A PAGE OE EXCLUSIVE FE ATURES J Column Here of ChrUtnuu Cheer With Chance to Shed a Casual Tear i kit J*** 11 wa* our C*-L who **nt * Christta** card >to *H «* vou- beu*vmC th*t eentlment...

...Qfcot mean what they sell...
...Bight hers, with tout moat kind permission, well Sirs a lyric intermission, what time we change this isatag meter to something swankier and sweeter...
...Z started in by noting- bow distorted aU my thoughts were before the typewriter to-night...
...No, ao, no, no, my loving: friends, whose Job Just now • making ends somehow appear to get together, We've come thus far through various weather...
...ug i - i January C&U> rata above the naked trees looks down °poa the barrenness of Infertile ground, Hhfle pigeon scorns the grating sound ? «*»sest metal rumbling through the town, j* we mist will curl around an ashen tree j«» tjghter for the warmth such bark win shed St Btr»-yed bird reel above the gaping head * acorchipg funnel, or plunge into the sea...
...His method Is to sell the goods at less than cost, the government to keep s national credit accounting system and to pay the producer the difference between cost and selling price ss a national dividend on the basis of the following ratio: the price of the goods is to bear a ratio to cost as ths national consumption bears to national production...
...Intriguing, lent it...
...a. boys and girls, or pink on red, here may be things Jt"should be said to glorify this holiday and help g m our arduous way...
...And you will note that I am not saying one word about their employers...
...aad if st times it seems to rain exclusively on us...
...you ought to be knocked down flat and piled to the ventilators, like so many boards, like so much fodder in a freight train . . ." Christ, I have seen carloads of steers, and calves and sheep on their way to the slaughter pens...
...And, I suppose, after I have had this embittered fling, the proper thing will be done—by me...
...where he has been in much demand in recent years...
...Auspices, 22nd A. D. Branch 3, Socialist Party...
...Poetry of Today There are many ways in which a post may win the appellation of a poet of our times, eccentricity of manner, snob as the word baiting of Bodenheun, or the letter-JuggUng of lower-ease Cwnmlngi...
...This year, for i>om>> still unexplained reason I feel no enmity towards them...
...Florence believes that "a priori" reasoning must be abandoned fat eeonoBne thinking sad in its place should be substituted a study of eerasomlc facts to their historic and social ssettng as Malthas did when he wrote his essay On Population...
...We may suspect the author's philosophy of a tendency toward the "slavereligion," preaching, In its Implications at least, acceptance of thing* as they are The Fabry ghsrsasber," drawn by Beck AilijissaseT for his beek ef that smsm awbssmei by MaeSrsftaa...
...fed we have got our health and we know how to ft a ¦ ¦ ¦ — f*d to live and to laugh, and the Big Bugs above, f. _ £*ve got nothing on us when it comes to a fight...
...We're a poor, benighted Socialist and a Civil Libstaw...
...Strange indeed, that In our eternal efforts to liberals mankind from one form of bondage or another, we have never been able to follow the route and rule of our theory long enough to succeed...
...Florence (bonomics and Human Behavior by P. Sargent Florence...
...Abraham Lefkowiu...
...t* the rest, what the hell...
...as so many millions have no peace of mind against to-morrow, and good-will is a commercial name that Hats itself only among the money-measured matters that are called Assets to a world where Business is Kins;, Saviour and Lord of Hosts...
...Martinique Mansion, 158th and Beck Streets...
...31, 8:30 p. m. Frank Crosswaith, "Socialism, Fact or Fancy...
...A thought which causes me no mirth...
...Aad with so much explainable foolishness and lunacy ^ewg-Hng...
...the desires of man which are still unsatisfied and the credit system or finance without which production cannot be undertaken...
...Crosswaith is one of the most effect, ive Socialist speakers in the party sad he was one of the most conspicuous or- . gantsers of the Pullman porters...
...you eliminate the "reds" and their natlonallsatlon schemes...
...He has also spoken in other parts of the country, especially in New ICngland...
...without regard to material axrrandloement...
...28, 8.30 p. m. McAUstar Coleman...
...His work as a lecturer and writer has also won recognition in the Negro press...
...i - (Once more we must apologise, this meter, like our afi is plainly bringing us to what resemble sad lmTat Christmas cards that now begin to make our Mtrxten take to gin are full of wise men, angels, cows as peace on earth and no more rows...
...There ia Just one bit of idealism, one touch of godliness for aU of them concentrated in a week...
...increased by one more unwelcome starveling...
