Labor Education Crisis At Convention of W. E. B. Tn Washington This Week Maur-er to Open Sessions PregiTsrivwto State Their Profrram for the ' Movciueut ^¦^ASHDVOTON — (BP) — Tames...

...He now wants to overthrow the present financial system...
...R. Mann, director of the American Council on Education, which Is an attempt to assist to placing college men in executive Jobs in industry...
...San Joaquin Light Ac Power Co...
...Helen G. Norton, Brookwood Labor College, American Fed...
...The May Day meetings may well be used for setting up councils for continuous agitation for reduction of the hours of labor and insisting on extension of public works and improvements to, in some measure, provide for the unemployed...
...S—We behove that the traditional sol-/ icy of the A F. of L. policies ef free speech, free press and academic freedom ehoaM be carried oat In connection with aU laser colleges aad classes...
...of Teachers...
...This to the conclusion, backed by federal investigators, reached by the National Mooney-Buuhgs Committee to The Story of Mooney and Billings, a pamphlet soon to be published The pamphlet marks a flood tide In the reawakening of national Indignation at the imprisonment for more than 12 years of the two labor men...
...of Teachers, Logan, Ohio...
...Workers' Education Problems gOME forty odd members of trade unions and active'men and women engaged in workers' education have formulated a program for the consideration ,of the Workers' Education Bureau which is now meeting in Washington...
...Editor, The New Leader: Let me appeal through your paper to those of your readers who are medical doctors, for the foundation ot a permanent radical medical society whose members, being friendly to the workers' cause, would agree to give free consultation to working people who are on strike and as long as they are on strike...
...o. We know a thirty dollar a week clerk of a saving disposition, who "accumulated" $100...
...That is the policy of our upperclasses in their various laws enforcing censorship...
...but a strong and instinctive prejudice of etess...
...William Nunn...
...Thomas L. Dabney, American Federation of Teachers, Dillwyn, Va...
...H Orders continue to come to tBtoOsfl dealers...
...Tbe average income of the American family on the farm is $717 a year, more than 40 per cent less" than the average for the.lowest-paid organized worker in any other field...
...l-.-1KR!K7m.m New YofbG&gm It is not possible for aU el mOM tend meetings and dexaonakaBBvfl May Day, but we can eelaBUtfltfl taking advantage of the onawaB»» affords to build up our jn mm SStH of May should be utilised m aabaafl day...
...The fine list of demagogues, to whom Comrade Lewis points with something akin to pride, never appealed to class consciousness, but to Ignorance, prejudice and hatred...^mM that one cannot find to "ttjS^^J You are totting the rotten e«Sj bard," says C. A Piper of aaaba old war horse who has a curing subs to Socialist U hard to equal...
...e .. Then there to the Tody whose only visitors are installment house collectors, who apeak* of bar onerous social '¦ahg-**-^ Utility Companies Keep Mooney in Jail, Is Charge The powerful California branch of America's insolent public utilities, found by the federal trade commission to be debauching 100,000 schools with a flood of poisonous propaganda, are the interests responsible for the continued imprisonment of Tom Mooney and Warren K_ Billings in San Quentin and Fotoom penitentiaries...
...Edward Keating, editor of -Labor," will preside at the annual dinner, and the chief speech wul be made by Principal L. P. Jacks of Manchester College, Oxford, England...
...of Teachers, St Paul, Minn ; Arthur W. Calhoun, Brookwood labor College, Katrmah, N. Y...
...Joseph ktt^Jj^H of its lively members we bear ff^H week...
...The world will be saved from the yeuow-Reds...
...Even the Pollyanna barkers of "prosperity" are less vocal as this gaunt spectre of distress grins at tbe dining tables of the super-rich...
...If the politicians do anything it will not be on their own initiative...
...What Tbe Well-Dressed Man Win Wear...
...modem Issuances of class consciousness remind me of a story I read of a Russian exile who escaped from Siberia and established himself on a desolate island to th Bering Sea, where he tortured the innocent victims who fell into his bands—"to get even with tbe Czar...
...Victor Oiander, secretary of the Illinois Federation of labor...
