Lewis, Marx

Berger Gains 16,000 Votes ButLoses Out Recoant Is Begun in Hope 0f Offsetting Republic's Lead of 400 By Marx Lewis fiaVAOKO. Wis.—After two days of " aneertototy. due to the closeness...

...j Just what excuse was made to the big...
...At tbe election this year the usual practice was carried out but a strange thing happened...
...Beesa Far Hmaatt "Jim" Maurer was caustic in his criticism of the trade unions which bad lost spirit and prestige...
...T0* State vote for Norman Thomas ^probably be about 35.000...
...13 by the _tkroa«* *¦» Canal was greater by IS per cent...
...Morris ' Herman said that when we started it was like looking at the top of a high : mountain, but we had arrived...
...Boss is a matter of conjecture, but it, was certainly not because these tools did j not do their part...
...Had the same service been rendered by commercial transportation the cost do the government would have been 96,753,610.40...
...In which be set forth tbe demands of the party in regard to farm tenancy rights, and particularly the extension of the duration of leases...
...L^jttake an official canvass, which «L begun thla week, to determine the lid outcome...
...Such errors were made by the Socialist Inspectors as well as the j others, due, as I said, to a change In the 'orm of the ballot...
...Last year they served 97,660 ps/.rons, handling 66,967,228 pieces...
...Dallas Railway 4c Terminal Co., New Orleans Public Service, Inc...
...Confased By New Ballot Added to this was the confusion cretin by the use of a new ballot...
...Bauer showed that this could only be obtained through public corporations, as private capital would only be Invested in buildI lng at a rate of interest higher than the economic situs tlon in Austria coidd stand, j The bill Introduced by the gvvernawnt I penalized building operations on a pubhe ! basis in the severest possible manner, whilst the higher rate of interest fore| shadowed in the bill would be manff, cient to attract private Investors into the building industry...
...A Committee of sixty, representing Workmen's Circle branches Instituted the drive for funds which was taken up by 325 branches all over the country...
...The plant is operating short time, according to Loretta Oatley, U. T. W. organizer...
...Comrade Weinberg made public the following preliminary report this week of funds collected: From Workmen's Circle Branches...
...holding company for tbe General Dec trie group, received $1,388,316.01 last year aa commissions for selling the stocks and bonds of utilities enmpante was -f-"'"tH by testimony of A. R. Colbert, an economist for the Federal Trade Commission, in a hearing before tbe Commission...
...It wasnt right...
...State Socialism" Saves Millions in the Army WASHINGTON—(FT)—"During the fiscal year 1928...
...i Local 671, all of whose members for- ! merry worked for the American Thread j Co-, ia still holding its charter, with many | members now working in neighborhood | plants still paying dues...
...The Socialist Wned three thousand rotes, receiving llMO...
...1,626.75 Prom Individual contributors (Including W. C. doctors...
...The resolution proposed, with two additional ' clauses, was adopted unanimously...
...Arbeiter Ring Gave $10,555 To Party Fund Weinberg Reports o n Workmen's Circle Contributions to Socialist Campaign 'I'H* national Socialist raunpstgn for Norman Thomas and James RMaurer could hardly have been possible were It not for the part played by tbe Workmen's Circle...
...The election was conducted honestly, and any mistakes that may have occurred, except 'a s few rare Instances, were errors made j baocently...
...Joseph Weinberg of the , Workmen's Circle whose organisation | gave inspiring cooperation...
...Harry Laldler: "The work of Norman Thomas in the universities wlQ tell in the coming years...
...Despite totnictlona Issued by the election commission, on which the Socialists have representation, calling attention to the fact that a split ballot, under certain circumshoces, could be counted for the candidate for whom it is split, many election Inspectors...
...their members were Ill-used and often driven out of the country...
...Despite the *»eucal endorsement of Smith by both •asters Blaine and La Follette, only jwen counties of the seventy In the j**1* were carried by Smith, who lost *e State by 100,000 votes...
...Eldersch delivered a report on the party's demands on questions of social policy...