...But again comes the inconsistency of an emotion te wish you all, A Merry Xmas...
...The "reference" and "commentaries" listed by Romer Wilson before "The Life and Private History of BrnOy Jane Bronte" (A...
...Coal and the Men Wbo Mine it" (2nd lecture on this subject...
...Williamsburg Mansion, 297 South Fifth Street...
...Other organisations are urged to make a record of the date and to avoid any conflict as those in charge of the dinner desire to make It a large aad inspiring affair...
...Xvery newspaper man feels toward his Job (so runs the theory) ss toward a wife...
...The devices by which this familiar idea is made dramatic are such that performance gives decupled power to the theme...
...I suppose that is the only way in which to explain why every radical movement predicated upon a preamble of philosophic consistency, breaks itself op into ineffectual sections of fatal antagonism...
...Sometimes when I take the subway during the ruse hours, this same Simon Legree emotion overwhelm* me, and I hear the Jam and outrage of riding the cattle cars with gloating glee...
...Hence we have technological unemployment, extreme poverty on one hand aad extreme wealth on the other...
...I too, will add an ounce of additional weight upon the burdens of the workers who suffer this holiday outrage at the expense of body and souL Perhaps a sadistic fury will impel me through the thronged aisles and by the heaped counters...
...Auspices, socialist Party, 23rd A. D. and Labor Lyceum...
...Is a bit outmoded, already...
...The cause of the trouble, according to Mr...
...Emotion is the sole lever with which the mass is ever lifted out into some sort of energy...
...But I will restrain any utterances...
...Florence feels that both positions are untenable, especially the psychological assumptions...
...A study of facts, a marshsrilng of statistics are the only vattd bases tor generalisation or building a hypothesis...
...on the tree of life in decorative profusion...
...The poem does not shape itself into any sort of continuity...
...On the contrary, he opposes nationalisation and suggests Instead the adoption of the credit scheme of Major Douglass which had been rejected by the British Labor Party...
...And fly at truth's heart like a dirk...
...but if we ignore the philosophy Implied and consider the facts presented, we behold a strong Indictment of a society in which greed dominates, and i money is the goal, the standard, the need of most of us...
...According to the author, orthodox economists attempt to explain production and exchange by a rigid application of the law of supply and demand, showing that behavior is the result of reasoned calculation...
...This necessitates getting rid of the surplus and that leads to imperialism and war...
...win feel refreshed at the rooming can *f"he distant bird perched on a dty walL ; solomon Tommnm ScanninG The New Books War and the Jobbers •TJKsSsTUJTMJBfT AND WAR,- Toy Maurice Col bourne (Coward McCann M.oo), contains an attractive title, la stimulating to an unusual degree, is full of surprising if not startling ferments, and Is written m so simple and clear a style that his main thesis—there is wealth enough to go around and to give leisure to aU—can be grasped by the average reader...
...Keats was a drug clerk...
...THE CHATTER BOX JJxSUB X have been «ttiag- far over aa hour, aad SMJthtos...
...Lean minds that lighten through the mirk...
...Man is both an instinctive sad a calculating being...
...But down there in the underground hen on wheels, men and women, and boys and girls rush through turnstiles after paying admission, and willingly fling: themselves into a packed chaos of personal degradation...
...Even the moat inexorable, the Russian revolutionaries, tottered and flopped grievously before a reversion to emotional paradoxes...
...It la, however, becoming Increasingly evident that the poet who sincerely and deeply Is to catch the spirit of our Urns, must be equipped with more than sensitivity...
...St C. Boot, Si) Indicate a more original method of working—one, as a mater of fact, that suits the material, for Miss Wilson must build her heroine entirely out of literature...
...S. A. de Witt...
...But even these low tilings, these hopeless creatures have a way of moaning' or bleating in their dumb misery...
...In a word, he maintains that as long as the banks have a monopoly ot credit and can control production and levy constant tribute upon It, the worker will suffer...
...is stm enough to win the epithet "modern...
...It Is Just this form of inconsistent conduct, that makes us mortal rebels so romantically useless...
...tsfi Jubilate and strike the harp and celebrate with natrns to think the Calvin CooUdge map won't haunt ¦ la otic dreams...
...but freedom of treatment of sex...
...Even this is better than you deserve...
...Bat they'd take you for a buggy ride for lee* than tktrty cents...
...jjfs maka the bast of what we've got and shout Tfip, hip, hooray...
...This position is attacked by the social psychologists, who object to the "a priori" assumption of an economic man wbo reasons before he purchases...
...Hence he cannot buy an he needs...
