British Labor Speaks to the American Federation Fraternal Delegates At New Orleans Contention Make Appeal For Joint Resistance to War Danger Tp/ZE address by fames Marchbank of ike British...

...warm with the stir of swift walking, and came to the warmth of my room, to write...
...As a reward they made him governor...
...But this number falls far abort of the total number of unemployed people, due to the action oi the Britten government, which, by regulationa and acts of Parliament nave deprived thousands of genuinely unemployed men and women of unemployment benefits...
...Among the legislators aspiring to the state senate there existed a 'rotation agreement...
...Strange, that no one ever though of it before Cautious Cal...
...It may have be-n 'Coolidge Hi-*'—endp»a!n...
...But the man ahead of Coolidge died, and he Jumped into the place...
...It Is our misfortune that the conditions were such as to preclude industrial action being used in a form calculated to bring about success—we consider It is wise generalship, when confronted with an attack, knowing that the forces that are arrayed against you are such as to make it Impossible to succeed, to recede and recede only so far as It Is necessary to stem the tide, keeping- your army intact, as a good general would do on a battle field...
...He stayed in rooms in various cheap hotels with her, and when the house-detectives ventured to object, be would present them with his card...
...the glories of poetry and music, the urge of the healthy body In exercise, the questing of the eager mind and the myriad ways of its journey: these made the pattern of my thoughts...
...The method adopted by our government has been that in order to reduce the number registered by registration and regulations, the liability of unemployment has been now transferred from the proper funds of State Unemployment Insurance on to the local relief...
...As I walked down West street, with long piers, roofed for cargo, blocking view of the river until I reached the Battery, my mind went adreaming of what this world might be...
...Harding ef Ohio...
...registered at the Employment Barhsnges 1,384,000 unemployed men and women...
...Nor is it the hirelings, or merely the lower officials, who are flayed by the scourge of truth...
...The Slump In Trade Congress has set its face against disruptive elements and destructive tactics, whether they are the agents of the employers or the hirelings from Moscow we refuse to have anything to do with them...
...but when sleep came upon him like a foretaste, a warning of death, leaving him meanwhile helpless to avert what it taught him to recoil from, man fel...
...The single story of the Sacco and Vanaetti case is told with a wealth of detail and a gathering force that are wholly convincing—I disregard for the moment the emotional depths they stir...
...emotion white-hot tacks the burnish oi colder steel Instead of the sarcasm sc effectively spirited upon Judge Thayer and the other officials who are •^rm^fm at justice, a novelist might bare given a background for this man that would lead us to understand why be, as well as those he damns, is (in obverse) a victim of modern civilisation, mast act as he does...
...We cannot await the advent of the breakdown of capitalism before we start marching towards control...
...sad tt tea eedy be frustrated fey a sautes werkag class solidarity, by the workers rahstef to obey the war lards ef any nsatij aad aaarrbtog boated ate banner whtefe rssreesnto the Steedtaed aad saasrteg at the tailing ¦asses of ear lead...
...While I recognise that the methods ta the various countries must differ, even as the problems differ, that the economic conditions, the traditions and the inherited genius of the people an play their part In the determination of methods aad tactics, yet we are an struggling in our several ways to achieve those things which are akin to the common sympathy of men the world over...
...You win find the most vehement volumes of the most pithy pamphleteer in the English language since Swift-as I have said before...
...Unemployment is a necessary corrollary to capitalism, and until we free ourselves from capitalism the unemployed will be with us, and with the advance In science and the development of machinery under the present system...
...princes ridtag about ta chariots at gold...
...That has enabled us to have xnr a saejoray aad in ¦ septate ega£ at a number of the principal —fai*a^ Xngland and a number of the aasssa - -AB Ware cejiautaat- * I Among the number who have bam *> turned are many women, who are asw playing an tarportant part, aad we hel to them In the future to assist us aa set struggles and ta our emancipation...
...and one path of man's imperious urge bore him to an ever increasing understanding of nature, an ever greater command of her resources, unscathed defiance of her turmoils...
...Our young men aad oar young women are being taught to understand the system of society ta which they live, to comprehend the forces that bring about unemployment, enforced emigration, poverty and wars, and are encouraged to take their place ta the struggle for working class emancipation armed with knowledge—for knowledge is power...
...Of our next president, Betty writes heme: "At present the Interallied Tood Commission Is refusing all aid to the starving children of Red Hungary...