...a Brewing mianl—tlMi to Can-' Austrian Socialists ArgueTaxes Public Housing Also Occupies Attention of Vienna Congress — Tenant Farmers Defended (awy a fas) ST LgjssdftnhT Q9nrY'sssBsMsa)sst*B*s*0 Y7TENNA.—The annual meeting of the Arstrlan Social-Democratic party, which opened Sept...
...Nor •I they figure much in the congreasion¦*0ght in Milwaukee, where their vote *** to the old parties, and thus can"•W each other...
...The resolution which he proposed was unanimously adopted...
...Out of a total vote of 107,000 j in his congressional district, any two nun- j dred such votes would give Berger the election...
...This was no longer true...
...Ohio.—An interesting phase of the Socialist vote tax this city la that the 080 voters so recorded corj responds with tbe number of signers to | the Socialist nomination petitions...
...A number of fraternal delegates from foreign countries were also present...
...Three Asaembtyaaen Elected In the Fourth Congressional district, Congressman Schafer was reelected, by a Ptstiy reduced majority, but the strength rf the Democrats, which gave them second place, failed to make the fight threeeernered, on which the Socialists banked...
...They include the $, Tehama Power Ox, American Oas at Bsetrie Oa, group memdtng the Appalachian Electric Power Co., Atlantic City Power Co, Indiana General Service Co...
...Then I was with the Y as industrial secretary in a mining district...
...Gifts Given te Candidates Jacob Paxik en bad got a big kick out of the campaign...
...Algernon Lee: "Those in their twenties bring the spirit of youth to our | movement...
...Iowa's Daughters of the American Revolution through Frau Louis B. Schmidt, chairman of the Committee on movie films, ask their chapters: "Is there a frequent showing of the propaganda film, especially the so- 1 called red, Russian type...
...The Republican who appears to have Polled through has stated to his friends that he considers his victory good for °°l7 two years...
...Indiana * Michigan Electric Co, Ohio Power Co, Rock ford Electric Co...
...August Claessens...
...leader of the Socialist party, president of | the Free Federation of Worklngmen, and I secretary of the Pan-American Federai t Ion of Labor...
...There was f almost a religious fervor rampant, a profound feeling of rejuvenation, of returnt lng influence and power for the Soclal, 1st movement that was expressed in hil\ arlty as well as in sober review of the , i work and results of the recent party \ campaign...
...George H. Ooebel was ready to shoot Socialists who had passed the sge of forty and offered to commit suicide...
...A* tremendous Increase in the vote in ttfct district, which la overwhelmingly c*u»»c, was divided between the Democat and the Republican...
...split ballots... far as the Fifth een^ I —• district ia eesseerned...
...Congressman Bergers principal J strength, especially this year, rested on...
...Louis Waldman: "Our saiga, vote upstate provides a bag The 6th, 9th and 13th A. Qw eg which Pnaaaa is a aaaabssj assAaaaBhatton...
...Ous OerI ber whose able work as campaign manJ ager elicited universal praise...
...the Arkansas Central Power Co, a subsidiary of the Arkansas Power ds Light Co...
...He hailed his comrades everywhere as builders of the road to victory and emancipation...
...We nade electricity at 7-8 cents per kiloratt and sold It for 10 cents...
...This was in the raising of funds...
...Bauer pointed out that only by protecting tenants eaa tbe economic existence of Austria be secured, whilst at the same time such a policy la an essential condition for the raising of bousing standards and so of the general standard of MTe of the masses of the population...
...Joseph Weinberg, President of the Workmen's Circle, and a member of the National Campaign Committee, announced this week that $10,555.17 was raised by the branches for tbe Socialist campaign fund...
...Unfortunately, a copy of only 390 of these signers is available but even these offer an BsnjgatssinV for work, FlMspsUs ar»n sand toe...
...1 shake their beads and take one from" 1 some one else...
...OM Age Penstaa Psmaalsl A further Item on the agenda, Leber and the distribution of the proceeds of taxation, is closely connected with the question of tenants protection... including the Florida Power Jt Light Co, Nebraska Power Co...
