Stanley, Louis

A Trade Union Movement Without Idealism New Orleans Convention of American Federation of Labor Marks Lowest Tide of Modern Labor "Movement By Louis Stanley in VERY frank observer of the...

...How Shall We Use Government...
...The time to avert war is while we are still at peace and by policies Umt make for peace...
...Once modern war is declared the hand of the drafting officer is upon every home...
...I have not time to repeat my careful discussion of the Socialist position on the tariff...
...We seek the co-operation not alone of the masses of the exploited workers butt even of those more fortunate in this world's goods who yet realise that while their brothers are oppressed and exploited they themselves cannot be free...
...The Trade Union Situation...
...piled 33,000...
...They require more than political action...
...G. F. Beck...
...Hoover Prosperity," 33S Brighton Beach Ave...
...Martinique Mansion, 156th and Beck Sts...
...In Wail Is, Geneva and Aargau, for example, a few more Socialist votes would have ensured another Socialist seat, and these votes remained entirely ineffective...
...It is rather the seekers ofter special privilege who bribe governments to alienate oU and water resources belonging to the people...
...It results, ss experts have shown, in at least a fifty per cent waste of human energy and in consequent poverty...
...If it pursues Its press policies, the employers will soon ease fc support it as a bulwark against projne srrtsm...
...It to the one hope of plenty peace and freedom...
...I seaeve at is the only manner and ssefhei by which ear saoreascas may be bestial not only to oar aresabatsbsj bat hetofwJ te the tairminded ceasessbto at America...
...If we had a dictator we should know, metaphorically 1 speaking, at whom to shoot...
...They differ only in possible details as to protectionist methods...
...A separate list of women Candida tee was also submitted by middle-class women...
...The Zurich seat has now been lost without any eorrspondlng gain elsewhere...
...During the last year 83,537 members were added to the American Federation of Labor, according to Secretary Morrison's figures...
...while an tbe contrary the movement for old age pensions has made great advances among the affiliated unions...
...fay a new leadei Qprrsopsadsnt) LONDON—The Manchester Guardian reviews tbe aacoeai of tbe women candidates at the municipal elections in the 28 boroughs of tbe county of London...
...To advocate e TJsj States investigation only ts to play i the hands of those business interests l win use this ss an excuse to delay set In tbe forty-eight State lrglilstuiej...
...Brighton Sheepsbead Branch...
...Let us forget the passion and prejudice which have attended the campaign...
...We may differ at to the road to our heart's desire...
...For long ages underlying an other divisions of men has been a great division between the workers and the master class of those who own and control property for power...
...Upper West Side . Friday, Dec 14, 9 p. m.—August Claea- 1 sens...
...Williamsburg Mansion, 397 South 6th St...
...Hoover's Bagged IndtvidneJtam Alas, the system he praises does not even make us contented cows...
...JBtisBJ we do oeaisthtag aloe* teas, aaosj am lean abal fearful of oar eaabseaa aneeeoa...
...It arises out of the processes by which we make a living and out of notions of Jingoism which are sedulously cultivated in the press aad in schools...
...The United Mine Workers era still counted at 400.000, whereas the real membership of that once powerful organisation must be nearer half that figure...
...m: - ¦ ¦ -efT^ laamsilag what we have, hence we nave no revebrtioaary purpose to overthrow tbe present social system to establish a group control...
...By its economic policies government is already a powerful factor hi the production and distribution of wealth...
...We have discussed over and over our principles far the nationalization and democratic non-political administration of coal mines, the power 1 monopoly and other public utilities and cervices...
...He described neither system accurately...
...Certainly the losses of the Miners are enough to wipe out any gains made elsewhere...
...This address will be preceded by a brief organ recital by Stanley A. Day, the organist at Labor Temple...
...He was quoted at great lentil to...
...On the contrary Brookwood wee iwrxVanrterl by the A. F. of L. IntarnatloBssI Isolation The American Federation of Labor went further in abandceting the international solidarity of labor than ever before...
