THE POT CALLS THE KETTLE BLACK The Tragedy of William Faster Revealed By Himself In a Book on "The Misleaders of Labor'' By Benjamin Stolberg (A Review of "MlnrsrVrfi of Lebar". By William Z....
...On the Central' Executive Committee of the Workers' Party there is known to be at least one agent provocateur...
...But the thousands and thousands of cooperatives built up and fostered by this country-wide parent organization are growing and their combined results are enormous...
...Stone and Prenter, his successor in office...
...For all of Poster's sweeping indictment of its "class-collaboration" it really does not "collaborate" with capital...
...Vis," said his foreman dubiously, ¦taring upward, *' 'tis wet Maybe the sir pumps 18 sot workia' right...
...It was h» who made a pilgrimage to Moscow whets be ¦walled this incompetent and than ing crew as bitterly as anybody...
...Still, one might excuse Foster for dealing with persons rather than con-' ditions on the grounds that this book is primarily a work of propaganda...
...But that the WoU strategy, whatever its motives, means the total emaculatlon of the labor movemen, of this no intelligent student can possibly entertain any doubts...
...screamed another, a great ironworker, savage with fear...
...A. O. Townley's last attempt to organize the farmers of the nation after the Nonpartisan League movement in Minnesota became the Farmer-Labor party, and virtually cast him aside, was the Producers' Alliance...
...The meal of each child consisted of on* ¦oaked cracker, fed to it with a spoon...
...When the Progress Builders arose in New Mexico, they were Invited to Join forces with the Farmers' Union...
...I am advised, is a subsidiary of the Jones At Lsugbttn Steal corporation, and to related somawbaA to the Meuoo Interests...
...But that could not be •done so quickly...
...Trade Union Educational League...
...Had he not secured him this and other jobs...
...It is the largest and most widely spread class and independent farmer movement .of this kind in the country It U a genuine attempt of the farmer...
...And it is there that it is mads a crime ts give children food...
...I appealed fa General Manager Joe Edward* to stoy svfsfssns until Menday, when we reals' have barracks anffiefently erected to' shelter these ansato, I asked In the name of humanity net to put these women and children en the res aside these cola nights and genday...
...But the ground under their feet became sloppy, and some of the silvery frosting on the roof began to drop and even trickle as water...
...To hell with Cavanaugh...
...Fifteen hundred new members were added to this movement In Wisconsin last year...
...For Chalet's sake, open the* door...
...It is an exasperating book...
...Progress Builders to this brings out the interesting reasons why the Farmers' Union for the present steers away from Independent political action...
...this from a half dozen who had already reached safety assuming that the door could be instantly closed...
...In the face of these privations sod hardships it is remarkable that the spirit of the strikers and their families has not been subdued by all the injunctions and en the evictions and all the hardships to which they have been eapossi by the mine owners and the Judges whs bo their bidding...
...To HeU With Humanity" Mr...
...Shut the door...
...And today he is the pawn of a fantastic program, whose phantastle nature probably few appreciate better than be does himself...
...His new alignments, indeed, proved fatal...
...B to also terrible in the coal fields of western and central Pennsylvania, among the 85,000 strikers and their 200,000 dependants...
...It's breaktn' in...
...It could not have been much worse had a subterranean spring been encountered...
...A«# It was the -Left Wing" leaders who, as bin Foster well knows, nuaapproprbds M ¦'¦'*'*>* of dollars more Irresponsibly, relatively, than Brindell ever did...
...Even the Sacco-Vanzetti tragedy was exploited to raise money for strictly party work...
...Besides, one of the gasoline lamps having been brought forward and hung close by*, he noticed by its light that the ceiling seemed to look silvery gray and beady...
...It is because its members are of all political beliefs...
...In addition, at times great masses of it fell, not enough to make a hole in the roof ?.bove, but enough, had it chanced to all on one of the workers, to break his back or half bury him in mud., Usually it was broken by the beams overhead...
...The report of the 1022 convention of the Maintenance of Way ' workers brought out that that president of the union, A E. Barker, ''misappropriated the aggregate sum of $222,000...
