EMPLOYMENT CRISIS DEMANDS ACTION Immediate Financial Assistance Imperative Stimulation of Pub lie Works Also Needed To Halt Growth of Intense Suffering rpHERE la no doubt of the tact...

...It is ridiculous that we should go on assuming that the public cannot be educated to a real program but must be tricked along with doubtful pallijelves...
...But millions have come forward to fill their...
...FOR DISCUSSION What political and economic conclusions are to be drawn from this revolution in property, politics and government...
...And on that day were given out the first printed copies of the "Communist Manifesto," by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels which was at once an eloquent call to action, a searching analysis of the existing class society, and a vivid statement of the science of'history, fitted to serve as a guide, not for the moment only, but for the whole age-long struggle which was then definitely taking form...
...Stewart which originally made him accept without protest this $8,000,000 fake sale which was an injury not only to oil consumers and oil workers but even oil company stockholders...
...This takes no account of the mobility of labor, the development oi new industries and the increasing absorption of workers by the distributive sad service industries...
...Tens of thousands of its adherents have died on the barricades, on the gallows, or before the firing-squad...
...It is inherent within a system of production for private profit Whether ^ou explain It by demand not keeping up with supply, supply falling behind demand or what not makes no difference...
...Whereupon every opponent ef public ownership and operation would shout with glee...
...Suppose that the city could be Jockeyed into taking over the Elevated but leaving the SUbway to private hands, two Things Would happen...
...A Wisooasm sew of 1919 has bad better luck...
...Hale, Robinson igBJB Democrats—18 Bayard...
...But after every internal crisis, as after every blood/-orgy of repression, the Socialist Movement has arisen with new vigor and resumed the struggle for the liberation of humanity from class rule...
...It is proven hy the increased popularity of municipal lodging1 houses...
...the revival of bread Unas...
...A History of the Presidency...
...And no action in the bituminous field can possibly be effective which is not based on the nationalization of the mines as an essential first condition for establishing proper relations with labor and ending the present chaotic waste...
...Yet it is precisely these 25 cruisers at $17,000,000 apiece which we need least for defense of our own shores...
...Though finding tfiat ate athttohta had not violated the...
...Jenks and Clark, "The Trust Problem...
...What has-been done by trade Anions alone a in co-operation with employers and bj 1 fraternal societies and paternalistic capital* ts is but a drop in the bucket...
...Oaul, in Switzerland, in 1994 failed because of poor administration and the fact that the em pi .yees alone contributed...
...The state tagwBkrlSl commiMion la authorised to regulate fees and refuse licenses to agencies where the public employment office already serves the needs of s> locality...
...Senator Norris declared that when the Federal Trade Commission was directed, in a resolution adopted a year ago, to investigate alleged anti-trust activities of the General Electric Company, it obtained an opinion from the Attorney General to 'the effect that It had no authority to investigate political activities by such corporations...
...At every such schism the capitalist press has prophesied the obituary of Socialism, and capitalist statesmen and professors have pronounced exultant funeral orations...
...The experience of foreign countries, beginning In 1909 In Oreat Britain with the Labor Exchanges Act, haa been satisfactory...
...And everybody agrees »fct in the end the business must go before the Federal Supreme Court...
...Four features stand out...
...It eliminate...
...Wright, "The Battles of Labor," Chap...
...The I. Ft...
...Idaho and Massachusetts have made provision lor temporary relief...
...Orth, "The Boss and the Machine...
...Beard, "The Rise of American Civilisation," Chaps, xxiv, xxv...
...Meanwhile, the United Neckwear Makers' Union feel that the path has been dpehSd Tor a More vig- | orous appeal to the people of New Ha ven on Ifte nVeuek btf ttn strike, j the principal one...
...It was the Pernor ratic pmj-tmr <iiraaad> Mayor Walker which J iBnl I thrtaark ttto Indefensible fr—i bli far feha Btouatable Bus ttonpany...
...Justo, Father of Argentine Socialism, Passes Away at 63 Buenos Ayres.—The death of Dr...
