A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES sprinG idyll e2|Tfce National Society for the Relief of the ]3,gW of Eccentric Fliaraea' Oh. Ormaaiaa? It is Mi tha Macs of the turtle ia heard in the...

...bm hi those Springs on Saturdays we would pedal [%*b Boalsrsrd, which is now of course Broadway...
...defiance, atflt feekted him Tbe Bear ralawrl such a marital upWar fast the poor animal fled without knowing just -ahgke bad walked into...
...aoa|*iai|itrei Maes, the tombs are koOertng...
...Night Ride We went swiftly thru the night Past bars of silver flung serosa the road...
...In fact, the first federation formed against the K. of L. in 1881 was practically a failure for at least five yean and reading the history of this period and that immediately following 1S8S we are reminded that the A. F. of L. grew Slowly from secessions from the k at L Moreover, tbe latter was to many ways more flexible and adapted to the needs of a powerful labor movement if we except the period when It admitted members not strictly of the wage worktog class...
...We believe, furthermore, that there Is room for such a movement...
...shark Tmelshing Store for Extra-STouta serosa tbe kskwai Avenue, mm if - dbto when there was sa unexpected visitation from fljrjBBttar*a dag;, Jacob took up the role of HoraUus gatfsBsef tbe way, a'brietle with spitting...
...Including those mentioned above...
...Tbe K. of l. had a vague idea of replacing the wage system with cooperative production...
...The climbing of hills—mayhap the cross...
...He is the author of many articles on educational, economic and social subjects and has lectured in a large number of educational institutions, forums, etc...
...We should think of the best way to meet the improvement of machinery in the light of giving us power, if rightly used, to ahnllah poverty...
...We who have breasted the raging winds, And looked at strange beauty bare aad wildCan never go back to quietness Nor bear earthly bonds of wife sad child...
...Heard tbe distant hum of some huge motor...
...whenever lews Bnacerabgf working women are at issue, was once more rata Wished at a recent hearing b> ABmny...
...Plunging their bands in naked soil...
...They plant the living Seed of truth...
...We an know tbe splendid work It has done in the East and middle West Most of the women's unions today owe thenexistence to the Women's Trade Union Leagpe...
...says tt of Haldane...
...however, not always fully accurate...
...Gompers, strasser and McGulre, the leading trade unionists, also shared in this general Socialist ideal but they gradually drifted away as the craft view became conspicuous in the organization that aupplanted the K. of L. "The new leaders had diluted their class constoousness— a characteristic of leaden on tbe make —into wage consciousness which might or might not rub off In the course of years...
...He was must helpful, how.'.vr, and, though occasionally demurring to our ways, was a good colleague...
...But we shift our packs and raise our songs Til the quiet valleys gravely ring, And tramp to the tuns of swinging start...
...This is the first book to give an adequate portrait of Powderly, certainly an enthusiast, devoted 'to his Job...
...As regards Russia, for instance, it is not true to say there was no Cabinet decision...
...One year later be doubted whether the executive board should or could meet, ending/ bis letter to Hayes, tbe secretary, with' the vwords, "Tt is morning...
...This is a stimulating record of a unique public "life wherein the defects of great qualities are not bidden, and tbe steady guidance of thoughtful painstaking is displayed In attractive serenity of mind and in sstisfytog success...
...Alexander Fichandler will speak at Brooklyn Jewish Center, 667-691 Eastern parkway, Monday evening, April 1st, at 8:15...
...You see...
...age last the aelflahnean with which i bag...
...As for S philosophy, what there ts of it is so vague sad chaotic that tt hv difficult to summarise tt Into a consistent whole...
...who ia kbttfe granddaughter, mounts on a side-board near ss Saw aad wtth tbe greatest energy aad persistence Mftts oat aad rattles the knob with a tong black :jk^mmtiml'hmmm-lmr, Jacob raiaes his manly voice ferflns asflrag aad ia joined by a kitten chorus from fee' leaf beneath In this fssbion they inform the tgaabaat that tt la time to rise and greet the sun wttm tt abaady gliding tbe magnificent figure of aa sBSUmMiiiiiii tat his union suit on tbe facade of sis...
...lest there be some misunderstanding, let me aay at once, that these luncheons will be held not for the purpose of making money, but purely for tbe educational value to members and friends...
...Crispin, and of leaders...