...The word "class collaboration" in the Communist vocabulary means very little, for Foster indicts the Amalgamated program, a program which merely appreciates that a sick Industry can not support its workers, quite as bitterly as he Indicts Matthew Woll's double crossing of labor's old age pension planks, and of everything' progressive in the way of social legislation and advance through the Civic Federation, of which he Is now the official head...
...There Is a world of truth in it...
...In its fear, weakness, and stupidity it plays with every agency which is organised by the reactionary forces to cheat it even of the fruits of the "pure and simple" trade unionism of the last half century...
...One fact that my Inquiries brought out is that during the last few years organisation work in most states has been slower and more difficult that it ever was before, but at the same time the cooperative and union enterprises of the organization have developed more rapidly Bind attained greater success than ever before...
...The whole administration of the union during those days of frenzied finance was saturated with glorified grafters, so greedy and stupid that they were bound to be discovered According to the Committee of Ten, which was appointed by the convention to investigate the financial enterprises of the union, $16,000,000 were invested in Florida land speculations alone, a pure gamble in which, ^the Insurance and pension funds were _ nfaeonstitotsonany used and in which all the shabby tricks of Florida real estate sharks were used to bamboozle the membership into pouring money into it...
...and a world of bunk...
...Tells of Injunction Judge J. N. Langbnm, presiding judge of the court of common^pleas of Indiana county, Pennsylvania, on Nov...
...There are many criticisms., one might level against Mr...
...Ten years as a reporter of American labor have brought practically all these cases to my own attention And Foster refrained, no doubt, from, doubling and trebling his material staph/ because one has to stop some place...
...It Just gives in...
...Francis Summers, young mother of old American stock as are most of the Rossi ter strikers...
...Fitzgerald, Grand President of the Railway Clerks, organized the "Railroad Brotherhoods Investment Corporation", a $10,000,000 company under fake union ¦ auspices, which almost wrecked the clerks' organisation...
...Its social conceptions are primitive, reactionary...
...The court records of the lasf few yean show plainly that the labor criminal In places of leadership n by no means a figure of the past...
...Through all the failures incidental to the.battle for collective action in a country where hte power of capitalistic ownership is unparalleled in the Industrial and political fields, they are building up a surviving residue of cooperative enterprises owned and controlled and operated by the' farmers as the foundation of a cooperative system...
...These women and ehOdren have ne shelter...
...They are breaking down his rock-ribbed Individualissi and in doing this are preparing the human material for a political movement capable of changing the present system...
...I was informed several days ago by John A Simpson, president of the Oklahoma...
...There probably is no man in the American labor movement who night have done as much as be toward remedying the very conditions which this propaganda monograph exposes...
...Better still, they are changing the farmer psychology and spirit...
...By William Z. Faster...
...First, we meet the actual criminal, underworld type of labor leader: "Skinny" Madden, Simon CDonncD, kCfee Boyle, Tinx, Murphy, Sam Parka, Robert BrtndelL The easy theory that the Parks-Brindeu days are over n quite falsa...
...They will have to function a long time in their economic organization as farmers before they will be ready to vote together as farmers, these leaders say...
...I've had enough...
...He was by no mesns fitted for it, he told himself...
...Thru children clustered about the table...
...Henderson, send him down...
...One wishes, for instance, that that part of the book which deals with the policies of the A F. of L. oligarchy could find its way into the hands of the college students, who have been doped of late years by well meaning liberal and church goers with pictures of how "fine" our labor movement is, only to become permanently disgusted with it after they come in contact with it in after years...
...Hillquit's Socialist leadership of four decades, as one might against anybody's leadership at...
...A W. Bicker took up' this organization when Townley dropped it...
...Tat mother got—nothing...
...Indeed, the American railroad worker, whose wages average a little over $1600 a year, pays all his £lgher officials in the various' International unions around $9,000 a year...
...Equity Exchange Merges About this time the equity Cooperative Exchange of Minnesota and Wisconsin— a cooperative movement which has been a great factor in the history of the farm* er movement of the nqr^hjvest—reached a mutual agreement with .the Fanners' Union and became a part of the latter movement...
