Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States National » ^kMk*wVvs ia sssisfjf«a§a(wi amaBsW"^^ ilin«*nj Winum a Henry, linn1 mwbMw Secretary, MBV Washington Himlrwarfl,...

...PHtsbuqjhV Pa...
...This was the fourth shipment In addition to this $681.27 has been gathered for the miners...
...B-njJn I|Uorm»tlon retarding ¦Jmirrt merature, otalfarna, ete_ Syk* obtained from tho Kitlml . <m"' Iceland . A bb order for Socialist liter*hire arrives from the cold north...
...31 is "Government by Injunction and Organised Labor...
...This scares the fat boys an that they some across with oodles of Jack...
...Idagal's reports show that the party oxsanhagrin can be built up...
...S3rd AD...
...Beading' , Thursday night of this week a membership meeting of Local Barks County will be bald in the Labor Lyceum when poll, tical npminaUona will we made for a number of offices...
...April ^-w&W^oMtt Keren wrfn be cftefted from upstate cooJ^o^l^^S...
...The Boston local of the union is coming along strong under the leadership of Frank R. Croaswaith...
...All members and friends in the ward are urged to attend...
...Texas State Ticket Sure Comrade Taylor...
...Important items including election of delegates to the National Convention...
...OenW^inStS avenue...
...State Secretary again orders dues stamps and explains the litustion confronting thorn in placing the Boslaliet ticket on the ballot, They expect to have a full ticket In Texas...
...IS THAT SO...
...We will also haxe the advantage of making contacts and Tho new Cfty*B*oentlve Coaamktee wiu bald ua flsst stesthm Wednesday evening, Feb...
...A eomoctttee of Circle 3 elected to cooperate with Party at Hunts Point Palace bast Sunday was on the Job since 1.30 pan...
...Every Socialist who leads this m Texas should be an active cooperator with the state oiacisja New Jersey State Convention State Secretary Schwartiog sent out a call for the state convention, which will beheld in Passaic an Sunday...
...The second edition ef -walls and Bars" is off the press...
...BShehed Brown, Who wUl speak en "Capital Punishment in the Light of Recent BxecuOous...
...You know the psychology sharks say that it is bad business to let an emotion loose and give it no aim or purpose...
...AH seem to be ready to get beck into the movement We are having a very taterestmg study on evolution conducted by Frank Ehrenfried...
...Antl-Pascist meeting held last week m Scenic Auditorium...
...W« hope to announce nest week 'the price and makeup of the new fanner pssspbJet Printers see now working on £This piece of literature, can and should be used in large quantities in the farming sections...
...the branch will few honored with a guest speaker...
...Connecticut State Eseeative Meets The State Executive Committee met Sunday Jan...
...Local Los Angeles has voted to hold propaganda meetings each Thursday...
...devote some Shaw to ccJfeetton ef ate-, natures of «DroUod Socialist rotors...
...Ewttswnwn Organise* Local Potts town, which has been Inactive foe some time, reorganised with IS new and old members last week The sale of dues stamps at the meeting gave the treasury a fund of »22.50 and a collection swelled it by I*.21...
...All locals are urged, to sen the Debs Memorial Convention stamp...
...March 29, when a full state ticket will be named... meet te_Bsw York CBty...
...S. (the 8- to for Solomon, but we won't go into that) Stanwood Menken Is the wife of a notorious red-halter who was President of the National Security League, the crowd that threw fits about admitting countess KaroJyi to this country on the ground that the Countess would overthrow our institutions...
...7 Bast 15th street...
...Castles to Spain...
...Be expects to make a good showing before he makes his final report...
...A thousand dollar Journal u> expected and every effort Is being made to obtain a largo sale of tickets...
...It was a one night costume only and can never bo worn again...
...10, The Abolitionist Movement Abe Lincoln, Lloyd Garrison, etc...
...Alfred Baker Lewis and Joseph Bearak have spoken for the Brotherhood In Boston...
...eqmmaUon of delegates to the national fonvepUpn Is being made throughout Pennsylvania...
...Sebwartlng orders a trig supply of the leaflet "Party Builders and Thinkers...
...The application will be signed by 32 member* and ex-members who initiated action for re-affllllatlon with the party...
...Yipseldom Circle 3, Junior, Bronx Last Friday after an interesting Literary evening four new members were accepted...