...IN A NUTSHELL General Motors stock is worth over four billion dollars and shares hit a high market value at 91% while ex-Governor Smith opened a circus at the new Coliseum...
...May I also add that the statement of President Mahon which you published in the same issue to the effect that -up te the present time there to no agreement of any kind with the Mitten Management and we are hot dealing with the Mitten Management in any way" to not quite explicit and needs further clarification...
...All details have .been "carefully worked oat by army and navy experts to insure fidelity to fact-" So in the form of fiction tbe "yellow peril" and the "Bolshevik menace" are to be marketed through a jitney thriller with the cooperation of the army and navy...
...Frank Palmer, Denver Labor College, Denver, Colo...
...The latter were accorded official recognition after the union had been completely destroyed...
...Because of inertia in labor's ranks in recent years reaction has its own way in industry and government...
...J. F. Anderson, former Vice Pres...
...Stanley Dowley, American Fed...
...He fears that Socialism would destroy incentive...
...In view of the aaaagtsBaa of tins question it would be desirable that Pres...
...ill Nothing cmM tadnee —MM the paper...
...Steaks, chops, roasts and other cuts are now to be packed and labeled by the packers...
...Each time I receive such a request I,am able to supply but one name and that is always very Insufficient... eontafns provisions with regard to its abrogation after It bad become effective on some new properties if and when these new properties bad been acquired by the Mitten interests...
...o You may doubt but we can prove that there's a worker Bring to New York who knows tbe batting and fielding averagaa of every major league ban player and She various brands of etgaieilaa they smoke while to taaining...
...It would be to broaden the whole vision of the jlabor nrnveaamt and help wotkexa to more intelligently oppose what they consider to be harmful to progress...
...of Teachers, New York...
...Pittsburgh Labor College, Pittsburgh...
...M. Duly, California...
...Forty-two outstanding figures In the field of labor education, have issued a statement in connection with the forthcoming conference of the Workers Education Bureau...
...Morris Berman, President...
...3. A. C. MENG...
...the contrast between enormous incomes heaped up by gamblers in and owners of industry and the increasing mass of unemployed men and women...
...Then there's tbe guy who creases his trousers lleing on them in bed while studying his favorite subject...
...orderf Active boostem'wml Job at once aad heto te Ja press...
...of Teachers, N. Y...
...Ursula Botovert, United Textile Workers of America, Salem, Mass...
...o> scafoanc faeedoen a/ilS be most anunhw^sjesAnoa and noaoajajF aaauftju5o*f It aary be asserted thaf j| b ajfcyer attenant to bring CcsaaaawawaVdim^ cent watts the -stm'*:******' ' see no reason way every ptseas bsVBVbk nana i» ana, should aot be (Miaidered ¦i*-'TK6rhe& ~d&^ This wookl not be to entrant students to either theory no more than the study of the open shop would be to iiarwiat students to the open shoppers...
...I John 3. Tbobe of Cqtu^b*Q the old reliable...
...Broadway * Zha SSM N. Carnnes, N.E...
...Among the toanfflj Phaum of Long Island - Editor, New Leader: The officiai Socialist ^SfTy-ajH of the Eastern Stat* is stck g2 did representative of our /oassVSa / am impelled to express sty wall and delight with it...
...Meyer Ofina, Treasurer, 175 East Broadway, New York, N. Y.: Julius Oerfaer, Secretary, 48 New Chambers street, New York, X y. Stockholders holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock: None...
...We believe that Communism, for example, cannot survive a critical study by normal human beings...
...Mahon make a more detailed and expBcit statement on tins subject...
...It is a cheap and disgusting performance intended to drug the nation into a state of mind where it will support a huge army and navy...
...Mattrer has frwfTt president of tbe- Barton as foundation, but recently there were Indications that Vice-President Won of tpe American Federation of Labor desired not only to unseat Maurer but to have an anti-Socialist preside st tbto convention...
...Blanche Ooldfield, Vice President Local 3, Journeymen Tailors Union, Denver, Colo...
...St b being sold through the American Ctrl Liberties Union for $3 a volume...
...The butcher will feel so cut up about it that he will probably consider the Socialist program of socializing the packing industry...