...Under governmental administration some of the principal items are public schools, sanitation and medical and hospital service, police and fire protection, customs service, quarantine and immigration, and some provision for recreation In a population which includes approximately 8,000 civilian Americans, 9,000 Amercans la military and naval stations, and 20,000 aliens, mostly West Indians...
...Temperance Appeared The Congress also adopted a resolution submitted by Theresa Schleslnger...
...Work Is under way to develop a supplemental water supply which wOl deepen the water in tbe cat aad over the sills of the locks...
...James Oneal said that for J nearly ten years we had been like a I squirrel In a cage...
...What really happened _ 'was that thousands of citizens, not on i tbe Reynolds payroll, came out and voted' aa they pleased...
...Tbe permanent maintenance of the Act, be declared, depends on securing increased activity in housebuilding...
...Attempts to Interpret Berger*s appar1_ defeat as a setback for Socialism fall J^take into consideration the following gBant facta: t. the first ashes, CiiiiiiianMa Berpatted 1CM0 aaara rote, this thaw n...
...1.160.00 Collected at Meetings...
...But the tyrannical persecution of Bismarck's government aided by a sycophantic system of justice failed of its end...
...Due to the costliness of recounting 107,000 votes, the recount for I the present will be confined to one ward,j there it is believed this error was more i leneral...
...Six passenger transports, the TJ...
...As a result of this confusion, Socialists | ire Instituting steps to have a recount i taken...
...Cheatham, quartermaster-general of the Army, for tbe fiscal year 1928, shows (that net earnings of 9551,047.89 were made by the 40 laundries and 4 dry-cleaning plants maintained by the Army...
...Loses Political Game 1 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C—(FP)—The' Reynolds Tobacco Co., anti-union manufacturers of Camel Cigarettes and Prince Albert smoking tobacco, tried as usual to I supervise the voting of their employees at the recent election, but failed to con. trol tbe votes cast...
...Disgusted strikebreakers quitting, report that one girl has to operate two Booth winding machines, instead of one, and that in the spooling department the low speed is now higher on machines than the high speed used to be before the strike...
...Carolina Power Co.: Central Arisen a Light dc Power Co...
...In their efforts for a recount, Socialists here make no charge of fraud...
...The sorry plight of tbe "liberals" who j had followed Smith or Hoover, the tragic impotence of the trade unions, the disaster which had come to the Democratic Party and the thousands of noble men and women who are ready to build with the Socialist Party were his themes...
...Of en bock, and Marie Beutelmayer...
...These have modern wharves and piers, repair ahops, bunkers, et'c "The value of these services under centralized control...
...Some of them to ted tat Democratic ticket straight, and gave tb« Democratic candidate for Congress a arte tote...
...The Social-Democratic Party in 1874 registered not quite half a million votes, but at the 1993 election, three years after the repeal of the Anti-Socialist Law, 1,786,000 votes were recorded for the Party, and it returned 44 representatives to the Reichstag...
...After a thorough discussion a resolution In the spirit of Otto Bauer's report was unanimously adapted...
...563.42 Total............$10,555.17 Weinberg, through the New Leader, expressed his appreciation and that of the campaign for this generous response...
...B. Char) ney Vladeck whose remarkable work in , raising finances left no resourceoor pros: pect untouched...
...They assure to shipping- adequate facilities at reasonable prices under a management devoted primarily to the efficient handling of vessels...
...More than $500,000 profit was taken an sales of preferred stocks...
...This year I he made a coalition with the progressive , remnant of the old Republican party, the j coalition program being one of labor wel! fare legislation, better schools, public I health service, rural credits and resist,' ance to economic exploitation of the ls' land by absentee American corporations I who keep the workers in abject poverty...
...and the Southwestern Power * Light Co...
...and the Utah Power tc Light Co...
...Revolutionary Antiques On the War Path AMES, Ia.—(FP...
...William Karlln said that the campaign had a small beginning and a big ending...
...Alois Mentssti submitted a report oa the struggle for the protection of tenant farmers...
...He also urged that branches and district committees which are holding funds which have been collected for the campaign turn them in immediately, since funds are urgently needed to meet the debts of the national campaign committee...
