Berger, Victor L.

THE CHOICE BETWEEN WAR AND PEACE The Issues Between Amrica and British Big Bussiness A Program to Avert the Calamity of A New War By Victor L Berger r«r.T#W thrdand amdmd mmsodkm of mm address...

...Tbe shoemakers of that day strtved to buy a home for their famillas and were not at all like tbe shoe workers of the present who must live ia rested tenements fa such targe numbers...
...Nothing is left today In most of these towns, so tar as the factories are concerned, but the tall chimneys which are made use of by the swallows by night...
...scrap the pact of Versailles, as|^a)gall other pacts dictated by war...
...And then wilt follow accusations of "perfldtous Attnon" sad of tbe "shlrtsteeve** diplomacy of the United States —and relations wffl go from bad to worse...
...Biddle's move was successful and was followed by operators and business men In the other churches...
...He wrote his bishop and another national officer recommending that they withdraw support from the university -udent pastorate in which five denominations were cooperating...
...In that region it was thought...
...cad.tiuce she has now became tbe rfcbcst aad mast powerful nation on earth ¦be — hum ¦iiwiflr nnt armf— primitive rights l>rt us take a concrete example a* given in Foreign Affairs, an English monthly: Britain is as war with Prance or Germany, for instance...
...BooaaisBB«w^ anybody else...
...And-as these new inventions came Into use it was seen that any manufacturer failing to command enough capital to instal them in his factory was doomed sooner or later...
...We are bright, sat afg will soon learn...
...Down to sixty years ago practically aB toe men and beys wore long boots to tbe winter...
...lasaaas mi Senreb seed Setsnre America rhalirngni this Bngosh version ef ass rights...
...Later the university pleaded "emergency purchases" but in vain...
...Under the pressure ot this opposition, the president of the university and the trustee-publisher bandied the teacher between them, neither wanting responsibility or his dismissal...
...Haverhill and Lynn and a few other cities...
...In another article I may show* the number of shoes being made in the country as a whole and the number the market can take...
...Today there Tare possibly a thousand shoe factories to -the country compared to five thousand fifty years ago...
...In August, 1928, tbe attorney general to 1 s thirteen page opinion to the auditor of state found sped flea Uy that "the con- '< tracts for the purchase of coal here In question were Illegal by reason of the interest which one of the members of the board (of trustees) bad In said trans- | action arising out of bis connection with < tile companies from which the purchases [ were made...
...This is due to several aasasa feeysnd tbe control of those who are eeaaaesad, wtth tbe industry so lone as pa hi ate ownership remains...
...THE CHOICE BETWEEN WAR AND PEACE The Issues Between Amrica and British Big Bussiness A Program to Avert the Calamity of A New War By Victor L Berger r«r.T#W thrdand amdmd mmsodkm of mm address dritver ed m the House of ******* mmws my mm Notwum Omnmu ot the Smcimut Pmrty...
...The next war, If there is to be one...
...that tbe industry was so solid and settled and bad been continued for so long: that . .;• - ; : c.rth could possibly change i. i-- disaster to the people who knew so much about shoes...
...Their reports condemn the action of the president and trustees...
...They wrote Governor Donahey asking for an Investigation...
...Now there might be one left and that is ""»"f baby shoes...
...An American merchant receives an order for a shipload of cotton, or lard, or foodstuffs from a Patch aierehant This American cargo is shipped in an American or Dutch or Italian vessel America at 4£ peace with England, at peace with Holland, at peace with Italy, at peace with England's enemy, at peace with all the world...
...Shoe Tawn Tragedies Famine, pestilence, war, and the black death, could not have done more than tbe capitalist system did to these poor shoemakers who even today do not know tbe cause of It aU...
...This was the largest and oldest section making men's in this country and tbe people knew nothing else...
...A student committee went to the president who declined to discuss the case with students...
...They had to pack bag and baggage, and go, God knows where...