...which have been the visible government at Sacramento and to Washington, opposing labor legislation, pubbc ownership and effective regulation of private monopoly...
...That is the Socialist program hut it requires a few more votes to realize it Statement of the ownership, management, circulation, etc, required by the Act of Congress, August 24, 1812, of THE NEW LEADER Published weekly at New York, N. Y., for April 1, 1939, State of New York, County of New York, ss...
...These are the same interests which have, by open bribery an corruption, defeated efforts of Caliornla piianaalMl to provide public competition to the private power monopolies...
...With collective ownership and mastery of industry the new machines that save labor would merely reduce the- hours of labor and we would keep all at work...
...J. M. Budish, Editor, The Headgear Worker, New* York...
...I hope yssoffl give us the complete results sf *fl English election...
...My observation has been that the men "born with silver spoons, to their mouths" are more humane masters than their "self-made" "fellow-worms...
...Pacific Telephone Co...
...He took a flyer in stocks that flopped...
...which have fought the street car men's union, the etoctitoal workers and other unions to efforts to organise their employes...
...granted its demands, the Communist group will come with its political educational program...
...i-2ao McOovemer...
...Yes, and within a quart of gas, as the Rolls-Royce rolls, hard by the cosy domiciles of Park avenue, Uvea a fellow citizen who has been bitting the bricks the past five months...
...The other four are George Perkins of tbe Union Labor Life Insurance Co...
...Fred Hewitt, editor of the Machinists' Journal, and Gertrude McNally, secretary-treasurer of tbe National Federation of Federal Employes...
...George Creech, United Textile Workers of America, Philadelphia, Pa...
...If Comrade Lewis wants to test the class consciousness of his audience, let him call them a race of slaves, and see how class conscious they are...
...Then there to the fellow who recently discovered that there to a newspaper published to bis interests...
...Dispensaries, with their charity atmosphere, are usually inadequate and many workers prefer their Illness to the treatment they get there...
...American Fed...
...It sums up SO,O00 psoas of evidence...
...You are giving jewS/m ers valuable information sed'lgS it may be depressing mt lmww£ejil of your readers to read THt JH LEADER from page to *sfe,sa#fl less the strong medicine ef jslfl helps to dispel the sugary fifiimjM get in the daily press and in tas^BJH eral" journals...
...J—We propose that tbe Workers Edacatien Boreas abandon the pottey ef accepting money far Its pobBsostoa or ether work team the Carnegie corpsratten or stouter fsenasHiws...
...I am especnMf sjafl to note the space you art SOSB^B reporting the actk-itirs of ttatoS markablc organisation the xssbsS of Great Britain have buSt SmH the political field...
...All these class conscious Americans want ta a "square deal" and a seat in the game, while the really class conscious Socialists are trying to break up the game...
...We appeal to reason, but Comrade Lewis cites aa examples of class consciousness people, who would cause one to exclaim with Mark Antony, "O Judgment, thou hast fled to brutish beasts, and men have tost their reason.'* Can you Imagine a people more hopeless, more tmpowrthle than those who love Henry becaaaa he "worked for his money," and that Edsel because he "was bom with a silver spoon to his mouth...
...Western States Electric (Byllesby...
...of Teachers, Chicago, HI...
...300 E. 12th St__ ¦ Atella, N.W...
...Every ballot cast for Hoover and Smith last year by workeis would serve them as well if they had been east, into a swill barrel...
...This to what Esther Friedman and Prank Crosswaith did, and this direct -appeal, and not their "elegant diction and rounded periods," is what caused their message to fall upon deaf ears...
...Florence Rood, Vice President, American Fed...
...We cannot set a*-* *P|| im vrw I FA TIER...
...Henry R. Ungate, PuaiiTsii' Local 5, American Fed...
...He now spends hto nights hustling subscriptions to Tbe New Leader...
...You guessed it...
...3. That tbe known bondholders, mortgagees and other aecuilty holders owning or holding 1 per cent or mere of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities are: None...
...50 Court St, BBaMM Tucker, 81 Corner Broadewstaajj Place...
...corner Steto *WWmm St...
