TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas l -awowaenwaa—--¦ ¦ SMITH'S PARTING WORDS ' I TN defeat. Governor Smith shows to; fins advantage his admire hie personal qualities. He is a good loser and his...

...TsxmS-vg| Uvea to New Bedford with t*"w3to cut of 5 per cent, the ¦"^sTgiJ paid mill hands of SoutheW***^ who average about $1* VTSldB coal miner* and the fanner* T" 3 tainly be cheered to know to*^J of their fellow citizens as «S**J J la 1914 have individual nwtowl ayJBJayj dollars or mors...
...Of course, party names and traditions are so tenacious that the Democratic Party will not formally disappear...
...Borah now offer...
...j LABOR IN THE ELECTION About the saddest thing In the aftermath of the election campaign is the plight of labor...
...DeWltt, Thaaas Art Young and the other* on the staff of tto N. L, are doing wonderful work...
...And the "liberalism" of William Jennings Bryan...
...To matte his case he uses some disingenuous arguments...
...Old methods of campaigning and education are dead...
...Fnnlm* yes «¦ and 89 to rodeass say slitji Tto aarawat ever the satoerlastoa ssstosl Is for the New Leader food...
...In spite of the1 non partisan action of the A. F. of L as a whole, most state federations de...
...Coolidge mentions our long coast line, distant outlying possessions, "a foreign commerce unsurpassed in importance, and foreign investments unsurpassed in amount" and defense of the Panama Canal...
...80 far...
...The best we can hope is that some real opoaltlon to Hoover...
...These billions of dollars In Interest, to say nothing of other billions In principal, are nothing to the world but a transfer of claims of the leas fortunate of us to the more fortunate...
...We paid for that in men and supplies as we went...
...Its leaders bar...
...Without getting a group" of youngsters together In a Yipsel circle would also react upon our future work, so you can see what I am thinking about...
...In the issue of December 22 the representative of the Third International In the United States declared that Communists "can and must vote for LaPollette if the mighty masses of workers and exploited farmers, who are not yet class conscious, put him up as a candidate...
...Here he is again...
...Coolldge's remarks on loans are concerned, he needn't worry...
...the twin evils of religious and racial: bigotry until wc have united in aj large loyalty to the general good and j learn to work together and vote to...
...It did not occurto one in a thousand who heard the wheeze to inquire why, if this was true, the Republican Parrv nominated a small town Babbitt in J920 and a small town bill collector in 1924...
...Says Chos...
...Coolldge's speech was a melancholy way to celebrate Armistice Day is a nation supposedly devoted to the outlawry of war...
...Is its history of protection of human bondage included...
...If brothers in making the "world safe for Democracy" cannot scale down their armaments it is an admission that their statesmen are either helpless or too stupid to avert another disaster...
...Cord an Long...
...The result of the election has not In any way dampened my desire to do work for the party, but help must come from those who haxa-the party at heart...
...With this in view I am writing this message to the comrades who live in the vicinity mentioned above, and also to those who would like to see a drive made...
...The Democratic j platform, as everybody knows, was a] national joke...
...Let us make It clear...
...For a few years the labor movement was a secret and outlawed movement...
...Coo ridge and talked of "armaments big enough to prevent even the fear of invasion...
...The speaker believes that the principles of the party are "well denned...
...Inform me if I am correct and give evidence...
...State also bow many back steps they took elsewhere...
...Coolidge by inference commended and the British should not authorize new cruisers we should by the year 1931 have 33 j of these modern cruisers built, building, or authorized, as against .the' maximum of 26 British cruisers of the same class...
...52 NEW MILLIONAIRES Those optimists who prw*"!*^ beve that under our present **f*~"J system the problem of ** distribution of wealth ¦ ally being solved win find sesHsw^ fort indeed in the figures •B*JJ, for 1927...
...It b tto oat **• prints the plain facts...