...But that ship it stopped by a British cruiser, taken Into a British port, and a British court deciding that the Amc rtean am as a shipped to aa Ameria -tT pence wtth afeajland, at peace wtth nnHanl...
...A War For B oeiness And wbst Is to be toe laHtimii of it am A war between abajaaad and the United States...
...Tbe old machines were thrown out and into the Junk pile and whole lines of machinery went into the discard...
...The reactionaries and 'dk feaSBM' have brought Bngtond to tot eagf plight In which she finds berselt BO*, gfefj from my personal acquaintance Titlfe mm leading SodaUst statesmen of aaatoafem, who undoubtedly wm take the rehash...
...Biddle did get busy, this time in the church of which he Is a financial pillar...
...The Civil Liberties Union and tbe American Federation of Teachers also investigated...
...thin a short time—I am sure that S'wBt dus vtvendl'' wUl be feaad wttkest gBj recourse to arms that would maiaaBBB to Burape as well...
...It is becoming a settled principle among shoe workers today that the less furniture a family owns the better off it is...
...When the young minister indiscreetly continued his mining town activities he was arrested and Jailed on a charge trumped up by coal company attorneys and business men...
...atrpUutet m baas it in their power to threw mmm from the air, not only filled whs aaZ metal spray but also with deadly sj that will spread death caused by saflssw tlon from contraction of the throat, t* congestion of the lungs, or by absaa...
...The city of Marlboro, with some fit teen thousand people, depends upon some seven or eight shoe factories whtefc may go out of business at any time...
...The purchases amounted to orders as targe as four or more "flats" and were made over a period of four years when there was no coal shortage...
...To secure tbe safety ot linilnsaiT Why should millions of lives be lost, apart from tte billions of property that would be destroyed, simply to safeguard baaaesse...
...Take to ttaSBP' also, if Russia Is willing to enss^ ' ^ America is a continent and a warSfsT"' its own...
...SsarTlra has had serious traafcna aad once even a war—with ant,land on that account...
...An anonymous "friend of labor" mailed them a bill of particulars about coal bought by the university from companies in which a prominent trustee of tbe university was an officer and directing stockholder...
...Neither the American nor the Holland nor the Italian JarfUes are upresented on the bench of that court...
...Some shoe workers are oat of employment s year at a time, hence it can be seen that tbe first effect of the present system is to break up tbe home and the family...
...stock was lunulas1 before the railroads were built Otis being the targe plant of Base Prouty, in spencer...
...j Hoover's misgivings about our system of '< jurisprudence, especially when coal and i on operators are involved...
...It is a claim winch would pat the totereat of all -other nations in Jeopardy whenever Great Britain ia at war...
...It had a dosen or more shoe factories at one time...
...By October all tbe retailer* v-trild have s stock ef boots on hand for the winter...
...When shoes came Into demand arid replaced boots, the new machines made it possible to produce enough and more than enough so that the effect was to arrest production and cause the smaller factories to leave tbe field...
...Were they not labor saving they would not be taken into service...
...This caused a change hi the styles of shorn and with the coming of the McKay machine and the Goodyear machine there arose the larger plants of tbe present which often employ a thousand people unci::: one roof...
...She did co when tbe ooamtry was young aad csstb...
...Biddle served as spokesman of s committee of the Southern Ohio Coal Operators Association to interview the president about such unacsdemk conduct...
...Haverhill tost 4800 people as there were tost many fewer, fa the test feW «NHHs» ft the preceding one...
...Otherwise, they might say that it is not God ordained and not even a part of the Ten Commandments that Great Britain must win every war...
...BIddle's coal company has been on tbe university faculty as lecturer in coal production...
...I would rather see my etjSa 1 and grandchfldren dead than abSBkJ 1 And If this country of ours abasbfa] i tuaily be attacked, actually tawsSgjsS 1 would consider It tbe duty at eagjylS 1 and woman for that matter, to SBlH their homes sad their taanlbs, mM consider a certain amount of yrsaaa|| mas for tost emergency Justtflafefca, || much, but no more...
