A. F. of L. Out To Double Union Membership Gain of 83^37 Member. Over Previous Year Reported by Executive,Council—Says Labor^s Influence in Industrial Circles Is Wider Than Ever Before...
...A recent issue of "The Plata Speaker" carries tbe resolutions of the national convention of tbe party on the Negro question and a portrait of Norman Thomas with a "^h""" of bis speech delivered to tbe Negro forum a few weeks ago...
...A number of prominent comrades have beep invited to speak...
...No refeience la made to tbe organisation of automobile wuthers ordered by the Detroit IS3S convention or of the general organisation of the south ordered by tbe Los a«s»u« irtf convention...
...Governor Young, candidate for re election, win be forced to make good bis 'statement that be win take, cognisance of public opinion...
...speaking for the Reeosnsa ttonmtlttoe at the Los Angeles aSMBttaa la 1S37...
...In tbe past it was the mainstay of tbe stave owner...
...there are charges against Brook**» b revealed by the publication of a ash that the Labor Directors of Brook - •ad brre nude to a communication ad¦**d to several of them by Matthew ssj himself...
...To protect wealth and tab socalled vested Interests to tbe purpose of the federal Judiciary...
...Negro locals in tbe Central Labor Union Include scalemen, cotton yardmen, dock loaders, teamsters, firemen, butchers, car loaders, freight handlers, bakers, longshoremen, carriage drivers, bodcarrlers and musicians...
...Work among organised labor waa stressed aa especially important, dn to the Indifferent attitude of tabor off...
...Dec 1 at S.30 o'clock...
...The town certainly needs a revival of tbe organisation spirit...
...New Ortaans...
...Over Previous Year Reported by Executive,Council—Says Labor^s Influence in Industrial Circles Is Wider Than Ever Before ' ISJsTW ORL-EAI**.—"At no tane tn tts 1" history has tbe trade union bad greater mftnenoo ta Industrial enxtoa," asserted the executive council of the American Federation to making tts report to the Sstb annual convention tn Atheneum Han...
...Carpenters to many instances are compelled to work with non-union craftsmen who receive what tbe contractors aee fit to give them...
...He to sitaesd to write one totter a day and to receive and send telegrams...
...It continues tbe dominant and...
...The Judicial derision arose from a strike of Aid en Bros, union drivers, to unionise two other plants which had merged with Aldan to form tbe New England Creamery Products Co...
...the last issue before tbe A. T of L. convention opened at New Ortaans...
...Child tabor to stated to be Increasing...
...Unemployment to great with labor-displacing machinery tocreasing Its ravages...
...The industry to divided Into many small shops which complicates the problem of effective organisation...
...All Brookwood Dtrectora ¦•members, many of them officers, 'at A F. of L. wnwi» Its instructors -re an members, in good standing of local 1U, American Federation of Tochers, affillatae] with th» anur...
...He to preparing a pamphlet which he hopes to put to tbe bands of 2,000 n00 people...
...The musicians are the only tabor organisation to make material advance in tbe past few years...
...Norman Bapgood...
...But I waa mistaken, apparently...
...i Tbe drivers threatened to strike again, but were restrained by union officials...
...ahaxer a breakweod director jfc l**or Directors of Brookwood con¦**J-aes H. Usurer of the Pennsyljreqeratlon of Labor, Fannie M. 2j*a the International Ladles' Oar*** Workers, Abraham Lefkowtte of the ^¦an Federation of Teachers, Rose "jesiljeiuiaj...
...Three weeks before tbe aad ef tbe election Frank spoke with Herman Thomas at a Negro forum...
...Detroit unionists were 37 per cent, unemployed tn September...
...Most Job shops are non-union with an average scale of $25 a week, to competition with union nfflrss which nav s34 ner as.hmir week...
...MaU your remittance of $1 plus 35 cents for stamps and wrapping...
...from k "r^fcnt group, william • OtllSMisii, ¦wapai Cap and hOlUnery Workera' International Union...
...apart from Mexico, the only important member of the Panamerlean Federation of Labor...