...It la notable that n the face of general opposition to the government's engaging In business activities, the wisdom of this arrangement at the canal Is recognized practically universally...
...We should not expect too : much when all the returns of the vote ' are in but we know that we are a new ' i party, less dogmatic, more flexible, and with many young men and women enlisted...
...Art Young: "I am thankful from top of my heart where tbe pump Is, for Norman Thomas..., would look at the prepared ballot...
...Our party is the only promising political force In the nation, still small, \ but growing, influential and significant...
...If or did they eoBnt 'or the Democratic gubernatorial Jjdld*te> whom they supported...
...Praise Is Liberal Then speaker after speaker received the floor till midnight, each pouring out a message of enthusiasm and paying tribute to our standard bearers and other party workers...
...If the latter had ' ' been elected confusion would have con' | tinued to reign among the masses for ' j years but tbe result has cleared the at' - mosphere...
...The Socialist idea had triumphed over force...
...Another invasion of the field of private profit waa noted in this report...
...making H difficult for Berger, erm with his 18,000 Increase over two par* ago, to pun through...
...On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the 31st October 1878 the Social-Democratic Party of Germany, in conjunction with the German General Federation of Trade Unions organised demonstrations throughout the whole country...
...Powerful German Socialism Celebrates 50th Year of Gag Laws BERLIN.—On October 31st fifty years ago was passed the "Law against the Dangerous Activities of the Social-Democrats," by which the German SocialDemocratic Party and the Trade Unions were rendered illegal...
...The wt of the SocUHat wee caught In the landslide and aTalancbe of votes of people who Zi never toted before, end who were wjoecbt out by the Hoover-Smith contest...
...X looked him In the «y« and asked him if he tnoognt 1 ti* IUfmS m wV spy tot Mb cotnpwany.~~ Ho, I dkhrt last very long...
...With one exception, the subsidiaries psld $3 per share to tbe holding company for marketing their preferred stock...
...Birmingham Electric Co...
...The powerful and rapidly growing socialist organizations of Germany were destroyed...
...were threatened with imprisonment...
...Cambridge Rubber Strikers Jailed 'BOSTON.—One fourth of the 300 strikers of one department of the Cambridge Rubber Co...
...Early in the forenoon,1 ' when it began to dawn on these com- j jpany men that their efforts were not ' meeting with the usual success, the look : of dismay and alarm on their faces was' a picture worth walking miles to see...
...I Early returns indicated that Iglesias j and his associates would control the 1 senate in the new legislature, and would | run the governments of a majority of tbe towns In Porto Rico...
...It, M« asea aad MM every few, and eae wosasa la every ten, in Aastrla Is a ssasabsr ef tbe Seesal-PciBsstialWi Party...
...Mors than half of the Thomas meetings throughout the country found Workmen's Circle local leaders in active cooperation if not in actually charge of the meetings...
...have been arrested so far for picketing and strike activities...
...The celebration In Berlin was specially Impressive, speeches being made by Kuenstler, member of the Reichstag and President of the Local Branch of the Social-Democratic Party, and by Bock, also a member of the Reichstag and representing the veterans of the Antl-Soda...
...Electric Power * Light Corporation group, including Arkansas Power dc Light Co...
...Ward Says Civic Federation Dictates Educational Policy of Federation of Labor Hundred* of New York's leading educators and trade unionist* Indorsed Brook wood'• appeal to tbe A. i. «f L conversion for a reversal of the ban Imposed on the labor college by the Federation's executive council, at a meeting held by Local 5 of the American Federation ef Teachers...
...X*,m New Vetera la the second place, there were 30,000 voters, who came out because of the Bo*er-6mlth fight...
...rank abeve the Eves ef Ms...
...the city wards did not go as directed by j the Reynolds foremen and supertntenT| the mighty arm - of voters from every walk of life began to swarm to tbe | ' polls to cast their vote, many already had '. ; their ballots and those who did not, when J ; approached by one of Reynolds bench...
...Under business activities," says Oov...
