Hedges, M. H.

BOLT 277-THE DEGRADATION OF THE HUMAN ELEMENT Shall the Workers Be Regimented Into Mechanical Units Or Shall Management Be Made Man-Conscious? By M. H. Hedges npWO working men, long friend*,,...

...He is protected from the Jibes of critics by a defensive psychology which happily relegates all opponents to a realm of superstition, moralistic infantilism, and pre-sclentlnc habit-mindedness...
...And I repeat it to yon once more: You have often given up your own correct ideas for the sake of a compromise, for the sake of an agreement with your oppart...
...In 1914 to 33.89t.SS8 hp...
...and then, after traversing a rather neatly walled scetion of tunnel, al belt badly Uttered with beams and plates and bags of cement and piles of brick, and entering another lock like the first and coming out on the other side—there, amid ah intricate network of beams and braces and a flare of a half dozen great gasoline lamps which whistled noisly, and an overhanging mass of blackness which was nothing less than earth under the great river above, was Cavanaugh...
...When I myself became 111 the first time, with the same trouble,' I was sent abroad together with my whole family, with my wife and child, and with Professor Kanabikh...
...It to a fact in line with bchaviortettc psychology that men reluctantly criticize and oppose their employers...
...He is less capable of protecting himself from the whims of an autocratic employer, or the vicissitudes of an economic rfvilisaiiori...
...And "the new saaa¦ lissnil »y attempted to carry the trade — tenters along ft* Use development of the —as si asoiai tteai organisation, without, ho on or, wanting the unions to boos orate Neither were the uniena pjtpuiad to ask recognition an the unlao-management cooperative haste...
...Good Job...
...Then you could open the door...
...The roofs not goin' to hurt ye...
...The automatic work of the day Is often compensated for by harmful excitement afterward—also a dbnrenie factor...
...BRUERE, "32,»N RPM...
...Production is an Integrated process, in which machines, engineering staff, business office and contented workmen play an orchestral part in creating the Industry's product...
...One of the primary gams for production achieved by the new technology Is the pooling of the skill of Individual workmen in a central office...
...Increase in Power Per Wage Earner", POWER"—August II, 1929...
...Whereupon Dr...
...I am united with you, dear Leon Davidovitch, by many years of common work and by personal friendship...
...Industry's Function is Dual The parting of the ways between the propagandists' for the new technology, and organised labor occurs at the outset...
...The labor unionist contends that if the personnel engineer really wants to know what men want, what they think about their Job, what their grievances are, be can find out only through representatives of the workers, employed and paid for by themselves, rather than from representatives paid by the management as in the case of company union organizations...
...Some day the party win see that and history certainly will Judge tt so...
...If I am not mistaken the group leading our party also began at this tune to carry out toward the other comrades of the Opposition Its threat of 'hitting the Opposition in the stomach,' Nine days ago I took to my bed...
...with the formation, of ¦ tighter and tighter administrative autocracy...
...Levine, who was to see me today, said that they could do nothing for men that the only salvation for me was to go abroad at once...
...That is, workingmen coming down into the shaft and desiring to pass into the bead of the tunnel beyond the lock, would nave to first enter one of these locks, which would then gradually be filled with air compressed up to the same pressure aa that maintained in the main portion of the tunnel farther in...
...Although it was very hard for me at first, I gradually got used to It and I began to hope that my life might still be useful...
...That's why I say that the time has come when it to necessary for me to put an end to my life...
...Produar tton to only one phase of the industrial process... even assumed that what the god of production wants men to think and feel, that they feel and think...
...He viewed them as you might creatures from another realm...
...The very nature of the education process demands self-direction, fche right to make mistakes, and the privilege of rebelling...
...So bare ye arr...
...January 1927...
...Crowell, World Revolution—1927 Model—SAT...
...This resolution of the old conflict between the institution and the individual la given the same twist as the imperialists who declare that the individual exists tor the state...
...The labor unions have hit upon a practice which gets around this difficulty...
...Stated in sociological terms, the mores, folkways, habit patterns of the pre-scientific nfe of our race came into head-on collision with the scientific attitude at this point where the personnel department attempts to deal with human problems objectively...
...and all know the thrill deatved from a workmanly Job...
...The reason for the relatively larger production, according to the Board, to to be found primarily in the increase in stalled primary power from 22,491,441 hp...
...Partly because the iusiisiiioiibI tailed to recognize them, bat also la large part because of lb ear own iefaoalir tradition they permitted tad eeoortuniiy to initiate cooperative relationships to Slip by...
...Bruere, No...
