Stanley, Louis

UNIONISM FLIVVERS ALONG IN THE AUTO INDUSTRY Craft Divisions Remain Strongest Barrier Against Organizing of Huge Automobile Plants ^35tlonis Stanley * i 'hm. »"""»' crop of automobile abowa ¦...

...Subject, "The World in the Making...
...In the near future a mass meeting will be arranged for the enrolled voters...
...Lectures for the next few weeks Include Tim Murphy, Glralomo Valentt, William Karlln, - McAUater Coleman, Louts Waidman and August C&eesens...
...4-14th A.D...
...2) that there be an Interchange of working cards...
...The Introduction of labor-saving devices was undermining the ad vintage of skill that Its members possessed and the growing popularity of the automobile threatened to destroy the industry altogether...
...Anniversary Meeting Friday, Feb...
...Then, their troubles started...
...There will be a fine musical program...
...Socialist Mayor J. Henry Stump will be the guest of honor and William Morris Feigenbaum will speak on "Our Immediate Problems...
...march 7, worcester c. l. u„ subject, "unemployment and unemployment insurance...
...to call a conference of all national and international unions interested in the automobile industry for the purpose of working out details to inaugurate a general organizing campaign among the workers of that Industry: and that the question of Jurisdiction be suspended for the time being, so that the desired result sought It is f»gr,ifw™t to note that t he original resolution proposed that the officers of the A. P. of L. should Inaugurate the campaign rather than the component craft unions concerned...
...Upper West Side A well attended meeting was held last Thursday evening...
...Branches are urged not to arrange any meetings in conflict with It...
...Important matters vital to the branch are on the order of business...
...J. L Afros accounted for one and Simon Sarasobn, who in the old days was considered a champion recruiting agent for-the 23rd A.D...
...Other activities are contemplated for the future...
...The nraanfakM drtvs failed chJonTy be* Hft ttotSmSyZEffl earvwd-** pw...
...The proceeds go to the City Executive Committee...
...BRONX Central Branch The branch will meet Tuesday, Feb...
...De Nlo to Lecture Pierre De Nlo will lecture to the membership of Circle Two and Nine Juniors at their meeting Friday night, Feb...
...some money has arrived from comrades to assist in organization work...
...august claessens and george e. roewer have had large crowds...
...the secretary is pearl greenberg, 1243 s. homas avenue, chicago...
...Many activities are planned for Local Buffalo in the futture...
...An effort will be made to visit enrolled Socialist voters and obtain new members...
...Very little money has been used this year for the purpose of snow removal...
...Pottstown Active the revived local has held two successful propaganda meetings and is also arranging a mass meeting for james h. maurer who will speak on "what i saw in russia...
...It wax' moot smttaral, therefore, that the 1814 convention of the A. P. of L. should order this uiiaai to strike the word ''automobile" from its cue...
...there will be some municipal elections in the spring and .these are also promising for a heavy socialist vote...
...With the jurisdictional question thus supWorkers* Union was granted the change of title...
...It has also been decided to have a speaker at every business meeting in order to enliven the preceding* and promote the attendance...
...Arkansas an old timer and a live wire in arkansas agrees to help put the movement on its feet in that state...
...16th AT) The Sunday afternoon forum continues Interesting and attendance is improving...
...Organized labor recognizes the existence of a problem, but In the present cultural and political situation In the A. F. of I. the logical solution is anathema...
...There were merely carriages and wagons and the buggy was still a pleasure, not a sentiment...
...Arizona the national office is sending letters to a hundred or more old timers in arizona, with the purpose of reorganizing that state...
...25, at the New Workmen's Circle Bldg., 190 Belmont avenue, Newark...
...New York State Convention Delegates State Secretary Merrill announces that nominations for delegates at large to the National Convention close Feb...
...19 at 8906 161st street (Herrtman avenue) under the auspices of Branch Jamaica...
...The banquet will be held Saturday evening, Feb...
...QUEENS Sewer Meeting la Jaanuwa The Queens sewer scandal, to the fight of a Socialist or labor administration, win be the subject of a lecture and debate Sunday evening, Feb...