...Cheatham explains that Uncle Sam's laundry enterprise is the biggest in the country operated under one management, and covers the widest territory, aa the laundries extend from New England to Porto Rico, the Panama Canal Zone and the Philippines...
...J Under direction of the Committee of Sixty, one dollar, five dollar and ten dollar certificates were sent to all branches for sale to the members...
...Tbe Circle gave most substantial help, bowever, along what Is perhaps the most difficult line...
...always running but getting nowhere...
...Be sesased sat that tbe party ¦asnaerthip bad ksereaaed daring the first half ef Iff* by JX,44«—tv...
...Iglesias has been the only j Socialist senator in the island legislature...
...isa --¦ ¦¦- - - - - -sar——--aaaaal Thread Workers on Strike 3^2 Years WILLJMaNTIC, Conn.—Three and one half years of strike have not daunted 2,400 former employes of the American Thread Co...
...The discusi sion showed that the Party was fully and > unitedly in agreement with the views ex1 pressed by the author of the report, and tbe resolution submitted by him waa unanimously adopted...
...The large Catholic vote Smith brought out, and which would not go to tht Socialist candidate for Congress, brought up the rote of the Republican taodidste...
...Edward Lev| inson whose publicity work was unsurpassed by any previous service of this 1 character...
...About 140 men and women spent what all agreed to be THE , 1 celebration that has been held by Sot delists within recent years...
...August Claessens reported that he is busy open- { lng new mail and that other secretaries j J rrust be having the same experience, j Florence Kelly brought a ripple of laughter by saying she had Joined tbe move- j ment in 1886 and in six months had, been expelled because she spoke English...
...1st the •*•"¦»"*¦¦¦¦ trmnalta...
...Abraham Cahan was im. pressed with the fact that Thomas had ; introduced the human element into the...
...h W lw yean age, when he „, risetod by a xeejertty sf J**0 rates, rracaeafiy all wae veted far aha bs^ and apparently ls,eee Mate than (|| jar aha before, eaaae eat far hlaa a, tea ulssMnn . One aaere aacb stalwart rlctary, aad the stalwarts win be hat ferertr...
...Organization Work ! In Cincinnati 1 CINCINNATI...
...Workmen's Circle activity took shape in a number of ways...
...Walker, "are grouped such enterprises as the storehouses aad retail establishments for purveying foodstuffs and supplies, oil and coaling pUitts, dry docks and shops for repair and manufacturing, operation of the Panama Railroad and its shops on the Isthmus, piers and wharves for bundling of cargo and paaaengera, operation of the Panama Railroad Steamship Line, operation of the quarters for the canal force and (their families and the conducting of other enterprises which In the usual community are under private management...
...Y Secretary Asked To Be Mine Spy In a letter quoted by Harry F. Ward if tbe Civil Liberties Union, an ex-Ytf...
...i 6 resulted in a great victory for the Co| alistlonlsts—headed by Santiago Iglesias...
...14th In Vienna, had to deal with a number of questions of the greatest importance for the development of internal politics during Use next few years...
...Anita Block said as a result of the campaign we are the most optimistic Socialists in the world, gather Friedman: "Organisation la the watchword now...
...Thomas who spared her husband In tbe I campaign and whose ill hearth preventj ed her presence at the dinner...
...Campaign Workers Honor Thomas And Jim Maurer New York Comrades Present Campaign Leaders With Tokens of Appreciation . V97HSN Julius Gerber declared at the dinner given to Norman Thomas , Tuesday night that it was a "family i, gathering" he expressed what every perr' son present felt...
...W. E. Woodward: "If every Socialist converts ten voters we win be a big force in 1933...
...Called together as an Informal tribute {to Comrade Thomas, the dinner also produced a young boom for a new candidate I to lead the Socialists in tbe Mayoralty j election in New York City next year, j First Laldler, then Waldman...
...Propaganda circulars urging the need for contributing to the campaign fund were Issued periodically from headquarters in New York City...
...Members of the Committee made personal visits at meetings of 198 branches thus carrying direct appeals to the members...