...In other years, I have written with andadoue ink against the stores for overworking their employees during the Christmas rush...
...And then, oh Lord, what have we here...
...A postend smelling strong of beer...
...in which ths wis* Magi of the Xast follow a star, only to find that It leads to a hovel in which a starving: miner's brood ia betas...
...fctt-ry Christmas, good radicals, ^Wrs Left, but you're right MeAIister Coleman...
...21, 8:30 p. m. James Oneal, "The Crisis Pacing American Labor...
...The poems and stories of Kmtty...
...last's sing a song of comrades then, across this (jilsj mil land, the sort of fine, upstanding: man whore j%a to lsnd a hand...
...X should write a Christmas poem...
...Sunday, Dec...
...To bring aU this In at Christmas, It not at aU Christian or humane...
...This is the method...
...This, too, is a danger half-knowledge is more likely to arouse...
...Ltfi Just be glad we are alive and not a dead straw...
...In the proverbial sense: he cannot live 'or with her or without...
...Aad emotion is the very breath and nerve of Inconsistency...
...Friday, Dec...
...And yet there Is a spirit of gaiety and cheer about the season that is too universally observed for my own bitter mood to Ignore...
...toen are fair, though the voters are sheep...
...Thi»wlll only last through the week...
...drf reeding the above out loud, when you hit, Tfosperity...
...Since the dawn of the machine age man can produce more wealth than is needed...
...They even butt their heads against the boarded railing in attempts to escape...
...Friday, Dec...
...Oorhourne then discusses the four factors In production...
...something about the Prince of Peace, and the building of cruisers...
...Hence he advocates public control of credit to keep production going and to enable the worker to buy the wealth he creates and needs...
...I have learned by now how ineffectual and ridiculous are one man's exhortations, against the tumult of a multitudinous madness...
...see I suppose you will find me doing- my Christmas shopping late...
...the machine capable of producing more wealth than the world needs...
...In many startling (the writers hopel) or cynical ways, or a generally impudent sir...
...A knowledge of basic tnsrtrtrss wffl not enable one to foretell economic action...
...While the "dirk" image sugr its a treatment of truth not Intended by the minds that fly at It...
...I say this in all sincerity if my wishing win make you the happier for it Although deep, deep tn my heart there keeps calling out to aU the slaves of toil the voice of reproach, the sons...
...However grim that thought may be, I'd hate to tttak because of me, you boys and girls should skeptic* be...
...A Bfa-insuranca company, which also Is intrigued if roe, sends me an awful calendar from which I learn bar fleeting are the hours remaining here on earth...
...It Is only when the solution la presented that comprehension bsoomss difficult...
...As the worker has only A and that part of B which is spent ss A, he cannot buy the wealth he has created To get rid of the surplus, the employer must export or borrow more money from the bank to create a still larger surplus, thus Intensifying the difficulties confronting the employer and his workers...
...jjflwill go bowed through cold and snow and rain and draw the mist Into 7 breath, and this I win do ever again year is past, the dawn of a brighter hue, 5...
...Economies and Reason If the new science series published by W. W. Norton & Co, have for their purpose the presentation to the ordinary reader the discoveries, conclusions and trends of science, then the book of Mr...
...although the poems in this volume have (of course) no direct bearing on medicine, there may be some connection between their clean, their lean directness and the writer's work The poet-laureate of England is a physician...
...This hurtling hurry, this massed attack on merchandise, this fierce resolve to know a moment's thrill through giving, must be respected...
...In brief, by which the worker is to become part owner and master of the machine...
...When more of our poets are also scientists, we shall have better poetry...
...Crosswaith Is now a weekly contributor to three Negro publications and his contributions are read by a large audience of his race...
...food friends are true...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 3rd A. D. Friday...
...Something about a sardonic Christ leaning over a cash register in a department store, ¦«».«n,t1.r about a Christmas carol in which the clink of coins, the babel of bargain hunting, and the unctuous rant ef the clergy intermingle with the bedlam of the Stock Exchange...
...This affair is arranged to pay a tribute of esteem sad affection to one who has rendered Invaluable service to the Negro population of Harlem and to the Socialist Party...
...The first of these dramas is a tempestuous surge of newspaper men, caught in the midst of a murder story...
...Millions of folks believe and buy and give and receive...
...Savoy Mansion...
...be must be a scientist...
...The inhumanity of profit-making still sidles before my sight, and the stupidity of the stampede thunders through my senses...
...Jwt now a huge utility, which sssnis to love me My hard, sends me a scrumptuous Christmas card...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman Street...