...Pour dollars for subs frosa wsl * dan, Marlon...
...Occasionally he...
...Frank Kent, who ought to know, declares that three-fourths of the time of the executive is occupied with building up and strengthening the party machine of which he is the head...
...All this was bunk, of course...
...Ems Morgan...
...This is only one way of saying that guns and ships must he provided at public expojjtse for American traders, American investors, loans of American bankers and upper class magnates in general...
...For the* steady and honest decline of the...
...The higher salaried positions go to the politicians...
...Coolidge and Mr...
...The Anti-Socialist Law was repealed and the movement continued its steady advance from year to year...
...One may speculate on what may be the attitude of the civilian population once they face the peril of being exterminated...
...The total popular vote for both candidates would have' probably been | smaller...
...gaining labor inevitably loses its own i ideals and its driving force...
...O. ***" THE SPIRIT OF SxxaAUgw ^Deor Comrades: Enclosed Is 82 for rsaewal a, JL dear aad atest assfal sohsfeostoo New teaser...
...This section is one that has been very seldom touched by us and if the response to our message can be crystalysed it win mean a strong branch of the Socialist Party In tiiat section...
...It can only be met by a new political alignment and a willingness of progressives to fight for the things they believe...
...That is the substance of the Smith message...
...This is the reason why the mediocre man does not fall down on his job...
...will develop from inter-party blocs of one sort or another...
...Neither peace societies, Individuals nor the liberal journals brought these Issues into the campaign...
...What difference is there between this policy and that of slave owners who urged the expansion of slave-owning capital into the territories and Latin-America ? None whatever...
...It is a popular belief that a President is the engineer of the whole federal machine and that his time is taken up with keeping it running smoothly...
...In other words, the leaders of the powers are unable to prevent the expansion of the next general war to the wholesale murder of men, women and children behind the military lines...
...For years all important...
...Says Ed...
...This fact, the self re...
...They were told that they were engaged in a struggle to end all war, that Allied victory would guarantee this dream of mankind...
...JOSEPH TU VIM An issue of the N. L. without trie name of Alfred Baker Lewis, Secy, of the New England district, would be a novelty...
...Until then we shall continue to sign for our officials blank checks that may be paid In blood and tears...
...Jto Oneol, Coleman...
...Whatever the vote may be the Socialist movement recovered its vitality in the recent campaign...
...There ore some beautiful rooms that can be rented at a very nominal charge, yet if I could get about ten comrades who would subscribe the sum of 88 per month for one year we would have no trouble getting results...
...Opinions outside the Communist movement differ regarding the retreat in Russia from the pure Communist program, but Its beginning may be dated from the adoption of the "New Economic Policy" about seven years ago...
...sophy, no outstanding personality, j no concrete program, no federal pat-, ronage or hope of federal patronage.' Mr...
...It survives not bn the basis of the rewards it secures for its followers...
...How promising that is may be surmised from the fact that the gas proctocol signed at Geneva in June, 1925, has not been ratified by many nations because, the cable adds, "poison gas offers the cheapest and most effective weapon now known and strongly appeals to the military staffs of all powers...
...YES, THE CAMPAIGN HAS BIOTJV "Enclosing cheek fw sab to It L, 'a open the next eaatsoiga Boa wooes for the greatest ef si iiiu_ a spreading the light...
...Smith Is right In.insisting on the importance of a minority party...
...It is an open question whether the outlawry treaties sxe worth a big navy bill...
...Naval Bill...
...Coolldge's figures on the relative naval strength in cruisers of England and America are somewhat misleading...
...The Democratic generals led their party into the General Motors Building to the cheers of Tammany squads...
...We started with five comrades...
...The National Campaign Committee will make its report which will provide data of importance to the party...
...Anyway I refuse to believe that the Senate will require us to occupy the dangerous and ridiculous position of purchasing a paper outlawry of war by building a real navy...