...There are In addition a number of organizations which Congress refuses to recognise...
...Knowledge of the many ways death cornea—famine, fire, tusk or fiercer swore1, swift poison or alow torture, dread disease—made man recognize the need of ever greater power...
...I suppose one ought to write two reviews of this book, considering it first as a picture of society, then as a novel...
...Toward that time, "Boston" Is a lighthouse from which radiates the shining symbol of the martyrdom of Sacco and Vanaetti...
...Bo pen can picture what every mind ean feel, the happiness of a vigorous freedom, of an alert mind and a willing body, ta a rlad world...
...Of the present occupant of the White House, rpeaklng of the days of the Boston police -strike: "The representative of Anglo~axon superiority in the State House happened to be a gentleman by the name of Calvin Coolidge, whose story Is one of the oddest ever Invented by that Oreat novelist who makes up history...
...It should also be remembered that the British movement has faced disadvantages since the end of the World War, disadvantages which have not served as barriers to organisation here, and yet they have held their own and are now looking forward with confident hope of being the governing party in their country...
...aa If the fates were amusing themselves by boosting this feeblest man in the state machine...
...In some Instances, notably the attack on the miners In 1026, with which my colleague, Edwards, will deal more fully—these, and other causes have left us with a membership of 3,874 843 at the end of 1937...
...His backers had managed to suppress the report of the ciUaens' committee, which had worked so hard to avoid a strike, aad bad told the whole truth...
...8c C. Bonl, $S...
...hatred against war...
...He served two terms as lieutenant-governor, at a time when everybody was sick of pontics, and was pleased with a man who said nothing aad did nothing...
...They replaced the first Labor Oevemsaent ta oar country, and tad so only after a stupendous effort, based on misstatements and trickery...
...When the suffragists asked the views of Calvin, he shut the tightest and thinnest pair of lips In Massachusetts...
...British Labor Speaks to the American Federation Fraternal Delegates At New Orleans Contention Make Appeal For Joint Resistance to War Danger Tp/ZE address by fames Marchbank of ike British Trade Union Congress to the delegates to the convention o ft he American Federation of Labor at New Orleans was a forceful and inspiring utterance...
...the need of power, to win security...
...Silent Cal', whom Cornelia knew so well as governor of the Commonwealth, was being elected vice-president of the United State*: by a lie...
...Notwithstanding the large decrease we have still 1,643,396 more members than In the pre-war year 1913...
...In addition to that we have taken an active and intelligent interest ta local administrations, and in the elections which were fought and concluded just prior to our leaving Bngland...
...One of theee two masterful men was destined to become vice-oresldent and th-n presldmt of the United States...
...but less sitter and more direct in his documented presentation, and now making- felt, besides the hatred of the sealot, the deep love for a great cause and Its martyrs, poured truthfully with all the compelling power of fiction...
...he was handsome and **tr"w<~* a magnified statesman, when you read about him in the capitalist newspapers— but Joe called him an old boose-fighter, a small-town rake, whose Idea of entertainment was to sit in his shirt-sleeves and chew tobacco and play poker an night with his cronies, the Ohio gang.' His managers had had to get a newspaper man to write his speeches for htm, because, when be was turned loose for himself, he used polysyllables like a ne> tto preacher, with no Idea what they meant "And worse yet, he traveled around the country with a young girl who was bis mistress...
...Herbert Hoover's amiable method of bringing back the Whites, and It should earn him everlasting Infamy In American and Hungarian history...
...The boars of nearly a- nuTBon workers of the mines, represented by my colleague, Xdwards, have been increased Thousands have been deprived of unemployment benefits...
...And I know no fuller picture of this life in cities than Upton Sinclair's story of "Boston..., obviously, the wise course Is to have no opinion on ansubject...
...It was a slow process, and you were old when you got to the top, but Massachusetts liked that, It is old Itself...
...And—Veblen and others have pointed the way—power that might have served as well, was drawn to single service, was hoarded beyond the possibility of service, for display, for its own sake for the ritual of power...
...The eoaaay Is gtvtag more and more to Leber...
...the governor's proclamation took the front p-ge an the way from Boston to Seatt'e^—where there had been s rival strike and a rival hero...
...the notion grew out of fear that power could be stored, could be expressed In terms of coin and soldiers, could be gathered and held for later need...
...Today we have thousands of classes and tone of thousands of students being trained for the woiking class movement...
...particularly with retard to membership, ss an Indication of the movement In the two great countries...
