Textile Union Planning For Dixie Drive McMahon Prepares Vigorous Action in Cooperation with A. F. of L. QPFICIALS of the United Textile Workers are awaiting the signal from President...

...When a complete zone is involved In a jeneral strike or lockout, all other zones will be assessed to help sustain the fight...
...Alabama Power Co...
...This is undoubtedly weakening the hold of the Democratic Part...
...strike is still in effect and will be snt kt effect...
...The union has authorized a general assessment on the membership when it becomes necessary to finance the Southern campaign...
...Seek "Teeth" for law One of the measures which the locked out workers wfll push fat particular is a bfll "putting teeth in the private detective law," in the passage of which Wisconsin was a pioneer...
...Ib bis address be did not commit himself to any particular political party and be refused to be pinned down by a worker who tried to question him after adjournment...
...Wash.— i FP i—Eugene Barnett, who was reported recommended for immediate parole by the Parole Board several weeks ago...
...Nearly a dozen strike-breakers have been transferred to Alabama to break a printers strike...
...These economic demands were passed over with indifference and no discussion...
...Others who are to lecture in February, March and April are Dr...
...Delegate Moskowitz of the Furriers presented a minority report containinj the phraseology and ideology of conservative A. F. of L. unions...
...despite urgent requests from the A. F. T., which has jurisdiction over the union teachers at Brookwood, and that efforts of Mrs...
...8, at, 8 p. m. Rose Bctoeiderman, president of the Women's Trade Union* League, will be the other speaker at this meeting arranged by -the Hosiery Workers Union...
...SCRANTO: PA.— iFP)—Anti-administration forces in the United Mine Workers rolled up 64,000 votes against John L. Lewis" proposal that the 1919 convention be postponed...
...Lee, on Thursdays...
...V. Jerauld McGill of Columbia University, on Friday, starting January 25...
...We are, however, deeply concerned because Brookwood Local 189 has been a devoted member of the A. P. T...
...Osman, at 8.30 on Tuesdays, also starting January 22...
...When the speaking concludes at 10 o'clock, the • floor win be cleared for dancing Admission is free...
...Bndenz and MaeMabon To Talk on Kenosha Strike .in New York Just back from ten months hi Kenosha, Wisconsin, Louis F. v*"^*"* editor of Labor Age and special organiser for the American Federation of Putt- Fashioned Hosiery Workers...
...A. J. Muste, head of Brookwood Labor College...
...There was no mention made of the ruling of the Red International of Labor Unions last spring that dual unions must be formed...
...With the ending of the general strike...
...New industries doming to Alabama in the next 4 years will strengthen the Republicans for 1932, In the opinion of optimistic G. O. P. politicians...
...Our purpos* n favoring a higher tariff is to obtain a fair wage for our members," explained McMahon...
...Thpmaa P. McMahon, president of the United Textile Workers of America, will be the chairman...
...wflU tell the story of the Allen-A lockout, which is filled with heroism, humor, thrills, enterprise and colorful incidents at a meeting at Yorkville Casino, 210 East 86th Street, Tuesday, Jan...
...plant that will be expanded later to employ 10.000...
...Labor legislative issues, for province and dominion, will fea¦ tore the sessions...
...Raymond Harper was given 30 days for carrying a revolver, but another gangster, convicted four times in New York, was discharged for lack of evidence although he was equipped with a big leaden slug...
...Robin at the piano, Mondays, starting January 21...
...Philosophy and Social Thought, by Dr...
...lbs hsue throughout the city is by nanus decided...
...This Saturday, January 5, former Assemblyman Louis Waldman is to speak on "Social Reform and American Liberals...
...Bo far, explained Secretary Fred Hoelsssr, the response to relief appeals has hut inadequate...
...Objection to Amalgamation While the proposal to amalgamate the cloak and dressmakers organization with that of the furriers met with general favor, a demand for postponement of actual amalgamation for at least a year was voiced by these cloakmakers who had formerly been identified with the "neutral" group, which had endeavored to bring about peace between the "rights" and ti;e "lefts...
...The three organizations in question execute their own contracts, in their own manner, in accordance with their own ideas, customs and laws...
...Psychology of Personality, by Mr...
...is still In prison...