...There was a shocking dlsi play of Protestant bigotry which forI tunately was repudiated by the most j I responsible Protestant leaders...
...Coolidge In his Armistice Day speech gave us the Interesting information that "to retire the balance of our public debt will require about 97,000,000,000 in interest...
...He praises the outlawry treaty as anew way of dealing with the problem of war...
...I Thus, he cites the Anglo-French naval and military agreement- of last summer which might, indeed, have given some shadow of excuse to our building program...
...men give their sons to the of war but, if they are rica.osr/'-their money...
...Thousands of men' who have served for many years in bureaus and departrrients and who have intimate knowledge of the routine do the real work...
...That is all that is at stake and it is the loss" of the "rewards" that makes its leaders gloomy and nothing else...
...Develtn, PMladelnha...
...The last trace of difference with the Republican generals disappeared...
...My idea is to first organise a branch, but, Jn order to do this, we must have a headquarters...
...All this occurred at one of the turning points in political history...
...Will they die without making an effort to avert their fate...
...What I cannot understand is how he expects the Democratic Party to give that effective opposition which be desired...
...When an appeal was made for membership, 21 signified their intentions of Joining...
...The President touched on various themes but the most important part of his speech had to do with the navy...
...On the other hand the assertion that the presidency requires an extraordinary man is also largely bunk...
...Here's 82 for a sub to year vthvi paper," writes Pauline Bookun of westside, L. L Sara Ltewoeh, Stole Sary, ¦ytrsnto, sends to for SSI werto ef sssi cords...
...These cartoons are pseaai 1 powerful arguments for sectoaa*/ w New Leader has a few or »fa "V ** The set of sixteen sells far to est...
...Victor J. rsato Rutherford, N. J. O. H. Scarborough, wTngato Jto...
...Under these circumstances Mr...
...we are not paying for the war tn any proper sense...
...The minute American investors find they can only get four or five per cent abroad—which he says is now the case—while they can get more at home, there will automatically be an and of extensive loans to Europe...
...Smith's electoral vote might have been larger if he had been a Protestant., It ts idle to think it would have been - a- majority...
...Now where can we have these people meet...
...Human beings may think it better to die in a rising against the lunatics who stage such a carnival of death than to quietly lie down and be poisoned...
...When they assume office the departments and bureaus are running according to schedule and routine, no matter what politicians go out and who come in as bureau and department heads...
...mail, so cento...
...This time with a check for 839.58 for subs...
...In the face of facts like these Gov...
...So the election went by without any single important declaration at length on foreign policy from either old party candidate...
...In the meantime local organizations cannot do better than devote some time to considering every suggestion for a powerful political organization that will take full advantage of its opportunities...
...I Saw Your Ad in The New Leader" The New Leader la your paper...
...American Federation of Labor in numbers, strength and spirit its political program or lack of program is only one factor, but it ia a factor of deep concern to all who love the labor movement and know its vital Importance to the well being of mankind...
...Ours is the duty and ours j | the opportunity...
...Jane Addams and other liberals and peace lovers who supported Hoover and the various liberal editors and others who supported Smith might have been very uncomfortable in persisting in their political alliances if they had succeeded to themselves facing the fact or forcing others to face the fact that their beloved, candidates had no real program on foreign affairs...
...Terrs Haste, *» "Send ypur paper...
...writes that he misses the iiai*** comrades but he cannot get akeg enw out the N. U He renews, ef cobb* Olin 8wenson of Jim FsDs, w***2 other reader who says he wadd to aw without the paper...
...How is it that he can do this...
...The only hope now lies in an international agreement outlawing the use of poison gas...
...Hoover's ability as an engineer,^ his travels abroad, his relief work in Belgium and as food administrator here were all cited as marvels and as evidence of his fitness for the job...
...e It Is sestset to go on rearing children fat wratebad hoaaes and giving them s half-baked caseation...
