SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK m^^^^^^^mmoif* tbe nittenal ^bfs^ij party- propaginrt* s*hbon work b) on tbe jr^resee ^cffioeet to continuing 1u pabaew members and stimulating warn to...

...Is now compute... be the principal, speaker win be held at Jack's Restaurant, 72 Beaver street It *s expected that Herman Kobbe will preside as teas tines ter if the improvement in his health permits...
...58 Ivy Court...
...The first issue win appear on Saturday, March If, and will contain an open letter from Gardner Jackson of the Saooo-Vanzetii Daians* Committee to President Lowell...
...Branches are urged to elect delegates...
...a ¦*^(i™ •» held to organise a senoir T...
...Comrade Rosen, chairman of the ball committee, has done splendid work to helping to make this affair a ¦access...
...Every person enrol)tog as a Socialist for tbe first time should be visited and urged to affiliate with the organisation...
...March 34...
...The Albany conference-dinner Sunday at which Morris HUlquit is...
...Comrades reading this notice are urged to attend the next meeting as tickets* for the social and dance on April 21 will be distributed... the Labor Lyceum, 190 Belmont Ave...
...Auspices, Socialist Party 9-18th A. 0 Sunday, March 24, 3 p. m. Henry Jaeger "Curent Events... a. D. Samuel Orr...
...One circle meets at 11 a. m. and the other meet* at 3 p. m. Mr AH iter Coleman In West New Nork McAlister Coleman wfll address the West New York seniors on Monday...
...The price is ¦ cents, and those who want copies should write to the Stats office of the Socialist Party... wil consist of the following numbers: Maria Palay, an accomplished Spanish Dancer wfll render a number of dances in the art of that country...
...Kingsway Mansion, 160: Avenue P. near 16th Street... Felgenhaum, "Tammany Hall" 221 Brighton Beach Avenue...
...337 a 3th Street Ausnieej socialist Party, 4-14th A, D. Branon...
...Iff* *«• *t i P. M The new organiser, ?*¦«¦ Mrmntog, win Outline future pbto and lead s discussion on Matifittmiaa meeun* ^ 1x1(1 &l i ~ .Cwrtral jewish Branch l.™ untosl" Jewtoh Branch will hold BSSlrJeettB» Thursday, March 28, tyf"* Institute The new organiser ^¦satortoced at tbe meeting...
...The Trinity of Plunder" Hollywood Gardens, 33a Prospect avenu* Auspices, Modem Culture Fellowship Forum...
...wUl address Friday's meeting on "Constitutional lew...
...In man: sataor speakers are asked for a eopj jZmr aMseh by a reporter before it £ zfeemtand it should be in shape tc gesssfcte the reporter...
...urging them to is'hlw party and- help... 8:30...
...18th A. o. At the last meeting August claessens, pur Executive Secretary, addressed us on "The Restriction of Immigration... had mr...
...Vice-Chairman, B»*w"^*«esoluttons Committee: 3 reb» 0*2**' 4 Discussion do (a) Alma, |tet**iJ?nsi Activities, (o interfiasr1*1 «*> League Activities...
...Auspice Soeianst Party, Kingshighway Branch Friday, March 29, 8:30 p. m. Alfxandei Walker...
...a. Snow as a subcommittee to map out a wwy- «*• nowu bamsmnaip «nwciuc will be held to tbe immediate future to hoar the report of toe caaunltles on plans for won...
...April 27...
...Voters' lists State Secretary Merrill asks all party official county chairmen to secure from the boards of election of their respective counties the copy of tbe enrollment of voters to which they are entitled under the Election Law...
...west Pmhtoetobto branch has apl» toselal meeting for Wednesday...
...New York State State Executive committer The date for the next meeting of the State Executive Committee has been tentatively set for Sunday, March 31...
...There ware some fine enstnmeo and 7 prises were distributed—3 cash prizes and 4 other prises...
...Virginia, wUI lecture on "The Future of Socialism in America...
...2nd a. D. With tbe distribution of the enrolled voters lists the work of canvassing has been resumed with fresh vigor, This branch neglects no phase of activity...
...Spring Concert and Dance The program for the coming affair to be held by the City Organization Saturday evening...
...County orgjnteor WeOa plan of organisation, adopted by the atecoiwnhto, was discussed and details worked out, The County Organise...
...Kings Highway Branch The next meeting will be held Wednesday...
...An oratorical contest- of the senior clubs on "The Young Circte League and the Labor Movement", two speakers from each club...
...NEW JERSEY Saturday...
...Problems and Issues Before thi Coming British Election", wniiamsburi Mansion, 397 South 5th Street...
