A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE 'FEATURES1 'A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF BOWUNQ ASA member of the Dr. John Roach Straton SunA day Morning Bowling and Breakfaat Club, Inc., I rise to say a few good words in favor...

...AN OPEN LETTER TO COOLIDGE JAEAR CAL: " T haven't written yon tor quite a spell and thought that maybe you'd think I'm huffy about something you've done...
...Of course she is an egotist...
...time when we abould acquire a genuine English pair of pants, which as Everyone knows, has no use whatever for American belts...
...Adam Coaldlgger...
...visualise this child with .Dos Passes for a wet nurse and Joyce as a governess...
...Such Americana as never were on sea or land, and, I am sure, in Okla-" noma either, whence one of the most odious of them to supposed to hall...
...reader to be cautious In accepting the introductions as models af historical judgment .and accuracy...
...Duncan's book is not a confession...
...P. S. If you should think It advisable to replace your iron men of War with wooden snips, you'll find some' good timber in the beads of the Navy...
...The first instalment of "Boston" is the handshake on the promise of what should be as forceful a study of American industrial society as has yet been made...
...So does every honest writer...
...Furthermore, the costume required is not elaborate...
...It is a sordid story and reveals the "spiritual values" of capitalism in a light that President Cooiidget shuns when he broadcasts this theme to the loyal subjects of King Capital...
...Ryan has, it is suspected, a strong leaning to the mock heroics of the old Wobbly crowd who wore gray shirts when they had the price of white ones because it was so romantic...
...S. Eliot (if such a biological feat could be achieved...
...The book contains a preface by Margaret Llewelyn Da vies, and is published by the Cooperative Woman's Guild, 38, Downshire Hill, Hempstead...
...Bert MaeDonald...
...their bands and say "We did the best we could," which is proven by the fact that S-4 fs still on the bottom of the ocean...
...She groans under the difficulty of trying to put herself into words...
...The work is an expansion of an article on the same theme contributed to the Yale Review in 1906 and it will serve as an authority on this phase of economic and political history...
...And then be returned to Boston aboard a U. S. destroyer...
...for the dance in Kant's "Kritik...
...Care should be taken not to let go on your backward swing, as this sends the boll into the audience and yourself down the alley...
...The book has to do with the "mopping up" of .the old furniture in the old houses of t?VlgVar"1 by hordes of Invading Americans...
...If you read "Some Do Not," "No More Parades," and "A Man Could Stand Up," you naturally want to know what became of that almost incredible Christopher Tietjens, who believed himself to be "the last Tory in England," and his La Unist mistress, Valentine Wan nop, and his amazingly vindictive wife Sylvia...
...This incredible heritage of Ryan's putstens itself over each page of his "Angel's Flight," published by Bom and Liveright...
...The books are attractively bound hi board : overs and printed in type large enough jo make reading pleasant...
...Certainly "The Last Post" to the least interesting of the four books, though certainly, too...
...It reminds you of so ""•ny former friends in the radical movement who •we done the sameThing...
...Even if you should make a strike at the end, it would count you practically nothing, as it is the ball, not the" player, which must hit the pins...
...Incidentally, why do British authors select such strange names for their American characters...
...Hardy and Meredith working together could not have invented this woman, but she could have taught them more (and certainly teaches us lesser fellows still more) than they ever Imagined about what a woman is and how she thinks—if that woman happens to be a genius and to be the singular individual genius, Isadora Duncan...
...rennr and Mammonlte, Bigot and^ Ks»Y«j.,, ~- Crawl to the battlefield,' sneak to your^greve, ' la.the day of the Lord at hand...
...Par better is your sense of right Than kingcraft's triple mail...
...It Is out of our own experience that we recommend that the suspenders be lavender...
...like a true patriot, threw down his monkey wrench and started for Boston...
...Mark Twain set out to write a candid autobiography and found, what forty years of experience as reader and writer might have taught him, that it cannot be done...
...So I. guess by now the Navy may know all about the garage man from Indiana and if It lent asking' too much from a busy man like you, Cal, -4...
...At any rate, I have now reached the ,tage where I can qualify as a veteran bowler, and I want to urge my radical friends to take up this .port seriously...
...For men play'• ert, a vest,1 lavender suspenders, and a. cigar-butt congtftute the correct apparel...
...I again refer you to England and Germany...
...wish you'd send me the report of Admiral Brumley^p the raising of S-4...