...If only key men are to be retained to operate the machines, to what employment are the eliminated workmen to go...
...Toward the end of three decades of service in the Russian revolutionary movement, and ten full years of service to the accomplished revolution, Joffe drifted- into the opposition camp led by Leon Trotsky, co-leader with Lenin of the Soviet revolt...
...The pains became so unbearable that I begged the doctors at least to ease my sufferings aMlttle...
...CROWELL in "The World Revolution—1927 Model...
...It is translated from "Bulletin Communiste," the French Communist organ edited by Boris Souvarine...
...On the other band, probably partly because of Illness and probably partly because of other reasons which you understand better than I, my part in the struggle of the Opposition has been almost nothing...
...I'll be doin' that...
...This gives me the right, while saying good-bye to you, to point out your failings to you...
...Here, provided that so much had been .completed, they might walk, say, so much as a hundred or more feet, when they would encounter snot her lock...
...Bruere, "J2.944 RPM...
...CROWELL, "World Revolution— —1927 ModeL" The labor unions are likely to be a drag in the productive process, because of their "defensive" psychology, and stubbom refusal to submit tb*tr alms and aspirations to the productive process...
...I have worked and fought for the happiness of mankind...
...It cries halt...
...Git the mud up on this platform so we can git these j'iats hi here...
...My Death...
...Even during that time he received a small wage...
...The Issues The God of the new technology is an abstraction', i.e., the productive process...
...Facing death a person doesn't lie...
...In terms of doners of 1914 purchasing value, eliminating the change In the price level so as to obtain an Indication of the volume of production represented by these figures, the Increase ranges from 28,857,58»,t*» to |la.497,9a9.aM, or more than 97 per cent, aa against the 25 per cent increase in the number of wage earners...
...The World Revolution—1927 Model...
...It is advancing swiftly, and carrying with it a revolution i in industrial relations which bears down significantly on labor unionism...
...Only my health had become somewhat worse...
...voice of Cavanaugh near at hand...
...Under the Ctar, Joffe was in prison from 1914 to 1917... this respect It stands at the arm of the factory superintendent, as the leader of an orchestra, and looks Inward upon the productive organhtatssn as a Bring machine with an infinity of imperfectly predirtaasr pessiMBUes... the aaaiasirtnf rasas, so that the wfcois otiaiiliallon was function aa a ¦nils... fact, such sentiments will no longer exist1 in men's minds under the new scientific regime...
...Unconsciously McGlathery bad stopped and was staring upward...
...whereas the labor union to founded on' the assumption that human nature must be given room to expand, change, grow...
...SAM A. LEWISOHN, "New Leadership of Industry...
...When the comrades who do not belong to the Opposition get sick they are sent abroad, very often with their wives and accompanied by'our doctors and professors...
...The new scientific management Is remarkable for its high shrill note of self-righteousness, it is ultra-modern, smart, and self-assured...
...It's a big Job compared to some of 'em...
...Jerry herell help ye...
...It was stuffy from the heat of lamps, and dirty from smear of the black muck which was over everything...
...Increased from $9.857,5M.OM to 125,2SO.3SS.toe...
...He to leas a citizen...
...It really terrified him...
...As win presently appear, this transformation In Industrial relations was a direct response to the demands of the machine, a condition whose dependable behavior is that manpower must function in comformity with the same orderly laws as those which men have Incorporated in the machines themselves...
...Tf the new technology elevates one key man from the ranks •or every 1000 craftsmen tt denotes to fcBSjJaaaw drudges, there should be scene iiisimiinsstlnn for the imperial ltetonre...
...June 5, . 1924...
...At the end of our town we came to men who were tooling parte beyond an accuracy of one-tenth-thousandth of an Inch, an accuracy so near ah— lute evenness that its imperfections eluded Standard measuring Instruments, and could be detected only by fingers of rare tactile delicacy...
...The place was full...
...EVENING POST, January *. 1927...
...So this was his introduction to the tunnel, and here was a danger not commented on by Cavanaugh...
...To date, union labor has offered 18,000 suggestions for the betterment of service on the B. and O. and 15,000 of these suggestions nave been acted upon...
...Levine assured her that If such were the case the matter would be decided very quickly...
...Actually during these days I have not bad any medical treatment at all and the question of my going abroad to not even being discussed...
...It is an Important and significant development—a Youth movement among employers...
...John ¦Od to Harry: "What are you doing, now, old-timer...
...277 becomes a symbol of the degradation of the human element in industry...
...Remove it, and you get conditions like those described by Arthur Pound in bis "Iron Men Industry", or dramatised by Kapek in R. U. R. Bolt No...
