Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States | National Sealers to uuuejanised tOUlMUnl— Has fcalitnf !¦ formation ot haw to division* of the SocuULffjrty may obtain... room 505, Peoples House, 7 East 15th street, at 8.30 p. m. Mass Meeting for Miners Remember the mass meeting for the striking miners in the Debs Auditorium, Monday, Jan...
...Queens Saturday, January 21, 8:30 p.m.— Speaker...
...the Meet beat around PKtsbare* and other places where the workers are exploited...
...1 at 8:30 p-m...
...says Comrade Vtelberne of his frlesid, "he has only time for kieks and never stops to consider why he has to pay so 'todch for hh Juice...
...219 Sackman street...
...Vjj oniers for this wonderful book should bit sent to the National Office...
...96 avenue C. Socialist Party, 8-8-12 AD...
...There was a fair attendance and interesting lecture...
...His letters to members and his press publicity are the most Interesting material received at the City Office...
...At a recent meeting It wsa ¦leiaitl that branches 2 and...
...Officials of the branch expect a full attendance of the members and a good representation of the younger element...
...The speaker will be Ethelred Brown...
...Denver Labor Forum, to be used for relief work among the Colorado miners This is only'the first installation...
...Various speakers will be obtained...
...He will visit Socialists in their homes in Buffalo and surrounding towns and aid rn building up the party press...
...This is the type of Socialist we like to hear from...
...He begins his work With an order for fifty copies of The New Leader of January 7, the issue reporting the inaugural celebration of the Reading Socialists...
...319 Sackman street...
...I shall try to get'a lot of subs for yon before long...
...A parrot can be taught to speak like that...
...Tb build a society where peace and justice will rule, is a glorious tasic...
...Questions and discussion...
...Philadrlnhia Philadelphia Socialists did a wonderful job in contributing over $600 to national party work at the banquet arranged as a reception for the members of the National Executive Committee...
...Etr_ Alexander OoMenweiser...
...Monday, Jan...
...319 Sackman street...
...The City Office will be glad to forward subs direct to the editor...
...Georgia Away down in Georgia two women comfies are active and never forget to keep their dues paid up...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...The West is interested in today and not hundreds of years ago...
...9 p.m.—Speakers, Edward F. Cassidy and Matthew M. Levy—subject: "How I Became- a Socialist...
...5. Dates and subjects are as follows: Feb...
...Willie Werfel, recording secretary...
...1 Kansas MagUI to the Field State Secretary Magill has cranked up his oU car and -started to do organization work...
...Auspices Socialist Party 5th and 8th A.D...
...The Milwaukee Leader has given such service at various times during periods of great unemployment with very satisfactory results...
...He bos assisted in organizing two new branches and Is advancing into new territory...
...Over 100 men and women who volunteered to participate in this pageant, assembled last Saturday and were assigned their rales...
...schools and colleges that kept many away, over three hundred people were present at the Rand School Auditorium last Sunday...
...Emil Herman of Seattle, reports a much better showing during the last month in party, activity and dues paying than has been noted for a, long time...
...West End Hotel, 116th street, (near Boardwalk) Rockaway Park...
...Sackman street, immediately alter a abort meeting, pertaining to Party matters, discussions take place...
...been ordered...
...More will be »ld about them later...
...fhe forum is being heiu at The Workmen's Circle Educational Centre, 433 Oak street, at 8 p.m...
...On Jan...
...Auspices Workmen's Circle, New Jersey Tuesday, January 24, 8.45 p.m.—Speaker, August Claessens...
...offlce I*1 fading...
...Oklahoma * W. W. Moore of Henryetta writes that ¦* to ready and willing, to get busy and...
...Sunday, January 22, 4 pjn.—Speaker, Ethelred Brown...
...It will also be up to the comrades to assist in getting the unusual number of signatures necessary to place the State ticket on the ballot...
...Rand School Wednesday, Feb...
...Joseph M. Osman...
...5th A. D. On Friday evening, Jan...
...Auspices Socialist Party...
...Mickol at the Rand School offict...
...They will rehearse each Saturday at 3 pjn...
...24, a brief business meeting will be held and immediately following Ethelred Brown will speak on "Capital Punishment in the Light of Recent Executions...
...Hilda G. Claessens, Henry.Gross and I. M. Knobloch will be present...
...Those who have received letters from him should reply at once...
