Dreiser, Theodore
ST. COLOMBA AND THE RIVER by THEODORE DREISER rlB first morning on mcuiaxirety saw the great river stretching -egtward from the point where the j-jtial shaft had been sunk he was ^ impressed...
...Tuesday, Jan...
...Joseph A. Well was elected temporary chairman...
...22, Branch 110, Workmen's Circle, at 184 Prairie ave., Providence...
...Alexander Qoldenwelser...
...The YlpSelil «W working to make this the biggest Wetting in the Circle's history...
...Plans are made for a drive tb get old members in good standing and also to obtain a headquarters if possible, so that they can run a dance and invite people for a social evening...
...JOseS er, August Claessens...
...He is chairman of the «*¦* Badio Station WEVD...
...Admission is free...
...17, Pattern Makers Union...
...16, at 8 p.m...
...Reservations can be inane through chas...
...An interesting evening is promised...
...Qooa news The record of dues stamps sales, new members and general activity during December exceeded the record of several years...
...Party, Central Branch...
...All comrades and friends are invited...
...It, st 8 p. m...
...spite of'his prejudices and fears, here he was, and all due to one Thomas Cavanaugh, a fellow churchman and his foreman these last three year*, who hdd happened to take a fancy to him and had told him that tf he came to wet* in me rmmex ann proaeluteu m new work thoroughly,' and' Showed...
...BROOKLYN Friday, Jan: 13, 8.30 pen...
...Missouri " v- St...
...the AntiFascist meeting at the Scenic Auditorium on Jan...
...Send another sabt to keep yours...
...Stump greets PtfOte Mayor Stump broke ah precedents in Reading ih an address to the pdttee with the salution, "Fellow Workers...
...An active committee of five will get after all sympathizers and induce them to Join...
...Tli, IV be- with ye...
...24, at 1 p.m., St the Bronx Socialist Party headquarters...
...Also to the fact that Stump, as president of a city central labor body, had exemplified the principles of the Socialist Party to relation to the necessity of organization on both the economic and political fields...
...AS sobn as enrollment Hsts are obtained a serious attempt will be made to canvass Socialist enrolled voters ih an effort to double the membership within the next tew rxmhths...
...This will be one of the many .affairs run by this branch known as a Vecheririka, A good program has been provided and the funds from this and other affairs will be applied to funds for building a new clubhouse...
...It was then that the thought first took root in his mind that water—any kind at water, sea or fresh—was net favorable t* him...
...Pennsylvania Reading George M. Rhodes, who became business manager of the Labor Advocate In succession to Mayor Henry Stump, has also succeeded stump as pmataent of the Federated Trades Council, that body electing Rhodes last week...
...him self sufficiently industrious and eeurageoua, it...
...2653 tT«sMiirt»n' *oeTcTard, Chicago, BJbwis...
...Gormen Lseture The Germsa>epeaking members and sympathizers to Bronx County will hold an open meeting and lecture bn Tuesday, Jan...
...At>the heat meeting...
...13, BSQ p.m...
...M'j*Jjrade Thomas is one of the outawitttag figures in the Socialist and Hb«W ssbvement...
...Cavanaugh is below there...
...Speaker, EthelBoston Read (near 187th St) Auspices, Socials...
...beginning at 3 p. m...
...fiUMhg cease* rncuh want to loefcohtfef PltUjfq mMo,7 volunteered, another, a aEuhp£, sliobery^geaaat hmsrkaii .'VhfftJK 'eta rush that stuff on yuh too fast...
...oisee saaephone orchestra will furnish the music in the main hall...
...Here in America, ant...
...Bora Park Labor Lyceum, 14th avenat and ?2d street...
...Lewis Speaking Dates Alfred Baker Lewis has spoken recently at the Workmen's Circle In Pawtucket, the Workmen's Circle in Lowell, the Lynn Lasters tjnion, the Roxbury Brewery Workers Union, the John Heed Branch, of the Workmen's Circle to Roxbury, Local 1 of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the Congregational Ministers Association of Greater Boston, ahd the Conference on Negro Labor arranged by the Pullman Porters Union...
...Boom 1027, or tS the Oftr Office...
...Bruno Wagner, organizer of the German -language Group, expects ail members to be present...
