Stanley, Louis

UNIONS BY THE GRACE OF THE COURT A Program to Break the Shackles of the Judiciary 1—A Powerful Union Movement; £ | 2—An Independent Labor Party as its Political Expression; and 3-A Program of...

...The Interpretation of "unlawfulness" is thenown sweet prerogative Is it any wonder that tojunctions and Indictments against trade unions are full 'of expressions like "conspire," "combine'', "willful" and "malicious?'* And the irony of the whole is that the best of research seems to establish the fact that the doctrine of HrTrtl'iJrS to mm* the needs of any employer and say Judge, Jseetisliit of trade la not ttona tt also refers to the unrestricted pursuit of ones calling,—impartially, either of employer or employee...
...A serious responsibility rest upon .state legislators for the further wholesale killings of miners aa a result of negligence or indifference in requiring all bituminous mines to be rock dusted...
...Also we must not overtook the brutal injunction granted by a county Judge, J. N. Langham, against the Rossi ter...
...The appropriation' should be adequate to provide, among other things, accident prevention, studies, proper medical supervision and a hearing in every case where experience indicates that it is needed...
...Then, being unwritten, it was frequently the subject of Judicial speculation...
...To aa ipsininta the Boulder Data arspswiims point to one fact that seems important, ft la that Bowlder Caayes Is aa Ideal otto from aa engineering sotat ef view, from a water lesiniisllim sets* mt view and from a power dkeribattof paint ef view...
...The present need is to stir these states to a realization that ever increasing occupational hazards increase the public responsibility for adequate protections of safety and health...
...Numerous decisions in Federal courts, Including the highest in the land, have hi many localities practically suspended the striking activties of the United Mine Workers of America, the largest organization in the American Federation of Labor, oh the ground that interstate commerce has been restrained...
...3) The doctrine of the right of contract...
...They are a cementing element in the farmer and farmer-labor movements of the United States...
...and 4) The doctrine of good win...
...In the TJ nil ted states the legislatures have been reluctant to Interfere and it has remained for the courts to modify their own previous positions without the prodding of law-makers...
...The quartet of doctrines enumerated above Is a part of our legacy from England, The doctrine of criminal conspiracy has been the most dangerous to organised labor...
...The District of Columbia is the most benighted spot in the United States in the treatment afforded to the victims of industrial accidents...
...Those they have employed as metnssussss of warfare, fash toning them upon the anvil of weettag class resistance In the white heat of their prejudice with the blows of their logic Taking for granted the right of private property, we find that these fighting machines of fundamental legal concepts are four to number: 1) The doctrine of criminal conspiracy...
...In England the various Trade Disputes acts were passed and the nninnw to a considerable extent received legal standing...
...It Is a denial of justice to compensate a worker who is disabled by losing an arm as a result of his employment and to refuse to compensate a worker who is disabled by disease contracted as a result of his employment...
...Speaker Long-worth, of the House, was quoted not long ago as being in favor of Boulder Canyon Dam One headline read "Boulder Dam Project Receives Support of Speaker of House...
...j P Some Slate Needs An 'outstanding' need among the states that hold legislative sessions this year ia the adoption of compensation for all occupational diseases...
...The others similarly—and lust is seriously—affected remain unprotected...
...This bill provides the required insurance through a publicly managed fund, embodying the principle of the exclusive state fund that has rendered such conspicuously successful service to the workers, to industry and to the whole community in Ohio and other states...
...Can they attain any sort of working unity for the 1928 campaign...
...I will try to give some of these facts in this article...
...This election showed that theeVibstance of the old Non-Partisan League movement of North Dakota was still there, although the form was gone...
...Here again it is necessary to combat the misleading propaganda and self-serving tactics of powerfully entrenched and heavily financed commercial insurance lobbies...
...Broadcasted by the mighty editor of the New York Herald Tribune to loyal subjects on January 7: "The United States is net making war on Nicaragua or in Nicaragua...
...Thus, freedom of speech and going to church may become illegal...
...Coolidge prosperity, Republican and Democratic trickery, the half-baked slip-shod methods of some of its opportunistic elements...
...Union There is the Farmers' Union pretty thoroughly covering Kansas and all the states that touch Kansas and extending into other states...
...The issue here sharply presented to Congress is this: Is workmen's compensation legislation to be regarded primarily as protection for injured workers and their families or as a publicly created source of private profit for commercial Insurance interests...