...The signers urge the abandonment of the policy of linking workers' education a part of the extension departments of colleges and universities...
...Looks very bad, but God's Chosen People rise to tbe occasion despite the fact that the British and Japanese fleets are combined in "Red hands...
...Sam Arntren, Carpenters Union, Baltimore, Md...
...ot Traitors, New York: dnartos L. Reed, vice President, Massachusetts State Fed...
...Of course, such a society, if its members desired, might widen its role and become a center for the deeper study of the workers' health from tbe industrial, economic and social viewpoint...
...Florence Hanson, Sec'y.Treas...
...These items would not be raised in any other cxaxatry and the tact that they are offered indicates that there have been twalcnriea in workers' education that are not healthy or pronasmg...
...a rubber ¦tamp for any other organisation...
...C. Adams, New There is a fern tore »-k*^ito3 goad wtehes that are sem teSBa LEAPEE...
...Journal, Cleveland, .; Abraham Epstein, Executive Secretary Am...
...4—We propose that tbe resent action ef tbe executive committee ef the Workers Education Bareaa te eattteg est Breakweed Labor College from affiliation with tbe WJEJB...
...PleasantvUle, N. Y...
...corner Thai AO SB 15th St...
...To this pass is tbe farmer brought by his large and disinterested habit of voting to enforce his general opinions rather than his special interests...
...W. Ellison Chalmers, - Pittsburgh Labor College, Pittsburgh, Pa...
...of Tbe New Leader and that tbe following is, to the best of MS knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, and circulation of tbe aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied In Section 448, Postal Laws and Regulations, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, Ti.n.p^g editor, and business manager are: Publisher—The New Leader Publishing Association, 7 East 15th Street, New York, N. Y. Editor—James Oneal, 7 East 18th Street, New York...
...We know a chap who has been punching a time dock for twenty years, has been pushed, shoved and crushed into subway cars daily during that period, who declares that the most important issue before us is personal liberty,—if you get what we mean...
...Governor Fuller wul not be appointed Ambassador to France as French Socialists would arrange some unpleasant demonstrations/ We suggest that be be sent to Italy where he would feel at home with a first class dictator...
...Academic freedom does not mean a policy of restricting study to the narrow range of what we already accept...
...JB Da van, S.E...
...lives in s> most conserratHe...
...corner laaata 28th St, ills Wm...
...Clara Naftalowltst Recording Secretary Local 5, American Fed...
...Woll heads the lat of five delegates named by President Green to represent the A F. of L. to these sessions...
...Lucile Kohn, Instructor, Womens Trade Union League, Barnard Summer School, N. Y...
...United States sea-power holds the fate of crvilization...
...Among those aba awkfl THE NEW LEADER tor mum] H following: ipitai Newsstand...
...Those who sigh-the document'represent a good cross section of the American trade union movement and as the present convention in Washington is the most important in years it is well to consider this program...
...Also, an employer who says that he to running his business in order to give people work...
...which teal* to cnttin*- down the repimafsilsw of State ledBrallsaw, district anions, city central bodies, local in the tewunllews or the exeeatlre i iwaawllli i of the Wis...
...It will he because of an aroused working class shouting its needs in every city of the nation and insisting that the public powers be used for something more important than agencies for drawing salaries... does not contain any pwakai with regard to the termination ot the agreement before tt because ao effective... repndlslrd, 5—We oppose making the Wis...
...F A Missed Opportunity ]?OR several months The New Leader hast been pointing out the possibilities of trade union organization in the South and strikes in the textile industry are verifying our view...
...Naturally, the Communists have gone South and now appear at the head of a number of strikes...
...N. Y. ir.n^ir^ Editor—Edward Levinaon, 7 East 16th Street, New York, N. Y. Business Manager—Samuel A. De Witt, 7 East 15th Street, New York, N. Y. 2. That the owner to: Owner—The New Leader Publishing Association, % East 15th Street, New York...
...thai the expulsion of Brookwood Labor College from the W. E B. be revoked, and that no change be made which wul reduce the representation of local, district, city central and state federatiqtr bodies...
...Business Manager...
...David J. Saposs, Brookwood Labor College, Katonah, N. Y...
