"SOCIALISM AND SOVIET RUSSIA" DISCUSSED AT FOURTH ANNUAL NEW LEADER DINNER Stolberg, and Lee State 1 Views on the Bolshevik "Revolution TO7HAT shall tie the attitude of Social*1 ista towards...

...r. Louis Terr, MM...
...a Socialist commonwealth could not be worked out step by step...
...Not ten per cent of the workers and farmers understand the Socialist antagonism towards Russia...
...I agree with Stolberg...
...Olga Long, Bala Low, Mrs...
...Lowenstein,- Mrs...
...Again some one interfered by volunteering the information that there were no mines there...
...Jamas Oneal...
...Morris HUIquit...
...B ,C...
...There to ad difference between t% Soviet |inwU|IMIiil apd the Communist movement'bare...
...E. - M. M. Bfiah, Mrs...
...The judge asked the Jew what a shofer was and failed to elicit an explanation...
...and secondly, (hap must not become so flbaewad with Russia instead of frith the American labor actuation the* they are driven into the arms of the A. F. of L. officialdom...
...Young and old mingled in an afternoon which was at once a reunion and an occasion for planning the work of the future...
...Internationar Ladies' Gaxroant Wotkers' Un...
...The speaker, then, called attention to Ramsay MaeDonald without actually mentioning him by name...
...sYtofJeck, Mrs...
...Here is a partial list —many of the .comrades having entertained puests—of those Who were present...
...Mills tain, Jos...
...The discussion without doubt was the most Intriguing In many years...
...Thereupon the Jew vo'Muteered a dwruittarri "A shofer," he said, "is a them...
...Jt was the Communists* tactics that repelled Urn- It was their attitude of "come on, you yellow dogs, let us unite.' It was their lack of good faith, of honest...
...Demand recognition of Russia by all means...
...Under the witty chairmanship of B. Cbarney Vladeck, manager of the Jewish Daily Forward, speeches were delivered by Rewnan Thomas, Algernon Lee...
...This Is -no incidental feature of the Soviet regime...
...It is time to do so again...
...Tber tried to destroy the Socialist Party and* the labor movement...
...Harry Greenfield, Mary Dellol Gusar, Vrrian Guaar, George Guss...
...M. Feigenbaum, Miss M. Feldman, Solomon Pimn, Mrs...
...H. R. Ansefl, -Mrs...
...f*t""""f Neb-man Marguer, lla...
...Morris Novick...
...Hence, there are two main conclusions: first...
...It is time not merely to theorise, hut to work and fight...
...McAlister Coleman, Frank ConneTla...
...They point t«L Russia to show bow "t works...
...Interesting things were being worked out...
...J. Rolnlck, Mrs...
...The Cornraurdeta tiwrc per dob* best under the circumstances...
...ggg frejp the Sato Case and Bag Btotare...
...PYleda Cooperman, Lewis Copeland...
...Lee explained that he had recently -talked the matter over with th...
...And," be added, "the meet important to that at ratotap fw-ds to boatt «ur aaacr...
...Louis Sadofl, Mrs...
...ffilkrtdt Takes Ioawe HUIquit: "When the fleet Russian -revolution occurad •* wave of Joy swept over the world...
...All the little crazy Communists, little commissars af the Sovietl pvvernnient, as Uiey think fhsmnbiM to baajwaM .go-v x . . A •£*ngyested Program ' "In . ?etraspect -what tba Communists did leaks like the -most insane act...
...Solomon FlDto, Nathan Pine, Warren R PltsaeraJd...
...These was no prison be saw there that was so unfit far human ha.bitotioo as those he knew to Pennsylvania...
...J_ Corn, Oarl Cummings...
...asked the Judge...
...bf(BtoiV Beaheh, obewJtot »erband...
...Harry **£arr, Mrs...
...Fannie Karsh...
...M, S. Jaffa Dr...
...Maurer was not bis usual self...
...He had not -expected to measure things by American jrrtandaxds...
...A great effort was being made, which was comparatively successful, to create a society where the love of money was not the motivating force In human endeavor...
...The -Chlragoan said Maurer was a Coram unist not a Socialist and wanted to know what the true attitude of the ,8c<*ialist Party was...
...We have left the field to the crazy .Coinmunlsts...
...Who would have thought they would have lacked favor among the working , class...
...My prediction is that we shall still remain divided after tonight's debate...
...Yet the Forward honored MaeDonald with a dinner, and when Stolbetg had had the pleasure to review Harry Laidler's new -book on Socialism he did not *point out that Rainsay MaeDonald was no Socialist...