...Such a party wdB BBS oUt the people on this transit situation if" abd when It dares ok caa ctatoct its prtoe...
...We have index numbers as to employment and from that we are expected to dras _ conclusions as to the number of unemployed...
...5. How did the revolution affect politics, law and the judiciary...
...CooUdge "Prosperity" Out of work—* the dread of the working class...
...and the personal experiences of workers everywhere...
...Even in Europe, more thoughtful of unemployment than we are, progress in long-range pfenning of public works has been slow...
...TIMELY OPICS by Norman Thomas IT looks as if the American people .had had the energy and intelligence to put a big crimp in this $800,000,000 first Installment on the maddest and most criminal big navy program yet devised...
...If by any chance the courts agree with the Interborough that a five-cent **re is confiscatory it will mean that Public utilities commissions all over the country might as well go out of °U8iness and that contracts between public bodies and utility companies •re only enforceable when they work wr the advantage of the private com. f*°y- That is Judicial usurpation ol worst sort...
...Those thrown out of work can cherish the consoling thought that their fellow-workers remaining in the factories, on the railroads and in the mines are obtaining the highest wages, even In terms of cost of living, that this country has ever seen...
...The next day King Louis Philippe gave up the crown and fled, and the Second Republic* whs proclsin«d...
...After his return home he was appointed to a Chair in the University of Buenos Ayres, which he occupied from IBM to 1905...
...these involved Vegal oompUcatioas may give it a iBtajfri For Instance, here la one possibility...
...Frequently the available funds are Insufficient or there are legal tonits which cannot be hurdled...
...If you do not want an investigation say so, but don't send it to the commission...
...Sitting In the Court of Common Pleas, Judge Whiter It Pickett has upheld motions made by former Socialist assemblyman Louis Waldman and Philip C. Troup, counsel for the students retained by the Civil Liberties Union, for dismissal of the charges...
...far-sighted form of relief...
...If the Rockefellers aren't responsible, who are...
...At present it merely serves at a clearing house among state agencies and publishes a bulletin...
...hi 1»Z4, 69...
...Dur] tag the depression of 1921-22 (75,000,000 ' was appropriated to aid states under the law of 1916 to construct rural poet roads...
...Everybody knows the commission asked for the opinion so it could find a way to escape...
...Many of the exchanges require the Mesement of the existence of a strike...
...A server indicates that In five years the htstiiaUons have handled MS estates vahwd at |l,M«,te« or more...
...His constant cry that be is only an investor and a minority in these various companies and therefore not primarily responsible for their conduct is, by the way, a beautiful illustration of the almost complete moral Irresponsibility of the present capitalist system...
...XI l induces regularisation of industry...
...The bill, as some of its friends argue, is probably better than nothing...
...For instance, what kind of a story did be swallow from Col...
...It is fair to say that the whole bill is better than the despatches would Indicate, for as a condition of permitting amalgamation a valuable fact finding agency to be set up and the Secretary of Commerce is to be charged with the duty of protecting the public and labor from exploitation...
...The Court of Common Pleas sustained a demurrer offered against this conviction...
...It has met and survived every test...
...Browne, "Altgeld of Illinois," Chaps, xiv, xv, xvi...
...Morris riUlqalt, A!geVnoei~L»g' "anfl Halm Kantrowitz w£D be among the speakers...
...Modern Sociolism's 80th Birthday To Be Celebrated Feb...
...Involving appropriations of perhaps two million dollars...
...6. What effect did the revolution have on the workers and the labor movement...
...The evils perpetrated by the private employment agencies has become proverbial...
...Boat tnnty states la the Union and about half as many cities have set up agencies...
...The tatter resumed Ha figures for the building trada last spring...
...Ely, "Monopolies and Trusts...
...Unemployment insurance is the inns...
...Pairs—Du Pont, Sackett, Goff, Republicans...
...7. How did the property revolution affect the two major political parties, their platforms, the party organizations, thelr relations in Congress, legislation and journalism...
