Last of Old Wall Street pirates Gone lysji Was Part Owner of Democratic Party As •fefl As Public Utility Operator rarrKB of • hundred thousand slaves |/|B the Congo, heavy owner In...

...The .vbole course of the Lovestone group, hich has no roots in the labor movement, is toward a monopoly of the Party Apparatus and cannot be otherwise.'* The Csraer a*-rotation There is no doubt that the American Trotskyites are Left Communists like their fellow-rebels ta Russia and other parts of the world who have been mercilessly expelled...
...It is not merely because they have the wherewithal to wage the fight against their former comrades...
...The Trotskyites in the United States have undertaken to make these public...
...Harry F. Ward, chairman of the American Civil Liberties Union, to serve on a committee which will recommend members for the national and executive committees formed to organize the country-wide campaign to free Tom Mooney and Warren K. Billings from California prisons...
...Supporters of the administration cherge this opposition group with attempttaf to disrupt the Associated and advance the newly-tonned National Textile Workers' Union, a Communist organization Norman Thomas, was the speaker at Tuesday's dally strike mass meeetlng telling silk strikers that America's prosperity is "a millionaire's prosperity— not a textile workers' prosperity," he urged them to "put an end to this stockmarket prosperity" by building a union strong enough to force decent: conditions from all bosses...
...What hope Is there for such a radical step from tbe powers that be...
...Trotskyism, in its last stage of development, is the an mining bp, la tbe unifying force of all these opportunistic, Right dangers...
...In the many weeks of battle 30.000 strikers proved they had fighting hearts and It was inspiring to work with them and easy to sacrifice for their cause...
...ffc* Vlag Passes Away In Florida J*j*l VJag, who was at one time well ¦own in tbe Socialist movement in and ** New York, died at the age of fifty J*** In Tampa, Fla., on November 32nd, ** Hew Leader is Informed...
...Power Trust Probe Will Not Be Stopped WASHINGTON — (FP) — Heartened by assurances of support from the progressives ta tbe Senate, tbe Federal Trade Commission wfll proceed with its Inquiry into the misuse of- their privileges and the mis leading of public opinion as to public ownership by the public utility corporations...
...To make a long story short this marriage of expediency was put over and the flag of the Labor Party is temporarily flying at half-mast...
...workers in his win...
...His group got control of the ***oerd Airline in a successful stock *¥¦ He reorganized Central of Oeorgis *as one of the controlling forces ta •» OaroUns, Clinchfleld 6c Ohio R. R...
...Rochdale Cooperative Story T«W The Story of Toad Lane is tbe title of an attractively printed booklet by Stuart Chase on the founding of the cooperative movement by the Rochdale weavers in England...
...He was also a heavy giver s tbe Roman Catholic church...
...If what they say is true...
...Every Communist who knew here his bread was buttered realised how foolhardy that was...
...Then came the surprise more of the labor officials through the attorney of ths Textile Council...
...Tennessee Paper • Harries Labor-Haters spHATTANOOGA, Tend...
...Zales is believed by the police here to be responsible for the stink-bombing of the room in the Dayton Hotel occupied by Louis F. Budens of New York, who is dlr cling this strike on behalf of tbe American Federation of Full Fashioned Hosiery Workers...
...owns the planned Industrial city "Wngsport, Term...
...Tbe Webster Building ta Chicago Is the Mid-Western headquarters of this spy agency...
...Child Labor Day To Be Observed End of January Child Labor Day...
...The cuts were confined almost entirely to Florida, where eight locals agreed to a temporarily reduced scale because of the general hard times caused by tbe collapse of the land boom and by the several hurricanes that have destroyed much property and scared people away from the state...
...Hicks and Co...
...The American Trotskyites declare that "The problems of the American Party are organically bound up with the fundamental questions confronting the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and tbe Comintern, and cannot be solved separately from them...
...Offsetting all these cuts are several hundred gains by other locals...
...They claim they are the only true Leninists...
