P., J. Ramsay MacDonald, M.

Unemployed British Labor's Immediate Concern, Ramsay Mac Donald Says Socialist Leader Says Liberals Have Stood with Tories on Issue — Denounces "New York World" For Irresponsible Reporting of...

...All its candidates are standing by waiting for the word "Qo...
...One ansa of are Is the establishment of a Negro Labor News Service by Freak Crosswaith early current events which Is being sent to aTeaaaTy lwC£XO psJjtoUOaVtiOsOaJ aVDtl awOKBft Ot them are already feaUulug this service aa a regular department...
...PuQ of suspicion I entered Mr...
...One thing cannot be excused, and that to small-minded 11hiliifiir And that is tbe unplaaaant thing which Mr...
...tbe tights, the village fab...
...There on the shelves were scores of books dealing with this terrible subject...
...England is la danger...
...There can be no denying this...
...By Yaffle LONDON | ahan deal this week with the real danger of Flocialtom "1 shall disclose in aspect of Socialism so evil and sinister that when I mention It the cat's tail goes thick...
...They'll tell you...
...The refusal to consider\ these huh is a fitting conclusion to a legislative sea...
...The Hnrlaltoti are so fan of coandence ta their approaching triumph that already they are conducting courses of instruction in torture and execution...
...I try here a little rhythm, then a little fruit-Juice: but there is no evading the inexorable truth put before us, clearly so unanswerably, by the brilliant intellects that have drawn these deductions from that evidence...
...They are meanings which never occurred to the person who used the words...
...The bold, of course, mine...
...SMney Strong of Seattle, author, IrsMhn and preacher, win apeak at...
...Next to this was a large volume in which the French historian Jambon publishes his researches into the same subject from the characteristic French standpoint, under the title of "Les Executionniers Renommes et leurs Amours" ("Love affaire of famous executioners...
...Bvn days wring words of sore vexation tram the hearts of men...
...But the crowd must Judge on results, and to that Judgment we must aQ bow...
...1 can upon Bastaad to wake Up to the Red Peru...
...Sitsup AHnacht...
...Several Addresses by Thomas Scheduled Norman Thomas...
...In front of the deserted booth the naptha torches flare, and tHa hired enthusiasts of the advertising side of tbe troupe shout intermittently : "Walkup...
...Tbe adYaffle Continues Exposure of British Socialism...
...Even the Stock Exchange gives Labor a gam of 100 seats, r Unless there are last-minute changes the following are the probable dates:— ' rimlslli n of Parliament, Friday, May 10...
...Churchill told bis side of tbe story, must have serious effects upon where either the country or Parliamentary colleagues can repose confidence...
...The election campaign is likely to be the most furious of modern times...
...The reusal of insurance companies to insure workers over that age to partly responsible Tor their Inabttay to get work, according to the Massachusetts Federation...
...There are closed doors in England...
...charged with abetting the taking of $1,000,000 from an incompetent Indian...
...We have blamed htm for blundering again and again in hto handling of American Interests and of causing grave difficulties between aimt^th and ourselves...
...Having decided to take the cold plunge Into the unpleasant waters of a General Election, the Tories are by no means in a happy mood...
...They are, for one reason or other, unwilling to come over to us, but they will do nothing...
...We bad ordered an enquiry into tbe possibilities of tbe Severn tides as the source of electrical power...
...Nearby was a translation from the Russian of Bumpemoff...
...In other places severed hands, feet, torn off ears, human-gloves were found...
...April aoth, he wiQ speak to Baltimore, while on April Slat, he can be heard to Albany and atojasaaseadT...
...But those who misrepresent and about in order to make bad worse as tbe correspondent of the New York World did, should receive nothing except the censure of the public of botb countries...
...Letters I have received from TilhfTabi, some of them of standing in the Party, make tbe position plain...
...The crowd has gone to gaze at other attractions...
...sion which has demonstrated the lack of responsible government in Albany...
...Lloyd George's action at great moments, like tbe election of 1918, and In hto relations to his old chief, Mr...
...Met a measure of substantial benefit to the people of the State has been enacted, ant under the arrangement which prevaoL each party can with some degree ofplausibility shift the blame upon the other...
...only form of reply is an explanation, and explanations never remove doubts completely...
...It is common knowledge that a very prominent Tory MP...
