A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES FOR THE EMPIRES GLORY ___Commie cowman: taat roa have been Inspired to give the rhsdhsi V*b» Leader the best in Continental literature, yoa may fUZeUe to enter**...

...John 150.889...
...The Republicans nominated Lincoln and the Democrats nominated George B. McClellan of New Jersey...
...Garfield was teanajuratod Prekhteht n March, 1881...
...The National Labor union had lomlnated David Davis for President to 1872 but he declined too late to permit of another nomination and 'the financial crisis of 1873 practically destroyed this organization and prostrated the'trade unions generally...
...rThe Greenback Party was mainly representative of farmers who opposed banking corporations, desired that all money should be issued by the Government, l£et the public domain should be held or settlers, and that Congress should -egulate pssfkeajs* and freight raws of railroads...
...Since tbe admission of Kansas is a State to 1881...
...A visitor from Yankeeland whom the weather evidently displeased, Wished into a draper's on Regent Street, no, it was on Word Street, near Regent Street or at any rate it was the first turning to the laft after leaving Oxford Circus, W. c. 1. At any rate, he asked to be shown some sweaters and raincoats...
...The last leaves of Autumn eerily gamboled to an authurmachian manner down Cockpit Steps onto Birdcage* Walk...
...The question *M raised in Parliament...
...The methods by which wealth was obtained, "no matter how abominable, shocked nobody...
...This is a mistake so many visitors from the provinces and the states are guilty of...
...After his request had been looked into by the enquiry office, it was found that he meant pullovers and mackintoshes...
...They adopted a merciless military policy of dealing with the former Slave States, came into conflict with President Johnson, tried to impeach him but failed...
...Fears Of civil war possessed many...
...party of tbe first part solemnly agrees to employ Tom Murphy, party of the second part for the period of two years more or less on the following terms and specifications: "Tom Murphy must join the Brotherhood of Interborough Rapid Transit Company Employes, organzied, officered, constituted, operated and manipulated by, of and for the benefit of the stockholders of said company...
...Se few of us, outside of the leisure class, are really free...
...The Vagedy was he outgrowth of the mercenary politics if tbe new capitalism...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES FOR THE EMPIRES GLORY ___Commie cowman: taat roa have been Inspired to give the rhsdhsi V*b» Leader the best in Continental literature, yoa may fUZeUe to enter** roar territory and rive as a ssaster~~~tiim tbe "mother country", something...
...Of course it is hardly necessary to point out, that the articles desired •re not sold by a draper...
...11, v, vi, xvtil...
...Johnson was a Union Democrat and aside from his opposition to secession he had few ideas in common with Republicans...
...Conflicting returns of the electoral vote from three States were thus before Congress to December, 1876...
...HanJock, 4,444,952...
...Threats were beard...
...Nebraska, 1867...
...Anarchy, poverty and desolation afflicted the stricken people of the South and the hates of this black period survived for twenty years...
...The Democrats ruminated Horatio Seymour of New York...
...The popular vote was Grant, 3,012...
...Important and dramatic as this period is In human and historical interest we cannot consider it further...
...Business "was changed into gambling and gambling .became a business...
...Some spawn of the new capitalism flauted their diamonds and kept women with vulgar ostentation...
...The soggy darkness continued a fortnight but in the height of the festive season, Georgiana found herself in an awkward situation...
...s population increased and new States were admitted the number of offices as booty in election victories bad steadily increased...
...The fifty beagles had little difficulty in tearing the field mouse, to pieces and the interrupted cricket game was finished in .a fortnight...
...j-S°mrade Blumenberg's exhilerating epic comes dur2 • week of strenuous activity...
...an American, was requested to leave the grounds...
...Weil, that's a hard question to answer but since you pepped it, I'd say: A freeman is one who is si safer st his own time and body...
...Seymour, 2,703,249...
...xii, xiii...
...She will never J* until her life's work of providing a' gramaphone ¦* every canoe on the Zambesi, is, as we used to *»y *t dear old Eton, a fait accompli...
...Hayes received 185 electoral votes and was elected...
...II, Chaps, vii...
...3. What impression did it have on politics, law, the courts and journalism...
...We have here now the New York Interborough Rapid Transit Corporation, an institution organised for the laudable" purpose of pocketing the difference of what the patrons of the Interborough, etc., pay for -the service and what it cost in dollars and cants to supply this service...