...lobar Drive Planned Another drive k being made by organised tabor through tbe International Molders Union with Secretary Nocke's of tbe Chicago Federation of Labor lr charge...
...Frank J. Weber, secretary of the Federated Trades council, and Henry ObX president of the State Federation of labor, who presided, were among tbe snsakers...
...Crosswalth wffl write a column each week for Tbe Plain Speaker," making three such weeklies to which be wfil contribute each week, Milwaukee Protests Jailingof 2 7 Allen A. Strikers (By a new tVatdat ceereveeeea*) MILWAUKEE, Wis.—Defying a heavy downpour of rata, 1.300 men, women and children filled Ptanktaton Han of tbe Auditorium to this dty to protest against the imprisonment of 37 striking snrkers of the Allen A Hosiery Co., Kenosha, to contribute financially to the continuation of tbe strike until It to victorious, and to pledge themselves to help end tbe injunction evil which led to the imprisonment of tbe strikers...
...Just for good measure Zulo also Joined the Socialist party...
...Zulo ta now msInterning The Plain Speaker" as a sOceattot weekly and carrying the educational work of the party to his readers...
...After a week's lockout at the New Os soger theatre, September 1 tbe theatre managers association signed a 3-year contract with an advance of 5 per cent at tbe end of each year...
...The court declared the strike to be illegal, assessed the damage tIlcged to bare been suffered by tbe company In lots of trade at $60,000 and ruled that not only tbe union but every member was responsible tor paying the award...
...A federal Injunction to la force...
...They can bold these strikers to Jail indefinitely...
...Be to said to be "notorious among mHltant workers as a reactionary who fraudulently poses as 1- tpartlal'" Brookwood has issued an appeal to aU its sympathisers in' Its" fight for a hearing before the A. F. of L. to send telegrams or totters to Secretary Frank Morrison, Secretary of the American Federation of Labor, Hotel Roosevelt, New Orleans, Louisiana, urging the American Federation of i^bor to grant ouch a Paterson Strikers Call For Aid Since October 10...
...Brookwood Appeals For Fair Play MgM Says Executive Conn^ Has Made No Charges Against Labor College By Louis Stanley . . emtnliftnni to the Aawloen • movement that have ran afoul . ^ Administration of the American -j,,"— of Labor in general and MatZlIWI m particular art not entitled 3E u at i man t ~*-----1 decency that at A. P. of L. would not deny to eengwaaf srssuumtkme ta mad* clear by a efcat that Matthew Woll 'mad* to «a1fcw Leader on the are of the A. P. ft annuel convention, atktttr, be said: •tb* Aaecrtnsa Federation at lobar m aad* »• charges agmaaat aweeepat I. I nil at a** aad newer baa gataa ef Laker aad la eaereftse sab** * ˆ***Aaaerleaa laar dM waa to taesdre tato tbe ereaanbea, aracStaoc aad teachings at l-Tba' reeert is tbe seapsrt/ «f ue> tiaalr- Faissattaa ef Leber...
...Of tbe SO stationery unions M have remained so the past three years or more...
...Organising effort was moat intensive hi tbe Ftodmont section of North Carolina where several thousand workers became unionists...
...taeate under tbe guise of research...
...In asking for a federal commission to Investigate old age pension proposals the council estimates that out of over 5,000,000 people In the United States over the ege of 65, 4,000.000 are penniless In tbe sense that they have not accumulated an Income sufficient to provide themselves with the barest necessities...
...as tbe two cases bars certain toohntoal ffifesgenctoa, Roger Baldwin...
...Taken aU In all this dty needs organisation—the strong band of the American Federation of Labor to gather up tbe shreds of practically disorganised bodies and weld into each craft tbe deserters and youngsters so that union tabor can withstand the assaults of the openshop promoters...
...Neither baa Job control...
...Last Sunday Frank returned to Philadelphia and lectured ta a colored church and obtained ten new members for tbe party...
...Tbe Convention Reporting Company to willing to sen thaw seta at $1 a copy, first come, first served...
...The Board ana tbtt Won...
...The newspapers are openshop, but a few union men are also employed...
...Walsh baa presented to Governor C. C. Younr of California Mooneye application for a fun pardon...