...B was "Rekorde TTsManiaa»tang'n» naaorda of tbe Dasdelbsrg Quild of HangPuQar stiQ of inafitlan I went upstairs aad entered a room marked "TnfnmrislUm Department,- As it was U o'clock the entire staff bad gone dm to the cellar to-drink vodka aad the roam was empty...
...Nothing suited the Liberals lees than that that policy should be carried out...
...Though out of office wa have been tbe reason f or aQ the beasaVdent unemployment lutalatlon which has been passed...
...Inhumanly heavy were the burdens which our then Prime Minister was carrying, and worn out as be must have been, his behaviour to his chief and bis lack at elementary candour in explaining it when Mr...
...Labor starts with the advantage of a fine weather election...
...In the imiiIIiiii the work of the world goes on...
...There was only one English publication—dh early 18th century pamphlet on "Earlopping in Tudor Times...
...On the one band there is reaction well equipped with money and social power, on the other hand Is progress moving with the times, welcoming the new ideas to which the evolution of society gives birth, si)isj|illm responsibilities for doing econesMc and political justice, to our people...
...There are 12 million' Negroes in the United States and most of them are warklngmen and women who are hi need of organisation and Socialist education...
...8a I was able to study the books an the My worst fears were realized...
...It will be said that English Socialists will not do these things...
...Unemployed British Labor's Immediate Concern, Ramsay Mac Donald Says Socialist Leader Says Liberals Have Stood with Tories on Issue — Denounces "New York World" For Irresponsible Reporting of Alleged Chamberlain Statement By J. Ramsay MaeDoNALD M. P. ]||R- LLOYD GEORGE is obrkmsij rattled by the indifferent reception which hi* nmch advertised speech has leueived...
...They leave me to doubt as to tbe intentions of tbe Labor Party, and I cannot speak too highly of tbe courage, the honesty, the lofty purpose of tbe "Constitutional Publishing Co," 3SS, Strand, in calling our attention to the real purpose of Enghsh Socialism...
...If Mr...
...Churchill has told ns of tbe tragic failures of the peace, lien are human and err, and only those who have had to bear the responsibility of action know how much charity must be brought into Judgment...
...I lie down, I stand on my bead...
...Both Tories and Liberals have placed huge contracts for bill board space all over the country...
...Suggestions of the state tabor can* mlssioner that the strikers return was' a 16% wage advance but more interne* speedup, were rejected...
...atoghsbsoen—do yoa want to be bolted...
...the Hubert Harrison Mtmorlsl Church, 149 W. lSCtta Street, of which Comrade f Ktbatacd Brawn to the leader, at 8 JO \o-ctock...
...Public opinion as opposed to toe policy of officeholders, has rained to-aa locked out...
...Tina nil In tasJplpg sod dislocation are given twice a weak at LLP .Head onto* by means of say figures...
...358, Strand, London...
...The fact is that the crowd has recognised an old performer at familiar tricks and are baring no more of him...
...Kenosha Strikers Win | In City Eleetknf KENOSHA, Wis.—(FP)—Labor sccdof on the political field when Calvin atop art, tabor candidate for Kenosha anst»i dpal Judge, defeated \ Lewis W. PswaV former district attorney, who was tottsrty opposed by tbe locked dut Alten-A sati iery workers...
...Da Yea Want Ta Be Bailed...
...We were working, through a special committee of the Cabinet, on transport, roads and alsotricity, together with land drainage and reclamation...
...Socialism Unmasked...
...Organiser Horace A. Riviere of the United ItoaV Workers to helping tbe strikers...
...Oo.'s min, more than SOS worten struck for higher pay and lass speedup...
...Bronx Will Hear Thomas April 12& Norman Thomas will be the prtostoM speaker at a special meeting of the T-tg mont Educational Forum, tbe Bronx, met • Friday evening, April nth...
...Be, too, hastily thrust a book under a newspaper, tost again I had seen the tale...
...Oar allies are not wealth nor the selfish contentment which wealth brings "Thou has great asses...
...Builinger will take place at Lancaster, Pa., an Monday, April istb, with Thomas speaking for Hoctoltom April lath, 11th, and isth, Thomas wfll be la Ken Bagland...
...Another of the three secretaries to tbe President to George Akerson, former political writer for the Minneapolis Tribune, who was quite as active as was Newton in fighting tbe farmers* and wage workers' economic program and political movement in Mtaneaota A third Minnesotan promoted by Hoover is William Mitchell, his Attorney General, former taw partner of Justice Pierce Butler of the Federal Supreme Court, while Pierce Butler, Jr., as an assistant to Mitchell, has just handed in a whitewash report on the conspiracy which Sen...