...He reports that the party wffl have a ticket op the ballot in Kentucky in the fall election...
...Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States National » ^kMk*wVvs ia sssisfjf«a§a(wi amaBsW"^^ ilin«*nj Winum a Henry, linn1 mwbMw Secretary, MBV Washington Himlrwarfl, Chicago...
...If Solomon can afford to blow his wire to a seven thousand dollar gown that can onto bs worn once, see Seven tbensend doQers foe a djresa...
...It was dvctded to boM anch affairs every Jew months to bring afont a better acquaintanceship among our members...
...Wisconsin Socialist Help for Miners Recently a tiny band of communists in Milwaukee roared that Milwaukee Socialists •'betrayed" the striking miners because a "united front" meeting with them was refused...
...Comrade Neeb visiting old timers and Is receiving encouraging reports...
...Recent conferences and discussions among liberal trade unions and Socialist groups indicate that the fast growing number unemployed and suffering of workers require immediate enactment of such bills...
...3. An Important item is nomination of delegates to the National Convention...
...Secretary Claeesene was oretent and spelt on ' The Socialist Party and the Presidential Campaign...
...On Sunday evening, Feb...
...Bach member Is supplied with one copy by the organiser, costs only ten cents...
...Keep up the good attendance, comrades...
...An it takes Kentucky W sites*, rthobA State Secretary, writes that he a retting ready for organisation sad expects to farm several locals la the near future...
...After the report we will orgmnixe a cooperative association...
...New Haven The speaker at the Feb, 6 meeting of the Socialist Forum at the Workmen's Circle Educational Centre, 438 Oak street...
...Sit down and fleare hew far that weald ge with the striking eooj-mtoers in Pennsylvania the onion Is paying asanrnt S*4d » week BSSjsf fey a fnmUy of five... the Labor Forum, 47 West Run street Brockton, on "Unemployment and Unemployment Insurance...
...37 (?hue eoptouing...
...J. L. Afros win address the neat meeting at 1486 St Marks avenue on Feb...
...A wen attended meeting was held hurt Monday evening...
...B-lOfi Belmont street...
...S^^Ss^'cS^1^ by the CUy.CentasJ Committse* 1$*^ AJB branches...
...Tho mrnwsdo ordering this literature writes uu»t we may expect a warming up in that region state sad District secretarial and gocnndat in states not organised writs Of renewed Interest .in party organisation, of ¦jaS for state conventions, party- oriaSsitkJn...
...night... being ordered from all parts of the country...
...Oodlsa and oodles of it apparently...
...The liveliness qf the discussion, the real fire shown by the speakers, the responsiveness of the audwace to the appeal of Comrade Via*** for making The New Toader stronger than ever, all eceabjned to make this a most memorable affair, For his part at any rate, every member of The New Leader staff found fresh tospfawtton in this' together with the common end to view of creating to -S si seen and abroad a en the Jen, hem to the office...
...8. BenJ... 8:15 u. B9s subject m 'labtmi smi iwsa ^e-'n-1 the Qrnwnany Union...
...Branch meetings are held Monday evenings at the Labor Lyceum...
...and Joe te right Xth the only sort of germ that we know anything about which we can rises" admire...
...Looai Pasadena has also decided to hud public lectures ovary third Tuesday B5gbt of each month...
...Pipe dream...
...New York City The branches of Local Mew York City in tho five counties have received a carl from the City Office for the nomination of rkilagatwi to the National Convention which...
...Branch, meets In room 403, People's House, 7 mast 16th street, at 8.88 9 to...
...Thursday, Feb, 23, at the Y. M. C. A., 316 Huntington avenue, Boston, at 8.00 pjn...
...As SKwJtohwfiV ^SS^J^L'z^ ^ (Usenet rntvmg ewemnss enrolled} voters, this task 1* a hues one and mrat reoelve n^T^xyt'JSTtLBA'tt* week"of*Peh*28 to March 8. Besy active Socialist must Deport to has er her hredenailmi and volunteer for work...
...o •¦ o o Tbe,oae gnand thing about the movement Is that when a person gets the germ to h« blood he eaa swear quit" writes Comrade Joe LaGasa from Fallon, Nevada, to a tetter sending ua a subscription for btowetf and a farmer fstend...