...It ia impossible for a newspaper to be published withoort advertising aad our paper Is ao exception to the rule...
...On the other hand as the Democratic Party no longer raises any important issue with its successful brother, if it survives it will be merely for the "rewards it secures for its followers...
...If it can only "offer a program" and present it to Congress it would be regarded as a "constructive achievement...
...The Democratic Party "'J'HE address broadcasted by Governor Smith ¦Tuesday night was a pathetic performance...
...A Carnival of Death A^S the political campaign came to a close a cable to the New York Times from Paris reported that American delegates to the recent International Red Cross Conference at The Hague were "profoundly discouraged by the failure of agreement upon adequate measures for protecting civilian populations from annihilation in attacks with chemicals and bacteria...
...It will be harder to get a naval agreement even with' a Labor government if to the meanwhile we have begun a big navy program Moreover Mr...
...legislation in Congress has been passed or defeated by blocs which crossed party lines...
...L ad look forward to Its coming sees, wist How would I get the important Utor news without if The eorraaaae...
...NO MANDATE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS 'It is almost certain that various labor and peace organizations and thousands of Individuals will get in line to fight the race to armament that now seems all too likely from President Colidge's speech and Mr...
...And for what are the guns and ships needed...
...That, at least, is the best we can1 hope until we bring about a genuine' political realignment in which a conservative party representing the in-j terests of a comparatively small: class of owners will face a radical] party representing the Interests of the producing mCases both as workers and consumers...
...Literature had to be smuggled into Germany or be printed by.an underground press...
...Bail a fellow who is getting a big riri sal more, out ot the paper...
...It provides all the conditions for another party with ideas, principles and banners that recruit masses into a powerful army...
...The Hoover Wheeze QNE of the most important wheezes of Republican orators in the recent campaign was assertion of the profound fitness of Hoover for President...
...Coolidge himself says: "We do not know of any nation which has ever bean able to- provide arms enough so as alwaya-to be at peace...
...Moreover Gov...
...The navy problem to not so simple...
...It brought to its standard thousands of young men in our educational institutions...
...The Hoover landslide by Its very ' size ought somewhat to allay the religious discussion which at one time i threatened us with the immense dis- j I aster of parties formed, or at any rote, political action taken, along ecclesiastical lines...
...And the President...
...The occupation of the office by mediocre men of the type of Cleveland, Harding and Coolidge is evidence of that fact...
...Alfred Baker Lewis, Secy, of toe Sototlst Party, New England District, sea* u 85.50 for subs and the Art Taunt tartoons...
...Yet here is this death skull grinning at us in the closing hours of a political campaign that has ignored such issues that mean life or, death for hun' dreds of millions of people...
...BORAH SWAPS AGAIN Senator Borah announces that he is going to swap ratification of his' pet outlawry of war treaty for a fav-j orable Senate vote on the House...
...The "high idealism" of the Arkansas Democrats who have just voted for Smith and by a referendum have prohibited the teaching of evolution in the public schools ? The questions could be multiplied but it isn't necessary...
...O. H. Owen, Crown Point, lag, a est of the old guard who never in ton, fow more this week...
...This to a practical feat, easy wag to btsnd a* Campaign Is On Again rpBS foho of sixteen cartooes ko"* Young win constitute a >_V souvenir of the presidential cawawZT 1928...
...Mr.'Coolidge at least is candid in stating that commerce, trade, loans and investments are back of this policy...
...0 0 0 What yea leavo at year death, let M be wit Wot controversy, else the lawyeri will be yew heirs.—F...
...There is no organization in sight but the Socialist Party to bring about this alignment...
...How many "back steps" have been taken is also a matter of differing opinion.—Editor...
...It revived interest in many states, inspired doubters to action, and brought hope in many centers where pessimism had reigned for years...
...He is more the head of a party machine than the responsible director of a complicated government mechanism...
...If as now seems likely Labor wins It will be far easier to get a naval agreement than it has been In the past...