...Mooneye close friends do not believe i that tbe offer of a parole was made to rood faith, but was an attempt to place | bun ta a false position of having eon! f eased soma aaaaanrs of guflt [ Baangs Met Jatgettoa j BITlmgs wfil be given equal prominence with tato more fa sunns feOow prisoner ta tbe national liberal drive for ; their release, although tactics moat differ...
...The union may have to care for a thousand «amtw— eventually and it to unable to carry this burden alone...
...The courts have ruled that the bonaflde union cannot expel a man for also holding membership to the dual organisation...
...They consist of 306 pages- of single-spaced typewriting...
...Crosswalth spoke with hie usual power, presenting the Socialist party as a movement of all workers, black and white...
...Zulo waa completer won by the argument aad tbe two remaining Issues of his paper before the election supported tbe Socialist ticket...
...Comrade Crosswalth to a substitute for James Oneal, who to unable to attend because of the meeting of tbe National Executive Committee...
...Uberale and tbe rrmra of personal friends whe have been battling for...
...are reminded that the Orst wSSatSBSnattoa of Brookwood by the Executive Council of the A. F. of L. in August came at the tune when Muste was so engagedHow Communistic Brookwood is may bt udged by tbe latest Communist attack upon the labor college, appearing In the official organ of tbe Workers' (Communist) Party, tbe "Dairy Worker...
...WoO, at the last convention of the ayjrJeaa Federation, brought ta a report ¦cfetonaa at the Resolutions OammltH a which be refused to recommend S« enaafe of a resolution Introduced by St Asaeriesn Federation of Teachers alar otrtful investigation, condemning jasssar By» Institute for Research In lad Barren Ira and Public Utilities of Sjrtaaestern University for insidious pre...
...of the National Women's Union League, John Fitspatrlck of ^Qtlcaeo Federation of Labor, Phil K. of the Brotherhood of Railway j** Robert Peehner and Fred Hewitt I** International Association of Maj*** *>bn Brophy...
...He stnpry did bis duty as a federal Judge...
...The services of A. J. Muste, Chairman of the Brookwood faculty, to the textile workers in helping the negotiations for the amalgamation of the Associated 811k Workers with tbe United TextUe Workers, the A-.F...
...Now it ta tbe mainstay of tbe factory owner...
...The men tost and many bad to seek employment elsewhere...
...on November 17...
...and Ouator Oelgea '^united TextUe Workers...
...This to evident In the fact that between 3,000 and 3.000 workers hare won and are back at work, leaving about 1,000 still on strike...
...Tbe meeting will be held to the Workmen's Circle Lyceum, ISO Belmont Ave, dip...
...n «•*"'—*a ouanuilttoa of firs to organise s r ttonal movement to free Tom ft'—'1.' end Warren K. Btlhrigs fr-m c¦¦"•-<-?» prisons...
...at 3 pm Norman Theenas, recent Sortaltat Candidate for President of tbe United States, and Harry W. LakOcr of the League tor JndUatrtal Democracy are Batons tbe other apaat-ars to be heard thai waster: Court Takes $35,000from Drivers Union $3 Weekly to Come From Pockets of Boston Milk Wagon Workers TbOSTON— (FP)—American courts, allied with employers, have won another smashing victory against trade unionism by forcing Milk Wagon Drivers Local 350 to accept a Judgment against It of $60,000...
...The union has compromised with the New England Creamery Products 'Co...
...JXBaience Darrow, Jobs Dewey, Fannie Hurst, H. L. Mwhs, A. J. Muste, Jerome Davis and Stephen S. Wtoe hare pronrtasd to aid ta tbe case...
...An initial payment of $5,000 to to be made, and $3 a week will be assessed against members until the remainder of the sum to met by next March...
...Individuals and organization that can help are urged to send contributions Without delay...
...The Increase of ej,SJ7 is more than covered by the return to tbe fold of the 100,000 railway clerks...
...Others that have gained 1000 or more are the bollennakers, bricklayers, operating engineers, federal employes, longshoremen, machinists,' musicians, toasaatonj and tobacco workera...
