MacDonald, J. Ramsay

American Prosperity A Myth, Ramsay Mac Donald Declares "Capitalism Had Better Try Again," He Says By J. Ramsay MacDonald ______ LONDON YE E are m quest of prosperity, some national, some...

...New York City...
...The American Influence...
...Those who are not members of the class may be admitted upon application to the office of the Rand School, 7 E. 15th street...
...The recent S percent wage cut in Rhode Island,, the 54-hour week, southern competition and the tariff wfli be Another Miners' Official Goes to Work for Bosses TERRS HAUTE...
...18 East 10th Street...
...That Is why I am sometimes nervous about some tendencies of the Labor Movement today...
...Fine Scheduled Lecturer Nathan Fine, author of "Labor and Farmer Parties in the United States" and associate editor of the "American Labor Year Book," will give his third and final talk on the subject of his book to the Rand School Workers' Training Class on Wednesday evening, December 19...
...16, at 8 o'clock Fellowship service...
...BOASTS OF PUBLIC-OWNERSHIP PORT WASHINGTON—(FP>—Mayor Arthur C. O'Keefe of New Orleans, attending the Natl...
...They will all be there I Labor leaders, artists, writers, intellectuals and pretty girls from the stage and screen...
...It sometimes strikes me like this: Someone weary of the close air and false life of the city goes and pitches his tent in the midst of wide, open...
...Beyond that bonier is , vast area claimed by Bolivia but generally recognized by map-makers as Delia...
...If BoUna can now seize and hold the disputed territory...
...The League for Mutual Aid's Annual Rainbow Ball, Friday evening, Dec...
...The world is misled ss to the meaning of United States' prosperity by the high wages paid in some trades like building...
...New York Labor Turns Down The Red Cross Delegates to the Central Trades and Labor Council were critical of an A. P. of L. resolution passed at the Hew Orleans convention praising the Red Cross aad promising cooperation...
...Louis Stanley, Instructor, expects to spend the next five weeks on an analysis of the structure, characteristics and history of the American Federation of Labor...
...United Mine Workers of America, has lost its president and scheduled president-elect, Harvey Cartwright, to the Indians Bituminous Ooal Operators' Association...
...we look at the number of pairs of silk and fake silk stockings we pass in the street...
...Robert Lee Hale, Carl D. Thompson, Leo Wolman, Lewis Lorwin, Paul H. Douglas, John R. Commons, (probably) and Dr...
...This Is not more than the bottom figure which it has been officially estimated Is necessary to keep a family of five...
...Both boys immediately joined the Socialist Party of New York after •heir arrival, and were always present »t all party gatherings and undertakings...
...But Charles Evans Hughes, his floor manager, is not so disturbed...
...Roland A. Gibson is chairman...
...At the start of the first session of the 70th Congress, s year ago...
...From the report in front of me this statement is made...
...The United States potentially has one of the best inland water transportation systems in the world and yet the farmer Is unable to utilize it...
...When we get that new instrument of television which not only shows us our neighbors, but our neighbor's thoughts and our neighbor's real personality, we shall wonder why it Is that humans who are believed to be upright creatures standing on two legs are in so many surprising eases ambling about on tour, and that the four are so short that their owners seem to crawl...
...National honor, they said, could not be arbitrated...
...Dec XI-3S to consider problems confronting the union and the iudushj...
...Even if the advocates of anti-injunction legislation could agree, the opponents would defeat them in any effort to secure a roll can on an effective measure...
...The Paraguayan mouse was to be punished by the Standard Oil cat...
...BAKERY WORKERS CHARTER * VOCALS CHICAGO— (FP)—The Bakery & Confectionery Workers Int...
...American Prosperity A Myth, Ramsay Mac Donald Declares "Capitalism Had Better Try Again," He Says By J. Ramsay MacDonald ______ LONDON YE E are m quest of prosperity, some national, some individual, some both...
...This session will also try to find out adequate Is our conventional economics which President Elect Hoover calls ' rugged Individualism...
...After studying the Industrial Workers of the World and the Communist and other dual unions, the lass will take up the individual industries and the labor problems peculiar to each...
...1, union coal miners are getting $6.72 a day Instead of $7.92, the rate since 1924...
...War was the only remedy...
...Place: The Civic Club...
...This disputed region, inhabited only by wild Indian tribes, shows signs of richness in efl...
...Of the national income from this vast wealth...
...They Just lived on wages from week to week, and when the time came and they bad to close their account with life, their books showed no balance...
...He was a member of the Socialist Party in Germany and in this country dnce 1914...