...Dec 38, 1:30 p. m. George Dobsevage, "Social Justice and Judaism...
...My bootlegger, it would (spear, has taken up this angel's stuff...
...Colboume then gives a detailed and admirable analysis of the productive system...
...coherer baa formed itself out of s plethora of thought and tisema...
...And never a moan, or a bleat...
...Joseph T. Shipley...
...Save, in the end, jsjaefa the ground...
...Colboarle stresses the fact that up to the time of the Industrial Revolution, scarcity was the scourge of man, which made a mockery of Christian ethics...
...W. W. Norton tt Co...
...there will be overtime money . . . the season io short, and there must be no stock left...
...And for all of our clairvoyance, for ail the sheer knowledge we have about the sordid mechanics behind the organised orgy of spending, it were best to watch the uncontrollable nonsense go on in its ancient manner, and do nothing...
...These are the minds that can to mine: Lean spirits seeking the divine...
...The employer must sell his articles for a price which will be equal to A plus B plus profit...
...Sunday, Dec 23, 11:30 a. m. Speaker and subject to be announced...
...Hence the struggle tor markets, Inflation, or sabotage, or war...
...wow is the time to look about and ascertain where „ are bound...
...Colboume, you wipe out the class struggle, you make the poor rich and the rich richer...
...Cross waith To Be Dined January 24 Announcement Is made by August CUessens this week that friends and comrades of Frank R. Crosswaith wm give a dinner in his honor in Park View Palace Thursday evening, Jan...
...and the no less fictional letters of Charlotte, are the basis of this reconstruction, which Is made so effectively that, however true—and none can check how true—the portrait is to Emily, Is constantly stimulating and always alive...
...it has to be contracted—as in fact it bans to be,) WaO, what do we care and why should we weep...
...since they cannot even agree upoa the basis iastiaets...
...tw this is not the place or time to tear our shirts jj, sombre rhyme, for Christmas comes but ones a r* _ * Iyer which we all should give a cheer...
...but even in the reading the manner of presentation catches enough hold on the imagination to make the book vivid and strong...
...Auspices, Labor Lyceum and Socialist Party, 23rd A. D. Friday, Dec 21, 1:10 p. m. Henry Jager, "The Machine—A Blessing or a Menace...
...We have long ago learned that mere logic is a delicacy enjoyed only by the academicians...
...enough to conventionally wish you all a Merry, Marry Christmas...
...hence Imperialism and war on Inflation and sabotage...
...fc« tint go no money, we're poorer than sin, lad there are plenty of places we never get in...
...of revolt, Peace on Earth, good win unto men . . . phrases, sleek, meaning-leas phrases as Ions...
...Lecture Calendar , BRONX Friday, Dec...
...I will lash out on all sides, stripping their souls until they bleed with greater pain and weariness...
...These United States," 604 Sutter Avenue...
...And if we miss consistently the old Prosperity 'bus...
...Ob this a lady, blonde and great, is raising up a kited lamp for me to look at every time they go and sjM the lighting rate...
...The manner in which the murder case and the big man at the city desk hold him, drag him wllly-nllly back Into the work, makes what would be a rapid farce if the murder and quest of the killer did not make It speedy melodrama...
...The emotion behind its concept allows for ao rhyme or measure...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 3rd A. D. BROOKLYN Friday, Dec...
...The book has Utile value for the average reader but win prove Informing and stimulating to the student of eeoncenles as a social science...
...Never aa attempt at protest...
...falls to meet the requirements since It is too scholarly and above the grasp of the average reader...
...the worker wbo is only too anxious to produce wealth...
...My eyes will be fuU of knotted whips...
...Auspices, Workmen's Circle and Socialist Party, Bensonhurst Branches...
...And lest I wander any further into aa inextricable jungle of harangue, let me Just pause here loss...
...there is a spirit behind the words that indicates the concern for life, beyond word-balancing and phrase-Juggling, which specialisation (with Us implication of knowledge in at least one field) is like to give...
...Especially with the holiday season making so much disturbance outdoors...
...that Is, balancing human wants against human effort...
...Heel Noel," they yeU, yell, yell, these Christmas pssttag gents...
...The proper thing to do right bow is to forgive aU enemies, pray for good win on earth, and buy presents for friends...
...Bis Scotch makes angels, sure enough...
...although the old-fashioned, dry-as-dust, erudite tomes stUl appear (witness Goldberg's travesty of them, on Mencken I), the Idol-smashing, gossipy sort are more likely to rise with the foam of the tide of popularity...