...sfflc workers of Paterson, N. J., have been engaged ' to a struggle to restore and maintain decent conditions in the Industry...
...Far ga treses* I have ne daakw to eeaetssi area tab tepeti, the iectslea oc to laiiallii Cawnefl at the Asesr*» PeseraUea at Labar aeea tbe agiaaai setag earrtol en by Brirtinl ad ef Owe* ermaathlee wttb Breeknr...
...It to affiliated abb tbe Workers Education Bureau, watch the American Federation of tabor has declared to be tts 'educational arm...
...Crosswaith Speaks Sunday in Newark On Sunday, Nov...
...To ths meeting came M. M. Zulo, editor of "Tbe Plata Speaker," a weekly started by Use Democrats to support Alfred Bmenaol Ssattb...
...The scale varies from $3 per s-bour day to $1.40 an hour...
...Many employee are heavily in debt and find it Impossible to quit their Job unless they leave tbe dty, which accounts for tbe small tabor turnover...
...Young has already offered Mooney his release on parole, but tbe organiser of tbe San Francisco street car men says he would rather die than accept clemency for a crime which be did not commit...
...Of these 35 report gains over a year, ago, 33 show leases and M remain stationary...
...Civil Liberties Union Threatens to Discontinue Defense of Communists in Free Speech Fights Activities of communists in disturbing a meeting of pacifist groups in union square on armistic day, November 16, brought a sharp protest from the american civil Liberties union to workers party offcials...
...ta colored, the smaller white...
...Checks and money orders may be sent to the Associated SUlk Workers' Relief Fund...
...The miners still pay per capita on 400,000 members es they have without variation since 1*38...
...Tbe if2* membership to about so.ooo leas than five yean ago and about 150,000 greater than ten years ago...
...Democrats who know what happened are fighting mad at Zulo but they are helpless to change tbe situation...
...The shupineirS strike of 1S33 to which the railroad yards were guarded day and night by armed detectives, showed tbe temper of the emptoytog aTaasaa of New Orleans...
...won, » arrant the recipients of his letter to certain questions that he to putHtothem...
...Tbe paldup membership of the A F. of L. on Aug...
...Green received $12,000 in wages aad ta.ooe.S6 for traveling expenses during the year and Secy...
...A number of legislative gains are enumerated...
...Of course, I always thought that imprisonment for debt existed no longer in our country...
...Either Brock wood and tts activities are no concern of the American Federation at labor, in which case the Executive Council bad no reason for act* tag at all, or else Brookwood and tts activities are of concern to the labor novemtnt, and in that case tbe Ex•entire Council was bound to observe the basic principles of tbe labor movement and not condemn an ta' aUluUoB by ex-parte proceedings...
...We are very hopeful that the majority of the members of congress win be friendty to the legislative program of the A. F. of W reads tbe section reasserting the non partisan political policy...
...Ctvfl Liberties director, explained that Mooney ta conducting bla own campaign for freedom from tbe cell of his prison...
...It does not exclude qualified students so endorsed on account of their religious, political, social or economic views or efWHatlons 'We ask that -Brookwood -be Judged on the basis of the record in the labor movement of .tbe...
...Employees can borrow from this fund with endorsers, and tbe checkoff to applied by tbe cashier weekly...
...but tbe streetcar men are now wrestling with a company union which Is rapidly gaining members...
...We have formafiy and ofga-fly requested President Green to •*» us this information, but to date *» We not- received ft...
...Negro unionists do not fraternise with their white brothers as caste to the south forbids such action...
...The larger toes...
...Brookwood to, after all, part of tbe labor movement...
...New Drive For Mooney Under Way Lib*?rals and I^starhes Organize Csmoawm for Frame-up Victims i n West "REPRESENTATIVES of Sheral SJV« radical forces sas'tmg to New **** Ofty at tbe can of the American Crr" liberties Union bate authorised Pi Tarry F. W-*-d...
...A headimr refers to Muste thus: "Faker Brought into Silk Strike...