...CPPer Weet side The branch will meet Thursday evening...
...As the porters, under Randolph's and Crossweith's 'tr^fn have put up the finest struggle of any trade union in the last few years against company unionism, be will be well worcn hearing...
...MANHATTAN The banquetL and* geu together Of the lst-2nd A. D. and Jewish Downtown rantDw»s!*ln spho ef'bad weaSer a^de^ ! Ctdfid...
...gpugb Pennsylvania Is going to the front...
...M, at the Fellowship of Youth tor Peace meeting, on the same subject...
...219 Sackman street On Monday, Feb...
...The South Park Branch Will hold • banquet in the near future and the | Central and Jewish branches are holdi ig Seed meetings...
...And to the long run, by and large, you, dear readercomrade, can gtoe us the sticks end stones in the shape of subscriptions and advertisements that will give you the paper you want • • » MO NXRD FOB BOCIALJSM... postage stamps to Waltar B. Davis...
...39 in New Haven at the Workmen's Circle Educational Center and unanimously voted to support unemployment Insurance and old age pension bills...
...New England Frank Croaswaith, Special organiser tor the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car •Sorters, win speak at 21 Essex street on aewuraday.Feb...
...The new branch will meet every Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at 538 S. 18th street...
...And nothing builds a party faster than the strengthening ef a militant, constructively radical press...
...It looks as...
...They also picked on eleven-year-OM Leo Graaoff who was suspected of having designs on the government in 1883 and Mr...
...The Milwaukee Leader recently published a picture of a large shipment of clothing and shoes to the miners of Pennsylvania which weighed two tons...
...It in the office of fir...
...success, A fine gathering Of comrades met, feasted and goestped...
...This Circle is developing nicely under the leadership of its executive committee consisting of Bkulrnick, Smith, Dologof and Benderaky...
...A new supply of this leaflet is ready and wejwpect comrades fc> use it...
...Fraternally Yours AT THE Beaux Arte ball held in New York toes week Mrs...
...8, Bather Friedman will bagm a series of lectures on "Loves Oominf of Age" at the Bast Side Socialist Center...
...Hoopes also orders iff0.applications for membership carols fff...
...who wfll speak on "How I Became a Socialist" This new branch* wftPineet Friday eve- I nlng, Feb...
...Z hope to mm long enough to get my beloved Leader every day Instead a* every week...
...On Sat urea* evening, March 3. the annual bail of the Brownsville Branch win be held at the Labor Lyceum, 219 Sacktnan street This affair promises to be successful Bertha Base fe...
...Simon Berlin, 845 West Mth sweet, important items are the nssntnailon of delegates to the National convention and circulation of presidential primary petitions among the enrolled voters...
...1 There are rejnors afloat that the "isemberahto Hoand" (Frank Brodsky) and hit nearest competitors (Afros, Wolfe and D*ubHri>, have mww thing np their smseee end will snrinc an sejreaahte soeprise at the neat meeting We await [with eager anticipation the denounce'ment...
...Daublin's talk at the hurt meeting on "Why 1 Rejoined the Socialist Party" was extremely interesting and sUmidslod a most Drofitahle discus^^mmm ¦w^w^e^wew^w^^^a we ^mjwww f • * f- 1 ' —^r *v ¦w™^"^m* slop...
...Arthur Henderson, the English M- P., because, fOrwooth, he wag "preachiim...
...NeKr York State Buffalo Buffalo is rapidly going- to the front in organisation work...
...Louis RahlnowltE was the speaker repreaeatng the Socialist Party at the...
...Send funi to MTt PhipVstsT MMteeo Block, WaJUna> ford Ct...
...A wall-known speaker will discuss some important topic BKOOBXXB »«.'jsgl„ section oordmoes to show progress, it Is I1H1 waMug to know that practically % PX» eaga of She annikers are present at BBweaeaS meetings...
...8. in room 808 Peoples House...
...A splendid course in Socialism has been mapped out covering IS weeks...
...3, on "The Sanity of Socialism.'* Party members end friends are eordJaUy invited...
...Utaretaae Orders f« literature are.on the...
...Worcester Joseph Bearak will speak at the .Worcester Central Labor Union's meeting Wednesday, Feb...
...Rattan Branch On Tuesday evening...
...The branch win meet Tuesday evening, Feb...