...Borah knows all this...
...We hardly think so...
...Just a few months age I helped some comrades organise a branch in the Brighton Beach section...
...Iwsrt want to miss a copy...
...Send the N. L. right sway...
...even .Webster's dictionary from the public schools...
...1 lights the admirals by arguing for a bigger navy...
...There is now no cohesive power at all, except a traditional, name, to hold it together, no philo...
...COUNT EM, 19 Alfred Baker Lewis of Boston, b another one who is preparing for tto campaign that is on until victory h sdtoval He sends in SO subs this week, Sorts hats who have toes gbtoj at theor energies to the--p-T~ aw now get back en the arfesg Boa of ssto Never has there toes at goat a taw to harvest the teed thai has ken abated in the fast few ¦¦¦tto...
...years ago with food, clothing and supplies...
...to That friend who voted in order a at something "now" and did not get t| now ready to cast his lot for ssgsj ml reason with a surety of getting it throve the columns of The New T-nflrr* ¦ -1 From Voasar College cesser a aa, seat to by Margaret 8was...
...German Socialists Celebrate QERMAN Socialists in October were celebrating their victory over the Anti-Socialist Law which was enacted fifty years ago to destroy the Social Democratic Party and the trade unions...
...This is fiction...
...But by this time progressives who trust him should.know that It ia at their own peril...
...We congratulate our German comrades and hope that ere another half century an American Socialist nation will send its representative to a Germany whose workers hare made the last conquest of power that From the NEW LEADER MAIL BAG Editor, Ths New Leader: I am engaged in a rtlorai—km on "Polldee of the Labor Movement in the United State...
...through the columns of the New Leader If you wish, the following information: 1. Were the Communists . willing to stand by the La PoUette Movement In 1924 before La PoUette repudiated them...
...No day could have been more appropriate if the speaker desired to indulge in mockery of the young men who sleep beneath heaps of earth in Europe...
...Society since the end of the World War has also witnessed marked cihanges that require a reinterpretation of economic forces...
...In short, this prospect of hideous slaughter of the innocents in all countries is likely to cause social revolutions that will bring an end to capitalism and the idiot leaders who bring on such a catastrophe...
...Perhaps a national organization conference next year would best contribute to the realization of these aims...
...Smith kept referring: simply do not exist...
...I coaaet sat assssa ^ gratiteAe to the eeeaaato a\ Sana who ore bearing the tout of Oa toto straggle...
...COOUDGE'S DISSERVICE TO PEACE President Coolidge celebrated Armistice Day by a speech which by its tone exasperated Europe and by its substance raises doubt of America's clear headed sincerity in seeking the outlawry of war...
...We can obtain iiealto only by seceriag was co-operattoa ef oar readers...
...Only we Socialists devoted time and attention to this subject...
...Hoover's previous speech at Elizabeth ton in which he went even beyond Mr...
...Thou-1 | sands upon thousands of Jews and' | Protestants voted for Smith to re- ' buke bigotry...
...The American Communists adopted a "Thesis" before the nomination of LaPoilette which appeared in their organ...
...do likewise in this section...
...In 1890 the working class of Germany had the satisfaction of witnessing the defeat of Bismarck and the monarchy...
...Ton will assist me greatly if you will furnish me...
...It is significant that this address was delivered on the tenth anniversary of the' end of the greatest war in history...
...own fine stand ought to do much to: lay the evil ghost of religious bigotry.' We shall not, however, be free from...
...Because of the automatic working of the government machine no matter who comes in and who goes out...
...Hot heads urged insurrection and violence but the movement was in capable hands and could not be led astray by romantic amateurs...
...Senator Borah used this with great effect in every speech and he always stirred his audience with it...
...that it is "live and vigorous" and "liberal," with "fine traditions," "breadth of vision" and "high idealism...
...Sincerely yours, A STUDENT, Huol Hon...
