Muste, A. J.

Socialism and Progressive Trade Unionist.! Brookwood College-andthe A.F.of L.—The National Livic Federation — Communism and Dual Unionism AUTTTKR published m a recent nam. a^useber of people. »...

...The official A. F. of L. case is there set out in futt, to be sure...
...The Moscow muddlers came on the scene and Instead of constructive proposals and efforts to bring about an amiable understanding among the weavers and giving an explanation of the economic conditions obtained in tbe industry, they tore to and tried to wreck the Associated Union...
...Practically no opportunity was given, however, for the presentation of the Brookwood case...
...But Oliver didn't have that much money...
...p Into fate taaatoteua situation came the nan......tats to add to tbe ewaantl atoaa Hon has been making a brave fight to stem the tide of capitalist advance, workers' decline and demoralisation...
...Of course If progressives really ttft up their voices, really make their influence felt, really threaten ever as slightly tbe control of reactionary elements in tbe movement, they win be accused of WMt cells and nuclei and a lot of other things...
...Old Age Pension Leaflet Available for Circulation The first of a series of leaflets and pamphlets, dealing with old age pension and unemployment faanrance systems, to aid tbe movement tbe Socialist party is...
...Hence the change and the slowly sapping of the vitality of the elements or groups that would be Important factors in resisting tbe encroachments of plutocracy...
...aa industrial union are tanking in principle, ao devoid of conscience and' honest oaaatottan...
...Whalen's God, and be sent to jail as "despicable" characters...
...Magistrate Rayfleld told Oliver that by owning and possessing tbe gun he was violating the Sullivan Law which forbids anyone but registered gangsters and holdup men from having possession of s gun without a license...
...The A. P. of L. proceedings did not mention the fact that dozens of loyal graduates of Brookwood...
...The Magistrate then came In for a good deal of public criticism...
...The cop says one thing aad Oliver says another...
...If analysed, be toe subject of a profound and informative essay... workers ready to be organised...
...But all this meant nothing to the Communists...
...All trades and all classes are bit aad the auto aad the radio are blamed for tt aO...
...Even to the matter ef toed merchants notice a decline to standards and consumption...
...Economically speaking Peterson ta most precarious because many large mills have moved away to centers where credits are easier, wages are tower and of course where the workers are more tractable...
...If not that, then what...
...Was the man's story true...
...Instead of fighting for more money with which to pay for these semi-luxurious article* the workers think tt easier to work a much longer day and use the extra money to pay for* the radio and the auto on the installment plan...
...They are also noticing a gradual reduction to the standard of living...
...The popularity of tbe cheap auto and the radio wttb the usual "trying to keep up with the Joneses" racket has created an incentive for work among tbe masses of tbe workers of all grades In tbe silk industry and I tear in other trades too...
...So he was locked up is the Raymond street Jail while his family at home was frantic and wondering whether he would ever be seen again...
...It has affected tbe small traders or tbe petty Dourgrotata ao ranch that one could almost cut the gloom and pessimism that enshrouds them with a pick handle...
...His lawyer piped up and said that he had supported this woman, whom he had found on the streets, for nine years and had given her children a home...
...But for what...
...Nothing was said then about the Sullivan charge...
...The suspicion arises that the first Judge made a fool of himself and the judges that later sat on the case brought in and played up the business of bis private life to confuse the issue In order to cover up the bonebead play of Magistrate Rayflel...
...Oliver insisted that be had taken it from a bandit and had intended to turn it over to a cop as soon as he found one...
...A union that is on the bargain counter' may be worth the price paid—it may be worth lust that and no more...
...Oliver's sojourn in Jail ta, after all, what honest and decent people should be getting excited about...
...All these remarks are probably in contempt of court...
...The little merchants find the workers are not paying their bills, or axe demanding more credit and longer terms than heretofore...
...The Unorganised Industries The dual union problem is a much more serious one, and a food deal of attention wtJl have to be given to it...