...Bat yon have never ta any at them befcn taught of the struggle to live on the part of the toiling masses of your country, nor have you been taught to understand the various economic problems from a aorkasg...
...I needed the crisp evening air, and the eight of stars and water...
...Let the assail who want the ear go aad fight the war, because yea test never gotten anything eat ef aay ef fans that ha* feeea feaght ap to the unseat Grange Dec ounces Power Propaganda WASHINGTON — TP)— Among thf resolutions adopted by the annual atstting of the National Orange before final adjournament in Washington was eat which condemned "the despicable potter of the power trust in making use of oar Institutions of public education to awry on propaganda designed to further to interests...
...Addrea* of James Marehbank .. . Now as to the problems and dlfflcuIUm confronting the Britten trade union movement—from a membership point of view X have been particularly interested In the reports that have been submitted to yon...
...Needleas fee me to say, we hare suffered materially since the hl«h water\mark was reached ta ipso, which gave us then a total membership of 8,505,482, but which was brought about largely by the tide of artificial war prosperity...
...But also there is power in brawn...
...Herewith in part are important sections of this address...
...Then Calvin rushed forward, waving in his hand a telegram to Samuel Gomp-ra, proclaiming In clarion tones: There is no right to strike against the pnbllc safety, by anybody, anywhere, at anv timet' That was, of course, what the capitalist press wanted at the moment...
...That Is Mr...
...The figures I have given you, however, do not represent the total membership of the trade union movement of great Britain, one important section having been forced to withdraw as a consequence of the Infamous Trades Dispute* and Trade tfnlon Bill of 192T, namely, the postal workers and civil service organization...
...Tt was something entirely new in American history, and Joe Randan turned his fancy 'cose to play with the theme...
...The Unemployment Problem Unemployment is another problem confronting the trade union movement of Great Britain, and among the working people numbering approximately 11,800,000, who are Insured against unemploymen by State Insurance schemes, which of course the workers pay for all the time, and working practically In every Industry with the esceptton of agriculture and private domestic service there were, according to the last returns available before I left Bnglanri...
...What withholds from man the wide happiness that is within reach of his hand, if he but reach In unison with all his fellows Greed, is the common answer, or ignorance, or fear...
...A thln'lpped, tight little man, a petty lawyer and bill-collector frcm the western part of the state, Cal had got elected to the 'eglslature, and attracted the attention of the Republican boss because he always did exactly what he was told, and never said a word that could be left unsaid...
...Sees Electees...
...The first of these is bastard of the twain...
...Ws have won the great majority of the by-elections, and just before leaving England...
...Trade Usdea Edaoaitaa The younger generation of trade unionists in Britain are taking aa hitaWgmi Interest in this phase, of oar work, and great advancements have been made ta recent years ta the number of risesea which have been established up and down the country...
...He who had run away from thpoUce-strike was being rewarded for breaking the police-strike...
...And worse yet...
...We on the other side are fast approachtag another Oeneral Xtaetion, when the Government which succeeded to power ta 1914 will have to explain to the electorate its management of the country's affaire...
...When the time erme to eail out the state guard, he did what he was told: and the machine-guns went into action on Boston Common, and fu~d a whole volley of shots heard round the world... found his pleasure in believing the most shockjtf things shout the great and noble per-ons of the tend...
...THOUGHTS AFTER READING "BOSTON" A Novel That Is "Enough to Overturn Our Social System" By Joseph T. Shipley T have just torn up the pages I had started to write, on the long way to a review of Upton Sinclair's "Boston" (A...
...We sseaa ssantahg mere than Up eerviee aa to Sat tease at peace...
...X have already referred earner ta fe> ternational peace and I feel that we a» united in our hatred of war...
...while the other was destined to be-cme a suoersVesman of real estate, unloadin...
...The man who ran the Republican state machine through this perxd wat a multimillionaire senator by the name of Murray Crane...
...BIB BBS depicting kings, queens and...
...With an overwhelming totality of Impression, Sinclair draws facts, of political corruption, of financial double-dealing, of favors done for cash, and justice trampled, from every state In the union, from every station in life...
...Tatar ssSy worship Is the Oeasea Cast...
...The beauties of nature, the growth from these in the knowedge and culture of man...
...What the trade slump has cost the wage earners in reductions will be appreciated when I inform you that the Wages Bill has been reduced by approximately •00,000,000 pounds per annum as compared with 1930...
...class point of- vara...