...It is no less a denial of justice to compensate a. worker who happens to be disabled by industrial lead poisoning, for instance, and to deny compensation to a worker who is disabled by industrial benzol poisoning...
...Several other sites for a flood control dam, and even for a power dam, base been suggested at various times...
...The standard bill for old age pensions embodies the same principle aa that underlying mothers' pension laws Deathless Death* Warleas War Unique war less war in Nicaragua raging around "fundamental obligations...
...The Bedford Cut Stone Company emdston by the United States Supreme Court tost year compels union men to use .non-union material that is transported from one state to another...
...Support of Project Is Divided By Chester Wright ryvHE proponents of the Boulder Canyon -*- Dam project set down this proposition to govern their conduct to the present Congress: Nobody to for the project unless he is for all of it...
...The reactionary old party elements were all together to the Independent Voters Association and fully believed their promise to smash public ownership In North Dakota would win to their standard the majority of voters...
...Manifestly there can be no Inherent Justice as between 'capital and labor...
...And, up to date, he has done so pretty well...
...Once more it is squarely up to Congress to end its shameful neglect of years, and provide accident compensation for wage-earners in private employments in the District of Columbia...
...Another immediate duty of Congress Is the enactment of legislation to provide vocational rehabilitation for industrial crippteo in the District of Columbia...
...Having come down from ancient times and developed through the middle ages, the common law Is often hopelessly antiquated...
...Only the leaden had become to an extent politicians and had remained in the shell of a 'corrupt capitalistic party...
...Likewise they hold the power interests opposed to the project because they take the position of Speaker Longworth...
...The rapidly increasing industrial development of the South is focusing attention upon her backwardness in social legislation...
...i and is designed to keep families together where there are aged dependents instead of abandoning these citizens, who have been worn out in the service of industry, to the neglect and inhumanity of poorhousea...
...Picketing was legal If It failed to be picketing, boycotting was legitimate until the general public Joined, and organising was unobjectionable unless the employer objected...
...In New Jersey those unfortunate women workers who fell victims to aftal poisoning as a result of using radium in painting the hands of watches a few years ago were not included in the "limited list" of occupational diseases covered by the compensation law...
...Unions, however, persisted in being born and insisted upon living...
...In those few ¦ Instances where laws have been enacted the Judges have declared them unconstitutional or made them ineffectual through Interpretation...
...abolition of the short session of Congress am} its "lame ducks" through a constitutional amendment permitting newly elected members to take their seats two months instead of thirteen months after their election...
...The people were as radical and socialistic as'ever...
...These questions are agitating thousands who never thought of them before* They can be answered best when some of the facta about these movements and other similar movements are known...
...The Boulder Canyon site—which is to say...
...and (3) A program ef mi lillisllow, —If for no ether res sen than to engender a saturates pktomtaktosl atEach of these items .deserves mors elaborate treatment than the space here affords but a few observations are Impelling...
...Its non-partisan political policy was bunt in part upon an enmity of the radicals of old and to maintained by the vested Interests of trade union officers in the poiatoal saachlnos of their localities...
...One proposal to for a dam near Needles, CaL It to pointed out that a dam at this point would moan, for one thing, a shallow reservoir, from which much water would evaporate under the torrid sun...
...Benzol fumes poison not only the worker who is directly using this substance but also the person who is working nearby...
...there can only be a balance of power...
...The organizations from which I have gathered data have these common characteristics...
...Insurance adjusters offered them $25 for a broken leg or 800 for a life...
...which our Lord Calvin fearlessly fulfills with deathless devotion...
...What are the outstanding: measures for the protection of tabor that call for action by these law-making bodies...
...King is writing for the New Leader and American Appeal on progressive and radical tendencies among the farmers...
...more often nothing at all...
...The Progressive Farmers are working in close cooperation with the Farm Labor party...
...Finally, once the court decides with all doe solemnity that the purpose of a union or strike is unlawful, then no lawful means may be employed...
...The Non-Partisan League The Non-Partisan League of North Dakota has passed through some of the hottest battles and strangest vicissitudes of any class or semi-class organization in recent years...
...Until all compensation laws protect all victims of occupational disease, a fundamental purpose of workmen's compensation will remain unfulfilled...