...It has even gone so far as to advocate s bill in Congress...
...Owtag to the system of free fists, it was possible for one middle 'Ctoas woman to be sleeted although she only received 1188 votes, whilst the woman candidate put forward by tbe Labor Party, Anna Kaiser, was not elected although she received sasse than twtoa as many pears, vto...
...Whatever historic Justification, first feudalism, .1 J uid, later capitalism may have had, i Is past...
...HA, Ph.D„ win discuss at 5:00 o'clock...
...Friday, Dec 7. 9 p. m.—Henry Jager...
...Though final results are not available, the Social-Democratic Party has an increase of 25,000 votes to report—the largest Increase registered by any party, its total vote has risen from 195,000 to 220,000...
...Lean Rosser Land win address the Bronx Free Fellowship on The Paris Peace Pact and President Coo lid ge" at its weekly meeting at Azure Masonic Temple, 1591 Boston Road, Sunday evening, December 9, at 8 p. m. At 9 o'clock Open Forum, Marius Hansome, win speak on "Ernest Toller: The Drama of Social Purpose...
...The least experienced delegate j knew that this was Just as much a bluff as the challenge to the automobile magnates two years ago at Detroit...
...We know that we must learn by experience...
...Oar aeawaoa then Is exactly the same as that ed other intosflg ml progressive persons...
...World Workers Education...
...Tobin's Last Appeal Let as heed the words of aa old tracs unionist who is far tram being s Socialist...
...These United States...
...Earnestly do I hope that with the passing of the campaign the storms of racial and religious bigotry which have been raised win subside and that Americans win Mve with one another tike friends and neighbors...
...To do this successfully win require thought and effort...
...This Is boand to ge es>, becaaso of tbe economies and greater baameaa efficiency Involved...
...Within recent years its ardor has cooled off...
...Oe I face of a this leeks like a forward m for the advocates of eld age pension ] lslation also favor a CangreatigssJ quiry...
...It turns loose a standing army of minions of the unemployed with less concern for the facts of men and women and little children than a decent master has for the fate of the mule for which temporarily he has no work...
...The Catholic-Conservatives did not, however, ettaln their object of becoming tbe second strongest party in the country...
...Perhaps no hamlet in the next war win be so remote that it can escape the destruction of poison gas and explosives rained down upon it from tbe air...
...Most of an they have shows it by their desperate effort to placate the rich and powerful, to bring great millionaires into their service and make an open snopper like Raskob their national ebair, man...
...The A. F. of L. organiser never got further than warning the manufacturers that if they did not let the A. F. of L. unionise their plants, then the Bolsheviks would...
...To him it seems normal and natural that the owners and controllers of land and resources, of credit, public utilities and great aggregations of machinery should feed and milk the common herd...
...Restricting Immigration Is a substitute i for organising workers...
...Only the Socialist Party insisted that while free trade is by no means an immediate possibility, free trade rather than protection is tne goal toward which the world should be striving...
...They practically came together in their basic and unscientific agreement that if a high tariff has not solved the Ills of fanners and textile workers a higher tariff may...
...The Communist Party had been represented by three members in the National Council out of a total of 198...
...The needle trades suffer heavily...
...In such great enterprises as the Panama Canal, the Holland vehicular tunnel, the New York water system, the splendid researches of the Bureau of Standards, the Ontario hydro electric development, engineers and workers serve society happily and far toss wastefony than they would serve absentee owners...
...The strongest party, the Free Democrats, loses one seat and is now only 58 saocg...
...It produces s population so Incapable of caring for its future that one-third of our aged sixty-five years old and upward are wholly or partially dependent upon the bitter bread of charity...
...The Social-Democrats were brilliantly successful in their general attack on the bourgeoisie...
...Victor Hare Circle Le Cercle Victor Hugo announces a "uncheon conference on Saturday, December 8, at 13:88 sharp...
