Socialist Action Group Organized Committee to lay, Four dations, For ^NuliiBsfji fianwflpjpa, $ £ Meet February 22nd kttot* AcuLrooP^ittoe?" ¦ astf •*»*sled wm bs(-held waaaailay, Bad, at...

...If a worse unemployment situation did not scare the Haverhill shde workers nor prevent them winning their strike, a better unemployment situation should hot stop the cotton workMidwest Students To Discuss "The Economic Order" (By a New Leader Correspondent) ANSAS CITY.—.The third annual seaslon of the Midwest Student Com Terence which will meet Friday arid Saturday, February 24th and 25th, at the University oi Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, will discuss "The Student and the Economic Order...
...Tk« BBng PhBto MBst Of Fall Hirer have —-11 — a MBM ~~ '** " ¦ with extras as follows: 25...
...The officers of the union are exceedingly gratified with the results ana have rearranged the picket lifle in front of the G arm an shop where the strike is now in a healthier condition than at any time since (to commencement...
...The cost is $1M a plate, and tickets may be owtalhen" rfeto Bay totaa> ber of the North and Wast PlHTaaaw.iliIs B ranees and from the secretaries of all Seotohst Party toanahua or from the Party Headquarters, 80$ Locust Street...
...Hearings On Old Age Pension Bill To Be . Held in Albany, Feb...
...tasters and woodheelers, $td Tuesdays...
...The Philadelphia Shoe Workers ought to be very much interested in the great victory of the 5,000 Haverhill Shoe Workers, who were on strike for two weeks under the Shoe Workers Protective Union...
...Karelin's description of the acts of the employer had hardly been finished when Judge Byrne interrupted him with the question: "Mr...
...It Is absurd to say that a well managed cotton manufacturing company cannot make money in New England today...
...The Shoe Workers of Philadelphia are continually forced to accept reductions of wages one way or another, and it is just about time they woke up to the fact that they must become organised, in order to protect wages and conditions,'' says Organiser Thomas Kelly...
...Thomas To Address B'klyn Shoe Workers A mass meeting of Brooklyn, N. y. shoe workers will be held in Lorraine Hall, formerly the Broadway Casino, 790 Broadway, Brooklyn, Friday, February 94, at 8.30 p. m. The meeting is arranged by the Shoe Workers Protective Union with the vteW of extending the organization of shoe weaken in the city...
...Some of them have moved from Brooklyn, which is eonaktered one of the largest shoe centers in the world...
...It is to open the Campaign in PhBadetohto for 50,00* votes foT the Socialist candidates in toe Presidential election dT 1928...
...J. E. Kirkpa trick...
...March 4th, at the Stephen Oirard Hotel, 3027 Chestnut Street...
...For several weeks an organisation campaign has been conducted in Brooklyn with encouraging success...
...Joint Council No...
...21st, at fl p. m. (right alter work) at the People's House, 7 East 15th St...
...would I be putting you out very muck If I denied this request for an injunction...
...Taking advantage of this terribly serious Unemployment sltuattob, the shoe manufacturers of Haver mil aaatounced same weeks ago a wag* "aSJabltoent," which worked out at a wage cut of from 10 per cent to » per cent...
...A. Lewis...
...astf •*»*sled wm bs(-held waaaailay, Bad, at I JO ix Ba, at the Pkophf* sWtBT 1 Bast loth atreet The Bate «T Che Batot-' tog was tot at a rkwBkfira**' toeettog si B* Btrttost i$ak fere* ft Wft...
...SertUe then they have paid regalariy »% eaeh year oh tkeJr watered stock together with extra dividends of $% In 1912, i%% to 192$, $% to 1925 and «% to tjei...
...This victory has k leatoh far the tesrfB* workers...
...We mir have $0$ tablets...
...These ntoe affairs were arranged to give local Philadelphia a feeling 61 good will and a truly get-together feeling that seemed to be lacking...
...Sarah QJften, Ruth Shaficross...
...OjtopanjK, ono at BtoM wfctok aaad* a wage eat a BBBII ledeakrty ate* IBM...
...Watklha 3891...
...Those who attended these suppers last year will remember the comradeship and enthuslasA...
...Among those present at Tuesday's meeting were Korman Thomas, Morris ftmquft, S. John Block, Julius Oerber, Henry GreenfieM...
...file Naeankeag Steam Cot ion Company of Salem, has paid never tots than U% dividends stone 191$, and UBty aaee stoe« Uwa have pdM aa tttfte as is*, na—ty...
...faBJBkf bight Bk...
...Pot the New England cotton manufacturing barons are taking advantage df the unemployment hi their industry to cut wages which already art) leas than $20.00 a week...
...They have more than served their purpose...
...pot if the workers tamely submit to one wage cut, they will soon be faeed with another one...
...The conference will close with a Saturday evening session, \mieas by vote the conferees decide to continue through the following forenoon...
...Blanshardt wfh be avaSkble for participation in the discussion groups and for individual counsel...
...We want to have a group of interested comrades to help him in his work here...
...The only way to stop these reductions is by resistance through a strike if necessary and by organ bring into Unions to make these strikes effective...