...March 32, 8:30 p. rn...
...sth a. D. Patrick j. Murphy...
...4-l4th a. D. il Friday, March 29, 8:30 p. m. Wm...
...August Classens' talk aroused considerable discussion and interest... bad a splendid attendance and many old timers were there—op that it looked like a regular house-warming.' The spirit prevailing was wonderful sad "about 500 ticket* were sold at the door...
...the name of the drama is "Stampinu" by Sholem a]t]wm these who desire tickets should write to organizer simon Cohen...
...Tickets win shortly be in the mail and every effort will be made to obtain the record crowd of the season...
...bapssaemhe Young Circle League bv"*** seation will be held from mill* * »' the amalgamated Co¦iit2*2»e to the Bronx...
...March 30, at Schwaru's Theatre...
...Tickets for all performances sell out weeks in advance...
...March 32, S;3Q p. m. Dr...
...On the whole the affair was a financial and moral success wffl^peahon ,^^l5^^>j isokl^tfem oolnw^sklnl^s witt dodwetto bavossoti^ii^fc^ d^i'iisltefuf 11 stilfisot- sta*f^ss»ss tttis Sanday*5gb?a» ttthpmvotoonv rode wetoberg...
...the proceeds wig be used to decorate the house...
...2nd A, D. Dr...
...Other comrades throughstrt the state are active...
...BROOKLYN Fraiday...
...Both hs ¦!«?-*• L Bsfley and his son Cecil b"*** sad staunch Socialists and are h *¦« work m their section of the leg?* "mb are a credit to the So¦^¦Wg...
...KINGS COUNTY 4-14 a. D. • At the meeting of this Friday evening, March 22...
...Sunday, April 14...
...Upper West Side The next meeting will be held Thursdsy svextos;,-ars^ cto u^osletof dr...
...having st least the kernel of it esggbhsttand have them handy tc ^tl 'me hands of newspapers...
...The enrolled Socialist voters win be invited t ohear this important lecture...
...Delegates to the JCty Convention will be ejected and other Important matters will be token up...
...March 15...
...Prises to the winners...
...The committee win receive the report of the State Secretary from the conference of State secretaries, which conference is to be held next Sunday, and will elect five members of the National Committee to serve until tbe next State Convention...
...Tremonl educational forum, 32U third Avenue near Tremont Avenue...
...It mm) found that tat many cases thi lie then will be much-greater and the sateehen more accurately...
...7th A. D. West The Theatre Party will happen on Tuesday, March 28...
...Sunday, April 28, * p. m. Concert to aid to raising a fund to buy tocos for "declassed" Russian Jews...
...31 Ssssx Street, Boston, or to Lawrence b- Cohan, Jr., 33 Holyoke Street, Cambridge...
...manhattan J-55-10 A. D. A weU attended meeting was held last Tuesday evening at the Cherry Lane Tea Shop...
...On Friday evening, March 29, this branch will have a business session at which matters pertaining to can visaing, captaincy and general organisation work will be acted upon...
...tog*' ^wle u be organised m8wjz^g- March 22...
...The Sustaining mil Committee met this week and ors drive for organisation funds...
...The topic Is "W1U the Restriction of Immigration Improve American Labor Conditions...
...Theatre Guild—"Caprice...
...state convention The annual State convention will be held on April 21 at 1.1 A. M. at 21 Street, Boston...
...I ^f***l membership Meeting ¦ffjf* general membership meeting g&t>£*'leirde Clubs in greater New est * ^jpi'y wtti be held Saturday...
...On tbe 29th...
...4th A. D. A special meeting wil be held Wednesday, March 27, at the East Side Socialist Center, 204 Bast Broadway...
...For the immediate work of supplying election district captatoa, who wd be appointed during this weok, with tons of the voters coming under their jurisdiction, both enrolled socialist and others, a force of Volunteers is needed...
...March 22, Henry Jager wfll speak...
...Henry Jager, former Assemblyman, will also speak...
...fsb a D. To bo designated: 7th A D. louis sisman...
...Purthor announcarnent* win be made In toe near future...
...8th A. D. John Hcrbng...
...The following have been designated as amsrahly district T.osden...
...frank ^ boanor^whoj^^JJj** -pfjfjffi bank rosner is but a young steavbstjm delivered sn utiormative talk cm the ws* debts and the league of nations...
...A live local ¦jjj"htord In a short time...
...Comrade Jager gave quite a hand on the night of the affair and in the sale of the candy which he participated in, we made quite a few dollars... better comedy than "Caprice", produced by the Theatre Guild at the Guild Theatre, can be seen on Broadway this season...