...It was Informative, lucid and provocative of interesting discussion...
...Dorchester the forum at wellington auditorium has been immensely successful...
...It b entirely different from the "nonpartisan" policy of the American Federation ef Labor, which leaves the primaries aad conventions and the old party niaehfnery to the hands, of the capitalist enemy...
...New Jersey Newark Banquet local essex county is making arrange[ments for a 'victory banquet" to celebrate the recent Socialist victory in Reading, Pa...
...Italian Branch Italian readers of The New Leader are invited to attend a Forum, being held at the Faso Hall, Carolina and Trenton streets, every third Friday of each month...
...That the unemployment problem upstate is becoming serious is Indicated by a statement made at the meeting of the Schenectady central labor body to the effect that as many as 800 men were hanging around the municipal public works department every morning...
...On Friday evening, March 2, I. George Dobsevage win speak on "Murder as a Fine Art...
...Will it become closely identified rfth the working class political rnovemen^ rf America as have the cooperative move...
...at least a dozen organizers should be to she...
...Just as important, too, is the process of vertical production...
...Two delegates to the Bronx County Committee were elected...
...The carrriage and wagon workers, who were organised into a trade assembly under the Knights of Labor, became a national union in 1891 and affiliated with the young and sprightly American Federation of Labor two years later...
...Branch metlngs have been changed from Monday to Tuesday evenings in the club-rooms, 377 South 3rd street...
...a thousand socialist pamphlets obtained some months ago have all been distributed and another ¦upph/ of 500 Is gone, _____ Illinois Chicago Y. P. s. L. the history and progress of the labor youth movement in palestine was told by meyer hajushka, active chicago socialist, who has returned from palestine, at the forum of the young people's socialist league...
...Ford, for example, begins to produce his cars with the extraction of coal and ore In his mines and ends with profuse apologizing for his Jewbaiting...
...Comrades and friends are cordially Invited...
...In the very first issue of its Journal In June, 1899, the editor predicted that the motor vehicle would some day sell so low as to drive the horse and carriage out of business...
...Buffalo Study Class dates have been changed, second and fourth Friday of each month...
...2.—the enactment of the Senator Wor'ris plan of government ownership antf operation of Muscle Shoals...
...norman thomas will speak feb...
...A Journal is being published and It Is expected that through the ads obtained for It as well as through the ticket sale, the deficit incurred in the last campaign will be wiped out...
...The play is "Porgy", one of the most successful productions of the Theatre Guild this year...
...23j y. m. c. a. forum at 8:30, 316 huntington avenue, boston, same subject...
...This united front foretold a triumph for craft unionism union charter revoked...
...The membership barometer of the 18th AD...
...Ohio State Convention the state convention of ohio, announced for feb...
...Is preparing to Increase Its membership...
...Certainly, scene Intellectual and structural overhauling fc> In...
...The C. W, A; A W. L U. refused to do so...
...Voting together as a class to control old party primaries and conventions and party machinery for the purpose of Being one or the other of the old parka to realise their program was exactly the method employed by the farmers* Nonpartisan League of Minnesota...
...This personal relationship militated against the chances of settling amicably the Jurisdictional disputes that were to arise...
...Mot welcoming annihilation, the latter re/gstd to comply with the order and begged to have It reversed but the conventions of the A. F. of L. were adamant, -i...
...13-18th A. D. This branch, though not very active nor growing in membership...
...apt the hbvrwnitha at the l9li^venfioh charged that the agreement had been vkp la ted...
...The Branch meets at 1465 St...
...Orange avenue, Newark, Monday evening, Feb...
...Every active Socialist must give some'time to obtaining signatures for these petitions...
...There is a move in that direction at present...
...The talk this week by Dr...
...Comrades who have not -seen this play and those who want to see It again are Informed that the theatre Is at the disposal of the Socialist Party for that evening...