...It is giving rise right to its own territory and among its own members to political movements that have reached the nonpartisan stage and that see beyond this to the next stage of independent political action...
...That la the question that cuuceius the labor movement moat today...
...The Mstosseto Party The Farmer-Labor 'Party of Minnesota, the one distinct state-wide party of farmers and industrial* workers in the United States, proved in the election in that state in 1926 that "reports of Its death were premature," by casting a quarter of a million votes for its ticket...
...It Is a matter of life and death...
...Every system of law has Its ridiculous propensities but the English common law probably surpasses to the degree of absurdity tt can create...
...They declare that as •she* otto ssssktoes aa advantages...
...It is t»«wiiy a cooperative movement that, is being forced more and more every year toward political action as a matter of sheer selfdefense...
...They represent efforts of the farmers and allied wage workers to form movements of their own—movements officered and controlled by themselves and devoted exclusively to the interests of these two producing groups...
...Congressional committees in three favorable reports, following extended hearings, have declared this to be "a just and adequate and- reasonable compensation provision especially well adapted to meet.the unique conditions existing in the District of Columbia...
...It still largely neglects the unskilled worker...
...He looks forward to the arrival of customers and orders, to profits and to the loyalty of hfc workers...
...But at this point friends of the project point out boat the high dam to needed In any event, because tt to necessary to store all possible waters as a safeguard ¦gainst vagaries of the Colorado River m dry years...
...Therefore, what the doctrine of criminal A in towns...
...Justice Follows Power It 4* deducible from this that the legislators and- the Judges—we omit the executives to, this discussion—have snapped theb* fingers at the trade unions...
...Old age pensions are an important feature of the legislative program for 1928...
...If the **oom" cannot carry on has susasssmesl or a "scab" encounters Inconvenience to getting to work because of the "maUctous" or "wqfuT acts of a "corjsprrtngunton this Is iistislnt of toads and Judicial rehef Is to order...
...It goes further than criminality...
...II Is fundamental to our system of private property* An employer and employee who agree to certain terms of employment hare the equal privilege of appealing to the courts for the maintenance of the contract...
...Black Canyon, at the lower end of Boulder Canyon—has been thoroughly diamond drilled, and this to not true of any other site...
...Encouraging- progress has been made...
...If it suceeds in uniting only the revolt of political character...
...This bill, with its state-fund plan of insurance, has the approval of the American Federation of Labor which voted at its Los Angeles convention in October to continue the legislative campaign for its adoption...
...In New York the state has .made a study of chronic benzol poisoning among women.- This study makes the shocking revelation that "benzol as used in the Industries investigated produce chronic poisoning In virtually erne out of every three women...
...law since-it became effective on July 1 with the aid of inadequate emergency funds...
...The District and the five...
...Its failure to provide compensation protection for the large and growing body of workers engaged la hazardous occupations In the District has Justly been called a "national disgrace...
...The next amde wfii be about the Farmers' WHtC ,: **• Boulder Dam—What Is It...
...The conclusion to plain...
...Any one who thinks the Farmers Union is dead, dying or inactive, has a distinct shock coming to htm in the near future...
...The Working Farmers Organizations New Spirit of Class Solidarity Growing This is the fourth of a series Mr...
...The South Still Lags Two of the five Southern states that have not yet adopted workmen's compensation—South Carolina and Mississippi—will have an opportunity this year to remove the stigma of their unenlightened treatment of injured workers...
...Thus, the various federal and state Statutes aimed at the "yellow dog" contract have been invalidated, while the Clayton Act which, was, supposed to exempt' the trade unions from the operation of the Federal anti-trust legislation has proved to be a, dead tetter...
...The IntertssfOBah case in New York City was to determine the right of the trade unions to carry on organisation work despite g> "yellow dog" contract and a company union...
...Are they converging toward a real political party of the workers in America...
...Winning will accomplish nothing...
...The real tragedy of mine disasters due to coal dust explosions Is that they are needless yet in the past six years they have caused the death of 1,870 miners...
...Congress has never given them even an employers' liability law...
...Their movements stand out in striking contrast to the so-called "farmer" organizations fostered by the old party politicians and big business Interests—organizations that are universally praised by the organs of capitalism, and that meet periodically with bankers and big business men to discuss mutual plans "to save agriculture...
...Various interests and groups are for parts of the proposed development...
