THE BRAY OF THE ASS IS HEARD Pages From a Washington Diary WASHINGTON, D. O. TOT sir has been aBed of late wttl the braytns; of two types of Jeekasa* i One the bigot, and the ether the...

...It developed at The New Leader dinner and we can no longer conceal it from our readers as the organ of our burlesque Bolshies has told the whole story in all its sad details...
...j? > The peasants of...
...I passed various ihops selling Vlctrola records and gaOy colored socks...
...Midas, take your gold...
...Benjamin Stolberg fended an nppercut to Hillquit's dim and Toastmaster Vfedeck stopped the bout...
...Is that Trotsky going into banishment, while Stalin rides the storm strikes me as paineUc, genuinely sad and tragic...
...An 'Appeal to Socialists ,rrHE NEW LEADER believes it is important to call attention to one division of the Socialist r'arty that is too often neglected...
...This does not mean a general policy of breaking agreements for trivial reasons, but it does mean that the organized workers should never permit their hands to be tied by courts when changes warrant new.agreements before the expiration of old ones...
...The American...
...i *__ • J KNOW this Trotsky banishment is a touchy matter for any lover of Russia's revolution to discuss...
...Slaves, to your workr Back to the pits...
...What has appeared in the West is a Coxey Army, a mass of "uprooted" farmers and jobless workers of the cities and towns... elegant hotel to Second Avenue where we had token JaBsg for toe first few days, how I might got * glimpse of the authorities of the ehy...
...There have been some good responses but not enough...
...a strange way of clumsiness in its stride, and a crushing brutality in its innocent hug...
...The lesser officers are ignorant of the "history" they are asked to pass on to frightened Babbitts...
...Its secrets were discovered and the organization practically destroyed by the Bavarian Government and Van Vlack regards this as a service to progress and civilization...
...One-hundred and fifty - years later our militarists ace serving the same stuff at Rotary lunches...
...All I started In to say, and all I really wanted to express here...
...It had its origin in the Bavarian Illuminati in that year...
...We frequently Jjecomc so absorbed in our local activities that we forget the needs of the national organization and through it the needs of weak states and sections...
...The present army has enlisted the flivver and its aimless roaming, often on tireless wheels, is a sort of anti-climax to the "prosperity" sermons of the radio bores and the editorial police of capitalist journalism...
...There is such a thing as dying too soon for obloquy, especially In a revolutionHad Lenin lived on perhaps he might have followed Stalin's course of compromise with capitalism, and so he, the Either of the Revolution, might have been the hard-fisted tyrant to send Trotsky and his crew of Simon pure Communards to the wilds...
...I am afraid he won't roll as successfully as he dreams, at this late hour...
...On the contrary we believe this policy to be harmful to the organized workers and . that they are suffering from it...
...We are Infatuated with Panama, and we are Just crasy about Nicaragua...
...Always excepting Nicaragua, of course...
...What occurs to us as striking is the fact that compulsory arbitration has always been rejected— and rightly we believe—by the A. F. of L. but this tentative proposal of enforcement of wage agreements by the courts is similar in character to compulsory arbitration...
...This had filled aw with the liveliest anticipations...
...Then things began tt> happen...
...Rear Admiral Plunkett, who, thank-Ood, la now retiring from the Navy, appropriately enough chose the dinner of the Rational Republican Club, here in Washington, for giving vent to bis warlike propensities, and incidentally, giving the rest of us the lowdown on what Is back at tins tog navy crusade...
...Illuminati died an inglorious death, the Jeffersonians roared with laughter, and the Calvinist pastor retired from the scene...
...lire We in Nicaragua—And What In Hell Are We Doing There?9*,— v WILL ROGERS THE CHATTER BOX Injunction Abraham Lincoln, turn in your grave!' The time is come: the Masters of the Whip Have swindled you of your most precious dream...
...There are states that must be helped and there are many party members who can help them...