...State Socialism" Earns And Save3 Millions for U. S. At Panama And in the Army "State Socialism" Profitable at Panama Canal ^w^ASHIA'OTON—(FT—Total met revenue to the United State, gewernment f rem its combined Panama Carnal and Panama Railroad •F^eaastatte fiscal yea* eadtag Jwae 9ft, 19*7, was 9*9,821 »14Jtt_ *** ¦*** aha aj lag far stay year to dace...
...The recent initiation of Thomas into membership In the "Arbeiter Ring" waa symbolic of the close association in tbe campaign of the party of which Thomas was the candidate and the active elements of tbe Workmen's Circle...
...Reynolds Tobacco Co...
...The object of the Fascist activities of the "Meimatwehr" (Home Defense Corps) was to bring pressure to bear on Parliament so as to force it to abolish tenants protection and to distract public opinion from tbe struggle for tbe maintenance of such protection...
...No opposition ticket will be in the field...
...The enormous proportions of the rote, which not only exceeded the expectations at tne Socialist campaign managers, but which created a ballot shortage, as a remit of which hundreds of voters were tamed away In the Socialist wards, ere¦tea an avalanche which Berger, With the tremendous vote of 42,000, could not overcome...
...and the Wheeling Electric Co...
...The latter Included Mrs...
...Iglesias May Lead Porto Rican Senate WASHINGTON—(PP—Information received In the capital from Porto Rico Indicates that the election there on Nov...
...In an off year, two jeu* hence, he cannot pull through...
...due to the closeness of w tote to the Fifth congressional dis^ It appears that Congressmen Victor • ^ Jone Socialist of the Howe of ^urn-"— »ort the district to hie --abttean opponent by etoout 400 votes...
...and finally I Thomas placed the name of Hlllquit before the gathering as tbe prospective Socialist leader in the mayoralty campaign...
...Pa.—John L. Lewis win be unopposed for the presidency of the United Mine Workers in the coming union election...
...Police guards have been stationed around the company's property, with orddrs to arrest all strikers who try to picket- The strike was In protest against an 8 per cent, wage cut In one department...
...A few weeks after my appointment an official of one of tbe companies came to see me...
...I Comrade Vladeck was at his best in announcing the gift of a watch, and | chain to Comrade Thomas, a travelling ; bag to Comrade Maurer, a brief case to Comrade Gerber, and a present to Mrs...
...ever since autonomy was established dur; lng the Wilson administration...
...These branches responded to the limit of their ability, some with Urge sums and others with smaller amounts...
...He ' concluded by saying...
...The Social-Democrats therefore demanded that a fresh election should be held, aa that was the only means of deriding Us* fate of the Tenants Protection Act...
...In the meantime various district committees had been set up which carried on Intensive propaganda In their respective territories...
...The final report will very likely find the total somewhat larger than $10,555.17...
...By wider distribution of invitations for bids it saved 9225,000 over the previous year In tbe purchase of forage at contract...
...1st Law days...
...Including Crispien (Germany), SastssHa (Hungary), Nosek and Dundr (Oascfaoslovak Social-Democratic Party), Fosaah (German social-Democrats In Osscho Slovakia), Pete Jan (Yugoslavia), Weleff (Bulgaria), FUa, Zahanak and Skriven (Csech Social-Democratic Party hi Austria...
...When this to done, aad a third set of tocka is boUt parallel to the present twin lights of locks, the government win be able to handle 70 per cent, more traffic than could now pnsa through the waterway...
...and for the TJ^1* gubernatorial candidate about The Socialist county candidates J*** between 40,000 and 60.000 votes In ™*»ukee County...
...That also worked against the rest of the Socialist ticket...
...I ana saddened and depressed," said John Dewey, leading American educator and philosopher, "by this show of reaotlon by labor ofBdaia...
...Hours of operation of the Canal were extended aad la other waya the plant waa nm to greater bostaesa advantage...
...Including the Socialist inspectors, had failed to read the Instructions, and permitted many spilt ballots for Berger to be counted for his opponent...
...The faithful few who sought to carry on the work and to build up the organizations once more in defiance of the law...
...11 Tributes were paid by various speakers r to comrades who bad borne Important I responsibilities in the campaign...