...Nevertheless, in spite of the Increased pay, this matter of working under the river was a constant source of fear to him...
...He ought not to have done it...
...He becomes far more enthusiastic over the prospect of united power than over actual achievements in that direction...
...Some years ago, a well-known magazine asked me to write an article on Mr...
...was the cry as they reached the lock, for some one had Just entered from the other side—the .engineer...
...From Iowa and Kansas the movement spreadsBast, West, North and South...
...I am not taking his word for it merely, though he documents his material carefully enough...
...Open the door...
...Pa, Ian...
...Colomba and the River - By Theodore Dreiser (Continued From Last Week) rphe digging of this particular tunnel seemed safe enough—for McGlathery at least, once he began working here...
...Fer God's sake, let us in...
...But even as he thought, and others were springing forward to shut Cavanaugh out, so eager were they to save themselves, they faced a gleaming revolver in the steady hand of the big foreman...
...These people nave been in employ at that iiumiiiuiij far snare than It years...
...Everything's all right up above," he said...
...A reporter arrived at one of' than homes' at noon...
...Still, even in Us fear be bad manhood enough to feel that it was not quite right to shut Cavanaugh out...
...He spoke of it to Cavanagh, who stood by...
...Economic Progress Made In the economic field, however, there to no gainsaying the spledid and highly useful work the Farmers' Union is doing...
...They are, making the fanner class conscious and collective minded...
...Inroads In Minnesota ¦ within the past two years southern Minnesota has been sprinkled with Farmer Union locals...
...such duration, but dishonesty does not happen to be one of them...
...It was always bad luck to him...
...Ana it ye see Mr...
...1, said: ten Starvation Their Aim The purpose of that injunction to to starve our men Into submission...
...Cavanaugh's outside...
...Foster knows what he wants logically...
...McGlathery and the others, at first nervous, but now slightly reassured, worked on...
...His central alms, the organisation of the unorganized and the drive toward a greater trade union solidarity, are indubitably the first steps in the modernization of the archaic dominant labor movement What Just one competent leader can accomplish Foster has demonstrated well enough in 1922 when his amalgamation program received innumerable endorsements by state and city labor federations all over the country and forced quite a number of international union officials to render at least Up service to his program...
...800 familial ts vacate company-owned bouses of the Vesta Coal Co., whose striking employes fast me the telegram I read at the beginning of my remarks, was issued...
...What's the trouble...
...ana now be to presenting this same "left wing" as the hope and the ideal of American labor, thereby rendering his study as s whole worthless to anybody who doe* does know the American Labor movement with sufficient discrimination ts know what's what...
...As" a matter of fact, intra-labor gangsterism in* the Furriers* Union was introduced by these very left-wing leaders...
...He was so fearful that he was...
...Every man makes his mistakes...
...This was what he got for coming down here at all...
...From $13,000,000 to $15,000,000 were lost In this Florida gamble, nobody knows lust how much...
...t*HIB book Is divided against Itself...
...which first introduced terrorism throegM the hired gangsters, of wham It axn'hsj an -control...
...Speaker and member* of the house, I have received the following telegram this morning: "Brawns villc...
...Fake campaigns for all sorts of international reliefs and national programs are constantly resorted to...
...The Farmers' Union, with its enormous cooperative assets and activities has annexed the great cooperatives of the Equity Exchange, The Producers Alliance has been annexed together with its efficient corps of organizers, and a new executive committee of the Northwest has charge of the region covered by these amalgamations, consisting of M. W. Thatcher of the Equity, A. W. Ricker of the Producers' Alliance and C. C. Talbot of the Farmers' Union...
...He is fundamental}- a proletarian, yet he is an intellectual in the sense that his formal training in the field of his interests Is wide and disciplined...
...The roofs not actin' right...
...And on the dawn of the new year s court order t...
...The earth in which he worked was so uncertain...
...called the amazed engineer as, unconscious of what was happening outside, he bushed open the door...
...forgotten "little oscar" When Foster quotes "from the Labor Herald of February 1924," that isvfrom an article which this reviewer hsgssjns to know Foster: helped to prepare hha, ¦alt that, "Ben Gold, Fanny Warsbawiky...