...C-8-12 A- DThe next meeting will be held on Monday, March 25, at the headquarters, 96 Avenue C. Important business will be the election of delegates to the City Convention, discussion of matters pertaining to the Convention and welfare of the branch...
...the propgj**» of 1 Addresses of Welcome...
...and with a - fsaefsysas* txoxiananelib rim lalhls tosh the national ofttetleserfor montory donstions argsrtrpmmtaf sad «mmw ptnuumd to ptw ft ust to the bands of "every soeianst and orar-soctahst tn that city and ask...
...8th A. D. A very well attended meeting of tbe Amalgamated co-operative Branch was held last tuesday evening...
...March 27 at 8:30 p. m. shary at the Kingsway Mansion...
...recent Socialist can¦sjfc ItosMsnt, win speak at a mam •sttog sunday evening...
...This branch is now busily engaged in an effort to increase its membership by making contacts with !the enrolled Socialist voters...
...Tbe Measure of Social Progress" too west 181 States, Boom 16— auspices, Boetollst^H...
...Next Sun¦ to est having a conference with ¦ comrades of Westmoreland County, ti darby after that wo expect to bes so* there, with tbe hope that the mv wa men be dotted with new sssmi Wft have now reorganised five tastes sad our field worker...
...Tremont Educational Forum, 49x1 Third Avenue near Tremont Avenue, aBsptocs, Socialist Party, Branch Seven...
...Friday, March It, 9:30 p. m. Angus Cite mien...
...8:30, at the Labor Lyceum, 17th Street and Tyler Place...
...cwfj** the meeting rooms U^bnmch, 543, at 100 Essex St, ¦^bj^*1 Senters'wni boto^sn^evenlng of Drama and dance Saturday...
...Now that the enrollment lists are at hand, an effort is being made to canvass these people and Increase the membership...
...tb^^watjb measure of social promos...
...The next meeting of tbe County Committee, Monday, March 28 win also give further consideration to plans recently outlined for uu strengthening of the Bronx organisation...
...Boro Park La' bar Lyceum, 42nd Street and 14th Avenue...
...Beaton Study Cms* The Boston Central Branch and the Yipsels are holding study classes with discussion every Friday at 8 P. M. at 21 Essex Street...
...hi a. u. Plans are under way to organise a branch in this district...
...Important matters will also be decided...
...the committee reported that tickets are going fast...
...usually it pays to byg| i radio speech and time oneeeh iwmkars should have their speeches yjj _ siwnce when they are booked kk...
...fennsylvania (mr secretary Limbach writes: "We ¦a renpeused the branch at York with mnr-sve iiisaitisrn in good standing si t Crest seal of sothmtasm The mm at Lyfcens has also been reerbScb sad they are doing good work ¦ jsnsung future, activities...
...1602 Avenue P (Avenue P and Bast 16th St, Brooklyn: off the Brighton Beach Subway Line...
...April 27, Cncert and aOnce, Debs Auditorium...
...This re^toinotagln advance...
...March 23...
...All comrade* are urged to attend tins very temortant sesstest...
...March 23, 8:30 p. m. Augus Claessens...
...Friday, March 89...
...8:30 n. m. Marfan Hansome...
...Dx Anna Ingerman...
...if this Is s m win get much greater result* trnsack tbe public to a much largel Oregon i gehJBseretsry S. r. McAlpine Is pushi sssotoatac work in several places ft ise**} to make a few trips, visiting * oast promising places and getting ¦a* ifcu&t He has sent 100 letters lpiipglril EocialieU...»ortent H*cawntngi of mm weak", asm guest speaker, jlouii bhstoto topic, "The corruption to the Legal Profession...
...tuesday, March st, »<.!»> to, Aufuat Claessens...
...march la a*- the- guest and sneaker for tht svontot...
...I should like very aft tf contribute one "thousand new estos nom Permsyrmnia to your 2»,B*s»farlf39...
...Alexander Walker, formerly of the Scottish Labor Party, will speak on the "Problems and Issues in the Coming British Elections?'" On April 5, Joseph A. WeU well-known Brooklyn Comrade will speak on "What to know in order to succeed...
...the confartnee wfll be held to LotUsvUtoMassachusetts _ . . harvard Socialist ctab The Harvard Socialist club has launched a bi-weekly paper...
...H87 Boston Road, any evening during next week from 8 to 10 o'clock...
...Its forum is well attended and under the leadership of Murray Gross, the work of canvassing the enrolled Socialists is progressing...
...The Future of Socialism in America and Abroad" Williams, Burg Mansion...
...3510 Church avenue...
