SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK M national .etc Party Ori»nixaUon! toUd » B1* P-11"^ organtta#¦ c»n carry our message ¦m»*s organiiers must be placed ^fcfjr" A big organization means aw'sini dues...

...The work of the campaign was reviewed and the results of the election analyzed...
...16th, at 8:15 p. m. The meeting Is under the auspices of the 1 3rd, 5th and 10th A. D. of the Socialist > Party...
...I Virginia W!x Virginia socialists are going right Isi with party building...
...It contains all the old songs and many of the new ones, current but heretofore unpublished...
...I Theatre Parties* The first of a number of theatre par1 ties under joint auspices of the City Office, Party branches and other organizations, will be held Monday, Nov...
...18th, at 11:30 a. m. sharp, will be Comrade August Claessens...
...Only the elimination of those causes of i discord will make permanent... the answer, which ¦Taped, will bear fruit to the advankgltbt circulation of our weekly...
...Why We Misbehave," a lecture on Samuel Schmalhausen's book...
...For this purpose a theatre party has been arranged for Friday night, Nov...
...Simon Wolfe, our old organiser and one of the charter members of the br--*b...
...Where two inj":nations react in this manner, r TOl be a similar reaction when a ap number is involved...
...The theme of the lec- j ture will be, "These United States...
...The vote will close December IS...
...The local branch has elected an execuI tlve committee for the supervision of all the work in the district It is composed i of Sol Tartack, S. Kantor, I. Kantor, ! Louis Epstein and Samuel Block...
...Women's Committee 1 A meeting of the Women's Committee will take place at 8:30 p. m. Monday evening, Nov...
...There have been nuh*5epjl£>de and written Inquiries b^ersl people calling at headquarb*r fxrther Information about so¦ i ifoet of these came from peoactl bad beard Norman Thomas on l!tor at meetings for the first time, k kit impressed with his message...
...8:30 p. m.—Speaker, August Claessens...
...BRONX A general party meeting of the membership of the Bronx Branches will be held this Friday evening, Nov...
...During the campaign the paid subscriptions ' to the paper Increased about four fold but the Income is not yet sufficient to enable It to employ a paid editor...
...The be'«at there should be a permanent al*• between England and the United to a based on the old idea that eth•wally...
...Wisconsin Milwaukee Edmund T. Melms is in charge of the Socialist Winter Shows which will be presented for ^ three successive Sundays...
...20th, at 8:30 p. m., at the headquarters...
...Send one of these calendars to your friends for a Christmas or New Year's present...
...Subject: "B»"-dj - i—jj...
...Circle Organised to New Brunswick ] A circle has been organised in New Brunswick, with a charter membership of seven...
...With the organization of the circle finally completed, permanent officers were elected...
...Tuesday Evening, nov...
...The play will be "Sun Up" at the Lucille LaVerne Theatre, 39th St...
...Athletic Director, Leo Lltsky...
...Send twelve cents to W. E. Davis, Room 82, Poll Bldg., 23 Church St., New Haven, Conn... a resetter to the National Office he cat that right after Election Day he dd take up the joh of enrolling the on** During the campaign, Dietz to out seven hundred letters and five aod cards of instructions to voters, •ettevej that his state holds a reclOmt cannot be equaled...
...The program for the next four weeks Includes the following: Nov...
...The new edition of the Yips el Song Book is off the press...
...Universal disarmament and Socialism would eliminate discord and make alliances permanent, but then there would be no need of any alliances for offensive or defensive purposes, or because of commercial reasons...
...Chicago Circle Meetings Rooms At last the dreams of the members of this circle have come true...
...he fck to a price list of literature and kjaw hi...
...Pal* Alto The members of the Thomas-Maurer Club at Pacific College Intend to form a permanent organization for educational work...
...Local Cook County will hold a general membership meeting on SunC\y, Dec...
...The purpose of this meeting is to vote on the National Referendum ballots tor our new constitution...
...The meeting room in the Rockaway Mansion was crowded to the doors and the discussion by the local candidates and the members of the ! branch brought out some excellent points : for future methods of carrying on Social- j 1st propaganda...
...Kk**e yom* cooperation...
...This is .just another way of crashing into print However, the best way to get your name ¦ in type is to do some worth-while Socialist work...
...Subject: These United States...
