Claessens, August

A Tribute To Norman Thomas By August Claessens 0NE of the very encouraging lessons of history is the fact that in most every critical period there arises a challenge. Most every seemingly...

...The story of the exposure is told In Palmer's book . "RniM Tn KteeL" Partial Connecticut Returns Give Thomas 2,589 BRIDGEPORT, Conn.,—The Socialist vote so tar reported to the state secretary is 3,585, about half of the towns have reported...
...Waldman 153...
...monger 3,733...
...1*36, 4.7*6) Amesbury—Hoover 3466...
...Oardner—Hoover 1,106...
...Thomas 704...
...The explanation ef the increase ef the New Yerk vote k staple: This has been the first year the Socialists have secured anything near an honest eeeart...
...New Jersey (1*24, Bte ticket...
...Minnesota (1*24...
...Placards scattered throughout the town tell of Yellow Taxi wages and hours...
...At this writing the...
...Hers the vote went from 5,198 in 1936 to 11,660 this year...
...IB some Patchogue districts the Socialist vote ran from 40 to 50, and averaged 25 in most of them, while to the east of here there was a strong vote...
...of Public Instruction, 333...
...Smith 16,361...
...Blsabeth Roth, candidate for I Controller, received 61,346 votes in New York City, while esekiah D. Wilcox, fo Court of Appeals, received 65,761 in the city...
...1926, no ticket) Wood berry County—Hoover 30,567...
...Thomas 3,409...
...8,678 8.155 13.989 Erie...
...Wilcox 137...
...mm ticket...
...Thomas *6...
...These totals will be increased when all the city and county precincts are tabulated...
...Tell the Advertisers yoa "Saw Their Ad In The New Leader...
...Smith II,384...
...The towns that have not reported are very small ones and we don't expect at the most, more than 300 more votes...
...Smith 363...
...Smith 13,670...
...Thomas S. Harrison City—Hoover 3331...
...Thomas 15...
...Thomas 9. Antimony—Hoover 43...
...Congressman Archie D. Sanders, chairman of the Genessee County Republican Committee, complained that the 719 Socialist vote* there were...
...In learning, observation and vision—a scholar, a sympathetic student and a practical dreamer—Norman Thomas takes his place among the great leaders of the International Socialist Movement...
...Auditor, 331...
...Yellow task) practically disappeared from the streets of Baltimore during a strike of drivers...
...The Socialist totals, while falling short of enough to win any of the contested offices, was a truly remarkable showing, coming as it did in a presidential year after a national campaign which appealed to all the prejudices of humanity and centered the attention of voters, who formerly cast split ballots, upon the heads of the old party ticket...
...192«, 1,451) Butte...
...Smith 8,033...
...1936, no ticket) . .Blehaaeod—Heaver 1*,7*7...
...Thomas 510...
...Kentucky (1*24...
...Attorney General, 219...
...667 25* Tompkins...
...Thomas 9...
...Smith, 65,1*6...
...Then the Socialist Action Committee—a new hope...
...Thomss 1,013...
...no ticket...
...Thomas 16...
...IMS, n* ticket) Jefferson County — Hoover 18.044...
...Thomas 346...
...Smith 64...
...In the election of 1927, Andrew P. Bower, running as a candidate for prison Inspector with the support of the Prison Economy Board League, polled 2,056 votes, while Elwood Leffler, without any support but that given by normal Socialist voters, polled 1,347...
...Thomas 30...
...Alabama (1*14...
...Results The rural figures, are viewed as a vindication of the party's policy of sending speakers into sections which heretofore had been neglected in local political campaigns...
...Smith 36,805...
...Secretary of State, 318...
...New London—Hoover 4,676...
...Thomas 30...
...The vote for Thomas, Waldman and Coleman in New York City was printed last week...
...O. V. Kvale was the only Farmer-Labor congressman elected* W. L. Cans, Farmer-Laborite from beauth, running for re* *j*»*lon » niiiiagfc, was defeated by a ***** -M m r Socialist Vote.Rises Upstate N.Y...
...V In Action As a speaker—no labored eloquence, conceited posturing or false dramatics...
...Umatilla—Hoover 113...