...The Athens institution, already under state-wide scrutiny because of prejudicial legislation against Negro students, needs its control thoroughly overhauled...
...Biddle, wao is also a director of the paper, went to the newspaper office and berated the teacher for his news story...
...If the larger firms do not concentrate large production under one roof they specialise so that one kind of shoe is made in one shop while another kind is made in another shop...
...except to the last war...
...bBggjg^ and hell...
...To date nothing has been beard, from him other than a letter to one of toe miners on the committee promising that "this matter win have due consideration...
...were to retire from office January 1, nothing was done...
...Brockton has been down to sixty percent of Its capacity for several years with no chance to improve tbe situation under the present system...
...Now toe ftmeTVans say: Our whole foreign commerce, our right to trade with nations with which we are at peace, can at any moment be forbidden by a foreign government, the British— whenever Britain chooses to go to war...
...Speaker, I want it uooar...
...Biddie's office, and there cross questioned and criticised for an hour...
...Milf ord was aba one of the Mg shoe towns with twenty factories st one time...
...national control of strategic WBterwaS,' such as the Dardanelles, the SfeBS)«tf Gibraltar, and alao of the Sam, g&Saf.Panama Canals...
...THE MISERY OF BOOTS TODAY Decline of Massachusetts Shoe Industry Brings Misery To Misery Thousands By J. H. Finn MASSACHUSETTS WIS the T-ome of shoeamktag in this country...
...Myers Y. Cooper, to remove a coal operator from his office as trustee of Ohio University, a state institution at Athens, Their charge ia breach of public trust and carries with It the unsuspected wallop of the turning worm...
...This section comprised the towns of Natick, FramIngham, Ashland, Hopkinton, Cocbituate, Weatboro, Grafton, Rol11s ton, Med way, West Med way...
...In this way one company may be employing twenty thousand or more workers and have many plants scattered in different towns or close tog-ether within a few miles of each other...
...It may mean toe end of our present civilisation, the wind-up Of the white race...
...With work steady during most of the year, the people bad been prosperous...
...It is a trait of people in general to took for quality once the desire for quantity is satisfied...
...and what tor...
...will be fought out aks* _ wo* mainly a war of mad, verran^s The neat war will be mainly a agj9 cals...
...Win he now whitewash a defection corrupting the control of a state Institution of learning...
...Tbe operator's parting observation to the teacher was, "if I brought somebody into your bouse who began to fling your furniture out the window, you'd get busy...
...Base aafeaT...
...A hanSaid yeses ago, before the railmads came, the mamitactiuera did the ba* they could wtth boras-teams...
...Here end there a Sew fsetoriaa were in operation to ether states but the oad Bay State made st toast SS per-cent of aU the boots aad shoes produced to the country a hundred aad more years ago- The state now produces about one-third of an tbe shoes mask In this country...
...The largest shoe factory in this country, doing business fifty years ago, was located in North Brookfleld...
...In North Brookfleld, Hopkin ton, Ashland, Weatboro, and many other localities the people who had bought and paid for their Utile homes lost all...
...In a lew words...
...They therefore had no illusions about securing...
...ei«te» the right, whether Britain b at war or not—to trade with neutrals unhampered fey say British restrictions...
...LogjJc vs...
...With several hundred signatures on their petition and the endorsements of local unions representing 2.300 miners, their committee presented tbe case to the governor whose investigator whitewashed the university of'responsibility...
...The miner's demand is the backfire of 1928's liveliest case involving academic freedom An arrtstent professor of Journalism bad been employed by the university to conduct a student news reporting laboratory for the Athens Messenger, the only daily paper published in the Hocking Valley coal fields... on* theory just as definitely and strictly as Great Britain holds to hers...
...tlon of poison Into the blood throngs a» lungs...
...Without a blockade exercised In Just such a way...
...The quota to still going down...
...For years' an official to Dr...