...There was a graveyard stillness as the voice of Frank boomed across the crowded room...
...The members are requested to invite their friends as August Claessens will speak on the "Socialist Party arid the Coming Presidential Campaign.'* 2nd A. B. * This Saturday evening a httirhean end entertainment will be given at the clubrooms, 420 Hinsdale street...
...his fore-' man, and would look after him...
...He expects soon to go to Wh eeton College and Brown University, and win go to colleges In the Western bail of the State the last two weeks to January...
...BgtOOK&YN 1st—Sr* a.' B, A branch meeting will be held Wednesday evening...
...26, "The Sourcs of Graft...
...The principal business will be final prorations for the huge affair my Jan\jB> ft jgunta Potot Palace...
...This matter should be attended to at once for there are very important matters coming up and we should get rid of them as last as pdsdble...
...The First key** #o*k <- - The fen-ashen, • Oarg&ntnaa figure IS yellow Jeans aad high rubber boots smeared' to the wattochs with mud, eyed hfan senlsUy sod amieKy, the while McOlathery sui reyed his superior with a kind of reverence and awe, a reverence which he scarcely felt for any other' man, unless perch toe* it might tte his pariah priest, for He he had secured his Job...
...Other- activities are contemplated...
...The fire last .week on Madison avenue and its Joss Of hf e was one more ehapter m the horrible history of dltotwstwl housing with which Harlem Is particularly infested...
...Low and Bruno wagner...
...August Claessens...
...18, Chelsea Barbers Union, Chelsea Labor Lyceum, on "Unemployment Insurance...
...Tts... Saturday evening, February 25, a reunion and dance will be held at the W. C. Center, 218 Van Slfckjen avenue...
...IS, August Claessens wfh speak on "The Distribution of Wealth— Can Equity Be Achieved...
...Men of this dasa and skill were scarce in tunnel work and in great demand-In America...
...Lena Morrow ttMfr, State Secretary, win be one of tie speakers...
...Oklahoma tetters from Oklahoma during the last Week ask for definite action in regard tb fee reorganization of the party and the Separation for the 1928 Socialist ticket, me JTatiohal organization' has In mind tending some one to Oklahoma for organISBam work...
...August Claessens...
...8th—dth ' eRK A. 9. The branch taet Monday, Jan...
...On Friday, Jan...
...Tuesday, Jan...
...This branch is known ss the Petersen City Branch, English...
...Subject: "The Coming Presidential Campaign...
...He was a candidate for re-election two years later, but reaction had become so strong that he was defeated...
...iss it...
...They will begin Sunday evening, Feb...
...Yipsel dom A Rebate Members and their friends are invited to attend the debate in the Debs Auditorium of the Rand School, 7 East 15th street, Sunday, Jan...
...Upper West SMS This branch will meet Thursday evening, Jan...
...add a task on Jan...
...The Sunday morning forum is a success...
...Speaker, James OneaL Subject: "Development of trie Labor Movement in the United State...
...There are now 15 applications en hand and the City Executive Committee will issue » charter at its next meeting...
...1st—2nd A.*2...
...There win Be s short business meeting and at about 9.19, ¦thelred Brown, one of our ablest propagandists, will speak on the subject: "Capital Punishment in the Ugh...
...5. Dates and subjects are as follows: Feb...
...Comrade Chairman, I move to amend the slogan to read '900 members by Mag 1st,' and to get this proposition started right, here are 10 new applications, all properly signed and initiation fees paid...
...TiuVH know it if yuh ever git it...
...BrewhsviBe Leber jpssijjSj 719 Baerrnan street...
...Subject: "The Average Mind and the Roots of Prejudlos...
...Auspices, So^ daltst Party, 19th A D. Branch...
...18th A. D. The new forum held its first session last Buneasy afternoon...
...17, at the clubroorria, 1187 Boston road...
...Tie, five a day.**': v ' fWeri, a man in my lihd could fit no more than that, eh...
...being drained, a very boggy and pooi-ly one—water again, you see...
...Wh/ 100 members?': inquired Comrade Frank...
...13 the betbtnlng of California's 1928 campaign...
...1, elections will be held lot permanent chairman, auditor, recording secretary arid 17 members of the city Executive Committee...