...Tickets are 81.25 per plate and may be obtained from County Secretary Andrew P. Wlttel, • 44 Linden avenue, Belleville, N. J. A call has been Issued for a meeting of Local Essex County, at Party Headquarters, 53 So...
...This began the official nibbung at llasfTaiilagi and Wagon Workers' Union...
...Ethelred Brown spoke on "Capital Punishment...
...On Sunday, Feb...
...A slight financial gain was made by the circle...
...continues to rise...
...Benjamin 8alkoff will preside...
...Uon among enrolled voters...
...Admission is free and readers of The New Leader are urged to come and bring their friends...
...New England chances for putting up a ticket in maine are beginning to brighten up a little, but the other states outside of massachusetts are lagging behind...
...At the meeting Feb...
...21, at 1167 Boston Road...
...The members had to be chased out of headquarters at midnight...
...New members are being obtained and an excellent Sunday evening Forum is conducted...
...Yipseldom Members of the League Organization Committee and circle organizers will meet Saturday, Feb...
...Herman Rlvkln, of the City Executive Committee, Is in charge of this performance and every branch will receive its quota of tickets...
...It saw two changes taking place in its industry...
...The Italians are hopeful for a great revival of the Branch...
...19, congregational church of no...
...ductton of Federal income tax ratos^esfe pecially to the higher brackets...
...subject, "economic basis for brotherhood...
...Alice Cohen, former organizer of Circle 2, Brooklyn, will speak over station W E V D on Saturday, Feb...
...The membership Is now circulating primary petitions...
...peak of notifying the Carriage, Wagon and AutoBbBhOe Workers* Union that' tnv pratanskms ware not recognised...
...the new state officers have plans for a full state ticket, as well as a national ticket...
...the a. f. of l. campaign In 1926 the American Federation of Labor, meeting at that union-forsaken city of Detroit, set on foot a campaign to organize the automobile Industry...
...Is it likely to drift definitely toward Independent political action as did the British cooperative movement when it founded the cooperative party and later merged it with the British Labor Party...
...23rd A.D...
...Henry "Pruchter will speak on "Socialism In the United States...
...The farmers' Nonpartisan League gave us the Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota and the Farmer-Labor, movement of the United States...
...At the Feb...
...An appropriate program is being arranged...
...Rlcker further advises, using the Republican party as an illustration: "If we are not powerful' enough to nominate a Republican presidential candidate who Is committed both by his past performances and present pledges to a real program for agriculture, then we should be courageous enough to say to the reactionary Republican bosses, 'Very well, you have nominated your man and he shall not get our votes.' "Until we are ready to do that we win* not Impress the Industrial barons of this nation who now control the Republican party with our sincerity and ««™—« »"H the farmers of the middle west arY not ready to vote against ah opponent of real farm legislation Just because that opponent happens to be a Republican, then we might as well give up the fight, i because we will never win a victory ants we quit being partisan Republicans and Democrats and start in acting together as a farming class determined to have what belongs to us regardless of lb) effect j on politics and poll Uriahs...
...So far as the regular trade union movement hi' the United States is concerned there la no union tb the autotno...
...25 and 26, will be held in workmen's center all, 3467 east 147th street, cleveland...
...Everybody Is getting ready for our re-union and dance which will be held Saturday evening, Feb...
...28, and must be filed by March 6. A meeting for the organization of the official State Committee elected at the primary will be called in New York City sometime during the National Convention...
...Kats and others are actively engaged In spurring the members to make this affair the most successful in the history of this excellent branch...
...Mining, transporting, manufacturing marketing in the best developed organisations are' all controlled from one center...
...We have already referred to the gesture of the Detroit' convention of 1888...
...KINGS 2nd AJ...
...Minnie Weisberg, organizer, Minnie Meslter, William Lichstrahl, Mrs...
...17 8:00 p.m...
...If success rewards their efforts, will be faced by the dilemma of deciding where to send the workers...
...Meetings are held at the Freeman Mansion, 1243 Southern Boulevard...
...Indiana organization work plans are being worked out for organization work throughout the state...