...These genUemea gsfetol other countries to make tovestasaagJ^J they do so In order to make proaat gja they should be willing to take »aag3 able amount of business risk or ilag mm As for the seas, they am Bat BMB | highway and naturally ought to tosj9 free and as secure as any other hlsbsg> | And I am quite sure that a great paaB|^ Hon of the British |ifajulaHea eBfjfl mill tons of the Labor Party, sad S*B^p abare of the liberate—are now aswgaBag this point of view...
...It may be said by some that the shoes made In these towns are now being pro>.ced in Brockton...
...Socialist candidate for Governor of Ohio, circulated petitions demanding a governor's investigation...
...This was the early system and it remained until men...
...Britain -I-*""** that her lite depended upon her predominant aea power, and proceeded to meet it with more power —and with alliances and with the socalled entente...
...When the teacher of journalism reported hb colleague's speech in the Messenger, Mr...
...And it will he proven again and again in the future, as in the past, that our American diplomacy is no match far tbe British...
...With apocalyptic confidence, be forecast tbe fall of the miners' "archenemy operator...
...Than m worse things even than war...
...that they wflt gat the best of our aa called dfejlnmiti often to tbe future sa they did get the best of WOeon to Paris fa ISIS and of Hashes to 1*22...
...Bat it is based on brutal force and valid only so kmc as all the other powers submit—or are not Mtfong...
...It is purely an ex parte decision...
...The first Pruutj certm Ms aestoer from Boston wtth a mmof horses and carted his boots and shoes to Albany and other sections, selling on the way to all who would buy...
...Tbe whole Industry Is concentrating into a few hands and the time is about here when a dosen or twenty big companies win handle ail the shoe business of the country...
...professor of economics spoke to s miners' clam on some of the strike Issues...
...So far as Brockton is concerned it tost eight hundred people in one year lately, according to the report of the city water department... pases wtth Italy, at peace wtth Stogtond-s enemy, at peace wtth SB the world...
...Bat that atop Is stopped fey a British erutoer, taken, into a British port, sad a British court dacaBbSj that tbe American cargo Is ultimately Intended for Britain's enemy—or may get there—condemns sad seises the cargo...
...The biggest company which operated there went out of business within tbe pest year or two causing consternation In tbe whole city...
...axw^ha I things than death...
...And if America treafelto BBjilH by an eccentric high tariff—tet s BfeBJg Burope put up the same kind of a t«tf> egatost America...
...West Brook field...
...stood that I am not a pacifist in thtassa that I am a nonresistant...
...The World War cost SS.0O0S0O Uvea sad 4400^00,000,000 worth of property...
...A hundred years ago and down to sixty years ago there was in Massachusetts a great shoe district for tbe manufacture of men's working boots and shoes...
...Their penitentiary offense for an officer ot informant reminded them that it is a trustee of a public institution to have an interest In property sold to the institution...
...By an arrangement between the president of the university and the publisher of the paper who is also a trustee of the university, the paper paid part of tbe teacher's salary...
...Germany could never have been defeated by us...
...Recently Governor Cooper asked for the resignation of the state treasurer who had been convicted of attempted bribery and con- ¦ spiracy to violate tbe prohibition laws...
...Our right of movement in the world Is subject to the will of 'England, And am»riff»ra say farther: We toaend to vtadtoate ear right to the freedom of the eea and if mnullify for that pnipuet...
...Have absolute neutrality and asSSwfeJ of the "seven seas...
...What hi taking place between Great Britain and America la almost exactly what took place as between Britain and Germany In the decade that preceded the war...
...And what voMfe> toft of Burope after the catss«opbk WgjH btjeoue coounqniit...
...Tom Ttopett was the speaker...
...The miners also took up the cudgels and following a mass meeting addressed by Joaepb W. Sharts...
...Whole families worked at tbe trade and sons and daughters fallowed their fathers and mothers aa shoe workers...
...We undonhtedry will have more conferences and more agreements and disagreements about armament and disarmament...
...But i since both governor and attorney general...