...The International will act especially in behall of the Philadelphia tapestry weavers and the New Bedford fine cotton goods unions in having the A. P. of L. legislative representatives in Washington back highei duties on these Imports...
...If one mill within a zone is struck, all other textile unions In that zone will be assessed...
...Union and the Furriers Union which had been formally organized at conventions immediately before the amalgamation...
...The Needle Trades Workers Industrial tjnion of the United States of America, is the new organization was named, arose From a fusion of the dual Cloak and Dressmakers...
...He wanted the organization and elevation of the needle trades industry, the establishment of an apprenticeship system, uniform wages, reduced houra -of work, abolition of the sweat shop, cliiW labor and piece work, promotion of the union label, and a prohibition of the use of union funds for political purposes...
...The shop delegate system was provided for in the constitution of the new union but a resolution was adopted putting oS the full establishment of this institution for the reason that there could be no shop delegates without control of shops...
...Paterson Strike Is Called Off Ugh* Goes on' in Summit, Associated Silk Workers Declare in Statement gaol general strike of plain-good* V~wmMtzt m Paterson...
...Forty-one members of the General Executive Board were also selected...
...Harry Elmer Barnes, of Smith College...
...Stereotypers and Pressmen Ratting on City Papers," over an article in which he declared that "we regret to state that mem- i bers of the Stereotypers and Pressmen's unions are ratting on the Albany Typographical Union...
...Our last general movement of this kind in the South resulted in the great mill strike of February 3, 1919...
...His explanation of the class struggle was in the words of the preamble of the American Federation of Labor...
...Berenberg, Thursdays, starting January 10...
...Ten years later we are planning a similar drive...
...the entire country, now simmers down to a statement that the board's members "were very much Interested in Bamett...
...James H." Maurer of Reading...
...will open more of its own cotton mill villages and other textile companies are moving- from the north...
...Many Lecture Courses Numerous lecture courses are also listed, of which the following ones begin this month: High Peaks in Russian Litsrature, by Elias L. Tartak, Saturdays at 2 p.m., starting January 5; Labor and the Law, by Louis Waldman, Louis P. Goldberg, Jacob Panken, William Karlin, Samuel Orr, Louis B. 3oudin, and Morris Hillquit, four Wednesday and two Thursday evenings, starting January 9; What is an Education...
...Concerning the Brookwood teachers, who constitute Local 189 of the A. F. T., the communication says: "No one Is more anxious than the American Federation of Teachers to eliminate from its ranks any disloyal members...
...A settlement —nl Ij announced, and involving about ae-tbird of the Summit strikers, fell •morn, according to the union, bean* the bosses did not live op to the sttkd agreement...
...The forum sessions begin at 2 p. m. On Fridays at 8.30 p. m., beginning January 18, there is to be an extended symposium on Socialist Theory and Practice...
...Insists en "Autonomy" Major Berry's defense of his action in betraying the printers' union is summed ip in craft autonomy...
...Hyman remains the sole nonCommunist leader of the dual left wing movement in the needle trades...
...The reasons they gave for delay were that the new organizations did not represent a sufficient number of workers, that before there could be amalgamation there had to be something to be amalgamated, that the workers in the industry were not yet prepared for this move, that the wage-earners were at present interestedJ.n regaining the economic conditions of«iOld...
...He certainly was a misfit in that convention...
...A new local of the fsaoated Silk Workers has been formed MBanmit since the strike, and includes i nsjorto of the silk, workexs of that Aid Stin Needed tin need for relief funds is still urgst Regular relief must be continued k the Summit strikers whose needs are asansksdy acute after 11 weeks of fefts...
...Since no evidence has yet been adduced to show that Brookwood is promoting Communism or any other subversive doctrine, we believe that your sister local under fire is entitled to your confidence until by a thorough investigation the contrary is proven...
...Both unions were given $1 a week increase which the publishers denied to the printers union, precipitating the lockout...
...Itm general strike is being called oB ¦sr because the situation has outgrown g is everybody knows, settlements bw« been made with individual emoloysjtver since the first week of the strike, yn time ago it was announced that a msjsdly of our srtikers had returned to sat under these settlements, which in esse pledged the employers to the Sjbs anion demands...
...His mode of thinking has been essentially economic, trade unionist...