...He baa successfully legislated on every question bat his own.—Ann O'Hare McCormick in the New York Times Magaaine Nevef mind, Mr...
...J. B. English, Brotherhood of Railway Carmen, Cumberland, Mi...
...Work on such a program cannot begin to soon...
...Washington, D. O; Len De Caux, Editorial Dept., Brotherhood Locomotive Bngrs...
...Colston Wame, Pittsburgh Labor CoDlege, Pittsburgh, Pa...
...They considered him dangerous because he was an able and aggressive labor leader...
...ALL tbe force, long Bfe tone...
...He reaches America, sweeps through Canada, occupies New England, destroys New York, and tbe capital is moved from Washington to St- Louis...
...Only a nation half civilized will tolerate the stark contrast-that is becoming more glaring in the United States...
...and tbe Sierra Ac San Francisco Power Co...
...or College...
...He says that labor organisation to growing aad to prove it, cites the increased membership in company unions...
...While each previous convention demonstrated the growth, and development of the workers' education movement, this meeting will have the added responsibility of facing such problems as contributing to tbe solution ol unemployment, waste in industry and indirectly preparing workers far a wider sphere of usefulness and responsibility...
...William Ross, Secretary Baltimore Labor International Ladies Garment Workers...
...aa"¦ Lefkowits, Vice President, American Fed...
...Granada Juchter, Laundry Workers Union, Seattle, Wash...
...Jesse Slaughter, United Textile Workers, Durham, N. O; Joseph Hutter, Pocketbook Workers Union, Philadelphia, Pa...
...New York City LIGHT WANTED Editor, Tbe New Leader: I think the readers of the New Leader should be Informed that my article on the Mltten-Mabon agreement appearing in The New Leader Of March 23rd...
...B. LIBER...
...Hto "weasel words- aucfc an the life out of his assertions...
...One reason why we decline to be a member of a capitalist party is that we cannot afford it- We pay small dues to the Socialist Party and have the satisfaction of knowing that the party does not rob us...
...Mary Rose McCord, Brookwood Labor College, Katonah, N. Y...
...At the same time, the oaaaaatoe to releasing a 500-page abstract and analysis of the legal record to the Mopney Billings trials...
...Labor Education Crisis At Convention of W. E. B. Tn Washington This Week Maur-er to Open Sessions PregiTsrivwto State Their Profrram for the ' Movciueut ^¦^ASHDVOTON — (BP) — Tames H. Peawjlvaute aVaaattaa at tabor, to an* ¦tens of toe Steth national convention of tite' Workers* Education Bureau, to be beM Apr...
...fl There to no language PsdawBll kryal in its support of our of the Jugoslavs...
...lUood for a Nickel *J*HOSE who like a bowl of blood ior breakfast may get it for a jitney once each week for some weeks through a weekly, Liberty, a magazine of cajture and at least 99 per cent Americanism...
...American Fed...
...that no more funds should be accepted from the Carnegie Foundation and srrrrHar organizations...
...SeeeanKK gathering of pertinent facta ajja to our economic and ptSlijSM THE NEW LEADER k mm passed...
...The writers aaor.f| era Stag ta sabs, too...
...JSaani to and aabarribed before !ao toes S*h day ot March, laaa...
...Tbe trouble with Ckanrade Lewis' cteaa conecteoaneai to that he aaa too many "weasel words" to connection with it...
...This means that one of the greatest opportunities for labor organization in the South may be wrecked because A. P. of L. representatives have not acted promptly...
...Hto "uninformed - unintelligent - lgnorantprejudictal-of-assort cteaa crsjarimameer" reminds me of Theodore Roosevelt's "measurable tuuaTHy of opportunity," and Campers' -merely a commodity...
...The Communists will play their usual silly role, indulging in horse-play, exploiting the misery of the textile serfs, and leaving a psychology of pessimism behind them...
...The first statement issued to the press by tbe convention committee declared: "The annual meeting completes a cycle of eight years in this democratic educational ayvement, established for the benefit, education and enlightenment of the worker...
...And be who appeals to prejudice is no Socialist, I care not what office he may bold, or what be may call himself...