...S^Roffaaan, D. Boroawa...
...Their are one and the same thjrap The Comrnunlst movement .was created by -the Soviet government If the Porist go satin hi ut ceased in Rusria...
...Here I disagree- with Comrade Lee...
...Beuen atiflton art one tame were atok bscaaee of famine and invasion...
...Rtta Ooldbert, Clinton -8...
...Jacob aoobod, Mrs...
...In toe last year there has .bean a, lack of critb^onv Stateer-*- is right to a large extent...
...they had their own...
...Lpin> Sadoff,, John Sala, Benjamin Scnlesslnger, Jonas Sohriader, .Barney Bchub, M. R. Schupper, Lucy Seiafie, .8- Sbafar...
...Charles Ogur, Mrs...
...B. Chas...
...In the first place, the So-" viet government has -been the greatest disaster and calamity that has occurred to the Socialist movrxoent...
...David T. «ommer, Louis Stanley, J. Stein...
...Thomas stressed the great importance of the Russian experiment In conscious planning, the Gosplan, which had won the admiration of such economists as Professor Paul H. Douglas and Stuart Chase...
...There wore a tot ef -things whtoh the speaker -could not approve...
...Yet we ought not,-because of our admiration, fail to censure occurrences to which .we should net shut our eyes in the United States...
...Simon Llbros, Mrs...
...left wing measures...
...Joseph Freeman, Esther Friedman, George I. Friedman, Mrs...
...Maurar began to 4eH about the political prisoners...
...did you meet the rflctxstorsbip ¦ of* the proietaria*,- vbb*P There Is no dfctatosattipof the pnllUwto...
...Let us point *am ^rJOP* yaot risk the FtoTthe aern^S^f tr^people Uwre' With Poland armed to the teeth and the country infested With spies...
...Mr- Tojlias...
...1 She introduction may have nettled "Jim" out the subsequent heckling by two or three thoughtless individuals certainly did...
...A. I. Shlplacoff, Schnsr ¦ffhokah, a. H. Bhulman, Isaac Stogmeister, Mrs...
...They are working far a batter world to live to...
...Joshua Lieberman...
...It la not that we are net togtoat Socialism is not based upon logic...
...What it does is really not Communism...
...regretted very much that he had to take issue...
...Olive •OnaaL P. Jacob Penken, Phillip Paslk, Isidore Phillips, Agnes Fiel, Joseph M. BoaterR. Mr...
...telling of the, shooting of strikers by Red Guards to a certain small mining -town near Moscow...
...Fox Rtolberg...
...Harry Lang...
...Horry Latsar, Dr...
...Vor twenty years after the reeatolluu in this country we were totoieraa...
...Re bad gone to compare New Russia with OM Russia...
...Bawl Maurar: "I am the last man to mmtmm So-net Russia...
...A popular movement {ike Socialism cannot be that...
...Social Democrats . must learn to discriminate, to see that It is not merely a matter of detail, an incident in Russia of dissatisfaction with Communists here...
...there would not be ten Communing...
...M. M. fflish, Abraham Bpsteto...
...A hartaTol otbr r cosar»**» >t tbtor rbwsttoa.tol...
...J. P. Lief, Mr...
...There was a radical party taking bold of a vast country like Russia...
...Jacob Axelrod...
...That was the apaotosrb criticism of the Socialist Party -today...
...Taking Jim's statement as gospel truth and relying upon the printed word, there are certain facts that .ape not disputed...
...N. Levin, Polly Levlnson, Sdward Levloson, B. Levitan, Mrs...
...C. W. Cannon, Kdward F. Oaestdy, WUliam Chomeldea, Mrs...
...It was not because of their theory of dictatorship...
...Bbey had the land nationalised at once.' -The capitabsto may ttonawnos SonbHim now...
...As Chairman Vladeck expressed it, Ingerman's group with true Russian generosity and practicality bad delegated their ten minutes to Algernon Lee who...
...There were fundamental differences...
...Every year since 1917 has seen Russia sobering dawn...
...I have seen the jCoawjiiinlsU in action heat...
...Jennie Davidson, Pierre De Nio, B. DeWHt, Mes...
...That was impossible, the speaker went on -to explain, when he was interrupted by a remark and sarcastic guffaw from someone behind htm 'That is no Joke," shot back Maurer, cut deeply...