...He then Inqtod Xugland and wrung from the kttsh tobacco Interests 3|3 control in js new British-American Tobacco Co., i Joint international concern to exploit at cigarette markets of China and other * native Virginian, the master flnanda led in the consolidation of railroad ha into the present Southern Railway...
...It Is because conditions are with them...
...5. Stalin, Bukbarin and their outfit betrayed tbe Chinese Revolution by supporting the bourgeois in the Kuomlntang instead of cutting loose from them and establishing Soviets...
...He fathered the expension of ** Richmond It Danville system 40 **» ago Into the Southern R. R. which dominates traffic between New York ** Hew Orleans thru the rich Piedmont j*teau...
...In Reading, Pa., H. O. Cummings, the local agent for that despicable spy agency, has been indicted for perjury as a result of testimony he swore to against strikers at the NoeEqul mill of that city...
...Child Labor Day will be observed January 26th, 27th and 28th in Sunday schools, churches, schools and clubs...
...Minkln asked tor tbe privilege of the floor as a delegate of tbe Workmen's Circle...
...The hat made Mrs...
...This is not the first time Norman Thomas has befriended New Jersey textile strikers...
...The men and women Involved are without the rights to vote, hold office or serve on Juries...
...By 1001 he bad band tbe tobacco trust...
...Such a victory of common sense- over the greed of the bankers, be declared, would Justify the efforts the antl-imperialist Americans had mads against the administration policy thus far...
...In their Fifth in...
...They have begun the publication of a semimonthly organ "The Militant," which will state their side of the case, as a secret opposition press ta Soviet Russia has had to do...
...Tbe Polcom praised the loyal Opposition leaders for passing on this information but censured them for not doing so fas* enough...
...He was Mad from a church which he had built agt $1,000,000 of his own money...
...No indictment against Ludwig who has been under bond since May was returned by the Athens county grand Jury meeting recently...
...As for the abandonment of the Oppositionists' fight ta order that they may preserve their jobs, the Trotskyites speak these withering words: "By its whole character the Lovestone leadership is the 'logical' American banner-bearer of the demagogic and unscrupulous International campaign against the leaden of tbe Russian Opposition...
...BEDFORD, Mass.—The five per cent compromise settlement of the New Bedford strike was to my mind a miserable climax of a noble struggle...
...Black ariar* got as little as 25 cents a year sfi u much as 5 cents a day in the taMKOoggenhflm mines...
...They aatntained one country home at SufTern, I. T., and another in Virginia...
...The extent of Ryan's immense tobacco Swings will not be known till the will **oalng of his 100 to 500 million dollar •ate b published...
...millions, Thomas Fortune -a* a dead at last...
...The Insurgents, say tbe Stalinists, are masquerading as Lefts but actually they are dangerous Rights...
...This platform sees a weakening of American Imperialism and capitalism and a leftward drift of the masses...
...There are 13.000 Reynolds em*W in Winston Salem, N. C. If they ^ the will and are good at figures they *Q find this one New York sportsman "d » $1,000 Investment in each one of than...
...who confessed he was working ta Kenosha for the Railway Bureau of Audit and Control, one of the most slimy private detective agencies in America, may clear up the mystery of many of the bombings and other outrages which have occurred here during the nine months' strike lockout of the full-fashioned hosiery workers at the AUen-A plant...
...No slum home * «n III-a-week tobacco worker is the be»eftclaxy of any of his Oothic hunting *9ertrtes or Ispahan rugs...
...BmiUNGHAM, Ala.—(FP)—That the a*atrial south is largely an investment obey for absentee Wall street financiers k again shown in the obituary of Thomas ftrtune Ryan and the will of Payne Whitney...
...His tobacco ¦fcnsts were but a minority of his total **kh...
...The Ford Motor Co., a big armor plate concern and several others had been kept out by these dogs in the manger who feared the new wage standards would raise labor prices in Chattanooga's older metal shops and textile mills...
...It seems that Gannon, Abern and Shachtman have discovered that Trotsky is right after all, that the poor man has never had a decent chance at tbe hands of the politicians ta Moscow, that la fact he has been lied about shamelessly...