...7, 1»Z*L— Congressman Victor Berger, Washington, D. C: "The Vesta Coal Co...
...I'd like to talk to him...
...He was ever more forced, against bis better judgment and against his will, to do the will of the fanatic morons and two by four politicians of the Workers' Rarty, whose brand of ''Journalism'*, whose views of American life sad labor, and absurd antics in general are still provoking some of the choicest epithets in she private vocabulary of contempt and ridicule of the Russian revolutionary leaders...
...This is merely a sample of Mr...
...Thus George L Berry...
...McGlathery was amazed st this show of courage...
...He was ushered lata the kitchen of Mrs...
...He should stay away from water, once and for aU...
...Tools were dropped, precedence disregarded...
...He was too fearful...
...He answered: To heU with humanity.' Be hoped they would freese and rot...
...As a result of the amalgamations the strongest political and economic agrarian currents in America are brought into contact...
...That is the situation in Rossi ter...
...who turned the conduct of the strike erjl tirely over to the Workers* Party, jm both ttini] strikes it was the "Left-Wing...
...Last year It added 8,000 new members from old members of the Nonpartisan League of North Dakota...
...For, after all Is said and done, these "misleaders" are at bottom only a reflection of social conditions which nave weakened the labor movement in.its relation to the national culture...
...Several very important and interesting moves preceeded this economic invasion of the farmers' northwest political field...
...Begob, I thought we was aU lost...
...Representative United Mtoe Warners of America...
...Berry's way of doing business, a gentleman who has been in power by as rotten a "rotten borough'' system as has ever been devised...
...Cavanaugh was even a better and kinder man than, he had thought—really a great man—no coward like himself...
...Townley tried to organise the Producers' Alliance first in North Dakota, but the North Dakota fanners were tired of him...
...The leaders believe that any present attempt to unite the fanners politically would serve only to create disunity and division of a destructive character .which would retard economic organization...
...Still, what could he do—he was but one...
...Til shoot down the first damned man that tries to shut the door before me and Kelly are in," the big foreman was calling, the while ne was pulling this same Kelly from the mud and slime outside... emancipate themselves from economic bondage by economic organization...
...Didn't he know that...
...When Foster was caught in this imported red phantasy he was through with American labor...
...The right-wing leadership in both these unions happens to have acted in both these strikes incomparably more decently, no matter what its motives •may base been, than the left-wing wrecks...
...Dozens of such corrupt methods of stealing the pennies of the workers might be quoted...
...This is partly explained by the peculiar psychology of the farmer...
...And' he knew it...
...Stone's new unionism... his dogmatic endorsement of the Communist "left wing" tactics, no matter how corrupt and foul these might be...
...k. ,H...
...He drove all bona fide left wing trade unionists, such as the Chicago Federation of Labor, into the arms of the reaction...
...Git out of the way...
...Michigan Woods, His End The "liquidation" of Foster's usefulness as an effective critic of the A F. of L. oligarchy may be said to have begun when he was caught In the idiotic, macabre "conspiracy" in the Michigan woods, betrayed by the kind of stool pigeon who is bound to find lodgement in Quixotic "revolutionary movements...
...And now the court bars that We are forbidden to than what little we have with our own people...
...Within the past two years it has instituted a successful invasion of the old stronghold of the Nonpartisan League...
...The Coal River Collieries, the- <acab mines which Stone did not permit to unionise on the ground that to do so would mean their ruin, netted their promoters '"possibly $550,000...
...South Dakota has become a 'strong Farmers' Union state...
...Actual cooperative achievement takes slow, patient work...
...It Issued an Injunction in which be ¦rtrtreeeed the whole army of strikers by name, "District No...
...I hold no brief for the "Socialist" trade unions...
...The truth of the matter is that American labor to "misled" from its furthest right to its furthest, left...
...His T"" ki never less...
...In plain language be lacks character, which lack turned to ashes an his intelligence and genuine courage and, indeed, in the end pi pi ted even his intellectual honesty and fearlessness...
...One day it would be hard black mud, another soft, another silt, another sand, according as the tunnel sloped further and further under the bed...