...In fact, "the wild extravagance evidenced in the decorations of the apartments, in the luxjrious viands spread upon tables, to the iress of the men and women who were present suggested national degeneracy...
...Schlestoger, "New Viewpoints to American History," Chap...
...Dow, 10,305...
...It was a mad night of merriment...
...By 1872 northern speculators had received from the Federal Government in the region over which the war had been fought 155,000,000 acres of land, an area estimated at "almost equal to the New England States, New York and Pennsylvania combined...
...This rapid transformation of the Republican Party is one of the most remarkable episodes in party history...
...Bondsmen of Two ErasIri the .days of slavery church bells to southern cities tolled each evening at 3, o'clock as a warning for all slaves lo be indoors...
...Tow write -j wtsbob going over the bead of Harry Hansen bat that *? *v7 p^yd will discover them...
...Seymour received 80...
...The Democrats nominated Grover Cleveland of New York, the Greenback Party, Benjamin F. Butler of Massachusetts, and the Prohibitionists John P. St...
...Expediency had dictated his nomination and it proved to be a disaster like the Whig nomination of Tyler in 1840...
...The speaker put his mace in fto Portmanteau ahd the House arose in time for a mbber or two of bridge before tea...
...The latter was sure of 184 electoral votes upon the face of the returns and one more would elect...
...How do you get a ehsrSTVy the name of Boyd in a Scandinavian novel...
...Always a sportswoman or rather sports person, Georgiana had cycled from London to ride to hounds with the Wickwicksktre, Hants, Lower Tooting Hunt...
...Tilden, 4,285,992...
...The Republicans nominated James A. Garfield of Dbio for President in 1880...
...Constitution of Brotherhood written and adopted . .by the legal staff of the Interborough, etc., Corporation constitutes contact between Brotherhood and each of its members and the Interborough,' etc...
...Votes had their prices as clearly as shares on the stock exchange...
...This was also the period of tbe looting of New York City of milllnnn of dollars by the Tweed Ring...
...The Democrats nominated Samuel J. Tilden if New York and the Greenback Party nominated, Peter Cooper of New York...
...9 To make room for new labor-saving devices or any efficiency and economic measure...
...4. When did Republican power collapse to the South and why...
...In South Carolina the returns gave the Republicans a safe majority but in Florida the Republicans claimed a majority of 45 for Hayes and the Democrats 113 for Tilden...
...Oregon made the fouth' state with two sets of electoral feturnp...
...Murphy, agreeable or otherwise, agrees not to Join the Ajnal^jbmated Association of Street: and Electric ' Railway Employee or any other labor organ!ratios pot recognized by the open shop committee of the tf...
...Secretary of the Treasury Brtstow displeased Grant by exposing the whiskey thieves ind Bristow resigned...
...It is easily the best of our generag*T |t marks an epoch In literature and will revolutionSTthe form of the novel...
...Having been in that condition for some months, the Murphys are down on the heels and out of grub...
...Grant's Secretary of War was iorced to resign under charges...
...President Hayes withdrew troops from the southern States and* Republican power immediately collapsed to that section and has never since been regained...
...Sacco-Vanzetti cases, freezing and starving miners, bankrupt farmers and rule of corporate capital the stirring lines of— "My country 'tis of thee, "Sweet land of liberty...
...along the line Tike enclosed*. date I haven't read any of the Spring beak blurbs, ".Z™ .ay that tf "The Tragedy of lilf" is not the PI __-| of sM time...
...And then only for reason satisfactory to said management...
...But alas, we are living in a very com plicated society where the existence of each is determined by many factors over which he has no control...
...In 1804 the electlon occurred with the Civil War in progress and the Slave States did not participate...
...Greeley, 2,834,125...
...Ml of American life was tainted with the 'ow morality of the new ruling class...
...Whiskey distillers defrauded the Government if millions in taxes with the connivance of revenue officials and some of the money went into the Republican campaign fund...
...It is a moving piece of work, with svmbollsin and searing psychological analysis...
...With the "stolen election" of 1876...
...What he wants is contacts with pork aad beans and so he signs and what he signed is this: "The Interborugh, etc...
...The Postal, Navy lad Interior departments revealed extravagance...
...IV The fog lifted...
...Sam Schwefelstecken wanders homeward hi the wee small hours of the night He .to confronted by a burly hold-up man armed with lead pipe and pistol...