...Coolidge certainly did not make his I ctae for the big navy bill...
...Little as it to, K aMeas •» fort, as other ~ noH|„ see isaabgl Masai IBs, E, y. Yes, the South Is on the N. l tan Two more from W. p. Die...
...stmint of Catholic leaders in their] public utterances, and Gov...
...yet that Is what the working i Is sees have had to pat si with far contort...
...Karl Zskaw 41> ton town...
...But this turn in party history also means new problems for the Socialist Party...
...In tbegreap^jl incomes up to ten tboaaesa - was a decrease in the ""^^gj ported as compared with US*'JSM was a slight Increase to tt» who reported income...
...It reminded us of a scattered army called to meet in a cemetery to listen to an address by its defeated commander...
...Smith's big popular vote doesn't, mean much...
...So do all the other politicians at Washington and their Hoover wheeze was simply a part of the national political gamble for office...
...as Mr...
...tered their support to the old parties without getting from either of them one decent promise on any first rate: issue of Importance...
...The very...
...He is a good loser and his radio farewell after the election ought to do much to mitigate such religious sad other bitterness as may still persist...
...It is the Indian Summer of the two-party alliance of capitalist politics...
...They were as impotent as the labor organizations under their non partisan policy...
...Let them know that yew saw their ad la the Wear Leader...
...May wo have the atoaZZ to bet* them to their work, Tea OB also tod 91 enclosed tor the axesa fond...
...each year about 1,000 times wfj as the average wage earner w»»rj 81,280 income...
...Some of it was a personal tribute to him, some of it was: cast for the Democratic name in spite of him...
...lady Warwick...
...One of the eight "ltb-j eral" states which went Democratic, was Arkansas which at the same election by popular initiative adopted an anti-evolution law which will bar...
...Now why can't wo...
...That is tp say, men and women now at work must pay that enormous sum In addition to repayment of principal to cover the costs of the war...
...Altogether Mr...
...may use his brilliant powers in the service of some noble cause...
...o • • The OBdcrlying eoase of 9 per cent el disease Is doe to the conditions In whirl the people 11 to.—Dr...
...The Worker...
...The failure of a democracy to deal with the things that matter Is a challenge to oar time...
...It simply does not square with the facts...
...England is on the eve of a general election...
...Too are interested la making it mere effective and making it a greater power...
...The Coolidge Speech 'J'HE Armistice Day speech by President Coolidge is a sinister performance, as it indicates another race in armament building between the powers that were victorious in the World War...
...It raised one of the largest campaign funds in its history...
...If we should [ build the cruisers called for in theHouse Naval Bill which Mr...
...He does not bring out ths fact that that agreement was definitely scrapped, partly as a result of our protest and more largely as, a result of the active criticism of the Labor and Liberal parties in England...
...Its leaders were in hiding or in exile abroad...
...JeffarsowffAV tot "I cannot do without ths J...
...Watch Ttot Marshy, tto Sato Organiser, itosoae of thorn os ha V* through MeDea** eatswa, Dear New Loader Ci—ilu: Last year I otodroi si hoot ess sk months sab each saeath w to sssV ratont fat money...
...The Panama Canal itself had its origin in commercial and investing motives with naval strategy as part of these aims...
...Does it include Tammany Hall of the Tweeds, Crokers, Kelleys and Murphys...
...American naval experts themselves say that what counts is pot the total number of cruisers but of modern cruisers of | 6,80 to 10,000 tons...
...J*J says we dear* tt*e la...
...Senator Borah's attitude In this matter is just another proof that he cannot be depended on for pro- j gressive leadership...
...In 1918, just forty years after the enactment of the law, the monarchy was no more...
...Today we have over thirty and all active In party affairs...
...What a commentary upon the folly of the fools who rule the world...
...To Ftotbosh Socialists Editor, The New Leader: The campaign has demonstrated that with proper organisation the party can grow by leaps and bounds...