...Jack Wasserman...
...2t* A. D. Hast...
...Michigan, Loekwood's Work As reported recently...
...The last l? bring:, an order for a year's dues for each and •too payment on their sustaining fund P«ˆK for six months...
...he still has hopes for the future...
...It hat more of the latest news, more real hone sense and more facta1 to the square inch than anything that' Is published...
...To be young, one must have hope...
...Joseph M. Osmafi...
...Subject: "Debs—The Apostle of Socialism...
...They are carrying on their collections in all parts of the city...
...The new branch officers are Minnie Weisberg, Organiser...
...They also write tbat-they will assist in getting our electoral ticket on the ballot in that State... secretary.treasurer...
...Wtllert intends to go out into the State and do organization work...
...One of the willing comrades at Cleveland is Dr...
...The members will again play a considerable part in the arrangements for this annual affair...
...Subject: "The Human Control *of Evolution: Progress...
...There will be a short business meeting, and it 11 o'clock sharp...
...but also pledges a donation every month during the year...
...3 West 16th street- Joint Board, 130 East 25th street and at local unions of the I. L G. W. U. Oneal To Lecture For Branch One of Workmen's Circle Workmen's Circle, Branch 1, the oldest Circle hi the United States, has arranged for a lecture Friday night, January 20, In Irving Plaza Hall, near 15th street The lecture is Intended to especially interest the children of Circle members...
...New officers of the oranch were installed...
...12, "Woman's Changing Status as Mother, Wife, Citizen...
...During February a large hall be engaged for i mass meeting...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...26, "Thia Companionate Marriage, Monogamy on Trial...
...I envy you and stlu feel sorry for vou...
...Last Sunday the ball was fairly well Sued and immediately held...
...All members are urged to come and bring their friends...
...It la most comprehensive, going back to the past and giving... Washington Irving High School, right after A. M. J. Muste's lecture on The Worker in Modern Civilization which starts at 1.30 p.m...
...Comrades were well pleased, except that some work must be done to obtain a larger attendance...
...New York City 4th AJD>- Manhattan It is with great sojiuw that the 4th AD reports that Can*«de M. Stupp, an active member of this Branch recently passed away...
...Ethelred Brown...
...BROOKLYN 2nd A. D. A successful affair was held by the branch last Saturday evening in the form of a luncheon, entertainment and dance...
...The Organization Fund Contribution lists are In the hands of branches and members all over the country The help which the -National Office can give in the general work of organisations depends upon how much funds are collected...
...J*B* Reservations for-The New Leader dinner which win be heM on Janttary rrth at Beethoven Hall, 210 East Fifth street...
...BRONX Annual Ball and Concert A well-attended meeting Of Bronx members was held Monday evening, January 16...
...These reaerts must be attended to at once...
...So give as heartblood, Comrade*, and we will give the whole tadvetdeht heart, ' The short articles on the front page of The New Leader ate receiving a lot of favorable comment...
...The press-agents for the trust keep careful watch of The New Loader and do all they can in the way of prope^AncIa jo undo Its teachings...
...March 3, a ball will be run at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum...
...Subject: "Principles of Socialism tn Theory and Practice...
...Russell to Lecture Mrs...
...The .program .last...
...A meeting will be held in the Debs Auditorium in commemoration of the 80th annivarsary of the publication of the famous Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels...
...The answer to Comrade Gabriel is, that the awe af these swbs we get in, the mere frank and' fearkiss we can be...
...Monday, January 33rd...
...The editor of the Mine Wo.«.ers Journal will be the main speaker and other speakers from New York City...
...George Dobsevage, one of our old and best-known comrades, will deliver a lecture on the "XYZ's of Socialism...
...7916 26th avenue...
...5th—6th A.D...
...This is a fins Me* who will follow his lead...
...To Marie Hodgson is clue the credit for making the arrangements...
...Comrades are needed to help in the distribution of literature, the sale of tickets, and general clerical work Involved In running this affair...
...8: Constitution...
...The1 -Leader-Appeal'hi the best paper I ever read and should be read by sM ¦anttrs to gatoe -the* in then- every dky werk an* mot* I especially during the doming efe£Uons of lS3*.n • ......• • • • H. D. Oabrtel of Warsaw, Mo., writes, "I hope the new combination' paper will be as fearless and as-frank' a*- ¦ugene V., himself would have ¦it...