...Kentucky there win he a state eemference of the Kentucky socialista some time la the near future and plans made'to reorganise tbe State, if toe plana of the National Office can be carried out and receive sufficient support and co-operation from the kentucky coorrades...
...vs^tt^h'p- m. august claessens...
...SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK m^^^^^^^mmoif* tbe nittenal ^bfs^ij party- propaginrt* s*hbon work b) on tbe jr^resee ^cffioeet to continuing 1u pabaew members and stimulating warn to ^I^pij^j5,rZl: »l"j5__ fkf state and eastrtet of¦*\is7to the joeate and brwcbaa, a **¦ „ onr me...
...Rand School, 1 E. IS St...
...Gilbert R. Sackman, one of the branch boys...
...was- Intel m lad to designate assembly District skadars and Ejection District Captains...
...Following the program, the famous Negro Jasz Band, the Renaissance Dance Orchestra will furnish the dance music for tbe balance of the evening...
...Esther Friedman to Newark Esther Friedman wfll addres two junior circles in Newark...
...A number of valuable souvenirs will be given away at this affair including a subscription to the Literary Guild, a set of 12' volumes of Oscar Wilde and other books...
...A band will provide dance music...
...New York Gity Coming Party Events March 28, Theatre Party...
...The 1928 enrollment should bo the basis for a drive for new members...
...March 24...
...His topic is "Society and Sex...
...cau up the county Office of r. A. Mollin 1405 walton Avenue, for reservations...
...uterature and Re•5 mdsd by Norman Thomas, are aT tisiltnf to our comrades: gjussi o» Cesorades Lewis...
...sel" and "Labor and Immigration.'' Tbe New Bedford local win bold a meet, lag st Labor Temple on March 3< at 8 p. m. Subject, "Socialism and Americanlam...
...the branch meets at the Martinique Mansion, 158 and Beck Streets...
...Lecture Calendar Sunday...
...Rose Goldsmith, Fairbanks 1617...
...23d A. D. The Masquerade Ball was very fine...
...The after¦kvsril...
...These are asked to report at County Headquarters...
...It Is planned to have at least one hundred election districts to the bronx fully organised and active bv-April I. The Bronx Counts Committa* also announces the formation of a Bureau of pree information and service and invites residents of the Bronx, irrespective of political faith or affiliation, to make full use of it The directors are Samuel Orr, Louis WeU, John Herung, Jacob A. Bernstein and Morris GUnet...
...May 1. Madison Square Garden...
...Subjects for the following week include "The Psychology of Propaganda," "Tbe Socialism of Bertrand Rus...
...Alice Crawford, one of our negro comrades and also a very excellent Soprano will render a short program of classical and folk asngs...
...33-43 A, O, Friday, March II, 8;SO a, m. Louli Waldman, "Looking Forward...
...Young Circle news (the young circte clubs hove been formed by the h orktnen s circle to provide children of its members an opportunity for social and intellectual contacts in an atmosphere *%im fat hf tic in the ideals of the labor movement...
...The new Party State Constitution provides for the election of members of tbe National Committee by tbe State Convention...
...a fafrry wefl'steno&^9eotinerwathell tuesday...
...Members at large are entitled to attend with a voice and if convention so decides a vote as well...
...Brownsville Labo: Lyceum, auspices Y. P. S. L. Wednesday, March 27, 8:30 p. m. Henn Jager and David George "The Social is Movement...
...ayrtt 9, -distribution of wesltht april 38, "solVBONX COUNTY oss For votentoera At the last meeting of the county commfttes...
...Merrill ^jlsleceevlnces us that it is posft tasst soon n*se time even over b itflstations Comrades throughscessseryimould be urged to work *& m many towns broadcasting slthb sirsnged-when a socialist sr m tsjbung to the city...
...3rd A- D. Murray Gross...
...Fennaylvanla, *j>*jlj2tlphja...
...psaaw ass are expected to stosnittha tnti of a serial of lectures on "800uustotivm...
...Anna Ingerman will speak on "The Future of Socialism in America and Abroad...
...Auspices, 3d A. d- Branch...
...225 Brighton Beach, on Wednesday, March 13...
...Brighton Beach...
...3rd a. D. This branch continues to grow to numbers' and activity...* The first session, from 2 to ikj'.j be held at the Rand School...
...94 Avenue c. auspice*, Socialist party, s-s-13 a. ft...
...Brooklyn newspapers are giving much space to our lectures every Friday night...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, Branch Seven...
...Rachel will arid res the membership...
...So ciaSst Party, Brighton Beach Branch...