...If ever so little, in order that organised labor may have strength enough to live...
...The proposed dam would fill a reservoir solding a supply sufficient to cover a year and a hah*—absolute insurance against water failure for the immense territory, including country and cities, that would depend upon Us infallibility...
...By December, 1927, more than 236 substantial coal companies in seventeen states and Canada were rock dusting, and six states bad enacted laws providing for rock dusting...
...In 1926 the farmer and labor element, or former Non-Partisan League element, controlled this party, and the election was fought to a finish around the issue ot whether or not the state-owAed Industries established by the Non-Partisan League should be retained...
...There are indications that interest is being aroused in these states...
...They wul continue to bring pressure to bear upon members of Congress— pressure that has in the past proved stiff enough to prevent a favorable vote...
...2) The doctrine of restraint of trade...
...The present Judicial offensive Is the culmination of many years of skirmishing...
...But Isolated Judges like these are In the vanguard...
...The legislatures of New York and New Jersey should be impressed with the need of adopting the all-inclusive occupational disease compensation which insures equal treatment...
...I*, to obviously from this dtocosston that the scope of the totUhhu of criminal conspiracy, restraint of trade, good will and contract to determined by the individual Judges on the bench...
...The Farm Labor Party Among these organizations is the Farm Labor party, which has a strong grip in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas and radiates from these strongholds into more than half the states of the old South It is the movement that was described by panic stricken capitalist papers a few years after the war as "a radical and dangerous uprising of farmers Which should be put down...
...The Farmers...
...Can the American Federation of Labor undertake a revolution within itself or must it be replaced hits the Knights of Labor before it...
...Instead, It caused the greatest rallying of farmers and wage workers since the days when the Nonpartisan League was at its height and resulted in a great victory of these elements and the retention of all the stateowned industries...
...Three things are Imperative tor a victorious struggle: (1) A poo Ufa...
...They are probably as radical in every way...
...If they miss on one count, they try another...
...Moreover, the purdstonent tor conspiracy, unless the legislature has interceded, has been more severe than for the carryingout of a criminal aim or the utilisation of criminal means by a union, admitting that the object or the method has been criminal, Worse than that even Is the breadth of the doctrine...
...If a fsnlon conspires to *""*TPfT these expectations, tt Is unlawful and mast take the togslf*toBm*sX ¦¦wei.i Them, too, the right of contract to inviolate...
...Congress Is also called upon to provide adequate appropriations for administering the new federal longshoremen's compensation act...
...By good will is meant the expectancies...
...i Unemployment Insurance Additional legislation that Is urgently needed Includes the long range advance planning of public works as an aid in stabilising employment...
...It adheres, u* anything, mora, than ever .to„craft Jurisdictions and craft autonomy...
...Erudite Editor Approves Kellogg With Frank Kellogg, lame duck Secretary of State, explaining the war against Nicaragua first as a "neutral" move between two factions, then to protect a prospective canal, then to protect American life and property and now more troops on the way, the venerable Frederick Boyd Stevenson rises to remark in the Brooklyn Eagle: , "Kellogg was pat on the Job here to please and serve the United States...
...They had had to resort to certain legal doctrines...
...and for another thing that tt would mean moving the town of Needles, with its homes, its railroad shops and its railroad icing plant—a costly business...
...Failure of the Manufacturers* Liability Company bt New Jersey In 1927 comes as a pointed reminder to 1328 legislatures that the state fund, as In Ohio, is the most secure and economical fpr the employer...
...It has left them without any legal recourse except a lawsuit subject to those relics of the dark age of industry—the common law defenses of assumption of risk, contributory negligence, and fellow servant's fault...
...Congress to responsible for the conditions In the District...
...Injunctions, imprisonment, fines and damage salts played havoc with the most legal of unions...
...m Labor Gets Its Due nhiillgak to the oast of the ether doctrines* An employer to said to be enttUsd to,the good wfll of his bust, aess...
...Bill In Six Yean Opposition to the bill to inspired by self-serving commercial casualty Insurance companies and agents who have enlisted the aid of national and local chambers..of commerce...
...internal treachery and treacherous action by reactionary leaders of organised labor have done their utmost, but the movement still stands and is planning for the capture of the state in 1928...
...Nine state legislatures- are in regular session...
...It speaks of unlawfulness, and therefore, leaves room tor condemnation on the wider basis of morals and convention...