...Arbitrary Republican military rule still survived in Some former Slave States and returns of three of these States, South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana, were disputed...
...Tilden received 184...
...Greeley died shortly after the election and the opposition electoral vote was distributed as follows: Thomas A. Hendricks, 42...
...Not satisfied with this herculean undertaking, |hl energetic Georgiana proposed that every butler having the name of Hawkins, should be given burnclippers...
...In Charleston, S. C„ i(ter the warning of the bells, a band 'ormed wholly of Negro slaves to the tnllitary guard houses played the air of 'Scots...
...Tbe popular- vote was Garfield, 4,454,416...
...IX Chaps, xiii, xvl...
...The popular vote was Hayes, 4,033,768...
...It was a loose organisation >t skilled and unskilled workers, professional men and other classes which reached its high tide of membership with ever 700,000 members to 1886 and then declined...
...Weaver, 308,578...
...the latest authority on this period, writes that "law was prostituted and the judicial ermine was soiled to serve sordid ends...
...Cleveland received 219 electoral votes and 'was elected...
...There came a "steady demoralisation of the bar" and a "debasement of its -tone" under the influence of money...
...His term of office was dull and uninteresting...
...had is brought to fully licensed parents, why net 5L K the benefit of clergy, (the child of VII), and have Silken over, (the hook), by Harpers...
...But did you ever hear to this glorious land of injunctions, oil thieves, stolen elections...
...With their agents in Congress and even in the Cabinet, they inaugurated a regime which one historian has called "the nadir of national disgrace...
...Lincoln received 212 electoral votes and was elected...
...At any rate, I hope that JJar royalties win provide Isabel and her families with sareouchte herring and goose livers during their individual 3 collective lives...
...In 1869 a Labor Party in Massachusetts elected 21 representatives to he Legislature but it did not survive ong...
...Blaine, 4,851,981...
...n Evening found our heroine, or shall we say the main character of the story, attending a dance of Chumley, Banbury, Giggleford Dance and Squash Club...
...The new rich included illiterate men conspicuous for their vulgarity and lavish expenditure...
...Commons, "History of Labor in the United States," Vol...
...Whe so base as be a slave...
...Sura this contract or starve...
...What is the difference between the bondman of the Old South without education and the workman throughout the republic with education...
...Then the storm broke...
...Inefficiency, favoritism and iisregard of law and a brother of Grant xras Involved...
...American History for Workers By Ben Blumenberg An Outline — By James Uneal Rise of the New Capitalism DECONgTSrUCTION...
...2 Carelessness first or second offense...
...5. What labor organizations appeared in the two decades following the Civil War...
...Blaine received 182...
...If, therefore, the courts should, as tgey well may, if judged from past experience, view the yellow dog contract of the Interborough la the light of holiness, then all an employer has to do to get rid of an obnoxious union to to yellow dog, organize bis employes into a company union and then appeal to tbe police to protect bis contract The formula for the re-inauguration of involuntary servitude in the land of the free and the...
...Other causes for discharge not enumerated above may...
...Georgiana had booked passage on the underground add arrived in the city in the midst of merrymaking such as had not been witnessed since Guy Fawkes Day...
...The fog penetratedtcverywheres and everything...
...The amasing Credit Mobilier scandal tainted the Republican eader of the House, James O. Blaine, ud many members of Congress...
...The Republicans nominated Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio for President in 1876...
...It is really funny...
...SThasMr a™1 wit 18 trulT cerebraL Those who keep L.iMjtrr' the timet, those who are keen to sense the best ***-"'j_ literature—the readers of Harold Bell Wright *j fa«i»lw...
...Charles O'Conor of New York received the- nomination of a- faction of Democrats who would not support Greeley...
...Grant received 214 electoral votes and was elected...
...From the Conservative benches there rang out, "For He's A Jolly Good Fel(meaning of course, Hawkins), and "Britons Will Be Slaves...
...One of the three Republican electors was found to be a postmaster and under...
...The Socialist Party may not be as good is it claims but it is certainly not as bad as its enemies assert...
...The Negroes were abandoned to the tender mercies of their former masters to he South and some Republican States in the North has even refused Negroes the suffrage...
...However, they hold the whip handle for their patrons must either work or starve...
...United States," PP...
...Well, a contract is a contract and all contracts are sacred and it is the duty of the courts to see that they remain sacred...