...It is charged by many that he overlooked an important detail...
...The Labor World ran a 3-column editorial "Turn on the Light," which was distributed to every merchant in town...
...Just as ta Soviet Russia documents have been suppressed supporting Trotsky's position, so here...
...Minkln did not get Into this phase of the matter...
...Jacob Minkln...
...Cannon, Abern and Shachtman had actually been expelled on October 37...
...That interpretation of Leninism represented by Stalin, which the Trotskyites have dubbed "Revisionist," will win out because a materialist Interpretation of history indicates that ta the present stage of capitalism revolution, if it come, must wait its turn...
...Trotskyism, the crassest, the most complete example of opiiortunlsm, is coming to a head In an open attack on the Party, on the Comintern and on the Soviet Union...
...Terrorism in Litheania PARIS—Severe measures have recently been taken by the Government of Lithuania against the opposition parties...
...Thus the American Polcom in its statement on the expulsion of Cannon, Abern and Schachtman enumerates all the Right deviations tor which the dominant taction has been responsible, if anything, and adds: "Trotskyism is the most comprehensively developed system of opportunism with an International basis still seeking to hide its Social Democratic character by covering Itself with left phrases...
...Both men were powerful figen in tbe great tobacco companies that •R fighting the unions in Dixie and <nn was a promoter of southern railKMa...
...They are determined that the New Bedford and District Labor Party will have a real labor ticket ta the field two years hence when 'he deluded members of the party have become convinced of the futility of such fusion and when they have become aware of the sordid bargaining which led them into the unfortunate combine...
...Tbe booklet is distributed by Consumers' Cooperative Services...
...The Case for Trotskyism...
...With some difficulty they calculated that their average week's pay envelope must be about $14...
...Later he hied the first subay company to the tune of $15,000,000 ^ agt brilliant coup...
...As soon as the committee met I'm clever attorney, Mr...
...The left wing of the American Party, taking shape ta the principle struggle against the right wing 'eadership of the Party (Loves tone -Pep->er group) will go forward only insofar zt it recognizes the necessity of a struggle against the right danger on an international scale and links up its fight ta the American Party with the Bolshevik fight for the fundamental tenets of Leninism in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and in the Cemtatern...
...To illustrate this fact Thomas told of Southern textile mill villages where be had spoken in tbe election campaign Just closed...
...Is This Gangsterism T The expelled comrades reveal a White Terror in their beloved party and the dual virtuous unions it has created: ". . . The attempts to exclude us from responsible Party work, and even from the Party Itself, along with the proletarian Communists who support us, while at the same time the control of the Party apparatus and the Party leadership ta such unions as the needly trades consolidates more firmly ta the hands of the opportunists, who fight their Communist¦orker critics with expulsion and physical violence—all this can only accelerate the rapprochement between tbe right wing leadership of tbe Party and right wing and petty bourgeois elements now outside the Party...
...For six months I advised the strikers of New Bedford at then- weekly mass meetings to turn on the old parties...
...The revolution is world-wide and must be extended on all fronts...
...Cost of compensation for these deaths and injuries was $6,111,469...
...This te a 64 per cans Mar res as in four years...
...groups have abandoned the theory that the revolution is right around the corner, the Lovestone followers see it three corners away and the Oppositionists only two...
...The Stalin bureaucracy turns around and hurls the same accusation against Its opponents...
...In retrospect it did appear that Cannon had not really been exerting himself ta Party work...
...Hanging at the scalp belt of the Labor World Is the Job of the recent industrial secretary of the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce...
...The Oppositions Tardy Loyalty The action taken by the Polcom against the Trotskyites had been an open secret before the information was made public ta the Communist Press on-November 16...
...Strikes are won," he said, "by the men and women who stand the gaff of the picket lines, of Jobless weeks, of empty bread-boxes at home...
...Widespread protests In labor and educational circles against Maurer's dismissal include a petition to the governor of Ohio from the union representatives of 2300 striking miners, resolutions by the American Federation of Teachers and the Illinois 8tate Federation of Labor, and an investigation by the American Civil Liberties Union...