...This is apparent in all parts of the country...
...Thomas 33...
...Colorado (1*24...
...Hempfleld—Hoover 146...
...There is actually little basis for their argument...
...Hoover 66,96a...
...F | '. Crosswaith Speaks Sunday in Philadelphia Frank Crosswaith is K*~~*,tng ana of ; the most popular Negro oratou ts_.re assemblies of his race...
...Thomas 12...
...In off years many of them fail to vote...
...Marlon—Hoover 3443...
...Coteman 131...
...Duhith—Hoover 36,062...
...The Socialist movement of the United States during the last four yean—a painfully plodding band of men and women questioning the future...
...281 230 New York .. 14,806 14.434 11.402 Orleans...
...Big Gain Over'26 Tot* CHICAGO, nt—The Norman Thosasj Socialist vote tm Chicago this etoctkej was 8,008, as compared to 3417 ia thj entire state tn 183...
...With epigrammatic and sharp sentences he lances every social sore...
...Prom the number of states which had no candidate, it will be seen what a tremendous job the socialist Party was up against In the election Just ended...
...Smith 3...
...Much amusement has been occasioned by complaints of politicians in both old parties who have attempted to explain the Socialist Increase by alleged unfamiliarity of the voters with the voting machines which were used for the first time In this election...
...mm ticket...
...for Governor, McLevy, Socialist, 493...
...The machines cannot be tampered with once a vote is recorded...
...Just how Pfeifliny "rectified'* his vote is hard to understand...
...Utah (1814...
...Hew Bedford—Hoover 13,660...
...M7* votes...
...1926, no ticket) . Jacksonville—Hoover 16,866...
...The Socialists vote dropped in the large cities, Hartford, Bridgeport, Waerbury and New Haven...
...Bridgeport—Hoover 30463...
...303 194 Mrs...
...On toe basis of these returns Thomas' vote in the eleven counties has Increased 7,844 over the 1936 figures...
...Smith I.MS: Thomas 156...
...Henrik ' Shipstead was reelected as TJ...
...Smith 113...
...Smith 1,950...
...Reading Socialists Enthused Vote Shows Marked Growth of Sentiment for Party Throughout the -County C«y's New l»»fl«r rtnespraesat) TJBADINQ, Pa.—The Socialist Party Is a young and vigorous political power in Reading and Berks County...
...Meeting haBs in the Labor Temple have been thrown open to them...
...5,965) Olencoe—Hoover 91...
...Smith 113446...
...In 1020 it was 11,179 la the County...
...Waldman 33...
...Mississippi (1934...
...Railroad Commissioner, 212...
...To those who are fortunate to know him intimately, Norman Thomas is an inspiring example, a flaming torch, an irresistible magnet—a leader who must arouse a faith and a following...
...His range of subject matter is wide and thorough, no imporant item escapes his attention...
...j •1 ; Minn...
...Erie County, N. Y., Gives Socialists 11,169 Votes (Br a New Lester Crut...
...Tote is a disappointment, but not discouraging...
...Socialist voters know that loss of positions or petty persecutions axe liable to follow Socialist affiliation, hence they vote the ticket but do not affillateswith the Socialist party...
...This is evident from the vote cast tn the recent election...
...Any Socialist who has watched a ballot count can give the answer...
...Waldman, for Governor, 164...
...This address crested so ssaeh interest that he returns to PhSadelnbla Sunday for another meetings...
...branch Is to be held at 10 a_m_, Sunday, , November 18, to strengthen the nssakep, ship and map out party wark for ffci winter...
...When the returns started coming in from Patchogue there was a steady support of the Socialist ticket that puxzled political workers and leaders of both major parties...
...Massachusetts (1*24, 64*3...
...The fight that he and his relatively small army made is worthy of an epic—comparable with heroic episodes in all history...
...ne ticket...
...While the Socialist candidates shared the fate of the democrats m the republican landslide, the vote showed that a powerful wedge has been driven Into the rural districts and opene the way to fur| ther activities In what was practically ' virgin territory prior to this year...
...Smith 3,471...
...In 1924 It was 12,062...
...City of Oneida—Hoover 3,1*3...