...Every mem'fc ms sta'p has his or her dues paid » date...
...Power or wealth, or rather the desire for an increased share of them, is the Apple in the Garden of Eden...
...station of the subway...
...Why not a Co-operative Commonwealth...
...they "joint Into the work with a determltoto organize locals of the party in mtor of indiana cities...
...i The Youth Organizations have one representative each on this committee to work harmoniously...
...Brooklyn, have decided to keep their headquarters open during the win- , ter months in order to run an Open For- ! um...
...The members will net only have to do some hard thinking but means of recreation will have to be supplied...
...k »tld the sentiment created by the k f into organization of new ¦si of the party Is the task the ¦CcosMilUee sets before it and its ear the State Conference called rkti ts expected to be well attended...
...veil, laid before Election day, as tr RtUae that a big party membership iscestry to put over work when an kso comes...
...Idaho *to Secretary caimans is proud of *etffipaign he and his comrades put ' * Idaho...
...if it h^tilable...
...Subject: "These United States...
...h*i recv-ed fror" a recent throat affection, wants to tell the wo...
...and 20th Ave., Brooklyn...
...ctrtonal office wishes to hear ¦ 2» red-blooded socialist with a iaVw -kxl*e...
...I Bronx circles will hold no meeting on tha day...
...which is published fortnightly...
...Newark Circle Thanks Umansky At the last of thirteen successive meeti lngs of the Newark circle, which Julius Umansky, Executive Secretary ot the New York League, had attended, the circle held a sociable in his honor...
...The third Sunday they will be back at the Bahn Frel Hall...
...18, 8:30 p. m.—Speaker, Esther Friedman...
...The play, "The Trial of Mary Duran," which has had a long run In New York and has been playing here for several months, has been chosen...
...7, August Claessens, subject: "The Socialism of George Bernard Shaw...
...18, at 11:30 a. m. sharp...
...Socialism, Capitalism and Woman," based on George Bernard Shaw's "the Intelligent woman's Guide to Soilallsm and Capitalism...
...Their club room is to be open every day in the week...
...These were passed bioart to warrant a correct tabub. mri tired election officials certatnhj«dot interested In a correct rethe Socialist vote...
...Admission 25c...
...j Subject: "These United States...
...Tickets are only $1 and can be secured from M a*> Balnshka at 30*8 x. Albany or phone mr...
...The Texas itj tab confident that big wort can 'toe Is party building and they will m nothing undone in organizing for i lam...
...Refreshments if desired at cost...
...16—Speaker, August Claessens...
...18th A. D. Two days after election, on Thursday ; evening, Nov...
...IS, 11:30 a. m.—Speaker, August Claessens...
...d luii he t» oa„£ on toe joo ana wuj be heard from, from now on...
...23, August Claessens: subject, 'The Re- : strictions of Immigration...
...25th, "The New Emphasis on self-Expression—good and Bad aspects...
...Discussion will be held as to the work and results of the campaign and recommendations win bi offered for the winter work and the arrangements for the annual ball in January...
...It will have permanent headquarters...
...None have ever | 'Permanent, only one alliance may to have achieved a lasting stage, between England and Portugal ^because of the Insignificance of one * taembers, does not affect the world 2* *jy...
...Manhattan S-8-12th A. D. At a meeting of this branch held last i Monday, the results of the campaign were I discussed and analyzed and plans were made for educational work of the season...
...most of the time, sooner...
...Subject: "Peace Pacts and Preparedness," 2518 Mermaid Ave., Brooklyn...
...Admission free...
...Trains are marked "Bronx Park" or "East 180th Street...
...Educational Director, Leonard MSurer of Irvlngton...
...It is contemplated to run a Sunday morning fcrum, a class for a series of lectures during some week-day evening and a dance, entertainment and social '. evening on Feb...
...It does not p« therefore, that alliances which ¦t*k__hem one important member, ¦lyra content to pick up whatever ¦CT °»y be found, should exist, just kt* Permanency...
...Prominent speakers of the Socialist and Labor Movement will deliver lectures...
...They sre as follows: Organizer, Harriet Miller of Belleville...
...Why any alliance...
...Such alliances do ¦^"wnpllsh anything which benefits: they are not living organisms...
...The first lecturer on Sunday...