...and weary trails, Grief shall be borne, and the worlds black spleen— , The back that breaks aad tbe heart that falls...
...But a far voice calls—a dim light glows— And we go through tbe rata aad tbe cold...
...There they will find his conception of British Liberalism and what he did for that party: the caves be worked with and the wires be pulled: his downfall for which the public and those who manufacture opinion for the public ought to hide their head in shame and remorse...
...Every page of this book (Richard Burden Haldene: An Autobiography...
...doing so...
...Professor Ware is also tbe author of "The Industrial Worker,'* a study of tbe American working class for the two decades of 1S40-1S60, an invaluable economic survey of the period and rsaenttol to those who desire to understand tt...
...Department of Labor, spoke on tbe work of that bureau and pointed out the need for improved Industrial standards for women In industry...
...He was nearer to us than to the Liberal Party, which he considered received Its death-blow in 1918, but he never came right Into our midst and shared our hopes and our ideas...
...They watch the mill of human toil Grind on tbe flesh of age aad youth...
...Dump beep of tbe world, If I could catch the beat Of your tree-stump wrists In the rhythm of s song, In a cog-slip of tbe throat I would rip open this ribald sky And sink these mossy towers Into the soft energy Of radio music...
...M. H. Hedges, editor erf-the Electrical Workers' Journal, began his, discussion by defining the various kinds of unemployment which exist today...
...Aside from the two voaumes of autobiography by tbe late Bsamst "^p there la little that Is original that has come from trade union leaders...
...The Knagnta and the A. F. ef L. The Knights of Labor was s mass uprising of workers in general against the new capitalism that issued out of the Civil War but It is a mistake to consider it as an organisation of mixed locals of worken of various trades and tbe unskilled...
...his rise again, his association with the Labor Party and his reflections (not always understanding reflections) on the Labor Government...
...bat atostc assf love aad April matter...
...Bat si this bnaiaeaa of kittens aad Spring is of sagas aothmg tor a serious student of life and my 'sty eseuee is that there is s hand-organ playing '.warn the ¦treat and that a hand-organ always takes at keek to my Brat Springs np on tbe West Side of •asYark when organ tunes would corns lilting down ttsSBt street aad we weald move out chairs to alt .# •* saaasBars aa tbe front stoopa and wonder if old |K Jaaas up tbe block bad bad bis usual winter cold asl bar he was getting on now that softer weather ^^MPJkaBaWhsra could stay out later then and give : ¦¦* sbycJea era got for Christmas a real try-out and •by Prisoners' Base sad spin tops, though I must coahl'fbU'I was a terrible flop st tops...
...Socialist readers will turn with keenest interest to the political chapters...
...In the pages of this book may be easily traced the evolution of the labor movement from the days of an organisation which, whatever may have been tts defects, wrote a splendid page In American labor history, to the movement which gives its chief concern to the skilled organised in crafts and trades...
...fun force at the hearing to opposition to the Krrkktnd-Jenks feffl which would exempt waitresses from the night work law...
...gsstaaasd their nights in the kitchens behind a cloned safe fast leads into tbe djtoing-room...
...CHARLJXS A. WAGNER The Wanderers There lies the dark town under tbe stars...
...Fichandler at Jewish Center Dr...
...D. Apple ton and Co., S3...
...National Wemen's Trade Union League in the Seatk Twenty yean ago the Women's Trade Union League was practically tbe only organization to organise working women...
...It was night...
...His subject will be: "Where Is The World Drifting To...
...Teach me the tragedy ..Of your soulless smile...
...So is trade unionism, capgav patriotism, militarism east gsngsterism, which stb****** depth of the bright cbap who says that mfe»Bsad to isms...
...Planning For the Future r|'tin executive committee of the New A York Women's Section of the Socialist Party met last week...
...It is an Informing book and labor men will do well to add It to their collection of labor histories...
...JAMES O'NEAL, Jr...
...There is hardly,-a need to urge women members who have abstained from co-operating with the Women's Section to make an effort to attend this meeting...
...The following is from the first news letter Issued by the Southern Office of tbe League: It began with tbe regular luncheon of the League of Women Voters, at which time Norman Thomas, director...
...At tbe evening session Miss Mary Anderson, director of the Women's Bureau...