...He was thinking of s small bank account—six hundred dollars M all—which he had saved, and of a girl In Brooklyn who was about to mart** htm...
...Their reply was that the Farmers' Union fails to stress the equal importance of political and economic organization, confining itself wholly to the economic field...
...When Foster attacks Morris Hillqult as "the type of labor lawyer that prey upon the unions," who "charges the unions $25 for a telephone conversation," an one can say is that it does not happen to be true...
...Let Cavanaugh in, I say...
...6 mine...
...and he got it...
...Farmers Union, that the 'Farmers' union is organized In 26 states...
...And what is even more absurd...
...Warren Stone's 'Statesmanship' During the life of Warren 8. Stone of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers we all heard a great deal about his labor "statesmanship" in the building of huge financial institutions and enterprises...
...All right," and off he went...
...A pellmell rush for the lock some sixty feet ensued...
...Poster knows the American labor movement as few others do...
...Its president, Charles 8. Barrett, lives In Georgia...
...The Farmers' Union Is building an economic backbone in Minnesota, the former political stronghold, which will undoubtedly prove to be of great value to the political movement in the future... just make sure," and he sent word to the engineer...
...But, on the whole, graft In the labor movement as elsewhere has discovered more respectable ways of doing business...
...I am fighting for Just wages...
...At this point McGlathery, for the first time on this or any other Job, awoke to a sense of duty, but not much at that...
...Cuaaaui Even Visit Rossi ter to not the average coal town hi that there are some parts of the tows not owned by the company, whereas la other ""'"'"g towns everything in it and on it to owned by the mine owners...
...The next article will attempt to give an impression of these enormous material achievements...
...He lacks a single-minded comprehension of what he wants, an instinctive gift to avoid pitfaOs which will ensmare his course...
...It extends fax Into the old South...
...In its efforts to become .the parent economic organization for all farmers moving toward better conditions along independent class lines, the Farmers' Union is making friendly overtures to all Kindred organizations...
...These events illustrate the expanding and absorbing powers of the Farmers' Union in its march to the position of the national parent organization of the independent economic activities of the farmers of the United States...
...That company...
...McGlathery a fair second to none...
...entirely unconscious df his superior's fate...
...A ew moments at least had to elapse...
...And now this had happened:"Inside as they cowered^ all hut Cavanaugh—they could hear the sound of crushing timber and grinding brick outside, which made it quite plain that where a few moments before had been beams and steel and a prospective passageway for men, was now rtarirnomi and water and the might of the river, as it had been since the beginning...
...But Foster's presentation of the great cloakmakers* and furrier1*' strikes in 1927 as a betrayal of the rank and file, whom the noble "left-wingers" would defend at any price, is Just deliberately false...
...He was sweating a cold sweat...
...Trade Union Corruption In this book we find well authenticated between the covers of one volume the whole range of mental and spiritual corruption of the old trade union hierarchy...
...And they need it sol The need in Rossis ter to terrible...
...And by this time be was so deteriorated that he is forced to spoil what would be an excellent book on the collapse of the dominant labor movement by holding up the American Communist fiasco as the only hope against labor's degradation...
...Foster goes on for pages on end exposing this sort of thing...
...That have nothing but the pitiful $3 a week the union gives them...
...Vice-President Phil Murray ol the United Mine Workers of America, at a time when the vast majority of its soft coal members were actually starving in time of strike, bellowed in the 1927 convention: ***#ou can consider me a miner with a grievance...
...To stop and help another man like that in the face of so much danger...
...Berger Assails Pennsylvania Coal Barons (By a New Leader Correspondent) WASHINGTON.—Something of the " condition of the striking Pennsylvania coal miners was brought to the attention of the house by Congressman Victor L. Berger...
...The organized workers of Buffalo and Pittsburgh have been fleeced to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars by "Labor Temple" sharks...
...The Producers' Alliance is one of the most complete adaptions of trade union methods to tanner organization in the history of this country...
...sag who tried to break up the unions after1 they bad lost their fcartmhlp...
...Farmers Union Is Rallying Land Workers on Class Lines By Murray E. Kins THE Farmers' Cooperative and Educational Union, more than any other American farmer movement, is the farmers' trade union...