...California San Franc toe* John Kenneth Turner, editor of the party weekly, The Labor World, has resigned and Is succeeded by Cameron H King...
...18, Jessie Wallace Hug-ban will speak...
...on his way...
...23rd A. D. A well attended r^eetir.g of this branch was held last Monday night...
...Subject: ""The Results of the Recent Election...
...Cooperative League, 167 West 12^h St., ei;y...
...Auspices Socialist Party, 4-14th A. D. Branch...
...They not only increased •xembershlp and carried their mes• aito all parts of the state, but handled their fight like vr r - They never allowed a knock to - v --out an answer which carried . j tewctoltol message... Essex coun%Wrtoal for the Socialist Party is k'lhtcomniunists 237, and the 8. L. b nrfT » '«w of the Polling places ¦fjaaw by watchers but in these ew«»»ere many spilt votes scattered columns...
...Connecticut i The 1929 Commonwealth calendar, gotten out by the Socialist Party of Connecticut, will be ready in one week...
...The forum is under the auspices of a joint committee of the Workmen's Circle Branch 402, Workmen's Circle School, Socialist Party Branch, Jewish Socialist Verband...
...Comrade McVickir, who wss a member of the old Washington Heighti Branch, was very enthusiastic and confident about thai new venture...
...The members of the branch can well afford to throw out their chests these | days...
...Speaker, Rev...
...Comrade Augi ust Claessens will speak on the subject, i "The Socialist Party ar.d the Recent Eleci tlons...
...Speeches were made by Comrade Alexander, of the Socialist Party, and the members of the circle, praising him for the thirteen round trips be had made between Pelham Bay and Newark while organizing this strong circle...
...Russian Branch The Russian Branch will meet on Wedinesdav, Nov...
...running through the mV&VO not wait another day...
...Jessie Wallace Hughaa to Speak At the second Joint meeting of ths 1 season held by the Bronx Boro Comrnit. tee on Sunday, Nov...
...City Office Organization Week Under the direction of Alice CohenAltman of Circle Two, a circle has been organized in Bensonhurst...
...Organisation Education Solidarity FREE JACK WASSERMAN YOUTH EDITOR tewjkg TmmWi Socialist League, SI Essex Street, Pebhshfcd Everv Week Bv The New Leader for the Young Peoples Socialist Lea rue This Alliance Business *ta Galsworthy in his essay, "Amer6 and Briton," postulates the idea that 1 "«t way to promote world peace is 'tone it, first of all, between the States and Great Britain by ** of a permanent alliance...
...18, 8:30 p. m.—Speaker, august claessens...
...first in a series of four lectures by Bertha s. Papazian...
...Maryland Clarence Taylor, who served the National Campaign Committee In the field, is available for permanent work as* state secretary or organizer or both in any state in need of such services...
...A circulating library will be started immediately...
...Central Branch A regular meeting of the Branch will be held on Tuesday, Nov...
...Social Director, Pauline Elnhom...
...William Bradley otis, of city college, on: "American life in American Literature...
...Louisiana tot Secretary Dletz has the right a to real party building...
...It is reported that the Soclalir...
...I. Texas II Saw member is planning a crosspay trip on educational work...
...Librarian, Eli Sherman...
...break yn Friday, Nov...
...Financial Secretary, Bernard Koten...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 4 14th A. A. Branch...
...BROOKLYN 4- 14th A. D. Under the auspices of this branch an educational forum will be established at the Williamsburg Mansion, 297 South 5th St Lectures by well known speakers will be given every Friday night at 8:30 o'clock sharp...
...297 South 5th St., Brooklyn...
...All members of the committee are urged to be present...
...It is published by the New York League...
...The formation of a junior circle In Boro Park is also reported...
...The vote in the 1928 election in • our district was approximately 4,300, a gain of 1,000 over 1927...
...19th, Room 505, Peoples House...
...The regular Friday night forum, held under ihe auspices of this branch, will begin in December...
...All this Is the beginning of the 1929 campaign and the Incentive Is an Increased vote in the dio | trict...
...The Sunday school hss bejun its season's work with the enrollment of a large number of youngsters...
...22nd A. D. The Socialist Party Branch of the 22nd i A. D...
...Leon Rosser Land...
...All members of the 18th are urged to take the hint...
...our program for the remainder of November follows: Saturday, Nov...