...There the issues rest The contribution that the new technology la likely to make is in the direction of teaching men how to make a larger mass contribution to industry, and this is considerable...
...Various Anglo-American publishing houses approached me more than once with the request that I sell them part of my memoirs, to be selected by myself, with the sole stipulation that they should include the period of the peace negotiations with Germany at Brest Litovsk... 192S, a growth of 47.7 per cent, bat also hi more efBcirnt organisation and operation...
...By M. H. Hedges npWO working men, long friend*,, met *¦ after a separation of years...
...None of the' doctors of the Central Committee has visited me even once.' Professor Davldenko and Dr...
...I make bolt number 277...
...BRUERE, The Mind tat the Machine...
...It ts not alarmed about a supply of common labor, because it doesn't use much and constantly endeavors to use leas...
...Suppose.' Suppose...
...of vaisatson treat the standard pattern...
...The corporation, the abstract owner, which sanctions the abstract process, production, is adjudged proprietor of the human all too-human worker...
...And besides, the drugstore in the Kremlin which used to make up all the recipes for me suddenly received an order that no more recipes should be put up for me without payment...
...Just as "33,000 RPM...
...Its faults, ¦ aa outlined above, rest on the parochial character of the technique...
...First, its business Is to pour the oil of human kindliness upon the points of friction that develop among the wage-earners under the manage**— »»¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ Wmh ilui mmn...
...clad in a abort red sweater and great rubber boots, an old yellowishbrown felt hat pulled jaunitly over bells...
...Some years ago I asked the Polit-Bureau for permission to publish my memoirs...
...I took up scientific pedagogic and literary work...
...In this sense my death will be the protest of a fighter who has been brought to such a state that be has no other means of protesting rgn'rmt such a disgrace except by suicide...
...Advocates of war rarely defend their position on acton tine or nationalistic grounds, but make their appeal to fear cupidity, pride and passion...
...It to assumed that all the ways of complex, changing human nature are discoverable and predictable...
...By degrees, John, and other common citizens, are coming into an understanding distance of the so-called technological revolution...
...My health got still worse...
...It to true that key men are being drawn from labor's ranks to key positions, and these are sharing in the fruits of the nwhiny But at the same time through specialisation and refinement, skill is being extirpated below, and the ranks of the unskilled augmented by *>mvi—ndt The maker of bolt No...
...He appears now in no less a role than as the savior of the situation...
...Come, Dennis, don't be standln' there loo kin' at the roof...
...The company union circumscribes and limits his nature...
...In the last analysis they are all workers...
...Tea—the world Is changing...
...All these tilings had been adjusted to a nicety .even in those days, which was years ago...
...It consists, in these latter days at least, in so far as under-water tunneling is concerned, of sinking huge shafts at either end or .side of a river, lake or channel (one hundred feet, perhaps, within the shore line) to a depth of, say, thirty feet below the water level, and from these two points tunneling outward under the bottom of the river until the two ends meet somewhere near the middle...
...If time-saving, labor-saving marhlnn are really saving time and labor...
...Even so, replies the' toner, unionist, the new technologists are likely to find that the labor union is founded on more scientific principles than its rival...
...Now, however, I am not allowed to have even a single secretary and here I am lying nine days in bed without any sort of help...
...A parallel between the new technology, as proclaimed by its ardent spokesman, is had with warfare and militarism...
...A small piece of earth bad fallen and struck him on the 'back...
...The be-all and end-all of Industry is to produce...
...era industry to toward a permanent unemployment of millions...
...It is this quality which has made artists, inventors, martyrs so precious to society, when ordinary men have lent themselves too readily to herd suggestion...
...But the factor which most profoundly affects labor la the newest types of machinery...
...If personnel managers merely want to silence men, handle men, employ mental laws so sedulously that men remain creatures of the corporation, the company union is adequate...
...I offered to give the entire honorarium to the party, because it has been hard for me to take money from the party for my medical treatment...
...John continued...
...Strenuous, eh...
...This is a revolution—not of agitators, nor of Ideas—but of productive methods superimposed upon the Industrial process by the machine, captained by engineers...
...I know that at present you are not able to do anything for them and that I cannot hope for anything in this matter from the present leaders of the party...
...But I do not doubt that the time is not distant when you will again take your proper place in the party...
...Where they persevere in tads refusal, they should be shattered, and a new ¦anristkm of acquit scant, be torssort, Le, a OOOlpSaaOy . tfDiOCue ¦tea who had keen teamed as the School of aiilasilias ¦ansi isusot Theaejoeai JaMtePy ^ afpwg r jj**^** SaavdTarraars teasa aa oasttraty dtf. ferent angle than that of Industrial desaoeraey...