...Out of that completion and these alliances came the war...
...As it was known that mast everybody wsuM want s pair of boots by November the banks were not aJraid to loan money to the a sugars stoma There was no change to the hats or fa tbe styles and •raws ft was perfectly sate to make them to advance...
...Imprisonment in the penltentiary/-rftt , less than one year nor more thanSten...
...It is an Impossible etoan for it amounts to saying that the interest of mankind upon the seas sheB to taw and to fact be subject to too British Admiralty...
...Accompanied by representatives of other labor organisations, the miners laid these facts before Governor Donahey, asking an investigation of these and other purchases...
...In the midst of this stir the miners received a hot lead...
...America has stood up for the protect-on of her trade consistently since she ' ~s feemme aa independent country...
...The student pastorate was discontinued...
...The penalty tor such mis- : conduct, tbe opinion found, "shall be...
...u neoeeaary, oy ecosnaws svswv sure, without reaort to arms...
...Only the American theory of rights st asa happens fee be In Iraaanadfeafega eonah* with the British theory of sea rights...
...The teacher of journalism had to move on but the Athens Messenger, owned by a university trustee, continues in the university's favor and this year has three members of its news staff on the faculty...
...From the governor the case went to tbe auditor of state who turned it over to the attorney general...
...Brookfleld, and many other nearby towns an the way to and tactedtag North Adams...
...Worcester, Spencer, Marlboro, Hudson, East Brook tte Id...
...These were made during the were ¦ stored up by the manufacturers...
...Then the factories would make shews from November tin May...
...Early In tbe strike a young...
...As far ss Is known la hk«cry she lost eae war agataM her And even the New Tors World, which to oxticnauy frtomtty to BttgJkaM, said recently: The British Admiralty and a part of the Brttiab Nation still holds fast to the claim that Grant Brttain shall have the power to say who shall sad who shall not safl the sen in ships...
...There is no more black smoke aad no more wefl trodden paths of the workers...
...From that time on shoes came into style sad While this was the first great change, other changes ware to eeese which were still greater and more far narhing in their effect upon toe werkers...
...The esse from the American point of view stems to be very strong...
...He could not compete...
...This unprofessional innovation excited opposition from the operators and business men who were determined to revive on their own terms coal's lost cause in southern Ohio...
...There is at toast one factory, now in operation...
...Tbe course of events to the shoe industry has been such that Invention and improvement came one after another and all of these were labor-saving...
...But it gave up business and all these people were thrown out of work with no place where they could seek a Job for all tbe other shops with a few exceptions in the district had given up or were about to quit...
...True there are people living in these places yet, but they are mostly folks who came from Beaton sad other cities, setting homes fin the country which were being sold off so cheaply...
...That was one of the biggest firms in the country and when It could not continue, against the fierce competition of the present, what can be said of the firms that are doing less than one-quarter of the work of the R and H people...
...He has moreover a poor record of dealtogs with faculty ¦aanlii n interested fa miners...
...sfti A Prtagraui o£ P|B,I**V2 border lines, and tariffs all ever JM production in Europe...
...A cruiser will he no aaaa for the airplane-or the submarine...
...W—W j Figjfat For Capilsysto ¦ W j I can not get enthused, about Sttgwijg j war for world markets or tor the toagju ] menu of Mr...
...Also the attitude of the trade unions in the movement may be spoken of...
...Another professor of economics was subsidized bust /ear by the Athens Chamber of Commerce to conduct research work in public utilities and industry...
...On January 23, tbe miners' committee made a fourth trip to the now familiar state executive offices in Columbus and deposited copies of their former petitions with Ohio's new governor, Myers Y. Cooper...
...And it to no longer a struggle between the small and large shops but is becoming s struggle between tbe biggest...
...enough —to offer resistance...
...Protecting His "Furniture" The following morning the professor was called from the campus to Mr...
...The United States held on to Us theory of sea right m a policy of national security and International ^utice, and it hoid...