...n—wllli hi hitadmr h Oder to accommodate the large mt teach ¦ expected to hear Frank issbswktha New York Negro Soetal| m Use i Hall has been engaged gfssjay night, March It, ^thoauo in Pettstown ssans'rhamae...
...abraham" MUUn...
...Auspices Soeianst Party...
...Sunday, March 24, 11:30 a. m. henri Jager...
...Comrade Mas*, fcpeets good returns for bis bra fct Lancaster...
...Bailey, at Weston, is at work ^•to * Lewis County local and has pgjgdaccd results...
...cleveland and lot ^slji»e sentiment of the com¦*to3oruy of the state* reserdmrZSSial a national coeamlttee tjsfasa earning may and nrxttng an •#jlz« opinion MHMt it, due ^ksijaet that tew at the state* ¦W"_**l~< the expense of sending itol&s^hteh would make the ¦ggjaaa a nesting of little value, •»*ll~j ¦xeeuave committee has Msenttve motion to the effect r*l*l^tter meeting be held this **«w^itentlmerrt of most of the £. ote fctthe effect that a meeting jffishcskej of our Com5?tpnhucttv...
...David George of Richmond...
...njjgjn of Chairman...
...Simon, Berlin "Subject to be announced" Martinique Mansion, 186 and Bote Street...
...David George of Richmond, Virginia, gave an interesting talk on the "socallst movement in the southeast...
...Camden New Jersey Auspices, Socialist Party...
...west virginia [a** Secretary Biggins reports: "Comg*L...
...the branch meets In the Rockaway Mansion, 695 Rockaway Ave., Room 4. Brighten Beach 2nd A. D. A business meeting* was held at our headquarters...
...It conducts a class in Socialism at branch meetings, sends its members to tht Rand School Classes, and for entertainment and finance, has arranged a Theatre Party for "The Kibltser" on Friday evening, April 19...
...Auspices, Branch Seven Bronx...
...h. baory and wm...
...A theatre benefit will be held Saturday night...
...1st A. xx dr...
...abraham Wsiner...
...Ethelred Brown spoke on "The Negro Problem...
...the eomrnittoo rooonuy steetotftorenoe khapatrtok, wm...
...The •fhf wffl be held In Moose HaD, High sf Otanotte Streets...
...Boro Park Branch On Friday evening, April 5, August Claessens will lecture in the Labor Lyceum, uta avenue ana una street...
...m mmj Day Committee will meet at Mr Iretrt]Tte Monday evening, March I _ West FhlMeMahia lp...
...8 p. m. at -the Rand School...
...n mtertaintoent aaddance...
...continued and the w'mm 1 ^uolutions committee wffl psnghff- At 9 o'clock" the meeting Bi aiSrSf*^ onr'co-6p6rstive hous¦K!%tWra£ter toe meeting win isito rest" or toe evening wm ¦baasjj...
...The Socialism of George Ber nerd Shaw...
...them to (to tub lituo parv niinoJs the cook county (cajtossra) rusiinilhas is getting the fever to push parte work...
...Marcn 23, at their chjbrooms...
...Two one act plays wUl be staged, "A Good Woman" with Anne Zuckcrman and Victor Flavin and "The Artist" with Merrlam Parber and Jack Rubenstein...
...Letters to all enrolled Socialists voters have been sent out and a very large attendance is expected...
...Reservations, for the benefit performance can sttU be made, either by calling the Bronx County Office, KUpatrick 7457, or Phone Mrs...
...It also res q wr comrades cultivate the s5 5k> speaking, which is not ttM JLTm soap boxing...
...Current Events...^Pfc.'in be secved...
...Y. M. C. A- Broadway an< Federal Street...
...Thomas win rat m "Giant Power Master or Ser*«.* rottstown was once an old So» Party stronghold, sad with the es"ssrhomt of a local party paper and jjbti *f tntswit to-the movement it is ytod tost a large crowd will hear Fhilaaehtaia jdrds of toe dinner st which Morris w~9* b to speak will be given In next ¦fss Sew Leader...
...Delegates should make a special effort to attend...
...The next meeting win be held on the 2nd Tuesday in April when Mrs...
...An effort is being made to obtain a large audience by the same intensive advertising that made the recent meeting with Morris Hilqult so successful: -n ¦ / loth A. D. There win be a meeting Friday evening, March 22, at the Workmen's Circle Center, 7318-20th Avenue...
...The Social Impulse in Modem Literature and Drama...
...sss *tT*— New York...
...Bronx Cantor to Roil Theatre Party The Bronx Center of -the TCL has bought 200 tickets for a. theatre party to tor held at the Art Theatre, wednesday, April 10...

Vol. 8 • March 1929 • No. 10

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