...edge trimmers, edge setten, finishers, packers, cleaners, every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays...
...Injunction Against Iron Workers Denied...
...After a ten day strike, they won...
...Who wm Immediately take fufi tmargd of the committee's work...
...Specific denials are made of each and every alleged act of violence contained to the moving papers...
...In the face of such dividends, on watered stock, too...
...The meeting will be held under the ssapto* of tab newly Chartered boeal j No...
...William Karlln, attorney tor the union, presented a large number of affidavits in opposition to the...
...The committee In charge of the mass meeting is arranging for a number of prominent speakers, headed by Norman Thomas and Edward Nolan...
...will be held in Albany, Tuesday, Peb...
...Ttes ltojui Bug...
...gainst wage cuts...
...The two speeches ami the questions they bring forth will form thb baste for Saturday's discussion, one or two general meetings will be held on Saturday, and for the ratnlndei of the time the conferees may break up Into as many small/groups as they wish...
...farr Alpaca fce_ df bofytoe, watered their stock by a 75% stock dividend Ol mi...
...Judge Byrne signed an order restraining picketing and all other acts in connection with the conduct of the iron workers' -strike...
...injunction, showing that the firm had violated its agreement with the union, providing for a forty-hour week, by instituting a forty-riant-hoar week and discharging its union employees and substituting them with scabs...
...The first session will be held Friday, Peb...
...William Karlln, William M. Petgenbaum, August Otoessens, Dr...
...28th, at 2 p. m., U is announced...
...Picketing Resumed New York.—Supreme Court Justice Edward J. Byrne haa denied- a temporary injunction against the Architectural Iron, Bronze and Structural Workers' Union Feb...
...Stuart A. Queen, Prof...
...If today's cut is accepted without a struggle... 1ml Ttoqr watered than- steak by a **+% Stock dividend to lacs la addition to a 9»% cash fUVMertd thai year...
...It takes 'courage to strike when unemployment is rife, But when trade union organisation Is nearly 100 per cent, such a strike ban be won...
...Every shoe worker is invited to attend...
...JJBjPw Btob- seat* by a toft BtHUead to ISbt, tor 4% 1.1 J a. 4 tfcoy aWtoaoi okttb gtvtfttola oat thi watorat steak ef u% to 1ri W* to BM...
...Shoe Workers Urged To Follow Haverhill Example (By a New Leader Cones pendent...
...The general omcials oi the organization will also be present...
...9, meets every Tuesday evening...
...This anion Ik an international organisation which has been in existence for more than thirtytwo years, and Is affiliated with the American Federation of Labor...
...The Brat organisation meeting in New york will be held next Tuesday, Feb...
...But the figures published by the Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries show that unemployment is a good deal worse in if boot and shoe industry than in cotton manufacturing...
...Nor is at tone, as the aasgliyan as •Ham dab*, thai 1kb New BBjBiBB •attest ¦uaufaiitorm are testae- geaaBy...
...Although Karlln had prepared a much longer speech than he had delivered by this time, he smilingly replied: "Not at all Judge," and smilingly walked out of Court...
...The full meeting next week wffi elect sub-committees to undertake the* tasks at once, as well at the executive dfrector...
...fitters, 1st and Wednesday evening...
...Meeting Quite B number of shoe shops are now operating In Manhattan, In New York City...
...and O. Valenti, weU known' rtaTIah organizer of shoe Workers...
...Labor Urged to Keotet...
...Applications and reinstatement fee are $1.90 for the month of February...
...extra hi tfet atoi >a<*to Mf lit* Two...
...Other speakers will be Dr...
...635 of toe B. B. W. U...
...We want a truly representative gathering at this supper on March 4th—not Just members of Worth and West Phnadklphla, who have pledged to turh out Iev%-MNit representatives of every section Of the •citymembers of every sympathetic organisation—and those who are not members but who believe in a working-class political organiaaBoh, aftd everyone Who at In sympathy with the alms of the Socialist movement...
...28 A public hearing on the old age penMob bill introduced in the New York ttote legislature by AssembVym&n Prank A. MOler...
...The Boot and Shoe Workers Union is conducting a campaign to organize them...
...Seba Eldrldge, Mrs... at enee your ticket for the Supper..."*' ^ The Soeiaast Actkm fkanmittoe has been organized to co-operate With all the regular party iBJn to the Bast to get the national campaign M 1*3$ under way as scab to ptosis** and wto a^wwPtotd by the recent satettog of the HWI toil Bkecidles batoraakoa to r*la1«ili$piila IBB preliminary steps were taken as a result ef a motion mt toe State ExecuUve coaamittoo about two months ago...
...Upon ah argument of the motion, the injunction was denied...
...North Philadelphia * Branch Socialist Party will open the 1928 Comradeship Suppers with Norman Thomas as the guest of honor, on Sunday evening...
...If you want Philadelphia » have io,<000 votes in Philadelphia for the Socialist party next iMtetoflbP »<**», to una stopper and hear what Norman Thomas thinks of $ SdClUlst pbjtflbrm ft* 1*4$ —let toe eotoradas see that yon are wising to do your share .to get Philadelphia back into a goofl poedtsbn on the Socialist map...