...Then there is^necnanism . Approximately 8, I men, women and children in this country alone are for seven to nine hours a day doing automatic work that calls far little or no mental exercise...
...I am more than certain that the whole censorship of the Polit-Bureau would have consisted in not allowing me to give, in my memoirs, a correct picture of the personalities and the activities either of the real leaden of the revolution or of those now crowned as leaders...
...Medical Supply Cut Off But the Medical Commission of the Central Committee, which itself had called the conference of the professors, for two months had done nothing for me...
...In short, the craft equipment which hitherto has been held in the tltleshlp of the worker has passed over into the possession of the management...
...Levine incidentally remarked to my wife that this question was being dragged along because the Medical Commission of the Central Committee thought that my wife certainly would go with with me and that this would 'cost too much...
...and this drift to coeval with the divorce of managerial responsibility from ownership In industry...
...Hundreds of laborers with shovels would be required to mix the same amount of concrete hi the same time fat the old fashioned way...
...Professor Davldenko thinks that the causes of the return of my former disease in a more violent form are the shocks I have undergone recently...
...But although I am firmly convinced that the day of awakening will come, I am not certain that it will come now...
...It to, rather, how far to tt good practice, under any leg hue, far the persons occupying subordinate positions to Interfere with their executive...
...I give you a warm handshake...
...Somehow, Dennis was fearfully one ear...
...ttJN RJPJa.- SURVEY GRAPHIC, Janaary 1927...
...But if they really meant what they say, and want to employ the scientific method for the ultimate good of men and industry, they will work through labor unions...
...The company union is' founded on this assumption...
...At first, bell cords, later telephones, and then electric signals controlled this—that is, the lowering or raising of the* pressure of air in the locks so that one door or the other might be opened, u the pressure in the lock was different from that in your section, and you could not open the door (which you could not), you pulled the cord or pushed the button so many times, according to your position, and the air in the lock was adjusted to the section of the tunnel in which yon stood...
...He privately declared that, as far as education went, the labor union was far superior to the company organisation...
...Now ho Is a trained man and important to that Industry...
...Well, here he was now, and they were forcing open the door at the opposite side of the lock, and the air pressure had not hurt him, and he was not killed yet...
...If it is true, as Mussolini says, that beings are tired of liberty,- that men prefer comfort and a restricted security to self-direction and flvetlctn, the charter are that the company union will succeed...
...From 1914 to- 19Ui the period for which data are graphics fly represented In the atitJisphii/liit chart, wage earners hi all manufacturing industries increased from 7,0*3,685 to 81778,158, or less than 25 per cent, while production, in terms of value added by manufacture...
...This world revolution derives Its strength from the coordination of four primary factors—namely, Invention, mechanical power, highly skilled craftsmen and some measure standardisation...
...Ranks of Unskilled Grow Other points of conflict as, between the new technology and the position of organized labor revolve upon this fundamental difference...
...From the point of view of management, the great oastseto to unified production control was the exclusive possession by the individual taT*tho*exe« mtfi *^'"j*^t^">^<tJ*^ stoeto'wao to resort, to 'Job analysis' aad roasted asethias of gathering and transit i ilng this individual Nrraft kaaulodgito a central planning and naetheds dilation under direct dentool of management Itself...
...In the condition in which I now find myself I naturally have no possibility of doing any kind of work...
...Having known Harry for a long time, John is restless as he discerns the implications of this refinement of jobs in ultra-modern industry...
...Under the earthy roof whose surface he could see but dimly at the extreme forward end of the tunnel beyond that wooden framework, he took bis position...
...CROWELL, "World atovotattotrv-1927 Model.' j The recalcitrant element in the productive process is the common workman...
...The "Polit-Bureau' knows well enough that I am experienced enough, both as a journalist and as a diplomat, not to print anything that could harm our party or our country and that I was more than once censor In the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs...
...And even so it could not cheer him any...
...If, In short, there are going to be no machine drudges, what to going to become of the "1,000 demoted craftsmen...
...Colomba and the River - By Theodore Dreiser (Continued From Last Week) Good news, indeed...
...The exact contact and precise joining of these outer ends is considered one of the true tests of skilful engineering...
...That fat a mistake on your always been right and today you are more so than ever before...
...And this autocracy makes certain gratuitous assumptions It assumes tt can handle these workmen, by a discreet, unerring use of psychic laws...
...and I have told yon mare than once that I saw with my own eyes how Lenin feared that yon were right in 1905 and not himself...