...tries, basic tlndustries of the utoaat tav> the awnaaVaat^^ even tor tboee meat raaatoat to adroit it, eawsttv* win to organtaw these Indus* tries...
...That was irrevelant...
...suggested that to a reading of the A. F. of L proceed~c35 on BSuukaead...
...Did Oliver tell tbe other cab driver that he intended to turn the gun over, or did he not...
...Tt tt does anything, tt a guests of an effort to get conferences with corporation heads and to persuade them, fa the ahaaaea of any organisation of the workers, that they should leoogntaa the union because unions can do more for than than company unions...
...As for shoes the cobblers' prosperity tells the story of the shoe merchants' adversity...
...yes iMdWHy...
...Was the cop's story true...
...So much do they use tbe words of tbe tetter that one must Be pardoned for applying the term syndicalists to the Communists in their efforts to disrupt the Associated Silk Workers Union...
...If progrwniree and Socialists are not to be permitted to meet to order to discuss baser problems, are not as a group to seek to cxerrtae any legitimate tofaatspj ta tbe labor narteasaol for certain poll des sad principles to which they believe, which Is a very different proposition from "capturing" organisations, then we may as well go home and' listen tombed ttane stories over the radio...
...Bis young son took some of his toys for Oliver's children... The Paw I as tor has eloquently done to recent tomes...
...but there was "some evidence of contamination of Brookwood by Communists.'' A Poor Place lo Get Facts In the first place, if facts about the Brookwood case are wanted, the official proceedings of the A P. of L. convention are, a poor place to send a seeker...
...Tbe A. S. at L Wsta^H tetoly he wfH seek- to sveM toe aahTtf to accept tote their aniens weawBVwB] want te tato, are gatog to to a* WM peace, aad that workers who watoteafaS ganise are gatog te be toft satta,j||j latter wttl cab farth the cry ef aaalSBato It may perhaps be permitted otajsw Is not a member of the Sociatot law'.fl and who never has been except awftgVta the war when certain other panel btfJ in great esteem in trade am B circles now left tbe fold, but wto'Ji|B never voted any ticket except the Snansfl 1st for nearly twenty years, and *>>nJ^B an elector in New York State for ThBBtvH and Msurer in to urge tto< ngMl ciauste have to make up their nMBfl where they stand in such matsea ¦ *JbB have been dtacasatog, as baa been naapte edly pointed out In Tbe New Lesav|» many prominent leaders of tbeFafteJa Are we for tbe National Ctfte laaj| atlon or against It...
...there may be added a alWgawt parasol of tbe -Daily Worker" rod FtfJIseaV" tor the tost few months...
...The cop said that Oliver was boasting to his cab-driving compagnero of his exploit in getting the gun but had said nothing about turning it over...
...They are calling "city conventions" "shop conventions" and resorting to phrases of the syndicalists...
...If they are, they have permitted the impression to prevail that a man is being horribly persecuted for a Judge's stupid blunder, and thus have contributed to a gathering contempt for the lower courts...
...A cop—you know, one of those intelligent birds hired by drover to solve tbe Rothstetn case and do other necessary police work in town —was sitting on a nearby stool drinking his early morning cuppa cawfee...
...the point than such a vague and indirect attempt at a defence of Matthew WoU at this time, is the criticism of his activities in The New Leader of March 16th...
...Then he was an— pardon if this sounds like contempt of court—ass...
...The present writer ta among those who have held that elements which would band over the labor movement to tbe support of tbe Rational Civic Federation and the present regime of CoohdgeHoover-lfeUon Republicanism, big busii nets, mtltarism and imperialism are ; worse eaaaaaa of the wastage than Camiwinata...
...The attaatoef aad tbe economic conseajaaaatt of tbe tin Hsxie could...
...Cells" and Dual Unionism In the third place, Socialists who may have beard the siren-call of the socalled progressive movement and "who...
...If he was a bad egg before, what will he be when he emerges from Jail...