...These pledges are: being paid, but many more must be on this pledge list if even the bare expenses of collecting signatures and filing, state nominations in some states are paid...
...This seamed to me an obvious sentiment for a man to express toward bis daughter, the child of his lotos...
...This big bear thai walks like a man, is still a big bear even if he now walks like an arrant rebel...
...he poem, "1 know that yen wmh to swaisiiklii your love...
...What has happened to Trotsky, is what happens to any diehard, right or left, when the great Juggernaut of Human Fact and ^mmediate Need happens to come his way...
...So you have the answer right here, why Stalin is entrenched in power at present, and the propaganda boys are out in the Siberian cold...
...And .hope wrows dun, and dimmer...
...Look down and up the whole aisle of human experience since recordings have been made, and see for yourself if what has happened to Russia the other'day is not a perfect fulfillment of man's ingratitude to his recurrent saviours...
...That Mr...
...And now to continue in dusturbing thought Last week, a woman singer committed suicide after reading the newspaper resjews of her concert debut...
...A wonderful Jieee 'of waxwoik mechanism...
...If ignorance is to rule the world they qualify for the fob...
...They will exchange that wealth of theirs for manufactured goods, machinery and all such material aa their lives are barren of, right how...
...Further discussions will take place with a number of employers' organizations before any final proposal is rrtade...
...I myself have seen some of these pemphlets...
...His land is still his land, and his wheat is sffll his wheat, and all the Red Army and all the Mcwcovites cannot convince him otherwise...
...They are being net with customary firmness by President Cause, and there Is no doubt that any Treab attempt to start a counter-revolution to which Mexico win be suppressed is vigorously as was the last one...
...Who is breaking up the horn* and making the family a Why...
...Beam above all things an ardent patriot I therefore inquired of the owner of the "Spotted Cow...
...S. A. deWttt, ' A FOOL LOOKS AT MANHATTAN * By FrmmeU BUb* Am BOOST as I had been admtawd «g...
...It was the period of the infamous Alien and Sedition Acts which, for the time, transformed the Adams' Administration into an intolerant, olifirchy of the clerical-Federalist coalition...
...Stalin has promised the Russian baby a pair of shoes...
...And that particular beast Is not given to gentleness...
...Here is human driftwood cast aside because the mechanism of capitalist production has broken down...
...Price three cento on some newsstands and all garbage carts...
...Socialist Party, 2653 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois...
...Jim" Maurer entered the ring...
...I was Just going to congratulate hhn on thai marvelous way of doing political -isMtness which Is made up of fortune tedtog, Ave cent peepshewa of the truth, 'reining la the arte of gpnmansmp...
...For a moment I lingered pondering In front of a magnificent display of brown records t dozen of which were bellowing forth at the same time...
...In the meantime with the application of smelling salts, Hillquit was restored to consciousness and be tended • vicious right to Thomas's hose, Whae Maurer was sympathizing with Thomas a clip on the right eye sent him reeling into a neutral corner...
...It all came out in the speeches regarding Russia and our American Bolshies...
...which, to the terms at the military trade Is regarded aa only an odd-lots, hdto and misses' shw war...
...They wisecracked a few non-committal remarks shout her performance and let it go at that The next morning their silly judgments appeared in the press...
...1st Party veered off Into the now populous Workers Party of America, I have felt genuine pity for the "tovarishes...
...Beware of any court magic that is offered as a solution for the struggle in industry...
...It should be national and international...
...The moon haw lost it* shimmer...
...We love Cuba, (did not Mr...
...I turned to the toft and sauntered bt the direction Indicated...
...They are fuH of half-truths and are prepared by \ rather clever publicity man who was "himself formerly a Socialist but found that the Catholic pay-envelopes were satisfactorily fat...
...This formula to end industrial war rejects compulsory arbitration but would make labor-capital contracts binding by .legal force...
