An International Puppet Show? Will The United States Change Its Imperialist Course? HAVANA PARLEY PUTS U. S. HONOR IN THE BALANCE JNTO the veryilair of the imperialism, of the United "States...

...The Sixth Pan American Conference at Havana, beginning January 10...
...will speed to Havana aboard the peace-loving, gunbristllng- "Texas'* to deliver an address on the opening day of the Congress, January 16, 1928...
...Stacked Cards Capitalist politics is a crooked poker game with the best hands held by sharks who play with marked cards...
...Instead of practising football yells, the amendments to'the constitution and the bill of rights were memorized...
...B. White law, president of the Tale* Liberal Club, co-leader with Frederick C. Hyde of the student brigade...
...Before it was printed It was shown to Dean Clarence Mendell, who pronounced it a fair and justifiable statement Bf the facts...
...But .the recbTdldendauOff of the' council also shows a comptef e unity of politics- say eedrJeeSe* iri this state...
...Levy", who...
...A widespread sense of economic' grievance is being felt and some of it Is certain to be registered to a Socialist vote next November...
...They own the industries and want to continue to own them...
...em Rentuum Ptddte of the Law Jacob Panken...
...every conference by a formal resolution and to place it on a permanent footing through a treaty or convention...
...According to Admiral Magruder they have alaeady over officered the navy we've got and to have more jobs there must be more ships...
...Eyes of [ World on Gathering In Havana Why ail this hubbub...
...You too...
...They were the cream of the 6,000' collegians...
...One took advantage of a lantern slideillustrated botany lecture to sleep—in anticipation of a possible sleepless night in jail...
...A certain percentage of the voters who supported the LaPollette-Wheeler ticket in 1934 will not return to either of the old parties...
...Yesrre sWsstss*.' Meyers proceeded to head out another of those umnentionable things and he did see...
...Jacksonville Mayor Bars Randolph From Speaking In the City When several citlsens called on the mayor of Jacksonville to Inform him of a proposed vistt of A Philip Randolph...
...former secretary of state...
...A most imprq&sive delegation from this country will be present...
...What makes thhV situation all the more tragic and brutal is the fact that Governor Fuller, one of the most' servile agents of the textile ohgsurchy that ever held the office, went out of his way to coolly recommend to the Legislature a change in- the labor code that would permit a drift back to the old sad days of factory feiii daltsni...
...ekes- of the* hhieteeri who had been arrested...
...rn put In Jail and anybody else who has anything to do with his meeting...
...T am seadsag yoa through Hambras Bank the sum of one pound which I should be glad If yoa would forward to them as a gesture of good will...
...Proposals to strike down certain labor laws to "remedy" conditions in the textile industry by permitting longer hours of work on seasonal demands have been recommended to the Legislature by State members of the New England Council...
...The name was changed In 1910...
...With this prejudicial attitude on the part of the mayor of Jacksonville, the citizens informed Mr...
...It would be but a preliminary step to the establishment of an American League of Nations, which to the Latin American countries with their participation in the Geneva League seems a useful handle in International affairs...
...The' Senate has once' more passed Senator Norrls* btfi for a Constitutional amendment which would seat the' President and more especially members' of Congress more promptly after fheV election...
...A boyhood reading of John Stuart Mill "On Liberty" has never been forgotten...
...For fear that even such a galaxy of stars might not dazzle the Latin Americans our shining president, Calvin Coolidge himself...
...Basing their proposals on parts of Governor Fuller's message at the opening of the Legislature last week, the council members quote from the message as follows: "We cannot have our industries operated so that employes work fewer hours and earn more money and the employers pay more taxes and at the same time have the products compete in price with those of other States where the women and children work longer hours, where wages are low and where taxes as much less...
...Prosperity" IS Passing Another factor is the widespread h»crease in unemployment which is reported from all parts of the country...
...The outlawry of war B a meaningless phrase unless it 10 accompanied by a vigorous ^ftght against imperialism...
...No flowery speeches, but an earnest discussion of a vital question...
...The Monroe Doctrine making this country .policeman of the Western hemisphere has been good enough... -J > - , All of which leads, me to rensarx usu there is a lot of burnt Ift this tafit of the superiority of private to public enterprises in terms of economy and efficiency...
...It has been able to extend this aid out of contributions it has received during the first two weeks after the committee appealed for funds...
...the captafn mused It remains to be sen whether they witi be...
...Pr lionets were nned net et the bee,* flw*w names- entered off the blotter, chanted with Illegal distribution of advertising matter on - the streets...
...Three tlrAet he returned to his post, three times he was shoved out into the ratter...
...The suppression of news by the New Haven papers, the antagonistic attitude of the police raised new and deeper issues...
...The latter thought the gutter nee A dwuieblc place...
...New Hatch has been reminded of 1st duty,— that it is pert of the' Untied States where* civil MberUee art reputed to be the heritage of ail iijojtiduefls arid of gain tort w>iif, Including workingnxen and trwde Ufdofis...
...The United States has had different notions, however...
...Nsniee and addresses ware duly noted, although with • bit of difficulty...