...The defeat of the party is decisive but it is not hopeless...
...Last week we held a meeting at the James Madison High School and about three hundred people attended, of which, I can honestly say, were about ten or flften people who were seen at one time or other at party activities...
...It1 will be impotent to offer effective op-j position...
...C. E. Ruthenberg, secretary of the party, also supported this view In The Worker of April 10, 1924...
...best men and women we can get will have to be placed in responsible positions...
...Granting that the present House bill calling for an expenditure of 8274,000,000 is an immense improvement on the Navy Department's 1800,000,000 bill, the appropriation is unnecessarily large and dangerously timed to promote a new race in armaments...
...We have flrtyj*0 "T, Americans with the incredOss of a million dollar* a year * ^ This makes a total 3 such wealthy individuals...
...Raskob and his friends will probably pay the deficit but will scarcely, went to send good money after bad to finance an organization campaign...
...Fifty years is a short time in the life of nations and even gentlemen of the mailed' fist cannot shape society as though it were putty in their hands...
...If the Hoover wheeze is justified it utterly condemns the Republican nominations of the previous years...
...Those "liberal" principles to the >Democratic Party} to which Gov...
...We welcome as allies all interested individuals and groups...
...clared for the Democrats and went: down in the general defeat In the atmosphere of huckstering which attends this unsuccessful political bar...
...They must have imagination and initiative, be quick to recognize opportunities as they arise, be fertile in plans and ideas, and have the capacity to inspire team work in all that they do...
...Charles, La...
...If the statesmen who made these promises did not believe in them they were guilty of hideous deception and their successors now share in this guilt...
...Yet these same opponents of a race in armament showed no capacity and little desire to use the presidential campaign even as a forum for the discussion of the policies that lead to peace...
...third party candidates...
...To speak of the fine traditions, breadth of vision and high idealism of the party is like laying a wreath on an ash heap...
...J. Tormick of Vlneland, K. J, sato a another...
...The others were people who, I believe, attended a Socialist meeting for the first time...
...The radio itself has brought a revolution in American political methods...
...Nobody today to supplyong ths soldiers of tan...
...2. How many back steps did the Communists take since they gained control of power in Russia...
...To merely organize a branch without any educational and social activities would spell defeat...
...All of us today are paying through the nose to those lucky rlsasas which should have ¦ ween taxed to pay for the war inl^'wiS*?e4t«^toVw»nen Old Cries and New Banners gOCIALISTS and their friends should not wait for returns of the Socialist vote in planning for organization and education...
...The annual German naval race which was a contributory cause to the World War was accompanied by the same pacific assurances that Mr...
...December 1. 1928, which declared that "Where the Farmer-Labor party candidates have no chance to win and the third party can unquestionably win against the capitalist parses with our support, we .will vote for th...
...Duncan Campbell, of Jersey cay, esto that the socialists challenged tto seat' crate to debate the subject ef saassto* ment and that after the totter aeoatoi they ran true to form hy fcltog put in on apearonce...
...gether Irrespective of anything except our reasoned conviction of the way to bring plenty, peace and freedom to earth...
...Bismarck was in his grave, a forgotten statesman who had failed in the greatest task he ever undertook...
...No inter party blocs can do this Job...
...I claim they were...
...Patronise them whfevsr yoa earn...
...The answer to the first question is...
...Ia making year pur eh sees, keep ia nxtod oerr adi mitosis...
...Certainly he never denned them in the campaign j either In the matter of labor legislation, foreign affairs or any other I important Issue...
...My experience in party work has taught me that the home of some comrades as a meeting place will not solve the problem...
...With the help of Bill Peigenbaum and Carl Cummlngs, we have been holding some beautiful outdoor meetings in the Flatbush Section of Brooklyn...
...High-powered publicity has also become an art and the movement that expects to make •fyjeadway must consider this fact...

Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 48

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