...1465 «t...
...J. W. Wefberne af Mew Turk writes an interesting letter torSajf or a ristt he made recently to a fete* Jersey farmer who is paying II cents per -Whtoatr tor hk etectrierty...
...George D. Snyder, son of the Socialist Councilman...
...Auspices Socialist Party...
...Subject: "Psychology and Crime...
...James B. Phil, hps, who dramatized and Is staging the pageant, explained the meaning of the poem to the enthusiastic participants...
...Reading Mayor Stump has announced that the' duties of his office compel him to decline invitations to speak or attend any social gatherings for a month or more...
...tog busy to developing his farm...
...His letters to members are tb* best Issued by any branch...
...Delegates at large are to be chosen by referendum vote of the entire membership of the State...
...23, at 8 p. m. See complete announcement on another page...
...The life af a paper is pamped tat* tt - (rasa two heart ventricles, sabs and ads...
...Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States | National Sealers to uuuejanised tOUlMUnl— Has fcalitnf !¦ formation ot haw to division* of the SocuULffjrty may obtain instruction*, fcafltts, charter applications, mtmwebip cards, application cards Mid - -thcr necessary iuformaUan by TlinmiaK William H. Henry, National Executive Secretary, 2655 5B*NH— Boulevard, Chicago, , I1M„^- Information rrgardinc .,„,,, i titers tore, platforms, etc, I jS he ebtsiaed from the National Oafce...
...New elections were also held fur members of the execniive board and toe women's agitation committee...
...Auspices Workmen's Circle'and Forum Club...
...Local Philadelphia wants an organizer, not a street speaker, but a capable man who can, through personal work, reach Socialists and bring them irvto the organization...
...Subject: "Capital Punishment In the Light of the Recent Executions...
...The pageant is to be staged in 20 tableaux...
...In the end Whitman gives his prophecy for the future, which is portrayed by an ecstatic dance while an invisible chorus sings the Ode to Joy, from the Ninth Symphony by Beethoven...
...At the coming msattoag, Tuesday...
...On Monday evening, Jan...
...But it is hard work...
...have gotten a membership of over 35...^Tij;-Mangold saw The New Leader KhLS1 tims ^ the public library W™^dlately ordered a bundle of the 2J« repertinf^he induction of Socialist <*i^*in .5...
...With his determination, no obstacle is insurmountable, no problem too tough to handle...
...Indiana Indiana Socialists elected State party officers (or the coming year, and we hope these new officials will get busy and strengthen the movement in thai State...
...Anna Wenger, financial secretary...
...Fraternally tours WE open the exercises today with the reading of a letter frotp the farthest point oJ h)e rtiany we have received this past week, namefv San Francisco...
...Meyer Halushka, former member of the Executive Committee Socialist Party of Cook Counts', who recenuy returned from Palestine, was chairman of the meeting...
...It means a real saving on what is one of the most important things' hi the new 'Electrical Era...
...These talks every month ire destined to become a feature of the educational work of this branch...
...Jew leaflets and a number of pamphlets will also be published by the National Office and these will be announced later...
...On January 11, 1»2» a fairly well attended meeting was held...
...William Normandin...
...5,-" Origin of the Family"' Feb...
...a complete picture of the struggles of man through oppression and suffering...
...1- ' " Ever since the Heading etortojna, we have had a warWapat 4awav ebuebatve editorial **«¦*•* ' tor flat State of Pedhsyfvanla: We make a* exception, of eswrsa, of 'the Melton owned territories fat awe wial MUm...
...Discussion will follow...
...Eight subscriptions came In one letter fronr Lake Geneva, Wisconsin1...
...E. J. DuttorvJ"arat there will be lots doing tn the 1928 campaign...
...MANHATTAN intend A. D. Esther Friedman has been engaged for a series of lectures...
...167 Tompkins avenue, Tuesday evening, Jan...
...He said that higher wages will help to avert a panic and advised the workers to join workers' study classes...
...22 meeting of the New Haven Socialist Party Forum will be the Rev...
...January 37, 8.30 pjn,—Speaker...
...28, in Washington Irving High School, 16th street and Irving place...
...This0 is one pubhc atone* you "touBtrrt miss, says, " - ¦***- 7---—THE OFFVCE WINDOWrook wood Students To — frtdettt !Wee of "The Price of Coal," a'one-act piay depicting- life to the mining ragtona, or* be 1 given by the Brookwood Players 'at the Church of AD TTHIaur on Oarxtor^ Jan...