...In that period but 300 of the 3,700 who struck in March, 1925, have returned to work...
...There were other _ | compensations for us, he said, than our j' great campaign and return of old vigor...
...C. A. secretary, states how he was expected to spy for a mining company and refused...
...j campaign...
...Three were jailed for giving handbills to workers in other departments as they left the plant In Cambridge...
...Harry F. Ward of Union Theological Seminary, asserted that the National Civic Federation la la control of the A. F. ef L. educational policy aad la dictating labor pettcy la ether Saiga, Ward reviewed the corrupting sagaeara of the Crete Federation oa labor eaa$1,288,216 Is Year's Profit of Electric Bond and Share For Handling Utility Stocks Holding Company Takes Liberal Slice of Earnings of Local Corporations WASHINGTON— (FP)—That Use Bectrie Bond Js Share Co...
...Many of the 300 are no longer employed, speedup having proved too much for them...* progressives failed completely to •* any ice to the election...
...More "State Socialism" in U. S. Army WASHINGTON — (FP) — Undisturbed by the Hoover dictum against "state socialism," the report of Maj...
...He was very pleasant and a good supporter of tbe Y, but after a bit he mentioned several matters about which he would like me to pass on information to him from time to time...
...the annual report of the GoverwL#DePl^SS!ta* °mma1, *" ^ W,lk«'P' ¦¦*» P«wUc Nov...
...The Congress was attended by «99 delegates, presided over by Setts, Tcenschlk...
...In the Wisconsin 2™*tur« instead of g assemblymen the r*u«* will have 3 but they retain their 'JQU in the senate...
...But a large number on the nrbtry lists used by the Socialists, to ted tor the Republican congressional candiaste...
...Prea*** »• coasidered as being 45 to fiO per cent, of what the Canal eaa handle, aa constructed at present...
...Utah Power St Light Co...
...Jim" had I cceoe on from Reading, looking aa young as ever, and charged wltt the humor that ( never falls him on any occasion...
...1?m* algsdScaat summaiy fa...
...Nomination have been closed, with Lewis, Vice President Mur- j ray and Secretary Kennedy named to succeed themselves...
...MKIIIFI, and two freight boats, the U. 8. MEIGS and the KENOWIS, were on a regular schedule of sailings during the year from New York (to San Francisco, New Fork to Porto Rico and tbe Canal Zone, San Franciaco to New York, San Francisco to Honolulu, and San Francisco to Honolulu, Guam and Manila...
...The iapart ess sapswvsd snanhneealy...
...Kansas Gas St Electric Co.: Memphis Power St Light Co...
...every local election in 1931, and then for the great drive in 1933...
...The various officers and com mitt aa members were unanimously re-elected...
...He therefore urged that the Tenants' Protection Act should be extended...
...G. August Gerber, campaign manager, gave a dramatic account of the difficulties that bad to be overcome in many states and said that to reap what we had sown we must contest every elec¦, tlon in 1939...
...These ballots were handed to all employees, and woe unto any of their workers who rej fused to take and vote the ballot as marked...
...J ! It has been their custom for many ! years to place company men at the polls I in an voting precincts of the city with |a handful of ballots marked ready to | vote, as the company dictated...
...Colbert went over some of the accounts of the Electric Bond St Share before it decided, last month, that It would refuse to show its books or give testimony ss to its profits and operating costs...
...Charles Sol' omon and George H. Ooebel whose dif • ' ficult tasks on the road with Thomas lor Maurer had been so ably performed, j ! and the Jewish Dally Forward, the Mlli waukee Leader and The New Leader for I their able support of the campaign...
...Norman ,, Thomas and James K. Maurer, of course, | received special mention...
...Moreover, the existing National Assembly, whose bourgeois deputies bad been elected on tbe platform of "safeguarding I of tenants protection," bad no right to proceed to abolish such protection...
...The speech of i Norman Thomas was even more effective i than anything he has said before, if that j can be said of one who Is always effective, especially at such gatherings...
...handled where six were handled the ymr before, the force of men doing this work baa been increased only 4 per cent...