...They are undoubtedly the most reactionary government that has been ta office and ta power for the past one bundled years...
...Whatever claims hove been made for the "nonpartisan" policy it has never visit/ned its culmination m labor control of the governing powers of the United States...
...We succeeded in having a net gain of las cities ta the municipalities of England and Wales, and the metropolitan borough of London...
...During the transition period from todividual capitalism to Collectivism and Socialism, trade wntontem stands at the present time for the voice of the workers ta the administration and control of industry to be heard In the councils of the employers...
...The documented power of his direct studies of our times, "The Brass Check," "The Goose-Stsp," and the rest, plays through this novel...
...He had established for his good political boys what was known as the escalator system, or the 'Massachusetts ladder.' So leng as they took orders, and kept themselves presentable to the voters, he would promote them regularly, step by step...
...I b-rran: "The gifts of nature to man are beyond the snare of words...
...When the poli-hed attorney asks his rebel motherin-law if he has ever admitted that justices In Boston have accepted bribes, she does not merely point out the gentler ways of influencing decisions...
...Its language has somewhat the crudity that scenes with direct and intense feeling...
...As a novel, there Is much we cannot find space to say of "Boston...
...He knew, he felt with the reassuring vitality of his young body, the safety of the daylight...
...I therefore say at enee that "Boston" Is enough to Overturn our social system—if men acted as It dearly bids...
...Again Calvin kept his masterly silence, and the liquor Interests switched to him, and be was nominated...
...In addition I would remind you that there are thousand...
...There Is also an Important cause of their assistance toward the establishment of company organisations—what Is known In Britain as non-political associations...
...Tew eaanet get atolls Ilia at tattty aad a war ewttosfc...
...Their record is one that the working class of Britain can never forget...
...That of itself shows its limitations to say nothing of the fact that it has never created a fighting labor group in Congress or any state legislature which the workers could point to and say, "This is*the group that represents us and which carries out our mandates...
...They bad a nl°rht session, and Calvin heard such things as never wfll be printed In any history-book...
...Their cry for more battte ships sad an*, amenta la still being propogated, and sb the borlson there are all the dementi a another bloody upheaval...
...AS wars, friends, are —r^lrtls way, whether tt ¦ to the country ef fiat vataar the vaneetshed, The workers ssSw aa every secaetoa aad have to pay a*) debts...
...Then, as a state senator who had never made a speech, he learned that the man In line for president of the senate had attacked woman suffrage...
...Massachusetts Statesmen...
...too early In man'r history to trace Its rise...
...Those people have now to be protected by Poor Law relief...
...That being one of our specific objects, we are missing no opportunity of making our chance, we can amUMawa a great deal We recuse to accept the Idea that brains Is a aauoopory possessed by the asooogst the ranks of the working class saaaaaaaty there are men and women that, gtreu equal opportunity, possess greater mental outlook, who ean fin the am...
...1 aay esssfeaUcaBy we a Britain refuse to accost that sscsrto* aad we are aresegsitag the atee ttat wars must fee frustrated hi the fstare by the working classes acting aattedty to el and...
...But the mind turns from other considerations, past a thousand details, to Nick and Bart, children of a sunnier clime taught a dark lesson where they had hoped for the light of freedom, to the warlike Sacco and the saintly Vanzetti, ta their teat breath forgiving those that slew them, and repeating their faith ta anarchy...
...Is almost certain to Increase...
...some day, he said, the American people would build a memorial to thla on-statesman, and when the radicate came into power they would carve an Inscription across the front of it, and set it with framing red rubies: 'Nan Britten's Boyr " -Boston" As A Novel If your memory goes back to the days ->f Woodrow Wilson, you will find him here too, with all the idealism of his TTomiae posed against the facta, of the fulfilment...
...At lrst Rupert dug him out, on the farm of Murray Crane, who had pushed him up the escalator...
...took at the man they were making president 1 Cornelia's mind was a witch's caldron, with the tales Joe Randall brought home...
...ore, I hope that whan I utter theme wards we are sattoi la aa...
...We have great faith tax our young people to carry on the good work, for the future leaders of our movement must Jw*m— from the young man aad young women of today...
...but by building into the history of that case a thread of fiction, in the form of a rebel grandmother, one of the Bostcnlans of old American lineage, such as do appear in crises to disturb their family by remembering the Ideate of their forbears (so that their own generation mobs them, and later ages erect statues in their name), Sinclair contrives to draw into he tale the other side of life, aad reveal bow the hand that deals blows to the worker In the name of justice knows softer ways of perverting honor for the rich...