...Juan B. Justo removes the most prominent figure in the Socialist movement of the Argentine Republic...
...American Millionaires increase 600 Percent MHUenmlres have SSOroassg ta uhbsr shea* SM per cent sine* lttS, saU PrajMto H. Sheen, vlee ptssMset at .the Geeranty Treat Casssany ef New Terk, secerning «e the Associated Press...
...Bsssgepg that George Washington, one of the wealthiest men ef his tiaae, left an estate worth only fsss.eea, Mr...
...These paragraphs have, however, failed to dampen the enthuatodm of the, 18 students tor their role tn the strike...
...Ostrogorskl, "Democracy and the Party System," Chaps, xl, xil, xUi...
...Jaws to ¦tools and Wisconsin prohftrHtog toe...
...In Europe then statistics based upon unemployment ¦nong trade union members...
...and other officials which stole Judge Jacob Panken'a election last November...
...Admittedly there are some million workam without jabs^gjaaag...
...Nothing else can...
...Everybody guesses...
...Moody, "The Masters of Capital...
...The Rise and Growth of American Politics," Chaps, xxlll, xxiv, xxv...
...Unemployment insurance would automatically solve the problem of adequate statistical information...
...The Subway is making money for the I. R. T. The Elevated which it leaaes from a hold tog company at aa extortionate rental is 1 Saint money...
...Recent state bills have . taken the state compensation insurance funds as a model...
...Cautious Calvin has beard the rumbling and agree to a cut in everything but cruisers...
...The I. R. t. began action in .* federal court...
...At the present time there is the bill of Senator Jones Of Washington, which has been buried in the Commerce Committee of the Senate...
...fat ltss, isi, and in 1927, 298...
...It was on February 23 rd, 1848, that the people of Paris broke out in insurrection against the monarchy, the workingclass of course taking the lead and the part of danger...
...The state of Washington under its police power passed a law in 1914 upon the Initiative of the voters prohibiting employment agencies from charging fees to workers...
...until saeh tone as the PrestfleM finds and communicates to the Congress that the volume of construction, based open value, of contracts stoalSed for construction work in the United States, has fallen to per centum far a three-—nth period below the average of the corresponding three - month periods of 1926 and 1937...
...the "runaway" New York necktie manufacturers against whom the strike la being conducted...
...Keep every Congressman you know of, bombarded with protests against this naval race into the next war...
...DeaplM this serious implication against the Senate, 46 of Its members voted to kin any investigation by a Senate Committee...
...Berman, "Labor Disputes and the President of the United States...
...SUGGESTED READING Beard, "Contemporary American History," Chap...
...Governor Smith's angered Investigation Into the problem follows these precedents...
...The only things in question are the exact relief and remedial measures that should be takes...
...The Labor History of the Cripple Creek District...
...But what a tragedy it is that we should "need more'lnveatigationa when we have already had so many...
...Mahan, "The Interest of America in Sea Power Present and Future...
...Some adaptation of this scheme might be worked out...
...If I were in Congress I might vote for this bill, in the doubtful event that it ever comes to a vote, but I should ridicule the idea that it is the efficient way to cure the coal industry of its terrible sickness or even to educate the "public to a more fundamental remedy...
...In ftew York, Wises—id, XUlnois and Pennsylvania representatives of empVryen sad eusjauyas participate in the admlnistratisn...
...I based my criticism on the meager report of the bill in the daily papers...
...Z. Increase In the coastrsjotjsei of public works, 4. Unemployment tnsnraaes, and 5. Adequate statistics...
...Artho the advocacy and practice of undertaking public works in time of business depression has been wide-spread, very little has been done to provide far the emergency beforehand...
...The local treat company handled five ef the $1,000,000 estates in one year and she the next...
...Old Parties Kill Utilities Probe Super-Lobby DecreesVote In the Senate Norris Says "Buying of Senators" is Being Kept in the Dark — Copeland Flops (By A New Leader Correspondent) W7ASHINGTON.—The pubUc utilities super-lobby massed against Senator Walsh's (Montana) resolution to investigate the political and financial manipulations of the power trust made its strength felt in the Democratic as well as the Republican party this week and succeeded In kiiUng the investigation...