...Vladeck» address was almost a poem for its solemn earnestness and I deep feeling which moved tbe entire audience...
...Jasper McLevy observed that the campaign had been the most fruitful one in our history...
...7,185.00 From District Committees...
...Knoxvllle Power & Light Co.: Pacific Power St light Co.: Portland Oas * Coke Co...
...I We will have no more of Cal Coolidge ; : and we could also celebrate the "splendid defeat" of Smith...
...The public school system has not done its full share in America, and certainly there Is room aad need for labor's own schools and colleges, Brookwood has biased the way on this new road to workers education and the American Federation of Labor should aid it, Instead of attempting to hinder its work...
...ate telegram of greetings to Comrade Thomas and Mrs...
...The election in...
...1* per cent ia wet ttaaage, 11 per cent, in tolls aad 7 per cent, in cargo carried, than hi the preceding- fiscal I?" »*™* •*•*• have bee...
...Keep watch of this class...
...says the annual report of the Army Transport Service to the Secretary of War, "the Army Transport Service transported 48,368 passenger, 179,919 cubic tons of cargo, 680,264 pounds of mail and 510 animals at a total cost of $4,144,173.74...
...declaring that it is the duty of the party to encourage the temperance movement...
...That fanaticism now belonged to hla...
...They are still out on strike and swear they will never return to the big Willlrnantic plant until the United Textile Workers union is recognised...
...McAlister Coleman convulsed the diners with his humorous comments on the election...
...T used to work for a big electric com- ¦ Muxy out west," said the man...
...Walker emphasizes the necessity for the Panama Canal'a having 'Its own controlled sea communication with the United States," which is maintained by the Panama Railroad Steamship Line, administered by the Panama Railroad—both owned by the government...
...This was by way of preliminary report...
...Otto Bauer dealt with the protection of tenants and with the Social-Democratic housing policy...
...Idaho Power CO...
...and they make much easier the maintenance of an adequate aad contented force which can be depended upon for the effective operation of the canal...
...that together with our fight for old age pensions and other i immediate stakes in the struggle we must ) keep our fundamental philosophy without ! which there can be no cohesion and no successful Socialist movement...
...Lewis Unopposed far Reelection 8CRANTON...
...Edward Cassidy declared that the place . held in tbe affections of the masses by Eugene V. Debs was now held by Norman Thomas...
...By growing part of its own forage at the various stations throughout the country, the Army saved an additional 9326,194.71...
...A referendum is to be submitted to members to dispense with the bl-ennlal convention scheduled for 1929...
...he says, "has been shown by experience...
...Skaret presented the repart ef the Parliamentary Party... 33,000 for the Republican, and **** 'or the Democrat...
...One of the first tasks before the local is to canvass the signers of the Socialist, petition* for party membership...
...A meeting ef women delegates was held in connection with tbe Congress, at which tbe transformation of the periodical "Die Frau" (Woman), the Women 1i Day, women's schools, and tbe International Conference of Women at Brussels, were discussed The Ufa ef the serial srgaahsa anas...
...He particularly stressed the demand for the effective introduction of old-age and invalidity insurance...
...Morris Hill quit served as toastmaster and declared that our tribute was also , paid to tbe unknown Socialists who renI dered yeoman service...
...every coogrrtsirtonsl district I In 1930...
...A I further reduction In Vienna's share in ! tbe proceeds of taxation Is bound to laI terfere considerably with the building • operations of the Vienna municipality, > without improving the difficult situation j of the other municipalities... aa and...
...Another Interesting fact is that the day following the election the Thomas for President Club met and organised a party local with eight members aa a starter...
...Robert Dannenberg, President of the Vienna ! Provincial Assembly, reported on thla 'subject The question at issue In thst case is the distribution of the tax receipts among the provinces and municipalities, ! which has already frequently been modl| fled to tbe detriment of Vienna, and ! which is now according to a plan d-swa j up by the Government, once again to be 1 altered against Vienna's interests, al' though the present arrangement is based ; on an agreement between the partita...
...The suggestion each time drew vigorous assent from the comrades present...
...American Power d> Light Co...

Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 48

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