...Perhaps that story, in the Bolshy organ <will bring a few thousand kopecks from Moscow as pickings here are now rather lean...
...It is fpfly to expect Socialists in this vast region to bear the burden of nominations and organization work alone...
...i I took off my hat and bowed ubwiif jpssy...
...What magination on the pest of the anther:tea to choose tins decrepit old fortune 'eller as the symbol and stoann off their xaltical Ideals...
...It appears that this lady had given up her life as a married woman, and all the conventional comfort* etc., accruing to housewifery in order to perfect her voice and dramatic talent, I shall not go into the old story of how she must have slaved and drudged and hounded herself Into a sort of artistic perfection...
...Who knows...
...Everywhere is pain where laborers are...
...I sauntered forth, bidding-my wife aa affectionate farewell...
...Per R was always by arldreasing the governors and men of wealth first that Bsreddtus was able to gain acorns to the stents and wonders of a new place, I was advised to direct my stops toward Tammany Hall which I was told stood to Fourteenth Street tost night, though there was always the possibility of its removal to a fifty story skyscraper by toe next morning...
...tosbflUng practice on moving targets <which explains how the Manhattan par Baa- never fail to hit a stray dog er a' running Innocent pedestrian when par* suing a bandit over the housetops who baa got away wtth it) when Z suddenly heard shrieks of laughter and noticed that a huge mob bad collected outside a mlllfaer'a store on the opposite aids of the street, Z saw a bonnet glimmering .through toe surging crowd that looked wasjilnlBinlj hke Arabella's to me, *upPOrtng she had gone ahopptog all alone to tins strange city and had got beret* ass...
...A few members are pledged to generous contributions each Week or'month to the end of the campaign...
...A New Coxey Army ^fO more piteous tale ofieconomie affliction has been told in years than tie story related by Tlw New Leader correspondent Tn New Mexico on another page...
...Walker" Be smiled to a mysterious fashion...
...It is also perfectly good history...
...Of course...
...old woman's box and straJgbtforth •he waggled her head and RRAD YOUR ?ARD6 FOR YOU...
...Why so much rjefee about an obvious fact...
...The militant Algernon Lec entered the fray but a $*ir in the mid-section of his posterior and a sfin on the blood-stained floor brought bis "cOunterrevxAvXiomry" effort to an inglorious end...
...Millions of automobiles in use" is the text of these sermons...
...I hesitated in several cases.' Occasionally a male voice boomed out ef in open shop door protesting with a meal twang: "I love my baby girt...
...He is rolling dice right now with all the gusto of a Harlem Sambo...
...Although for the sake of the Revolution, I pray that he turns up a natural at the first throw...
...The magic of the night has fled...
...Whereupon Senator Borah arose and spoke bis mind out in meeting about the Admiral and his bullyboys...
...It had no program of social reorganization,of society like that of Socialism but it did seek emancipation of Bavaria from an intolerable medievalism...
...The address is stereotyped stuff prepared by officers higher up and passed down to the smaller fry for distribution to Kotaries and Kiwanis...
...Miner, here is your ''coal dust...
...Prom tut standpoint It Is most unfortunate hat such a man as Ssgmsat Heflm should be the spokesman for these who are apposed to the sort of propaganda against Uexlco which toe Cethone Church in this country Is undoubtedly putting out Everyone knows that the Knights cf Onlnmhus...
...The facts are that Bavaria was a medieval dictatorship with a union of Church and State, the saddest period in the history of this German kingdom...
...In the words of...
...This the young stopper-snappers had neither the brain nor the heart to understand...
...Socialism was a "well-knit," well-organized, well-managed and apparently well-financed movement" in 1776...
...Who aire you to complain...
...While weird regret looms large, instead...
...This -banishment of the lrreconclliable Left out of the Kremlin is sheer tragedy...
...A Dangerous Proposal JT is a curious and dangerous proposal made public this week by a sub-committee of the American Bar Association with the approval of Matthew Woll of the American Federation of Labor...