...COLOMBA AND THE RIVER by THEODORE DREISER rlB first morning on mcuiaxirety saw the great river stretching -egtward from the point where the j-jtial shaft had been sunk he was ^ impressed by it—or, rattler, he but not favorably...
...On Jan...
...Important matters will come up...
...Lee tare on Kussia Miss Mary Winsqr, of HaverforcL will address a meeting of women only at Labor Lyceum on Wednesday evening...
...19, in the office of Dr...
...13, a theatre party will be held at the Previncetown Theatre for the benefit of the Sunday School conducted by this branch...
...122 Pierrepont street...
...Branch Seven..., Burns will speak to combined Economics, Sociology -and Philosophy Clubs kt Tufts...
...Lectures wm be given at the Bore Park Labor Lyceum, 14th avenue and «tnd street...
...The comparatively small and yet massive chamber, with its heavy iron door at either end.' ft*pc*q*ht SS sfowry whistling aoamdjfteaa saetofrfcsfii...
...7318 20th avenue...
...He spoke to the policemen in three shifts...
...Miss Winsor is a member of the Socialist party and was an- active worker for equal suffrage before women were given the voteShe will speak under the auspices of the Women's Socialist League and admission to the lecture will be free...
...Socialist Party...
...It twists yer musrlss all up...
...Forum Club...
...And be thought he was, for he was dortally afraid of water...
...all comrades and friends will meet at the annual concert and ball of the Bronx County Socialists at Hunts Point Palace, Southern Boulevard ahd 183rd st...
...will make short addresses...
...August Claessens...
...New Jersey New Branch organized A new branch has been organised hi Paterson with nine members...
...Everybody is welcome...
...he commented at one place] f' 'Trial Air bbni...
...iH be with ye...
...increased Stasae Sato State Office reports show that Greater New Yprk bought 400 more dues stamps during the fourth quarter of »27 than the corresponding quarter of 1928, ahd 700 more than during the third quarter of 1927...
...Plans were made for a forum eonducted every other Friday evening during the next three months...
...Gas, yuh ougfata heard him holler...
...Stump reassured his force against rumors affecting the security of their Jobs, and told them that no man who does his duty will be in danger of dismissal "If I have anything to say to any of you I will say it myself, and I want you to deal directly with hie and with your superiors when conditions are not to your liking," the mayor admonished...
...At the next meeting, Wednesday evening, Feb...
...9, Gardner Yipsel Circle on "Socialism ahd Americanism...
...field s»in...Lewis o^er&his cooperation in two e&er states hot on this list...
...He died of it over hers to BsUevue, after they started, the Fourteenth Street end...
...99 South Orange avenue, Newark...
...Joseph M Osmah...
...Sure, it's no colleen's Job," he observed to a fellow worker who had arrived at the mouth of the shaft about the same time as himself, and was beginning ts let himself down the ladder which sank darkly to an intermediate platform, below < which again was another ladder aad platform, and below that a yellow light...
...2 and 3, 22nd A. D. (East New...
...Inrormation recardlnr ¦jeaken, literatnre, platforms, etc., S^T be obtalaed (mm die National Stamp Beports Urgent It is time that all locals and branches of the party get their report squared up an the voluntary assessment stamps...
...6, Louis Brontbesg will address the group on "Art in Relation to the Theatre...
...A general party mStSershtp meeting of the seven Bronx branches Is called for Monday evening, Jan...
...Braarh Sevan East Another Sunday morning lecture was held Jan...
...Come and bring your friends...
...19, Upholsterers Union, Local 37, at 92 Leveret* St., on "Uhemplcrytteilft Insurance...
...Another Important item is the report of the organfatkm obdhnittee and welcoming two new tranches in the Tth and 5th A. D. Every Bronx Socialist should attend at the •headquarters...
...j. Kansas 'Ross Magul, State secretary, sends a pod order for dues stamps and writes ftat if the weather permits he will start Jreanising wahin « week, or...
...a faithful member, sends dues to the National Qfitoe, saying that this is the eighteenth jear '1 have kept my faith in the cause aad I want to continue it...
...ildiooal Sweia^ifenry has campfeebtoWttee, which shows that ih all pfobatHlfty the party will cover at least S8 Dotes with electoral tickets, If we get the funds to place workers in the...