...fought shy of eoneaatog the By Institute, which the Meal Trade Commission baa shown to hat neetvtd (75,000 from the public saw interests, by arguing that Sep «b Fee Free Speech • "Even If tbe information on hand sbs sufficient to justify final condmfens against the Inatttute, the paanittee believes that the policy : .ef tot American Federation of Labor ! to tavor of free speech, free press, Ud academic freedom should not be eat aside...
...International relations of the A. F. Of L. remain unchanged...
...Over $iaa.aaa waa gathered end terwarded for tamer relief besides feed SBd clothing...
...310 Market street, Paterson, N. J. New Orleans In Need Of Organizing Convention...
...Judge Odger ta issuing the Injunction to merely living up to the traditions and history of the federal Judiciary...
...school, of Its graduates, its teachers, and its directors, the whole recnrd and, nothing...
...Many hints for Increasing the interest in unionism are given Progitss toward a shorter week to reported with 165,02* ""«~'t-»- now on the 40-hour 9-day week...
...Its student are trade union members...
...The company had forced tbe action by attaching its union workers' pay to the tune of $30 a week...
...He was persuaded to take bis seat...
...They sent 3**btter to Woll refusing to answer *f*artlons, saying: j "We point out . . . that we are 1M In position, either Individually eellectrvely, to present 'BrookypeU side of the case* unless we '^p* what are the charges against ^¦oawood, the evidence upon which •*» are based and the source of such jjawee...
...Polios and U. a marshals fine up with the vessel owners, The blacklist to ta fore* and scabs are plentiful...
...However, this sub-division of the Industry also works against the many bosses after a strike begins...
...Three forces will then be ectite ta behalf of tbe two labor men fr.»nW up ta connection with the Prep»r-dn—~ Day tragedy to San Fran'dseo ta 101* They are tabor...
...New Ortaans has a local of 2SO0 aaaaaboraasea add another of 600 members...
...Morrison $10,000 to wages and S3.oas M tor traveling expenses...
...Tbe report of 100 closely printed pages deals with economic, political, legislative, serial, educational, organizing, hanking and international activities of tabor, statistics of membership, jurisdictional disputes and the struggle against radicalism...
...In Reading...
...Attorney Walsh, who to preparing his brief on tbe eeae for Governor Young, win urge htm to submit It to an able, independent lawyer...
...Frank P. Walsh, personal attorney fcMooney, outlined recent phases of tbe case at tbe meeting caned by tbe Civil Liberties Union...
...The only previous convention in that dty was held to laoi...
...Paterson to a dty of great tabor struggles going back to the} early days of tbe textile industry...
...A small charge of 50 cents a plate win be charged to cover expenses...
...of L. union, are cited, and the detoga tea to the New Orleans convention...
...the labor movement resiles that Industrial as well as ah other relationships of Ufa rest upon associated activity and that the spirit of conflict prevents clear thinking and retards progress...
...they •••tore, repeat their request for a rto*tag for Brookwood before the |«eutive Council of tbe A. F. of L. _J5J*»» the Labor Directors the f ollow22*- 00 Brookwood Board of Di2J*: than the faculty group, A. J. SP- Josephine Colby, David J. Sapoas, Hj^W...
...There are 107 national and International unions...
...Montreal Forum MONTREAL.—The Young Men's Forum st tbe Central TstCA has undertaken a aeries of aconomto discussions which win Include a fundamental criticism of modern society and aaggestlona for reconstruction...
...Tbe New Leader wiH seea aprwat there...
...Congressman Victor L. Berger, United States Senator John J. Blaine, Louis F. Budenx, who to directing the strike against the Allen A Co.: Senator-Beet Thomas M. Duncan, who represented Mayor Daniel W. Hoan: Leo KnyckL of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America...
...Tbe association of commerce to pledged to the open shop and urges northern and eastern manufacturing concerns to locate in New Odtaans where "tabor ta rhean - Bricklayers and plasterers, 90 per cent colored, are highly organised, and to many instances receive $1J0 per hour...
...Tat Board of Directors of Brookwood leaf Ootkwe points this out In Its open net to tin delegates of the convention s*Sjt American Federation of Labor now aatof at New Orleans...