...w. inderlest has been carrying on active propaganda there for several months and after securing several members at large for the state organization, has finally organized a branch with ten members of which he is secretary...
...Marks avenue...
...In the first place, the Farmers' Union is committed to an advanced eooncsaic program—one which would modify considerably the present system in the direction of Socialism or cooperative democracy...
...reports from a number of towns throughout the county indicate that the workers of shllllngton, mohnton, hamburg and other important'boroughs are interested in socialism as a result of the party's victory in this city...
...The president of the A. F. of L. was directed...
...Hence, those who dominated the affairs of the American Federation of Labor were not favorably disposed to the Carriage and Wagon Workers' International Union...
...32nd AD...
...The big annual event of Brownsville, will take place Saturday evening, March 3. This is the annual ball of Brownsville comrades in the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...After outlining tha plan of political attack, which Is to send all the farmers possible to the old part};' conventions with the object of compelling full recognition of the fanner program, Mr...
...pottstown is in montgomery county, about eighteen miles south of reading...
...The 18th now has a membership of 56 and still going strong...
...Whatever special capacity is required today Is rather in the direction of greater accuracy and there the manufacturer prefers to obtain a "green" hand and Inculcate In him the particular aptitude that Is needed...
...In 1918 the charter of the Cars riage and Wagon Workers, as the A. SL of L. began to call it agate, was wiles, , The craft unions had...
...It is the irony of fate that the United Automobile, Aircraft and Vehicle Workers, which as the Carriage, Wagon and Automobile Workers constituted the very organization fitted to organize the automobile industry, should have been expelled from the A. f. of L. for undertaking this very task...
...Most interesting of alt what is likely to be the position of the Farmers' Union in 1828 In the present attempt to form a farmer and labor political front tht* rear...
...Petitions are now being circulated for signatures of Socialist enrolled voters...
...It is imperative that every comrade help in this work...
...19, the circle will meet at 7J0 am...
...A sixpiece band will furnish music...
...a delegate will be sent to the national convention and a general organization campaign carried on...
...The circle headquarters are the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman street, Brooklyn...
...Comrades are requested to report to their branch headquarters or to the County or City Offices...
...Circle Two Circle Two Senior held a social last week that was one of the best ever held under its auspices...
...Comrades are urged to purchase tickets and make this a gala affair...
...It has become a common-place to talk of the mechanisation of production In the motor vehicle field...
...James Battistonl spoke to a well attended meeting on Jan...
...Federation are to the same process of ew> lution that the farms' Nonpartisan League was when ft wah changing into the Farmer-Labor Party, and that 183V will show a real advance to Una dhsfttton...
...To all those who were invzed and did not attend, you missed a jkba\ time...
...25, at 9:45 p. m. Her subject will be "Youth and Social Education...
...The whole weight of tha coalition at present is directed toward breaking up partisan Republican and Democratic fifr)"-""""' and training the farmers to vote for their class interests to vote as fanners and not as Republicans or Democrats...
...This opened up wide the whole question of craft autonomy and a conference was called In which the carriage workers', blacksmiths' and upholsterers' unions participated...
...It augw treated councfls for the automobile industry in various cities on the style of those' to the building trades, A refersnderm vote among Ms nwemhsrnhlp revealed utmost unanimous support of the officers for- by this time the union practically consisted entirety of automobile em* pioyees...
...comrades in arkansas should write to the national headquarters what cooperation can be expected from them...
...5th A.D...
...West Virginia Ke-Organrzed west virginia has been reorganized and a local at morgan town has also been organized...
...All readers of The New Leader are Invited...
...Nomination of candidates for the next election and other important business will be taken up at this meeting...
...Speakers are Jacob Panken, August Claessens, B. Botwinlck...
...A special meeting will be held Friday evening, Feb...
...To cope with the motor vehicle industry, characterized by the erasure of craft lines and the all-lnclusiveness of organization, the labor movement has nothing to offer but squabbling craft unions and a decentralized American Federation of Labor...
...In the evening of the same day an educational program has been arranged...
...bile industry...