...Works of European scholars were prohibited circulation in Bavaria...
...Unfortunately, the Illuminati gave rise to a few questionable leaders, but that it was expressive of the hunger for intellectual knowledge denied to thinking men and women no student of the movement can deny...
...Some day I hope to tell the story of the CRITICS, after I have gotten a few lick* In against the rest of the knaves and tool* pf this dixxy, busy day of ours...
...It's your own Joke—enjoy it...
...To the mines...
...But now I am wandering into a technical discussion of a subject that will require the best part of a twenty volume edition to thoroughly discuss...
...Those it us who are peace-lovers may well abhor the methods employed by Calles in jetting rid f bis opponents, but we must tfways keep In mind the fact that revolutions anywhere are no pink tea parties, and that the welfare of the magsga of Mwstaaa workers was gravely msneced by the activities of Calles' opponents, • • • One of the most amrwtmg features df recent years la the new sliiimpl of the Jingoes to put over a naval bunding program that would oast the tax-payers a cool three billion dollars...
...See the Bolshy organ...
...Send your pledge with your first installment to the National Office...
...It is wandering through the West in aimless streams, each stream crossing the other...
...The magic of the night has fled...
...7Some Terrible News...
...In 1798 the Reverend Jedidiah Morse of Boston delivered three sermons in which he portrayed the Illuminati as a secret criminal conspiracy with thousands of branches in the United States...
...Education was controlled by the church and the intellectual awakening of Europe expressed in essays, history, science nad philosophy was denied access to Bavaria...
...There is pain In the coat fields...
...And yet so true to life, as the tabloids say it...
...At last the night of all nights came...
...Not that we believe that a policy of no interference by government in industrial relations serves the working class...
...The beOloose Admiral said that we would have wars sure as shooting, with some of our "trade rivals...
...beclllty on my part Having come to the corner ef Second Avenue and Fourteenth Street Z espied a small and neat booth Inside which sat a nan in blue uniform who wee pressing, a telephone receiver to his red ear apd jastog fixedly Into a book wtth figures, I timidly knocked at the window pane and asked him where Tammany Ball might be found...
...They do not have the funds and they must have help if they axe to"do the work which they want to do...
...The "compromising Norman Thomas" heaved a brick which struck the "petty-bourgeois" Hilkpiit on the ear and he took the count...
...the sacred soil of Manhattan essM toted hi my flat report, wtth Arabs**/ say wife and Afethea sty daughter ant afew trunks cwntotnmg the appurtenaness of a Marionette theatre by which I hoped a* earn aa honest Uvtog to this sale* of aB cettos...
...Certainly, but how many are being used to haul hopeless roan and women and children through the desolate West, a region capable of supporting its millions in comfort but rendered a hideous mockery by exploitation and the rule of bankrupt parties...
...There was no door to tola '¦i>Mt'>t rep Just walked to and walked round and iterview whom you liked...
...And In a moment of grief, killed herself...
...Choke over your shares...
...Naturally, the big newspapers sent their most competent critics to the famous ones, for her performance, undergraduate lads were assigned...
...And all the velvet stars are dead...
...More contributions are needed...
...ELL boys and girls, as Mac Coleman would I say, the Socialist Party is doomed for a slide into oblivion...
...The recent attempts to evade the article in the Mexican constitution which prohibits the teaching of religion to Mex'can schools have no doubt been encouraged by this propaganda...
...Coolidge HJwiMie aay so In bis opening address, to which be spoke highly of Christopher Columbus...
...It has...
...of two types of Jeekasa* i One the bigot, and the ether the Jingo The Senator front Alabama has added a tew word to the ftiinirtaen vocabulary Tamely to bene...
...Arabella was **, agog with the sights and sounds of the turbulent metropolis and I could see that she was Itching with Impatience to explore the stores and besaars that are a delight to females...