...If the people could be persuaded to cease taking the papers controlled by privilege and take only papers devoted to their real Interest, it would not be long before they could abolish privilege.—W...
...We' have noticed that whenever we appear in an alley the faces of the pinboys perceptibly brighten...
...John Roach Straton SunA day Morning Bowling and Breakfaat Club, Inc., I rise to say a few good words in favor of the antteat md honorable game of bowls...
...It moves not with its prayer or curse The gates of Heaven or Hell...
...It is usually done in a dark basement, which is not a real bowling alley unless the cigar smoke is so thick that it is with difficulty you can descry your, nearest neighbor through its enveloping mists...
...When these two requirements are fulfilled then a nation hi prepared to fight to its finish...
...The Summons Gall...
...naer yoa, gather you, angels of God Freedom and Mercy and Truth...
...Vincent MUlay, John Dos Passes, and a score more—with a letter from William Ellery Leonard, who had no poem, but "would not seem by silence to give cansent to this terrible deed", and a prose picture of Miss Vanzetta in Paris by Professor W. P. Trent, whose present stricken condition is largely the result of his efforts for the two victims—merely to list some of the names Is to indicate the ¦geographical sweep and the spiritual power that ace gathered into this volume...
...It is only the charlatans, the uncritical, who are ever satisfied...
...However, that's neither here nor there...
...It dovetails with the period of the looting of the public domain, the plundering of New York City by the Tweed Ring, the railroad and franchise steals, the debauching of bench, bar, judiciary and press, and the rise of capitalism to power after its release from the duty of sharing power with the owners of slakes...
...John Macy...
...I think that I am a member in good gtanding, although that matter will have to be referred to Kingpin Morris Ernst, who is also secretary 0f the club...
...Ryan has great descriptive powers and his style is peculiarly adapted to the story of that mad town Los Angeles, where the scene Is laid chiefly* with intermittent glimpses of staid old New'York...
...It ean be obtained from the Cooperative Union, Limited, Manchester and costs 3/6...
...literary men in Europe brought her the treasures of their languages, fed her with beautiful words, read aloud to her by the hour...
...Last Post" contains so little of the solid Christopher and so much of his brother Mark, who distinguishes himself by going to bed out of doors under a thatch and refusing to talk to anyone, partly through Tory obstinacy, and partly through the shock that was his when he discolored that by the terms of the Armistice the Allies were not to go one and devastate Berlin...
...They realize that while we are about theirs will only be a part-time job, and that there will be opportunities for them to indulge in caustic side-comments, such as, "Here comes ¦ the poor fish with glasses again...
...Ford's rather labored satire is a Mrs...
...I am not quite sure that I know what I mean by that, of course, but the training, the sources of expression are all evident, accounted for, so far as the art of words can be accounted for...
...You do this in the'manner of acrobats at - the old Hippodrome...
...As long as fifteen years ago the British section of the Women's Cooperative Guild was calling for an alliance between Cooperative and Labor forces in...
...The best material can be ruined by Inadequate presentation...
...It is difficult to conceive what a reader who has not followed "Tietjens through the first three books, win make of this last...
...1, on sale in the Rand School Book Store) appeared in the beat of the struggle...
...Sending Lindy and Will Rogers down there waa a master stroke...
...Germany tried that game and if you write to the ex-Kaiser and ex-Admiral Tirpltz they can tell you all about bow it worked out...
...ripen it in the army, and, lo, after thirty years you have (no, not Lon Cheney) but Don Ryan...
...de Bray Pane...
...How man people have had the privilege of such an opulent incessant education...
...But I ain't...
...Now I have been in Oklahoma, and if that state is capable of producing a woman who has ever heard of the Maintenon, and who can at the same time beat the English aristocracy'at then' own game, it has possibilities which I have overlooked...
...The commandment Of the Charles town navy yard escorted Shambaugh to the naval brig Majava and snipped him to Province town with all the honors due the white hope of the Navy...
...This American "I accuse...
...And those splendidly crazy children building a house on a hill in Greece miles from running water, sinking gold in an artesian well that never welled—here is romantic comedy enacted by people in this very day of the world, at least as romantic as dancing in the Parthenon by moonlight...
...Ours, • which were purchased at Dayton, Tennessee, during the Scopes trial, bad been laid away against the...
...Regard this book first simply as literature...