...All the shops in Manhattan ire operating on the open shop basis...
...The injunction was obtained by the G arm an Iron * Bronze Works, of 33-99 Davis Street, Long Island City, iron and bronze manufacturers, based upon alleged assaults committed by union representatives, strikers and pickets against strikebreakers of the iron works Which has been affected by a strike during the past three weeks...
...The union now plans to organise and better their' conditions...
...Thb Rational Office is helping Local Philadelphia secure an organiser to work with us in our city...
...But the Haverhill shoe workers are organized pretty solidly in the Shoe Workers' Protective Union and despite the serious unemployment situation in the trad*, they struck against the redaction...
...were made and submitted to the N. E. C by which they were The eethadttee wm eanakd ef approxlmatojy 19$ mbH and women, waa will elect an eaecetlve head to take ten charge ef tne week to oonnoction with the campaign...
...An employer who Junks he can get away with a wage cut will never lack an excuse...
...Organisation is the answer to this situation, ' plus an unemployment insurance law which will force the employers to pay a man part of his wages when they lay him off, just as a man gets part of his pay today when he Is injured, so that Unemployment will sting the employer's pocket book instead of being a burden solely on the worker and his family...» beone <t Norman TharSae...
...Just as the bosses use the bogey of southern competition as an excuse for wagemts today, they will use the bogey of Suropean competition or even Chinese competition as an excuse for further wage nits tomorrow...
...Setoe fBn they have (MrM an than- watered stock 14% to 1924, and 12% to 1925, 1626 and 19*7...
...The mass meeting is held under the auspices of Locals 63, 54, 60 and 66, the organization committee of the joint boards...
...Ail Philadelphia shoe workers are Invited to Union headquarters, 1239 Spring Garden Street, Machinist Temple Buildtog...
...The excellent victory of the shoe workers at HaVeThm, Mass., has aroused great interest in organization of the workers here and there is every reason far expecting a continuous growth of the local ofgahltatlott...
...Is the Present Economic Order Best Suited for the Needs of America...
...The employers are cutting the wages of the textile workers because they have the power to do it, and they think that the workers won't strike...
...Organizations planning to send spokesmen should get tn touch with the American Association for Old Age Security, $•4 fthfc avenue...
...Unemployment is serious in cotton manufacturing, it is true...
...An able corps of advisers, as well as Judge Ruggihs and Mr...
...Hdverfill Shoe Workers Show Strikes Can Be Won Desoite Unemployment Textile Workers of Massacntisetts Urged To Follow Example of Haverhill Union a New IBawto Cseeewtoatoea...
...Pan River is the latest town to be hit by wage cuts, but many other mill towns with the exception, so far at least, of.New Bedford, have had to take reductions to the past few months...
...That •Outage and frag* " union ortfeviiislhwi can atop wage cuts ¦ the lesson of the Haverhill shoe workers' recent strike.» The most recent of the atoatkxy Bgwres published by the Maasaetoawtts Department Of Labor and Industries shows that only 4$ per cent of as atony shoe workers are at Work now to were etoptoyed on an average during the years from 1919 to 1923...
...24, at 8 o'clock, to toe auditorium of the Central Administration Building...
...Oommitteea represefiUng Hew Jersey, OOrmeetlcUt, Pehnseivama tad other nearby states wm be organised each committee' to have charge of raising funds, propaganda and ofgahrsatkin and publicity within its territory...
...Following the two addresses they will conduct a double open forum on questions arising from their talks...
...wttl be discussed from opposing points of view by Judge William L. Huggins of Emporia, Kan., and Paul Btaashard of New York City...
...IL duns, Joseph Weinberg, 8. Levttas, P. Detobltser, Edward LeVinson, Morris Berman, O. August Oerber...
...The cutters meeting night is every Monday evening...
...This •upper en March 4th is to give more than comradeship...
...Scoff eft who could go out last year, with no Party organisation and nothing but Indifference on the parte of toe workers, and in sta short weeks bring to 7,$06 signatures lor petitions to put the Socialist Party on the ballot, cah with a little encdurgfe* men get M.OOO votes tor the only Workers' party in the field to 1*3...
...Boot and Shoe Workers Local Calls N.Y...
...Experienced organizers will speak In Bngbhh, Jewish and Italian ItrJguAges, ( amdBkst ttiem being H. Baxter, a representative of the General Offlce of toe B. j B. W. U...
...Socialists To Open Campaign Sunday, March 4th (By a New Leader Curt'salalarrt...
...You e*ri't eSord to drlos mottman THOMAS—"A SOCIALIST PROGRAM FOR 192$'—Stephen Griard Hotel, 3037 Chestnut street, 1 p. m., Sunday evening, March 4th, 1848...
...Don* delay...
...Join the Shoe Workers Protective Union now, and place the members of the Philadelphia shoe workers before the~public as a fighting organization for the workers...
...Alma Johnston and Prof...
...Wan Despite Unemployment...
...whan a 'conference of active Socialists to sad around He* York was heM at the stead Safaoal...
...S/lngerman, Harry T. Smith, Louis P. Goldberg, I. Gross and others...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 9

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