...Interest in Ed oration It was a service I thought was richly owing to him, and would be a triumph I was happy and proud to share with him.' I knew his interest in education, and I wished to give htm s free hand to work out bis schemes, He tells in this book how things turned out otherwise...
...N. Y. Doubleday Doran, 85...
...Born in easy circumstances, the son of a household of grim theological faith, he went Into the world to wrestle with its mysteries, determined that whatever his hand found to do would be done with all his might...
...Reminder When softly fails the echoes of tbe day Into the hurried arms of coming night When little flowers dance In summer white, And wave their petaled arms in fond display There sometimes cornea the harbinger of pais Encloaked within his guise of memory And whispers his messages tenderly And eases with thoughts sB bar cruel disdain For there In the dark, this tryst I sfasll bold With her once again...
...As tbe K. of L. disappeared the new movement lost this ideal and business unionism replaced it, a transition which Fiofeaiui Warn''regards as "tbe bankruptcy of ideals.Bays at Deettne There Is a remarkable similarity between the clostog days of the Knights of tafeor and tbe period of recent years, a sense of defeatism which afecoaupaalsd tbe decline following the fat years, when the organisation had a huge tndome tt purchased an old "mansion" in Philadelphia and a description of tts luxurious furnishing aroused the anger of the members...
...He stressed the need of paying the wuraeis more wagee in order that their purchasing power might be increased and blamed the system rather than Individuals for tbe fact that in a country as rich as ours we have so much poverty...
...y Sscialiam is sa kma...
...Regularly, at 4ajFgegaaatad hoar of 7:45 A- M...
...March 29...
...A general meeting of all women party members win be called within a week or ten days...
...One {dsn is to bold a, series of luncheon meetings at Town Hall—If possible...
...To what Life may bold or Death can bring...
...all ^¦gttk «*Joaee...
...Those who honestly believe that unions can get recognition from the anti-union employing class by offering trade uninntatn as a substitute for trade imtonimi mat well ponder the words of Professor Ware: "Recognition has seldom been handed out on a silver platter snd when It seems to be, It is usually found that some other sort of recognition is knocking at tbe door with an ax...
...The Brave, Impassioned Few These are the brave, Impassioned tew Who show us Eden once again...
...Now the league has opened an office in Richmond...
...There lie tbe taverns gad there the hearth, Kind- is the shepherd and warm tbe fold...
...What need to say more...
...We generally place a cottar about the beck of a poodle tat order to identify him bat tt feast sawebsbtj*' in the case of most of "ear" iiarsaif amsag tag ceagreas...
...Coming home, the chain on hhstsattsa would usually come off with a dreadful ge*ttBit of racket and grease and I had my first stern pjjkttars with the Machine Age and found that I #Saat eat out for a machinist of any sort but was ¦h*% aoosasd to be s useless writing person...
...League for Industrial Democracy, spoke on "Can Industry Abolish Poverty...
...alkear.att baada he in knots tat the Spring sunshine a*} amsm of long, forgot tint, far-off days, thousands aMtbaaaands of years asm, when ss jungle beasts they safxet antelopes in the vernal beat of Africa, The kittens stalk each other and while their elders renege ts be indifferent to such juvenile goings-on, easy saw aad than they join in the grams and there bsfmst hunting on East Tenth street...
...Is true as organisation by trades had appeared In many countries, especially in Kngland...
...Bach one win be notified and we hope that they win be on band to help rouse the women within the party...
...The change to a wage conscious and craft point of view was not immediate with the new leaders...
...The Knights "cannot be fitted Into any conceivable classification of form, function, or theory," writes Professor Ware...
...The author emphasises the fact that the accessions from the K. of L. to the A. F. of L. came st a time when "industrial development had pawed beyond the craftsman stage upon which the trade unions were founded, and though the Knights of Labor were unable for many reasons to adapt the labor movement to the changed industrial situation, they at least made the attempt...
...All mast help...
...Work tasxarcd by tjirmyht is his life's record...
...an ahould engage in festive dances and spa lyres sad forget ecoaomica and listen to s sards sad never bother about want life ia all gggsdwhat ia the chief end of man and how to get ^ggsth Street and Tyler Place, Went New York...
...At these luncheons questions of importance to the community will be discussed by able rpesken...
...from wealthy men...
...Hardly a ¦*d-marfc of my youth is now extant...