...This political struggle has drawn the Farmers' Union Into an alliance com- ' posed of 23 farmer organizations, known as the Corn Belt Federation...
...20 at 6:00 p. m. at king wah loh restaurant, 16 tyler street, boston, meeting for the fellowship of youth for peace, subject, "economic basis for brotherhood...
...it is evident that the state officers in ohio are up and doing and the membership will cooperate fully and get the best possible results...
...De Nlo will speak on "Cooperation...
...MANHATTAN Italian Branch Tuesday evening, Feb...
...The latter Is hampered by its isolation from other trade unions for not only Is the moral support of city central bodies necessary but financial assistance of the general trade union movement is urgent...
...The Executive Council informed the recent convention at Los Angeles that "We are not In a position to report In detail upon this campaign, yet we can say that the matter is being given the best possible attention hi cooperation with the organisations directly interested...
...There are good reasons for believing that tht Farmers' Union and the Corn Belt...
...Will the farmers' cooperative movement of the United States follow the line of development of the Danish farmers' opoperative movement, which virtually became the Party of the Left, lying between the Socialists and the conservatives...
...there are unions, IT mars, there it no rmkmhrn It may be that a general union of semi-skilled and unskilled workers in the automobile Industry Is necessary...
...9 was a success...
...Jewish and Finnish Delegates trie jewish and finnish federations ha rev already selected their delegates to the...
...18th AD...
...the young laboriles are organized in communes, with two ideals: to rebuild palestine and establish a social order based upon production for use and not lot profit...
...Discussion leader, Frank Ehrenfrted...
...Theatre Party The Executive Committee, Local New York City has made contact with the Theatre Guild for the entire house of the Republic Theatre for Wednesday evening, Feb...
...Sy says he wttt now chase likely victims for Socialist Party membership- Here is one time we are all for "By" 100 per cent...
...25, at headquarters...
...That required a bit more centralization than the delegates were prepared for...
...These petitions must be signed and complete by Feb...
...the state secretary is effie m. mueller, 229 s. keystone avenue...
...To meet the technological changes the union persisted all the more heartily in its policy of Industrial unionism and ; sought to extend its jurisdiction to the antotnotdle industry, in ISM St complained that the blacksmiths' and painters' unions ware encroaching upon Ms jurisdiction over carriages and wagons...
...10, Frank Brodsky added two more members to Ills long list...
...24, a meeting will be held in the Debs Auditorium, Peoples House, 7 East 15th street, at 8:30 pjn...
...mary wlnsor of haverford recently spoke on "women in russia" and in spite of a heavy rain it was the best meeting held in years...
...Ha rivals lost interest m the Bgkaaaalrag industry...
...crop of automobile abowa ¦ biff ore spring weather aet in and the Intensification of the rivalry of the manufacturers in the lower priced group of can craws the attention of labor to the situation in the automobile industry...
...Lastly, they claimed all the workers in the carriage and wagon industry, particularly the blacksmiths, woodworkers, painters and upholsterers or trimmers...
...The Paraers' Union and the Farm Bureau Federation constitute the backbone of tins feneration...
...In making up referendum ballots It has been the custom to arrange the names of nominees alphabetically...
...weymouth at 7:30, on "the economic basis for brotherhood:" feb...
...The carriage workers, they churned, bad lowered the initiation to* to entice workers and had conceded the union label to shops where the blacksmiths had not been orgajilseri Conferences proved a failure and at -the convention of 1913 a joint resolution of protest was Introduced by the degefaUes of' the blacksmiths, sheet metal workers, metal polishers, painters, patternmakers, machinists, carpenters, electricians and upholsterers...
...The membership is urged to assist to circulating primary petitions...
...The American Federation of Labor only discovered the automobile in 1908, when the upholsterers' union called for assistance in organising the trimmers and were promised help...
...Montana | Favorable Elections 1 there are four counties in this state where there is a fighting chance to elect socialists to the legislature but agriculture is prostrate and thousands of workers are unemployed which makes it difficult to raise campaign funds...