...At the next meeting on Feb...
...hurt me fer once, fer a little While anyway, hey...
...Wednesday, Jan...
...18, at the East Harlem Education Center, eg East teeth street...
...ten days, rrom several points in Kansas comrades btve sent to national headquarters for supplies and literature...
...Ellis Chadbourne of the World Youth Alliance win take the negative side...
...Schoharie Mansion, Lakewooa...
...say Mr...
...Comrade Shaoiro is one of the veterans of the Kings County movement and to the greater portion of Ms 6$ years he has been one of the most active and devoted members...
...Wheh it It yell be wahtih' hib...
...The Thursday night lectures are well attended ahd as soon as enrollment lists are obtained an- intensive membership drive wig be made throughout the East Side and to organise efficient branches in the 4th and 8th A. D. The theatre party St the Province town Theatre for the benefit of the Sunday morning forum was a suessss...
...B. Block and T. Shapiro, two active members of the branch, are directing both circles...
...Vernon Church Men's Club at 7.80 p. m., on "Socialism...
...Simon Berlin, 245 West 74th street...
...90, 9.99 pm...
...It's been seme time since this branch had a well-attended meeting...
...Air whatT* ashed IfxOmthary withdttt 'the stljdksjsjt letojr she seine of what was meant, but net to be ostfcdbne by mete word...
...15, Mt...
...Refreshments served...
...Admission 50 cents...
...Vast New Yen Branches Nos...
...0 pm...
...The meetings of both branches are heW Jointly ahd are well attended...
...They how see that it is their ddty to be in the fold...
...4. Twenty-seven delegates were present...
...Next Sunday, Jan...
...Admission free...
...Next meeting will be on Friday evening, Jan...
...Subject: "psycholegy and Sen Adjustment...
...We will if our members back tot on...
...Popular admission prices...
...Louis Labor in part declares...
...ThiS Companionate Marriage, Monogamy on Trial...
...Think of lb—twelve dollars a day...
...Friday, Jan...
...This branch meets every second and fourth Sunday, at 10 a. m., at tts heedquarters, 2095 Daly avenue near 180th Street...
...Subject: "Evolution of Industry and Science...
...Auspices, Bosiaitst Party, 23rd A. D. Friday...
...Future dates are Sunday, Jan...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 29rd AJX QUEENS Saturday, January 21, 930 pjn...
...Texas Jt-'M...
...Socialists and sympathizers in Bensonhurst arte invited to spend their Sunday afternoon at this forum...
...What grdai < is lcfe-bs was ad that fwsrticular morning shortly after the work had bdaa begun, •tuJOVbsre was...
...Comrade Stanwood...
...The group in the lock was large...
...In IrtlaM, County Clare, from ¦hence he hailed, he had been a ditcher—something remotely uiiisoi II with water... shy to begin with...
...18, two more branches will be chartered...
...101 Central Branch The branch will meet Tuesday...
...About is peisous were present and 10 more applications for membership were accepted...
...JusSuh Hi Osmah...
...Many branches had failed to elect delegates...
...But then, riory be, once freed from the mysteries of tOlis Island, he had marched got on dry land at the Battery, doth iaf* In hand, and exclaimed, "Thanks be, rra shut av it...
...Three hundred dollars in eaah prises will be awarded to 18 groups and 23 individuals, ranging from $40 down...
...Five) dollars for the relief of tt* striking miners by both the League and the strikers in the shacks of Pennsylvania and Colorado...
...Workmen's Circle...
...Louis ' A general reorganization meeting of Louis...
...Subject: "The Distribution of Wealth...
...One had to begin at the bottom—the same being seventy-five feet under tne Hudson River, where some very careful preliminary digging had to be done...
...A discussion oh Maurer and the Russian situation will be given by Anna Ingerman at the next meetthg...
...J. N. Cohen spoke on 'Democracy—Fjs.illire' or Success...
...Work's Book in Libraries The kind reception given the placing of John M. Work's book, "What's So and What Isn't," in libraries, has encouraged Work to send another hat of 100 names to the National Office for the planting of this book...
...There will be no sdssisaian charge...