...The United 3tates enters the fray fully armed, aware of the hostility of many delegates, confident of the subserviency of others, certain of ,ts overbearing strength...
...The United States, if it cannot have its way, may very well abandon the role of decency that the Pan-American Union has enabled it to play, (fitch the Union and embark upon a frank policy of aggression...
...It would endanger the Monroe Doctrine...
...Leo S. Rowe, director general of the Pan American Union, and Noble B. Judah, ambassador to Cuba...
...don't argue with the policemen...
...It is believed that the local superintendent of the Pullman Company In Jacksonville, Mr...
...The fourth time Meyers resumed hM stand in front of the factory door, Sergeant McTiran began to realise that his* friend was there to stay...
...At Havana American imperialism stands at the cross-roads...
...No one knows what k as aggressive war until long after ft Is over...
...Revision of laws governing industry to allow some elasticity in operation relative to the hours of labor in our textile industry and permitting elmination of discrimination against that industry as compared to other industries in Massachusetts...
...Hoan has issued a statement in which he says: "Since 1910 Milwaukee has developed from one of the worst governed cities to one of the best governed large cities In our country...
...His dear heart was disappointed There were 'some notes to Greek and other extinct languages... the heading on the well-written, temperately expressed leaflet...
...It would prove embarrassing to the carrying out of imperialistic policies...
...Baps Cheap Politics "Scores of good citizens of Milwaukee refuse an appointment rather than run the risk of a rejected confirmation of this type of cheap politics...
...The funds of the party come chiefly from workmgmen and women and when unemployed their contributions are necessarily smaller than they otherwise would be...
...They come from- Peking, China California, and points East...
...You would be a fool to support this program if you are a banker, capitalist or trust magnatfi...
...After all the satisfaction of the commercial, manufacturing and financial Interests that are' at stake are more Important to American capitalists than polite .or generous appearances...
...The Latin American countries are interested in them but not to the exclusion of political considerations affecting then* very existence.' The United" States,, of course, will in all probability be able to ward off any open attack upon its policies...
...Is the most comprehensive: . "No State may fa the future directly or Indirectly, nor by lessen of any motive, eeeany even temporarily any portion ef the territory of another State...
...ttsaflsJiiifc» meet* Criminology class met, for the six,arrested at Stern...
...Morris Hillqult, Norman Thomas and Sergius Ingerman will talk on the significance of Russia to the Socialistic movement...
...Seer' "Lei's See a tinae" The New Haven nollee were evidently out to make the Yale boys see something...
...I juuge Pulls...
...At the Third Conference at Rio de Janeiro in 1906 the scope of the Bureau was enlarged so that It became a permanent committee to arrange for future conferences and a cooperative medium In scientific, sanitary, highway and other harmless matters...
...JaVto dtyenterprise had done Jlke wise fher# wouil have been > tremendous outory about uke the efficient privately dwnecf Consodaated Oas Co...
...Is ill j I *e ..**ar - t. t...
...A certain proportion will, as usual, jump out of the Republican frying pan into the Democratic lire, while others will retrain from voting out of sheer disgust with the turn of affairs...
...The consent given to the occupying state by the stale occupied wfll not legttimattes the occupation and the ooeapant wB be responsible fee...
...In the first place the Independent LaPollette movement has completely disappeared...
...They will give me the support to which I am justly entitled, namely, a majority of aldermen indorsed by the Socialist party...
...I betters H hi the sady station in the world which invites or even allows ttoeU to bo ased by the friends of world peace...
...If you don't beat it 111 place you under arrest...
...The letter say* that the Ma—selnisetts law"Vrohibftmg the ensptoyment of women m any capacity for the purpose of manufacturing in the evening, "or in the manufacture of textile goods after 8 o'clock in the evening?, is ah absolute' dtoerfrhhtotten against the textffe industry and has operated to the marked disadvantage of Massachusetts...
...literature about the labor movement* This question now rests with the courts of Connecticut...
...This fact is unquestioned...
...The corrected bill' was promptly paid by the treasurer of my campaign committee, in the course .of the next few weeks he got two letters Inquiring why he sent them a check arid at the end of about six weeks I got a very dfeagreeabie dunning letter from' them...
...Labor Not Iff Leglststturtr The tendency of southern textile production Is td drag New England production to the same primitive working standards- of s Hundieil year* ago...
...Randolph of this attitude of the city administration toward him and advised that he should not visit Jacksonville at this time...
...We we no£ likely to make matters better by being in a position to dispute •Kb her for the mastery...
...that the labor organizations haws not in fifty years acquired a fighting labor group in the Legislature, a group that would be...
...The police had their orders...
...Will it relax its tightening grip upon the nations that border the Carribean Sea and leave them free to live out their destinies, or Will it crush them completely...
...The duestfons of a pdcihsherlt' status rer the Pari Anfericafi Union, intervention* end' compulsory arbitration will be erutial for the Hbrth Intematlonal eonferhhce of the American States...
...A; peculiar Democrat, he is intensely interested to free speech...
...But the' case does fist rest there...
...It took I don't knew hew many letters and telephone calls to.get out of that famous concern a final htfl for service at my campaign headquarters...