...Josephine Colby, Brookwood Labor College, Katonah, N. Y...
...And lave la the climax: -Net a Marxian, Intelligent class rnniu iineaMBi...
...for Old Age Security...
...Other labor organizations shook...
...Farmer... based on an address made at the Philadelphia Ifabor College Conference on tbe New Relations between Capital and Labor...
...Let it be said here...
...These interests are: .United Railroads of San Frahcisco (Melton-ByUesby...
...I wUh I ee«*i ¦"¦Jj •end in a down rah* right »•*• "*| TVf WllHn MuMlH(ttl)< ' -To Coleman...
...With J*f^H sends in an order for a oundM* the recent atartlin...
...Jeremiah Connolly, Brotherhood ot Railway Clerks, Boston, Mass...
...Doubt it or not, there's a gent with the title "labor leader" pinned on him by the Civic Federation, who baa aa income as large as a second rate prise fighter or a half doaen public librarians, (a doaen to New York...
...of Teachers, New York...
...Pacific Gas dc Electric (.Byllesby...
...FDrom the NEW LEADER MAILBAG leans...
...In other words, be to not giving any instances of class consciousness at all, but of cteaa prejudice, class hatred, and what H. O. Wells calls tbe state of mind of "the resentful employe...
...Another invited speaker will be Chas...
...of Labor, Salem, Mats: A J. Muste, Chairman Faculty, Brookwood labor College, Vice Pres...
...Itew York cay, "Believe It Or Not—" W7E know a wage worker who believes he receives all he earns...
...Nadler, 8.W...
...Before me a notary public- to and for tbe state and county aforesaid personally appeared Samuel A. De Witt, who, having been duly sworn according to tew, deposes and says that be is the...
...If the A. F. of L. does not advance^ promptly into a favorable situation and Commuists step in and spoil it, it is because of lack of that "economic statesmanship" of which it has recently boasted...
...William Ross, ecretary Baltimore Labor College, member Boiler Makers Union, Baltimore, Md...
...Nothing else will...
...corner BssaWfJ 23rd St...
...A •"noted war correspondent" will serve the gore and a thrill is guaranteed every week...
...Hunt, Conner county eaato> eutor of Hamilton Co, Otao, lator aaajoi of Ctoctonatt and mrmbir of the U. & railroad labor beard, devoted tbrw months exclusively to tite work...
...and yet Is unable to r-member the meeting night of his union...
...They probably quoted from Wordsworth: "Our life to turned Out of her course, wherever man is made An offering, or a sacrifice, a tool Or implement, a passive thing employed As a brute mean, without acknowledgment Of common right or interest in the end...
...corner BraaaW ¦ Morris, Union Square a UtoSV^S Apanowlti, NR...
...that rrahplete democracy in discussion to insure academ-' ic freedom in labor colleges and classes should be tha tale...
...We never ted^H paper than THE NEW I**«3| says...
...Our old friend tbe butcher is now to pass into history with the tavern keeper...
...jj^mW Callahan...
...A. A Heist, Denver Labor College, Denver, Colo...
...Oscar Easton, Member Paving Cutters Union, Pigeon Cove, Mass...
...Earl White, **«^Tf*Trn Federation FOB Fashioned Hosiery Western, Brodtog, Pa...
...dereioBliM - aatetoor comrade from vaj raguterty, is Nick Wettnc...
...iaH Present day fighters tor' ftojpl tinue to order Mac niililaabllliJKJ of Freedom...
...U^^misuwTtoBtoJ know exactly how to appeal to B-- - Farther on ta his article be says, -We have ¦ppraHng to the amertean voters* dam aaaateaaaai by appealing to hto prejudice against the man bom with a sUvee spoon to hto mouth" He also says, "The American voters are chock fan of ctosa .....mi Iiaimiaa at a sort...
...MM} An enthusiastic New York easawg L. L. White...
...These mre SwtejH days...
...Comrade Lews...
...They have urged the following proposals in connection with the convention: .-1—We propose that measures for making swraers* education enterprises throng heat the csemtry merely a part mt the extension departments mt colleges and smtveestties be abandoned...
...It is a nrdraeam fact that most of the Aroericari^univeraUiu ate annexes of beg corporations...