...the radical engineering thought of today Is the progressive thought of tomorrow...
...Freedom and Self-Direction This administrative autocracy to to hannet workmen through the personnel arm of industry...
...fully defend their basic position...
...They offered me $30,000 for them...
...I repeat: Politically you have patients...
...Bat now only a single man is...
...required to operate the machine and the only use for a shovel to to pat the concrete smoothly into its piece and to clear up the loose gravel spilled by a careleas truekdrlver...
...The inevitable drift of ultra-mod...
...When that times comes do not forget my wife and children...
...This must in the course of time have a fUagenlc influence upon the mental, if not alee upon the physical life ef many an individual, and in the long run cannot but be harmful to the race...
...Having been ejected so to speak through the back door of industry, he has walked around the structure and reappeared at the front, armed with a dignity and1 authority never before accorded him...
...Such sentiments as expressed by Lincoln to the effect thaT "no man to good enough to govern another man without his consent" are old fashioned, moralistic...
...As the new technologists are developing what appears to be an industrial cul.t it was only inevitable that the skill, lore and instinctive equipment of the individual worker should finally be adjudged the property of the corporation...
...Augmenting of the Surplus of Unemployed If the integrated Industry envisioned by the protagonists of the new technology to >fft~*t'<"g other Oaa the foregoing: tt tt meant a happy family of workers, Infhirtlng eng I liners and craftsmen, playing together in % sunlit, breezeswept factory...
...Most of the parte were tooled to a minimum accuracy of one-thous¦ andth of an inch by workmen who while they worked explained their role in the completed apparatus...
...TVEAR LEON DAVTDOWITCH: I have always held that a man active in political and social life should be allowed to take leave of the world at a certain time...
...Shall Management Have All the Fun...
...Indeed, in the competition of these two basic conceptions of Industry, the ultimate victory to likely to be decided not by argument or innuendo, but by human nature Itself...
...Fire a day...
...Development of citizenship to also a function of industry, and in case of a clash as between the two aims, production and cultural development of industrial individuals, production should and must give way...
...which has so often been regarded as a drama with labor and capital as the conflicting characters, tarns eat to be largely the prosaic task of using wage policies to- increase national productivity" — SAM LEWISOHN, "New I leadership in Industry" Production is a highly technical—Indeed a mlcrometric process—involving minutest measurements, presided over by a staff of highly seasoned, highly trained, highly disciplined engineers...
...I have always maintained, however, that you lack Lenin's firmness, his unyieldingness, his willingness to remain all alone, following the course which he held correct...
...WILLIAM ENGLISH WALLING—in The American Photo-Engraver...
...It is often profane, but it hi wholesome...
...Thtf fact that, after twenty-seven years of revolutionary work, after I have occupied such responsible posts in the party, I have been shoved aside in such a condition leaves me nothing else to do but to 5*nd a bullet through my head...
...He (worker hi ultra-modern Industry) does not rate to hlmoolf as a capitalist, had the point of view from which he judges saem, events and affairs ciearrydtet teoes that ho Is aware of his actual status...
...Shoved To One Side" It is already several years that the present leaders of our party have not allowed me to perform party or Soviet work of a size or character where I could be of nmimiim service...
...There can be no opposition to laborsaving machinery so long as it secures more leisure, better wages, a good product at a cheaper price, and better working conditions...
...But workers are troubled by unmistakable signs In those very ultra-modern industries where the new technology Is most lauded...
...And you know that I have traveled with you for the last twenty years...
...It was slow, dirty, but not difficult work, so long as one did not think of the heavy river overhead with its snips and Its choppy waves in the rain, and the gulls and the disturbed as to the weight of this or locks, of heavy iron—sir locks, no heavy volume of earth and water over bead...
...The guiding principle of labor's philosophy has been humanistic instead of purely scientific, and it continues to challenge Industrialism when it is intent on erecting its bulk on principles other than humanistic...
...He has'the real craftsman's respect for a skilled trade, and be pities Harry "for being such a boob as to fall for a job" In an industry where mass production is the sole objective...
...For a time he was discredited by the drive made upon him by labor propagandists...
...The defense, the prejudice, arises from an instinctive refusal of men to be regimented...
...Perhaps both events, the small and the great, will act as a shock that will awaken the party from its sleep and prevent it from rolling on to the 'Thermidor.' I should be happy if I could be sure that a) t would be so, for then I should know that I had not died in vain...
...Working at the X-Motor Company...
...The stubborn Instinctive rebellion of the labor unionist in reality represents the presence of society at the industrial transaction...
...Git In there, Dennis, and dig out that corner beyond the post there...