...Meanwhile even If further negotiations with France come to a temporary bait Senator Capper's resolution in the American Senate covers the main points necessary for a befinning at the outlawry of war...
...wfO indicate which path the United States will follow...
...Compulsory arbitration, an American League of Nations, treaties instead of resolutions seem Insignificant considerations, divorced from the important economic forces at work in the worldLet us remember, however, that these are political cloaks...
...That of the Dominican Republic and Mexico, Jointly submitted...
...the1 case *aV pestobnkd until January 22flu...
...The Divinity school was best represented, while sociology and "econ" were not among the missing...
...Well, hand.out one mere of these things and well see...
...In 1902 a Governing Board was substituted to consist of the American Secretary of State as chairman and the representatives of the affiliated countries accredited at Washington...
...Hand out the leaflet...
...After venting some pointed ill-nature on reporters who - insisted on hanging around to see what would happen, he turned his attention to the college men who had'started the' distribution of literature...
...There are a number of reasons for this and correspondence received by the national office verify them...
...The next morning, 5,000 collegians awoke to banter about something new in college heroes—Jfl young students who had braved the wrath of the local manufacturers aasoclaEiofr and its accommodating police department...
...Sergius Ingerman—and from the subject—"Socialism and Soviet Russia"—the affair will be a real intellectual treat...
...Only two weeks remain, and reservations are coming in at a rapid rate...
...Imperialism seems to have the clearer roadway...
...Of course, finances for the work ahead is an important problem...
...All other questions, la the event the above information is sot sufficient, will cheerfully be given at The New Leader, 7 East 15th street...
...At the New Leader Dinner...
...if they insist on making you stop the distribution, m'stetoW going ahead untn they arrest you," said Troup...
...Realizing the importance of funds the National Executive Committee has not waited for the Philadelphia meeting before facing this problem The committee has broadcasted an appeal to party members and friends for funds and contribution lists are in circulation in an the states to gather funds for the work ahead...
...I have fought and beaten the whole phalanx and in spite of a threatened recall have emerged with the most efficient heads of departments who ever served the city...
...Banality Demanded At the fifth conference in 1023 it was definitely settled that governments are represented "as of right", that fax the absence of an accredited representative at Washington % country may appoint a special representative on the Governing Board and that the chairmanship shall be elective instead of being vested in the secretary of state of the United States...
...And while frisking the-dangerous prisoners, the desk saptofcn fervently hoped7 for a gun, a kntfe or a billy of some kind...
...HAVANA PARLEY PUTS U. S. HONOR IN THE BALANCE JNTO the veryilair of the imperialism, of the United "States will come the delegates from Latin America to the Sixth Pan American Conference* Havana: capital of the protectorate of Cuba, hub t of the American^ Mediterranean whose shores are coveted by the ' giant of the norm...
...These comprised all the deadly weapons In the crowd...
...3(r Days Per Inch" ."Thirty days for each inch," was the prediction ventured by one uhder-graduate...
...One was accomplished —a stone wall of silence erected by the local press around the neckwear makers' strike had been dented so as to show wipe open gang,------>j( The Fa* Is Shading The other purpose—a somewhat, larger one—was to establish the right of freedom of expression by testing the validity of the police department's refusal to permit the distribution -o...
...What would happen to the* capitalists who own our various protectorates: the National Cite Bank te Cubs', Sunn, loeb' & Co., tee, Higginson & Co*., the- Ecjattable Trust Co., Speyer de Co1., ma the' National City Bank In Sarito bomfngh...
...We shall »ee what we shall see...
...Of course the dead will not learn this till thev wake uf in another world...
...How far win they get...
...James H. Maurer, co-author of a report recently published on conditions .in Russia, will state his views on the Soviet experiment...
...An election in Milwaukee in April Is also expected to result in another Socialist victory and this will further Inspire Socialists to continue work of party building and prepare for the presidential campaign...
...For teeflteteney take this hctts story of the* New York Telephone Co...
...With such support I can assure this city that the good work of the past will be continued and even greater things can be accomplished to make Milwaukee a better, bigger, brighter and more decent place in which to live...
...He toM how Stern ds Merritt and Berkman St Adler, two New York neckwear manufacturers, had refused to sign an agreement with the union because the workers Insisted on the abolition of home-work...
...Shortly after' four o'clock Tuesday the students came together In Dwight Hall...
...There to' plenty ef favoritism, graft and toeflkstoncy to private corporations...
...oobpetatkcl are what the* UnttoT States should like to see emphasised...
...Lauds Socialist Party "While many public spirited citizens, as well as department heads, have contributed greatly to this end, there can be no doubt that the leadership in this fight for better government and decency in civic affairs was taken by the Socialist party...
...Hell, thfs stat nw school it's Say* yef...
...The price...
...And isstfl-ench.m>: suggested gad carefully examined it win" be "a t*y dangerous thing to try to dis^Bgflfth between aggressive and nantfgiesslve war...
...until a year after their election...
...Benjamin Stolberg, one of the best known of American journalists, will give a non-party Socialist's view of Socialism and Soviet Russia...
...Others who play are food for the sharks...