...MaeDonald had refused to comment on the SaccoVanzetti case because he was an important foreign visitor to these shores, be supported the British Empire but was opposed to imperialism and he appointed two labor members to a commission to investigate India though no -Indian was represented on the -body...
...Lowensteln, PJetro Luce hi...
...editor of the Forward, upon his recent return from Russia...
...R. Sllberberg, Oscar Slate, Mr* Oscar Slote, Harry T. Smith, Sadie C Smith, Sophie Sekoloff...
...fat -pa turn to ape ioffiec*** and euKuMl ulteatiJli, The whole spiritual and intellectual life to In a straight Jacbot...
...Thar wasted to know why the workers- didn't ormpathtae with Hiiaiii wavd flt told wkem because of the ibai o—iawiiiii jiu have over there...
...Simon Reran, Mm...
...Re then tried -to drive hie point home by an lUusteation, While in Russia he received a Hipping from a home town mpajiajiei...
...Onb/ dangerous ones were Jailed and the conditions in the prisons were excellent...
...We don't have to go to Russia to ascertain them...
...For the* present we must give our sympathy to Soviet Russia...
...James ManrefV Views Vladeck fold a Russian-Jewish version of the Anglo-Saxon tale of a person finding in -Paris exactly what he was looking •for, and then abruptly Introduced James Maurer...
...BaU, Abraham Baroff, -Barry Begoon, Mrs...
...What theCommunlsts have done here or in Russia is the logical conclusion of the Bolshevist position...
...and X 'don't pare what kted of a fleex the omfcosa — in, rmJ with the workers first, last and all tba time...
...M OoMberg...
...Yet their first act was to try to break up the -Jabor movements of the world and make enemies for themselves among tile working class...
...J. Rolnick, i S. Romualdl, Alea -Rose, Nicholas ROeenauer...
...They interviewed everybody who gheuM have been Intervieared...
...SOCIALISM AND SOVIET RUSSIA" DISCUSSED AT FOURTH ANNUAL NEW LEADER DINNER Stolberg, and Lee State 1 Views on the Bolshevik "Revolution TO7HAT shall tie the attitude of Social*1 ista towards Soviet Russia Is the...
...H. Rogoff, Dr...
...we baanad...
...Concessions have been granted to "And, by the way...
...The fault is not ours...
...Leon Harris, Moe Harris, L. Harvey, Wilko nwgaisn, Adolph Raid...
...V. ' GerohUBo Yalenti, Mrs...
...That reminded the speaker of the story of the Jew who was arrested for blowing a shofer, (a kind of horn used, for sacramental purposes on the Jewish New Tear...
...Pbeee will come a time when the aoaawjt of aaaarrtca, Russia and Rusope will unite again...
...8. Lewis, Mr...
...Eli Berman, Mrs...
...M. Ooldomitfa...
...that to what jpu have in Russia todap...
...vWaatjoMJ^p^e^iVlad to say...
...jtbthildp Lee...
...Local X; United Hebrew Trades, United Neckwear Makers* Union...
...Hilda O. -Ctoessens...
...Louis Rriss, Mrs...
...Louis Wsliliian LouiBe Waiotirom, Adoipb Wsaabov, RosaWarsbow, Mrs...
...Re was la -the worst prison in Russia fad that was better than any at home...
...Ratty W. Lakfier, R Lan caster, Harry Lang...
...hear no relation to it...
...When they wanted to vtatt the rural regions, they rode out toto the country...
...H. R. Ansetl, Mr...
...Only the absence of refutation prevented a determination of what constituted the common ground, the insignificant differences and the sharp conflicts...
...J. Rates...
...J. Rlaufaro, Charlotte Rohan, Irving Bvaoktoaa, Kmll Broraberg, M. W. Brupn...
...Again and again the Judge pat his query unto, growing twins ftrnt, he threatened to throw the offender into jail forthwith...
...B, C. Vladeok, Rastnan VoDc, .Mrs...
...Therefore, the Russian devolution could not' have been anything efee'but what' it was...
...H. Ooebel, eaaia Goldberg, Rdna Goldberg, Lou^s P. Ooldher<» Dr...
...Harman Ski/ kin, Geacpe R. Roowar, H. Rogoff, Mrs...
...The difIaw nee between the rrrrantiinartr and the Borlabsts to that-one says that tabor creates an wealth, and the other that ail, wealth it ¦created by labor...
...JuUus Garber, Meyer Quito, Arturo Giovanni tti, Morris Olsno, Aide Oittelson, Henry Grackman, Geo...