...Once there was a time in the old days of the pioneers when government had comparatively little affect upon dally life...
...At best tariffs mean that the government takes some folks' money to subsidise others and that it raises artificial barriers between the nations...
...The Role of the Working Class In American Politics...
...Norman Thomas' Widely Praised Radio Address Delivered on the Eve of Election Day On the eve of the last election Norman Thomas, the Socialist candidate for the presidency, delivered his final campaign address over a hook-up of radio stations So much -.omment has been received by The Sew Leader on this address, that we here reprint it in full except for a few deletions of references to purely passing incidents...
...Dec 9.—C Kantorowicb, "Current Events.'* Savoy M»"irinn, 63rd St and 30th Ave...
...The difference between the gain in votes and the gain in seats is partly due to the coalition between the bourgeois parties In many of the Cantons, but also to the fact that the voting In each Canton was conducted separately, and the surplus votes were not transferred...
...Lecture Calendar NEW YORK Tuesday, Dec 11,8 a. m.—Pauline Newman...
...I can only remind you that we want to help the fanners not at the cost of underpaid city workers but by a federal marketing commission and co-operatives which wtn end the wastes of innumerable competing middlemen...
...that eetorassesaa to fight for what Is right...
...The 8ocialist-Polltical Party, a left group, loses two out of its five seats, 1 whilst the Liberal Democrats, a hour- j geois group of the right, now returns six 1 Instead of seven members to the Counca In addition there are as before two "independents" in the Council...
...by parties which have a philosophy for managing socially and democratically that vast and intricate machinery which man has bad the wit to create...
...We Americans an ' dependent upon the labors of men in tbt 1 frozen North and tropic South...
...Hoover's charge of state socialism against him, Governor Smith put himself in a class with Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Evans Hughes and Nathan Miner, be proved not only that be - was no Socialist but that he was no true - progressive...
...In our fast moving world we cannot drift unconsciously to a wise socialisation of the basic necessities of our common life...
...keeping isolated from tbe world trade union movement a a precaution against BoeiaUsm...
...Then, the convention expunged Its tribute to Jabs Dewey for fear of encouraging Oosamunlsm...
...hood of Railway Clerks, who were rein-: stated after e two-year suspension sup...
...More than by any positive declarations, by bis silence and evasion on vital ques- j tions connected with unemployment insurance, 'axation and nationalization I Governor Smith has shown that substantially the Democrats share tbe Hoovei philosophy...
...It to not a doctrine of violence but rather a way of averting violence and war...
...win speak on The Beliefs of Sacco and Vanzetti...
...The Communists by their old policy of malicious attacks and their new policy ol dual unionism have eliminated themselves from the traditional trade union movement of this country...
...Hoover to as mistaken in his description of his own philosophy as he to in his description of Socialism here and in Europe...
...When, bo* ever, Brookwood was dragged into U> discussion on the establishment of i national labor college, Matthew Wei declared that Professor Dewey bad a» tually been to Russia and asked whither Dewey was "not the one who i few years ago went to New York atj far the purpose of plying tbe gens a Communism in our educational institutions...
...The *m«hmb Federation of Labor has been committed to the proposition since 1907...
...We have faced the terrible problem of unemployment and presented a rounded program to deal with It We have promised to work for old age pensions not as a matter of charity but Justice...
...Temple Israel Community Center, 210 W. 91st 8t Auspices, Socialist farty...
...Of this number the Brother...
...No money wee appropriated, no1 assessments authorized as in former days.' Platitudes were indulged in...
...The Socialist Party has Just begun 'o fight We shall now go on to unite the friends we nave found in this campaign In an effective organization...
...Slowly, almost in spite of ourselves, we are learning that there to a great deal of property that we cannot divide up fairly...
...Our tariff and other financial policies have on tbe whole notably favored merchants and manufacturers at the expense of farmers and owners at the expense of workers...