...Now at the Havana Conference the plan is to free the PanAmerican Union from the precarious position it occupies from being given life anew at...
...The Commission of Jurists todtotoasrp failed to Incorporate these suggestions in its code but it decided to submit them to the consideration of the Havana cob-' ferenee...
...Another was John Drake, whose wealthy father runs and owns the Drake Hotel of Chicago... SI Union Square, has reeatesd the fallowing letter from the War Bsssshae International hi Middlesex, England: It was forwarded to the Debs efiVe by Earner Byres, a seeder of the American pacifist movement...
...James Brown Scott, secretary of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace...
...TUB proposal is definitely better than Briand• original proposal for a treaty oar/ with France...
...We have a tax rate far below the average of both large and small cities...
...Morgan J. O'Brien, former judge...
...The other Latin American countries are not by any means united...
...Given present condfuons in Europe the moral effect of a treaty pledging us never to fight France, a treaty having no duplicate with any other nation, would be alrst that of an alliance with France, would at least mean a very beneWtest attitude toward France as against her possible enemies in Europe...
...In spite of this opposition, I have cleaned out rottenness in municipal departments, beginning witn tne police and flntHhJTig two weeks ago with that bulwark of iniquity, the building inspector's office...
...Just let me find a kntfe or somethm' on one of you," the septals) pleaded...
...News that fbe New Haven Chamber of Commerce had invited the firms to settle In the Elm City only added fire to their resentment...
...Meyers buthely ignored* the invitation...
...Everybody' knows that as matters stand today unless there Is a special session of Congress neWly elected members do not get Info action...
...Beneath is the warm flesh of life... the new elections have been ¦eM...
...In response te a request from the United Neckwear Makers' Union, Thomas Journeyed to New Haven and engaged the Tale Liberal Club in a discussion of the strike...
...Its very control of the governmental puppets in countries like Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Panama will save it much pointed criticism...
...The Mexican Supreme court has declared the oil laws' uncorMtitUtional, the legislature and executive have practically submitted to the off men's demands and In return the American bankers wBl be gentle with the enormous Mexican foreign debt After off the United states government speaks fer the capitalists who profit from lmperhflMm...
...for esampto...
...Up on the mam street of New Haven the scene was being repeated with variations depending on the supply of humor" of the arresting officers...
...Reservations should be mailed to the above address or made by telephone immediately...
...Chamber of Commerce...
...My guess is that Dwight Morrow and the rest with the •id of a little sentimentallsm about Lindbergh and some more practical considerations have managed to f ore**U or at any rate weaken the sharp •ttack on American overlordship •Bich at one time seemed probable ¦t the Havana conference... France, 1*7...
...It would be better that these elections should be under Pan-American supervision than under our own exclusive control How much we can hope from PanAmericanism as a substitute in this hemisphere for Imperialism, it is difficult to say...
...Take as an example, the first item on the-agenda: It runs dryly enough: "Organization of tfee PanAmerican Union on the basis of a convention prepared by the Governing Board of the PanAmerican Union, in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Fifth International Conference of American States on May 1, 1928...
...The National Office has already sent two small financial contributions to two states where work of organisation is being pushed...
...So this is the revolution," murmured another...
...They succeeded more than passing well...
...What makes this dominion of textile capital so revolting Is the fact...
...They came direct from classes and lecture halls...
...Iff ttjttrt otf WWmesday...
...I wfch that we were in a pestien to make B a more asbslsnlhil sum...
...Say-yer, hen...
...The culminating afrout was the seizure by the police of three students, Hyde and Whltelaw among them, for passing out union literature at the factory gate...
...Joined by George Brooks, another student, Hyde and Whltelaw started an investigation of the strike and the attitude eft the press and police...
...the National City Bant m In BtBti...
...General Organlsesr of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Oar Porters and Editor of The Messenger Magazine, he answered sharply, saying: "I anew aO about It, bat he ami earning' here to Jacksonville...
...Twice be was accompanied by Frederic JtacCartriey and Louis Scatea No group of profiteore would have dared in those' days to have made the proposal now made and no Governor would have dared to recommend it That this ife possible now simply measures the opportunities' which' fof thirty years' labor has literally thrown away...
...Original t5-0b hA4 MVXl <feift^t/t(fe-d...
...Attorney Troup* gave his instructions, and benedictions in a final word to the distributors...
...Friday evening, January Z7tn> at six-thirty promptly...
...Members everywhere are urged to circulate their contribution lists and gather funds as rapidly as possible The campaign does not begin with the convention next ApriL It has already begun and It wtH continue with increasing activity till the votes an eountsd next Hovembec...
...Dwight WMorrow, American ambassador to .Mexico...
...Pep" Meetings Held The students felt their course was clear...
...92.50 a plate, if reserved in advance...
...Station WEVD Gets Support From Across The Atlantic Ocean Support for Station WEVD, the radio station established by the Debs Memorial madia Fand as a sassaeHal to the great Seciaflst leader, has been received from all parts of the country and bow eontribatieBs and eapies*iom of appreciation are beginning to come hi from acre— the waters.* - The Office of the Debs Fand...