...Tbe student pastor, laboring under the eccentric notion that there was a connection between religion and the miners' condition^ bad organised aad taught in his leisure time the miners' class which had become a center for discussion of the strike situaction...
...To pat it to as few wards as poariolc at is this: ssarriea...
...Cruisers, no matter how rataT may build, will be obsolete within the aen 10 or IS years...
...Aad tbe nest war—which, by tts vary nature, would be a world war again would cost si finitely more...
...Have an totemmtional ouugiaa mm weu-understood and etoariy defliaabgl" lative powers veer rntemationsl aSBfefe and establish a genuine totsrasBsBlt| court to construe these tatsrsstkSSf?' laws...
...It at now in tax bands of the third or fourth generation aad to the assy firm known to toe writer to have as shingle sagggBaj out tor more than a century fa toe Boston eluilieafej dkdrtet...
...Whole systems were Superseded, with the larger factories growing ever larger and with tbe total number of plants growing fewer...
...It was a prosperous aad thrifty section for industry, stretching awsy for more than a hundred miles from near Boston across tbe state to North Adams...
...and to nawverA-S»saeJ)M Uon...
...Present conditions have caused tbe workers to give up all thought of a home for they know not where or when they are going to have employment or whether they axe to have any...
...At the state auditors office their investigator found nineteen warranto signed by the president of tbe university for separate orders of coal bought by the university from two coal companies of which Biddle was a director, of one president and of tbe other treasurer...
...This was tbe firm Of Rice and Hutchlns which had been in business a half century or more and bad three very large plants in that city employing thousands...
...Furniture becomes an extra burden to peogle who are forced to tramp the roads and trudge the highways loosing for s place to work and earn bread...
...Exodus of the Jobless During the past forty years the old time shoe district mentioned above tost about all Its factories sad business Here and there one or two shops still continue...
...AB of these towns had anywhere from one to a onsen factories down to a half century ego...
...I could point out several more instances of the disaster that has followed the machine system in the shoe industry, but space will not permit...
...A few weeks later the head of the department of sociology helped arrange and served as chairman ot a public meeting to get to the community the miners' point of view in tbe coal controversy...
...Is worse than tSmg^i death...
...Such dsrMoes H|M Sm S*mm ¦ !¦ jl mM n M n . . M ¦n ¦¦ ^.^^^^^^awsasta,libbb]bbww enxorceu...
...A professor of American history acted ss secretary of a strike-breaking Civic Association of business and professional men who in their mass meeting howled down the young Journalist and student pastor for protesting the association's strike breaking moves...
...Germany sat out to build a navy...
...m on,: sjaatsto af the world aaar|as, of which tbe -rata of the mm* bi oMya...
...j A Kept University y Enjoined by toe court, intimidated by: company police, and- arrested by the score, the miners had come to share Mr...
...Denvers was tbe first town in tbe country to make shoes, according to some historians...
...Thus had capitalism struck them, tearing famines apart and robbing famines of the only real tie on this earth which appeals to the heart strings of all, namely, the home...
...Last fall they again ' went to the governor this time petition- j tag BIddle's immediate removal from, office as trustee on the grounds of breach I of public trust and exertion of harmful ] control over a state institution...
...In tact, has always dene so...
...conviction of Biddle, but were determined to sever his profitable and domi- 1 nating connection with the university, a 1 connection which by some unusual ar- | rangement he and eleven other trustees of Ohio University are to enjoy until death or resignation...
...If the Tory viewpoint is to prevail In England, tost country wm undoubtedly seek and complete all sorts of *"*fr«r ¦¦ Bk tbe iiifliai of the sjaaackss, astor ag...
...Spencer being sixty miles from- Boston and still more from Albany, it can be seen that it took much time to make a round trip to either city...
...To end this petty tyranny the miners followed up tbe anonymous lead...
...America has made it plain that she intends to posse iff a navy as big and aa sole as that of Great Britain, and that if Great Britain does not disarm, or reduce her navy, America would proceed to build...