...Troy and Cohoes Locals Troy and Cohoes have adopted resolutions calling upon the city administrations to transfer money from the snow-removal Items of their budgets In order to provide work for the unemployed...
...march 12, interdenominational minister's alliance at 2:30 p. m., 454 massachusetts avenue...
...W. B. Robinson of the 22nd A D. will speak at headquarters, 218 Van Sickleh avenue on "Single Cell Organislms...
...A plan of gathering the automobile workers into temporary federal unions directly affiliated with the a. p. of L. and distributing them later to craft unions was worked out...
...he has raised quite a sum already and has pledges from others...
...by the City Organization and the Rand School, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto, the famous document written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engela, which heralded the beginning of the international Socialist movement...
...3.—Control of the Federal Land Bank by farmer stockholders as the tow provides...
...This new branch meets Friday, Feb...
...Lack of Political Solidarity Retards The Farmers' Union By Murray E. King 1W/1TM a cooperative class organisation " 1 deeply and extensively rooted throughout the agricultural, states doing an enormous and increasing business and aiming definitely at a nation-wide cooperative system 'owned and operated by the actual producers, what are the prospects for the political development of this movement...
...political novetnent...
...At this meeting definite work will be assigned to members of the committee...
...Next meeting, Feb...
...That, of course, was not attacking the basic industry proper...
...An agreement was drawn up which provided (1) that the individual worker be permitted to choose the organisation to which he preferred to belong...
...for a hike...
...the state executive committee plans re-organizing the inactive locals...
...Admission is fifty cents...
...When the Farmers' Union has1 passed through the progressive stages of "nonpartisan" efforts to obtain laws and conditions favorable to cooperative growth and have demonstrated the inevitable fact that capitalist parties win not 'permit the passage of laws calculated to build up a rival economic system, they will begin to look to the direction of a workers' party...
...17 meeting, a continuation of the discussion on the Agenda of the Coming National Convention of the Socialist Party will take place...
...Italian comrades can purchase tickets through secretaries of the various branches...
...national convention and have inforiped the national headquarters' that they will pay their own expenses...
...Its "nonpartisan" efforts to obtain favorable legislation springs from a more radical root than that of the American Federation of Labor...
...Information regarding aaaeaers, Sseiatarc, platforms, etc, max be obtained from the National Office...
...has now entered the lists in earnest with one recruit to his credit...
...Its Sunday morning Forum with Comrade Viadeck as speaker continues to be the most successful undertaking of this character...
...U. Harvey, who Is playing a prominent part in uncovering the sewer scandal has been invited to attend the lecture and give his views on the prevention of similar happenings In the future tPd he has agreed to speak...
...18, and for district delegates a few days later...
...They ran afoul of the A. F. of L. administration, because they were socialistic In philosophy and industrial in form of organization...
...17 at 420 Hinsdale street The members are urged to assist in circulating primary petitions...
...Nominations were made for National Convention delegates...
...It is no secret that practically nothing has been accomplished...
...Coney Island The Coney Island Branch of the Jewish Socialist Verband is showing signs of revival...
...The comrades are engaged in circulating the primary petitions...
...It was decided to arrange for an enrolled voters meeting at 2095 Daly avenue, the latter part of this month...
...8. P., and Branch 221 of the Workmena Circle...
...24, 8:15 p.m., at the East Side Labor Lyceum, 1644 E. Genesee street, (near Doat) side entrance...
...The old craft skills are being destroyed by the sub-sub-division of tabor...
...the organization of party branches in as many sections of the county as possible will he a powerful factor in electing william c. hoverter to the state senate this year and breaking down the barrier of prejudice which has prevented socialist gains in the past...
...Speakers will Include Morris Hillquit, Jacob Panken and Algernon Lee...
...18, 3 p. m., at the Rand School...
...Comrades from all Junior and senior circles are welcome to this lecture...
...The painters would not budge...
...Aside from the essentially radical ateal of the Farmers' Union, which is to icon* struct a nation-wide cooperative system which will serve at the cost of service, as an immense organ of aoonoaatc selfsupply for the producers, their immediate political program, adopted at their national convention last summer, asanas other things demands the folio wingo ,(¦, 1.—Abolition of military training:in high schools and colleges...