...He can be brought into cooperation only through the application of discoverable laws to human behavior...
...The professors who examined me declared emphatically that the condition of my health was much worse than I had imagined, that I must not even try to finish reading my lectures at the unlevrslty, that the best thing for me would be to abandon all my plans, that- I should not stay another single day In Moscow, that I must go abroad at once to a good sanitarium and, as I could not go abroad for the next couple of days, they prescribed some medicines for me until I could leave the country and told me that in the meantime I should take treatment In the medicinal clinic of the Kremlin...
...The new technologist declares: "We must make the workers prnrraa-mindeil" And labor replies, "We must make msnsga inapt man cnrvariotia " THE DEATH OF A REVOLUTIONIST Adolph Joffe, Driven to Suicide, Bids Comrades Carry On By Adolph Joffe Adolph Joffe, one of the most famous of the Russian Soviet leaders, ended his life by suicide a month ago irSoviet Russia...
...In reply I received the decision by the Central Committee that 'diplomats or comrades in relation with diplomatic work are absolutely forbidden to print their memoirs, or parts of them, abroad, unless the Collegium of the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs and the PolitBureau of the Central Committee look over the manuscript before publication.' Refused 829,909 Offer Knowing what, delay would result from such a double censorship and that under such circumstances I could not make a contract with a foreign publishing house, I resolved in 1924 to turn down this proposal...
...Labor has also questioned the aim and direction of the productive process, in its war on waste, in its drive for high wages, and in its fight against-adulteration and fraud...
...Refused Trip Abroad In the evening the doctor of the Central Committee, Comrade Potemkin, told my wife that the Medical Commission of the Central Committee had de*' elded not to send me abroad and to cure me in Russia, and that the Central Committee was ready to-spend in treating me 'up to $1,000, but no more.' As you know, during former years I gave the party, not merely one thousand dollars, but at all events much more, as much as I got from the party since the time when the revolution took my property away from me, and I can no longer pay for my treatment myself...
...The new technologists are the imperialists of Industry setting up an industrial state of mystical proportions, and sacred prerogatives...
...Defensive Psychology t A Valuable Social Asset Defensive psychology as manifested by labor unions, therefore, is perhaps the most valuable attribute the union possesses, viewed from the social instead of the technological standpoint...
...Last year the Polit-Bureau shoved me, as a member of the Opposition, entirely to one side as far as party or Soviet work was concerned...
...To Be CsssMBaatsl Meat Week...
...Ah, how remote to McGlathery were the gentlemen in smooth fitting suits...
...I personally know of many such cases...
...When this pressure had been reached they could easily open the inward swinging doer and pass into'the tunnel proper...
...PUBLICITY OF FOOTE COMPANY—PAVING CONTRACTORS—Chicago, m. Restricted Security vs...
...Cavanaugh spied Dennis as he made bis way forward over the widely separated beams...
...Therefore tt has generally met the opposition of labor...
...But I do not doubt that my death can be of more use now that my further existence...
...If I had been well I should have found enough strength and energy to have fought against the condition that has developed In the party...
...becomes a symbol of technological perfection...
...A mystical light enfolds him and high, serious, atmosphere pervades the factory where he walks...
...As a matter of fact, ho team backward, for he has teas sympathy than his employers for nnsHlted...
...The definite line between what are here designated as the ancient industrialism and ultra-modern is that the one uses considerable auantities of man power while the other depends almost entirely upon brain power directing either steam or electricity'.—Chester t. Crowell...
...But probably no oilier single practice of the technologists is calculated to invite the disloyalty of workers than that which blueprints skill, and leaves the worker nothing more than the creature of management...
...Now when I was abroad I received a fresh offer, with a guaranty of an honorarium of 920,000, but I was again compelled to refuse the proposal, because I knew bow the history of the party and the history of the revolution was being falsified...
...Until this very new phase of the soofjUed machine age developed, such things as Intelligence teste were regarded as the toys of psychologists and professors...
...Maximum production, yes, but maximum production consistent with the self-development and civic development of the industrial agents...
...Know, O reader, that the business of tunneling is one of the most hazardous and dramatic albeit interesting, of all known fields of labor...
...The pressure in the look, according to who bad last used it, would be either that of the section of the tunnel toward the shore, or of the section beyond, toward the centre of the river...
...Instead of making the worker a so-equal of the engineer, it makes htm more subordinate...
...SURVEY GRAPHIC, January 1927...
...Now, looking back over my past life and the twenty-seven years I have been active in our party, it seems to ml that I have a right to say that during my whole conscious life I have been true to that Idea, that is, I have lived with a meaning...