...Thomas win speak hi Hartford, Conn., for the Young Peoples Society of tbe Tmmarmel Congregational Church, at 1M pan...
...The committee said: "Legislation designed to curb the abust of the injunctive process in labor ok* putes, at least to a point where the con...
...the naphtha lamps...
...Fat am Freaident Taft, saw Chief Jastiee...
...Tth instant, on She topee: "Jesus and Man...
...Durtng the hat four years they have contributed nothing to casing ttftB pOajtfciOBQ^ Of tO COJaaaalJ taaSB JPs^BatPflewja^st which they put to office...
...He has been like one of those performers who playact in front of a booth at a village fair in order to draw a crowd into their tent...
...This 8 tbe case in which Burke was...
...They move its fee and snout taat » uvw* w«p Any one today can write the leadtog article and the descriptive columns witn their hisiTHniis which win in due course announce that the performance was a triumph and that the play is to he brought into the provinces...
...Tory agents throughout the country are energetically engaged in h~Jrtr»g halls for final rallies on the night of May 29, and there is feverish activity at Tory headquarters...
...From all over the country this is canfirmed by news of Tory agents feverishly booking halls far the same night...
...At Kharkov the Executioner Saenko was famed for hto skilly in scalping heads and hands...
...May 20...
...TTimTi " - Day...
...special atraction within is...
...Winston Churchill's book has also been an unfortunate Incident for the success of tbe show...
...The publication of Sir...
...A debate on Socialism with a Mr...
...Uoyd Gcnge of letting tbe party down wltb fato iMh ulcus pledge...
...Laharis atght at atghts «B be on April XT, when Labor entbiartesta invading Landan far the Cop-tie will pack the Aavrt BaB to cheer their leader on the eve of the groatuat adventure ta Labor's ' aUaptOaTTa I Dr...
...Ithaca, M. Y„ while on Saturday, April 13th, he Wfa apeak at Dartmouth College round table discussion...
...Next to It waa a French book treating with tbe same period, by Pctttpoto "La Vie Amoureuse de Pong...
...Wake Dp and Help Fight tbe Red Peril...
...There was .a time when the trombone, blaring tanas about a land fit for heroes, and tbe character inviting tbe crowd to pay their penes to see the Kaiser bung and Germany's pockets being searched...
...On the other hand...
...Like most technical and historical literature, tt comes mainly from Prance and Germany, countries where people go to for information rather than morality and where books are cheap enough to be bought...
...Wednesday, April 10th, be win speak at Cornel...
...mit Weiterer Erf ahrungea ueber Leben und Werke des Ober-Torturer Pong" ("Chinese Bonebreakers, Neck-wringers, and Flesh-sheers of the Ming Dynasty...
...Then are ash aeriaana and Expose Man t*o*l Farm Ralief 300-Pound Farmer...
...Behind them tbe mask of Socialism to thrown off, disclosing the grinning villainy beneath...
...Those who are Interested In this phase of Socialist work are urged to write to Frank Crosswaith, 3311 Seventh avenue, New York City...
...they know that at least one of the groups of syndicated Tory papers is likely to help tbe Liberal Party at the election provided it thinks that the Liberals have any chance of improving their present position (aa to that, however, the proprietors are not yet very sure...
...Ask tbe Constitutional Publishing Co., 3SS, Strand...
...Tbe booklet to a presentation of Social ism in relation to tbe race question aad the economic problems of tbe Negro working class...
...Well, the other day I had occasion to can at the LLP...
...W. Y. British Poll Likely On May 30th Labor Welcomes Cam* paign in Spring Weather —Exchange Bets on Socialists (By s New Leader CllllllnlwH) , r ONDON,—All the indication* now point to Thursday...
...The lady has smiled from the pay box, the minor members of the troupe are inside ready to begin, but no one has mounted the steps and paid the admission fee...
...In a prominent position were several volumes of tbe well-known German text book: "Die Tortur, Crgeschichte des Torturtsmus in Hunderte Barn des mit umgefaehr 10 mlllionen Diagrammen und Dingen" ("Torture...
...Socialist candidate for president last year, has a number of speaking dates scheduled for April In which readers of The If ew Leader and their friends should be interested...
...Maxton's office suddenly I found him reading...
...Thy Mends are nallstlins, ageades, And love, and man's unconquerable Blind*** The history of the rise of the Labor Party baa been tbe history of tbe awakening concern for the unemployed...