...It declared for ur compromising class struggle, the shop delegate system, industrial unionism, no discrimination on account of race, color, nationality or sex —political beliefs received no immunity— and Independent political action...
...The attitude of Socialists with regard to the trade unions is to be the subject of discussion at the first two or three sessions, with Samuel E. Beardsley, John P. Burke, Julius Hochman, James Oneal, A. I. Shlplacoff and N -man Thomas among the invited speakers...
...The Rochester labor editor used a two-column heading: "Albany Printers Locked Out...
...While certain organintkes and individuals have been gener•4> hat nearly enough, money has come kits handle the relief situation...
...It i, LETHBRIDGE, Alta.—< FP)—The Alberta Federation of Labor convenes at I Lethbridge Jan...
...can Association for Labor Legislation analyzes private fee-charging employmetv agencies and declares that many cf tlv: engage in anti-social abuses...
...They do not admit that Alabama labor gets little as American standards go...
...by Mr...
...This is said tc be the outcome of suggestions made at the party membership meeting last month...
...8 but the propaganda now is that future employment depends on the tariff...
...Hoover carried Jefferson Co., where Birmingham and most of the steel towns are located, and ran only 7,000 behind Smith in the state...
...For Training of Speakers In conjunction with the party office, the school will later in the season conduct a Campaign Speakers Institute for the study of the leading issues of the impending municipal campaign...
...In pursuance to resolutions adopted by the New Orleans Convention, the A P. of L executive council is expected to announce in the near future a concerted movement to bring Southern States into the union fold...
...Interested in Tariff The Textile Workers modified its tariff policy at the conference by offering cooperation to friendly employers in raising the bars against textile imports...
...The usual plea that labor must be protected is advanced by these corporations who are also open shoppers...
...John B. Andrews, August Claessens, Abraham "Epstein, Prof...
...Henle to Vanguard Press James Henle has resigned as manag. ing editor of McCall's Magazine to become president of the Vanguard Press Laurence Stallings has become a member of the Board of Directors of that organi izatlon...
...Recently Captain Coll of tlie iegion and the Royal Mines - &akt came out openly for justice and release of all the (eight defendants...
...Among other features announced art study courses in American Trade Unionism, by Louis Stanley, and in Socialist Economics, by Algernon Lee, on Monday evenings...
...Tuesdays at 7 p. m., starting January 22...
...former Justice Panken, Dr...
...collusion with gang-bosses to increase lab : turnover and so enlarge the number of jobs for which there will be appltcant-'maintalning premises in which there is a:, unwholesome atmosphere, exorbitui: fees, with refusal to return fees when nc i work has been found...
...Plants opened after Nov...
...There was no allusion to the loss of economic strength of the workers in both camps and the affiliation of the larger portion of the cloakmakers, dressmakers and furriers, who are still union people at all with the A. F. of L. unions...
...the Local's life depends upon this issue...
...Teachers Federation Voices Confidence I n Brookwood (Bt » New L«adcr Correspondent) KATONAH, N. Y., Dec...
...Summit's five silk mills as sail 100 per cent out...
...Florence Hanson, secretary-treasurer...
...The Music of the Nations, by Isadore A. Hirschmann, with Nathalie...
...The conference voted to give further assistance and publicity to the Allen-A strike of the Pull Fashioned Hosiery Workers, an autonomous union within the U. T. W. Delegations were present from Paterson...
...The alleged recommendation, which was broadcast pres...
...There was no serious consideration given to the reforms and peace proposals of Benjamin Schlesinger, the new president of the L L O. W. U. The dual union policy also received theoretic justification in the addresses of William Z. Foster, secretary of the Trade Union Educational League, and Albert Weisbord, secretary of the new National Textile Workers Union, both of whom saw the new organizations as resisting the conspiracy of the emplysrs and the A. F. of L. unions to bring about a war between the United States and England...
...and a struggle for the following demands—the forty-hour five-day week, higher minimum wages, abolition of piece work and standards of production, a guaranteed period or employment of forty weeks per year, limitation and eventual elimination of the contractor, the right to the job and no such reorganization privileges as the "lefts" had granted the employers after the 1926 cloak strike, elimination' of sweat shops, and finally, unemployment insurance at the expense of the employers...
...All worken are invited to hear the vivid and revealing story of the strike...