...at onetime the party elected several councilman and the members still own-vtiieir own headquarters...
...The history of this conflict between craft separatism and industrial solidarity Is most Illuminating In analyzing the present attitude of the A f. of L. towards organising the automobile industry...
...They caused Samuel Gompers to intervene in 1900 to keep them from seceding from the A. F. of L. and joining Daniel De Leon's mischievous Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance...
...Idaho state secretary cammans, is going ahead with organization work and is also raising a fund to assist in paying the expenses of their delegate to the national convention...
...Branch Seven East A well attended meeting was held Sunday, Feb...
...reading tt>~organise county with rural berks as the next point of attack, the socialists of reading appointed a sub-committee on organization...
...The next meeting will be held Feb...
...help necessary Our active members must not forget that we can put the socialist party to the froht this campaign if financial help is given so that the states may be organized and state and national tickets selected...
...Primary Elections Designation petitions to fill.party positions at the spring primary may be filed Feb...
...Tickets can be procured from circle secretaries or at City Office...
...a list of live ones have agreed to take part in this work...
...The branch made a donation of 825.00 to the City Office...
...That there shall be no further rev...
...There Is always a waiting list of applicants...
...To mention Industrial unionism or centralization of control is to bring down upon your head the curses of all the high priests, living and dead, of the orthodox trade union cult in the United States...
...the new state secretary is already on the job, sending out letters and lining up the party organization...
...At the last meeting a donation of $50.00 was made to the City Office...
...Unfortunately the A P. of L. at its Scranton convention hi 1801 had Blandly disregarded the trustification of .Industry over which public runnrmsnr had been aroused and committed itself definitely to craft unionism Instead of the carriage and wagon akwteuri aaawMaa...
...Official committees elected at the primary must meet and organize within fifteen days after the election...
...Efforts will be made to obtain new members """"t Socialists who have recently moved into this section...
...early auto unionism Outside of the standard unions some organization work has been carried on by private persons and by the United Automobile, Aircraft and Vehicle Workers...
...locals and branches are making nominations for delegates to the national convention...
...State Secretary Merrill, In a circular letter to locals, has made the point that the time is opportune for distributing the Kirkpatrtck pamphlet "Out of Work," and offers such pamphlets free Jc email quantities to Individuals who will promise to distribute them...
...oklahoma to line The national office addressed letters to known socialists in oklahoma enclosing a ballot to ascertain how many desired to join the party, hold a state convention and nominate a ticket...
...Hot until 1928 do -we hear of the problem again in A. p. of L. ranks, and then the international" lainiitalksi of Machinists e«auaasd a do- 1 'she to organise mechanics in garages...
...we will of course continue the fight another year...
...That is tha way the other fellows got theirs, and that's the only way we will ever gat jours...
...Texas state organizer david curran, of dallas, writes that he will donate one dollar each month to the national campaign fund to organize in the unorganized states, and he expects others to follow his lead in that state...
...Louis 8adoff was in line with the tradition established...
...So far thirteen comrades have been nominated for delegate at large, and while some will decline there will be a good field to choose from...
...the forum is held every friday evening at their new headquarters in the national socialist institute, 3322 douglas boulevard, chicago...
...Pennsylvania Easton Organised easton is also feeling the effect of the victory in reading...
...won the datC TU laganlaatasi almas mrmhmrilp they-' aJSmSSSk'SiSti and Vehicle Wart> wrs and continued its activities as beat ft could...
...in cases where a local may be organized, emma henry, state organizer, will be sent...
...New York City Spring Primary Peillllans" The primary petitions for the nomination of Official National-Convention Delegates, State Committee and County Committees are now ready lorclrcul...
...37, a mass meeting will be held in a large hall in Banaonhurat and every Socialist enrolled voter In the 16th A. D. will be invited as well as sympathizers...