...The lames, should appear in proper sports costume, in our case, wearing across , the front the initials D. J. R. S. S. M. B. B. As success in this game requires that the players should lean far over, some care should be taken by its feminine followers in regard to undies, but we will not go into that...
...Whereupon Shambaugh...
...We've got the mechanics, we've got the mechanism and the steel industry is willing to take our last dollar...
...A study of this institution by Walter L. Fleming, Ph.D., has now appeared (The Freedmen's Savings Bank, University of North Carolina Press, $2) and it makes very interesting reading...
...Perhaps an injustice is done in saying that he has acqftred so many characteristics from hfc mythical parents, but passages in this strange book are so like those of the parent work that the circumstantial" evidence of an inherited style will not down...
...Hanging near the racks which contain the balls, you will discover a towel, a sponge and.a large piece of chalk Contrary to what you might think, the towel and sponge are not for the purpose of reviving exhausted players but are there' for you to wash off paddies with...
...Duncan is expressive, articulate, even eloquent and beautiful,, compellingly honest and sincere...
...England, which has at last been achieved during recent months...
...Ford has a style, a queer, tight, compact way of writing that makes most anything he puts on paper memarable...
...Than tyrant's blow or bigot's hen More mighty is your simplest word...
...The free heart of an honest man Than--croeier or the sword.Go—let your bloated Church rehearse The lesson it has learned so well...
...McAlister Coleman...
...Sacco and Vanzetti 'suis sensational murder trials of recent ' date, the sentimental outcry at the execution of a woman, are developing a public drift toward the abolition of capital punishment far stronger (one is ashamed to say) than that > carried on the wave of indignation at the Massachusetts legal murder of Sacco and Vansettl But, with .the calm determination that marked the warriors who, at Thermopylae or at Belleau Woods, declared "They shall not pass...
...But that ain't what I'm writing about...
...If he is a bowler, I am Queen Marie of Roumania...
...but I would rather give up some of the more passionate episodes than the image of that eager groping child trying to find Inspiration...
...Once, as a boy, when the Wabash.had backed into the back yard of bis borne, be bad taken a sail in his mother's best wash tub and got a licking for it which so discouraged him that he gave up the idea of going to Annapolis to become an admiral...
...E. Brokaw...
...i 10 ourselves after some of our pet hates, we ™P» K> achieve the soul-satisfying proficiency of some w our confreres...
...Those two boys did more good in two weeks than the marines can undo in two years, and they are some undcers, believe me...
...IftBBOJBPwc^ V Sinclair's "Boston" TpHERE Is appearing in thto month's BOOKMAN a story to which all Who contemplate the orescent social order with mingled wonder and dismay, should turn...
...Very, Very British wpbRjj MADOX FORD finishes up his *- series of novels on what has happened to the English Tory before, during, and since the war, with a book which he calls "The Last Post," published by Albert and Charles Boni, New York...
...He's the only feUow that can tell it fb the saaetaes in the only manner it can be told right...
...Fact is, the nearer you come to the end of your term the better I like yoa...
...to lack of support but solely to the Wicked War -which converted her beautiful temple of art into a hospital...
...At {he further end of the alleys stand disconsolately, a number of elderly gentlemen whaj are known in the jargon of the game as pin-boys...
...But when it comes to men to command ships Fm afraid you're going to be up a stump unless you decide to put civilians like this man Charley Shambaugh in the place of professional admirals, front admirals and rear admirals...
...The introduction to each - book, howiver, reveals a studied attempt to make, 3 ach notable "Voice of Revolt" serve the Communist movement...
...International Publishers, 60 cents •ach) is introduced by four volumes...
...The rii-Se four books fulfill the promise...
...In "Boston," the movement starts with the funeral of an exrove mor, one of the old Boston society, and the satire is as spirited and rich »s It to subtle and restrained...
...J. T. S. * Fleecing Unfortunates fkNE of the most notorious and revoltlng phases of the period immediately following the Civil War was the philanthropic gesture of the Republican leaders toward the emancipated slaves...
...Including Bert Vanzettl...
...The poet is preeminently the forward-looker...
...I think you will be a bit dwappomced that...
...He.bad answered bis country's call in such a hurry that there bad been no time to recall Souse's marine band to bead a naval review in honor of the super naval expert from the banks of the Wabash...
...So deep an impression had Shambaugh made on Admiral Brumley and bis staff of- Annapolis naval experts that they forgot to ask him if he had ever been on a ship before...