...Ton altos ill a coin In be...
...Libby is undoubtedly right is evidenced from an interview with President Macbada, a two-fisted dictator if there ever was one, who says that he isn't going to stand for any agitators at this oonference...
...Lenin died too, soon for the fate that overtook his surviving colleague...
...It assumes that we are to forever remain voting stock of the two major parties and not have a party of our own as bankers and capitalists have theirs...
...This is the year of a national campaign and election...
...He made further, remarks to the effect that If we weren't ready to fight we might aa wen make up our minds that we were worms and crawl Into the nearest bole and die...
...The attention of our readers is directed to the frightful economic conditions that confront millions in the West and the Southwest as told by a New Leader correspondent on another page...
...These thoughtless, and perhaps brainless tods sat before her ordeal and made note of her work...
...This might very wefl ha rammany HalL Practical Americans vouid certainly think of the clever dart, it >f sending records to the voters toetoad jf engaging the costly wrhn ef orators vho are not always to be depended upon, 3ut then my eyes fell upon a sight which, n a flash of intuition, revealed to ass hat I had found Tammany ReJL the mject of my quest...
...Nothing but the hokum that contributed to their suffering...
...And when be was asked what nation he bad particularly to mind, be said, "Great Britain...
...The A. F. of L. has worked out a philosophy of no interference by government agencies in industrial relations but how judicial enforcement, of wage agreements can be reconciled with this philosophy is beyond our comprehension...
...They are not expected to think but to obey...
...We pass the story on to Moscow in the hope that it will bring alms to our Bolshies who must eat if they are to roar...
...Z could no longer tonbt that this was Tsnnnany HalL Za be rear were some lively young fellows ¦Tacking riflles at moving targets...
...The jobless of the early nineties consisted of three main lines with their objective the city of Washington, This earlier army was afoot except when it could seize a freight train and at every camp there were meetings and addresses reviewing the misery of the marchers...
...But reasons the moujik, you cannot make shoes out of leaflets, or build plows out of manifestos...
...The rational office of the party has called attention to this situation and has appealed for financial aid...
...To your places in the mills...
...There is more justification for one to tend to swine and pasture cows on a lonely farm, than to lead fnen or nations into destiny...
...Ten years to a long time particularly for such people" a» Russian moojtks, who have known only wxarvatton, war, disease and squalor for that length, AH the Communist Party of Russia ha* been able to give to these farmers is propaganda...
...Anyone would be able to show me the way...
...And there yon have the terrible story of the "fierce fighting* in the Socialist Party...
...It is this movement which our illiterate militarists drag before Rotary lunches and utterly damn as an imp of perdition...
...Therein Uetil the great flaw of the Russian Experiment, Therein it must tail as a pure 'Socialist regime...
...We urge tiiose who can, to pledge a certain sum to the national office each week or month for this work and, above all, see to it that your pledge is met promptly each time it comes due...
...The Senator said that unless the tax-payers make themselves heard they may well prepare for a deluge In the way of additional tax burden, and that not only will there be no reduction of taxes, but there necessarily will be an increase to the future, if this program goes through...
...With die experience the workers have had with courts throughout our history, we believe that it would be fatal to lodge With them the power to enforce wage agreements...
...But if there had bean the rtHtf*rl ioubt left hi my mind that this was he famous Tammany Ran, the gsptle nan Wending leisurely at the door, wear-, ng e smart bowler hat cocked on oat dde of his head, swinging * slander cane, md crossing his one lag ever the other, his shoes covered with the most elegant rray spate while his toft thumb was gallantly playing with the button-hole is he lapel of his coat, the sight of tbt* smart boy shout town wtth merry brews *yes and good humor twinkling from •very line of his juvenile face would have BapeUed that doubt...
...A heartbroken woman eaw her world of effort and sacrifice shattered...