...Further Investigation of radio broadcast problems is recommended...
...The communists have been especially active," to several industries, the convention was warned...
...laag according to Secretary Frank Morrison waa l.SM.oet compared with 3.I1343S the year before...
...1928 Socialist Convention Proceedings Available The convention repotting company of 43 Broadway, New York City, baa on hand about 35 copies of tbe full proceedings of tbe Socialist Party national convention of Its* which was held ta New York City and at which Norman Thomas was nominated for tbe presidency...
...taeaiheiuaesil far Deed...
...It has been boosted that the tabor turnover In New Orleans is tbe lowest in the country...
...Tbe decision imperils every union treasury ta Massachusetts and serves to hamstring organisation work and tbe conduct of strikes...
...Walter N. Ponek, Morris Ernst and Carlo Tiaa,a were among liberals and radicals who sttsndsd ths Mooney dinner...
...Among them are vice presidents of International unions and of state federations of labor, organisers, business agents, secretaries, editorial workers on official organs, heads of labor colleges, local executives and other...
...the union called attention to the fast that it has been engaged all over the country in helping to protect the rights of the workers party to peacefull assemblage...
...These reports ordinarily sen for targe sums...
...Sinclair Lewis, Forrest BaSey...
...In come departments tbe printers work during the busy seeeon SO or more hours a week, while In other departments some are employed 7 days a week—all at straight time...
...The report of the proceedings of the International Ladles Garment Workers Union held in Boston in May, |l»3S, to quoted, where Brookwood to thanked for meting' possible a loan of $100,000 to the stricken union by offering as collateral the »100,000 which the Garland Fund, bad set aside for tbe use of Brookwood...
...In his letter Woll states ^ataee "President Green has received * -amber of requests for a presentation wood's side of the ease," he...
...The lower court's award was sustained by the state Supreme Court and was about to be appealed again to make an Issue of tbe company's effort to cripple union organising activities when tbe company began withdrawing $30 from each ! unionist's weekly pay check, That left | the week's pay ranging from $11 to $1S...
...The economic sutesmen of...
...Tbe cotton mills are In a deplorable condition, women and girls predominating with a 10-hour day at a miserable wage...
...The workers are good tabor soldiers and they will win If they are helped...
...j claldom ta California...
...Reference is made to Brook wood's initiation of workers' summer educational institutes...
...from the graduate group, Morris Levitt, United Association of Journeymen Plumbers and Steamfltters, and E. J. Lever, International Association of Machinists...
...Mooney and railings ever since the** Imprisonment...
...The Mooney personal eaamajgn, directed by Fremont Older...
...to settle In full for $35,000 and to drop an appeal planned for tbe U. S. Supreme Court...
...which dominates transportation, gas and electricity, employs union men...
...James Simpson of Toronto, one of tbe most active tabor men to Osnada wfil deliver tbe first lecture Sunday, Nov...
...Downtown construction work to to per cent, open shop though union men are paid at toast SO per cent higher than the unorganised...
...Tbe report closed with the slogan: "Double trade union membership in itssr Fred Klnkle, Aledo, m, rounds up 5 subs and at tbe same time sends to a generous order for literature...
...We have no revohittonary purpuee to overthrow tbe present social system," the council continuea...
...m. His subject to "Tbe Crisis In tbe American Labor Movement...
...The Board of Directors of Brookwood in its open letter stated: "Having never received any direct and detailed statement about the complaints against Brookwood, It ta impossible to make an answer...
...Brookwood requires that candidates for admission as students be endorsed by at least two responsible officials of their unions...
...This territory to one of tbe most promising ta Greater New York...
...baa Federation of Labor...
...Tbe electrical workers have paid on 143,000 since 1S31...
...The Negro ta fairly wen organised...
...Older, to a letter to tbe national abend committee, said that If the people of California are sufficiently informed and aroused...
...Fa, tbe other organising center mentioned several hundred Joined...
...This accounts in part for the demoralised labor condition The New Orleans Public Service Inc...
...California Journalist, takes tato account political factors ta tbe Oolden State...