...httfnW countries of the CarfbBeatt?' The present fntervention in 1Wriaragmt is ad object lesson...
...sneered the captain...
...Coolidge "prosperity", never substantial at Its best, is being punctured by the creeping industrial paralysis that is setting in...
...B. C. Vladeck will be chairman (need more be said...
...Is-it possible for you to make up your mind about this as easily, at they, do theirfK..___ TIMELY OPICS By Norman Thomas r!Js somewhat surprising to see the Coolidge Administration taking a Molts lead for peace by proposing to France a treaty which other nattff also can sign outlawing war...
...But a* an mustratfem of the perfection of private' ownership and efficiency I pass od tins tale to you...
...It sent one wrong bill which it corrected the next day...
...A QUESTION IN ECONOMICS The Socialist movement proposes that all modern industry as rapidly as possible shall pass into public ownership, control and operation...
...Here is a chance to get acquainted...
...Then the substantial Increase in the Socialist vote last November, coupled with the Socialist sweep to Reading, Pa., has awakened many inactive party members and former members of the party... Nicaragua...
...An Explosive Potet The next matter which appears upon the program for the Havana conference seems Innocent: "Consideration of the results of the /Commission of Jariots whtoh as' sembled at Rio de Janeiro...
...Later on the company had the courtesy to apologize...
...We have no reason to play Jtvorltss in this fashion...
...19 Yale Men Defy Police In Tie Strike Arrest of 19 Draws the Lines on New Haven Civil Liberties Issue By Edward Levinson ThTEW HAVEN.—Across the Tale campus and through the arched arcade under Vanderbilt Hall, donated to the college by two Vanderbilts as a memorial to a third, sixty Tale students trudged late Tuesday afternoon each with eight inches of labor leaflets tucked under his arm...
...In addition to this some public-spirited citizens and civic clubs have caused an occasional insurgency of just enough votes among old party politicians to the council to obtain confirmation of department heads...
...They need not ;occupy our attention here...
...However no declaration for the outlawry of war will seem to the world anything but hypocrisy so long as we go on with our little wars in Nicaragua and elsewhere when it suits our convenience...
...The Jurists were to codify International law for this hemisphere...
...329 Broadway...
...It is net an right today: Yet so eaaiittpri sense a change' at senator Norrfe' proposed amendment has repeatedly been blocked by the house for no reason at' afir unless- it to that our representatives dfitft want to give up the chance of consoling themselves for defeat in reelection by some little bargaining far Jobs during the tome duck session which they as defeated members of Congress can attend...
...Senator Nye^S^ others have introduced good resolutions in the Senate on this subject...
...We are assuming that the United States is rtlll keeping- up the pretense of fair play as a sop to public opinion here arid' abroad...
...The letter foBows: "The council of the War Bsststezs International very meeh appreciates the work which the Debs Radio Station is doing...
...And sixriing damn hot," added "Whitey"—J...
...Before handmg then* out, the students had given the newspapers another chance to redeem their sadly battered reputations...
...Finally, that shimmering light...
...Is This Fair Play...
...All that the United States has wanted has been utilitarian economic arrangements as to patents, copyrights and customs practice to facilitate trade and cultural and humanitarian cooperation.* Consequently since 1889 when the first Pan-American Conference met at Washington at the instance of this country, the Congresses have kept clear of any effective political action that would bring the United States down to a position of equality with its neighbors...
...efasNrtiereT>\irhi£ • htfr uiMlfy fGttt art flW Satr btf sajjjjgaseiW as dltututry in ttftfptfrtaiit In** juncfkrfi Gktv&t mitri mStS&t tvs dbttttM fof ¦* i ¦ » ¦. ||i gvjgnka daA ¦¦ ¦ ^^a_*tMM tats toes.: la sfM skw erarage psetoetton «f «a«l by saeh sstoer to the safhraeMe stog IssBSBSgaws aUsflr saw deablsd stoee AmOW fact »¦'¦¦«¦» to ^Ito^jr^josaa-, mimic* mt 10*4, she ¦¦Igfcin sstoer to UN dag a* atetegV st tfg ttosr...
...At first the United States Secretary of State was the sole administrator...
...Secretary of State Kellogg will add to the brilliance of the American group...
...You're under arrest," says the Sergeant, suddenly It seemed that the whole college was hmndteg out terrible pieces of white paper which made the represg wtatH ves of the majestte law tremble and swear...
...Now British control of |hese routes in time of war is a high h*aded and imperialistic affair...
...end the smaller fry of importers, exporters and manufacturers who profit by the.American strangle-hold on these and' «he...
...Originally the function of the Bureau or as it has come to be called, the Pan-American Union, was to compile and publish pertinent commercial information...
...fJearly thirty years ago James F. Carey, a fighting Irish shoemaker, was sent to the State Legislature for several years...
...We may elaborate on the hypocrisy of' tile American position, we may place obVbmctions to the way of fmpierlahsto but fundamentally our task to to show that the exploitation of foreign peoples to a product of capitalism...
...TO HELP NICARAGUA Perhaps those Nicaragua™ do not realise it but the American machine guns and bombing planes in their country are soley intended to prove American friendship for them...