...kirk Alexander, leader of the NewWvjmrit...
...World alliance...
...Educational work will continue during the winter months and plans are being made for a series of lectures...
...They have organized a youth and j -ports group, and axe now working on a j Young Women's League of East New j York...
...sunday evening, November 18th— "why marriage Fails...
...Savoy Mansion, 63rd St...
...A copy of Art Youns/'a "On My Way" was presented to him from the circle...
...Members of other circles are urged to attend...
...Reports of the campaign Committee will be rendered...
...In memory of Comrade Eugene V. Debs, the Chicago Ylpsels spent an lnterestirur evening discussing the life of this great comrade...
...With a better ! organization and increased activity, there j Is a possibility of doubling the vote the ! next year...
...The ticket sale is already large...
...On Nor... Neretarles are requested to nomi¦ dtJefaies without delay...
...Illinois The Socialist vote in Chicago this election was 1,001, as compared to 1,317 in the entire state in 1826...
...The price is ten cents, and copies ma 7 be obtained from the City Office, or from your circle...
...Comrade B. Oebiner will supervise the open forum...
...After the lecture questions and discussion...
...8th, the lS'.h A. D. called j a meeting of the comrades In the ] Brownsville District to dircuss the ques- 1 tlon entitled, "What Are the Lessons of the Campaign...
...At its meeting on November 16, Pauline EInhorn spoke on 'Women and Children under Socialism...
...All those interested should get to touch with Oscar Lawrence, 21 Johns street...
...Conunl'tees have been formed to deal with various kinds of work in connection with the welfare of our Brownsville organization...
...Auspices Culture Center of Coney Island...
...C. Vladeck, subject: "The Outlook for a Labor Party in America...
...Hall, North Ave., near 12th St., Sunday, Nov...
...There was quite a sprinkling of old timers who made it their business to be 1 present at this meeting to discuss post ! mortem...
...Subject: "The Restriction of Immigration," Williamsburg Mansion, 297 sou.h 5th St., brooklyn...
...If com¦•"•Trl »ble will line up, the workaw disced In the field at an early m...
...I West Virginia list virginia socialists are on the job bt snake the National Office that they kptnf to build a powerful Socialist k? In their state...
...Auspices of Joint Committee, Workmen's Circle, Branch 402, Workmen's Circle School, Socialist Party Branch, Jewish Socialist Verband...
...Melms has also written a short play in which members of the Young People's Socialist League will play...
...It was a very receptive audience 'hat listened to short talks bv both Comrades Ten filer and Mary McVlcker...
...Air '"1 Socialist Party, 3-9-lOth A. D. Branch...
...Subscribe to the New kr wmcb gives all or most of mr...
...The first show will be given in the Bahn Pre...
...Sunday evening, nov...
...The open forum will be held | weekly every Sunday at the Savoy Mansion, 63rd St and 20th Ave...
...Individual alliances...
...8:30 p. m—Speaker, August Claessens...
...28 at the Adelphl Theatre...
...Sunday, Nov...
...The desire for to wealth and power, within us, to to suspicious of our allies moito*- A mirror reflects only ourNjJ s system based on individual ? • competition rather than co-opejv<f the pood of the many, such a J"™* 1» inevitable... least, the two races are...
...Tickets are now on sale at the City Office and Party i branches...
...Leon Rosser Land...
...The following Sunday the players will appear in the South j Side Armory, 1st Ave., between Lapham and Mitchell Sts...
...GalstoTahowa how different are the charof the American and the Brit1 « addition, our population is not of '**, so that any other nation could rken chosen as the object of our to»« or his, and with as much rea1 And then, why should an alliance j jerires peace, accepting the reason *** Its face value, be confined to two y Why not a world alliance... of the vol- | ume of verse, "Portraits and Protests," at the Co-operative League House, 167 West 12th St., Friday, Nov...
...toUd » B1* P-11"^ organtta#¦ c»n carry our message ¦m»*s organiiers must be placed ^fcfjr" A big organization means aw'sini dues and machinery tor mY 2s«r work the year around...
...Prices range from one to three | dollars...
...Williamsburg Mansion...
...22-23rd A. D. A very interesting meeting of this branch was held Tuesday...
...1-5-18 A. D. "Ballads of the Revolution" will be, the subject of an address to be delivered by Sarah Cleghorn...