...No expense win be spared in the effort to prevent a Labor victory...
...He hastily thrust tbe book under a newspaper and offered me a pellet of opium, but I bad caught sight of the title...
...As tor fire Uberato, they are thorcwsthly easing Mr...
...JM Tbe election fight in Kenosha ess* tered around tbe right of the ABm-a workers to strike and picket The cay council, controlled by the AHen-A can* pany and the open-shop Nash Motor* has been repeatedly used against the hosiery workers during the 14 months «f lockout...
...Enrolled Socialist voters in tto district are receiving a special tovttatka tos.be present...
...we have deplored that be has made so little use of tt hi developing bis policy...
...Before he leaves home hi the morning, every Socialist makes up bis face with putty or plaster of Paris with a wire frame inside hto mouth...
...Temporary schemes for tbe relief at igMiiuftwiiHiit had been taken...
...Unemployment in relation to national development remains tta) chief hnmadfrte conoern of the Labor Party...
...Here is Yaffle's second article in a series in which^hc is exposing the Labor Party...
...Polnwg Day, Thursday, May SO...
...Joints dislocated, victims plunged into boiling baths specially installed in the offices of tbe Checks, placed in barrels pierced by nails or bad boning lead poured down their throats...
...The A. F. of L to conducting a nation-wide survey of discrimination against middle-aged workers and win pubUsb its findings when international unlom and city central bodies have reported Killing of N. Y. Labor Law 8 Ig Denounced the New York 8*r^A*Bembl™to,B»^ a series of labor measures to cWW?f vote, sad the lack of s more nuhtois^fcl fort on the part of the Democratic sssw ority to force action, were declared tel...
...Entering Mr...
...These Liberals are not in tbe market and make no secret of the tact that their actions will not be determined by compromising and compromised decisions of a caucus, but by what they consider to be Liberal principles, as* Sir Austen Chamberlain is In trouble again with America, I hold no brief for him, but it is time to protest against a growing habit of press writers to devise with deliberation how the words and actions of public men can be presented to the public so as to create the maximum of evil meaning and disturbance...
...Generally speaking, it will be an openair campaign, with particular attention to work on the doorsteps, at which game Labor can beat the other parties to a frassle...
...Observe the phrase "Behind the Closed Doors of Russia...
...The ballot boxes are being prepared and the issues an being placed before the electors...
...Boaaoaae had been rods enough to say from the crowd that the properties bad baas baewwad without acknowledgment, and the chief performer baa asked ta btttemess of heart: "What does the fellow mean...
...Age limit at 40 Worries Boston Labor BOSTON— (FP) —Spurred on by warnings from both the national and state labor federations, the Boston Central Labor Union has asked its executive board to institute a survey Immediately of tbe employers' ban placed on workers over 40...
...Horror Upon Horror.'' Then follows a page of extracts from the report of the "International Entente" which sat at Geneva to* investigate tbe atrocities committed by the Bolshevist* In Bassto It describes how eyes were gouged out, needles forced under fingernails, noses broken, ears cut off...
...Straag to Lecture Dr...
...t his meeting in Hunts Point Palest luring the last campaign, more than s thousand men and women were turned away...
...April 7th...
...In contrast to Labor optimism, Tories and Liberals are exceedingly gloomy as to their prospects, but Labor goes into the battle with an absolute majority as Its goal...
...In a style lively and vital Mr...
...Labor preparations are well in hand, and the prospect of a May election in the open air is welcomed everywhere...
...of German treatise, entitled "Knochenbrecher Halswringem und FJeischschlelsserer Chlnaeetoche Mingdynastik...
...Bandar awning...
...May 90, aa the moat likely date for the General Election —an event which Is already gripping the Interest of the nation...
...Twenty-odd young men saf women strikers served Jail terms far af leged violation of a strikebreaking injunction...
...Churchill brings out regarding Mr...
...When we went into office hi ISM we began to handle this problem sad, to spite of the dairy distractions which arose from our precarious existence, and the plots and plans which were initial hatched to destroy us, our plans wore rapidly getting into shape...
...Both old parties must share tht blame for the do-nothing session winchis about to conclude its labors...
...The urgent need for this exposure is brought home to me by the receipt of-a leaflet from "The Constitutional Publishing Co...
...We were taking more direct interest in methods of using coal scientifically than any government had done...