...We do not have to ; pay forever great rewards to economic ¦ dynasties simply because they own the ' land, the oil, the coal, the great aggregations of machinery that aU of us need, that have been given to us by Nature or created by the cooperative efforts of men...
...8:90 p. sv—a, a YJadeck...
...Certainly it is already true that rugged Individualism does not describe our country of "yes men,"' of human televoxes, of men and women who live In constant fear of their Jobs, of the bankers who hold the mortgage on their homes and of that so called "respectable" opinion which ta the creation of the propaganda organs of an owning class...
...truly to make this nation a fellowship of free men who live in tolerance, win require a great inclusive loyalty of men of every religion and every race to the one task of bringing beauty, fellowchip, peace and freedom to earth...
...I only refer to it now to show how on this secondary economic issue the old parties are one...
...This lecture to one of tbe series entitled tbe Creative Myths of Mankind, given every Sunday evening at Labor Temple, 343 East Fourteenth street and Second avenue Dr...
...Rugged individualism" may have been fairly descriptive of tbe pioneer period which is as dead as the are of stage coaches...
...Shall we not agree that we live In an age when what government does or leaves undone affects us all...
...Feetiy Forest Doctor Hablndrar>ath Maitra lectures in Hindu Poetry at Labor Temple Poetry ""Oram, 313 Bast Fourteenth street New York City, Thursday, December 13th...
...Munro that Socialism to inevitable, the only alternative to tyranny or chaos and we want to make It work democratically...
...No town, no nation, even, li Tufflclent to Itself...
...Daniel J. Tohtn of tbe Tenasten told the convention upon rearing as Treasurer of tbe A F. of L. what he bid told other trade unionists on other occasions: "Far twenty-two yean I have boss a faithful believer m the ¦Bbaas, fersafsl end aggressive sondes of tbe sanelean Federation of Labor...
...180 were elected, 371 were unsuocessfuL In many municipalities a considerable number of women candidates were elected, eg...
...It came j in favor of establishing a Federal Oj mission to study the problem...
...But when we have two parties, both belonging to the same general set of owners, good people, honest workers with band and brain can be diverted by tbe excitement of the drams into forgetting that at bottom the fight beween he paries to e fight for patronage and power rather than principle...
...Neither of them told us how be would deal with tbe power monopoly as a whole or realty solve the problem of transmitting power which the government may own, control or develop...
...Before thej took their latest step, they succeeded in smashing up and discrediting whatever progressive movement there was among organised workers...
...The report of the Executive Council of the A. F. of L. to the New Orleans convention does Its utmost to convince capital that It ought to cooperate with labor...
...These things are all largely within the control of government Government is an Immense factor in determining the degree of Justice and liberty which to ours...
...Their platforms and their speeches are usually intended to becloud issues and attract men of opposite points of view...
...Tuesday, Dec 11, 9 p. m.—Clarence V. Howell...
...omy" of tbe A F. of L. Is guaranteed...
...A Trade Union Movement Without Idealism New Orleans Convention of American Federation of Labor Marks Lowest Tide of Modern Labor "Movement By Louis Stanley in VERY frank observer of the forty dghth annual convention of thi American Federation of Labor, Just endet at New rleana, must come to two sobei conclusions: 1. Never before has a convention of the A F. of L. been so dead...
...What Socialism Moans...
...following oeaanaerco of aeUttcal Spends ties, and fas thto respect differs from tbe labor mmesfnts Then, the American Federation of Labor in convention assembled proceeds to do two things: first, as en esgswatton of ' fraternal feeling with the workers d North America, it pleads hysterically lot the wilting off of aO immigration from the countries in "the whole western atmosphere...
...Tbe Eiccutiva Onunrfl opens Its report with these words: aaenMs an^antitottan^Baat levoaajwhat Is ha the salads of rises—tall is wag* earners of tbe North «n>ertren sentinent It Is aa entaiallaa that dsreetty mgaeneca tbe thought and devclopITk continental...
...BRONX Friday, Dee...
