Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States, National tles*oesirtnr Information on h*w to arraatoe local divisions of the Social aa Party may obtain instructions, IriHrtl charter...

...7 East 15th Street, at 8:SO p. m., by the City Organisation and the Rand School, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of tbe publication of the Communist Manifesto, the famous document written by Karl Marx and Frederick Bagels, which heralded the...
...State Secretary, Effle M. Mueller, 229 S. Keystone avenue, Indlannapolls...
...It should never be so...
...10 a east »M* Duty avenue...
...Leheney' wrote this pamphlet just before his death about a year ago...
...Twenty-eight new members were ibtalned In two weeks, some paying dues 'or six months and a few for a year...
...This was so much appreciated that he was urged to continue the same subject for the next four weeks...
...The Increase of crime, the degradation of millions of tollers, the grovelling in the dust for'jobs, the kicking about hard times and high taxes—all point to the need for a strong Socialist and labor movement, here" and now...
...Henry, National Executive Secretary, 2653 Washington Boulevard, Chicajo, Illinois...
...Price 5c...
...If that be pessimism, make the most of it, but be sure a bit of *tt la sorely needed these days...
...James Oneal and Barnet Wolff will be the principal speakers and Dr...
...3. It appeareth that Louis likes to be where action Is thickest and the excitement greatest and with rare good Judgment he picked tbe 18th...
...New York City National Convention Delegates All branches are notified that nominations for delegates to the National Convention close Wednesday, Feb...
...He drove home the message of Socialism In the form of a dialogue between a Philosophical Hobo and a Collegiate Philosopher to the great amusement of his listeners...
...per dozen...
...No fines are charges dor overdue books and as yet no books have .been held for a longer period than riecessary...
...Not In years have We been so frequently "pan-handled" bj those who are evidently amateurs at this sort of thing...
...Conditions in the Y. P. S. L. and especially tbe matter pwuunlng to tbe suspension of four nuaahan aonaaaasd considerable time...
...State Secretary Will>rt is enthusiastic over the prospects of i bigger, better and more lively organisation In that state...
...We want a man in Oklahoma and New Mexico...
...oepted for bendhngtho laaastjej OoovenUon...
...Of these the first only la meritorious, aad to It all the products of labor rightfully belong...
...This Is wrong and should not continue...
...The work snt easy and some Socialists hold back >n tbe ground that another war may »me and reactionaries will crush the novement...
...The Reading Times the following morning gave the meeting a prominent display on the first page and a liberal report of the address...
...18th a. D. Tbe lath A. D. was honored by a visit from tbe redoubtable Louis Sadoff, formerly of the 33rd Kings, Friday evening, Feb...
...8:30 p. m...
...and his wife recently...
...Nominations were made for National' Convention deletes and an excellent report waa made of the success of the Sunday morning and Thursday evening Forums...
...Ylpsels desiring to attend can make reaervations with the City Office...
...The habits of our whole species fall into three great classes—useful labor, useless labor, and idleness...
...Much tbe same sentiment is expressed by a great many others of our correspondents...
...and since then, If we except the light and the air of heaven, no good thing baa been or can be enjoyed by us without having first cost labor...
...It was neither a community of capitalism nor one of slavery...
...Pennsylvania Beading The first year of the Socialist administration will be hampered by.hangover bills and expenses which were not provided for tn the budget received from the old administration...
...Musical program will follow the lecture...
...T^frgl ^gt%t>y aac tneft 0C*7 Convention was postponed to May 8. On roll can delegates from some 40 branchy reported on aat11rini^probsphmdtd lyvrtmTand^that'many branches are funotlonmg exeeflenUy...
...Clarence Bond, Muncie- Philip Re in bold, Terre Haute...
...That great state rill come to the front with a good flghtng organization and a big vote for our :icket in November...
...per copy, 50c...
...Bat it has so happened, In all ages of the world, that some have labored, and others have without labor enjoyed a large proportion of the fruits...
...With the cooperation of the school board a high school will be remodeled to adapt it for a city hall worthy of the size of Reading...
...He spent many years in the labor movement In this country...
...but the two latter, while they exist, are heavy pensioners upon the first, robbing It of a large portion of Its Just rights...