...a We £ave objected to Sir Austen's handling of the Kellogg Pact and shall continue to do so...
...There is a great hustle at the Treasury, and, good or bad, the Budget will be rushed through with all speed...
...Are We To Have Socialism in England...
...Weeks ago the general plan of campaign bad been worked out in detail, huge stocks of literature are ready for dispatch, envelopes and canvass cards have been ordered by the hundreds of thousands...
...Crosswaith also ft*"1 onutresnttoas to a number of Negro Journals, It la estimated that several hundred thousand readere of there publications an already being reached by thai service...
...A public man has a right to chUm Immunity from such deliberate misrepresentation, and quite apart from whoeover happens to be the sufferer and tbe partisan advantage which may accrue from the suffering, everyone subject to tbto form of attack should Join together to expose and censure it...
...This la a scientific treatise dealing to characteristically thorough German manner with the various historic methods of decapitation...
...tag that not more tbmn 35 successful Liberals wfll cores back from tbe fray...
...I appeal to all true Britons to tear the vefl of hypocrisy from the rftpe fruit that hate behind the dosed dost of tbe hidden nasal of Boahevtam...
...Minnesota Standpatters Favored by Hoover WASHINGTON—(FP...
...additional evidence of the absence <* , responsible state government at Albany in a statement issued yesterday by «*» Public Affairs Oonunittee of the frniisjl Party of which Norman Thomas is ebah man...
...The Bronx has not tot an opportunity to bear Thomas recently...
...The salary is $10,000 a year...
...It to that of an assise, and the old performer is to be one of those who are to stand In the dock...
...Pine of Oklahoma has charged against Indian Commissioner Burke in the Jackson Barnett case...
...Two editions have been sold within the past ten years...
...I turn this way and that to try* to escape tbe piercing logic df It...
...I have not space to enumerate tbe other volumes of this nature which crowded the shelves of the LLP...
...Finds Labor Leaders Specialize In Art of Torture Red Peril Lurks Behind Sinister Faces—Warns England to Awake To ensure renders of The New Leader both sides of the story of the great general election which is to take place soon fit England, we have commissioned Yaffle, noted authority on British affairs, to write from the Tory point of view...
...Wot Ubereat now to take up tbe policy and work of the Labor government and call tt hto own, to ma it as a stick to beat either the government or ourselves, after they had put the government in power and prevented us from carrying out our policy, to to assume a reflective intelligence in the country which is by many degrees too low...
...attached to planks they were slowly pushed Tfte grinning villainy beneath the mash, of Socialism, Left to right (with their masks) Maxtou, MacDeaaM and taaabury through the doors of furnaces, a few inches at tbe time...
...Bnowden, on the instructions of the Cabinet, outlined the work we were contemplating in a speech in Psxliarnent in the autumn Of 1924...
...had wired his local people to book all available halls for Anal Tallies on the night of May 29...
...not pure Inventions but are twists-and false emphasis, they are never susceptible of a definite denial...
...Sometimes, if hto face to too diabolical to disguise, be puts his hat over it, ties a mask on tbe back of bis bead, and walks backwards...
...It to not generally known that every Socialist has two faces...
...If this to not done, no public man exposed to being shot at, will be able to express his thoughts or to give counsel and criticism...
...We are not engaged in a miserable dog-fight...
...Tbe Ripe Fruit of Socialism...
...At Odessa, officers were put to death by the torture of scalding steam: Others were burnt alive...
...NEWMARKET 8TBUKERS HOLD FISH NEWMARKET, N. H.—(FP)—Charging that mismanagement to responato, for the low wages paid by the Nt eincr ket Mfg...
...at 3.11 par Tbe meeting win be held at 4215 TKnl avenue, near Tremont avenue...
...They bad beard fab) patter before and knew it by heart...
...1*ey are dour Issues for our people, for the life of the future depends upon them...
...that they will kill in a nicer way, if at all...
...They came back for the autumn session bound to take the very first opportunity to turn us oat, and the barefaced dWwisjijr of the Campbell ease with the Russian Bgiwisasnt as part of the strategy which was to bring us down, gave them their chance...
...called "A Hundred Ways with the Bourgeotoe," next to Bumpemoff waa another tt-ewt...
...It was: "Praktictomuskopfofftokut" ("Ways of anting off heads") by Schweipp...
...Labor has been most victimized by that dishonesty...
...The fat woman, or whatever the...
...Walk up...