...and now here was a crisis, and two big groups of bankers pulling him this way and that...
...As already indicated, unemployment has increased by tens of' thousands Wages have been lowered by nearly 500,000 pounds per week during their regime...
...public sentlro-nt had turned against th: strikers...
...trained, they made a nursery-legend, such as the pious Parson Weems had invented about George Washington and the cherry-tree...
...And of the president before him, with another dash of our present chief servant of the people: "lie/1 LieoJ It was the autumn of the year 1930, and a great political campaign was at its climax: America had ceased to be a republic tt was an absolute monarchy, its ruler the Prince of Lies I That little man...
...But that Is but the beginning of the tale...
...want to convey to yea that It is equally applicable to the workers In eB countries, as wen as to the workers ta Great Britain...
...Victory We la Oreat Britain, believe ta political as wafl as industrial action, and we firmly believe that a Labor government will be a sure means, not only tow aids emancipation of the workers ta Oreat Britain, bat win contribute towards the international peace which is so essrnMel for workers in all countries...
...I wanted to divide my caaaaaat, bat was told to say my aay at once...
...This, you win appreciate, baa its effect not only on the numerical and financial positions of the trade union movement, but on the moral aspect as well...
...working on a system of abort tuna and who are always on the border line of poverty...
...are not only active workers, but thsyan active and Intelligent adminsuatoci sat have now taken their pleees la kasl Councils and ta representation ka tea British Bouse of Commons...
...At least they have nothing to thank them for...
...Clear the way 1 "Next it happened that the man who was scheduled to become Ueutenantgovernor made the mistake of speaking in favor of prohibition...
...Primordlc' man was afraid of the dark...
...It presents a contrast to the address of the average conservative American trade unionist who lacks the spirit and the crusading fervor that inspire masses of men and women and organises them into victorious movements...
...Mm showing an Increasing corrftdenee ta tat work of the Party and a desire to ga* a further opportunity and a p~'"-u gj ^ sponswlUty...
...I left the invigorating air...
...Grants for milk for mothers and children have been reduced and as we ta Oreat Britain rightly term them, they are the baby murderers of our country, and we are determined the* they shall be removed from power at the first available opportunity...
...If a politician has an opinion he is bound to offend somebody...
...This background the novelist supplies, with rich and revealing sympathy, for Bart Vanaetti, and Indeed for grandmother Thorn well, through whose family we do get a glimpse of such minds as Thayer's, as well as the picture of Boston's culture and family pride...
...Tea tea «sy get peace when yen toetstata to Sa semes aad hearts ef the seoatej ef si halt the aisihrtc acaaaste tor Matewar, the terry, the greed aad ateta* ar power which Is the rettgtoa ef tat esstag aad eeetrelHng causes...
...there was never any competition at the primaries, each town took its turn...
...With stinging eyes I had laid down the second volume, reluctant to turn from Its pages... may have been the fact that the Massachusetts leaders were able to certify that here waa a man who had never once expressed an opinion In twenty years of public life, and had n»ver on-e questioned an order Item Murray Crcne, who had pushed him up the es~alatoT...
...Only when each man rules himself, when laws are needless because each man Is a taw unto himself—when each man doss as he pleasee, and pleases to do the fair the gentle thing—when restriction, twin of rebellion...
...The women attacked the other man and beat him at the polls, and Calvin presented his claims to the boss, and became president of the senate...
...Is no more Imposed when an even sharing of nature's bounties turns the spirit free only then shall man live at peace with his fellows, only then shall he have hopes of knowing on earth that trinity which Is bis highest aspiration, the good, the beautiful, the true...
...Recognising that the movement was greater than a section, we decided to make a free gift of the college and to continue financial support for a given period, handing it over to the trade union movement of Great Britain in order that it could be utilised and developed for the benefit of the trade union movement aa a Whole...
...War aaast fee frsatratod... for Carvta, he waited several days, until it waa evident that Ruperfa strategy had been successful...
...They can never hope to rise to the leadership in the states and the nation...
...who ean show the road from darkness to light, who can, if given a fair chance, contribute a great deal to the reorganisation of taaastry...
...A Fun Picture of Life...
...A. Bellamy, a past president of my own union and one known to a number ta your country, having attended one of your conventions as a fraternal delegate some years ago, succeeded ta winning for Labor a seat ta what bad always been an anti-labor constituency, Ashton-Underryne...