...Only * lunatic could hope for any degree of success from men like the Communists who have no experience to organisation.'' Those among them who know something about argaatoatton and undatatoad tat prob terns of carrying on...
...The papers were filled with the story and a philanthropic gentleman balled Oliver out and undertook to befriend him...
...eaawsa ^^bto*»^a» park.'* Under the*eta> aaawsesesaawot 4swt" ^wsw^p^wawBa^aw practaa wto taTfoaad gtetog aaTaad coBstdrt te the asost rnoaunary and anoba tbe second plaee, tbe tatter to which lawawaaBaaaa* ew£tsnfDpt wO aafawM wtp aV GaaM XOf sosae ef Matthew WoiTs activities which ta utterly dapttrah...
...James Oneal, editor of The New T eeder, and a member of the National Executive Committee of the Socialist party, ta this author...
...He heard Oliver's conversation, and promptly demanded that be turn over tbe gun and come along with him for violation of the Sullivan tew...
...Tbe members of the Associated say they do not fear the "National" or Communist group...
...If ttata be iriasasTJu Oa Def enoSag Matthew WoB For tbe rest, Bmukwuud la not controlled by...
...Unworthy people have a way of hemming symbols...
...that tt h toiprarmlr to consider any ef the* proposals seriously and -suicidal to place aao eapaaasto to them, ta the verdict of i Ba ffcininill, a assail city, twenty-one tones from here, there are five auk mttta For four and a half months it conducted a strike for tbe eight hour day and an increase in wages...
...It a paaatoS But many aa organtaer wooto iajgi lob promptly If he were thus fa aatw nuisance of himself and butt toatl unions...
...Maybe that was his big mistake, after all, tbe police being what they are...
...What they do not like is tbe atmosphere of doubt and pessimism created by the presence of two organizations in a field where only one can function properly and with any degree of success...
...What we need is some robust contempt for things that are contemotfble...
...Its tabor oatktess who exerdae the maiaray ef eantrel an tot hoard an men f^eas™"''lai^'hll...
...Out on bail and earning his living at his trade, Oliver was indicted and a couple of weeks ago he was tried before a Special sessions bench of Justices Nolan, Saloman -and Voorhees...
...The other two crafts caoassa mainly of municipal employees, and On problem of organizing workers eszjknaf by a private corporation was a new ate' to them with which they did net watt to bother...
...Judge Nolan did not preside at the sentencing, that ceremony being left to Judge Caldwell...
...smeared by...
...It is pointed out there that while the printers were on strike against a aasafcnT of newspapers in Albany, two other unions signed contracts with these papers, Mr...
...As usually happens when business ta not booming, a settlement was arrived at which however did not please a few who had Communistic connections... of service in connection with the attempted revival of MisjisssHwai m the American Labor ¦uummr to dtacaaa these qurstfo~ briefly, and I appreciate the opportunity afforded to do so m this Journal... tat reapeetfauy...
...There is an instructor on the Brookwood staff who voted for tbe Communist nuiiihiiillsl candidate to the elections of 1*34 and 1828...
...watt the attaatton...
...The Brookwood Board of Directors, Inrfaidmg the trade unionists already referred to, are eastanad that be does not attempt to indoctrinate his itiatants with Communism, that be is a competent teacher and scholar, that, on that ground, he should be retained, and that according to good A. p. of L. traditions of free speech and free press and academic freedom, fata views' and assaaaana are no concern of theirs although to certain Instances they may not like them...
...They gathered the rag, tag and bobtail of Peterson and vicinity and they collected recruits from .the lumpen, the Intellectually doped and tbe saphead morons of their own party in New York and sent them here to wreck tbe Associated Silk Workers Union and to establish a section or branch of their National Textile Workers Union—a body without form or shape, that is neither national, textile nor union...
...The judge then became purple with rage and vehemently denounced the taxi-driver for his private life...
...If we hare to stop In our tracks at the moment such accusations are made, we had better retire altogether...
...He was found fuilty and a week Istei —on March 18th—was sentenced to 3( days in Jail...