...3. Tbe theory of "socialism ta one country" is all wrong...
...instead of dilly-dallying...
...Ghost of "Trotskyism," Turns Up In America But is Promptly Squelched American Polcom Drop* DevUtioners Away From Stolen Pie-Counter By Louis Stanley nPROTSKY may be pining away in a Turkestan exile for want of a revolution but bis ghost has bobbed up here in the United States vigorous and impish as the original...
...As a matter of fact, they did everything ta their power to discourage the movement and openly frowned upon it...
...A committee of 21 was appointed from the general meeting (too bad the committee had not been appointed before the real work was done) to scan the political field and see what candidate they could unite upon...
...Those working have In many instances been subjected to a cruel speedup system and indirect wage cuts...
...Oarer H. Payne, Standard Oil magnate, hyne helped Ryan and James B. Duke bergen...
...Nicaraguan Finance Control Disavowed WASHINGTON — (FP) — Anti-imperialist forces ta the United States and throughout Latin America have won a signal victory by killing the Cumberland plan for establishing complete control by the State Department over the revenues, expenditures and government of Nicaragua...
...But my heart was not the only one loaded with grief when the workers returned to their looms, back to the mills with a tlvi percent decrease ta their earnings and under conditions much worse than before the strike...
...The Doom of Trotskyism What will be the outcome of this internal struggle...
...When public opinion demands the abolition of child labor, then and only then will the United States slough off this crime against her children...
...Cooke took the war into Howard's own organization...
...This is similar to the approach of Trotsky towards Russian and International problems...
...Bold faced type in original...
...winter home was one of the magaffleent art collections of America...
...Secretary Kellogg disavowed the colonial scheme at noon on Nov...
...Indeed, many of them felt that the most hopeful development of the strike was the formation of the New Bedford and District Labor Party...
...4. The Russians should have immediately withdrawn from the Anglo-Russian Trade Union Committee after the general strike and opened fire on "Purcell...
...The probability is that the Staltaites will win...
...The delay in making the announcement was meant to prevent distraction from the staged kidnapping of GlUow, the Communist invasion of the South and other antics of the election campaign...
...For these they paid their bosses the exorbitant rental of $14 a month...
...gran roamed over the vast field of vrrr*"** regions and resources...
...One member of this special committee is still to be appointed...
...Braa a* possibilities of squeezing millas oat of New York straphangers...
...FP) — The only southern labor paper owned and managed by a local labor movement, the Chattanooga I^bor World, will play an Important role in any organizing campaign the American Federation of Labor undertakes ta Dixie as a result of its New Orleans convention R M Cooke, the editor, a former president of tbe Tennessee Federation of Labor, runs a militant Journal that has scored more than one victory against labor's toes...
...This was readily granted to him...
...Ward's action ta forming the committee followed upon the recent meeting In New.York City cf liberal forces that are seeking the release of the two men who have been in prison twelve years for their alleged participation in the Preparedness Day bomb explosion in San Francisco in 1916...
...The Railway Bureau of Audit and Control has been active ta the country-wide under cover war that has been carried on against the American Federation of Full Fashioned Hosiery Workers for the past several years...
...If he had the story might have been different...
...Interested In Utilities...
...Coolidge Petitioned To Restore Rights of Espionage Act Victims A petition urging President Coolidge to issue a proclamation restoring full rights of citizenship to tbe 1,500 men and women who were convicted under the Espionage Act for their utterances during the World War has been sent to the President by the American Civil Liberties Union...
...Ryan a countess of the Boll Roman Empire and Ryan a marsh m the papal court...
...The hopes of the Foasr group to escape thereby the factional -•rsecution of the Lovestone group and to .ecure their organisational positions can uceeed only insofar as they surrender ieir former opposition standpoint...
...Such a situation does not indicate that the American people are avaricious, inhumane or cruel...