...m saying that...
...she reminds him of several In other states who have been convicted of the crime...
...Is than a reflects to thesr calmer saaaaaas, was has probably aoeae dear sstsave, a faster, a asaeaad er a brother, wheel teats today he bleaching ea the varices estat fields ef France, ef Flanders, er ef lady, who wants to see their ehOarss brasgbt up to fee esnnea fuller, to Oat attertsti ef the capitalist etoas ef aay isaalrj at the world...
...Knowledge is power...
...In order to equip ourselves and the rising generation for the struggles that He ahead, the Educational Committee of the Council have been untiring m their efforts in the development of working class edncstlna.- That is very gratifying to me personalty and to the organisation which 111 m mast For many years the national Union of Railwaymen and the South Wales Miners' Federation have maintained and supported a college for workera' education...
...The railway men in particular, of whom I have the honor to be an official, representing a great majority of the organised railway workers In Great Britain nave just emerged from an attack, and although having to give ground—and we do not apologise for having to give ground...
...Taking the same period then were also 663,503 persons ta receipt of Poor Law relief...
...These very Important sections have been compelled to disaffiliate, both from the trade union movement and the Labor Party movement of Great Britain...
...This is only another Indication, fracas, aad a very certain one, of how Sat sea Is flowing ta oar country...
...There flight, and for twenty-four hours no one connected with the government knew where the governor was to be found...
...In this ccse, however, there developed a phenomenon known as 'Coolidge luck...
...and after a time, I tore the pages...
...One can understand why the British labor movement has a much larger percentage of their workers organised than we do here when reading the inspiring address...
...In this country where the large majority o fthe trade unions follow a "nonpartisan political policy they do not ever anticipate such an inspiring event through this policy...
...They are entirely different efforts from the movement en this side, and I nope that no one win look upon these remarks as being a disparagement of your organization here, because the movement Is entirely different on the other side from a structure and organic point of view...
...there is perhaps no more intrinsic happiness In the pursuit of an electron along Its path through matter, or in the following of the Mile to its source or a tiger to its lair, than in the headbunter's pursuit of an outlander, an aeroplane's swoop before the bomb-drop, or a financier's manoeuvring a panic or a war...
...Joe's mind bad turned rancid, after four months* contact with American morals and American justice...
...for Joe knew the newspaper men...
...This Senator Harding, who was to be the next president, bad been picked out by the oil-men, who were planning to loot the all-reserves of the nation...
...If we were to take the total number of unemployed men and women, taking the two sections together as I have referred to and taking their dependents with them, the number of people who are unemployed in Great Britain, with their dependents, win be In the rewion of 6.000.000 people...
...The result of this psychological accumulation is modern civilised life, which means (Latin civls, cltlsen) not, as many think, life of a high cultural order, but merely life In cities...
...All quests have their joy...
...Anyone, therefore, with an elementary knowledge of economics, will readily appreciate the effect of this great reduction in wages upon the purChasing power of the great mass of the people and the consuming public In relation to trade and employment...
...and picked up the gossip that could not be printed, and used it to spies the meals he ate in the little apartment...
...I battevt at all want to advance to that stage a* civilisation when war win be aapcadsa, It is now ten years since the ArsaaaB) was agreed to and the greatest Araav geddon ever witnessed by the psoas* at the world, but I am sorry to relate ttat there are sUH a number of people la as various countries who yet possess a as* mentally and can only comprehend paaa by having the nations armed to tat tarts...
...ten thcus^nd subdivision lots upon admlrinT 'ccme-ons.' Which hero was to be whl-h was a matter of a toss-up in a hotel-room, at the tall end of a kmj-drawnout political convention...
...if any reader of this hook can question the Innocence of these two martyred anarchists, he is as blinded by prejudice as—Judge Thayer...
...Then followed the post-war reaction, the chill and bitter blasts of unemployment, the attack on our wages and conditions by employers, fiendishly planned and most calously executed...
...Pour hours of work, experts in the field ten us, wou'd suffice to equip every human bring with all the necessities of life, and all the comforts—If an who were able worked, end all shared equally...
...The book tells, ss I need hardly announce, the story of Eacco and Vanxetti...
...Work or Maintenance" The demand, therefore, la work or full Maintenance Our conception, friends, of life and industry is industry for humanity, and not humanity for industry...

Vol. 7 • December 1928 • No. 50

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