...makes possible liberal benefits to employees, and is most advantageous to the whole community...
...Five years ago in 1922 the American Association for Labor Legislation, with a view to securing improved draftsmanship and more uniform legislation, proposed a representative conference from which emerged what is known as the "standard bill" for statewide old age pensions . This bill has been ably supported by man*/ social service organizations, church bodies, fraternal so' cieties and labor unions, notably the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the United Mine Workers...
...Kentucky and Virginia have the opportunity this year...
...Thto moans that ths engineers know an about the rock formation and what can be done with It and upon it They have sent their toqulstte and discovering dttny*"1 drill* Into every part of that huge black spot to a mountain of volcanic rock and the** know aU of its secrets...
...And they are not dying or inp^g into inactivity Just now, as their enemies would have us believe...
...If the worker is forced by sntostanto necessity to acquiesce in an arrangement whereby he pledges himself to obtain from union participation, a legal bond exists nevertheless...
...Their existence was' forbidden...
...Yet under New York's subterfuge "limited list" plan of occupational disease compensation only the workers affected by direct use of tnc poison have received compensation...
...The United States Employees Compensation has been doing the best it can in administering the...
...Judge* Are the Law What a leeway for Judges...
...In December, I 1922, when the American Association for Labor Legislation initiated the present campaign for rock dusting laws, only three coal companies were found using rock dust, and there was no rock dusting legislation...
...An important measure of coal mine safety still awaiting adoption in most of the bituminous states is the requirement for rock dusting mines to prevent disasters due to coal dust explosions...
...The next article will deal with the* Farmers Union...
...Id the field of social insurance adoption of several'well considered proposals is urgently needed...
...Therefore, a unton conspiracy to disregard the erhTtcnos of a "yellow dog" contract win Invito the penalty of the law...
...Their cooperatives are, without exception, cooperatives owned and operated by the actual producers in their own interests, and their political movements, whether of the "nonpartisan" or partisan variety, are movements separated from the Republican and Democratic parties and are undoubtedly now moving toward some future great class political alignment in America...
...Recent developments in New York and New'Jersey, particularly, have emphasized anew the unfairness and futility of attempting to meet this problem by compensating only a limited list of diseases—the "specific schedule" plan—rather than' equality of treatment by covering all occupational diseases...
...It was at one time practically driven underground, but is now back at its old stand doing business in the old way,—and growing...
...What win be the outcome of all these more or ten class and independent producers' movements...
...But there was to Mr...
...They are directing their efforts strongly at present toward unity of an the farmer, farmer-labor, Socialist, progressive labor and liberal forces In the nation for the 1928 campaign...
...These Include the extension of workmen's compensation to workers still without this modern protection...
...Its belief to "pure sad simple trade unionism" to firmly entrenched and precludes a wider approach towards social problems...
...The Unions Persist At the start unions were not given any legal recognition whatsoever...
...By Louis Stanley SHALL the Judges smash the unions...
...and 3-A Program of Socialization to Engender a Favorable Atmosphere...
...It makes the trade unions conspiracies and as such to be suppressed for the sake ef public welfsre...
...But the battle still goes on and is now centered around the control of the so-called Republican Party of North Dakota...
...The United States retained the common law of the mother-country to spite of the Declaration of Independence...
...Most of these have been suggested by groups or interests opposed to one or another feature of the project aa tt stands...
...There may be liberals like Justices Holmes and Brandeto of the United' States Supreme Court or Cardoso of the stew...
...Trade unions must battle their way through Judicial barriers...
...The Association for £abor Legislation continues to urge adoption of statewide pensions rather than the county-option plan found in several pioneering laws...
...It arose rapidly to the control of whole blocks of counties and was then subjected to a murderous attack during which many of its cooperative enterprises were vifarm tenants and farm laborers of the South, to Sky nothing of the small farm owners who are Joining, it will upset the South...
...James A. Hamilton, the New York state commissioner of labor out of his practical experience as an administrator in one of the greatest industrial states, is unreservedly in favor pf making the state fund exclusive...
...In pressing for action in 1928 on the legislation here briefly outlined, it will not be forgotten that the time is more than ripe for adoption of health and unemployment insurance— two measures of social legislation that are of paramount importance in our efforts to banish the worst fears that haunt the firesides of the wage earners...
...It is nothing that the agreement keeps one party In virtual bondage...