...He writes that he will do his very best to help place our ticket on the ballot In those states...
...A six-piece band win furnish the music, aaanadoa Is fifty cents...
...Some cards will >e left with comrades to sign up others hat Magul was unable to see...
...March 3, at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Bernardlni was a Socialist in Italy and following the Socialist triumph in November he invited all the Socialist candidates to be his guests the first Sunday convenient for them...
...Between these views and those of Coolidge there is a vast gulf that cannot be bridged- Coolidge represents the 'useless and idle" classes Lincoln wished to see abolished...
...All are invited...
...10, at 8 p. m. sharp...
...Comrades from ail circles am invited to hear Comrade Coleman...
...The only remedy for this is to, so far as possible, drive useless labor and idleness out of existence...
...g of the International Socialist Movement...
...15 will not be considered...
...The nam[nation of four delegates to the National Convention win take place...
...The above may seem like a lot of words about a rather academic subject...
...Opportunity Is With Us Not since the World War has such a Socialist opportunity presented Itself...
...a mass meeting Is being arranged in a large hall In Bensoahurst the latter part of the month...
...The man of the East who visited this region, who displayed broadcloth and polished shoes, who assumed superior manners, was an object of suspicion...
...Sadoff knows his onions and it will be well worth one's while to attend...
...The Socialist Party alone is the heir to the ideal if the raU-spJitter of Illinois...
...the -Meting thee baa beau ehcanged from Friday nights to sunday morning at li atz The first meeting wfll be held Feb...
...Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States, National tles*oesirtnr Information on h*w to arraatoe local divisions of the Social aa Party may obtain instructions, IriHrtl charter applications, membership cards, application cares ana aO ether necessary lufimiiall— by addressing William IT...
...If, on the other hand*, you do not happen to be Interested ln_the theme which the pamphlet covers,,the entire work is of little value...
...Branches that have not made nominations are urged to call a special meeting for that purpose...
...Benjamin Salkoff will preside...
...Pamphlets, well written, attractively printed and, above all things, interestingly illustrated are certainly valuable propaganda weapons...
...sermon aad we turn to seme' of the letter* that give heartening evidence of the support we have been talking about...
...The address was punctured with the wltlcisms that are characteristic of Jim's speeches...
...To tell the truth to the world about the present situation In this jounrty, to do something to combat the wholesale lying about "prosperity" on the part of the old-line papers is the duty of every Socialist worth his or her salt To this end, among others...
...Texas More members Joining the party In rexae- State Secretary Taylor writes hat with a little help they can bund a jig party In the Lone Star state...
...Another loyal comrade purchasing a special stamp doubts the capacity of the working class to guard its own interests...
...Yipseldom The testimonial dinner arranged ay the 6th...
...Opportunity is there...
...Louis P. Goldberg gave a talk on "Socialism...
...But don't let us neglect the party paper and let's start now making It stronger than ever so that we may bring before a great cross-section of America our platform and principles...
...ctmhlrtrruuT record - tog secretary...
...MacAlls ter Coleman was asked to speak on an interesting topic at the next meeting, i-g-ltth A. D. One of the best attended meetings waa held last Monday evening...
...Week by week we shall print in these columns the facts about unemployment, gathered from au* thorltative sources...
...Unemployment has struck the Central States and workers have plenty of time to think about how to use their ballots next November...
...Hard work, rough manners, and simple living were characteristic of the frontier community In which Tiinc"1" lived...
...Grossman and others participates...
...William A. Toole Is also ready to go...
...Lincoln's views are in fundamental conflict with the views of respectable bankers, capitalists and politicians who today pay their homage to him...
...Over and over again we have word from various parts' of the country of the prevalence of hard times and great unemployment...
...AU circles should make nominations...
...East 5th street...
...An appropriate program is being arranged...
...Up and down the avenue near our bouse which is lined with "pluck-" employment agencies, wanders day and-night, a tragic army of ablebodied workingmen, desperately and in most cases vainly seeking any old Jobs at any old wages...
...Bi inches are urged not to arrange any meetings In conflict with it...
...Herman VOUc, auditor...