...niuminati Frightens Rotary •fl^HAT the Rotary clubs are being served by military officers is evident from an address by Major Hall G. Van Vlack to the Jamestown Rotary last week on "The Menace of Pacifism...
...Frederick J. Libby...
...I bethrstght myself of what a wise American had told me on B* Journey sens* the water...
...Bar hps were aortng silently while her shriveled band* were gliding over a row of cards spread in the table before her...
...He swung his cane h the direction of a little box-panorassa to which tiny trains were running in a host bewildering fashion Into and out ST Innumerable black betas, repeating to sU who cared to listen: "Five cents, onto tve cents, up and down and round about she oM town, no matter which train yea happen to get poshed Into and Indifferent torough whichever hols yon happen Id be mined into daylight again...
...which are fall of attacks on Socialists, Communists, and other radical irganiaations in this country...
...Bach of you...
...O Emancipator...
...He Jerked his receiver to the left and pointed with it ua Fourteenth Street, As his bead was evident tv full of figures and nuswers be could jot and time to speak...
...After reeding the review* of these nincompoops, I am convinced that Rto lady had performed exceedingly well...
...He has been heflina uoond an week, with has attack on the Oethoac Church and Mr...
...I notice how reticent the moat hard boiled ones of our Ileft winging American barricade-contractors are about even breathing the name of Leon the Magnificent, ir Zinoviev the Maker of Manifestos...
...His deviations offered no program" of support "of the Soviet Union" DUt "hostilities" immediately followed his remarks...
...1 Aftermath The magic of the night has fled...
...Our Socialist perspective should not be a parochial one...
...Van Vlack is blissfully ignorant of the fact that the Illuminati was an off shot of the Masons and had no connection whatever with the working class movement...
...I personally would not have sent any of them out tor judge a basketball game...
...Caliban, laugh...
...Here is a murder no district attorney will ever get a -frr"~ to thunder about before the taw and tho tabloid cameras...
...It was a terrible night and it .revealed that the Socialist Party is to "take a Tammany form," Hillquit is to lead a Czarist army against Russia, Thomas will organize a Red Cross, Lee win watch JiOlquit to sec that he executes no deviation from the program, and "Jim" Maurer will play the role of conscientious objector...
...It was one of those nights when two or three other artists, well-known and popular, were giving concerts in other halls of the city...
...At the anranee sat an old Irish Orsndnsother to » glass-box, upon whose shoulder writhed -.' cat with amber eyes...
...Help those Socialists who aye almost helpless through no fault of their own...
...Here is what Van Vlack received from his superiors and rationed out to Rotary...
...It certain rebellious Nicaragua ns respond...
...topshtof I dashed across to toss...
...The peasant is still a petit bourgeois, for all of the ukases and Communist propaganda poured into his ears for ten years by the Kreralinites...
...The absurdity is apparent the moment it is stated, but it impresses those who have not learned to,,tiiiqk...
...It is the police individualistnof Herbert Spencer and it is based on . the assumption that the workers are never to wrest control of governing powers from the banking and capitalist class...
...Then the identification of Socialism with the Bavarian Illuminati is rich humor to those who have any acquaintance with history...
...What ha* Smith, and Lowden, and Hoover, and Reed and the rest qf the political brokers to say to these derelicts...
...Philosophers know that suffering belongs there...
...Now as reduction of taxes and national economy are going to be tho main points on which the Republicans will campaign this year, even Cautious Calvin became alarmed at the bellowing of Plunkett, arid slapped the Admiral mildly on the wrist by giving out one of those ghost interviews from the White House, in which, he intimated that, all things considered, it might be just aa well If high officers of the army and navy didn't go around the country hollering "WAR, WAR" when there was no war...
...Back-stairs Spokesman...
...She stood before her audience...
...What a marvelous conoption of political pedagogy...
...Be had aaU:i "Manhattan la owned by the Jaws sag ruled by the Irish...
...They simply cannot do it...