...Our ¦Mines should be ordered immediately to stop any offensive against Sandino and arrangements should be made for their withdrawal, at least as ¦oon...
...It is easy to see why naval officers •ant a bigger navy...
...That Whltelaw and Hyde were released without any charges being pressed against them convinced the students that the police were acting in a highminded manner...
...did very fhte work at jftsenfl D*epdty Assistant AUdi'iiey* General in dBBflJoUsW with th* elerflori frauds m itftf...
...The report was completed...
...Ray Lyman Wilbur, president of Leland Stanford University...
...City Attorney Sam Persky, evidently acting in his dual capacity at counsel for the Chamber of Commerce and for the city, had decreed that ft would be illegal to hand out the leaflets...
...He was narrowly defeated for Mayor test November...
...I won't "beat if and I am doing nothing fer which you can arrest see...
...Moreover Skretary Kelloggs declaration afsiast war is to be preferred to M. Briand's counter suggestion that the* 'Vuiltflatersi treaty" shall outlaw agpwfte wars...
...The metal fadustries also would like the fat contacts that come from ship building, •"rybody knows that we don't need * hlgger navy to protect our own a&°ces but only to challenge Britain's* oontrol if the commerce routes of the world...
...It means more job* and more chances for promotion...
...The increasing resttvftnete of the ijetin Americans, tnetr growth In stature, the threatening competition of mrropeun merchants, the1 necessities of th# American internal political situation, pnrtictneriy hi a presidential year, may' dictate a poficy of placation...
...The desire for compulsory arbitration Is not universal...
...There seemed to be a trace of disappointment in Whitelaw...
...The attire is legalistic, diplomatic...
...27TH ABRAHAM CAHAN, editor of Forward, who spent six months in Russia, will make his first public address, giving his Impressions of the Soviet country...
...all occurrences resetting from the oceopeUon nut only with respect to the State steuptod bat to the third parlies as wen...
...Troup is the leading Democrat in town...
...It will be interesting to •» what happens at the Havana conference to which President CooUdge and his imposing lot of American notables are going...
...There were more than fifty of them...
...Beethoven Hall, 210 East 5th at...
...Brown Brothers Sc Co., and J. and #. Sengfnan A Co...
...Heretofore the United States has steered the Pan-American Conference, technically known as International Conferences of American States, into safe channels...
...He will probably face a charge and a' siflt for damages for impersonating an officer...
...The League for Industrial Democracy, in New Jork Ctty had 30,000 of the 8 page leaflet rim off the press, antf byJiormuy tost they were safely tucked away in Dwight HaH, awaiting distribution...
...That was all right perhaps m the year of stage'coaches...
...The eoufieff in considering southern competition regards it as "discrimination against the textile industry...
...They cannot register a protest...
...In businesslike rnunner the city was zoned up,' tWo students to ate appointed district Three "pep"" meetings were held, one of the night before distribution...
...Mills Seek Return to Long Hours (By a New Leader Correspondent) noSTON.—Textile workers of Massachusetts are facing a tragedy which threatens a reversion back to saw factory servitude of the early nineteenth century and this prospect Is likely to have the co-operation of the State Legislature...
...The two manufartufer* were offered air opportunity .to present their side of the case in the leaflet but had not even given1 the courtesy of a reply...
...In addition, as will be seen from the list of speakers—Abraham Cahan, James H. Maurer, Norman Thomas, Morris Hillqult, Benjamin Stolberg and Dr...
...The college authorities Interested In this...
...I believe the citizens of Milwaukee appreciate this situation...
...who was a Socialist Justice of Che Municipal Court of the1 City of New York for ten years, and who bad the distinction of being the* only Socialist Judge lit America, is re-' surnJng' the practice of law at No...
...Wfluam P. Sayre...
...A sergeant who looked a* though he had stepped out of Mack Bennett's feature flickers was on hand at Stern * Merritt, assisted by another officer and some' plain-clotbesmen...
...Not that the unemployed man will in all cases vote against the capitalist parties...
...American unpeiialtom to at the crossroads at Havana...
...New York City...
...This political aim has been in line with the tradition established by Simon Bolivar, the George Washington of South America, who was responsible for the Panama Oosj gress of 1827...
...The others had had a somewhat less arduous Introduction to the industrial scheme of things, standing on street corners of tight little New Haven town and passing out labor literature to passers-by...
...This left the Bureau entirely at the mercy of the United States since the chairman was American and the composition of the Governing Board depended upon the United States saw fit to recognize as diplomatic emissaries...
...New York City, or by telephone, ALGonquin 4622...
...Socialist NEC In Session in Philadelphia (By a New Leader Cirrsss lalinl) fHIOAGO.—When the National Exe^ entire Committee of the Socialist Party meets in Philadelphia Saturday and Sunday it will take up important questions of organisation in the states, consider the agenda for the national convention in New York City next April, and pass upon applications of a number of members who wish to do field work of organisation There has been a slow but derided Increase in party membership since the November elections...
...To this party, therefore, is due the greater share of credit...
...The police bad not arrested him and had prevented his sharing responsibility with the 19 who were caught...
...Sa Gersse*>, ti*i A* creat srtuhr...