...then a pleasantly broad thoroughfare with • "boaai park spaces in tbe middle and turn off to the hm fstb aa Riverside and go over tbe ferry to Fort ¦jml fas Psliaades...
...Of the trade unions that bulk large in the study may be mentioned the Miners, tbe Carpenters, the Clgarmakers, tbe Class Workers and the Knights of St...
...lucia trent...
...sgx* «• ***** 1ort*»«cjb*bat all we can seem to do about it la to go and EE ajaernon Charles Swinburne and watch our cats js paiiir anpreciation of tbe season by gsJlumphing gaafg fsam room to room and roll over In the sunshine...
...Uriah Stephens, Terrene* V. Powderly, Samuel dampers, P. G. McGulre and Adolph Strasser...
...S. cw w*xBL At tbe present rats of the usasimtrattaa of flaaaaa snd capital there will aeon Be so few masters ttt tig United States that we will have toss sbrcoity ttt tading our owners...
...There was no form of organization they did not possess at one time or another, no function they did not perform or attempt," The late Samuel Gompers used to enjoy comparing the A. F. of L. to the Federal Union of the United States but the author shows that it more resembles tbe Confederation which failed than the government lartabHshed by tbe ConstttuBon, The American Federation of Labor," he declares, "Is a very tome confederation, too loose effectively to rearsseat the American labor movement...
...The interest displayed in the work of the section and in its future, was very evident...
...r ttkeh, hi bis or her own way is highly inrbviduslistic, at abea eeosstoa arises aU cooperate magnificently, see* is the quintessence of true Socialism...
...The church to which I was dragged on Sundays has apparently •"•Jfamated with a bank, which combination I might have forseen...
...Since some of the plans formulated in the beginning of the winter cannot be carried out because of tbe lateness of the season, other plans are now under way which, we hope, win put the Women's Section on the map...
...A Catholic who accepted a membership card in tbe Socialist Labor party but never a "practicing" Socialist, a small man, not physically strong and subject to colds, the author says that "he acted more like Queen Victoria at a national Democratic convention" than as a labor leader...
...The black night for us—tbe bolted door, The crumbs of scorn—the dark lees—tbe dross...
...aad Restaurant gmptoyee' -Union aad tbe women's Trade Uhton leasee were out in...
...The bill was favored by the Restaurant Owners' Association and the National Woman's Party...
...It is Mi tha Macs of the turtle ia heard in the land...
...He believes that it can, especially If society as a whole considers the problem...
...They naturally fail Into three groups, seasonal unemployment, cyclical unemployment and the newest one, technological unemployment, ''which has been brought about largely through the introduction of new and improved machinery in industry...
...City of heartbreak, City of forgotten promises— Dump heap of the world CITY OF BEAUTIFUL, WOMEN -AND NEAR-SIGHTED MEN Teach me tbe brooding burden Of your solitude...
...Honor to those who face the thunder . Of public acorn snd tyrant's gun, Who brave tbe wrath of those who plunder...
...My school is still there but its 'cramped up and seems miraculously to have dim***>•» since I first entered what I conceived to be its ***iie portals...
...The subject of his address will be—"What I Saw and Heart In Soviet Russia...
...A few of us cannot accomplish much...
...His narrative and explanations are...
...While there were many such local organisations there were also a surprising number of organisations of s definite trade or industry affiliated...
...Who is there to-day but knows that, if our policy had been carried out, the polities of Europe would have been firmer and the trade of the country better...
...First he had to settle his faith, and that took him from Edinburgh to Gottlngen, from tbe Scottish philosophers to Look, and bow the foundations which be laid in youth bore the strains of his experience to told on the last chapter of serene dignity and calm written when he had gone beyond bis three score and ten, and when the only new experience left for him was the passing of the world away from him...
...THE CATTER BOX VTES, dear contribs, your spring complaint* Impel your conductor into at seasonal rlisnlng of the Poetry Drawer, sad now that they come to light here . . . how could I. tndstd how dared I, allow these geass so 11a mute and inglorious during than -"f of dull self-publication...
...One of industries' faults is that it thinks in terms of production for productions' sake alone and does not provide for tbe unemployed or Bee aged...
...Tbe play of say mind Shall enact every scene sad suddenly find Tbe paastonste words—the phrases instead TBI my spirit shall rise to its glory To sound thru tbe night its tragic story...