...Oberholtzer, "A History of the...
...and on Jury 3 was Shot >y a disappointed office'seeker...
...Within the pubs, where many found port, emphasizing the schoolgirl complexion of the fair ones, moisture trickled down the walls...
...Millions of people were excited...
...At this point we must digress long enough to teU an amusing incident...
...Oregon, a northern State, also became subject to dispute...
...The Times was *#>ded with communications upon the radical proposal...
...Oi oi oi oi...
...McAIister Coleman...
...He presents contract to Schwefelstecken...
...Constitution of Brotherhood may be amended, any putaied or annulled only with the consent or by the order of the Legal Department of the Interborough, etc: "^embers of Brotherhood elect General Executive Board for term of two years unless previously bounced for the good and welfare of tbe Interborough, eta . "The, General Executive Board may also Moans members of tbe...
...four more States had seen admitted: West Virginia, 186S...
...Horace Greeley, the famous editor of the New York Tribune, was nominated by the Democrats and a Liberal Republican group dissatisfied with the corrupt administration of Grant...
...Object of organization, dividends to absentee own, era...
...In Louisiana, where a fair count appeared to clearly favor the Democrats, shameless manipulation of returns gave the electoral vote to Hayes...
...B. Grata Brown, 18: Charles J. Jenkins, 2; David Davis, 1. The popular vote was Grant, 3,597,132...
...He died a the following September and *es succeeded by Vice-President Chester A. Arthur of New York...
...Beard, "Contemporary American History," Chap...
...And yet at times, there seemed to be a suggestion of the feminine about her—the occasional failure to inhale a puff from bar cigarette, the suggestion of a wry face as she sipped her whiskey and soda, the lack at times of fluency in her profanity—yes, an indefinable suggestion of feminity clung to her still...
...2. How did the new capitalism under President Grant effect tbe western domain...
...Among the constitutional reasons for discharge without notice are: 1 Inefficiency...
...wha hae wT Wallace bled...
...If so, why...
...bonis of the brave is laughably simple: Starve or work...
...S. Chamber of Commerce...
...Unable to read, these Negroes knew nothing of the stirring lines of this air which continues: "Who would be a traitor knave...
...3 Getting drunk...
...What's the answer...
...READINGS: Beard, "The Rise of American Civilisation," Vol...
...He has filled my Wttnn to over-flowing...
...The stockholders of the Interborough, etc, don't know Tom Murphy any more than they know the New Yorkers who daily herd into the trains of the Interborough, etc...
...Had' it -not been- ton ithe> fact that the offense was committed a day previous to Bask Holiday, the accused would have been compelled to appear before the assises before Whitsun—Sunday...
...In her rough Iwatds, bowler headgear, plaid waistcoat, knitted cravat sad stout boots, she looked the part...
...Black, 5,608...
...Nevada, 1884...
...the Constitution he was ineligible...
...But the members of the Brotherhood cannot'bounce Executive Board members...
...Schwefelstecken reads: In consideration of not haw ihg my block knocked off or my interior perforated or both and other valuable consi derail cms, Z, Sam Schwefelstecken, part of tbe first part, give, donate, bequeath and transfer to Mug Slugger, party of the second part, my watch, chain, money and all other valuables and belongings contained in my clothes...
...The Democratic Governor certified the election of the Tilden elector who had received the highest vote...
...To tell the truth, Tom Murphy is not interested in contracts...
...The new capitalist class beran to contest with the old slave aristocracy for supremacy to the South, many former planters turned to manufacturing, and a new union was formed jetween North and South, a cash nexus if invested capital being the tie...
...Tbe ascension of Cleveland and the Democrats to power brought no essential change except to the distribution of offices...
...History of Suffrage to the United States," Chaps, vii, viii...
...In 1878 the Werklngnen's Part yof the United States was organised and the following year the name was changed to the Socialist'Labor Party...
...History of Socialism in the United States," Part II, Chap...
...The day following the poplar election newspapers of both parties announced the election of Tilden...
...Tbe Republicans nominated James G. Blaine of Maine for President to 1884...
...Trustified Heaven...
...Murphy,'.' says the hire and fire boss with the ingratiating smile of a laughing hyena,' "you look middling husky and seem to possess the required intelligence to start and atop a subway or upway train...
...Questions on the Text 1. What can you say of the Congressional policy of reconstruction of the seceded states...