...Great Britain says in effect that such trade wtth neutrals shall be subject to her namasnd of tbe am to war rime to her right to decide whether this or that cargo might net in the end go to Britain's enemy, aad Bngland claims the right to be the sole judge in every instance...
...Practically every family had its own home, wholly paid for or nearly paid for...
...Logic On the other hand, however, the British claim: To surrender tbe right to search and capture neutral ships would be to surrender the most powerful weapon which we have...
...The grand Jury dismissed the charge...
...As science Is developing now, sad a pecially chemical science...
...discovered that it was no laager neoaaary to have so much leather protecting the le* After that-the long knot began to disappear...
...Slavery, fir togSl j to my rnrnd...
...America ought to Jote to mmVWi aaagsdM TTTTlfil i—mmlettnfH Sf BSiH rals to consider International dtonBat *1 they may arise...
...The Anglo-American situation may not duplicate in every detail the AngloGerman—because we have neither France nor Russia as neighbors, and Germany has both—but the underlying facts of competition, although both the Governments of Great Britain and Amfrira deny it, is nevertheless identical And If the assumption that "Britanpia must rule the waves"—that England must predominate on the seven seas—was sound and correct In its quarrel with Germany aad correct to Its aaarret with Germany fit saast also fee considered to hold good agates* the United States...
...From those towns an exodus was seen resembling the rout of tbe people In Belgium and France in the' late war...
...m t> insVttwT ˆt m%mttm£ Several suggeettons could fee aagaaajl One would be thai: Let the repreaentativm of all Us gMe* llsed nations of the world fee asaasBSg> tn a great conference for the jiilimai Sjhj undoing, as far as poeatbla, the gwsl'ni tbe World War...
...Governor Cooper made the usual promise to investigate...
...Marlboro, Hudson and Spencer, have weathered the storm but there is absolutely nothing fa tbe shape of security which win cause toe shoe worker ia any Sf these peaces to fed that be is safe... the war ourselves as Bhgilsb «3tes...
...And if we look'at it from the well-established historical and economic point of view It holds out little or no promise for a better future...
...Thai is sound logic from a British point of view...
...In order to make an of tots BBaflR there must be complete and uulisistf db^ be brought about'as'speedily as aaaWK OHIO LABOR TURNS THE TABLES Wealthy Keeper of State University Exposed As Corrupt Profit-Taker By Walter Ludwig INAUGURATION bouquets were still fragrant in tbe state house when a crannititer itpnanting tbe miners and other tabor organisations petitioned Ohio's new governor...
...And Mr...
...This is the sttuatfcan up to date...
...when we ¦ we...
...Unavailing protests followed...
...They lost their life savings, in many cases, and it became so bad that property would hardly bring the taxes under tbe red flag of the auctioneer...
...Morgan, Mr...
...The populations of entire dan may thus be destroyed within a few sah» utes, and every living being, man saw women, and children, destroyed Is the world market worth all of tbat Now...
...Tbe trustee in question, T. R. Biddle, a man of personal amiability but centurion authority, is tbe Andrew Mellon of Hocking Valley coal, operators and Ohio University trustees...
...For aa answer the writer would point to the fact that during the past thirty yean Lynn baa gone down from 12,000 shoemakers to leas than eight thousanB, During tbe five years, from IBM to IBM...
...Only when tbe people reaUae tost tote, as well as other tosdlag industries, must be placed to the hands of the public, under aafettc ownership, wffl there be security sfcoaa sad are then left unfed...
...It employed over 1100 "hands" at that time...
...T ET us renew the situation, then...
...True to biological form the weaker organism succumbed first and last spring the president dismissed the teacher without trial Or hearing...
...Tbe teacher was later made citydistrict editor and in that capacity during the strike attempted to give the miners an even break by reporting impartially their meetings and speeches along with those of the operators and service club speakers... shall have s navy so powerful that our rights win be respected even by Great Britain...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 11

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