...The New Leader dinners are the occasion for the men and women who make the New Leader, the editors, the special writers, the boosters, and the men and women who read the paper, to get together...
...A few hours later they returned to the campus, nineteen of them having had their names entered on police blotters much like criminals...
...The commission referred to met hurt spring at the initiative of trie Fifth Conference, which had convened at Santiago, Chile, In 1933...
...It would cut out the • ridioUIous and mrMferfemJe' lame' deck sesston of every Congress...
...The trip of Lindbergh, symbolically enough now In the employ of the Guggenheim Interests who are the largest single owners of mineral deposits in Latin America, -'has done much to create favorable sentiment...
...don't fight...
...They an certain to renew their demand with great -rigor...
...James Tyler Patterson, Jr., one of the heroic nineteen who saw the inside of a prison cell, is the son of one of the biggest manufacturers in Bridgeport...
...All this may be empty forms to some but to the Latin Americans it means their halting the encroachment of the United States...
...The Sergeant then decided to use some arm power...
...The important American delegation at Havana is helpful publicity...
...It's pronounced -say,''fl* yotf please...
...Fellow agitators," began-another...
...It will clarify the relationship between < the rebellious countries to the south and the dominating United States...
...It would be no use handing the bills to horses and Fords...
...He propelled the student out into the gutterfl...
...Various' statements to this effect were submitted by Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, the Argentine Republic and Paraguay...
...TO make sure you are not left out in the cold, make your reservation at once...
...wsojw imOfwuaai Now, what would happen1 to American Imperialism Without intervention...
...Tammany Hall took care of" itself and* got the extrT profit back to Its own coffers...
...Cooper, was resdorisible far creating this attitude of the mayor toward Randolph who Is a native of Florida...
...Technicalities of Agenda Are Cloak For Vital Problems of Small Nations To many persons of the best intentions the questions championed so warmly by the'Latin Americans seem academic, immaterial...
...The police had been tipped off...
...The other' Dastters for discussion dealing with ctflwfat hunrshltarian, traffic and commerdU...
...WOl it eafi a halt, dr even retreat...
...On this occasion Chief of Police Smith, in a self-appointed capacity of student guardian, informed the three students that he could have them "kicked out of college'*- If'be wanted to...
...The fat to iri the fire: When tftethi** Often Shop Conference wanted the sfddento dad a- lateral protcesor fired out of oonege...
...You're under arrest/ too...
...Oscar W. Underwood, ex-senator...
...However, the Interesting thing is to Inquire why the Consolidated Gas Co...
...In fact this item is ohofck fun of explosive material...
...The dinner will' be the fourth annual dinner and will mark the fourth anniversary of the founding of America's leading Socialist organ...
...The Latin Americans have been hankering for a political union, a kind of American League of Nations, which based as it would be upon the equality of the affiliated stales would keep the peace of the New World...
...One of the distributors was John Crocker, of Harvard, Oxford and Yale, head of the Berkeley Association, the Episcopal church organization of New Haven...
...Fortunately then were only she to be arrested or the Sergeant's limited vocabulary msght have begun to be a bit boring...
...Europeans hardly Concerned themselves with thess innocuous conferences...
...And- the women arid children of the working' class ard> the' living sacrifice for a barren policy which leads back to the old sad day* df factory^efedauam...
...can throw away $70,000 and none of its meters will ever nriss a beat In the long run it can charge it ud to the people...
...The students had started out to do two things...
...3.~TOetter equipment and facilities for the Massachusetts Art . School, formed to aid industries of the State in designing and styling their products...
...We may justly pride ourselves that not even a suspicion of graft or corruption is atached to our endeavors...
...New' York City, In association with Matthew if...
...American Imperialism at the Cross-roads...
...Weil the fat's in the fire,"" Philip Troup, counsel for the arrested students retained by the American Civil Liberties Union, told an experience meeting of the students after the excitement Wednesday evening...
...rW *mt ttt f*» th/th* States HO teas ef aathrsche, Tsl ef saft oasi> at aff average •ˆ 734 far ta«h...
...Police lipped Off In a few minutes, the do or more" youhg men were out of the ooljege grounds, carrying their protest and their message of civil liberty and decent treatment for workers...
...There is a stfbng sentiment for a Latin American Union excluding the United States...
...On theother' hand the pil easing demands of suueilckii traders and manufacturers, the goM grip of the bankers, the supposed need of protecting1 the Panama Canal, the rUe of the militaristic spirit in this country, the In difference to and even relishing of nffperiaustic ventures and the attsence of shy differences between the ftepubficane and the Democrats seem to point to the direction of the greater dordthhtfcta of weaker peoples, more subtly perhaps-, but more intensively...
...paid such.a big profit...
...He does not suggest the definition of aggressive war...
...Establishment of a special commission to study municipal finance and expenditure...
...One discovery gave great satisfaction, however, n was a chart of the city, Indicating the distribution sones and the names of the men assigned to cover them' with the leaflet...
...Investlgatsbn Is Made After the release of Hyde sad Whltelaw, the Liberal Club set to work In earnest fashion...
...Copies were mailed to every dally paper in Connecticut...