...The room was fairly well filled and much interest was shown to this new venture to the Bensonhurst district These lectures will continue every Sunday sfterhoon at 4 p. hi...
...83 applications for membership will be acted upon and reports will be made of intensive organizai^n^work^iow in progress...
...Auspices, Base Park «~*-«rt...
...Dennis, who had been feeling an odd sensation shout his ear-drums and1 throat, but bad no knowledge that it was related tb tots, aekaorfiedgsS thttt hi da...
...1928 Organization FUnS Comrades from different parts of the country are responding already to the call for the 1928 Organization Fund, and se ate In hopes that every individual will contribute something...
...Come along, then...
...after a dsnev feeling himself the centre of a flee of' eurious usssi ratkms and eelicrtation...
...There were many ferry boats Bid craft of all kinds, large and small, rteaming across its choppy bosom, riant steamers, and long projecting piers, great and mysterious^phnd Clouds of gulls, and the shriek of fbMies, and the clang of fag-beifa,.. hut be did not like wafer It joob hirfl back to eleven wretched sondes days in which he had crossed on £e steamer from Ireland...
...He is," replied the stranger without looking up...
...Speaker, T#: Alexander Oeiaarrweiser...
...It comes from them lei* tin' the pressure be put on or took off ass fast...
...furl M*} &k fkg &ehtU» '•WaU, ye're under it now, tern thousand pounds to the square inch...
...dancing will take place i2„tbr...
...Dent ye feel it...
...Auspices -Socialist party...
...Bora rsdk An entertainment and social gathering was held under the Joint auspices of the Bbro Park branches last Saturday evening...
...If the National OHlce is assisted...
...T*mm ignorant as to the naeaaaag pJ--sesMM,"«ssriesM aeply...
...9b Avenue C. Auspices, Socialist Party, 8-8MthAiD...
...As a matter of fact, rater in one form or another had persistently seemed to pursue him dnee...
...n, 9 sun...* Inquired, "fii a.o&stfsT fbAmg I have,*1...
...Yipsel* Gardner Ylpsete are arranging anedaWB^wtoPytc«elUStudy Class win Wive a talk on "Imoerialisto" Sunday, Jan...
...In the re"*« Mew York election he was the ParSk for Aldehnan...
...Subjefet: "Two Socialist Heroes—Debs and London...
...He sends $10 to pay for mailing them as he did in the first instance... Be Csntinoed #exi Week) Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States . r* ' National i: ' BesdfTs in dnorgarused esnrttnafSM inlrtni tafcrmauob an k*w ts sreaabe local divisions of the SoebUsjr Party may obtain instructions, msda charter applications, membership cards, application cards ahd 40 ether necessary in format Ion by isiiiailnr William B. Henry, I»afiwat ExecutiYf Secretary...
...Indiana Farmer Socialist Mayer Bles John O. Lewis, elected mayor of Elwood oh the Socialist ticket in 1919, recently died in California where he had been living for a number of years...
...o, 93# pjh...
...Subjeet: "Evolution of Society and Government.'' 4315 Third avenue...
...As soon as enrollment lists are printed a mass meeting win be held to an effort to obtam stm mere members...
...lfth A. D. At the meeting of Branch 1. 18th A. D-, st 1485 St...
...The last meeting was well attended...
...13, ate p. m., James Oneal win lecture ah m "tfcvelopmeht of the Labor Movement in the United States...
...The grand carnival reVue will take place at 9.1* p.m...
...1 J«7 Boston road, between 187th and 148th streets...
...Esther Friedman has been engaged for a series of lectures...
...This is the annual concert and ball...
...Whe* d'ye, tUfk, rm taalkin' to ye shout...
...Wisconsin . Milwaukee Mask Carnival Five haUs have been obtained fdr the am£-r„prl2e 1m¥* carnival at the SocUiMit Party lfaSft Audltdrittm...
...JWyrr inquired a great hulking ironworker, surveying Maa with a gtmhd leer...
...But fate, ilasl bad not decreed it as a pernafient thing...
...Julius Umansky will uphold the afarmatire side of the subject, "Should Youth Affiliate With a Political Party...
...He retchid thsT 1st trim of the pit, bearded ss to the sadea with huge oak planks sustained by cross beams, sad there, with severs...