...Secretary Kellogg may wring his hands to despair that a new war should start, to toe middle of South America, Just when his Pan-American Conference on Conciliation and Arbitration is meeting... must make higher and higher demands for wages and more and more provision for public aid lest personal efforts should fail...
...we lay our heads on our pillows every night to dream of a land where roast geese fly in flocks, each stuffed with apples and carrying a sauce boat in its bill...
...Bolivian national dignity was then declared by Bolivian officials to have been offended...
...But I hove just been reading in American papers accounts of how wealth iS there distributed which bring the whole thing down to sober reality and show how far the citizens as a body have succeeded in their quest...
...Paul Blanshard, A. J. Muste, I. M. Rubinow, Jessie Wallace Hughan, John Strachey...
...Undoubtedly the average standard of comfort is higher there than here as it must-be In new countries of vast area and natural wealth like the United States...
...Those who wish to attend the Workers' Training Course classes for part or all of the time must make arrangements with the office of the Rand School, since the regular students are on a scholarPublic Forums Le Cercle Victor Hugo announces a Luncheon Conference on Saturday, December 15, at 1 o'clock sharp...
...It proposes to stick to this principle, however long the fight may last...
...aasnrdssg to PWsBdsot Thomas McMabon...
...Exports from New Orleans in 1927 were 15,370,038 tons, valued at $911,950,000...
...L. I. D. Announces N. Y. and Chicago Conferences "Methods and Limits of Social Control" will be the subject discussed at the coming intercollegiate conference of the League for Industrial Democracy...
...The last conspicuous work ttat he did for the part was to take Comrade Norman Thomas around in his Urto to the various meetings which were beld on November 4th and 5th...
...Mutual Aid League's Rainbow Costume Ball Come dance and be merry at the carnival of Joy...
...That Is a vain expectation...
...British rivals will be kept away...
...An average of two children does not allow the nation to survive, however...
...During the last campaign both Hoover and Smith talked glibly about farm relief and neither dared suggest the one remedy that they knew would solve the farmer's problem...
...are being led into muddy bogs by men who would bring the most healthy and spirited of organizations Into a feeble Incompetence...
...At the New York City conference sarrHE~ of the speakers will be Stacy May, George Soule, Walter Hadden...
...The railroad lords, like the feudal barons, who took their toll, as commodities had to pass by their castles, see to it that the farmers remain within their grip...
...The government has guaranteed the railroads a rate which will yield a "fair" return on their property...
...It is the fear that I emphasise— the fear ever brooding over the insecurity of material possession—the struggle on a purely material plain for something that In its nature is purely emphemeral and passing—the destruction of all values of being and living by reason of the tragic pressure of the necessity to possess things...
...In February specialists will di«cvss social legislation...
...The Wednesday evening program of the Workers' Training Class will be devoted to political and auxiliary aspects of the American labor movement...
...From there the Standard Oil - could ship its product by barge to Rosario, Argentina, to trans-ship to ocean steamers...
...Norman Thomas and *»ny other members of the 6-8-12 A. were present...
...we look for the weekly reports on unemployment and we draft miners out of derelict villages into industrial towns...
...In .addition the railroads have taken advantage of the doctrine of "physical evaluation" that the reformers invented to dry up watered stock...
...Mt3!, declared that the port of New Orleans is the outstanding Illustration of successful public ownership and public operation of port facilities in America...
...Senator Shipstead Introduced the anSl-inJencUoa measure dratted by Andrew Furuseth and approved by the executives of the A F. of L. It provided that federal judges should have Jurisdiction to issue injunctions only hi cases where the property to be protected was "tangible and transferable...
...For Instance, an economic survey in Southern California has just been completed, and seven dollars a day has been found to be the minimum Income required for a family of five...
...There are 81,000,000 wage earners to the United States, and they are exactly the same proportion of the population which dies not worth a cent...
...Hence she claims two thirds of Paraguayan territory, to bring her boundary down to the Paraguay river at the Paraguan capital, Asuncion...
...Phil Penna, who resigned last winter ss secretary of the Indiana Bituminous Operators' Association, after 25 years' service in the position, had been president of the International Mine Workers' Organisation, the same position now held by John L. Lewis, before being employed by the Indiana Operators' Association...
...Comrade Rix was suddenly taken HI bat Saturday, and died in the hospital Sunday...
...The sub-committee finally drafted a bill seeking to regulate hi great detail the conditions under which Injunctions should be permitted in labor disputes...
...And In answer to a question Russell declared his willingness to help the Socialist Party, If he could be of use...
...The Federation, approving a report by Its executive council, has declared tor the principle of the Shipstead bin—a positive limitation of the equity power of the courts—that being the power to issue Injunctions...