...My copy *f^Sm goes through several hands, affl get the real truth about **Tfl THE NEW LEADER tt at iM be—and more...
...See to It tbat^ear-f orders a bundle for toltoto THE MAT BAY tBw2agJ ED ON APRIL nS* ** 'iSs^B "THE NEW LEABEK •!« able te Voamvwsr ssssaaial tetafy does deserve a.- wS gawateasa ceases a Masses an sob from T. B- Davfos mt mZ LEADER...
...And he Used to be such a nice man," say the neighbors...
...Josephine Kaeaor, United Textile Workers of America, alem, Mass...
...corner PoaraSana 33rd St...
...The agreement was signed on March 35, 193a...
...In the West Seattle is taken aad Mexico is invaded...
...Powerful capitalists and bankers have no objections to the trade union "nonpartisan political policy" and perhaps a cabinet dominated by millionaires is why they are resigned to it...
...1 Algernon Lee, director «*.»¦ School, hands os a sob vaate aad another from **fB Emms Hey of Illinois...
...A fighting spirit and prompt intelligent action will bring results...
...J$ne theme is a "Red Napoleon," aTartar-Mongol leader of red armies who seeks the destruction of the white race and "only America stands in the path of this new "Napoleon...
...Indulging in their usual bombast, they declare that "after our union is...
...KIND WORM SUBSCRIPTION JTS always easy to **n<nr tL ^| New Leader readers as TnwS* *1 Tteit to that city...
...Enclosed is the first sab ttjg^J sent to THE NEW LEADTttt aa| Oregon, some time ago...
...In the test few years several organisations connected with strikers and trying to help them in various ways, addressed themselves to me for names of physicians who would volunteer their services...
...Ottaam tow...
...A. F. of L. leaders have also declared for organization of this region, but it has not been followed up with determined action...
...Leonard Craig, Member Molders Unidtt, Director Education Dept., Pennsylvania State Federation of abor...
...We believe with Wendell Phillips that for ideas that cannot stand discussion, "let them crack...
...Tbe aide show of the big corporation Is still performing...
...J Several sub cards reach m fishy members of the New Tea 1 partment...
...Youngstewn, Ohio...
...In Europe socialist, communist and liberal medical societies have been functioning for years...
...states the latest pamphlet on tbe celebrated labor case, "that the Interests which declared Mooney a 'dangerous man' are, in tbe main, the public utility Interests of California...
...There are a few million city workers who legislate on every question but their own and mans* of them own less than you do...
...N. Y...
...A Program for May Day ^REPARATIONS for May Day meetings are being made in New York and some other large cities and we urge party organizations all'over the country to do likewise... urged to join in these celebrations and annus them a means of focussing attention on economic issues that become more grave with each passing week...
...4. That tbe two paragraphs next above giving the names of tbe owners, stockholders and security holders, if any, contain not only tbe hat of stockholders aad security holdera as they appear upon tbe books of the company, but also, to cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon tbe books of tbe oraapany as trustee or to any other fiduciary relaoon the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee a acting, is given...
...Charles Gtroux, Brotherhood Railway Clerks, Montreal, Canada...
...Willi deep appreciation for swafl voted and able work of <^ itefdfl THE NEW LEADER, ¦ *«5fl Fraternally y»**t,> '*^Hg*i W. I...
...of Teachers...
...This procrastination follows their course regarding the Pullman Porters...
...Green win be one of the speakers on the opening day...
...Theresa Wolfson, Bryn Mswr Summer School, American Fed...
...More than tssnestjTvyeai* ago Brooks Adams declared, that they IVthaps the- laeav^BBzenTna...
...Pious words do not organize unions...
...5-7 to Washington...
...also that tbe said two paragraphs contain ftatssnenti embracing at* ftent's fun knowledge and belief as to tbe circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security boldera^ who do^nrd^appeex ogmjho books rfthecenujany^as that of a bona fide owner: aad tbto*fflrm^hai°nTrisaori hea^tetereVTd^ or oaav^aocrantes^UmB as ao jtetedJnMten...

Vol. 8 • April 1929 • No. 12

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.