...With a bundle which Consisted of his rubber boots, a wem suit of overalls, add with bib pad* and shovel owe* his shoulder, he followed...
...11*7 Boston Road, at g.80 p.m...
...7.30 p. m„ on "De We Need a Labor Party" Sunday, Jan...
...McGiathery had surveyed MS saoeMer and hsdefaeter a* the thhe^hth whedrfaath andy* Stobi* lilus iiJss - - ' Is it as ye teQ me now...
...Saturday night, Jan...
...States like Kansas can bi given support until the movement is ¦> gosd shape...
...9, and Raphael Goldstein was elected organiser...
...12, "Woman's Changing Status as Mother, Wife, Citizen": Feb...
...Wednesday, Jan...
...5, "Origin of Family...
...Such con, tribuhens should measure up to the ability of each member...
...Ordinarily there would be ho reason tb complain for this newborn branch of the 7th A D, but the talk by the speaker was so informative and of such pressing Interest, that it is regrdt-v ful that more people were not present...
...Tickets .fer the entire series of eight lectures is TS cents...
...Abe sir pressure should be adjusted, entered the lock...
...On Friday evening, Jan...
...He immediately planned new activities...
...At the next meeting it is expected that a few more will Join... branches were being organised ahd that forums, lecture courses, Sunday school* and other activities were good- The spirit of the meeting was excellent and mere was every evidence of increased growth and progress to the branchesNominations were made for permanent officers for Local New York Cfty for...
...ones safely settled in Brooklyn, he had9 no sooner sought work than .the best he could seemingly get was a Job in connection with a marsh which was...
...said 'the general discussion following was a revelation...
...Both debaters have had considerable ekpeAPmce hi youth organisation and are mterestmg speakers...
...The speakers are Judge Jacob Panken, William Karliri, and others...
...The dinner will take place at the Philip Morris Maiision, 937 Broadway...
...Rocks.way Park Forum...
...Claeaseta* In Newark August Claessens...
...Kehpedy of Brady writes that al'h anxious to organise a Socialist focal and nominate a county ticket...
...the Deans' Class in Ethics, and at the Harvard Llbr eral Club, at the Phillips Brooks House to Harvard, at an mdusfiiai rrmrr) ih the Y W C. A. of catabridge, composed of hsttassb aads and factory girls, at.jProt Vaughan's class at the Boston School of Theology, and at the Chapel of the Theology school at Boston Union- On Tuesday, Jan...
...6i«-i2tk A. D Thursday, Jan...
...Thursday, Jan...
...the year 1928...
...Admission fa 18 cents...
...our forum starts...
...Meetings arte held every Sunday at 5.00 p. m. , Louis Rabtnorits of the Boston Circle wU be one of the fciwsrrn at...
...13th—19th A. D. Brooklyn members are iedueMed to reserve Friday, Jan...
...Dann, carte of Caslon Mess, TOT Broadway, BroawJim, end at the Cat* Office...
...Lewis had been a plate-glass worker and several sons also worked alt the trade...
...20, at the Workmen 4s Circle Building, 84 River street, near Main...
...I duhhbV irtve dollars a day...
...IB, at 9.90 p.m...
...Lecture Calendar .NEW YORK Jacnb*$anlfeh^ B. Botwinick guest speaker Bennington Hall, gl4 East 3d street...
...Member- Eddie Slawder?'' sssTJsSl another gaily...
...8 at 11 a, m., with August Claessens as speaker...
...29 at 3.00 p.m...
...No admission charge and no collections...
...The reports are to be sent to the State or District secretaries...
...Jacob Bernstein, vice-chairman...
...New York City City Central Committee The first meeting of the new City Central Committee was held Wednesday, Jan...
...Joseph Tuvim, recording secretary...
...84d pm: Speaker...
...advance sale tickets, 35 cents each...
...This seine Cavanaugh was ts be one of the foremen in this tunnel...
...I went over to see him...
...the Agenda for the forthcoming National Convention wm be discussed...
...4219 Third Ave...
...His coining into the Socialist Party will doubtless cause other progressive voters to Mow him, for Ih California, as in other States, it is either the Socialist Party or one of the old parties...
...K.,~ "iyyuh knew what thi 'bends' hV new mess...