...The Socialists aie cooperating with the Federated Trades Council in this work...
...They' are ,j^ry active—not only doing propaganda work tor the party, but in assisting the striking nunere...
...You know what a Boo Men la Hs* is the guy who runs down to Wan Street and boners "BOO, THE BOLBHBV1STB ARB OOMTNG...
...As a spechd feature the branch will nave as then* guest our former can- . didate far Governs* Edward P. tmwddy...
...Oonv, nuhs end friends should realise that the mere support we get at national headguarters the better shape we wffl be in...
...Be also writes he is pushing the sale ef Voluntary Assessment stomps and mjt the members are still buying them...
...SJMAJTsV, The Committee elected to study cooperative institutions with William Halsern as SJW nitseraii 11 wiB report at the Tuesday meeting...
...kSUt AJa...
...Her subject is "America and Foreign Relations," We still have a few of the Debs Birthplace Calendars left Anyone who wants one can send 13c...
...The Sunday afternoon forum enrdimw waTessfut and airasgecoents are being made for an enseiaej Snelath* vneiaw leinllwg and an Intensive t"~">">*'—>^«* drive...
...New Haven, Ct...
...These stamps are sold for the purpose of helping to finance the National Convention...
...X baye been with you from the beginning and hope to be with you as long as I live...
...Readers of The New Leader are oqrdiaUy invited to attend these affairs: we guarantee them pleasant and Interesting evenings...
...Comrade TMehnnt, acting as leader...
...iTre OTQw^B^s^tfi WeS^fok^^&l...
...BUI Lienstrahl is leading in the sale of tickets...
...The **y*yw.n WSTrnt^STwrB...
...6, Louis Bromberg will lead a m-*'YTI*irT on "Theatre and Art...
...Connecticut is entitled to three delegates...
...5. at noon at First Congregational Church of SomervfBe on "The, Economic Basis tor Brotherhood...
...membership cards...
...Friday sWht forum...
...18 at 7:30 at the Congregational Church at N. Weymouth an "The Economic Basts for Brotherhood...
...A general discussion was followed by a decision to hold regular meetings and lectures, The subject announced for Jan...
...The Jewish 1 .ranch V. DotV'it has »ureaased a headquarters, where all braiohet of the party may meet and carry on the work...
...At about 8.30 p.m...
...17, A Round Table Discussion on the Principles of Socialism with our director...
...The one and only way to end the sort of todecent display -put on by the Men kens and their todies is to bufld the Socialist Party...
...f tan St Louis Socialists have been inactive for a long time but a call for a recent meeting brought oat some old timers...
...when the big convention meets...
...A call win be sent out this week for nomination of delegates to the cehs vehtion...
...1, on the anti-injunction bill introduced by She Socialist party...
...31, the Italian Branch re will hold a dance in the >Debs Auditorium, 7 Bast 15th street Please reserve that evening as it win be the occasion for a great get-together of Italian iminlsileB Osatra...
...The USh A. D. resmrts 111 TLB illlijll.lj ^?r^I^^^it4^UR^B^^^^0<fa" o*e scotiandan was reaeived Jen...
...Utah . Nominations 'Assured 0 A. Kennedy, secretary of the Rooky fountain District and State Secretary of Utah, writes that both Utah and Wyoming, will surely have full tickets in the November election...
...l«th Ward Reorganised The l«th Ward Branch win apply for a renewal of its charter at the meeting of Looai Berks Thursday night...
...But, as a matter of fact a greet many snhetannsl buildtogs have come out of Spain and there Is nothing to the cards to show that a real house for She people may not be nearer U»en we think, , • • • If any cygnet ds came away from The New Leader dinner hurt week without new hone and enthusiasm for the movemen^ (hea he or she |« curiously put together...
...Michigan Mishlgan Coming Back .lee Bernstein, State Secretary, orders B Sir supply of dues stamps...
...Michigan h solng forward and will have a ticket os the ballot...
...Harry Lakttcr'a booklet "Sow America Lives...
...Last Tuesday we bad one of the bggest branch msiiiiinae held tor a long time...
...The emortkaigoept^oi iUxee » ddegetM ts as follows: 15 from New York County...
...WeB, if we had a few thousands hke this ebmrnds who sends us three subscriptions with his letter from Babbard, Ohio, it wouldn't be long before we would have a great national worklng-claas daily...