...Rearly $40,000,000 of Whitney's $184,hU14 gross estate was in tobacco stocks batrlted in part from his uncle Col...
...Those of us who were privileged to fight shoulder to shoulder with this militant army of workers shall always remember them with pride and love...
...He praised the courage and loyalty of those who were working so hard for a labor party and then went on—as only a lawyer can—to tell the members Uow impractical it would be to contest tbe city election this year as it would be impassible to win Then he got down to brass tacks...
...Yet some observers think he "Bed more tobacco securities than J. I Duke himself...
...In Kowno forty members of the Social-Democratic Party, amongst whom were several Deputies, were arrested...
...1938, New York State breaks Its own record for number and oost of building acidents...
...He merged let York banks and trust companies aio tbe National Bank of Commerce and at Outranty Trust Co., both titans in tat financial world...
...Bran's Soathern Holdings...
...Labor Spy Is Seized In Kenosha Zales Believed Responsible For Much of Disorder And Violence <Bt a Mow LsaSor OspsosQ—est) J£ENOSHA, Wis.—The arrest here by the police of a Chicago man calling himself Leslie Zales...
...The union's petition states "that such continuing punishment for oflenses ta an emergency long since passed" is unjust and "not in accord with the traditions of our government, particularly as expressed ta the amnesties following the Civil War, which restored citizenship to all persons engaged in the rebellion...
...Without their cooperation we could not go far...
...The aspirations of certain former leaders of th* Opposition in the American Party to ¦asp this banner for themselves are paJeOeaUy fUtUs...
...Thomas will do his share through the Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief, of which be is chairman, and which will aid the Paterson silk strikers...
...He had found their man—Charles F. Archambault, a lawyer like himself—a Republican who was active for Herbert Hoover and whose sole distinction Is that he wants to reduce the pay of school teachers...
...Norris, progressive leader, when informed of the sudden break in the imperialist front of the administration, said he hoped the disavowal was genuine and permanent...
...Whitney mentions none of the Camel Bh...
...It was Stalin, not Trotsky who possessed the cupboard...
...Friends construe Maurer's return to the university of Michigan where he taught before going to the Ohio Institution three years ago as a complete vindication of Maurer's ability as a Journalist and teacher and a direct slap at coal operator control and lack of academic freedom at Ohio university...
...Howard angered the unions by taking an additional Job some years ago with an open shop employers' organization...
...In Zales' pockets the police found copies of letters which were being sent out through the malls In an effort to sew dissension and suspicion in the ranks of the Kenosha strikers...
...The National Child Labor Committee looks to these groups to serve as Interpreters of its findings to an ever-Increasing circle of the nation's citizens...
...That is important, of course...
...Cigar Machinery, adatnal Trust and Morton Trust...
...He aavd 30 borsecar lines in the 80s, atoMAed them and threw them Into adgaptey after cleaning up a fortune ar atowelf...
...Indeed, what does the future hold tor all of the textile workers of this country...
...Unless a national fortyhour law can be enacted and enforced in this Industry its workers must contine to suffer from unemployment and long hours...
...It is hard to see...
...These fraudulent revolutionists, these enemies of the Communist International and Soviet Russia, in other words, these foes of Stalin— must go...
...When Vlag l*lie was engaged in the real estate '••est He leaves a win and son...
...Soda] honors came to the Ryans...
...Just who it was that is paying the bjjl for his dirty work...
...Thousands are now unemployed in New Bedford...
...These messages in some cases purported to come from Organizer Budenz, who was depicted as gloating over the luxurious life he was supposed to be leading at the expense of the locked-out workers...
...The strikers in Kenosha are all well aware of the fact that Budenz has remained In charge of this situation for nine months at great personal sacrifice to himself...
...The stabilisation of capitalism will be less "temporary" than the Staltaltes imagine...
...Vlag ran **re»taurant of the old Rand School J** it was located at 113 Bast l»th P* It was Vlag who started "The ?****" which came to fame as a maga9* of literary, social and political re» He also gave frequent art exhlbi3k St the Rand School...