...Marks avenue...
...Boro Park Labor Lyceum, 43d street and 14th avenue...
...Workmen's Circle Centre, EUenville, New York...
...It is urgent that comrades having tickets should do their best the last weeks of the drive to make their returns before the day of the affair...
...Her subject Is "Can We Be Haopy...
...a banquet will be held, the place J* announced later, to i2LSfcond annual Forward Ball will in the California Hail on Feb...
...Wishing aB of yen a carload fuB of happinness and J^ptag' tfdtf fv^t ^ to see Socialism in this cqunSry victorious...
...The beautiful de-luxe edition, printed on special paper and bound h racial covers, each copy containing the autograph of Theodore Debs, is still Sjlkhli Price, $10.00...
...The Freeman Mansion is at 1246 Southern boulevard...
...The Sunday afternoon forum started wo weeks ago begins to show promise...
...As soon as the 5th A. D. Branch Is established, he will tackle another district...
...v c Braatoly u Friday, January 20, 8:30 p.m.—Speak-1 er...
...The meeting will be hem for the purpose of advertising and raking funds for the striking miners of Pennsylvania...
...18th A. D. There Is trouble brewing in Branch 1, of the 18th A. D. Frank Brodsky...
...recently reorganized through the efforts of Edward P. Clarke of Troy, met last Sunday and elected the following officer;;: Organizer and corresponding secretary, Allen Depew...
...Khinoy, Louis Zeibitz, M. Shapiro, H, Mallis and Louis Klukoifsky and comrades of the Socialist Consumers League delivered addresses congratulating the branch on its fine work and urging the drive for funds for the building of the new clubhouse...
...19, "Sex Education": Feb...
...These will begin Sunday evening, Feb...
...They should krtow,' to,*"tfiat The Leader Is one of the few papers' m the country that deres to' go bet arid fight this gigantic trust, tooth and nail...
...Prospects may write Marie Hodgson at the Labor Institute, 803 Locust slreet...
...Cohen is a bundle of enthusiasm...
...From reports of committees there Is every indication that the concert and ball will be more successful than In any previous year...
...He asks for- the name of the State secretary and such other information as will guide him in his work...
...Price per -opt is 11.50...
...10 a.m., at 2095 Daly avenue, r;ear 180th street...
...Oefthrer from Wasco, Washington,' "JOo^ft know'your onions...
...The remainder of the "drfertates accredited to the State of New York will be elected by districts...
...Order now if you want this Beautiful book...
...1 * EUenville, New York ' Sunday JUfluafy" 22: 8 p\rh".—Speaker, August Claessens...
...being admitted...
...The New Haven Tri.aes Council will held a large mass meeting Sunday Feb...
...A bundle will go to Neeb each week and he'will also look after expiring subscriptions*— New York City City Executive Committee The City Executive Committee will meet on Wednesday...
...Green, who not only answers the...
...A clliif uatton will foQow...
...Ten valuable prizes will be distributed on the eve of the affair...
...A good attendance is evident and the income -from lectures is covering the f Tynan Thanks to the generosUj of the Labor Lyceum, the branch will be given new club-rooms...
...A Succesafal Debate The debate between Julius TJmansky cf the League and Ellis Chadboume ef the World Youth Alliance was a great success...
...There W» 25,000 voters registered In the So*y column in the State and it is figures that, with proper work, at least a ~°l»»nd active workers can be obtained...
...Another comrade of similar caliber is Joseph N. Cohen, financial secretary of the new 18th A. D. Kings County Branch...
...Recently five Socialists at Easton became members at large and they will serve as a basis for organizing a local later on...
...Last Friday evening, James Qneal was present and lectured on "The Development of the Labor Movement in the United States...
...Wisconsin Edmim* t. **awaokee T. Melms...
...34, Theodore Shaptow win start.the dtocmafam on "Ofayaiiiinils Ma>riag*'< This ought to arwuse enough Mill eat to bring «%rt a «ood crowd...
...The Milwaukee Leader will carry tree Job Wanted ads on the classified sd page...
...He is a patient plodder, an enthusiastic personality and an all 'round Jimmy Higgins...
...Tuesday, January 24, 9 p.m.—Speaker, Theodore Shapiro...