...and look at all the banks and trust ••PUues and fancy delicatessen stores that line r"***** from Seventy-second street up...
...In all other muntrtoa one wBI Bad a rich literature of the movement to which labor men have asada Important contributions...
...Fichandler has travelled extensively in foreign countries...
...The most valuable and informing contributions have come from outside the movement and to this literature must be added the volume by Norman j. Ware (The Labor Movement in the United tatea, 1SS0-1895...
...Tbe present volume is practically a history of tbe Knights of Labor and of the formative period of the American Federation of Labor and bean evidence of wide research...
...Were It not for the quarrel between certain K. of L. leaders and the more wage and trade conscious leaden it is probable that the Knights of Labor would have continued as tbe national representative of the labor movement and that the skilled trades would not have become so selfeentered and more or less indifferent to the needs of the unskilled and semiskilled workers...
...Shiplacoff to Lecture A. I. Shiplacoff will lecture at tbe Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 nacirtwan street, on Friday evening...
...Many of these new machines now perform processes which in the past had been done by human hands...
...And the time to bsb> at now...
...In the early nineties Powderly snd an associate published s Labor Day Annual and Hayes went west to obtain advertising...
...Who let the cleansing sunlight through Earth's prison bars to captive men...
...There was, and It was in accord with the agreement that was ultimately signed by us...
...He w%s wrong...
...His tale of bow be toiled st tbe Bar to win s place there, how* he stored in his ample memory the records of the law, might well be a handbook to every youth In the morning of life: that of bow he reorganised the Army and made it the most efficient fighting machine of Europe, might well be a handbook to everyone who has a call to serve the Commonwealth by tbe execution of great plans and the fulfilment of large ideas...
...Tbe State Federation of Labor, the Bote...
...max press...
...Ascertain the name ot the institution before entering his presence.'' Hays was also to see Pillsbury and other moneyed men but Powderly understood that this waa an unpleasant business so he added: "You know I have been fifteen yean fighting the men we arc now asking favors from and it is a trifle against the grain to write some of them...
...sty comrade^ awake and be glad *J!HKia*' \^mumn^m«'they fflfe<**' ***** a^*"^"-kfigeosi Greeks are should ail go Banrhaaal for cssesos...
...j^tsabt bars ws raw to remark that we have been b temperate in the matter of tw^nn/ining our ggkafW ataee Isabel, tbe Matriarch of our brood, desjfager what we hope she Is finding to be a land of pjajjs aad rich cream...
...Thus the organ of the Carpenters could say in 1886 that the New Unionism was not quite pure and simple ss the trade unions, '¦will become tbe corner stone of tbe Co-Operative Commonwealth...
...Answer the call when you gat tt...
...Earnestly I Implore your pardon, and proceed to make amends: new york Dead rsfagtoata Are buried tat Bryant Pack and aew mmttyn Are bora'tat Newspaper Bssr...
...And for those who are coastantry harptns...
...We refused a loan, but were willing to guarantee a 'debt Incurred in employing British labor...
...and win do what It can to bring the question of organization before the women workers of the South...
...Where the roar and click Of unborn centuries Clogs tbe loud speaker Of tbe station Infinity...
...y e£kf> - t ''jkat assy recall that at prsaent wa have four eats, Jacob, The Bear, Lilly and tbe Professor, the ggajattw being the younger generation...
...Time and place will be announced In the next issue-of The New Leader...
...Thus in 1884 fire members of the K. of L. executive In 1884 joined in a statement declaring that "our Order contemplates a radical change In the existing industrial system, and labors to bring about that change, while Trades' Unions and other orders accept the Industrial system as it is and endeavor to adapt themselves to It...
...Edited by Paataee M. Newman concerning woman A eepartauat mt aewi aaS viewa at paftaaatae ibteraet t* the t«u at the lahar ¦mreaaeat...
...members of the Knights of Labor might not be able to formulate in clear terms their view of what was to replace the wage system nevertheless they expected, as tbe labor movement to aU countries expect, to see the wage system replaced with cooperative production and distribution...
...To the end Haldane was a co-operating spectator with us...
...The Beax...
...This more intensive study of original sources has enabled the author to correct some errors of interpretation that have appeared in other histories and while we might feel inclined to break a lance with him on some matters, on the whole the study fills an importsn gap in labor history...
...If we desire to see s strong ftonlslbt Party we must have the women with us...