...Men are not buying tbe bats they used to, nor the clothes...
...street running her legs off trying to raise the aknoet fabulous sum of $25 to get Onver\>ut of jail...
...It will deal, Lewis declared, with old age pensions...
...Meeting another taxi driver he told htm that be bad a gun that be had taken that night from a bandit who had tried to hold him up, and that be intended to turn tt over to the nonce when be got around to It...
...trfdeT*" ArTtoey to^foUowtoaeaS of ¦ this organiser and keep <oaa$| fate...
...Indeed, be taut much of a taxi-driver either, because be used to make his living cruising around Bast New York late at rdght to pick up night owls staggering home after the more gaudy taxis were safely stowed away...
...Ma Chew WoB proves this cosaaavavaston to has own satisfaction by qootmg from an article of mine a sfaawaeat to the effect that I do not believe captteJbsa ta a test, entetent and hmpvnr system, and that I want to see tt leptaii ill by a cooperative commonwealth under me control of the producers...
...Oliver is npw in jail...
...Under similar conditions no other organisation has done as well...
...The official proceedings did not even mention the fact that on the Brookwood Board of Directors were James H. Maurer, John PI taps trick...
...investigation, be discovered tbsi then s-ere four main crafts employed *W* factory, and be went to the reprstsBM Uvea of these four crafts in h, jjw asked them to cooperate with has kg...
...Gang lighters never seem to have trouble in having guns for all occasions...
...AO concede that there is not room far two unions...
...An this with other factors have created an atmosphere of pessimism, doubt and Inertia...
...Furthermore, I believe that anyone who sets out to attempt to build dual unions in trades or industries where there is a tolerably effective union in the field, which has a fair percentage of workers organised, which makes some effort to take in the unorganised and affords its members a measure of protection, is the world's prise fool, if only because he Is so obviously wasting his time...
...ganlsing these several thousand wsdhsS One union replied that it already fc people unemployed walking the sa2 snd could not assume responslbtnty fc •tated that workers in this fsctory'sw* using a certain machine which vaisi members were not permitted to use, eat that therefore they could not he arts* ised...
...tor their own mailing lists...
...Abe Lefkowttx, Oustave Geiges and others well known to trade unionists and Socialists throughout the country, that these people have denied the charges, and appealed repeatedly for a bearing which was not given...
...There is a dual aflsganea for yen SOeB as the American Federation of abos- could afford te look into...
...Be is not a member of tbe Communist Party...
...Anyone who knows anything at all about the so-called progressives knows pssfatlli watt that nan* aw aad 'anal aaaaatav asai tea* aaat1 at jawto^aaa* aaaa gtvtog years of aaratat':to, flto >daaag of A. p. at Vantage, Bat to tat tt ao at .that to to deal *¦»' laaaP* auatety...
...Tbe otBeers and members of tbe associated are holding their ground and will keep- it against all comers, Fred Holxsher, tbe secretary, tt quoted as saying...
...That,' in the minds of the Judges, put another face on the gun-carrying charge...
...Oliver Insisted that be had Intended to do Just that thing, but the cop took him In tow, and as the rosy dawn was breaking over the tenements and elevated structures of East New York told the whole horrid story to Magistrate Hyman Rayflel in tbe New Jersey avenue police court...
...Jail, spending 30 days for the crime of—well let that pass for a few moments...
...They called in the representative of the Central Labor' Union, who responded ss*T Found a great factory with several ttza...
...taT^'uaaaTcivJ r eden" A. ». ef X. to aeder to easape frw* Casavaesdsas...
...Caaaaaaaiaaaa and Brookwood In what way aeeetoehr has Brookwood teas eaaaaaaaaawl by Ooaeavaeatataft In the.A...
...TEXTILE UNIONISM IN PATERSON Associated Strives Hard to Maintain Standards By Patrick L. Quintan PATERSON, N: I. 'I'HIS one time silk city, tbe Lyons of America, baa fallen from Its nigh estate...
...and then pronounced sentence of 30 days...