...Similarly, they bold that Harry Chandler, owner of the Los Angeles Times, to an opponent of the project becsnse he is wining to see the dam bunt, but he to opposed to the An American Canal...
...The Coolidge Administration .....could not do less without running away from historic American policy and the most fundamental obligations of a sovereign nation...
...As tar as actual organisation of dues-paying members goes, it passed out of existence several years ago...
...The courts took official cognisance of them but only to manacle them with sssseseJattog regulations...
...For the past six years a well-considered compensation bill for the District has been before Congress...
...Pa., local of the miners In which he forbids the dispensing of relief money to the starving strikers and their families and prohibits their attendance at church for fear that nearby scabs may be touched by the hymns...
...Its strength lies in the appalling state of farm tenantry In the South and Southwest combined with the wretched condition of farm workers, it is purely and simply a class olently wrecked and snuffed out...
...By Murray E. King *T*HE widespread nation that the progresslve and radical farmer and farmer-labor organizations "have shot their bolt" and are through is refuted by information that has been given to the representative of the New Leader and American Appeal by leaders and officials of these organizations all over the southwest and middle west I have communicated with most ot these leaders and the Information I have received contains some Important and encouraging facts connected with present developments...
...For Safety in Mines With the adoption of old age pension laws In 1927 in Maryland and Colorado, this legislation is already In effect in six states...
...Opponents of the power feature advocate what is called a tow dam—a' dam high enough for flood control, but not high enough for power generation...
...Workers < demanded legislative protection...
...Longworth's Interview this sentence: "I am to favor of the Boulder Dam project, if tt doss not Involve the question of the Government going into the power business " Supporters of the Swing-Johnson bill rule that the Speaker to not to favor of the project, because he to not to favor of the power development, which they regard as an essential part of the project...
...fsaaglisty extols whom ry eat an unlawful object or a lawful set sy untowfal means...
...The farmers and other workers In the Independent organizations I am studying are men and women who are sufficiently disillusioned and informed to realize that they alone can save themselves, and that nothing of permanent value can . come from cooperation with Interests that are riding on their backs and' fattening from wealth extorted from these farmers and wage workers...
...Southern states of Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina and South Carolina are the six blank spots still remaining on the workmen's compensation map...
...For example...
...In the main the courts sense the power or feebleness of the workers and give them their Just due...
...The Progressive Farmers" ' There are the Progressive Farmers centering to Colorado with their bright, idealistic and distinctly socialistic organ —Humanity...
...Recent investigations in the District have shown that of over one hundred accident cases, not one worker who was seriously injured received adequate recompense...
...In New York the state Federation of Labofc is strongly in favor of the exclusive state fund plan...
...the inclusion of all occupational diseases in accident compensation laws, and the creation of exclusive state funds for compensation insurance...
...Let us not forget that Justice to any meaningful sense means the recognised adjustment of conflicting economic interests...
...York Court of Appeals who acknowledge the necessary function of trade unionism in modem industrial society and cfip capitalistic rights...
...The courts, have measured the power of labor and meted out the Justice due accordingly, In order to do.this they have had to work within the existing legal frame-work...
...It may well be that the American Federation of Labor can no longer Umbel up to make the fight...
...Whatever the answer to that question to ws must remember that upon the power of organised labor depends the change of slogan from '"unions by the grace of the courts*' to "courts by the grace of unions.'* Prospects For Social Legislation in 1928 Southern States Lag in Protection of Workers, While Others Are Not Far Ahead of Them . By John B. Andrews Secretary, American Association far Labor Legislation A NEW Congress has assembled...
...Lastly, the A. P. of L. to encrusted with officials who believe they have everything to lose and nothing to gain by change...
...not even so little as an accident reporting law...
...abolition ot the "yellow dog" contract and restriction of the use of the injunction in labor disputes...
...trade anion mevs. <«> An tookamaasat labor party , as Its political expression...
...It has reached the lobbyist stage and is plunged deeply In efforts to obtain constructive laws that will enable cooperatives to function under capitalism and to clear unjust and obstructive laws from the statute books...
...opposing the hydro electric power plant, but making no objection to the dam as a flood control and irrigation project...
...A feature little mentioned to that the high dam will create a reservoir MM miles long, with deep water job which commercial navigation wul be an important possibility...

Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 4

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