...General Strfi-e" On Fragrant The economic plans of the Needle Trades Workers Industrial Union include a general strike in the dress and fur industries in New York City, where the A F. of L. unions at present have contractual relations with the employers...
...There was-no denying the fact by anybody that these persons were but a small number of the cloak, dress and fur workers and it was taken fo» granted that the "lefts" were no factor at all in the men's clothing and headgear industries...
...Since then mere nsUrs have returned to their looms, nd quite recently the conflict has taken a g localised character...
...In ¦hr to meet these continued urgent sake needs, the organization must have anthmrd help from labor and from lake...
...Identified with th« publishing house since its beginning, remains as vice-president and director...
...Booklets giving detailed information about all the courses may be had on application to the Rand School at 7 East 15th street...
...The printers, after vainly trying to negotiate a contract, were locked out on Nov...
...for the Democrats plead they are just at friendly to big business as their rivals the drift of the industrialists is towards the traditionally conservative organization...
...Alabama's vote in the November election win be a powerful argument with the Republican congress for additional tariff generosity...
...broadsllk bat been called off by the AssoeiS|ga Workers...
...N. Brylllon Fagin, Edwin B. Hewes, Mrs...
...W. E. B. DuBois, of The Crisis...
...This action was takK kr the Strike Committee at a special •rkb dees not mark Use end of our nnsri* with the silk bosses for the 8_y asy, a deceit minimum wage, and gas) recognition," said Chairman Louis ndg of the Strike Committee in anjanliaj the decision...
...Supreme Court Ruling Gives Aid to Dishonest Employment Bureaus Declaring that a recent decision ul cf the U. S. Supreme Court has scrapp.-d legislative enactments by twenty-two states, and that many of the stat legislatures convening in January will bf invited to pass laws which might nut have been needed but for this decitun a statement issued today by the Ami...
...Local unions as such were abolished...
...We plan six months of intensive work In the South, and then we will set a definite date to compel action on our demands...
...The Needle Trades Workers Industrial Union of the United States of America— the Communists had earlier established a corresponding body in Canada—on the principle of encouraging national unionism—proclaimed its adherence to the shop delegate system...
...Hanson to obtain a hearing on the floor of the New Orleans convention for A. J. Muste, head of the school, were fruitless, the officers contend, "no open minded sbserver at the A. F. of L. convention re:eived anything at all convincing that Brookwood teaches subversive or comnunistic doctrines...
...They had previously been known as the National Organization Committee of the Cloakmakers and Dressmakers and the National Executive Committee of the Furriers...
...Before that they were merely the Communist left wing groups in the International Ladles' Garment Workers Union and the International Furriers' Union which had rallied to the aid of the New York City left wing joint boards in the respective A. F. of L. unions...
...Pressure will also be placed on Congressmen and Senitors from textile areas...
...U. 8. Steel helped the Hoover tide by shutting down some mills' and mines before election, its foremen whispering that good times must wait for a Republican victory...
...There must be no let-down S" effort The workers must rally their trees now for the grim, monotonous, if-tp-dsy struggle against oppression, ¦ne-etrtz, and lengthened hours in the b Summit Stein explained, the gents...
...In the transitional period at least one-third of the members on join: board- had to represent the counciis of shop delegates...
...Communists Form Dual Needle Union "Left" Factions Among Cloak, Dress and Fur Workers Embark On New Policy By Louis Stanley i MTD thunderous applause lor wirnam ¦™ Z. Poster, Benjamin GlUow, the Red International of Labor...
...Jacob Baker...
...and an educational issue over which the teachers have jurisdiction is involved...
...1929 will see the Pullman Car Go's first operations in Alabama, with 1,500 to 2.000 workers under its control, and the first unit of a Goodyear Rubber Co...
...The World We Live In, illustrated with lantern slides by Marius Hansome, Thursdays at 7 p. m., starting January 22...
...in addition, some Paterson shops hi remain on strike, and others, where nam repudiate their agreements or resit to trickery, win almost certainly aw to be called out...
...that the International Stereotypers and Electrotypers Union is one union with its autonomous rights and that the International Pressmen and Assistants Union is one anion with its autonomous rights, and neither of these three organizations is dependent upon each other, or subservient in the slightest- wanner to each other...