...In the enthusiasm of the chase, the owner of the building: which houses the Stern ft Merritt pfstat aito did a Bit* arresting...
...I hope they will fight for them...
...Daniel W. iTX Hoan, Socialist Mayor of Milwaukee, will be a candidate to succeed himself in the election next April and urges support of the Socialist aldermen in the coining contest...
...8t Merritt, te station house number three...
...against the servility of these parties to capitalism without voting for Socialist candidates...
...That afternoon...«.rf.n sktoara, tkesrjjfees m mSkS sssT^tospfM^b •ervtce to Stoniliidi Beh* the sato«* .swi Sfi gab taw eawHanat ¦drsVl sneer wbese reft this tragedy Is pasAle...
...Specific Proposals for Changes They ask for consideration of the following specific items: "1...
...Tioup* was*' on the* f&t, sSMt soon produced $460 buff for...
...Great business this polities...
...Capitalists are to be relieved of some of their tax burdens' wnWtixe wdrheh and- children sire also to pay tribute to the textile roaster* in Iofigdr Hours of labor...
...ImpofHe Language Thus Sergeant McTiran spoke to Walter F. Meyers, the first of the students to approach the entrance to Stem dc iterrit "del the hell out of'here/' he selaV Unaccustomed to sdjh un-eeUoge-flke* greeting, Mr...
...Hoan Again Candidate For Mayor Socialist Party Expects to Retain Hold on City in April Election . (By a New leader Correspondent) MILWAUKEE, Wis...
...He1 returned to the side wait...
...A Mexican Serrender Finally, the lepptroactoneht between Mexico and the United States, smacking so much of surrender by our feeble though proud neighbor to the south, wfll go a Ming way toward* setting the other nations an example of good conduct...
...It recited the background of the neckwear strike, now Stern Sc Merritt and Berkman A Adler had refused to abolish home-work, how they had moved to New Haven to escape meeting decent standards, the subserviency of the press and the police department to the...
...The students grew indignant as they heard of the firms' pilgrimage to New Haven in search of docile, non-union workers, and of a new set of homeworkers...
...The way out U not a new naval race but inter**tioaal agreement on the rights and "Kte* of neutrals in the event of 8011 better would be the aboUt«» of war* Here is a subject in *hich labor claims to have some international vision and sense of broth^Jjtood can speak, and speak vtgorThat little episode of the sale of Tamwho promptly resold it to the Consolidated OAs Company at S700SO profit Is instructive as wen as amnslng...
...Ye* too...
...The entire history this countOft does not afford an instance of such bitter and Inexcusable political ^opposition to a mayor's appointments as has been practiced by most of the socalled non-partisan aldermen...
...To-day, however,,Interest is world-wide- It is^Mngnised that the Havana meeting Mn more than perfunctory...
...And some small poxcost are1' tods apinsiikl M a rale she bty f*skto* fatV kudtor...
...Judge" Panken, for merry yeatt prior to his elevation to tfle Betteb, was atorney for many of the trade drflohs la the Ofty dt isˆif xfeK iHS...
...This good work could never have been accomplished except for the loyal support of Socialist aldermen...
...To go back to the outlawry of war: that, if it means anything, Is Scarcely consistent with a big navy Program such as the solemn and inefficient Secretary Wilbur is pushing...
...You top...
...The United States has thus far managed to keep the Latin American countries from assuming a position of equality with herself...
...The leaflets were laid out in piles eight inches high, carefully measured by the' star mathematics student in the college...
...Henry P. Fletcher, American ambassador to Italy with diplomatic experience in Cuba, Chile and Mexico...
...The council members apparently regard the industry an a tender flower whica, must be nursed with the sweat of women and children driven to longer hours of labor...
...The five preceding Pan-American Conferences required no such -Aerial -attention...
...A Davison scholar from Cambridge was amoni them...
...The dignity of the god behind the desk was ruined at times, what Sergeant Me-something or other' Interpolated wise Cracks be had heard at the burlesque show in Bridgeport the other nfgbi "And you're name...
...Charles Evans Hughes...
...n Thomas Started It The respectable ivied walls of Tate first heard about the neckwear strike two months ago from Norms* Thomas, director of the League far Industrial Democracy...
...Several countries had the bad grace to propose that the intervention of one country in the affairs of another should be declared a violation of international law...
...What is behind this maze of technicalities ? The Pan-American Union was established In 1890 as the Commercial Bureau of the American Republics...
...Almost a score covered the two plants...
...The sals proved that the piopoity had been appraised at dsfly about 63 per cent of its smunTdeW wfJeree* pskperg/ to MbsSd td be at^rstoed at ftf tumh vakto...
...You too...
...Economic ties, as revealed by the statistics of exports and imports are close, though the loss of trade since 1920 to the pre-war competitors supplies an urgent reason for creating at Havana good will among the Latin Americans for the United States...
...ft saw the light of day only in the notable exception of the Hartford Commit...
...of measureless service now to fight the hideous proposals made by a crowd of contented capitalists with the approval of Governor Fuller...
...For these were to be the defense of the students in the event they were arrested...

Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 4

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