...Meet old friends and new...
...Later sessions will consider necessary changes in our political structure, changes which will make it possible for a political government to efficiently "administer public industries...
...On Monday evenings the Workers Training Class is now devoting all of its time to the trade union movement...
...U. T. W. to Hold National Conference Otgaiussta and executives of the United Textile Workers will meet m Hew Turk...
...The poor strive to get what they want so sorely...
...The route from the wheat fields by water is by way of the Mississippi or the Great Lakes and the New York State Barge Canal...
...H. S. Raushenbush, Vladimir Karapetoff and Norman Thomas...
...Not one Industrial group receives that amount...
...Even If you adjusted railroad rates and made possible cheaper water transportation, it would only mean temporary relief for the fanner...
...Henry Rix of 6-8-12 Passes Away Suddenly Henry Rix, one of the active members of the 6-8-12 branch, died after a short Illness on Sunday...
...That makes them wards of the Washington government...
...oo The population of the United States is about 110,000,000, and, of these, in 1927, 283 had an Income per annum of over one million dollars, ten of these having over 5,000,000 dollars...
...Pursuing the thought of "prosperity" as the Capitalist spirit of this generation defines it, where is its quest more ardently pursued than in the United States...
...Prosperity is all right for them...
...Be those things as they may, one per cent, of the people of the United States own 59 per cent...
...At the 9 o'clock Open Forum, James Waterman Wise will speak on "Jewish OonMbuttons to Orrihsetion...
...They always vote "aye" on proposals put forward by Hughes and KelBolivia Is shut off from the Pacific by the Andes mountains, since she lost her port of Antofagasta some 50 years ago...
...S3) and to Ice cream workers and helpers of Chicago (No...
...How generally the mistake is made that high wages are the same as high incomes...
...and Movements like the LL.P...
...Half of March and all of April will be devoted to special trade union problems...
...Sparkling entertainment as well as the gayest of jazz will be provided by Hall Johnson's famous Harlem Troubadours...
...Therefore, the conclusion from this study is: "A boast of national prosperity becomes a bit hollow where it Is realised that the prevailing wage scale hardly permits that nation to maintain its population...
...They surely will be on all fours crawling under their burdens for otherwise how can they sustain them...
...The first session of Eastern Conference will be a survey of the variety and extent of the various kinds of social control exercised by the United States government over ¦ economic activity, how they arose, how they operate and their outstanding limitations and accomplishments legal and economic...
...Protest against this plan was made by various elements .during hearings that extended over many weeks...
...And the corporation forces in Congress are determined that no bill on this subject shall pass...
...The Canadian farmer can get his grain to tidewater at ten cents a bushel less than his neighbor across the border...
...The American farmer is being robbed by the railroads...
...His body was sent to the Frederick Engel Funeral Home, 315 E. •W st...
...Isadore Lubln, A. N. Holcombe...
...The agreement, voted down in October after a strike at Rock Springs, was resubmitted and finally accepted after union officials stated they could get nothing better from the companies...
...It is a disgraceful performance that has continued for more than thirty years...
...This eoncbadoo, reached by labor union spokesmen and senators Interest ed in curbing the use of m Junctions In labor disputes, is based on two main facts...
...The first cannot be used because the United States government refuses to build the necessary barges and make needed improvements, while the second is unavailable, because Governor Alfred E. Smith, to please the New York Central Railroad, had the Barge Canal filled in to make it impossible for the wheat barges to go through It...
...Comrade Rix was a brother of George Rix...
...We think of trade balances and banker's balances...
...Hughes, as counsel, for the Standard Oil Interests and for the Petroleum Institute, is bound to feel that Paraguay must be wrong, and Bolivia right, in any dispute that affects Bolivia's chance to help Standard Oil...
...That is the common idea of prosperity, and nowhere is it puxaued with hotter foot than in the United States, indeed, there they think they have found it...
...A lack of the material needs of life lies on everyone rich and poor alike under Capitalism...
...the territory of Paraguay...
...The final session will be devoted to a study of three approaches to social control namely through the trade unions, by means of a labor party and through increasing* the workers buying power decreasing poverty and want by means of social insurance...
...The National Industrial Conference Board, an employers' association, have published proudly the fact that on their estimates a working class family with a steady weekly Income throughout the year, can save eleven cents per week...
...Funeral took place on Jrlday morning at 9:30...
...There Is no satisfaction to this sleepless urge, and therefore there is no end to it...
...The first section of the class meets between 7 and 8:20 p.m., the second between 8:30 and 10 p. m. Fine will speak In his closing lecture on "The Immediate Task Before Us...
