, plenty and fraternity for all tsspk*"*1 NATIONAL gjrjECCTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE SOCIALIST PABTT oanet^iew^bbnb^ W»eeaaa...
...It is a disgrace that to e hsTIm with our.vast resources tea tenses** to-jtoC at the sgeTof 40 aad *&M>lcms^m\uTmSS^ adrift to face the hazards of a h...
...In the old petty days brokers would content themselves with a margin of, let us say, ten per cent The remainder the brokers would borrow from the banks, giving the shares as security...
...The price on the stock ticker is frequently very far from the price on the floor of the Stock Exchange...
...Arid lands aad swamp lands shouM be reclaimed...
...Then they notice that the game is on again and back they gambol...
...Consumers are led to spend at least $1,500£OAQOO ia- a single year on tobacco products...
...tution in industry which Is also sweeptasr Omt : worhteg class should insist that a nrst cjaejsmon industry must be provision far hssmm' beings who are cast adrift from eaasdojsjipt^ through no fault of their earn...
...1 i»SS W_SBm- mU7 w. m mm' ¦ m ¦ don't refer primarily to the victory of the wet referendum which although Socialists sponsored it was scarcely a Socialist Party measure...
...That isn't saying, of course, that the Democratic Party will disappear...
...HOW WORKERS ARE AFFECTED jKot only does stock gambling rob industry, particularly the consumer-wage-earner, of almost sevenbillion dollars of social wealth but it affects useful enterprise in another way...
...The People's Press...
...pointed out, dead wrong on the Niagara power matter...
...TJhtermyer in SlPP*****"" <* the case...
...Rpoacveit was discovered F E^^P^***^" mat mifkry at the1 GoverI d^^-*^«Bgs^talshor<Vg1s1stluu that C, - ~w misht has* approved or dteI "hsaaaijBBjurt to labor, and what I SSlMU" conduct in ^ha^maTur^^'toe t^s^^^Jg^^JJJ^JJJjJI ^2'""**^"*** hia, ^^F9ssa^ar-sbsssr^bbrasassai eassr ^Se* was as we have...
...Owners of Hawaiian plantations have all the advantage of cheap colonial labor without having to meet the duty which Congress has levied on Cuban sugar...
...The hindrance to business expansion keeps clown employment...

Vol. 8 • April 1929 • No. 13

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