...He aaed $450,000 into Parker's campaign ^¦Ddli listed as a $60,000 giver to il Stutb's race...
...The gradual retreat of Communism calls for a policy of opportunism...
...Suppose, be said, we can find a candidate for Mayor outside of our own ranks who will grant us the privilege of naming 3 of the 6 candidates for Alderman and 13 of the 34 candidates for City Council —the other half of the ticket to be named by the candidate we agree upon...
...bad for several weeks been "carrying on activities, leading to the crystallization of a Trotzkist faction in our Party...
...When be retired from business about S nan ago, Ryan had control or Inborn in American Tobacco, Bethlehem aal, Consolidated Oas, Cuba Co., Ha<na Tobacco, Hocking Valley...
...In one of these small towns, he remembered, the workers lived in miserable company shacks of unpointed boards, overrun with vermin...
...We received no cooperation from the officials of the local unions...
...Though admitting he was hired by the Railway Bureau of Audit and Control Zales cannot remember, when questioned...
...Let us hope that they will soon be impressed with the soundness of this advice...
...Ludwig And Maurer Win Fight In Ohio (Br a Nsw lulir CofTospoaooat) ATHENS, Ohio,—Happy endings to at least one free speech fight in the coal fields can be reported of the case at Ohio university of Walter Ludwig and Wesley Maurer which occupied New Leader columns early last summer...
...Merely going ahead and clinching their victory in the present strike, he said, would not make the position of Paterson silk workers secure...
...Having complete control of the Party machinery they have silenced the voice of the Left wing and with expertness have built up a propaganda, which now makes it appear that it is tbe Opposition that is Right...
...If then...
...Since then the Chamber of Commerce cultivates friendly relations with the unions...
...He had shown pessimism, skepticism and cynicism Ever since his return from the Sixth World Congress of the Communist International held ta Moscow this year, he had already been working to open up tbe question of Trotskyism when, as a matter of fact, it had already been settled by the Comintern...
...In Philadelphia the same crew of stool pigeons has bad various men at work ta the Union for tbe last three years...
...All this in spite of the fact that the United States is the richest country in las world, in spite of the millions of unemployed adults clamoring for lobs...
...On the basis of Leninism they say with Trotsky: 1. Democracy should be maintained within the Party Instead of its giving way to bureaucratic ride...
...If the police will make a real Investigation of Zales much of Interest to ths whole labor movement will undoubtedly be revealed...
...With at Ooffenbelms, be entered into a Brtnership with the notorious Leopold SdBelgium to exploit the diamond and atonal wealth of the Congo...
...The cry of "Right Danger" has been raised against the Trotskyites...
...informed them that they need not look further...
...The National Child Labor Committee 215 Fourth Avenue, New York City, will send free of charge to any interested individual or group an analysis of the law of his state together with program, leaflets, posters, and other material to be used In the observance of Child Labor Day...
...However, the founders of the movement have only stepped aside for the time being...
...In other words, while both—la it now three...
...Three former cabinet gfchlt—including BOihu Root—were Ryaaaptores...
...This disturber of industrial peace, one C. W. Howard, was fired at the close of the World's campaign...
...In 1936 his open challenge to the lawlessness of the Bergen County authorities caused him to spend 34 hours in Jail, but re-established rights of free speech and assemblage for Passaic strikers...
...Hence, the expulsions...
...What has all'this to do with American conditions...
...Asked about their village, they replied that it was "a good town—work was pretty steady 'most all the time...
...In the long run they must compete with unorganized, underpaid textile workers all over the country, some of whom have not even learned to be dissatisfied with their miserable condition...
...Zales registered at the Hotel Dayton under an assumed name but was arrested as a result of some quick work on the part of one of the bell-boys who Insists he can prove that this creature was responsible for the bombing of Budenz' room...
...Cannon and his followers take up their position squarely on the aide of Trotsky in then- statement of October 37 to the Polcom...
...The plot of the Trotskyites had been uncovered on October 16, when Aronberg, Bittleman and Foster reported to the Political Committee that their comrades of the American Opposition, Cannon, Abern and Shachtman...