...Christendom has other ends Than creating lust and greed And the ugly things they breed— Millionaires and dividends...
...Now we have an English -country gentleman's suit, with lovelffly pleats in the trousers and a huge hunting pocket...
...Nevertheless, there is some grand writing here and despite its strong similarity to so many «tto«irniia.r authors, it has the feel of a new book and a strong book...
...Duncan produces the effect of having done it better than even the best of those books that are called "Confessions"—a word that connotates the revelation of -something unfavorable or reprehensible, something that ought to be concealed...
...be has perhaps recognized that truth is the best propaganda, when clothed in the grace of art...
...And the admiral being at bis wit's end—which waa right close at home —wired back: "Come on Shambaugh, the Navy needs yoa...
...Sropotkin, Lenin, Ferrer and Sun YatSen...
...we see them through the quiet gaze of the "first-family widow who has come to live among them...
...better yet, spend It to make the Mississippi safe for democracy, than to waste them on floating liabilities like battleships, cruisers, destroyers and submarines It would take me too long to tell you what disastrous consequences a naval race with Johnny Bull may bring...
...Among Americans to' be included In the series are Thomas Paine, Frances Wright, Susan B. Anthony...
...In the resolve that the shock felt round the world on the 23rd of August, 1837 will prove to have lighted a fuse that utimately will blow from their vaulted chambers the' smug, blind rulers who know not that justice reaches always to Its goal, If even by the sudden blaze of revolution...
...I'm especially tickled the way you settled the trouble with Mexico...
...But maybe you don't know Brother Shambaugh so 111 start at the beginning...
...If she were not, there would bave been no original dancer, no Duncan to write about...
...However, the boys did their best considering the shortness of time...
...educate it in a newspaper office...
...his sympathetic imagination makes him leader of lost causes—and the "lost causes" of a generation's ideals are the base of the world's salvation, and shall succeed omorrow...
...But I'd a heap rather make an outright present of those $750,000,000 to the boys, or...
...Many of the poems to this vohimtr (Dean St Co...
...This attitude found expression in the organization of an institution for gathering in the few pennies Negroes might have by way of teaching them the virtues of thrift and saving...
...Robespierre Is presented In the initial rolume, Marat in the second, LassaUe In ;he third, and Uebknecht the younger In .he fourth...
...There is probably no more depressing experience a ¦ world full of such than to watch a ball which you bad despatched with great accuracy down the wjtre of the alley take a sharp turn to the right and Wl dismally into the gutter...
...There may be some use for our hunting pocket .other than as - a depository for dumb animals, if we have, to listen to any more of these tame bores...
...It is not fanciful to assimilate that natural nonposturing quality In her dancing to the literary, the intellectual quality of her book...
...Anyhow, if we're bell bound by way of a bigger -nd better Navy, we won't get there so prematurely if you bounce the Admirals and hand their jobs to civilians like this man Shambaugh...
...final wrecking of the .institution by the grafters...
...In "The Last Post...
...The aim Is to present typical selections from the writings or addresses of leaders In revolutionary thought and action...
...Other volumes announced will present Darilon, Blanqui, Jaures, Louise Michel, William Morris, Bakunin...
...Now when it comes to building war ships there is not a country that can bold a candle to us...
...Cooperation in...
...an are strong token of spirits firm for truth and justice...
...Sweden" to the title of a translation in English of a book by Axel OJoras, intended primarily for the student of the cooperative movement mut containing much matter of general interest...
...The death cf her children and her own death were calamities not of her making,' but inflicted on her by Hardy's inscrutable "President of the Immortals...
...It's soma good advice I want to give you about the $790,000,000 navy program that boy Wilbur is putting up to Congress...
...I would not lose a word of this book...
...Daring, and "Love, , Haste to the battlefield, stoop.from above, To the day of the Lord at band...
...Well, up to that crucial moment in the naval history of our country, Charles Shambaugh 'was a plain, unassuming citizen running a garage in Lafayette, . Ind...
...There Is much that is autobiographical in "Angel's Flight" but there is enough fertile imagination in it to blast away the dullness which must creep into every life...
...I may add here that up to this point Brother Shambaugh's nautical experience had been rather limited...
...So one day when the garage business was worse than usual he wired Admiral ¦ Bromley that he'd like to bave a conference with him about that submerged sub...