...The president of the Maintenance of Way workers, that is of the common laborers on the railroads, gets $500 a year more than a United States Senator...
...A WeU-Fonnded Indictment ' . There to a great deal of truth in Foster's philosophical indictment of the American Federation of Labor as wen...
...Relatively, quite as much downright thieving has been done during the last few years by some of the "left wing" leaders as has ever been done by the "Skinny" Maddens...
...They fell and stumbled over the beams and between, pushing each other out of the way into the water and mud as they ran...
...and Lens Qreenberg (present left winf leaders) were assaulted and brutalbj beaten at the instigation, of Kanfrruvi (then president of the Furriers)" be knows that he Is not telling the truth...
...But it remained.for the 1927 convention of the Brotherhood to prove the high-scale thievery and Ponzl methods of Messrs...
...this from the engineer...
...Fred Thomas, organiser of District No...
...Mother Goes Hungry This to what the children got...
...Shut the door...
...Many of the states—states like Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska, formerly had twice as many members as they have now...
...Be knows its history, its tactics, he knows its personnel intimately...
...It moved at the rate of two and even three feet a day, when things were going well, only there were days and days when, owing to the need of shoring and timbering and plate setting, to say nothing of the accidental encountering of rock in front which had to be drilled.away, the men with picks and shovels had to be given a rest, or better yet, set to helping the joiners in erecting those cross beams and supports which made the walls safe...
...This controversy also developed the fact that many of the most prominent Farmers' Union leaders believe in independent political action, but believe that independent economic organization is the best and surest way to bring it...
...It is still too prosaic and the gains to modest for a large'porportlon of individualistic farmers...
...But why had Cavanaugh persuaded him to come down here when he knew that he was afraid of water...
...The shaft superintendent himself appeared...
...These cheap charlatans made bun use an "ideology" which bad not the slightest bearing on the problems of the American working masses and to partake in "strategies'' whose crazy nature was bound to attract to Itself all the unstable fools, adventurers and red chorus boys and flappers on the fringes of the labor movement...
...and that the book on the subject still remains to be written...
...But when he discovered that the movement would be of comparatively slow growth he abandoned It...
...He tried South Dakota with much better success...
...The reply received by the...
...The League ceased to collect dues from members five or six years ago, but the effect of its educational work still remains, making North Dakota one of the best fields for farmer economic organization in the United States...
...that the causes of this mtoleaderahlp lie in social conditions on which Foster hardly touches...
...harmful not only to a militant development of the rights of labor*, but equally harmful to social intelligence in general To the comparative student of international labor the ahlholeths of the A F. of L. are as primitive as the social outlook of an Australian Bushman...
...It is a gigantic mother organization fostering the cooperative buying, selling, credit and Insurance organizations of the farmers...
...In their success the leaders see the certain growth and success of the movement...
...So were the Minnesota farmers...
...When he writes that the "Hew York Socialist trade unions . . . are . . . infested with . . . terrorists" and that many of them are connected with criminal underworld gangs, he again is forgetting "Little Oscar" and other professional gangsters Introduced into union warfare by Communist leaders...
...But In these same states the union is now at at the zenith of its material achievements...
...Ye'd better," replied Cavanagh...
...2, United Mine Workers of America, their associates, aiders, abettors, and agents, or any other person acting with the above named," and instructed them as follows: We therefore * * • do strictly enjoin and command you, the said defendants, your associates, alders, abettors, and all other persons that you from henceforth desist • • • (d) From distributing pecuniary contributions, in furtherance of the conspiracy to keep men from employment or seeking employment with the plaintiff...
...It is combining with Itself other independent economic farmer movemen tsd an is gradually becoming a nation-wide movement...
...Salaries of these union officials ranged from $48,000 to $10,000 a year with expense accounts which many a corporation might well envy...
...It is much more difficult to forgive the falsehoods he tells, deliberate falsehoods, about the few progressive tendencies, no matter how weak and ineffective these might be, as long as these tendencies are not part and parcel of the Workers' Party, hoax...
...They were hungry...