...14, at the ohibrooms, 1*7 Tompkins avenue, 8:30 p. m. The principal item will be the election of delegates to the National ooqvcotsawl a-let* a. d. On Friday evening, another lecture will be bald under tbe joint auspices of the Boro Park branches...
...Ohohuno Valenti will speak on "Cross Currents and Disruptive Movements Affecting tbe Socialist Movement m the United States.'* ltth a. D. The Sunday afternoon forum of this branch at 7316 10th avenue, continues successful...
...People wore homespun clothing and associated on a basis of social equality—where some form of useful labor was almost universal...
...City Central Committee The City Central Committee met Wednesday, Feb...
...Tickets can' be procured from circle secretaries or the City Office...
...THE HEIRS OF LINCOLN By James Oneal 4^ BRA HAM LINCOLN was reared in a region of small land holdings...
...Unattached Socialists should write the State Secretary reagarding organization, propaganda, and the coming campaign...
...They are to be filed with the City Office on or before Feb...
...J BRONX General Party Meeting A Oeneral Party meeting of all seven Bronx Branches will be held Wednesday, Feb...
...Capitalist prosperity (?) is forcing thousands to look for a ray out...
...Friday evening, Feb...
...1. It was one of the best attended meetings in the history of Local New York City...
...The Office Window...
...14, 8:30 p. m., 318 Van Slcklen avenue...
...We bring it up here because we have heard so many comrades of late bewailing the "good, old days," in the movement when pamphleteering was a fine art...
...His subject has not been announced but those who have heard rvjuwna" are certain of a pleasant evening...
...In my opinion there never was a time," says the writer, "when the workers of the world needed to stick together more closely than the present...
...Indiana New Executive Committee The new officials of the party in Indiana are as follows: State Executive Committee, Forrest Wallace, Veedersburg...
...Cahwan te Lecture 4 McAlister Coleman will lecture far circle Nine, Brooklyn, Friday...
...In the greater part of the United States our comrades call for organisers, call for literature...
...19, at 8906 161st street (Herrhnan avenue) under the auspices of Branch Jamaica, S. P., and Branch 221 of the Workmen's Circle...
...and we will put the Socialist Party where it should be, with our ticket on the ballot In every state...
...An effort win be made to make contacts with enrolled Socialist voters and to obtain new members...
...A number of Important matters will be the report of the Ball committee, Y. P. S. L. Committee, and the organisation of our forces for the clrcularixaUon Of the Spring Primary Petitions...
...Our new State Secretary in Florida wants help...
...This work must be done before Feb...
...MANHATTAN 3-5-1* A. D. A fairly well attended meeting was held Monday, Feb...
...Preparations are being made for our dance, to be held Saturday, Feb...
...are to follow...
...QUEENS Sewer Meeting hi Jamaica Tbe Queens sewer scandal, in the light Of a Worlalrst or Labor administration, will be the subject of a lecture and debate Sunday evening, Feb...
...All present voted bis talk a success...
...The new City Executive rv^—hw Is composed of William Karttn, Jacob Bernstem, Herman Rlvkin...
...A discussion took place as to the possibility of obtaining a club-room...
...Marks Avenue, the Branch Headquarters, Dr...
...The old bills and expenses total more than $111,000...
...Maurer en Russia Councilman James H. Maurer spoke to an audience that packed the Orpheum Theatre Sunday night...
...A can for ui—'tnslliii of daterates to the National Pawn nasi has been bcot co twlocbcan... 1863 a committee of New York workingmen visited Lincoln In the White House and presented him with an address In his response Lincoln added a note of International brotherhood that waa remarkable for his time, ne warned workingmen to "beware of prejudice, working division aad hostility among themselves...
...KINGS t-eth A. D. The branch arm meet Tuesday, Feb...
...And thus endeth the...
...It differed from both...
...Despite all that the prophets have to say about the encroachment of radio, books and pamphlets on the field of the newspaper, it is doubtful if the nen'spaper will lose its popularity, at any rate, in our time...
...While a member of Congress Lincoln placed' on paper some thoughts regarding useful and useless labor, exploitation of labor and their exploiters, and what he thought should be the ultimate aim of society with respect to its producers of wealth...
...AdBuaWon Is free and readers of The New Leader are urged to come and hrlng their friends...
...Southern States Marx Lewis Is on the Job corresponding with Socialists In North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia...