...And there tbe road like a silver thread— Winds to tbe grail of wandering- hearts And the dawn that has swallowed our dead...
...That, of course...
...gssaiidal m mdustij must fee conquered for hu2"™^ aad tbe machine of capitalist politics dest**"* wvrkta« cuaa eaa enjoy Heattsasir Scanning The New Books a new Labor History -A Review By JAMES ONEAL ¦ 0kb of tbe peeuBarttim of the Amererty to literary production...
...but always hesitating to make decisions snd then often making them too late...
...Powderly wrote Armour the packer magnate and wrote Hayes to call on him...
...The Knights of Labor often had to face the "Iron Clad" which was a forerunner of the present day "yellow dog" contract but the latter is often buttressed with the power of the company union...
...For them the fight has just begun...
...Gompers, who then coined the phrase, was born...
...They fling their words like crimson streamers Emblazoning chaotic night...
...The conference brought before the public some of the important problems facing Industry in the South...
...I was anxious to give him the satisfaction of a return to full authority in public life...
...This time it is not advertising but offering tbe labor organizations as more productive than the compkny unions that have grown since 1920...
...Sweet wins sad honey...
...What stands out in the record is the fact that while the - l-^mne...
...hpH anything gives me a sense of doddering: old age it ¦ to go up these Spring days to the West Side, which*** in my time the Upper West Side, but which is South now...
...Admitting tbe value of federalism for this country tt should be remembered that s desperate Civil War was fought to pat down tbe doctrine upon which the American Federation of Labor was founded and to which tt still holds...
...The attitude of o'tr Order to the mxung industrial system Is necessarily one of war...
...Yet this spiritual decline painfully recalls the history of recent yean...
...The fighting spirit by no means died as tbe A. P. of L. unions also have a creditable history of victories and It Is only to recent years that many of them appear to approach men of wealth with tbe view .of selling them something...
...I think the best way to approach Armour," wrote powderly, "would be to drop In and ask for such pamphlets and documents as he can provide concerning hk college and art school...
...New York...
...Despair in the coil of luring...
...Paused snd watched the gleaming crimson lights that spanned tbe skies And showed where some frail mortal - , Dared sis strength against the stars, f »' Romance In A Flat We win live on rose leaves...
...Fichandler Was Educational Director of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union...
...what wtth the assess singing bate aay brain twitll t nothing...
...gtaarktaMrman who talks about "our OTpandtng rennires some brain expansion before be t||waare his interests Be...
...J. Ramsay MacDonald...
...Most everything else including the *1*u boy who played around those parts has changed r**l I doubt very much if it has changed for the tetter...
...At the afternoon session Mr...
...this here spa a a, x trust this week's example of self-eclipse sboald beat the wagging tongues awhile...
...I'll go out snd run up bills And you'll supply tbe money...
...Because of that thing within our hearts That aends us on long...
...Theirs is tbe prophet cry of dreamers For elemental human right...
...If we have alstiiii to tbiak, and to do work based on thought, then we have at least tbe sense of having striven wtth such faculties as we X wonder tt any of as can do more than that, Snd if, when the evening begins to close in around us and the silence of night steak over us, we can have a higher ttil'tff"'— than tbe conviction that that can be said fairly of us...
...A Fie tore af Fewderiy...
...Bftae matter of calling attention to their neada for gggsgbt they show splendid team-work...
...McAlister Colewsaau e*pt as take your mind off toe miners buried alive "H* ewiasjlvama mine try to remember what the g*SW of political economy UB us shout the "risks" by eapltahats who invest in the industry...
...The rival A. P. of L. followed a policy of "boring within" the K. of L., especially the leaden of the cigarmakers...
...The sun had set upon the Knights of Labor, for although it lingered for a number of yean Its rival occupied its place and still holds tt...
...As for tbe "New Unionism" which supplanted the old the author aptly remarks that tt "was very old'' before Mr...
...Woaatan'e Party Wrong Again Our contention that the National Woman's Party works band in band with amptoyers' assortalkms...
...f|g| (gnu r Whalen is stffl in our midst aad there is agamlsnr wbtek takes care of Bacchanal, and playSfgaateal iastroments on the streets without s license ml sm> Oepertmeat of Sewers aad Public Flay...
...We are determined to build an organisation within our movement...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 11

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