...Walter Newton of Minneapolis, who first came to Congress in 1918 after a terrific battle against the combined forces of organized tabor and the Nonpartisan League, has been appointed as executive secretary to President Hoover...
...The history of tbe Torturers' Craft from tbe earliest times, in hundreds of volumes with about ten million diagrams and things") by Dr...
...Letters, arrive daily at Snath Square from people offering their servioei Laho* Qlliailliraail...
...As these misrepresentations are...
...The Liberal press, especially the London parts of it, continue to apply restoratives to tbe dead horse...
...Receives Cast-Off Suit From Chief Justice Taft WASHINGTON...
...toother edition of a small booklet, "The Next Emancipation," by James Oneal, is also in press and will be available within a week or two...
...Labor candidates fat two city council positions were defeatoi however...
...The Labor Party has not been caught ¦ napping...
...they know that liberals will be returned who will support the Tory Party as faithfully as though they received its whips...
...has made a all Bin III i 11 gaatara by Mart* Dakota, Negro Labor News Service Edited by Crosswaith Meets With Great Success avaflaMe tor fata work...
...I have made a discovery, which places the Intentions of English Socialists beyond all doubt...
...Why not...
...In the TiWdon area many schools have been booked for May 28...
...The great Jericho offensive of the Liberal Party has petered out in a groan...
...TJp to date they are entirely without an effective cry, and they realize that under present circumstances Winston Churchill's Budget is likely to be a broken reed...
...The perlormance is about to begin...
...This, then, is what «*~><vtltvr" means: burnings, torturings, killings and other ripe fruit...
...Lloyd George really iayr—M the sincere concern of the Liberal Party easy must bear the responsibility for th« tragic loss of the years between 1924 and 1S3S...
...with further researches into the Life and Work of the Chief-Torturer, Pong...
...The Seciabst leaders are staking a study of tartars and exeeatieas tar the day they come into power...
...to impede us, and they have no confidence in tbe party to which they still belong...
...Crosswaith to organiser ot the work of education and organisation and to assisted by an advisory board ooaaattog of Norman Thomas, Ehtelred Brown, Frank Poree, Alfred Baker Lewis, James Oneal, August Cleassens and G. August Gerber...
...Most of the Socialists you see about tbe streets are really walking backwards...
...Six county i a laaiC were also elected on the tabor 'aaatl One was Maeeo Kueny, a member of an Fun-Fashioned Hosiery Workers' Seaawi strike committee...
...The country is not going to allow the distress of the unemployed to be a stunt for the revival of the drooping fortunes of a party which, by Its own action, has been brought to Insignificance...
...The mood of the crowd today to not that of the trombone, the bag drum...
...When they gave tbe Tories their by its nature was rer tionary, aad dealt wtth social distress from the nana of 03000"* OUC OC Ula5 OOOaattastaOas WtaaCaA ^aaQSOal the dtotnas...
...btuught out wonderment and pence, and filled the booth, but they are gone never to return...
...It closes its doors because there to such a draught.'' Tills to to be wilfully blind to the meaning of language...
...Fennsx Brockway's office...
...This optimism to unfounded...
...Thanes' subject will be "Socialism and the Future...
...Information Department...
...They know they are to have an accession of disgruntled Tory votes which, in a abort time, will return to their proper allegiance...
...you say, "Russia to a cold country...
...Head Office...
...There Is, you may know, an extensive literature dealing with ancient forms of torture and execution...
...You miss the significance of this...
...they know that there to still in tbe country alliances or understandings between Liberal and Tory leaders for the coming election...
...The same subject was dealt with in three French volumes: "Les Amours Curieux des Sourerains Tudors," "Le Rot Henry vm et See Mai tresses," and "La Vie Prtvee de ta Reine Elizabeth" (The curious love affairs of tbe Tudor Sovereigns," "Henry vm and his mistresses," and "The Private life of Queen Elisabeth...
...It to beaded: "Behind the Closed Doors of Russia...
...stitutional rights of workers cannot laabrogated without a hearing, which Is as that the legislation offered in the a*, sembly proposed, went down to defeat along with a number of other highly ha, portent labor measures, when by a strsjt party vote the Republicans defeated a motion to discharge the rules comnuttei ' so that these bills could be taken up sad acted upon by the Assembly...
...the brass band with its chief instruments the trombone and the big dram has introduced him, and he has gone through his patter and his tumbling...
...is painted on canvas behind him...

Vol. 8 • April 1929 • No. 12

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