...As compared with the fifty strong Social-Democratic Party the two Communists naturally have no Importance Whatever...
...It to also the Democrats system...
...What Can We Do About New YorktNerman Thorras win discuss the above topic at Labor Temple Forum...
...Professor Dewey cams ta New York In 1904, many years before Communism existed...
...The Social-Democrat Women's organisation published ta the "Escher Tagblatt" along with Its election appeal a fist of women's municipal claims, and put forward a few women candidates...
...hand ss tbe leading educational m thorny in America and rrrhaps ta most outstanding figure in the sees* tional field in the world today, s men ber of our own American Federation a Teachers and at one time Vice-Proa dent of tbe New York Teachers' U» ion...
...Labor Temite, 343 East Fourteenth street and See-md avenue, Sunday, December 9th, at 3:80 o'clock...
...Machinery compels us to worl together...
...By this ¦Ufgearat, 1 do aat wish to depreciate tbe '¦¦¦toani at eonetHatioa and arbitration when asm dsutilnes or artnerptes are ¦snare and give honest eesssestelSBi to the trade anion undue...
...Schaffhausen and Zurich, respectively...
...The only substantial economic difference between Smith and Hoover was the comparatively unimportant question whether or not the government should operate the development of power at Muscle Shoals and a few other remaining power sites...
...It Is specially satisfactory to record that they succeeded in maintaining* the red majority in Zurich...
...4-14 A. B. Branch...
...Our whole world hat become a little thing...
...8:18 T-m, Also other well-known poets...
...The Eleettono ta Enejaad...
...Just as In Europe, there are s fa pariah unions based upon the prion** of loyalty to the "bosses...
...BROOKLYN Friday, Sec 7. 8:80 p. m.—Norman Thomas...
...The apathy that has stricken organised labor may be expressed more concretely In this way: there is no progressive wing, there is no oposltlon group li the trade union movement to shoot th« darts of criticism at Administration leaders and sting them Into action...
...The A. F. of L. convention mapped out no effective program to organise the unorganised end double union membership in 1939...
...We snail get these great gifts by no one election...
...By Norman Thomas T BT us for a moment forget names: 1j Socialist, Capitalist, Republican Democrat and the fears end emotions which they tend to arouse...
...One was conducted In the Piedmont section of North Carolina...
...Tbe first owed Its, Inspiration to Alfred Hoffman, a graduate of Brookwood Leber College...
...It is worth --!----4 noting that the National Orrto Pe* tion has taken tbe mad among ess* em* oraanlsnUccn la fighting ess i panessna At Hew Orleans the A p, lib took an important step in isalisjj old age pension legislation...
...But they do not stop there, Tl want a law with twinhepTO provs* passed now...
...Beck to tbe director of tbe Labor Temple School...
...Particularly the Socialists are no longer heard, first because of a sense of futility, secondly because ol a feeling of weakness, and thirdly, because the Communists have made an progresslvlsm look "Bolshevik...
...15 ta Bennondeey, 18 ta Kensington, and 18 ta •Stepney...
...The United States as a Socialist Sees It" Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 319 Saekman St Auspices Labor Lyceum and Socialist Party 33rd A. D. Branch...
...Nevertheless Mr...
...He did unwittingly pay a tribute to Social ism when he said that for tbe past twenty five years the charge of Socialism had been brought against every social reform...
...It does not stand for toss private property but for more, more food for the hungry, more clothes for tbe naked, more beauty in the homts of the people...
...It is the policies of government which shape tbe issues of peace and war...
...This to Mr...
...And if it dees ge on we win an be working far a few aeon some day...
...600 W. 181st St., Room 10...
...What My European Trip Taught Me...
...see easy argwaaewt and education whtah wM compel ear enemies aad ear f""^ meat to recognise as as aa ssgertoas part of the Bf e of oar assess...
...It leaves us with hovels in place of homes...