...We want a man in Nebraska, Minnesota and the Dakota...
...Petitions are being signed to place a Socialist ticket on the ballot and Idaho Socialists are confident that they will poll the required five per cent of the vote to become an official party...
...We are also to elect two delegates to the Bronx County Committee...
...A few thousand dollars now will count big...
...a general discussion wUl take place...
...21, the Italian Branches will bold a dance in the Debs auditorium, 7 East lBth street...
...The answer is, of course, that both are good in their own fields...
...Anniversary Msitaaf On Friday, Feb...
...The annual ball of the 23rd A. D. Branch which win be held on Saturday evening...
...Furthermore, as we live in a workingclass neighborhood, we can see the proofs under our own eyes...
...Samuel P. Ulanofr, Eli Cohen...
...The strongest bond of human sympathy, outside of the family relation, should be one uniting all working people, of an nations, and tongues, and kJnWith a little change in the phraseology here and there, this social philosophy of Lincoln is the philosophy rf the Socialist movement...
...James Oneal...
...Italian Branch On Tuesday evening...
...Branch Seven The branch wUl meet' Tuesday, Feb...
...Maurer spoke on his impressions of Russia which he visited last summer...
...5th A. D. Another meeting of this new branch was held Friday, Feb...
...The radio, to be sure, has found its place principally as a source of entertainment, as has the •motion-picture...
...22nd A. D. Branches 1-3-3 of the 22nd A. D. will have a Joint meeting to nominate delegates to the National Convention at headquarters, Tuesday, Feb...
...Branches, officers and active members are urged to get ready to visit enrolled Socialist voters and obtain signatures...
...The pamphlet as the work of a specialist dealing with his own subject, also has its appropriate function, but the ncivspaper which provides at once, the chronicling of events of importance to readers, the interpretation of these events and some sort of entertainment and escape from the monotonies of everyday life in a machine civilization is here to stay and is, m our prejudiced opinion, the most effective propaganda channel yet dcinsed...
...All we need is finances to put this work over...
...34, a meeting mill be held in tbe Debs Auditorium, Peoples House...
...If We can afford it, by all means let us have pamphlets, during this coming campaign, pithy and to the point so that he who runs for the trolley-car or subway train may read...
...The following is his thought during the forties: "In the early days of our race the Almighty said to the first of our race, 'In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread...
...If those who can contribute to the National Organization's campaign work could read the many letters coming from every corner of the nation, there would be such a response in contributions that the wants for organisation could be met...
...The pamphlet is excellent...
...Circle Circle Six, Harlem, wfll meet Friday, Feb...
...We have a number of members-atAarge, and are Informed by comrades In the state that there is a ?reat opportunity if we give the necessary help...
...There'should be an organizer sent there as soon as possible...
...August Claessens will speak on "The Coming Presidential Campaign and the Socialist Party...
...The awakening of others in this and other states shows that this mood is passing but that It will not be rapidly abandoned...
...Rucker is helping some to think right...
...3.00 per hundred...
...One Socialist writes District Secretary Kennedy that the unions are multiplied into craft divisions and exhibit a parochial selfishness that renders them hopeless...
...The very fact thatlthe paper is being supported wholeheartedly by comrades the country over will win new sympathisers, for Americans are the greatest crowd-followers in tbe world and will lend themselves to any cause which they think is enthusiastically supported by those who believe in it...
...The story relates something of the history of tbe movement in the state and the preparations being made for...
...state* Needing Help Our State Secretary in Iowa wants to start organizing work...
...Here's one from a veteran, a one-time reader of "The Appeal to Reason," who carries on the fascinating profession of violin-makiag / in ingle wood, California— Comrade T. M. Littleton...
...New Pamphlet for the Farmers The National Office has a new pamphlet on the farming question, 34-pages, pocket size, written by John C. Leheney...
...This may not make the most cheerful reading lm tbe jrorld, but frankly, we are full and fed up with the bunkshooting "good cheer" and blinking of the truth that fills the old-line press every day...
...He thought that it would be difficult to seU Debs' book, "Walls and lars," but after a few days he ordered mother supply of 25 and orders a thouand application cards...