...Standard Oil Seen Behind Bolivia Stand Possible Rich Petroleum Deposits Beneath Lust for Paraguayan Territory swtasHINGTON—(FP)—Standard OU of Bolivia has a concession of more •aa 7,500,000 acres of petroleum-bearing fcods in Bolivia, near the recognized boras1 of Paraguay...
...Rand Training Class Hard at Work...
...They were very much attached to each utter...
...Miners are taken out of the mines and trained for service to the organisation and the "*"Hfif then pass into the service of the enemy...
...the national income, whack to estimated at over £18,000,000.000: at the other end of the scale 87 per cent, of the people own only 10 per cent, of to, a o a The health of the States is put down at sonwttomg like £so.000,000,000 7«.5 per cent, of the citizens who died left nothing that was worth taking into account...
...The Boulder Canyon bin, the Kellogg treaty and the naval construction bin are about the only measures except necessary appropriation bills that will get a hearing before the 1 onion expires on March 4...
...British oil interest*, now operating bl Argentina, have cast longing eyes in toe direction of this disputed ground...
...Inspiring nature, and in order to shelter himself from the winds and the'rain puts up around him protections that shut himself In from the very liberties and spaciousness which he has come to seekl That Is Socialism diverted from its great human quest for qualities rather than for possessions, socialism Is in danger of being shut In amongst shoddy jerry built politics...
...s o o That is why our Socialism is far more than politics, and why Socialist politics must always be subordinated to Socialist social ideals of life...
...This calcuatlon of the employers Is based' upon the assumption that families average four, e.g., two children...
...One must go on accumulating whether one has £1,000 or a £1,000,000...
...The big business interests would find other ways to mulct him...
...conference will discuss this subject In the belief that questions raised by the growing power monopoly, the anarchy In the bituminous coal, etc., must be dealt with practically In the light of some well thought out social theory...
...And this is now the word "Labor" is defined...
...Paraguay is a near-protectorate of Argentina, and Chile looks askance at the combination of Peru and Bolivia, whom she once defeated in war...
...Henry Rix was 31 years of age and a resident of this country for two years...
...The generations will come and go, but the last will still be pursuing and still be in fear...
...The League for Mutual Aid, an organization supported by workers of all shades of opinion for Mutual Helpfulness, Is giving the Rainbow Ball both as a social get-together as well as to raise funds to carry on Its work...
...The paper pursues the subject in a most interesting way into districts and groups of trades...
...No Action On Injunctions This Session Congress Not Expected to "Have Time" to Con* sider Labor's Chief Demand WW7ABH1NOTOH—(FP)—There win tot no anti-injunction togiatatlon during the present short SSnttOB Of Congress...
...His new job with the operators to the same as that of secretary, which position was formerly held by Phil H. Penna, be said, Mast Renssninate Since Cartwright'* is the only name in nomination for president on the ballots to be voted on Dec 11 by the miners of the district it is expected that he win be re-elected, but his resignation would apply also to such a re-election...
...She has for many years demanded an outlet to deep-water navigation to the Atlantic...
...Be may be irritated that Bolivia serves notice of her withdrawal from the conference...
...Capitalism had better try again...
...Some of the speakers for the Chicago conference are Jane Addams.Dr...
...Standard Oil will make huge gains in operating economies...
...Autopsy showed a cerebal nemmorage...
...The Latest Thought About God" will be the subject of Dr...
...And there Is no resting on one's oars...
...Both the New York and the Chicag...
...Paraguay Criendless...
...This tiny fort was captured by Paraguayan soldiers...
...It happens that Bolivia and Peru are the two South American republics whose finances are wholly controlled by American banks...
...Tickets 81.50 each...
...The New York City conference will be held at Barnard College, December 26th, 27th and 28th, the Chicago conference will take place December 27th a.t Hull House and December 23th at the Morrison Hotel, Clark and Madison Street...
...Questions ana discussion are invited...
...Silas Bent will speak on "The Press and the Vestrts Disaster...
...What an opportunity for oui younger folks...
...The organized miners of this country have been more often the victims of this transfer of allegiance from the workers to the capitalists than any other organization in the world...
...When Bolivia, in a recent Pan-American Congress, demanded that the right of a landlocked Latin American country to Import arms through the territory of a neutral neighbor in time of war should be guaranteed, Peru and the United States voted with her...
...On tn—n^r 26, Louis Stanley, the instructor, will lead the class In summarizing the three previous Wednesday evening discussions on labor and fanner parties, In January various well-known labor lawyers will talk on different portions of labor law...