...The Might of Right God bleas ye, brothers!—in the fight Ye're waging now ye cannot fall...
...And this book places her with the superwomen, Mary WoUstonecraft, George Sand, Bernhardt, the few who make us humbly proud to be the sons and lovers of the sex and not ashamed to be men...
...is prefaced by the clear words of John Haynes Holmes, and contains protesting songs of many of the nation's noted poets...
...throw it out into the hobo world of Jack London for a spell...
...It was not until this Christmas that we achieved our Anglican ambition...
...But it is also difficult to conceive bow anyone who has done so will fall to go out and buy "The Last Post," so haunting a portrait has Ford done in this upstanding saga of the hell that the Great War was and is atOL McAlister Coleman...
...And they might never have learned that he hadn't except for the fact that some bright Boston newspaper reporter asked that very question when Shambaugh re-entered the Charlestown navy yard surrounded by anxious and" goldbraided captains...
...She read endlessly, "devoured everything...
...Wells' American Is called Mrs...
...Ever your friend and buddy, ADAM...
...It is here too, that you discover that all food bowling alleys are equipped with gutters which fu* along the side of the alley proper, and for which we bowling balls of the amateur seem to have a fatal penchant...
...Each volume sanies less than a hundred pages and can be read within an hour...
...Thto is a lady who goes about England patronizing the aristocracy, and boasting that she is a descendant of the Main tenon...
...Of course she knows how to write...
...scanning the new book Isadora Duncan ISADORA DUNCAN'S "My Life" (Bond & Liveright) belongs among the few great classics of autobiography...
...Well, Cal, that's all for today...
...Though it may be difficult to picture * Greek discus-player in lavender suspenders and a **st, the illusion must be maintained until you reach the foul line...
...Her dancing, according to her own account and many accounts by others, was free from conventional poses, it expressed herself and an idea...
...But the tar had entered the soul of that boy and stayed there until the' day came when the Navy called him...
...Merely to call the roll, the editors, Sam de Witt, David E. Berenberg, David Gould Fletcher, Louis Olnoberg, Ernest Hartsock, Benjamin Musser, Lola Ridge, E. Merrill Root, Countie Cullen, Babette Deutsch, Harry Alan Potamkln, James Rorty, Clement Wood, Witter Bynher, Arthur Davison Ficke, Alfred Kreymborg, Jeannette Marks, Kathleen and Edna St...
...i«un, «* Well, Cal, I guess you remember when Submarine S-4 went down with all bands on board and all the Annapolis admirals could do was to throw up...
...Note that the worst sorrows and failures in her life were not her faultt not tragedies of character, defects of...
...And don't forget, we got the money, we got the ships and we got the garage men...
...But to repress our Anglophobia, and to get back to the good old American game of bowling, we hereby print for the benefit of the layman certain rules and regulations for his observance...
...It la dignified egotism, without a fatal gesture...
...Arrived there Shambaugh dined in secluded privacy with Admiral Brumley, Inspected the spot oa the ocean below which S-4 was supposed to lie, spent the night in the officers' quarters of the mine sweeper Buahnell, shook hands with the divers and complimented them on their good work...
...But by naming .the h...
...On Cooperatives Under the title of "The Woman with the Basket" Catherine Webb has published a history of the rise of the women's cooperative movement from a membership of 50 in 1883 to its 57,000 of to-day, when it forms one of the links in the international organization of workingclass women...
...On the whole, "The last Post" seems rather an afterthought, a filling In of certain details connected with those tremenddus days when the Tory went to pot around Christopher Tietjens, and the good old Tory virtues, come down straight from the Middle Ages, • were blown to pieces by the high explosives concocted by British blundering, German ambition, and American avarice...
...I know steel production fell off IS per cent last year and the steel trust may need a little paternalism to help It declare the customary dividends on the aqua pure of its stock, sa we Latins say...
...I have been a member of this Association for several months...
...It is simply gorgeous...
...It is the opening of Upton Sinclair's novel, "Boston," which win grow into a searing and searching study of the men and the system that prodace such thing* as the judicial murder of Sacco and Vanzettl Sinclair has, BT his past few books, been learning the difference between propaganda and art...
...Here is an exciting, rich, varied career, splendid material...
...One expression of the resolve that the names of Sacco and Vanzettl win be held high until not merely is their innocence established, but the system that permitted their death itself put down, hi the anthology "America Arraigned," edited by Lucia Trent and Ralph Cbeyney...