...Kansas MacUI at Work Ross MagUl writes the National Office of his experience in the field with a fliwer...
...AppUed today, it would reconstruct the social irder of capitalism and provide the basts for a warless world...
...12, at list boston Road...
...And Inasmuch as most good things are produced by labor, It follows that all such things of right belong to those whose labor has produced them...
...Charles E. Perry, Logansport...
...We want fewer Bruce Bartons Matting around and more men and women who know their economic onions...
...nomination of h state ticket...
...Forty-four delegates were present, 16 absent and 4i absent with excuse...
...We want to send a man Into Virginia and West Virginia...
...tbe link that Urates the workers of tbe World...
...10, 8:30 jl-.m- at the Workmen's Circle Center, 218 Van Siclen avenue...
...He related his excellences h* tbe Socialist Party for many years, An interesting discussion followed m which Bertha Msilly, Jack Blaufarh, .Chaa...
...Matters of Importance are to be taken up...
...And that isn't all...
...Jack Skumick of Circle Three and Ralf Newman of the Central Branchc...
...Leheney had farming experience—lots of it—as well as industrial experience...
...Louis Sadoff will speak on The Socialist Attitude Toward Soviet Russia and the Trade Unions...
...jjT U Cohen wfll review upton SSncadfh book, -Boston/* Aoma stajevwol addreastbe fourth John Bronx meeting held by the Bore Committee on Sunday...
...There will be a fine musical program...
...6. Nominations were made for delegates to the Rational Convention...
...An Important Item will be the noaauashee^efft&aejban to the National Convention...
...We appeal to comrades throughout the land, and especially to those who are la a position to give, to back us up now...
...The new organiser, Minnie Weisberg, is on the job in getting the branch Into efficient shape, collecting dues and other activities...
...Bruno Wagner, WUbo Hedman, Timothy P. Murphy, Louta P. OoJdBerg, Samuel Hoffman, Ceha Rotter, Walter Dearing...
...chairman f csMMS...
...3, and was fairly well attended...
...Nominations filed at the City Office after Feb...
...They also dishked the aristocratic East with its polished politicians, its millionaires and capitalists...
...33rd A. D. At the last meeting...
...Secretaries are urged to send returns at once...
...Nominations are In order for RaecuUre and Financial Secretaries...
...We want a man in Washington and Oregon...
...two new branches chartered, one In the 6th A. D. 52^^.^ ^"weTee...
...A very interesting educational program has been arranged and Luuan a\ap*an wui speak aa srhetaternattariaie...
...with becoming modesty, we of tbe 18th have a sneaky feeling that Doc Sadoff has come to tbe right place and that "Sadoff of the 18th" win yet be heard from J. L. Afros discussed the "Sanity of Socialism" in a way rather out of the ordinary...
...Information retarding speakers, literature, platforms, etc., may be obtained (rem the National Office...
...Many know him through his writings under the name of "Tim True...
...13, at Beethoven Han, 210...
...The story in the Capital News also carries the resolutions of the National Executive Committee on the "united front" and on the strike of the miners...
...With the assistance of two other Socialists Rucker Is on the job to organize a Socialist Loral...
...Dont forget...
...Tbe committee In charge are aba Wisotsky, Murray Gross and Abe kaufman of Circle One...
...Maryland and Delaware State Secretary S. M. Nelstadt, writes the National 'Office offering cooperation to send someone to Delaware, a neighbor state, for the purpose of organization and placing a ticket on the ballot...
...Idaho , Nomination Petitions v Idaho Socialists broke Into the.headlines of the Boise Capital news in a special news story written by Tom Noswal...
...The Socialists are preparing (or a complete state and national ticket...
...Tbe people feared the advance of aristocratic planters with their troops of slaves and pretensions to social eminence...
...Italians Feast Socialists Socialist candidates in the recent election were feasted by Salvatore Be mardin...
...MaaV ¦he...
...We know that the facts in these letters are not exaggerated...
...Morris Hflluult and H. D. Wficox Wert nominated as delegates at large to th* National Convention...
...State Chairman, Turner T. Marshall, Indianapolis...
...14, at headquarters, 4216 Thud avenue, at 8:30 p.m...