...cried some one n a panicky voice, an ironworker: "Great God, itfe comin' down...
...All the mother had for them were three soda Artisan for that meal These crackers she soaked in a plate of weak tea...
...It was so that Dennis learned much about joining and even drilling...
...It was the "Left-Wlnm Isaflinslitr which squandered money tsj] teesponsfhte bribery of the police sjJ thartnes, at least so they claimed...
...And the truth is so well told and documented that the falsities in It stand out as equally deliberate...
...He knew Cavanaugh—Cavanaugh was his friend, ndeed...
...Open the door...
...Twas a close shsv* But m go no more below...
...And In this division lies the failure and tragedy of William Z. Faster... is disgusted with this "left wins" aa much as anybody...
...foster's falsehoods There is, however, too much emphasis in this book on the spinelessness and corruption of leaders and tactics, and not enough analysis of the social forces which corrupted them...
...At the same time, an ominous creak from one of the beams overhead gave warning of the Imminence of a catastrophe...
...This from some one—not McGlathery, you may be sure* who was cowering in a corner...
...TH the last,'' he commented, as h» climbed safely out with the others after a distressing wait of ten minute* at the inward lock...
...Then a mass of sloppy mud fell...
...He had come down one mornipg at eight with the rest of his gang and was working about the base of two new supports which had just been put in place, when he noticed, or thought he did, that the earth seemed wetter than usual, sticky, watery, and hard to manage...
...The plaintiff to the Clearfield Bituminous Coal Corporation, which operates the mines at Roasts ter...
...Five dollars a day Indeed...
...Bitter Tears ha Moscow an this Foster knows as wen as any...
...Then fairly throwing him into the lock, and leaping after him, he turned and quietly helped closed the door...
...Most farmers are partisan Republicans and Democrats...
...No more!** (To be Continued Next WeeK...
...this from one of the masons, as three lamps in the distance were put out by the mud...
...McGlathery was almost dying of fear...
...It was the voice of Cavanaugh, but not quicker than the scampering of the men who, always keenly alive to the danger of a situation, had taken note of the dripping water and the first flop of earth...
...I went to Cleveland, where I soon lost all appetite for the story...
...But despite the "free" territory still to be found there, the strikers are not permitted to visit one another or even to walk together under the injunction It was on that kind of a situation that the new year dawned for thousands of families, And it continues to grow worse...
...He was "fighting" to Increase his salary from $7,000 to $9,000 a year...
...But be does not know it psychologically...
...I hold no brief for the right leadership in the International Ladles' Garment Makers' Union or for the motley right-wing leadership in the Furriers* Union...
...It to strong on the north Pacific coast In Oregon and Washington...
...If at all...
...McGlathery, seeing this, awoke ts the conviction that in the first place he was a great coward, and in the second that the tunnel digging was no Job for bun...
...West Brownsville, Pa...
...When poor Foster protested he was slapped in the face and made to eat his words...
...What's the trouble...
...But then Cavanaugh had persuaded him to come down here, which was wrong...
...has a gang of gunmen evicting the seal miners frees their houses at its No...
...President of the International Press......n and Assistants' Union and his gang stand convicted in court of misappropriating *165,000 of union funds for the development of a private enterprise, the Clinchfield Hydro-Kleotric Power Company...
...Two thousand pounds to the square inch...
...Stone'and Prenter made out of it a "personal profit estimated from $60,000 to $100,000...
...Foster's analyses of labor journalism, of the A. F. of L. "non-partisan" political strategy, of the B. and O. Plan are no doubt correct...
...He is a superb organizer...
...I'll just put on a little more, if you say so...
...Shortly after this the Producers' Alliance merged with the Farmers' Union and South Dakota became a strong Farmers' Union state...
...The plan of this organization is to hold crops for equitable prices by storing them on the farms, the price to be the average cost of production plus an equitable profit for the farmer...
...Only one day, some seven months after he had begun and when he was becoming fairly accustomed to the idea of working here, and when his skill had increased to such an extent that he was considered one of the most competent workers in his limited field, the unexpected happened...
...And that's where I made mine, I guess," it escaped Foster soon after the Michigan fiasco...
Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 6