...1939, will find the American people still permitting much of the world's work to be carried on the shoulders of Immature children—children deprived of opportunity for education and Insufficiently protected as to health, hazardous employment, and hours of work...
...The Amcrl an Trotskyites we*e eT.-elled before the meeting of tlij Prtv -cavern ion anJ while they have tbe right of appeal their position, since they are on the outside of the Party, has, of course, been weakened...
...2. A relentless struggle should be waged against the Kulak, (the rich peasant), and the Nepman (the private businessman) tor the benefit of the poor peasant and the Industrial proletariat...
...Workers Killed Building Castles in the Air ALBANY—<FP)—With 31.691 workers injured in construction work during tbe year ending June 30...
...The locked-out workers have continually insisted that the disorders that have taken place in Kenosha during this strike were clearly perpetrated by stool pigeons and provocateurs ta most cases not only as a means of discrediting the strikers but also to scare the employer into keeping these parasites on the payroll...
...It is because, as a whole, they are Ignorant of the difference between children's work and child labor, Ignorant of the fact that children should be employed only lor development and never for profit...
...Committee Formed For Mooney-Billings Norman Hapgood, Lemuel Parton, Henry T. Hunt and Morris L. Ernst- have been named by Dr...
...Nevertheless, the staltaites in Russia as well as ta the United States have turned the tables...
...Minkln succeeded ta carrying the meeting with him...
...A few of us who came to aid ta the strike remained to carefully watch the growth of this movement snd to put a full ticket in the field for the municipal election to be held on December 4. A small band of men and women worked night and day to give the workers of New Bedford an opportunity to vote for labor candidates for Mayor and City Councilmen...
...The other two locals had contracts with small publications, one of which cut the scale from $46 to $47 and the other lowered the length of the week and made other concessions at the same time...
...Ludwig who ta March lost his Job at the university because of efforts in behalf of the striking miners was arrested and lodged in Jail in May after he and Maurer had protested at a mass meeting of business men and operators an attempt to get public support behind strike-breaking activities ta southern Ohio...
...They had never figured out Just how long they did work, but when they came to think about it, it doped out to a day shift of 10 hours and a night shift of 11 hours...
...It denies that the Opposition believes there is a "deep-going revolutionary radicalizatlon of tbe entire American working class" but that there Is only the development of a leftward "mood...
...When that collapsed he continued his unfriendly activities through the Chamber of Commerce...
...However, Mr...
...On this occasion not only were stink bombs thrown but his carpet was ruined by the application of strong adds which has probably been designed to burn Budens ta some fiendish manner...
...Last of Old Wall Street pirates Gone lysji Was Part Owner of Democratic Party As •fefl As Public Utility Operator rarrKB of • hundred thousand slaves |/|B the Congo, heavy owner In Caro$10 s veek cigarette factories, ¦ashf-* In the rapid transit needs of Ly fork...
...64 Txvtng Place, N. Y% New Committee Runs Strike In Paterson Thomas Addresses Meeting of Silk Workers In Jersey Town—Urges Solidarity ¥>Y a vote of more than 3 to 1, the "entire membership of the Associated Silk Worker* at a jencral membership meeting Mondty night upheld the organisation's Joint Executive Board in their action dissolving- the old strike tomiiilttee and appointing a new commitu¦.£ to conduct the strike...
...He is now ta New York city working as co-director with Joshua Lleberman of Pioneer Youth of America...
...Stalin and his crowd are only opportunists...
...The outlook for the workers of this city is not at all bright...
...This action of ths membership Is a virtual vote of confidence In the Joint Board and the officers oi the union, who have been constantly attacked during the past &x weeks by a minority opposition group ta the union...
...Printers Balance Many Raises Against 19 Cute INDIANAPOLIS—(FP) — Employing printers will get very little satisfaction out of the cuts in the newspaper scale agreed to by ten locals of the Intimation Union the past year...