...Individual worksi dherimianted against for strike acMy must be cared for pending settleass of their cases...
...Louis Hyman was elected president of the Needle Trades Workers Industrial Union, and Ben Gold, of the Furriers, secretary-treasurer...
...1 Wat announced that Strike Headquar*s occupied by the Associated in Turn tall win be vacated, and that from now ¦ all activities of the union will be carBst on from the regular union headquarter at Ml Market Street...
...the livilihood of its members is jeopardized...
...Meanwhile, a course in public speaking is to be conducted by August Claessens at 7 p. m. on Tuesday or Thursday from February 5 till April 25...
...Stanley, on Saturdays...
...Fight Win Go On •firm now on the strategy will be that d mcsasing guerilla warfare with indlifckel bosses rather than that of a genssl strike...
...The reports of the N. O. C. and the N. E. C. recited the events in the internal struggle in the Ladies' Garment Workers and the Furrier Unions which had led to the decision to break away and organize separately...
...Berry Insists His Union Is Independent Rochester Labor Paper Says Pressmen's Contract "With Canuett Is "Scabbing" AT B ANY, N. Y.—(FP>—Angered by criticism of his action in signing an agreement with Albany newspapers that have locked out their union printers...
...and Carleton Beals, known as an authority on Mexican affairs...
...Florence Kalley, and Bryce M. Stewart...
...Textile Union Planning For Dixie Drive McMahon Prepares Vigorous Action in Cooperation with A. F. of L. QPFICIALS of the United Textile Workers are awaiting the signal from President Green to join the awaited A F. jf L. drive to unionise the South...
...Hoover's help is expected...
...Employers who live un to fair sgreements with the union will be ¦sbj li il while those who attempt to saw working conditions will be attacked...
...We will not countenance jouging of the public, however...
...and that amalgamation would unnecessarily antagonize the employers and drive away prospective members...
...The Saturday Afternoon Forum, which has already had four successful sessions, with an average attendance of over 200 persons, Is to be continued at least through March...
...This will relieve the pressure of the International's general strike fund and provide quicker and more effective relief for strikers, officials hope...
...in American Social History by David P. Berenberg, and in Contempo•ary Sociology, by Mar:us Hansome, or Tuesdays...
...He says: "I think that the party responsible for this article (hi the Rochester Labor Herald) ought to realise that the International Typographical Union is one union with its autonomous rights...
...friends, be said...
...Shift of Industry Makes Alabama High Tariff State BIRMINGHAM, jjs <TT) Batfl «f heavy industry to the south has mads Alabama a b*h tariff stathV *fcrmln«bam imlusUlausts say they, will appear before committees of the first Hoover congress to demand stifl higher schedules on cement, pig Iron and steel, graphite, cotton seed and other products than are now provided by the Pordney-McCumber tariff...
...Southern textile mills, stronghold of antiunionism, the 12-hour day and low wages, are a special concern of the union...
...in Essentials of Marxism, by Mr...
...This structural form bad been a persistent demand of the "lefts" for many years on the ground that it made for honesty and rank and file control...
...Immediate amalgamation was voted for overwhelmingly as the desire of those affiliated with the new organization...
...Sections took their place...
...Barnett of Centralia Still in Prison WALLA WALLA...
...He was laughed out of court but not until rVrati Hymen, hsiuntj nsabager of the X. L. G. W. U. Joint Board in Hew York City, had jjnarte an etoquent plea for independent poBtseal action and the rest of the preamble as proposal by the majority Hyman's speech was stgnlficant, because be had never expieesed himself so openly along political lines...
...Pawtucket, New Bedford, Salem and Fall River...
...Among later speakers announced are John St.-Loc Strachey, editor of the British Socialist Review...
...L M. Rubinow, expert on social insurance...
...The reasons for the formation of s dual union in the needle trades industry were expounaed»on several occasions...
...The funds of the union are to be raised by the sale of ten dollar "bricks" in the Build-the-Union Fund, pledges of fifty thousand dollars made by the local delegations, a per capita tax of ten cents per week and a ten per cent, share of local initiation fees...
...Berry concludes by stating that the Albany press rooms are 100 per cent union and that the Rochester labor editor's article will be called to the attention of the American Newspaper Publishers Association, whose open *hop division is in charge of breaking tm printers' Strike...