...But in winning them the intelligent comradeship of workers with hand and brain ta their own party to an essential element AU that we have of liberty and democracy, an noble traditions Of freedom which have been passed down i to us from our ancestors, and the ballot which they purchased for us at such Treat east—these are not things to be discarded cynically but to be used intelligently...
...We must think, plan, organise...
...The Socialists can play aa important part in this aggressive wort Just ss they did on the days before tbs war, because a progressive enloBan goo hand in band with social idealism...
...The 107 j national and international unions were left to do as they please, ae they always have...
...The Fruit of Conservation The American Federation of Labor Is now reaping the harvest that Samuel Compere sowed, when for fear of the Socialists he carefully steered clear of the class struggle idea in any form whatsoever and committed himself to Its logical alternative, the cooperation of labor and capital...
...We have analyzed the evils of labor ta' unctions and promised to end them...
...Of the bourgeois parties the CatholicConservatice Is the only one to register e gain...
...truly that socialism to the driving power < In our present struggle to make government the servant of the people...
...It requires an Immediate program...
...Sometimes this happens among the workers as individuals and Swiss Socialists Register Striking Gain in Total Vote yuRICH.—In tbe Swiss elections of Oct 37 and 28, the Social-Democrats gained only 1 seat but they registered a considerable Increase In votes...
...into chain stores, consolidated banks, railroad consolidations, etc...
...Whither is the American Federals of Labor going...
...Tbe Committee on Education be spoken of him as ''recognised en ess...
...At other times X have developed In detail tbe immediate and practical program which we Socialists present in order peacefully to correct ancient injustices, land shocking wastes, and bring greater -ecurfty to men...
...Auspices, Socialist Party...
...The National Civic Federation, which he helped found to combat Socialism and prove that open-shop capitalists will not hesitate to collaborate with labor leaders at banquets, promises to swallow up the A. F. of L. Already the intelelctual leader of the American Federation of Labor has become the Acting President of the National Civic Federation, and that ft Matthew WolL Other trade union officials are prominent in the affairs of the National Civic Federation, an organisation which has just taken upon itself the task of working out an arrangement whereby the company unions and the trade unions will give each other official recognition-—but more of this on another occasion...
...BERLIN—The municipal elections In Luxemburg took place on October 14th...
...Then the Government wiU be on dor great temptation to step in and take over the whole affair, in ether wards tbe process of sonsoHaation toads logically to an laftoaa I am net a Socialist, end do not view the oatooaee with any pleasure, bet it arums to me fairly inevitable.-' We agree with Prof...
...America and the world win be saved, if at aU...
...That day to gone...
...Hoover and Smith aa Socialism...
...Since this to true it becomes a matter of profound importance to find out what theories of life, what social ideals and philosophy the political parties bring to bear upon the problem of government...
...Interest brings a desire to contribute and hence a release of creative initiative...
...We bad all the noise, confusion, bickering and passion of a party election, when from the standpoint of a basic theory of our political and economic life it mattered Utile more which party won the election than who won the HarvardYale football game And this situation which is fantastically crazy from the standpoint of the people to the height of cunning wisdom—at least from the material point of view for tbe one percent of the people who because they own onethird of our national wealth also own the major political parties...
...In this difference between the old party candidates, which was not clearly defined, there was no Justification for the expense of a national election...
...The conference win be over at 2 p. m. Place: Civic Club, 18 East 10th Street Tdiry-horsy...
...It Is not In the least descriptive of a system wherein already government constantly Interferes for better or for worse with the everyday economic life, by tariffs and regulation, by its control of education and its program of public works...
...the second to the Socialists of Weeding Neither Brookwood nor the ancle Mete have been given any credit...
...Tbe center vatives and reactionaries are baring that own way by the default of prcgresavei The great need of tbe moment is for Un resumption of activity by far awing txadt unionists...
...Modern war does not spring from men's instinctive hates...