...It la tha Deca«w eraUc Party with the «Bj ar eooaant «t aome at fat bkaa^attahat, JBlgBJj...
...1. Abolition of the raiinlnjmisrt shark and the i ¦Islillslieeses off governmental employment ashces...
...Pot a period during the war employers of more than one hundred workers had to hire all their unskilled Workers through the government offices...
...By contrast with other oil men and business magnates who applaud OoL Stewart's defiance of the people John D. Rockefeller, Jr., looks like an honest man...
...It Is one of the illuminating factors of the situation that there is no agency, governmental or private, that Is in a position to simply accurate data for the country as a whole, for regions or for Industries...
...Sisaen reported that hi 1923 trust roaapsnlas handled 48 million dojur estates...
...Ir general, -xmtrfcuf.lons to the unemployment fund are made by the employers, employees and the government too in Russia the employer bears the whole burden, while in Italy since 1923 the state does not participate at all...
...The proposed measure appropriate...
...These regulations have been Ineffectual either thru violation or inadequacy of their provisions...
...Won't the lawyers have fun and won't **** get rich at our expense...
...Congress has also had the situation presented to it for consideration...
...Construction projects which could tide wage-earners over bard times have often without planning already been carried out during prosperity...
...It it violated the Attorney General's opinion, the public utilities would enjoin it...
...The United States Supreme Court three years later declared thai measure unconstitutional on the ground that it was "arbitrary and sssfsne stve" and in violation of the fourteeath amendment of the Federal constitution...
...It ts the Democratic Party llinajajgj Duswaajh President ConndBy whtok is tovohM to tawer and paving —endls in QaWetot Borough Which adaka aid feoaa TO awl look like a piker...
...Again and again the movement has been shattered by Internal conflicts, such as that by which the Anarchists split fifty years ago, and again the Bolshevists within recent years...
...The first good news that has come from the coal fields in many a weary Month is to be found in the fact that Federal Judge Symes has in effect sustained a writ of habeas corpus in the case of Frank Palmer, formerly ¦dttor of the Colorado Labor Advocate, who has been held in jail without charges under a curious monstrosity knowri as "military"—not martial lsw...
...That, indeed, is CooUdge prosperity...
...But not much...
...Thus, Inventions, which should lighten the lot of man, add to his burden of woe...
...Not voting—Dale...
...2. What was the character of the revolution in property effected by the trust form of industrial organization...
...It ought to be granted an immediate oppropriatlon of the two million or more dollars It needs instead of the tenth of that amount it actually receives...
...7VTEW HAVnTN.—The 18 Yale stu^ dents who threw themselves into the struggle to win a restoration of civil liberties to New Haven workers by distributing handbills dealing with the United Neckwear Makers' Union strike, have emerged with a complete victory...
...Chaps, i, li...
...It Is thee for action...
...It hardly seems prob•*{• that the courts win attempt it W now, especially in view of the I*ct that the I. r. t. is apparently j** at the matter in blundering fashion...
...QUESTIONS ON THE TEXT 1. What form did the first combinations In Industry take during the rise of the great magnates and why...
...Nevertheless his testimony and his actions in general raise some questions not flattering either to his conscience or his Intelligence...
...Oreat BrttOii established i system In 1912 and Italy in 1920...
...Chaps, vii, viii, xi...
...The Labor Bureau, Inc., boldly puts its estimate at four million...
...New Tort 8tate had such data until 1914 and Massachusetts until 192S...
...the city and state •udsrtook three counteractions in the ***e courts...
...te to thiB historical capacity of . we L R. t. for blundering and the fOwJaBasaal Biwaa atoaa ti) . itrength of popular wrath that we at New York against thto new impbaftton.' dwJafy wa have SB- reads* to have confldenca in Tammany Hall or the Democratic Party...