...Maurer, who was dismissed from his position as assistant professor of Journalism after operators and business men had complained to university officials about his methods of reporting the strike, is now teaching ta the department of Journalism at the University of Michigan...
...Howard was soon looking for another Job...
...While papers are being drawn for court action to meet the Electric Bond * Share Ca's refusal to open its bonks as to operating expanses, the rest of tbe axnhy wffl saovs on...
...As a consequence, two members of the Political Committee of the Central Executive Committee of the Workers' {Communist) Party of America and one alternate, all excellent comrades, find themselves expelled from the Party by action of the other members of the Polcom...
...The Three American Trotskyteers accuse Stalin and his pensioners In this country of right deviations...
...The Labor World got evidence that he and a clique in tbe chamber were opposing the entrance of new industries that would pay higher wages and thus bring more trade to the merchants...
...This year the legislature of 43 states meet and opportunity knocks feud and long, giving to the people in these states another chance to bring their child labor laws up to Standard...
...Tbe Allen-A company has declared itself publicly as believing that Budenz is responsible for the wonderful strike carried on here by the young workers of Kenosha...
...National bar of Commerce, Seaboard Air Line, fee Tort City Railroad, Union Elevated i Chicago, Union Lead, N. Y. Carbide ad Acetylene, Intl...
...the tobacco trust About $13,000,000 of this Whitney tohcco money was in tbe R. J. Reynolds tanpany, manufacturers of Camels clg**t, which the North Carolina labor ¦ovement put on the scab list this sum¦er... was not only a giant among the gar generation of financial pirates— Mgas Belmont, William C. Whitney, J. f lftrrsn, Schiff, Harriman and Still.^-bi ass pert owner of the DemoggHc party, financial adviser of Preslget Cleveland and backer of Alton B. Mdar, ISM presidential candidate...
...Some of the letters were even betag sent to the courageous strikers who are serving Jail terms in the Milwaukee House of Correction as a protest against the Injunction handed down by the Federal courts at the instance of the Allen-A Company...
...A general meeting of the Labor Party was called to plan for the future...
...Southern railroads paid heavy tribute ¦ Rrtn...
...Differences of opinion between strikers must stop short at the picket line, warned Thomas, stressing the fact that a united front of workers was necessary to make the Paterson bosses yield...
...There has been a number of abortive efforts In past months to force Budenz to quit the Dayton Hotel...
...In the United Btates they retain allegiance to the Opposition platform submitted to the Sixth World Congress of the Communist International last Jury by William Z. Foster, James P. Cannon, William P. Dunne, Alex Bittleman, J. W. Johnstone, Manuel Gomes, and George Siskin which was made short shrift of by the Executive Committee of the Communist International...
...The unfortunate revolutionists are James P. Cannon and Martin Abern, members, and Max Schacbtman, alternate...
...23, and the White Hous espokeaman declared a few hours later that President Coolidge would have none of it...
...Strike sympathizers who wish to back up the strikers effectively, he explained, must help now with relief...
...For every one hundred building workers injured in tbe year ending June $0, 1934, 164 were injured hi this past year...
...Sympathetic speakers who come to town to talk to strikers, said Thomas, win few strikes...
...another to be appointed City Solicitor and the last City Treasurer if the tickets won out on December 4th...
...or $371 for each case, reports tbe bureau of statistics and information of tbe state labor department...
...None of the thou^ vbo toiled to build up bis fortune as dads tear...
...Minkln and two of the union leaden had already Interviewed all of tbe candidates for Mayor and succeeded in getting the promise of one candidate that not only would he allow them to name half of the tickets but that he would take care of them personally in the matter of Jobs: one of the party of three was to be named candidate for Assessor...
...Accidents hi all other industries Promising Labor Party Killed In New Bedford By Personal Ambitions Trading With Old Line Candidate Destroys Hope of Immediate Campaign By Unions By Frank Manning VtW...
...Tknnfh shrewd manipulation he got contot of the Seaboard Air Line...
...The Trotsky - ites are correct logically but wrong practically...

Vol. 7 • December 1928 • No. 50

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