...Bat, SS the Labor sao.emmt prospered to Ihe teegimafaag throegb that spirit of era> aenhe and «eterm*natta« wMeh pwBBeated the minds of the rasa was ad ta tbe great vanguard, who belied to 'create and beOd ap tats toaBlaHMj which has done so math far tbs **> end ear country—« Is my toagaSSS aa*ees we eon time asd revive, throat* aoaae means or other, that saw* of tettvtdaal interest...
...We read: "When the anion Is accepted as the method by which workers shall participate fat industry and collective bargaining Is established the workers have a real contract that gives them status in the Industry...
...Harlem Sociahet Educational Center, 82 E. 106th St Auspices Workmen's Circle, Debs Branch...
...But we stntil be more likely to succeed with our immediate program if behind It there to a philosophy and ahead of us a great hope...
...A Blow at Pensions for the Aged The most Important legislative proposal before tbe workers in the United States at the present time la old age pensions...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 33-33 A. D. Branch...
...Auspices, socialist Party...
...65 cents...
...Thursday, Dec 13, 8 p. m.—Marius Hansome...
...Willi*rrsourg Mansion, 297 South 5th St Auspices, Socialist Party, 4-14 A. D. BranchPublic Forums Labor Temple December 8th, at the Labor Temple, 14th street: The Wandering Jew (Medieval) to the subject Dr...
...3rd A. jx Branch...
...When In reply to Mr...
...But to do him Justice, he wants the rest of us to be wen fed...
...show the danger of control by ape del Interests of schools...
...Dec T, 8:45 p. m.—August Claeasena, The Socialism of George Bernard Shaw...
...The Social-Democrats will now have 50 seats...
...The remark shows...
...Two organising campaigns of the previous year were indeed praised...
...lXl'J.lr%..l^4^i1^j 'T...
...where great industries are owned not by responsible individuals but a mass of absentee stockholders who know nothing about the conduct of the Industry and irresponsibly turn it over to a few Insiders to run...
...William B. Munro, of the Division of History, Government and Economics, Harvard University, says: AH forms of business are steadily being merged Into larger units, eg...
...We have outlined In detail the steps which must be taken If our children | are not to curse the day we brought them into a world of war so horrible under the conditions of modern science that the Imagination cannot picture It We have not claimed infallibility...
...It piles up riches in the hands of the few who frantically seek Investment abroad and so launch us on the road to imperialism which leads to war...
...If we had one political party, obviously the creature of the lords and masters of our economic life, we might organize another against it...
...We do not bear much on this' vital Issue from the old parties...
...Rather it was tbe new philosophy of political fife which Tom Paine and Thomas Jefferson and others hammered out and applied to the stirring events of their time...
...Auspices, Socialist Party...
...I have not now the time to restate our program for tbe taxation of Inheritances, Incomes, and those land values which are created by society and belong to society...
...14, 8:45 p. m.—Frank Crosswalth...
...This states makes possible a sharing of interest In production that is the essence of partnership...
...No wonder under their tutelage 'and financed by their money Governor Smith kept still...
...The Social Principles of the Hebrew Prophets to the subject far discussion at the American International Church service at Labor Temple 343 Bast Fourteenth street and Second avenue at :15...
...And to think, plan and organize, so as to make Industrial or economic democracy a reality is the outstanding challenge to our generation...
...Still less is It descriptive of a country where there Is no more free land, where coal, copper, iron and oil have already passed under the ownership of economic dynasties handed down from father to son...
...Progress and the Price We Pay...
...When I think of pioneers from Colonial times down to the Scandinavian heroes of that great novel, "Giants ta the Earth" and what they accomplished, I cannot believe their dependants win part ta the new tasks of social pioneering...
...The dlsJThistonment of the friends of labor turned to laughter...
...There was no central agency created to stimulate them to action and coordinate their efforts...
...sleek and contented cows...
...Hoovers system...
...Hoover in his Madison Square Garden speech did set forth his philosophy which be caned "rugged individualism" In opposition to what he called "state socialism...