...Kansas Magul at Work State Secretary MegUl is still hi the field Bushing the work of the organ 1ajban...
...some small financial attaints noe...
...The woman's branch of has sixty members...
...The candidates to be nominated are one Congressman, one State Senator, Ave Assemblymen, and two State Committeemen...
...Maiden on "Socialism and Americanism " Sunday, Feb...
...Colorado New Local i a A. Bushnell, State Secretary of the party in Colorado, resorts the organisation of a new local at Boulder...
...This booh seDs readily wherever comrades make a serious attempt to sell it The big leaflet, Tarty Builders and Thinkers...
...How about yon, oat there en the firing line...
...and the 1928 campaign...
...The ©8B« WSsKkwr...
...Same day at 3:13 p.m...
...on the same subject...
...LUlth M. Wilson of Reading speaks this Thursday night and a public mass meeting will jpoa be hold with Reading Socialist officials as the...
...Menken and his boy friends Major General R. L. Buiiard and Haley Flake are among the Big Boo Men of the Nation...
...5, L. P. Goldberg wul give a. talk on Socialism after the business meeting...
...Berks County, including the Sadahst city of Reading, forces this order over the top by ordering $75.00 worth etdues stamps...
...The committee urges eU SortsHetS and sympathisers to eonrtibute money and send clothes to the striking miners at Pittsburgh, Pa...
...204 Bast Broadway...
...This same gang succeeded in cancelling the speaking engagements of Mr...
...wUl be Mm...
...The National Organisation is cooperating with him, and giving hint...
...7 at the club-rooms, 1187 Boston Road...
...Meetings are bald at Labor Hall, 840 Chouteau avenue, and open at 8 o'clock...
...24, Oiejeusaton on Dr...
...Every time you think of that seven thousand jsBgSS tor one dress for one party, get good and mad and so out and get subscribers tor The Hew Leader...
...Missouri St...
...He is not sure about the third state, Arlsona, He will <k> hjs uhDpst to cooperate with local Social, bts in building up the party in that state sad placing our ticket on the ballot...
...This branch whs meet Monday...
...The program for the next tour weeks is Feb...
...members in Greater Raw York are Informed that official primary petitions far 8>iej»taa to Jhe NaLTjk ^asarfBBdry wv(rj wXyatvo oOClBlmwl nttSw...
...Congratulations on yen* fowrth birthday...
...the unhroken atseaaa of anpllcations at weekly meetings), !t ssuu*T indteates that tots Infant fmneh 88 Jsllblg Ha second wind...
...He also orders dues stamps...
...Joseph* Whitney, first woman alderman of New Haven...
...We would most admire to see those of yon who have it, go out and eepose your friends • • • * "Luce mast asaUuaaten I have been and etfli ant up aamtost It pretty hard but I must nave my New Tueitrn as it Is the only source I know for home and foreign news of Interest to the working class...
...Theta lectures are given first and third Thursdays each month, at the Bast Side Labor Lyceum, 1844 Genesee street, near Doat (aide entrance...
...March 2, Humor and Bfisdcal program...
...8. ^* Stanwood Menken appeared in a costume that odet $7,000...
...3, Branch 73$ Workmen's Circle at 20 Bryant street...
...Pennsylvania .Big Revival in State Btate Secretary Darlington Hoopes orders $107.80 worth of dues stamps and WWe...
...Tips IS only the beginning of many activities plana -a...
...doing heroic work to getting ads for the Journal...
...rocktee Frank CrasswaUh spoke at the Labor Forum in Brockton last Sunday, and Alfred Baker Lewis will be the speaker this Sunday on Unemployment Insurance Lewis' Date* Lewis, spoke in Dorchester at the Welfare Centre Feb 1 oh the subject, "ts America a Democracy.'' His subsequent dates are as follows: .Friday, Feb...
...Socialist doctrines...
...California • Los Angeles The recent mass meeting addressed to Lew Head and Lena Morrow Lewis bought a number of applications fcr cembershfp and a number of subscrinen and renewals lor the Socialist, weekly, tin Labor World...
...Clothes can be sent to WlBlara Harvest, 408 Columbia frank Bfefc...
...The Branch nominated delegates to the National Convention and report was mads of 'he fueeeasfu...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 7

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