...Wilson was one of the most active members of the party in Indiana, and has been very active in Pennsylvania...
...At toe next meeting, -at "its clubroom...
...Bert rand Russell will speak under the auspices of the...
...This will be her first appearance in America...
...Auspices Rockaway Park Forum...
...Subject: "The Pcyetoatoay- of, lalMHtog Javaw Action...
...Minnie Meister...
...January 20, 8.30 p.m.—Speaker...
...At the luncheon Mrs...
...We hope this spurt in party work will continue, not only in the paying of dues but in the actual w:>rk that must be clone In an educational way In organizing and preparing- for the i'dis campaign...
...Guy H. Lockwood of Kalamazoo has begun work of rounding out organization plans and is preparing to enter the field...
...Simon Wolfe, branch organizer...
...The Friday night lecture forum is doing splendidly...
...And one way to do this is to send to sobs arm add...
...Go to it," writes Comrade Oar...
...The next lecture will be on Friday...
...Supplies were^sent to J*™ and he will be heard from in due •*» He writes that he has funds and **n» to start business right away...
...Some petty personal differences have for mars blocked educational work, but the general interest in the Socialist Party tn«Lner States has also come to the city of the late Eugene V. Debs...
...The branch meets at 420 Hinsdale street Friday evenings, and at the coming meeting there will be reports of the executive committee and the building committee...
...Auspices Sodahst Party, 22 AD...
...There are rumbles of discontent at the honors .Frank has been appropriating... this date...
...Ethlred Brown, will speak on "Capital Punishment to) the Light of Recent Exelutions...
...Joseph Beckeraan, treasurer...
...Every member of the League should be present...
...that is coming...
...Any Milwaukee Leader reader out cJ work can take advantage of the free Leader employment service by placing his name and address, his employment desires and other necessary Information on file at the office of the employment service...
...r;se lines are inspired not by the desire give publicity U> some comrades* but stimulate others...
...He is a comrade of unusual energy and talent, devoting himself wholehaartsdlar to the organization of his branch and losing no opportunity to see it grow Into a targe, flourishing branch...
...will address the Work^J** in this city on Jan...
...We" brought home the bacon...
...Subject: "Evolution of Society and Government...
...California Plans for Organization Cameron H. King writes Li the Socialist JJ**!', The Labor World, of plans of Sooa»t organization in California...
...He Is usually the first at every meeting and encouraging the members...
...R. R. 4. Chetopa, writes that he is ready to organize a local in to community...
...talent and an Interesting program...
...j Illinois Vipsel Meeting Far Thomas Success The largest crowd that ever gathered under Ylpsel aupices greeted Norman Thomss cf New York at the Douglass Park Lyceum...
...Holding Mencken's views that it's no use, this world, can ne'er be better is not a sign of intelligence...
...Yipeddora Annual Bulletin The annual issue ef-the Bronx Bulletins has been received by the City Ofaoe...
...Thomas said...
...Haraia a^ttag^tomtmm^t^tmBm friends arc invited...
...Auspices Socialist Party, 18th a.d...
...But along with this he reports much unemployment»in his State...
...Friday, evening- at th^dUcus^n *f Ibr^AgendT of^lte^oriv Brodsky and J. H. Cohen lead in the discnsaioii and aB voted the evening one of the most interesting and educational...
...Toon "far more education en the why...
...30 one of the newer comrades...
...His subject will be "Labor «nd the Church...
...There are other comrades who are emulating the spirit .displayed by the four musketeers...
...Those who can help, please get Mr...
...Workmen's Circle centre, 20B5 Daly avenue (near 180th street* Auspices Socialist Party, 7th A.D... the nyperion Theatre...
...Lecture Calendar •' 'New York" Sunday, January 23, 11 a.m.—Speaker, Judge Jacob Pankeu—subject: "Current Events...
...He is an •n STS^SS'S' and occasionally speaks park Sunday afternoons...
...On 7™v...
...In spite of all the misery and degradation he sees through the- ages...
...American Federation of Labor, to be used for miners relief in Pennsylvania and Ohio and another for $100 was sent to A. A. Heist...
...lttt AJD...
...ou have a wonderful opportunity, buu a grave responsibility...
...Every Socialist reading this within the State will give him moral and financial support...
...Nelson Belanger: recording secretary...
...A second JStton wlH not be printed...
...Subject: "XYZ's of Socialism...