...any alliance, individual or universal...
...reports an enjoyable time ¦t the many who attended the k}tfce Day hike to hemlock falls ¦ at South Orange Reservation last ear...
...2, 2 p. m. The Socialists of Chicago are planning to place as many nominees in the field aa seems advisable for the spring aldermanlc election...
...On the other hand, i i sat -v3^ I combinations with all of equal strength i disintegrate sooner or later...
...He may be reached by addressing him at 1540 Poplar Grove St., Baltimore...
...Each week the newark and e^as report better attended meetW ' ¦ Iowa ¦ sue Secretary McCrillis carried the lum In his state right up to Eleceotx and now he Is going to organbt a party stronger than ever and car¦ a with the educational work...
...A new branch has been organized on the south side and a second meeting Is to be held at 10 a. m., Sunday, Nov...
...Workers Cooperative Center, 252 Warburton Ave., Vonkers, N. Y. Auspices, Socialist Party, Yonkers, N. Y. Public Forums The bronx Free Fellowship, which is a • 'T.ossive religious and educational organization welcoming people of every face, nationality and creed, holds its meetings regularly at Azure Masonic temple, 1591 boston Road, Bronx, two blocks south of the 174th St...
...Vital alliances do i : ot last, neither would a world alliance...
...National Referendum All branch organizers and members will please note that voting on the new National Constitution of the Socialist Party has been extended for one month | by the decision of the National Execuj tlve Committee...
...16th, st the County Headquarters, ii67 Boston Road...
...Lecture Calendar New York PrMay, Nov...
...At once, in his essay, Mr...
...New Brunswick...
...Admission free...
...Recording Secretary, Helen Foer...
...Their plans Jr...
...and that is why it has enwhere the two, or three, or more 2«kig nations are equal or only ¦? superior to each other in millJ»comnierclaI matters, or both, there 2* to be a break...
...This circle has thirty members, all of whom were active In the recent campaign...
...New York City Party...
...a?, tart asked for a copy of our erf Bearer's last radio talk...
...j* "vj campaigns we placed books h^jhteu In the bomes of thou¦ ^coarty grew and became a ¦a iCfiare many thousands of Hw 2Sr* the working class who are WW (3n our party- We *hould bjimthe National Office Is signb»*2ar»des who are pledging a ¦*llsm for party work...
...The second of these ventures 1 will be on December 19, 20, 21...
...17th, 8 p. m.—Poetry Symposium, arranged by Anton Romatka, of labor temple Poetry Forum...
...Speaker, Bertha Sullivan Papazian...
...The members of the circle spent Nov...
...Corresponding Secretary, Frieda Lomhoff...
...speaker, Rev...
...Can any other state equal Indiana Mans socialists are proud of their toign and organisation work...
...BENSONHUBST Bensonhnrst Open Forum The Bensonhurst open forum will commence on Sunday...
...2, the Ylpsels got the second issue of their club paper "Why...
...I New Jersey i ^u»di of tabulating the vote ac jersey inaie any estimate of the bzl tot* impossible...
...jjer present day conditions it is Irotoja A further study shows that the1 k to be found In an alliance be•s too nations only...
...These organizations will work together for the success of the forum, and Intend running affairs for its support...
...hj s one kind of resuTt of the elecam Tn«« ¦ another result and a more bnxtm one...
...The chairman of the committee is Maurioe j Miller...
...Branch secretaries must file their tabulated report with its Secretary, August Claessens, on or before December 18th...
...The meeting will start at 3:30 p.m., at 1167 Boston road...
...IS, to strengthen the membership and map out party work for the winter...
...S at a Hallowe'en Party at the Treasurer's home...
...IS, 8:15 p. m.—Sarah Cleghorn...
...i What can be done...
...Yenkers Sunday, Nov... has been Increased about 33 1-2...
...The play on this occasion is "Singing Jailbirds,"' by Upton Sinclair, under the auspices of the New Playwrights Theatre, which opens at the Provincetown Playhouse...
...Chicago Ylpsels Believing the Socialist campaign starts anew as soon as the votes are counted, the Chicago Ylpsels have begun to build lor a bigger Y. P. S. L. in Chicago and vicinity...
...2lst, at 8:30 p. m., in the ; Rand "School, Room 505...

Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 48

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