...Arthur Warmer, associate editor of the Nation, wtC preside Herman Hapgood, publkast aad author of a forthcoming book on Sacco and Vanzetti...
...To use them brteffigentiy requires a new party at the workers with hand sad brain devoted te the ends I have ask forth...
...Its total vote was increased with 18,500, amounting now to 170.000 and the number of seats held from 42 to 46...
...Tbe Instrument of Pi agues i In this situation it la madness to leave . to rack or fortune or the acquisitive powi ers of certain individuals the control over ; our economic life...
...Hoover fears must attend socialism...
...The peasant party remains unchanged with 31 seats...
...Dew —A Joke The abttrsry maimer m steak I American Federation of Labor Bxecst Council bad treated Brookwood Lai College had brought dtontaskssaoal many friends of labor, who it Is of as importance to please even if they art j employers Then, came the action on John Dei ey...
...Not the Colonists' BUI of Grievance against King George TXL was the principal factor in winning the American Revolution...
...The remaining 81,537 are scattered, with the large gains found among building trades and railway shopcrafts unions...
...the other in Reading, Pa...
...We have drawn up a program for tbe recovery of civil liberties...
...Webber, field secretary of the Union Theological Seminary in the city at New York, to the speaker...
...It is not such servants of society who have brought the degradation into politics which Mr...
...Let us see If we cannot take another step together...
...In other words, the campaign ended not with increased but lessened difference between the old parties...
...and secondly, ae a sign of Its lack of provincialism, ft refbsei to tie us Iwith the International Federation of Trade Unions unless tbe "absolute auton...
...Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 319 Saekman St Auspices Labor Lyceum and Socialist Party 33 A. D. Branch...
...Is it not true that all of us who are worth our salt, an of us who love our own children and the future, all of us who face the daily round of life and the burden and the heat of the day, at bottom are united in a great desfre for»a world of beauty, peace, freedom, plenty and fellowship...
...No hamlet is so remote that it can escape his coming...
...Municipal Elections in Lnreenbarg...
...We do not leave education to the control of those who seek private profit out of it, we do not divide up our highway system twenty miles to one, twenty Inches to another and none to the rest with tbe provision that the owners of roads can collect tolls...
...4S1 women of an parties stood...
...Anspicea, Workmen 1 Ohute and Sod i list Party Benoonhuxst Friday, Dee...
...and 3. Whatever life there was was shown In trying to either meet the views of employing interests or not to offend them...
...Auspices, Socialist Party...
...Cooperative League, 167 W. 12th St...
...But the condition of having more of the right kind of private property to that we shan stop our unfair, anarchistic and wasteful attempt to divide among s few private owners the property that an of us need, tbe ownership of which by private individuals gives them and their descendants a power over as that ancient kings might have used...
...What be really believes in is suggested by the famous advertising slogan: Milk from contented cows...
...Socialism is a much misunderstood term ta America...
...Any seri lous disturbance In the world may chal. lenge our peace...
...It to this question of principle, this necessity of a new philosophy of life and a practical program for carrying it out, which to the chief concern of tbe Socialist Party...
...these were elected by Basle City...
...Brookwood—A Tragedy...
...The anion, therefore, is an agency which employers may ten te for cooperation for naataal benefit.'* The Organization Campaign The Executive Council raised the slogan: "DOUBLE UNION MEMBERSHIP IN 1839...
...7, 9 p. m.—Samuel A. De Witt "The Social Revolution in Song...
...It does not advocate a mechanical process of dividing up...
...We may be skeptical whether there is any road at alt Nevertheless beyond and behind all our quarrels and differences is this great desire...
...In a very real sense all that Socialism to to the attempt to carry out in economic life the principles of the Declaration of Independence and to apply principles of democracy already nominally accepted ta poUtica...
...The Communist representation in the National Council is, therefore, reduced to two, and It ceases to count as an Independent party...
...8-5-10 A. D. Branch...

Vol. 7 • December 1928 • No. 51

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