...the clusters of inquirers around army, navy and marine recruiting officers...
...When a court does a sensible tbtng like that it is worth recording...
...The vote came Wednesday night, after nine hours of fight by Senator Walsh and Norris, of Nebraska, for an honest Investigation...
...Reliable statistics on unemployment art needed, first, to focus attention upon tht seriousness of the problem and secondly m make possible careful planning...
...StoCe then, several attempts have been made to vain to commit the government to a permanent policy...
...It all comes down fundamentally to the deficiency of capitalism in guiding production by the motive of personal gain alone...
...The latter declared that a thorough investigation might lead to revelations that Samuel Insull, power magnate, had "sought to buy" other Senate seats besides that of Saaith |a Illinois...
...Yet it is not far from the truth to say that next week we celebrate the eightieth birthday of the modern Socialist movement...
...Senator Copeland of New York, favorite and confidante of Governor Al Smith, was one of those who "flopped" over into the power trust camp on the vote: Those who voted as the public utilities interests wished were: Republicans—28 Bingham, Keyes, (Ind...
...The proviatoris for strike publicity is important from (Be standpoint of organized labor and should be insisted upon...
...The most important featun . of the bill is the provision that nt appropriation should be used...
...The Commission will not take a single step," Senator Norris asserted...
...In 1B36 there were more than two hundred Ms* offices in more than 185 cities of forty states...
...Not long ago I criticized the Copeland-Jacob¦tein bill which is Intended to permit or encourage amalgamation in the bituminous coal field...
...4. What were the essential'changes in American foreign policy accompanying the revolution in property...
...the of times.' Thejf ossjeOMts' essjAtABssB** about" tteatn is jetl/iwuf <¦ lem of unemployment beoomee painful that we pay any attention to It at all...
...Since then Russia, Austria, Queensland, Poland the Irish Free State, Bulgaria and with traallfications, Germany havs folio wee Milt...
...Because a Congressional investigation of the coal situation which should include Colorado as well as Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia may serve to make vivid that misery of men, women and children which is one of the deepest and most pitiable disgraces to Our civilization we faver it...
...Blease, Caraway, Smith, Bruce, Simmons, Democrats...
...Five provinces prohibit them altogether, while in Ontario and Quebec no more licenses are Issued...
...In general, the states have tried to regulate the business by the requirement of a license and the limitation upon fees...
...The demurrer denied that the city ordinance prohibiting littering the streets w^handts^^was^sp^k^Me that the ordinance is unoonstitutional if it deprived the students of civil liberty, and that, if it were wu* forced against the students, no New York or New HftVefa newspaper could legally be sold on the streets of New Haven...
...The feeling is gradually growing that the contributions should be made solely by the employer as a part of his responsibility tt> the worker...
...0*-u-~-r^ From that day to this the Socialist Movement has been a living force in the world...
...The proposed Senate investigation has been referred to the Interstate Commerce Commission, generally regarded as reliable servants of big business...
...It is permanent Instead of temporary in character...
...Then, we look around for the figures on the subject in order to cope with the sltuatlem Intelligently, and we discover thai no reliable data exists...
...Foreign countries are fast suppress) ing them...
...EMPLOYMENT CRISIS DEMANDS ACTION Immediate Financial Assistance Imperative Stimulation of Pub lie Works Also Needed To Halt Growth of Intense Suffering rpHERE la no doubt of the tact that there is acute unemployment today...
...hi 1985, 101...
...Productivity increases but the result is not lesser hours of work for all concerned but a decline in the number of employed...
...Curtis, Jones, Schall, Deneen, McLean...
...Latane, "The United States and Latin America," Chaps, vii, viii...
...Now well see what the courts, both **t* and federal, will do with the "•Wldering proceedings begun in New *W»k by the I. R. t. in its effort to £st;a 7 cent subway and elevated...
...In Canada a movement to abolish these private agencies is well under way...
...T. would bo relieved of its burden and the city wonid be saddled with an unprofitable property which probably would have to be run at a loas or at an increased fare...