...Throughout the southeast the fanner is counting for less and the factory owner for more...
...Major George L. Berry, head of the Printing Pressmen's Union, has demanded an apology from the editor of the Rochester Labor Herald...
...Rand School Lists Many New Courses Forum, Symposium on Socialism, Institute for Campaigners, Among Striking Features rjrTHE program of the Rand School for the next four months, which has just been brought out in attractive pamphlet form, contains many items which should Interest Socialist party members and sympathizers...
...Pointing out that no formal hearing was ever granted by the A F. of L. on charges against Brookwood...
...The institute win probably begin in May...
...onion men...
...The contracts of all three unions expired May 31...
...The preamble of the new constitution brought forth an interesting discussion...
...Am;ng tli abuses practiced by them are: misrepresentation by false descriptions of conditions of employment, petty graft...
...The conflict H h» carried an with individual bosses gn offend against these standards—paranfcri* those who attempt to lengthen sj working day and those who try to aanaunsM against active strike work...
...The referendum ^carried tav 157.000 votes...
...His Interest has been bread and butter...
...Armed gunmen and'gangsters employed by the Hearsfc-'and Gannett newspapers have been in police court, charged with carrying concealed weapons...
...N. J...
...Two full-time organizers win be assigned to the campaign, in which it is T»oped to have thirty-five A. P. of L. organizers in all...
...Joint boards were retained and included representation proportionate to membership of the councils of shop delegates...
...The stereotypers were likewise obliged to sign a contract...
...The other two are not responsible or not subject to any course that may be pursued...
...In fact, this is one of ti ant critical points in the silk worked straggle...
...They emphasize that European workers get less...
...Every silk worker who by his demands will find his unin standing by him There will be no l^sp until civilized working conditions m sained in every Paterson silk shop...
...As teachers, we snow the value of statements by disgruntled students...
...Kenosha StHken Wffl Carry Fight on Thugs To Wisconsin Legislature <Br a asw Tssrtw Osrtsnjeniial) MILWAUKEE, Wat—lbs Kenosha hosiery dispute wfll SB to htasshasf and before the legislature, according-to plans outlined by the general strike committee of the kicked out workers in a recent meeting in Kenosha A committee is to be created, composed equally of young men and young women, who win co-operate with the Wisconsin State Federation of Labor in presenting "needed legislation arising out of the Alien A dispute" to the legislative body...
...11.—The \rnerican Federation of Teachers asserts ts confidence in Brookwood Labor College in a letter to member teachers by Vfiss Mary C. Barker, president, and Mrs...
...Major Berry obliged the Albany pressmen, against determined opposition of many union members, to sign a 3-year contract with the Hearst and Gannett newspapers, although their composing rooms are Allied with strike breakers...
...The prisoner was one of the defendants convicted of second degree murder for defending their hall agains: a mob of American legionnaires cn Armistice day in 1919...
...International representatives of the other two unions appeared on the scene and closed runtracts for their local unions, gaining what had been denied the typos...
...Social Psychology, by Joseph M." Osman...
...Our Immediate objectives In the South are the 48-hour law and the abolition of night work for women and children," President Thomas P. McMahon announced on adjournment of the U. T. W. conference...
...and in Research Methods, by Mr...
...Anthracite Miners Against LevvLj...
...A special conference of an U. T. W. executive board members and organizers was held in New York at the close of the old year to plan the international's cooperation in the A. P. of L. drive...
...By a new zoning plan, the union hopes to be more effective in waging strikes...
...The ¦Bars resources have been drained...
...organization campaigns in needle trades centers...
...and because one of the three elects to strike, rather Chan to conciliate and arbitrate, is a matter for the International union to determine for itself...
...The farmer is caught by the same drift when he gives up the struggle with the boll weevil and moves into a company town where his vote is often controlled with his job...
...Unions and other adjuncts of the Communists, the new iual union of the left wing needle trades workers was brought into existence in tfew York City on December 30 and 31, 1928, and January 1 and 2, 1929...
...The American Renaissance, by Alexander Goldenweiser, Mondays, starting January 21...
...Recent official investigations, fays ;l> statement, show that such agenciet Plunder peculiar temptations...

Vol. 7 • January 1929 • No. 55

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