...A recent official statement by the secretary of the Corn Belt Federation, A. W. Rlcker, advising the members regardlag their political duties to 1828, is copled with approval to all the Com Belt Federation papers...
...Labor's "Nonpartisan League" has green us nothing...
...O. A. kennedy, district secretary, is, as usual, doing his part in this connection...
...Admission Is 50 cents...
...mayor bakeman of pea body will be the speaker next sunday on free speech...
...Once upon a time there were no automobiles...
...In 1910 the Carriage and Wagon Workers' International Union asked permission to insert the word "automobile" in its title and extent its Jurisdiction accordingly...
...Conferences were accordingly held on December 2, 1926, and March 24, 1927, with precious time being squandered In the Interim...
...SOCIALIST PARTY PLANS AND PROGRESS National Sasiless In unorganized communities desiring Information on how to organize local divisions of the Socialist Party may obtain Instructions, leaflets, charter applications, membership carps, application cards and all other necessary informs tton by addressing William H. Henry, National Executive Secretary, 2653 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois...
...An in tee rating discussion took place on questions of education and organization...
...Into the Impossible craft unions or the dual organization, which is industrial...
...All would have bean weH had...
...there is no doubt about the state convention, which will be announced later, and nomination of a state ticket...
...letters are being sent to non-members over the state, asking them to sign the application blank and become a member...
...There the matter remains...
...Secretary Claessens lectured again last Sunday evening and was greeted by a capacity audience...
...the autos are Mil ngnln il This would not have been so important for the future were It ant for the fact that the carriage and wagon were being replaced by the motor vehicle and the Jurisdictional divisions warn being transferred to the new Industry...
...Plans are being proposed for a number of enrolled Socialist voters meetings...
...texas will be represented at the national convention...
...31, the Y. P. S. L., win cooperate with the Italian Branch in running a dance in the Debs Auditorium, 7 East 15th street...
...Schenectady organized labor will ask the city to proceed with its building program forthwith...
...The Saur-Kraut Supper held Feb...
...a new state secretary has been selected in the person of john f. hlggins, p. o. box 218, star city...
...we hope to find some one who can take charge ' of the re-organization of the state, some one who is near enough to allow a saving in railroad fare...
...any satisfaction, the Aatataaaa Federation of Labor decided hi 1902 that a carriage painter was not a carriage worker-who painted but a petotor»erho worked on carriages, and turned this craftsman over to the painters' union...
...James Oheal and Barnet Wolff will be the principal speakers and Dr...
...internal conflict begins The Carriage and Wagon Workers' Union showed farsightedness...
...it now suggested that pocatello can be organized and plans are under way...
...They stood for independent political action...
...within a few days answers began to arrive and they are still coming in...
...5.—An adequate Federal Inheritance 6.—Passage of a bill by congress containing all the essential features of, the, McNary-Haugen bill which would put the government In the world marketing business on a huge scale...
...26, and frank r. crosswaith march 4. meetings begin promptly at 11:00 a. m. Lewis' Dates alfred baker lewis' dates so far are as follows: feb...
...3) that the minimum Initiation tee be three dollars and (4) that the unions act Jointly in drawing up agreements with employers...
...Monday evening, Feb...
...state office notes interest in our anti-infunction bill and the unemployment insurance bill continues keen although the hearings have been held...
...Helen Giants will speak on "Socialism and Motherhood" and Sol Riven will discuss, "The Value of Philosophy...
...The old capitalist politcial parties are not nearly so, deeply rooted to the Farmers' Union as they are In the A. F. of L. Among the leaders of the Farmers' Union- are a large proportion of liberals and radicals—and a good sprinkling Of Socialists who fondly hope the day is not far off when the Union members will vote solidly as they work—for a real cooperative system...
...An effort will be made to make better contacts with the enrolled voters...
...The former...
...When the Metal Trades Department of the A F. of L. conducted a campaign In the Detroit automobile industry carry in 1*14 the Oairlaga, Wagon and Antonio- i boo Workers' Union which should haws, bean meat consumed, dat not take part...
...nents of many European countries with the European working claa...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 9

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