...If the reference is to the Communist unions being attempted in two or three industries at present, let me say emphatically that I am against them...
...As the week end rounds out we are Informed that the Communist "leader" went to the owner of a mill where the Associated ta in control and offered to furnish men who would work ten hours a day at reduced prices...
...ntot^tt vmajwr aaatey far trade the aim...
...A few weeks ago Ottvef was cruising around in his taxi, and about 4 A. M of February 23, he drifted Into an all-night "coffee pot" bash bouse for a bite and a sup and to get some sandwiches to take home to bis family...
...But another consideration arises...
...The wife and children were starving and when the philanthropic gentleman arrived with the breadwinner of the family and the little boy and the toys, the- wife was out on th...
...The learned 'Judge informed Oliver that he was a "despicable character" and that no one had ever been able to say a good word for him...
...And so on...
...Famed in song and story for its battles, struggles and conflicts between lef weaven and tbe Industrial barons and political lords, the workers no longer stand four-square defying the lightning of the capitalist gods...
...I do not believe that the Communist movement, at least as at present constituted in the United States, can build effective unions, and I am frankly not convinced that they really want to...
...Since when are Judges supposed to sit in Judgment on the private lives of men brought before them...
...January number of the "T/p»isphlrel Journal" criticised this conduct, saying: "it appears as though the publishers are...
...Workers Are Oeafaaed...
...Brook wood has encouraged the dtacusstoa of aQ problems confronting the labor aaoaeaseat aad toe preaentatttoB of al points'of view with regard to them, including the Communist...
...And it seems that Oliver taut very much of a man at least to the eyes of tbe law, but well come to that presently...
...their political, leagtoaa, aodal or eeaaaanc views and aaBtattoaai tochwang Communists...
...Whatever the real facts are, there are but two possible alternatives: Either the judges are In ytmu anion of certain facte that made Deaxdoff fully deserving of the Sullivan law sentence, or they are not...
...Or shall honest tahoftoaassl that workers who are fighting apatawlj Justice and oppression, workers wtoaai attempting to organise, have get MjH bow^hetoer anybody Ukm^fefw .satS Progrossivea^and S ni **** Mp There is to feet ae eat sad extol aanp| far every ease, bat the funstaaaaaatf^H waetaaca, an the warkars, barrtag aa.tol aasplces, he Is far OtU^tt tt eaa'to^H he ta fartbat...
...ntoBtM bring out the facts, insist ea aaaaS fl[ the antans Involved...
...Under such circumstances, what esj militant, honest, conscientious l.i...
...But tbe fact remaini hat the courts seem to"toj arrogating to themselves more and more tbe right to judge people for their private opinions, and private lives, Witnesses an asked if they send their children to Sunday School, and if they do not the impression is allowed to prevail that somehow they are lacking in robust morality...
...Oliver ta likely to become a symbol of something—maybe an unworthy symbol, bat still a symbol...
...Let us pray atao for all needful, tact aad i11|ilia»aii taut let us not be children...
...If they have not, they are guilty of the Offense of punishing a man on one charge for private violation of conventional morality, which was deliberately and irrelevantly brought in for an ulterior purpose...
...The next day a great howl arose over the incident...
...The, little fellows with their small plants, seeing their advantage, make threats to do likewise when weavers resist proposals to cut prices or increase hours of work...
...Tbe eapraaasa ta aasd that "tt may be that Matthew Ctvte Federatkm...
...No New Members Wanted Furthermore, the number of Instances where unions definitely close their books and refuse to admit any mote workers Increases...
...They are circulating small handbills calling everyone a faker who does not listen to them...
...The possibilities of the Deaxdoff incident are unlimited Strikers can be arrested for picketing —and sent to Jail because they once Were punished for lighting cigarettes In a subway station, which is a 12 offense...
...It la planned to make the lea Wet avaTable to a form that will enaate'BOetolttt organizations to various States to secure the names of interested parties...