...Socialism" Us an International attitude towards plutocracy and an expression of a national culture...
...The Communists Issued one decree abolishing private property...
...While he and the nnoftdal trade union delegation were In Russia the Associated Press correspondent informed them of a riot to Leningrad arising (from a strike for the eight hour day...
...Then, why did yon not say so to the first place...
...itew Tort Joint Board...
...It Is a difficult -thing to draw distinctions when feelings on the subject are so intense...
...It soon became apparent was Imbued with the bitterness of the Russian Social Democrats towards Soviet Russia...
...S2M from International Union and Jatot Coanefl...
...over, Max Snerover, Jos...
...Moay years ago pefMheai antt-8bjlajtoto bet-inning with MaTtatt pictured, th« Socialist state ebWOd rapon uniformity j wefi...
...Levenson, Viola Levenson, AT J. Lever, David Levtek, N. Levin...
...left in the Untied States...
...The aawaaanal ownership of-land has become a myth...
...C. Ttototo |rid^>S aadjenee gathered at the Fearth AaYork 'city...
...R is not hke engineering or architecture, an exact adence...
...Let us go our own way, hold sOaft cut opto banner...
...It is a> result of fundamental theory...
...Referring to the articles written by Abraham Cahan...
...They ware not supplied with interpreters...
...we chased the iayulieU out of the country...
...they' destroy...
...Isaac Rrigmtoter...
...The total sillFobC tasroagb epeb end aledsm waaoPJM...
...Thomas Leade Off Norman Thomas led off with a plea for a sympathetic and interested attitude towards Soviet Russia...
...He Belated no pleasant stories, as is Ids custom He was in deadly earnest and hie voice was fraught with emotion...
...beuexe Iti" exclaimed a beck"Because I am a Socialist, it does not mean I must be a hypocrite...
...W. Louts Waldman, Mrs...
...Chyles Ogur, James Oncal, Mrs...
...It would be the height of madness to say that the only way to progress in America is along the path taken in .Russia...
...Workers' control has been given up...
...labs, sigsalist......•rpw.-a-amla-st -*m from the Pockatbatk wV«beto* Unlan, a aTpaOar aawant from the Uptoed Meekwear Makers...
...Patil G Levy, Matbew M. Levy, Dr...
...James H. Maurer, Minnie Meister, I. Monkis, Rein hard Meyer, David M3kaL Mrs...
...There was a representative group of comrades from outside of New York and a large sprinkling of new faces...
...There Is a u*lutali¥*rl|i of the jttomiM Communist Party douer <h« ttletataax- "If Jim did not see any •jpajM| to Ktiwdap ovtoens, .f...
...Thousands urpen thousands of Socialists have been imprisoned or exiled by the Bolsheviks...
...The tooaMe with the Socialist Party-, began the President of the Pennsylvanls State JTadaaatton af Labor and councilman of Reading, Pa., is that it has edlI .tpr^ajfjiarV about Russia and now find: that it does not know what it has been editorializing about...
...Trtllns, D. Tuck, Mas...
...Louis Terr...
...M. Chas...
...Morris Ripup the situation...
...It is a fundamental question of theory...
...Norman Thomas has expressed fears as to what might happen if the experixosnt fails...
...Norman' PWWoae...
...It vac a new thing in history...
...The revolution came in a country least ready for it...
...A. J. L. Afros, Mr...
...Benjamin Stolberg, James M. Maurer and Morris HUIquit...
...Foam «he -terrible conditions wonders bate baas evolved...
...Mayer Marshal...
...Ooldtoe Hlllson, & Hoffman...
...The Chase' National Bank and Standard Oil will, attend to that...
...it R Jaffe, Mrs...
...I dap...
...When in November of the same year we learned erf the second revolution, we found that oar ranks became divided...
...When this country recognises Mussolini, the obi Caarist government and Horthy, .thee, J. say, it becomes our duty to stand for the recognition of Soviet Russia It wfll be a good thing to break down the .Chinese wall...
...Eli Berman, Morris Bennan, Phillip Revllaqua, J. Blaufarb, Mrs...
...Helen Silverstone...
...Cbawj -to a credit sale, tea ¦*» a »r««t eateat-tbe CoaoarsrMsta west earn deaed to aa what tbey aid hy -the con erUsns awatreg at the w«pe» Xney haw sawot Baaria aroea bartarttp and ifMrdtl-jgiiMia At least the jreajartty are haoestly Ujkfg to tobufld Russia.' - "If we mpst have a program, let it be something Hke- this: Let us dissassclate ourselves bom toe Soviet government and thereby make clear that the Social Democrats have no eenneetion with it...