...Frankness is difficult under most circumstances, but workers paid by a corporation are not going to flay with candour when their jobs are dependent on striking just the right note...
...But labor In this country uses Its growing power peaceably and in cooperation with certain other economic groups...
...Safety" And it should be said here that the safety of the men who did the work, and the possibility of it, depended first on the introduction at either end...
...One can not promote Justice, or make the Job a career, or have employe representation function successfully unless there is an adequate Industrial relations department...
...It acts as the eyes, ears and memory...
...277 to In a less favorable position today for self-development on the job than be was 10 years ago hi old-fashioned Industry...
...One thing seems certain: the personnel engineer seems destined to have a new day in court...
...The personnel department in such an organisation as the Sperry Gyroscope Company performs, as I see it, two major functions...
...He was conversing with two other foremen and an individual in good clothes, one of those migbties —an engineer, no doubt...
...Recently the head of an ultra-moderr industry frankly admitted that all the men In charge of the company union were former labor unionists...
...If it is permissible to compare great events with little ones, I would have said, that the expulsion of you and Zinovief from the party must inevitably serve as the beginning of the 'Thermidor epoch' 69'out revolution...
...If I were in condition, notwithstanding my terrible pains, to continue my lectures it would be necessary to carry me there on a 'stretcher.' When I was sick the first time I had a whole staff of clerks around me...
...A Protest" But in my present condition I hold such a situation in the party- unbearable, when the members of the party endure your expulsion in silence, although I do not doubt that, sooner or later, there will come a turnover in the party which will force It to pull down those who have, ted It to such a shameful deed...
...M. RIPLEY, "Radicalism That Means Real Progress", published by General Electric Company, Schenectady, S. V. Though Gothic lights, swing censors, and deep Intonations, which accompany the new technology, trouble common sense, still these rituals should not be allowed to obscure the movement...
...Just ye 'tend to yer shovelin...
...Once in, as in a water lock, the air was raised or lowered, according to your signal, and you could enter the next section outward or toward...
...Beyond this lock also was a group of night workers left over from the night before and under a strange foreman (ditchers, Joiners, earth carriers, and steel-plate riveters), all engaged in the rough and yet delicate risk of forcing and safeguarding a passage under the river, and only now leaving...
...Specialization and invention have Increased Its productivity and greatly decreased the numbers required to produce the same volume Of food supply—HERBERT HOOVER—"We Can Cooperate Yet Compete—Nations Business...
...Perhaps be bad been oveipersuaded by the lure of gold...
...These men are Just after comin' out," and he waved a hand toward the forward end of the tunnel...
...It was the...
...32 R. P. V. SURVEY GRAPHIC, January . . . "The pressure upon highly organised industry today Is not for machines that will turn workmen adrift, bat for devices that will make their skill even more productive...
...Tend To Yer Shovelin' *» McGlathery obeyed...
...I cannot even get the little electric lamp that Professor Davldenko prescribed for me...
...Toward the end of September the Medical Commission of the Central Committee suddenly summoned me for an examination by specialist professors and the Commission established the fact that I was suffering from active tubercular foci in both lungs and a number of other ills...
...This, together with your expulsion, will show the whole world what sort of a regime prevails in our party...
...this with a touch of bony...
...The principal point to be made here Is that the pressure exerted upon labor today by ultra-modern industry Is entirely upward...
...McGlathery personally understood all this but dimly...
...Just at the base of the shafts and then at about every hundred or so feet, as the tunnel progressed outward, of huge cyiindircal chambers, leas—fifteen feet in diameter, and closed at each end, by massive doors swinging inward toward the shore line, so that the and powerful pressure of air constantly forced outward from the shore by huge engines could not force them open...
...Tears ADOLPH JOFFE...
...Because so much Is claimed tor this revolution by technology, in the way of abolishing poverty, reconciling the conflict between labor and capital, and bringing comfort to the masses, it is proposed here to examine as directly as possible the major premises upon which this technology rests, to trade its actual and implied effects upon labor unionism, and to offer an appraisal of its value from the point of view of'organized labor...
...Approved By Lenin Politically yon have always been right, beginning with 1995...
...I wish you no less energy and courage than you have displayed thus far and a more speedy victory...
...And in such a way was I forced to buy with my own money in the city drugstores all the medicines I stood In need of...
...In his dull way McGlathery was moved by it...
...Under the revolution he was a member of the Russian delegation at Brest-Litovsk, had charge oj diplomatic negotiations between the Soviet Union and the Baltic states, was a member of the Russian delegation to the Genoa, conference, first Soviet ambassador to Germany, and Envoy Extraordinary to China and later Japan...