...Meanwhile investigatorfesxent out by the court had learned the drswdfal fact that the woman with whom be was living was not his legal wife, although the children were his—technically illegitimate...
...Hours later she came home despondent...
...Be knows the toaBalm^E deal snlantara He ta against Sasl'ay<'3 tobbai...
...What we need te more interest by the people in elections when these officials who seem swottan with a God-complex, are chosen...
...who on the admission'of President Green are also loyal members of the A F. of bad written to the Executive Council denying the charges and testifying to the benefit they had derived'from* the Brookwood training The aaaaaaaa of these setters has not been so saaeh aa hinted at, any more than the existence of letters m the bands ef the Executive Council from obsess ef trade anion offirtala and educators of the highest standing throughout tbe country, tat any Of tbe literature ea the Brookwood case sent oat by tbe A P, of I...
...Rose Schneiderman, Fred Hewitt, Robert Fechner, Fannia Conn...
...Again, ao far there Is no dispute as to the facts...
...M. Feigenbaum fkLJVBR DEARDOFP reaDy doesn't matter, because he's only a poor bum of a taxi driver...
...I must add that the inevitable financial scandal developed in that tbe Communist "leader" misappropriated funds originally belonging to the /Associated which they are now denouncing...
...What is the reason tor jaaaaang to come eat with It and saying that be la oaaaeaaaad by beaaatog to the Pbdtaaal Ctvte Fedrratton...
...trying to buy unions a little at a time...
...Further rnmmrnt on this ta unnecessary...
...The paper tt a great antidote- tor toe aaatovsi wtoiuaulafiv/ of nwat^papers," says KusseH L. Hunter of...
...Bat be ta aat gatog ta to'aw j. terred from aettea by the cry af wJJbB fasmg toe tasae...
...Won to the ¦Paste aaaaaesaa* Jam ear to which he la aaypcaad to write about tbe "menace of coexpeny unionism" But what ta tbe good of erfttprlattxtng in the "Photo EUgiaeats' Journal" about the menace of company unionism when be is all tangled up in an alliance with an antiunion group such as the National Chic Federation...
...He didn't even have the necessary S25 that would get the use of the ball from a professional bondsman...
...hSIM The Case of Oliver Deardorf Or Justice As It is Dispensed in the Brooklyn Courts By Wm...
...sponsoring for the adoption of systems of relief will scon be available for distribution, Marx Lewis, secretary of tbe Socialist Action Committee, baa Just informed Socialist party of&dals of the Eastern States...
...A survey shows tbe most extraordinary change in conditions, psychology and temper it has been my .lot to witness and my experience covers tbe entire country and its industries snd most of Europe...
...No one denies that Oliver was not and is not a gunman and gangster ahd that he had come by tbe gun in ah honest manner that ta, by taking it from a man who tried to bold him up and rob him...
...The Associated Silk Workers with many veterans and pld tuners in its ranks have managed to hold substantially all of the ribbon weavers and the best part of the broad silk men, It has conducted strikes, maintained permanent headquarters, reading rooms and recreation facilities for its members without appeal to outside groups for help...
...participate in conferences for reforming the A. P. of L." must watch their step...
...we are told, "must not give any impression that dual organisations will be favored in any circumstances," and they must "not do anything that will to: themselves open to a charge that the] are wwHatmr the communists by start ing cells and nuclei within the exlsttoj bens fide unions...
...taa-lmnng that of Eugene V. Debs...
...9 • There lies the only disputed fact Jn the whole story...
...Recently a number of workers went on strike in a certain city...
...As far toe^dmad esOs aad sudai, tt elated with The ^m'^M^l^^K Age," Brookwood amiJJartbrr groma have every right to ream* the vague tnatnuattaa which seetas to oarmect them up wfth oomwuntat sstas and methods to the unions...
...The owner said he would accept the offer provided a contract was signed in tbe-presence of the mayor and chief of the police by tbe Communist...