...This army differs from the march of the Jacobins in 1893-94 in one respect...
...Down into the dark with you again...
...They work and grew wheat and produce...
...Free discussion was unknown and all intellectual life was shrouded in medieval obscuirofUm The Illuminati was a faint torch of knowledge raised by a handful of men m Bavaria, a signal to awakening Europe that civilization had- penetrated this cave of bats...
...At the Tides of the ban were dainty Bstto- boxes nacrtbed APPROVED BY THfl STATS TENSOR granting peep**** the pretty adies of the city who no doubt are busy it election time...
...Everywhere is bell where beast-men sweat...
...I prmumn, the as> mortal Mr...
...The moon has lost its shimmer...
...Secretory of the Rational Council for Prevention of War, W*a rude enough to suggest that the entire proceedings of the Pan-American Conference are being rigorously censored by the United States and Cuban.secret police, that those.who had the great privilege of hearing President CooUdge's thoughts on Columbus bad to be stamped kosher by the authorities before they were allowed to listen, and that aay delegation such as the Haitian, for example, which might be suspected of harboring resentment towards the United States, was not allowed to land to Cuba...
...It is the price paid for the dominion of two political parties that should have been cast on-the dump heap ere this calamity came to Overwhelm these unfortunates...
...The judiciary is the most conservative department of the government and it has this character because the organized working class has not organized its voting power for its own welfare...
...Our big newspapers entrusted the life-work and dream of an honest, earnest artist to the critical puerility at their cub reporter...
...But I might Inquire...
...Dan ton 'phrased it quite aptly...
...the chief propaganda organ af the Roman' Catholic hierarchy to this country, is conducting a large-scale campaign against the labor government tn Mexico, both over the radio and to the shape of printed p»mPt'1»**i' */v*"*ing President Dalles at being in the pay of he Bolshevists and fomenting disturtances against the United States to Nicaragua and other Latin-American countries...
...We repeat,, there are many who can help, especially in the East...
...Now it may happen that while we are taking care of our own local needs we will have neglected a very important section of the movement...
...For the first ime since the foreign language branches of the Sola...
...That her voice cracked a bit here and there was undoubtedly due to an attack of nerves...
...But why do yea kiefc see SewssrtaataT* Our answer is that we are doing It for their own good, and that it really hurts Father more to spank than it hurts the spankee...
...Capitalism has been a hideous failure in the West for years while the Coolidge ballyhooers have been shouting "prosperity...
...Defense" of Saeco and Vanzetti brought in a big fund to pay salaries of Bolshies, but "aid" for the miners and prohibiting use of an "anti-imperialist" stamp by the postoffice, which promised some ready cash, have not proven productive of funds...
...New ngland had a union of Church and State just as Bavaria did and Morse's sermons were aimed at the "Anti-Christ," Jefferson, who had disestablished the Church in Virginia...
...The lights, the amphitheatre of seats and faces, the whole newness of the scene before her gripped on her throat The accompanist started a few opening chords,, and then she entered on her hour of trial...
...And speaking of Nicaragua, it tookl as If that unhappy subject would be sneaaasfBtty eliminated from all the discussion of the Pan-American conference at Haveho, Whenever It threatens to come up, Charles Brans Hughes, out chief spokesman to Cuba, arises, pacts his whiskers, and assures toe hand-picked delegates present that hke Tiny Tim In Dickens, the United States loves every* body...
...Now isn't it amazing that in die first year of organized Socialism it became "well-knit'' and so on...
...So why get all bet up about it...
...a There is pain in the coal fields, pain In the factories...
...Investigation of Morse's statements showed that they were based upon a loiter in French issued by Wisdom Lodge of the Masons in Virginia...
...Russia are tough business birds...
...Besides, she has nothing but the utmost ewatoBBBt tar al constituted authority, Harming that Bay Cterire to set eyes upon the famous Mayor if Manhattan was nothing short of k...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 7

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