...Socialism Sole Hope of Farmers, Russell Says Y~)ECLARING that Socialism is the sole hope of the-farmer and offering himself to the Socialist Party, if he could be of service, Charles Edward Russell, former Socialist leader, writer and Pulitzer prize winner, thrilled the audience at the regular Saturday afternoon forum held at the Rand School of Social Science on December 8. Russell's topic was "The Farmer and Farm Relief" He analyzed the agricultural problem In the United States today, and with his old directness pointed out that the trouble with farming in this country was transportation...
...Rivers and Harbors Congress in tve c...
...we sum up savings and issue statistics about wages and prices' (which generally make housewives marvel what manner of queer men these figuring gentlemen are...
...The cure is to bring Socialism out upon the hill tops of principle and vision once more...
...It includes all the incomes of professional people, an the salaries, even those of the highly paid directors of great corporations, who may receive as much as one hundred thousand dollars a year...
...Paraguay, the only other landlocked country, voted against this proosal, and was supported by Chile and Argentina...
...Cartwright said his resignation as president of the district bet—»a effective Dec 8 and that he had been employed by the Coal Operators' Association as labor commissioner...
...Don't delay, buy your tickets from either the League for Mutual Aid, 104 Fifth avenue, (Watklns 7581) Rand School, 7 East 15th St., or The Civic Club, 12 East 10th St, Tickets at the door 82.00...
...Someone has said that every renaissance Is of the nature of a return to the inspiration of clean and limpid origins...
...On Thursday evening at 8:30 ftfcieral services were held for him at the toneral parlor...
...The competitive system has to be abolished...
...I The Incident which started the present crisis was the planting of a Bolivian blockhouse on the river bank a few miles from the Paraguayan capital, some 300 miles from the actual Bolivian border...
...Indeed, the history of earlier Pan-American debates shows that the present lineop of economic and political powers is not new...
...American banks Those agents now control the taxation and the collection and expending of revenues in Bolivia, will produce a better security for their loans...
...How Bolivia has started a war for poalesion of those oil lands...
...Instead of advising members to give to the Red Cross, the council urged full support for the Med ford tuberculosis sanitarium, operated by organized labor...
...Keep our prosperity" was the cry...
...Rates, therefore...
...Frank Manning, leader In the New Bedford textile strike adressed both sections of the class on December 10 on problems of organizing the unorganized with especial reference to the textile workers...
...have nothing to do with service rendered...
...Union has Issued local charters to Taylorville, DX (No...
...21, at Beethoven Hall, 210 Est Fifth st...
...In New York City the daily wage paid in the building trades is equal to about £600 a year, but as a matter of fact, owing to broken time, it only yields an annual income of under £400...
...So long as the present competitive system retrains, there is no hope for the farmer...
...the rich are afraid that they may lose what they have...
...When did the Red Cross ever do anything to help the striking miners, when they were literally starving in Pennsylvania and West Virginia," asked one delegate, who wondered why President William Green, formerly a miners' official, should have indorsed the Red Cross...
...The speakers at this session will be Stacy May who is the author of several books on coal and social control and Norman Thomas...
...Some have, and I wonder if they are really to be envied...
...Both of them Vere young Germans and former members of the Social Democratic Party of Germany...
...March and April will be devoted to labor banks 7-'3;r insurance, workers' education, the labor press and other labor auxiliaries...
...In order to make the situation more definite they will discuss concretely the coal, steel and power industries...
...The Children's Bureau has found that wages are frequently so low that In some families, "in city after city" most babies die when born into them...
...The American Federation of Labor convention at Hew Orleans declared against the anti-injunction bin prepared by the Norris-Blalne-Walah sob-committee of the Senate Judiciary Committee...
...It is a purely Capitalist rendering of the human quest for security...
...Ind.—District No...
...28) who come under the confectionery jurisdiction...
...The recent election there was the homage that the United States' people paid to it...
...The sessions on Thursday, December 27th will discuss how publicly owwned industries and services should be run and administered...
...The roads have Insisted that physical evaluation means replacement value...
...Harry Laidler...
...55 per cent, goes to labor and capital gets the rest...
...Dance to your heart's content...
...Paraguay, with only one-third the population of Bolivia, with no American loans or concessions, almost no army and no Standard Oil friends, faces the Bolivian attack with full knowledge that her, enemy is advised by Hughes...
...What does it mean to the people...
...A number of national presidents like Penna and quite a number of district presidents have been bought by large salaries offered by mine owners...
...Leon Rosser Land's address at the Bronx Free Fellowship at 1591 Boston Road on Sunday evening, Dec...
...It Is Just enough if everyone would marry and produce two children, both of whom would survive and marry In due course...

Vol. 7 • December 1928 • No. 52

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