...Dolly VMat The chattel slave owner got all the slave's time for nothing...
...In the second ahapter, there enters a group <f Italian laborers...
...Literary Rough-neck T MAO INK a child of H. L. Mencken and *T...
...When Shambaugh landed in Boston be found tba very cream of Annapolis naval experts waiting for him with thumping bosoms...
...In the first place, bowling is very beneficial from a health standpoint...
...Joseph T. Shipley...
...She takes herself for granted, naked and unashamed as a goddess, but with an almost bitterly self-critical appreciation of her mistakes...
...Considering a recent "history" of the American working people brought out by the same bouse ind reviewed In these oohnnaw, it is accessary for tba...
...It is particularly delightful in that the more strikes there are, the more liable one is to win...
...Winter coming on, the old Fords being mostly beyond recovery and the new ones not out yet, the garage business was middling bad and so it happened that Brother Shambaugh got to reading about the noble efforts Admiral Brumley was making to raise that submarine and the more he read the more he became interested...
...But there is enough good stuff in him to overcome that phase of a happily forgotten era...
...Voices of Revolt A SERIES of small books bearing the ™ title of "Voices of Revolt" (New fork...
...London, N.W.3, at the price of 3/0...
...What I'm trying to get you hep to is that it takes two things to make a first-class naval power and that is men and ships...
...so is there in this country a small group to whom the two Italian victims of prejudice and pride have become a symbol of what is rotten In our land, and who declare "They shall hot pass from memory...
...When we inquired of our friend who presented us with this suit as to the functions of a hunting pocket, he informed us that the English use it for the stowing away of such foxes, grouse and wild boar as they come upon in the course of their travels...
...It is now apparently the open season for English lecturers, who come these days by the shipload to tell us provincials all about Art and culture and the infinite superiority of the mind of Britain under Baldwin...
...r" • Osroe, for the earth has grown coward and old, Come down, and renew us her'youth...
...At a r~e of complete apathy along other lines, you say bn*Wi"*elf by way of vicarious .enjoyment "Atta»ji'rThere goes the Open Shop, the American Plan, «• Company Union, the American Defense Society, National Security League, the, National Electric tranh association, the American Telephone and TeleJrV P°mpany' John Spargo, John D. Rockefeller, ^MJd Nicholas Murray Butler, ail In one gorgeous we bowl a perfect 38, our experience in the J^T.™ not been striking...
...nature, sins of will, but sheer accidents...
...Wisdom, Self-sacrifice...
...Gather you, gather you hounds, of beU, Famine and Plague and Warv Weaeee, Bigotry, Cant and Misrule: Gather and fan in the snare...
...I'm sun they will answer you gladly and in great detail because the last I heard of them they did'nt have a thing to do but write memorials...
...Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, Albert Parians, Johann Most, Daniel DeLeon and Jack London...
...Tossing the towel to your towel-bearer, and selecting your favorite ball from among the many on the rack, you stagger off with the mammoth thing, and if the ladies are present, you make a somewhat feeble attempt to swing this weighty object...
...TeQ Kellogg to appoint Will Rogers ambassador to Nicaragua...
...At tais point you drop the ball with a sigh of relief, and a prayer for its successful Journey...
...the overseas victim of Mr...
...It is an assertion...
...I never saw her dance and know but little about her except what is to be found in this book...
...It is their duty to set up in place the pins which you knock down with your bowling ball...
...On the other hand, there is nothing more satis«H>ry than to watch a good bowler, like Morris Ernst Walter Frank, for example, hit the>pras just right send them crashing down into oblivion...
...It ain't that I'm curious, hut my pet goat died last Friday and I ttdnir reading the exchange of expert opinion between Admiral Brumley and that Hcosier monkey wrench slinger would cheer me up a heap...
...Whoever gets any of another's time for nothing- has that much of a slave.—"Equitlst...
...The closing of her school in Paris was not due to her mismanage-, ment or...
...In "Meanwhile," Mr...
...Swinging- the ball, then, in a cautious manner, you crouch over and advance in the fashion of a Greek discus-player...
...Readers of the history of this period are more or less tamlHar with this, shocking episode but the details with considerable documentation presented in this study are for the first time gathered into one narrative.' In brief, it is the story of graft and betrayal of unfortunate Negroes just released from bondage, a plundering of their savings and the...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 7

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