...Appeals from the decision of the Executive Board) may be referred to the naval forces of the U. 8. A- (Test it to the Marines...
...McClellan received 21...
...Gar3eld received 214 electoral votes and was elected...
...The gravity of the case was indicated by the fact that Scotland Yard promised to look Into O^atrah- a^ter'fJ*ancneTnas...
...Congress rated enormous .grants of land to railway corporations, followed by "dummy" constructions companies, "watering" of stock, and a mate of financial wizardry characteristic of this freebootlng period...
...Butter, 175,170...
...The empire of territory for which blood had been spilled and billions spent to preserve from slavery, now became the booty of a mercenary host of gamblers, speculators, grafters and thieves...
...The Democrats nominated Winfield S. Hancock of Pennsylvania, the Greenback Party James B. Weaver at Iowa, and the Prohibitionists Neal Dow of Maine...
...Or why not call the ij* "The President's Grandchild...
...He does not...
...Even the perriwinklcs...
...If one of the disputed electoral votes were given to Tilden he would be elected...
...The popular vote, including the soldiers in the field, was Lincoln, 2,330,552...
...Our own proud offerings will M wait until next week...
...Cooper, 81,737...
...8 Physical inability...
...In' defense of the sacred contract entered Into by Interborough...
...Freedom of contract- Sacredness of contract...
...Colorado, 1876...
...One redeeming feature was the Homestead Act which enabled workers to obtain a few acres on easy terms...
...The heart of every true Londoner was gladdened by the green-gray fog, a veritable pea-souler, which mantled the city...
...The white population retaliated, organised the Ku Klux Klan, terrorised and often murdered freed Negroes...
...Nevertheless, the new school was strong enough to enforce their policy of reconstruction through military rule and the use of tbe emancipated Negroes as voters to enthrone capitalism in the rebel States...
...The Prohibitionists appear for the first time/nominating James Black of Pennsylvania...
...Johnson on the whole endeavored to follow the moderate and humane policy of Lincoln in reconstructing and admitting the former Slave States to the Union, but a new school of capitalistic politicians were in control of the Republican Party...
...Ostrogorski, "Democracy and the Party System," Chaps, xi, xii...
...Who would fill a coward's grave...
...Grant received 272 electoral votes and was elected...
...The year 1881 witnessed the beginnings of the American Federation of uabor ahd the beginning of a pottey of aking for favorable legislation from the wo leading parties...
...So then, Tom Murphy enters the employment office of the Interborough, etc, and with the humility due every jobless American freeman, asks for a Job...
...The pioneer farmer who raised his own grub, made his own tools, built bis own heme and who with the assistance of his better half made has own clot has, came very near being a freeman...
...All this' accompanied the rosy dawn of the new capitalism and their effect upon Vmericon character and American institutions survives to this day...
...xvU, xix...
...Under her patronage, the Gorse Gatherers' Guild were to give a bazaar, the takings, tf *ey, to be used for the purpose of purchasing spats ft* all English gardeners answering to the name of Gfles...
...The bounds were soon in full cry and within two bours had brought a field mouse to bay at the wicket of the Chelmsford, Crabtree, Lone, Twickingham Cricket Club...
...Grief-stricken and murmuring "life to Just Uke that", Georgiana in the best English traction is now on her way to where there is work to he done for the glory of the Empire...
...Even before Grant's first election the professional pallticlans of victorious capitalism had displaced the anti-slavery idealists of the pre-war era...
...7 Refusal to perform any duty assigned...
...In return, Murphy cannot be discharged for two years except by special order of the management of the Interborough, etc...
...4 Drinking without getting drunk...
...We hope that capitalism does not extend beyond the grave for to that case the golden streets will be trustified and Harps will not be safe if Doheny, Fall and Burns happen to stroll around...
...The latter was a paper money candidate...
...Tbe President himself, writes one authority, "was accepting pecuniary assistance calculated to put him under obligations from which a president of the United 3tates ought always to be entirety clear...
...Newspaper writers "with itching palms stood oy like servants at a Saratoga hotel from which you were about to take your leave...
...It ess really good enough for Punch...
...All but three of the rebel States participated in the election...
...Strange and startling drama, isn't it...
...etc., and starving Tom Murphy, the party of the first part ts now asking for an Injunction to prevent the American Federation of Labor and each of its affiliated members, from trying in any way to'organize its employes on the ground that such attempt might Induce breach of contract on part of Tom Murphy ahd associate "Interborough Brotherbudlers...