...Personnel departments are established for this purpose...
...In the toot analysts advocates of the new technology win be forced to make their appeal to these emotion*, tt they incfnav...
...The new warfare is, and may be, as rigidly scientific, as much the product of engineers, with their mlcrometric procasaM, and Rucfallan accuracy, aa the new technology, when unrlheriked by the educational motive, but its whole aha and purpose to anO-humanistic...
...Robert Bruere, "The Mind and the Machine"—SURVEY GRAPHIC, February 1. 1927...
...There Is a basis for an entente cordlale between the engineer, the inventor -Vnd the worker...
...After a very severe mental struggle > and almost without any enthusiasm I was compelled to take up a work which I had expected to begin only when I had become a complete invalid...
...And hi confessed that he was a good deal worried by the fact that the corporation had as yet failed to discover a way by which new leaders could be...
...Labor has never opposed engineering genius, or fought the Introduction of labor-saving machinery In industry out of some low depravity, or because it has believed in curtailed productivity...
...The following letter was written by him to Leon Trotsky, after the writer had determined upon his suicidal course...
...Finally a few words about a personal matter...
...It has opposed them when they seemed to put profits above health and human welfare...
...Suppose it should break through, suppose the earth over his head should suddenly drop and bury him—that dun black earth overbead, as heavy and thick aa this be was cutting with his shovel now...
...Just as an actor leaves the stage, and It is better to do this early rather than too late...
...The management's Imperative ' need of reorganizing the production process in conformity with the demands of the factory's product...
...16, 1987...
...With a sturdy arm and a sturdy back and a sturdy foot and leg, he pushed his spade into the thick mud, or loosened it with his pick when necessary, and threw it up on the crude platform, where other men shoveled it into a small car which was then trundled back over the rough boards to the lock, and so on out...
...The problem Is not solely whether the proletariat Is to have certain rights because workers constitute the underdog under the capitalist regime...
...Contrast this practice with what is happening in the Baltimore and Ohio and In those industries where voluntary unions and management cooperate in working out common problems of production...
...CROWELL, "The World Revolution—1927 Model...
...They employ a spokesman who is working not against his employer, i.e., the union, when he expresses the worker's aims, but' for it...
...and one interesting thing about It is that engineers and'scientists are In the forefront in revolutionising Ideas...
...Now the ultra-rnod• em industrialist regards them not only with interest, but sometimes with alarm, especially when they disclose that only a small percentage of the men and women who apply for work could be trained to fill key positions...
...Whatcber doin...
...But' now, it is clear, there comes a moment when life has lost all meaning for me and therefore it is my duty to depart from life, to commit suicide...
...Their assumptions even go farther than that...
...I have' never doubted the correctness of the course you have outlined...
...The voluntary nature of the labor union furnishes this adventurous space for expanWen, and growth...
...He (a worker ha ultra-an S la n industry) applied at a window, and a spin IsHsl, alter tasking him over, decided that he was a bright-witted fellow and gave him a card that admitted him to a training school maintained by the company, where some hundreds of dollars, I do not know how many, were spent upon his vocational education...
...Thirty years ago I came to the conclusion that human life only has meanbig in so far as a human being is able to serve humanity...
...common labor...
...Levine, who visited me, prescribed some sort of a mixture for me, but they at once told me that they could not help me, that I must go abroad as soon as possible...
...Labor traditionally denies ultramodern Industry's basic principle that production to an end In Itself...
...He is mentioned breathlessly, theed and thoued, called master...
...It holds that its battle against the force of autocracy, financial and political,' is but a part of the war of all democracy against the en em lea of freedom and progress', a 'human' rather than a 'class' struggle...
...Sure... the heart, hands and brains of the management in handling its personnel...
...Ye're not down here to be loo kin' after the roof...
...I am survived by a wife, a small son and a sick daughter, all of whom are poorly adapted to leading an independent existence...
...It was only by the same delicate system which causes water locks to open and close that they could be opened at all...
...The laws are discovered and appBed only by considering the human element in industry in just the same way as machines are considered...
...SAM LEWISOHN—"The New Leadership in Industry...
...SATURDAY EVENING POST, January s, 19*7...
...Ales HrdUcka—"Man's Future: As a Scientist Sees It"—THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE—April 3, 1937...
...It questions the sacrosanct, productive process...
...My wife answered that no matter how grave my condition might be she would not insist that she or anyone else accompany me abroad...
...At that time the customs that now obtain In our party were not yet In vogue...

Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 5

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