...D. ¦ The new officers for 1928 are: Raphael' Goldstein, organizer...
...U, at • ovtock, car the beherhv7* the striking miners...
...He never neglects to add to bis letter some apt and striking quotation from some authority...
...but not least, is the dynamo of the Bronx, Irving M. Knobloch...
...Meetings are held every second and fourth Monday at headquarters, 86 Aver nue C. It .has been decided that some talks or discussions should be held at every meeting in order to relieve the monotony of business meetings and Invite friends to spend an Interesting evening...
...Topic, "Principles of Socialism in Theory and Practice...
...James Onea!, editor of The New Leader, will lecture on "Youth in American Life", with special reference to the late Eugene V. Debs as the mo3t inspiring figure in the American labor movement...
...6th street and Juneau avenue...
...A new sub~ teripUon to The New Leader accompanies her letter...
...Branch nembers are advised to bring .some friends...
...Auspices Socialist Party 23rd A. D. Friday, January 20, 9 pjn.—Speaker, Harold Spltser...
...Now, we are riijt arash enough to' beli_>vj that The New" Leader can lick the power ccrrnbtfte, ungfe-handed,--bTt* ve do »aiow "that we mh make an opening wedge In' a" wall that looks sky-high, bi;V isn't a* impregnable as it looks...
...Terre Haute Mrs...
...Four Brookwood students, together with Tom Ttopwtt, former educational director for the miner* In Sua Ptak let §. Ilnnoia, w<B give a symposium on the prsMema of the miners...
...Subject: "The Phychic Factors In Race Prejudice...
...James B. Miller, secretary of Local Terre Haute, writes of an awakening of local Socialists...
...If you want more lists they will be mailed Immediately upon receipt of a request...
...Splendid musical program...
...Auspices, Bronx Seven Socialist Party...
...Two applications for membership were received and as soon, as the jorollment lists are obtained a mass meeting will be held to increase the membership...
...20, this new branch will be installed and officers will be elected...
...The other day Comrade Mrs...
...New York State Delegates to the Convention State Secretary Merrill has sent to the organized counties a call for the nomination of the delegates at large to the National Convention to convene in New York in April...
...Subject: "Capital Punishment in the Light of the Recent Bteentions...
...Monday, January 28, 8 pjn.—Speaker, Ethelred Brown...
...Admission*, will be by ticket only whicn will be distributed free at the following places: Educational Department...
...Every Ylpsel ought to- gat a copy...
...8-30 pjn.—Speaker...
...23, Edward F. Cassidy, our former candidate for Governor, and Matthew M. Levy, the young attorney who was active in a rerent campaign in the Second Judicial District, will speak on "How I Became a Socialist...
...The issue contains twenty pages of extremely Interesting Ylptel news, Party news, poetry, essays, etc...
...This statement was made at a meeting of the County Executive Committee of LocaL Berks...
...Now the best thing to do, is for all hands to get together to see to it that those square inches which hold the facts about the way in which the powers that be are everywhere oppressing the workers get to be square miles...
...Business meetings are .held Monday Bventws at the Labor Lyceum, 318...
...King estimates onfM?* °* tne scneral program of work ™toned by the State executive committhn«L °' He fi8ures that at least a o~rf.VKl can be raised among a few r"*«ts with good incomes, the same •«a ttum a thousand other Socialists, "j*»-that a hundred members will give $5 month for ten months...
...The harder those ventrMkes work*, the* more> red Blood is generated...
...The prt» is -2 SO If yen send tor your recurvation* In advance...
...C. Clark Kennedy, of the Orange street Episcopal Church...
...Final arrr.ngement£ will be made in behalf of the Bronx ball on Jan...
...The store we expose this gang, the better for yon folks... which the poem is spoken by an unseen voice, and the silent actors perform the action, accompanied by appropriate music from classical compositions...
...jf possible, organize a Socialist local in bjs community...
...The principal business was the coming concert and ball...
...He is doing wonderful work in keeping the branch active...
...Subject: The >TJ...
...k ' **¦ Those who nave been followtng the articles on the electrical trust' that have appeared in The Leader-Apptal fwt why they-are being-goug*9fof powef and fight...
...Thursday January 26th, 8.30 p.m.— Speaker, William M. Felgenbaum—sublet t—"Two Socialist Heroes—Debs and London...