...George, Ransdell, Bratton, Heflin...
...law, Judge Merritt softened his ruling in a manner that is likely to-be appreciated by the New Haven Chamber of Commerce which has been backing...
...the difficulty of the Salvation Army In securing Jobs at menial labor for the salvaged homeless \, the growing crowds before the bulletin boards of employment agencies...
...Hundreds of thousands have languished in prison or in forced exile...
...The abolition of the private agency goes hand in band with the establishment of pubfie employment otneee...
...to addition to the usual amount, $75,••0,000 for rural post roads, $50,0000,001 tor improvement of rivers and harbors $10,400,000 for flood control, and $15, 000,006 for public buildings, a total o: $150,400,000...
...If the George amendment succeeds, we will get no investigation...
...Robinson, Broussard, Kendrick, Steele, Copeland, May-field, Stephens, Edwards, Overman, Thomas, Ferris, Pittman, Ty dings...
...The high wsges look good on paper but it does not tell us how many do not receive any wages at alL . In the present emergency there but remains to push forward a program of relief that Is consistent with sound socialization...
...Latane, "America as a World Power," Chaps, lv, vlll, xil, xvi...
...Tht first experiment In compuhoty unemployment insurance, inaugurated by the eantkm of St...
...The Socialists, of New York will observe this anniversary Friday evening, February 24th, with a meeting in the Peoples House, T E. 15th Street...
...And bow in the name of Colorado, Bayonne, N. J., and a score of ether places did be get the idea that his father and the Standard OH Company had done so much for the workers...
...Bismark and Cavour and Thiers, the Kaisers and the Czars, the clerical reactionaries and the powers of great capitalism and high finance, have done their utmost to destroy it...
...3. What were the economic reasons for the appearance of a militarist-imperialist philosophy at this period...
...He found that the "students" had "enlisted in a controversy not their own" and attributed this to "the throes of experimental sociology, undergraduate ¦ effervescence or unreasoned solicitude...
...I Jennings, History of Economic Pro1 gress in the United States," Chap xxxl...
...They exact extortionate fees, they create fictitious jobs, they .ensnare workers into establishments affected by strikes, and they scatter the efforts at placement of help snaps** hundreds of independent, inefficient, narrow-vlstoned, profit-seeking agencies...
...Shortridge, Edge, Metcalf, Smoot, Pess, Moses, Steiwer, Oillett, Oddle, Warren, Gooding, Phipps, Waterman, Gould, Pine, Watson, Greene, Reed (Pa...
...The United States Employment Service which pet-' formed .excellent work during the war has Been starved by lack of funds...
...the stigma of charity...
...Llpplncott, "Economic Development of the United States," Chap...
...Nobody knows bow many wag* earners are unemployed...
...the.reappearance of Coxey willing to lead another army of unemployed...
...In the United States two states have attempted legislation in this direction...
...Since 1917, three states have provided by law for public construction during periods of depression, namely, Pennsylvania, California and Wisconsin...
...Yale Men Are Victorious In Strike Case Court Forced To Dismiss Student who Distributed Circulars On Neckwear Strike (By a New I eea>r Correspondent...
...They are, as Admiral Plunkett blurted out, useful only for war with England or for challenging her mastery of the seas...
...Born in the capital in 1S6S, he adopted the profession of medicine, in the pursuit of which he j spent some years of study in Vienna and Paris...
...A properly unified system can be made to pay the city...
...The deceased leader represented the Argentina Socialist Party at various tntsrnatQinal aopgraaasa he .was vfce> presIdanToTthe CaBjfess of BerheTgl*=and he presided over the last National Congress of the Party in October, 1027...
...services <B the state employrsent eBktm as eeak-eg enetes have met with rough handling in the courts...
...24th rj1HE birth of a great historic movement cannot be so precisely dated as that of an individual, because its origins are so much more complex and the process of getting born Is more prolonged...
...A lower court had convicted William T. Patterson, chosen by the students to make a test case...
...For party platforms...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 9

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