...Socialist SUte secretaries Who desire to obtain TT—r****** for distribution are asked to eonrmnrncate with .Man Lewis, at 31 trnion Square, New York City "From begtontog to end, I Bke THE aaW UCADBtL The coptes I receive are passed along...
...Though far from being the most important subject to discuss in this connection, it will probably clear the ground if we begin by considering the comment cn Brookwood In the letter referred to, to the effect that Socialists who would "take the trouble to read the official proceedings of the New Orleans convention of the A. F. of L." would find that "high cmciafc ot tne A. F. Of I» did not condemn Brookwood Without a scintilla of evidence...
...Judge Rayflel thereupon became very judicial in temperament and held Oliver in 1500 bail...
...That was supposed to make everything she said under oath valueless...
...Oliver is now to...
...What we need ta more careful attention to the courts, especially the lower courts where the poor people face tbefrVulers...
...Oliver went to Jail because he didn't have $25 to rent $500 ban while the Sullivan charge was pending...
...The proceedings of tbe A. F. of L convention also carefully refrain from referring to the fact that Brook wood has often been under the severest attack to the Communist papers, and to those who want to get ah sides of tbe z'^ry...
...If aa for bow long...
...The law and the Judge being what they are, he was therefore leMed up...
...He was found with a gun and he had no license...
...Besides, the official A. F. of L. case is based almost entirely on the testimony of four or five disgruntled former students of Brookwood, all of whom were at the school at the same time, and who formed a well defined clique...
...F. of L proceedings already referred to...
...He said that a man who spent his time stealing other men's wives and scattering illegitimate children aroiind was a bad egg...
...or coaaastted to toe aaatoa of tbe Oaawayatat Party...
...What did his private relations with the woman he supported for nine years have to do with the truth or falsity of the charge that he had the gun (admittedly taken from a hold-up man) and did not voluntarily turn* tt over to the first cop he met that early morning...
...Teachers may be charged with using their Intelligence in their work, and dismissed for belonging to a group that studies Socialism...
...Much more to...
...Then he was guilty only in a very technical sense of violation of a law that is violated almost as freely as the Volstead tew...
...A rototenea is made to sesaa attoraaae of Matthew...
...I wonder what Bnrtaltata will think of that aa an evtateace of Ooaaanmtam / Biuukonud has accepted students otherwise eawJtacd regardless of...
...In a notorious court action some years ago the credibility of one witness, a mother and a grandmother, was tenpeached by a lawyer by the gentlemanly device of dragging out of the grave the skeleton of an illegitimate son she bad borne 40 years before...
...It ta significant that the leader in this enterprise ta a man who calls himself a "Communist," and acts as their agent ta the son of another silk manufacturer in another part of the state and therefore a rival in the same business...
...I wonder what Socialists will think of that as an evidence of Comaaaataa President Oreen made much of the fact, that at a May Day celebration ta Brookwood stodenta draped a picture ef Oeaapaa in red and placed it along - side of other portraits of labor leaders...
...Radicals may be arrested for speaking on .the streets and held In a Iowa1 court, nave it called to tbe judges' attention that they do not believe in Mr...
...Change of "styles and unproved methods of manufacture have added to the mischief...
...WOU being one who signed 1 With entire justice, the...
...If this were an isolated inat*^ would of course forget about it, est ggj a distressingly typical one...
...Phil Ziegler...
...Are we for to* a#l ent dominant tendencies and potato* B the A. P. of L, or are we against aaat^ Do we believe that the slluattaa S|| quireajanly a mild gentlemanly nawafn to tbe National Civic Federation saitt.a N. C. F. Influence in the A. T. efts.9 cr that U requires relentless uatowPBWj, determined and insistent csmcsataaf M our policy to be that of ''ssMflbbg to involves, or tt our policy to to sa^g "stepping lively" and taktog i *m/M which that involves...
...What we need is leas arrogance to the courts and among slick and astf-important lawyers...
...It la rather strange that men and women who call themselves the great, the only, the super-internationalists should be founding a "national Union...

Vol. 8 • April 1929 • No. 12

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