...It looked tod rray sad sullen, seeing that he was rieitog ifthrough a driving, sleety i^m...
...L.*wk filled this position for the PnJfcrrssive movement in 1924...
...22 by Joseph Gansalez, subject to be announced...
...ok) and stone-rotten, when,, one-half being empty and the other full, the old dividing wall.broke, and once more be barely escaped with his life by scrambling up a steep hank...
...Auspices, Tremont Educational Forum...
...We would like to i«e every list returned to the national ieadquariers with names and contribuhans listed...
...It would be tm makirr4 av ye...
...socialists has been called to ntet at Labor Hall, 940 Chouteau avesja on Tuesday evening, Jan...
...An iiitferctrtitig lecture swd* disbumioui was held...
...18, at 8.30 p.m., at 122 Pierrepont st...
...Among those that filed application for a charter were a few old tuners who drifted away from the party...
...M, at the Freeman Mansion, 1248 southern boulevard, when the branch wig be installed and officers elected...
...8.30 Bpfeaaei...
...At 11 a.m...
...persisted the other provOt sHi'sty.- »- '--v y^v- f "JSaw," replied Bemeui awkarardtp...
...Thursday, Jan...
...Delegates to the Central Committee are Celts Rotter and Leonard C. Rave...
...He had a host of friends and his administration was generally approved by the working class voters...
...He spoke at Simmons' College to...
...Each New York Branches are to excellent condition, growing ih membership and full of pep...
...3 Bqyieston, Place, on "Unemployment Insurance...
...No, I never •did...
...Subject: "The Physic Factors to Race Prejudice...
...There being no objections, the slogan stands as amended—200 MEMBERS BY MAT FIRST...
...Be la...
...Illinois " Itsrmsri ThMus In Chicage ^Jonaan Thjomas, contrtbuting editor to 3* New Leader' and executive director «. the League "for Industrial Democracy, Jul sbeak on -Youth and the Socialist 22*" a* the Douglas Park Labor Lyjyern...
...The start will be made at Los Angeles in a large mass meeting...
...California Opening the Campaign "The labor World of San Francisco will liinounce in its issue of Jan...
...Marks avenue, on Friday evening last, one member modestly suggested that the slogan for this "enfant terrible" be "iso members by Mag Day...
...of Recent Executions ."''All members are urged to bring a friend or two...
...tji 1 iSs 11 Branch The artoUal general meeting of the German-speaking Branch of New Turk County will be held Friday, Jan...
...K Is a New Tear for all and a renew rear far ear readers whose subs have ss* pirad...
...T* say, dd ptn ,5 "Certainly.'* "Well...
...Head is now a member of the Socialist Party and is said to be a very effective speaker and writer...
...With an enrollment at 987 and a vote of 3.600, are you satisfied with 100 members...
...The YIPSL League Circles, junior and senior, are also making progress...
...Subject: "The BbasJpsBhl and Social Factors to Race Prejudice...
...This work is to be done ih fibs tvemng...
...If the present membership is any criterion, the 18th A. D. will soon furnish a good part of the intellectual leadership of the Brooklyn Socialist movement...
...Comrade Claessens spoke on the Socialist Movement...' doss sumpuV ts yer nerves...
...New England State Office Notes The Shale Office has circularised every trade union in Massachusetts against the vicious anti-labor criminal syndicalism bill and in favor of our anti-Injunction bill arid-our unemployment insurance bill, ouite a number of favbmtse responses have been received...
...19, "Sex Education...
...Oh Jan/ 12, the subject is "Democracy and the American Form of Government...
...At the Executive Committee meeting Wednesday...
...It appears that the same will be true of January...
...pehke It's a fine Job...
...Since then, there has been an excellent response in paymnt at dues and the record to January was one of the best' for several years...
...New Officer* will be elected...
...The number at flretrefls in Harlem and (heir numaos to the intobitants wUl be discussed...
...While we fully realize the presjntreaction in the American Labor arid sscttlist movement and are aware of the Pes.' obstacles that will confront the rejrganizaUon work, we owe it to ourselves jhlto the movement to get the local SUjS"ht Party reorganized immediately and kseeie for action, in co-operation with «& national organisation...
...15, 4 pm...