...Things -happened because they bad to happen that way...
...question that was raised and answered In divers ways at the fourth and most successful of the New Leader dinners...
...We have never been ante to evolve a nonststent Racialist position...
...x Finally, Thomas made clear his reasons for not operating with the Communists In this country...
...John Lyons...
...1M from the MteBanj Werkera, toeal 14...
...The ComImunist Party in this country has been going from bad to worse...
...Stolberg Fens a 'Story It feR to the lot of VBenJamjn BJlqlberg to -break the tensanaw wblob the Impassioned address of Algernon Lee had .produced...
...We must be friendly and sympathetic...
...Ninety per cent of Russian land It to fact owned privately by an essentially nan-proletarian dement...
...Re was not surprised to find that we did not know what was going on...
...Q. Lewis, Mrs...
...Meyer Rublnson, Dominick Ruggieri, Mrs...
...V t a. AbrpJjam Zuckej^^^^ iteente^br*Urge^^ep>tions: ^EaSfc matad <Sothing .Woekern...
...R is tone to shake o« the lethargy...
...Fannia Conn, Mis* Rdjth Cohen, Joe Cohen, Lee N. Cohan, TUUe Cohen, McAlister Coleman, Mrs...
...They just kept going...
...1 asp the experiment baa already failed...
...Vladeck then tojcadpced...
...Nicholas Roeenauer, Arthur Rceeobacg, Mrs...
...Socialists must be sympathetic to Soviet Russia, Just as Marx would have been if we can draw inferences from his study of the Paris -Oomandne...
...Harry BegoQn, John Bel 11a...
...it has been a painful process...
...S. Shafer, Joseph Shaplen, Anna R. Rber...
...Arthur Rosenberg, Celia Rotter, David Rubin off, Meyer Rublnson, Mrs...
...Ob the contrary the speaker emphasised that the first Labor premier of England simply was a manifestation of a certain kind of culture...
...Socialist* used to thaow their influence, and an important one, .In the .direction of progressive...
...I tea* them they couldn't think we should give up' so saefly ufaat a tor* a century to buad up...
...Simon Berlin...
...We sawffonowd...
...H. berfHatpern^alS: f8e«B£2m%*j~ Halperin, Phil Hansel, DrTLeon Harris, Mrs...
...Wwle ,Wril Klein, tZ£FhwE& Doris Kostinsky, A. M. Runts...
...L. Weiner, 8- 9. Weiner, Isaac WeHx, Ernest Welsh, flpsa Welsh, Or...
...He had gone tc Russia with an open mind...
...One could forgive the Interruptions on the score of politeness but to dam Maurer's anecdotal stream was an unpardonable sin...
...However, it -was imjMsslble any longer to ignore, to softpedal the differences of opinion between the Social Democrats and the Communists...
...Golden, umd Gold in, M. Goldsmith, Mm...
...to ^ntrnnl-Mf^ans of one to opt haraiied oaOara...
...WOnam Mrs...
...Samuel Falperin...
...Stojberg .began .by citing a letter published about tjrp week* ago in the New Leader in which a gentleman from Chicago declared that he had beard Maurer speak on Russia...
...Raphael Goldstein, Ben Goodman, David Granditer, Ray Granditer...
...Russian Federation and was voicing Its sentiments...
...retorted the aptakw and be resumed bis description of the penal Jiwtittotoas of Soviet nasrrts...
...Shipley, A. L Shiplacoft...
...I Given the New Leader at Dinner "There are' too r-epse*s tor 0* dtoaar," -crhabaraaaB...
...6. DeWltt, Jacob Dissta, Jacob Dubno, Julian 8. Duncan...
...If I were asked me'about^Uje gommunlsU h^this country and 1 teed -ahem they were a bunch of darn facta...
...If failure greets its efforts, the Junkers, the reactionaries ail over the world win rejoice and the workers will suffer...
...tptt - from Cue Hebsew wo'iaRp mm -g***y brd,** BtoBRabw Cateawarb eat gave w* . |1* worth of aver, wJoto*«>e»aerar" tot out to fit...
...James M. James, Ida Jokianen, Ben Josonpawa, Alexander Kahn, Phillip Kaploaiui, Ida R. Karltn...
...Kb nawrry ta«t to top* ff the lOaft 'and teesen the1 powa stilag¦ The comrades knew obe Kop Leader, wjhat it has awae tof|»or paprs and what tt hopes to eb dp ffbW-years to eoaw...