...R. D., Cehoes road...
...August Claessens...
...He is also a member of the School Board, having been elected last November...
...This is not the first time Magill has done, this kind of work, and he Is determined to organize the Socialtats...
...Comrade Oleessens spoke at a meeting last Sunlay evening to an audience that jammed (he hail...
...418 Van Blckhtn avenue...
...Connecticut The speaker at the Jan...
...Coney Island An effort is being made to get the 3onev Island Branch Into working ord?r ind to take advantage of the prospects for Increased membership...
...While no decision was rendered, the general remarks highly praised U man sky's work...
...Pfew Edition of Debs's Book The fire*- edition of Eugene V. Debs's took, "Walls and Bam," is nearly exhaustedaod another edition has...
...Jack Afros, silver-tongued orator...
...96 Avenue C, Socialist Party 6-812... room 530...
...A cosy place is being prepared, painted and decorated and WiS soon be ready for this banner branch In, Kings County On Saturday evening...
...S. Benj...
...Do cot delay- Funds are needed immediately for work that must be done immediately...
...3 bmM mm*m for some tiam tn order to increase the atteoaVncc and interest, St we* also decided that business maeetlnga rtart promptly at «JQ and end at 8.30 p. m. immediately following, lectures and MMMtass will be held... the Community Church...
...State Secretary Merrill was present...
...Subject: "Companionate Marriage...
...6-8-13 AD...
...Dorotfiy Sipkho, OorxetoJOhutog Secretary...
...Ohio The State Convention John O. WiHert...
...Pennsylvania Lillth Wilson, wife of Birch Wilson, secretary to Mayor Stump of Reading, (its been elected to fill a vacancy on the Bate executive committee...
...Helping the Jobless To help relieve the unemployment situation...
...The date of the publication is also in a measure the date of the beginning of the International Socialist Movement... 2.30 p.m...
...C'ahces Reorganized Local Cohoes...
...Send In the lists and collections as rapidly as lists are filled...
...Frank Miller...
...Members and friends are invited...
...State secretary, is urging all Ohio Socialists' to attend their State convention, as noted in these columns last week...
...Al Benson was continued a* acting secretary, a position made necessary by Melms's disability following a recent breakdown...
...Some more pep like trda," writes a Comrade from Los Angelas...
...Hennlngton Hall, 214 East 8d street...
...Thet?a^e^ltoe«,^Sches*^p^5>e, 23hd a D. (East Hew York...
...Whfch is our Idea of'one, grand^ letter...
...A campaign has been started to have 100 percent <n* ine membership In good suwdto...
...Btirolled voters of the Ber.sonhurst and Bath Beach sections will be Invited...
...A recent entertainment brought nearly a hundred...
...It was derided to continue these lectures In February and March each Sunday at 4 pjri...
...for "the striking miners...
...Tremont Educational Forum, 4115 Third avenue...
...Auspices 23d Tuesday, January 24th, 9 pre.—Speaker...
...Bo the faster you send to the old subs, the hotter we can make the fight...
...The money jpada will be used to liquidate some debts incurred tot the last campaign...
...Minnie Meister, and Oscar Hocitrsan...
...Subject: "Mental Differences of Men and Women...
...The subscription rate includes mailing privileges...
...general membership ma*u.* has beec caftw for Wednesday, January 25, 1838 at 304 East Broadway, N. Y. Every member «s urged tn toe present without fall, i 'Hie Kewr Musketeers Something should be said about the excellent work done by some comrades m this exciting period of party building...
...Delegates at large are provided for in the Party State Constitution, as amended by the 1326 State convention, ard the State executive committee at its December meeting voted in favor of three delegates being elected at large...
...Conrido the following gallant musketeers, t. There 4a Boris Kostirisky, organiser of the new branch...
...Auspices Socialist Party 9-10 Friday...
...Lockwood is ¦natou* to get in touch with live wire3 In Michigan, and through them get a list of Socialists who will arranse meetings and organize locals vhercver possible... of the National Office for organisation funds by sending his contrioutlon...
...Auspices Socialist Party, 18th AD...
...Branch Seven East The branch will meet Sunday morning, Jan...
...Monday evening, January lfilh...
...Within a few weeks this branch, thanks to Cohen and other splendid comrades...
...I know that a^d feel sorry for you...
...Looks as though the membership ought to be doubled at the next meeting...