...Alderman George part to uueurartng the sewer seaadat win he Invited te attend the lecture and awe hat views on the mswanMn of stenv jar happenings In the future...
...These letters would make healthy reading for both the Republican and the Democratic ballyhoo boys for our glorious "prosperity...
...starts at 3 p. m. faafhnah MeasoHal library smew the addition to Circle Ones Bbrary of many of tbe late Comrade Paufitech's books, tbe name has beta changed to the Paulltsch Memorial library...
...Comrades are urged to purchase tickets for only on such tickets wfll the League make a profit...
...Quite an army is now organized hustling ads and selling tickets for the big affair in Brownsville...
...Please reserve that evening as It will be occasion for a great gat-together of Italian comrades...
...County office, or to the City Office, 7 East 15th street...
...Yet in spite of thjs handicap the new administration is preparing to abandon the old city hall which is hardly fit to stable horses...
...Minnie Mentor, Ernst Welsh, Sam Volovlck, Emil Bromberg, IrvineAlexander...
...They want to get busy...
...Oklahoma The National'Office is circularizing the Socialists of Oklahoma with the idea of holding a Socialist state conference at Oklahoma City sometime before our National Convention...
...State Organizer, Emma Henry...
...He is having some valuable experience that will be useful to the tarty...
...Speakers will Include Morris Hlllqult, Jacob Panken and aJaarnorj Lao...
...Comrades willing to spare some time should report at once to their branch headquarters...
...The occasion was an address by Morris Barman...
...15, and must be filed at the City office on or before that date...
...Illinois Streator on the Job Two letters from Rucker Davis bring ten subscriptions for the Leader-Appeal ind more...
...This branch Is made up largely of young people and most of the members are very promising material Special mention should be made of our was akeSTto the'suucatiorS'oommlt^ tea Zn the near future, a mass is Bating win be beW te an effort to obtain a larger This branch wfll me^Sunday...
...A motion was carried that we reaonuasad la the City Central Committee of the Y. P. S. L that they lift the suspension of three of tbe comrades Involved...
...Whether you and your friends take The New Leader for its news, its notices of activities, its editorials or special features, there is always some one part of the paper to engage your interest and make the sheet alive for you...
...More than half of the nation finds an unusual amount of poverty among the workers, both in the factories and on the farm...
...Ohio Ohio is electing delegates to the Naional Convention...
...Ylpssl Pases A Tinsel Dance will be held to the Rand Ball Roam, 7 Bast 15th street, Tuesday evening, Feb...
...They can never feed 'so many Interests of so many types of people, they lack the Immediacy of appeal that the paper carries in Ks news columns, they have not the general and catholic scope of the well-edited paper...
...His topic u "Trade Unions and injunctions...
...The New Leader Is dedicated...
...Fraternally Yours a T our branch meeting the other night the old,, old question of what is the best method of propaganda for the movement, the pamphlet or the newspaper, was revived...
...We want Delaware organized...
...Lewis will cooperate, but the National Organization must lead...
...eth and 13th A. D. for August Claessene, Executive Secretary of tbe Socialist Party, wfll be held tins Monday evening, Feb...
...He needs help from National Headquarters...
...The figures of the various State labor bureaus and employment agencies bear them out...
...Tbe minutes contained the following information: Eighty-eight (88) applications for membership received in January...
...In New England Alfred Baker Lewis, secretary of the the New England District, writes that It will be advisable for the National Office to send an organlber into Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont...
...Members are making a special effort to Increase the circulation of The New Leader among members and at the Friday evening forum...
...31 (Washington's Birthday Eve...
...But no pamphlets can ever take tbe place of a party newspaper...
...Utah Two Letters One obstacle to rapid recovery of the Socialist Party is the pessimism of some former members...
...35, at our headquarters...
...We want to send men into every state that is not organized...
...It had a social outlook of its own and was rooted In equality of incomes and small land holdings...
...Primary Petitions The City Office is busily engaged In preparing sheets and lists of enrolled voters fot the Spring primaries...
...Factorymade goods were resented as an invasion of "fine togs" intimately associated with aristocracy...
...10, at 1465 St... headquarters, 1187 Boston road...
...To secure to each laborer the whole product of his labor, or as nearly as possible, Is a worthy object of any good government...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 8

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