...Governor Young, tracing Fuller's foe steps, baa warned against "outside ari. tstion" and baa aaaartad be win not be I "bunied" tato doing anything for Mooney and This was taken by tbe literal group aa a poet by tbe California politician, who, it was fen, mould not act unless his bands are forced by an aroused public opinion...
...City Workers in Deplorable State— Longshoremen's Strike on By J. W. Leigh • TbJXW ORIJCAWB-—The Vwsyshnrsmsn ^ are striking aaata...
...Tbe Boston Central Labor Union has appointed a committee to cooperate with Harvard Law School proI feasors to revise Judicial abuses to labor dtoDutea...
...i. tSSBf sp the view that Brookwood bset aflHeied With the A. F. of L. and Haarehre, not entitled to tbe consideraba' dat to an employers' organisation Be the By Institute, the Brookwood hart of Directors in tts open letter says: : "QalbbUnf about whether tbe Exeesttve Council could or baa put Boot, wood and Its directors 'on War to beside the point...
...it demanded assurance that each behavior would be discontinued and intimated that, if not, the organization could not be expected to protect Communists' meetings from melestation by other organizations...
...The Executive Committee of the Union in taking this section called attention to other such activits by the communists particularly the disturbance caused by party speakers who insisted on mounting the paltform and interfering with the karelyl demonstration at the feet of wall street on August 31...
...This to probably true because many industrial concerns have a fund to which tbe employe to Invited to take shares...
...The largest loss was suffered by tbe ladies garment workera, reduced from SO ,000 to 30.300...
...21, Frank Crosswalth wUl lecture for tbe Meyer London Branch of tbe Workmen's Circle in Newark...
...Tbe object of tbe gathering to to get acquainted, to exchange experiences, and discuss plans for effective work...
...Other unions losing more than 1000 members the past year arc tbe boot and shoe workers, furworkers, cooks and waiters, lathers, molders, painters and staf plug car eonThe balance sheet shows t*»,ooo In tbe general fund compared with not quite $34,000 a year ago...
...Anti-tabor Injunctions are fewer to number...
...Do not blame Judge Oeiger for the injunction," Congressman Berger • said...
...Oat where tbe tall earn grows," says W. A. riek ef Cresee, lewa...
...No specific mention of Brookwood Labor College was made...
...Many strikers are now at the end of their resources and assistance from sympathetic organizations to essential If the fight to to go on...
...but the record "A large number of Brook wood graduates are set ring their unions as officers or as active and devoted rank and file members...
...It will not reafflUate with the International Federation of Trade Unions (Amsterdam) until it to conceded absolute autonomy...
...They are fighting for the 3-hour day, a minimum wage, recognition of the union and they now enter upon the seventh week of the struggle...
...Borough Park Socialists Plan Luncheon Meeting Members and friends of six Socialist Party branches in tbe Eighth Congressional District of Brooklyn are Invited to celebrate at a luncheon and symposium at tbe Boro Park Labor Lyceum, 42nd sc and 14th are., Saturday evening...
...Negro Paper Democrats Started Switches To Socialist Party l'sOlf Philadelphia eomes an amuatag story of Boris tttt agitation with Frank Croaswalth of New York Ctty tbe central figure...
...We flatly deny, however, ' the validity of certain Inferences obviously meant to be drawn from vague statements in press interviews, International Labor News Service releases, etc., about Communism, and hostility to .the American Federation of Labar...
...Zulo listened to the chairman for a few minutes, lest tato interest, and started to walk out...
...Tbe Samuel Qdnmers memorial fund remains at ssdJO but an appeal for more contribtrttons to to bd made to January...
...New Orleans steads at tbe esteem of the industrial net...
...Calhoun, elen G. worton...
...On the whole the silk workers have relied on their own resources but outside financial help to now needed to make the struggle a complete union victory...
...Sines the defeat of the typographical union about twelve years ago when tbe three dafly mraaensjara locked out thenemployes and refused arbitration, the work of trwashtng tbe unions has gone steadily forward until today, as far as Job control to concerned...
...The only unions gaining more than 5000 members are tbe bodcarrlers and the maintenance of way employes...
Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 49