...Subject: "The Political Situation to the United States and Foreign Countries...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 13-8th A. B. Branch...
...3rd—5ih—l«th A. D. This branch is coming to life again...
...It wOulttdH...
...might lead'to higher things —viz., bricklaying, or plastering, in the guise of cement moulding, down La this very tunnel, or timbering, or better yet, the steel-platejoining trade, which was' a branch of the ironworkers' guild and was rewaided by no less a compensation than twelve dollars a day...
...needed to pack and ship clothing to the urgenfio^Seve^S*Esst fcm^enttertio &t$khTof gstw& teres ted please con* to the office...
...ftew York State beading's Example State Secretary Merrill >has called the attention of the locals arid party members to the statement of Mayor Stump of Reading in regard to the success of the movement in that city being due primarily to organization...
...29, on "Woman's Status in Russia...
...Boston Central Branch Boston Central Branch has an attractive educational program for its meetings oh the second and fourth Thursdays st 21 Essex stteet...
...Other 80daliit$ of the county should write him si Box 712, Brady...
...Arryeworkin' here...
...subject: "Psychology and CrhsnVV Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 219 Baojpsjafl street...
...253 East 84th street...
...912 A Dd*-!**- '5 ' Think of if...
...It's hot five I can git everywhere...
...Ohets one is en the job...
...Of course it required time and patience...
...19, 8—30 tun, Speaker...
...of New York, lectures at headquarters, S3 S. Orange avenue, Thursday evening, Jan...
...Joseph P. IdeTs Reetdenee, Roekawsy Park...
...Another meeting is called far Friday evening, gab...
...that an intensive membership drive wig dh...
...We may hi able to line up all States for our Presidential ticket...
...On Sunday, Jan...
...JpagJssrV Sua gust Claessens..., by T_ Bdlegefanan...
...23rd A. O. Branch meetings are held every Monday evening at the Labor Lyceum, 219 Sackman street...
...Sunday, Jan...
...BRONX . Friday, Jan...
...Yet here he was, facing this great river on a gray rainy November morning;, and with the avowed object of going to work in the tunnel which was about to be dug under it...
...Delegates reported considerable Increase in activity...
...Cuiiier Tveuiorrt Ave.V'Auspices TTemdht Bdpreiirmei Forum...
...90, Ss this branch win tender a reception and dinner in honor of the 60th birthday of William Shapiro... a corner of the room sat Frank Brodsky, ahd be gave the modest comrade a withering kJdk... Room 14 at the Labor Temple...
...Be has e^blished contacts in places where there has net been ah L. I. D. speaker for years...
...the river, and down below in this new shaft, somewhere, was Thomas Cavanaugh, id wnbm he had to report before be, could go to work...
...Kedzle.and Ogden avenues, Mon•W, Jan...
...L . Marx Lewis in South _jtatt Lewis, secretary to Congressman Betger, will gladly give co-operation in tbjH wnSt of arranging for party tickets in.,J»Brjh Carolma, Virginia and West Vlhjfiiis...
...17, 9.45 pm...
...Stump had served in this office for 12 years...
...Mb A. » Another organisation sacettog was held to the territory of the 5th A D. last Friday evening, at the Freeman Mansion...
...York) are showing excellent progress...
...Ye'll find him inside tte second lock...
...The announcement in St...
...m "Well, yuh will if yuh ever gtt.Ssni —bawl tow...
...this from a waggish lout, a bricklayer who had previously hot spoken...
...others who were* waiting until...
...Tuesday, Jan...
...The principal speaker will be Lew Read, one of the leaders in the Progressive Party in southem California ih the LaFbllette campaign...
...Vthefa* O. BarW Tear Vincent G. Burns is touring the Massachusetts colleges for (the League for Ind^riaT rJemocracy...
...Then* there wssn eowdwrfc-betng dssgr a great-open so war which enee when he aad ether members of the construction gang were working an it, was fieeded by a cloudburst, * tremendous afternoon rain-storm which drove them from it with a volume of water which threatened to- -drown them ail: Still later, he aad thirty others were engaged' in cleaning out S two-compartment reservoir...
...Harlem A mass saeeting will be held by Harlem branches on Wednesday evening, Jan...
...Strikers' Relief Committee, 156 Fifth avenue...
Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 4