...Csearades Jacob Halpenr- and Morris Barman fiSswii and ubocki...
...This is afight of WWitppj...
...It reminded him of the old days of anarchist agitation...
...ately'tiae^toprc dtatog hafl was the seene of soMos of Ceanstn cair-ftop...
...Among the plans, mere ef which wfll be dtoelssed later, are one to poMtob p daOy paper -daring the TT daw* if eotoeadtoa af Abo flarlaliti party sp that comrade, throaghoat tfkp epaawp amy to tony and ep-kdop btf armed en the daJa*senUloas, Among Those Present ) *TTHE New Leader dinner, celebratmg ! the fourth birthday of our paper, was In the nature of a gala event which brought out more than 500 comrades from all sections of the Socialist and trade union movement...
...Because,** said the Jew, "a shofer Is after an not a horn I" Thus, Stolberg Illustrated his point that there are various brands of Socialists and sometimes one kind wiH not recognize another.- Lee, he said, was 'a theoretic signer of that Chicagoan's letter...
...For these reasons alone Soviet Russia deserves our support...
...Russia in these days is typified by -the revolutionist who was ban/of a revolutionary mother in jail, imprisoned by the Bolsheviks and finally committed .suicide...
...He could go along with anybody if both were taking the same road up to a certain point...
...abonab these up the New f •water's annual deficit, the New leader staff eaeb that tba teb-U behind these I oaHlimitiii lap mi gj**^* ejg *<^^S^riaMvt thus far...
...Lerner, Eleanore ,L...
...Arthur Faaburg, Wra...
...It was their disdain for internal democracy, as exemplified so dramatically in the Trotsky affair...
...Communism is what is happening in Russia...
...Joint Council of the R. Y. Fur2er8l_Snfef tojeraattonal Porikettxiok Workars* Union...
...They dent tnfld...
...That does not mean that} we "are to be uncritical...
...Lupy, John Lyons, Mrs...
...Thomas pointed out that whether a Socialist or Communist state was being developed or not...
...Maurice Wllltoms, Isidore Wirmick, Sarah Witkowaky, Mrs...
...Jteflnery Workers* Union...
...Algernon fLee /Critical The next speaker should have been Ingennan of the Russian Federation but be was detained by illness...
...Ramut, Dr...
...GoWie Rullaah, J. Rotes, Mrs...
...have scan manp to ewiie- 0 Ttm p an» Oetrkwwy...
...It is not enough that we demand recognition of Soviet Russia...
...Herman fllvkin...
...B. 3. A. M. Dabme...
...Inspection Made Freely Nobody told the delegation where to go...
...The main objection of American Socialists is that the Communists have not ¦been behaving themselves -here...
...E. Tulman, Morris Tulman., Joseph Tuvim, Mrs...
...I. Laderman...
...Diligent inquiry revealed that no such incident -had taken place and pet American newspapers had run this story with an acOwuu^Hsylfur ipl*rt*iHT af a similar condition under the Caarist regime...
...William Young...
...to 1917 the Bolsheviks were but a wing of the Socialist movement...
...Ben Belsky, fir...
...who alibis yato aame wlthhhli, started It weth «rept...
...Simon Libros, Joshua Lieberman, Mrs...
...George L Friedman, Samuel H. Friedman, Bella Pruehter, Barry Rruchter...
...Bel* Low, Mr...
...Herman yolk...
...Lee Stein, I Charles Stetaky, Benjamin Stolberg, Mary...
...A qpayaws dreaa Wasbingtea...
...Mm D. Dr...
...Jt to not recognised because Russia represents an' attack on private -property...
...The masses of Russia will come back to the Socialist movement...
...But our attitude towards the Communists here should not warp our judgment of Russia.V^Let the disposition of ultimate questions wait...
...One had to remember that the Oomamnisto had inherited, a region devastated by war and fanrdne...
...We must not echo the fears of the A. F. of L. hierarchy...
...They did not know where they were awing...
...If what they wave own- .these la Oosam-erdarn, x dent •sate M you call me a Comeounist...
...Joseph Tuvim...
...Maurar turned brusquely and insisted upon teUtos his own story- As a matter of faet there .were no mines in that town and Maurar had harm to the place at the time the shooting was alleged to have takan place and later again...
...Louie -Ratos...
...s Jaaac Ratkhw...

Vol. 7 • February 1928 • No. 7

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