...Years ago, Mrs...
...He writes that several locals have taken on new life and there are..prospects for much better organization tn sight...
...Financial Secretary: WSHam Lichtstrahi, Recording Secretary gad Treasure...
...More members-at-large ire...
...1167 Boston Road, and at the city office, 7 East 15th street...
...Socialist Consumers League Aiding Miners The Joint board of tlw Socialist Consumers League is doing magnificent work in tjje^ collection of money, clothing, etc...
...Friday, January 27, 8.30 pjn.—Speaker, A. Goldenweiser...
...Panned to reach all the registered ""Mists in the State with The Labor "Ofta and with leaflets...
...The annual celebration of the Educational Department of the L L. O. W. U. will take place Saturday evening, Jan...
...The Mystic Trumpeter" is Walt Whitman's great vision of the future for humanity in which he voices his hopes and aspirations for the race...
...Tickets are on sale at headquarters, Bronx County...
...rup « T3r# A", t...
...Northwest District < The secretary of the Northwest- District...
...A fine concert has been arranged with excellent...
...The poem is dramatised by James E. Phillips, and the music arranged by Max Persin...
...A Great Anniversary All branches of the Socialist Party are hereby informed to make no arrangements for the date of Friday, Feb...
...Siegel came into the Socialist Party office and dispatched two checks, one of $106 to Frank Morrison, Secretary...
...The dramatization of Walt Whitman's poem "THE MYSTIC TRUMPETER" will be performed for the first time in New York City...
...24, at headquarters, 4215 Third ava...
...Schohaire Mansion, Lakewood, New Jersey...
...Ethelred Brawn...
...was recently reelffctedNsounty secretary of the Socialist Party at the annual meeting held in Brisbane Hall...
...Friday, January 27...
...A number of locals, declares the State secretary, are still withholding their reports on Debs' Memorial stamps...
...And a kmg life and a lot of carloads jacx at you, CorhratBT Prank...
...Daublin, of dignified mien, have made it known that they-want to share in the limelight and have notified Frank that he is going to get a run for his money...
...Councilman James H. Maurer spoke at a banquet of the Electrical Workers Union last week...
...Subject: "Fruits of Assimilation...
...We have a big undertaking let us bend all our efforts to that...
...There are some 15 applications on hand and a charter was issued at the last meeting of the City Executive Committee...
...Bronx Friday...
...Lots more coming...
...Speakers and program will be announced later...
...In spite of warm weather and the exams at various hipb...
...Delegates, to the Central Committee are Minnie Weisberg...
...Bat right n*w we deST our hits to the town at WUktnsburt, Pa., If for no other reasoh thai* that it has the privilege et being the hone of G. Qalhw, who' sends m a* renewal stib for The Leader-Appeal and adds...
...Branch Seven The branch will meet Tuesday evening...
...Here's J. W. Wells of San Jose, California, who writes about the paper io^a manner to bring blushes to our modest- cheeks...
...New York City, are coming in well, but we still have room for you and the folks: Norman Thomas, Abraham Can an, James H. Maurer, Morris- HUlquit and Sergiut Ingermarr will talk on - Russia and Chartiey Vladeck will preside...
...Sunday, January 32nd, Jl a.m.—Speaker, L George Dobsevage...
...To say the least it's well worth the 75 cents the Bronx comrades ask for one veer's subscription...
...the man who has been making applicants sign on the dotted line, has stirred a hornet's nest...
...m nu 1*s Angeles ehiaJChanln- secretary of the Jewish SoJ""* ^erband...
...Buffalo J. H. Neeb has been elected field organizer for Local Buffalo...
...George W. Snyder, has succeeded Edward Filbert as revenue control clerk...
...9th—16th A. D. Branch The Borough Park Branch of the Jewish Verband Branch and the Borough Park English-speaking Branch have embarked on a series of lectures...
...He has done remarkable work the past few weeks and has gathered around him a splendid group of assistants who are" leaving no stone unturned to make their branch the best in the city...
...They will not be happy until they have reached the goal of 200 before May 1. - Another musketeer Is Jacob Handler, organizer of the new 16th A. D. Kings County Branch...
...167 .Tompkins avenue...
...I send my beat greeting* to the Socialist fraternity...
...Tremont Educational Forum, 4215 Third avenue (near Tremonr avenue...
...Brownsvtlle Labor Lyceum...
Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 5