...Scene shifter please shift the scene...
...The final canvassing board consisted of two Republicans and one Democrat and by a strict partisan vote the State's electoral vote was awarded to Hayes...
...All right, Tom Murphy, white, native born protectant, hundred per cent American with one adult wife and seven minor children is out of a Job...
...McClellan, 1,835,985...
...Does burly hold-up man say gruffly "Your money or your life...
...Fraud, corruption and force were the normal methods employed by Republicans to retain power in these States...
...Now Jfu toe refusal of Liver ijrht to accept the novel unless Jr...
...Welcome Mr...
...to say nothing of those who write the ad*_%f-f copy for the book clubs, are already acclaiming nac phase of the story Is not clear to me...
...pitkled eels, pork pies and crumpts lookd more English than usual...
...III Nature was indeed indulgent to London...
...ln that case its enemies would urge it to merge with the Republican or Democratic Party on the ground that Socialists would'feel at home...
...The Republicans nominated Ulysses S. Grant, the most conspicuous Union general In the Civil War, for President to 1808...
...The President's private secretary was on intimate' terms with the "hleves...
...Men of a law ype had come to make politics a proesaton...
...Executive Board and such members of the Brotherhood as the Executive Board thinks ought to be bounced...
...For the Empire's Glory, Or ' ^' ...Georgiana Goes Post-War p> EORGIANA-SNOGGLES took no care to disguise the fact that she was post-war...
...However, there still remains the Messed freedom of contract under which a person may dispose of his own time and body under conditions freely agreed upon by tbe two parties occupying positions of equality...
...Yon should worry Sast tbe names the publishers would call one another if ¦"rrfallowed this suggestion...
...1. Brawley, "A Social History of the American Negro," Cliaps...
...As finally constituted the Republicans had a majority of one in the commission and its members decided every Important question by a strict party vote, thus giving the election to Hayes by s majority of one...
...Break it aad to the hooss gow you go...
...lay Cook, the banker, "carried speculative accounts for reporters and editors...
...John of Kansas...
...be constructed by combinations of words found in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary...
...In the same month that Lee surrendered Lincoln was killed by an assassin and Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, Vice-President, succeeded nun as President...
...Hancock received 155...
...An untoward incident of the game was the remark of one of the spectators, "Hey, pipe the whiskers' oh the born swinging the willow...
...The latest jazz dance records from the states, which had been in possession of the club for several generations, were played and the guests polkaed and schottisched until ten o'clock...
...Thereupon Schwefelstecken, a free, independent American, quickly, quakingly and voluntarily signs on the dotted line and two weeks later when Schwefelstecken and Mug Slugger meet again In court, Mag Slugger to honorably discharged because in looking up the authorities, his honor found that in the esss of the Interborough versus Tom Murphy, the Bum sens Court held that a contract to a contract sad that's that, . Adam Coolige...
...10 Slack times...
...Sparks, "National Development, 18771885," Chaps, vi, vll...
...Here, sign this contract...
...Dunning, "Reconstruction, Political and Economic," Chaps...
...And so did the trapper or hunter, savage or near civilized...
...He, the spectator, who was, said to be...
...Coman, "industrial History of the...
...5 Dishonesty 6 Disobeying orders...
...Perlman, "History of Trade Unionism in the United States...
...rouowing tb* cricket match came a frightfully exciting game of croquet which was brought to a close after only five hours of play...
...The popular vote was Cleveland, 1.874,988...
...tbe political revolution carried out by the Republicans was complete...
...By 1337 tbe Knights of Labor was rapidly declining and ¦ the A. F. of L., strictly limited to wage workers organised to trade unions, began to rrow although net as - rapidly - as the {nights of Labor declined...
...The outcome was the election of an electoral Commission consisting of five Senators, Five Representatives, four Associate Justices of the Supreme Court and another Justice to be selected by these four...
...It was a factional quarrel over offices that led to the assassination of Garfield...
...For Discussion Was the new capitalism responsible for the degradation of much of American life...
...United 3tales Since the Civil War," Vol...
...Grant was renominated in 1872...
...A mist, then a steady rain accompanied by high winds, added to the glory of the evening...
...After the vivll War the Labor movement revived md in 1869 the Knights of Labor was >rganized...

Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 4

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