...In fact, it in qiuW certain, that when all the insanity is done with, I win arrive at my old patience and love for tho men and women wbo must go through all these Indignities of struggle in order to live...
...Pollock's play needs the stage, for It is a broad and inevitably obvious eartoon that he draws in "Mr...
...one of the reporters is trying to get married and go straight—quit the profession...
...This year I shall have less to say...
...23, 8.30 p. m. August CUessens...
...Patchings and Poster have found Teny at last I The minonrnrn Is here...
...Put this into practice, and, according to Mr...
...Unfortunately man has not prospered despite the wealth -producing possibilities of the machine because he Is so cursed by artificial scarcity due to the inability of the distributing system to function under the new regime of abundance...
...Ia reality, the failure to impress our dreams upon mankind with say lasting effect, traces Itself back to the fact of inconsistency...
...A PAGE OE EXCLUSIVE FE ATURES J Column Here of ChrUtnuu Cheer With Chance to Shed a Casual Tear i kit J*** 11 wa* our C*-L who **nt * Christta** card >to *H «* vou- beu*vmC th*t eentlment therein .--toed migbt ring as trua as any deep philosophy JJJ^ij Toy mortaJa gay or blue, mat rxrw our Isabel has left our homo for oaa boyoad -j^gies and oh, my frlanda, w% ar« baraft and moan J jess with piercing- erica...
...Ikies still are blue...
...S:30 p. m. MeAIister Coleman...
...Having followed the Marxian analysis thus far, does he draw the conclusion that the way out for the workers lies in the ownership of the machine...
...Instead, the social psychologists posit a behaviociatlc man dominated by instincts which determine his economic activity...
...Cause we ain't a bloomin' sojer wy in distant Paraguay...
...Bradley was so interested in science at college that (before he was expelled for his essay on atheism) the students used to call him "Stinker Shelley...
...To eliminate the control of our economic life by those who control the credit of the world and levy tribute upon the masses and use the government as a tool to advance their selfish needs, he suggests that the government take over the control of credit and base it upon the productive possibilities of the nation...
...A raucous snarl—a nasty cynicism sneers at any attempt to create it, I yield to chaotic proas...
...AU the time, I will be ehouting to their unheeding spirits , . . "Fools, slaves, willing, hunger driven imbeciles . . . s<01 me, sell us all . . . knickknacks, toys, silks, cottons, furs, baubles . . . sell us anything:, everything . . . wrap and pack, tie them up in paper, painted paper, with holly and ribbons anu wreaths . . . for Christ's sweet sake, sell, sell, sell...
...A Vivid Life Biography, these days, has taken many queer twists...
...In "You say, my friends," the poet indicates the possibility of carrying science to the point where it may destroy poetry...
...Auspices, Brighton-Sheepohead Branch...
...and the final grasp that keeps the bridegroom reporter in the game Is a typical newspaper trick—ask any newsman, when he's in the mood for [ romancing...
...Coal and the Men Who Mine it" Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Bscsanan Street...
...Good, good for you," m> inward tongue snaps Out at...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 4-14th A.D...
...43rd Street and 20th Avenue...
...Wade Oliver, whose "Sky-Rider" (Meaner Press, $1.50) has Just appeared, is Professor Bacteriology at the Long Island College Hospital, He who comes close to nature, in any aspect, is likely to find kinship when he turns to other sides of her rich being...
...Moneypenny" (Brentano's, »2...
...j^j if we're going anywhere...
...And if I have wandered In this writing, it has been because there Is so much to say, and so little space or time to say it with any regard for the syntax of unity...
...Tstkis poor singer stem CUeasena unto Ameringer...
...He shows how the employer borrows from the bank to pay A (wages and dividends) and 3 (capital costs such as interest, raw materials and overhead...
...Martinique Mansion, 158th and Beck Streets...
...Acrimonious phrases still stir to my lips...
...Colboume, lies In the fact that the worker receives less in wages than he produces...
...Whether it be In the "exact" sciences, or in the' still bssler fields of social "science," the poet must somewhere have sought an understanding of what the age is reaching toward...
...225 Brighton Beach Avenue...
...Moneypenny," the god of our day, greed of gold incarnate...
...Printed Plays Two of the better plays of the'season are before me in their printed form: "The Front Page," that swift story of newspaper life by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur (dedicated to Madison and Clark Streets :Covlcl-Priede, 32), and the dramatic cartoon Charming has made in "Mr...

Vol. 7 • December 1928 • No. 53

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