...Smith 14*9...
...647 633 433 Rockland...
...In the main, cast because Republican voters made mistakes and voted Socialist...
...Smith 44.785...
...Baltimore Yellow Taxi Drivers Strike BALTIMORE—(PP...
...This represents an increase of about 12 percent, which, if maintained throughout the state, will bring the total vote In the neighborhood of 100,000...
...Steady Increases Reported From All Counties — 100,000 Total Is* Possible OTSADY Socialist Increases to an upstate counties of Hew York State which have reported the Socialist vote thus far has been the rule...
...Hoover 34,4*3...
...Smith 3477...
...Smith 4,330...
...Thomas 174...
...Smith 5,440...
...Foster 91...
...Thomas 53...
...Two districts were commented on especially,—the 23d ward of Buffalo and the City of Lackawanna...
...Maryland (1*34, mm ticket...
...In 1925 in the commission government elimination primaries, Robert A. Hoffman, Socialist candidate for Councilman, polled 201 votes in the 23d ward and ballots were used Instead of machines...
...83.4*2 votes) Port Jem*—Hoover 3.931...
...Thomas 603...
...Smith 131...
...Smith 5,166...
...The Socialist candidate for Congress in the First District received 243 votes...
...Connecticut (1*24, (.1** votes...
...the vote this year was 205...
...Foster 3. Oregon (1934, 4,412...
...In fact, as compared with last year's vote, it was a slight decrease, the vote in 192*1 in Lackawanna being 240 Socialist votes...
...Thomss 40...
...Smith I; Thomas 8. California (Tees la 1914] am state-wide candidate...
...Only two counties thus tar have reported losses,—Queens county and Bronx county...
...Thomas 313...
...Karlla received 71,751...
...Smith 1473...
...Thomas 39...
...Kvale, Wins, Cans Loses ST...
...Baltimore—Thomas 1.096...
...In the City of Lackawanna there are about 50 enrolled Socialists...
...Long Island politicians made the same complaints...
...Much was made of the fact that in one Assembly District where ballots wert used this year, the Socialist vote was small while elsewhere where voting machines were used it was much greater...
...Oneida County—Hoover 940...
...Speakers Bring...
...His Farmer-Labor total will probably reach 600.000, double the vote of his Republican opponent...
...72,9*2 for Block Additional figures on the New York City vote Indicate that William Karnn, candidate for attorney general, ran far ahead of the rest of the Socialist ticket...
...8. senator from Minnesota by the biggest vote ever given any candidate in the state...
...Thomas 90...
...Thomas 23...
...Many of the Socialist soap-boxers had never before attempted a public lecture, but they understood the task and the tact that their arguments fell upon receptive ears is now demonstrated by the vote east...
...Forest City—Hoover 413...
...The party organisation is in a splendid position to take advantage of the willingness of the farm and borough voters to listen to the Socialist program of workingolass political action...
...Smith 110...
...vote in Silver Bow County for four Socialist presidential electors ranges from 395 to 347 and for Governor, Duncan received 354...
...When the Yellow Taxi Ob...
...St Louis County—Hoover 16443...
...His majority over the Farmer-Leb': or opponent was about 1400 votes out of j 5600 votes...
...His subject is, "Socialism, the Hepe of the Negro...
...Wallingford—Hoover 3,663...
...This was no error In machine voting...
...Whether these Socialist votes were mistakes, as Republican leaders :lalm, or whether they were intentional, | lue to dissatisfaction with the candidates of both major parties, is an enigma...
...Thomas 249...
...Thomas 673...
...The Socialist enrollment in the 23d ward is about 12...
...The comment of our Buffalo correspondent Is printed below...
...Extremely careful in presentation of fact and analysis his conclusions spring forth in clear and convincing manner...
...Pickets are stationed a the scab bams and stands to warn the public of the strike...
...The party's vote in the rural sections of Berks had grown to three times the number cast a year ago...
...Foster 1. Lawrence—Hoover 7,635...
...OUFFALO, N. T.—Although the official canvass of vote* has not been completed, the Erie County Board of Elections has announced that the Socialist Party average vote In Erie County is 11,169...
...In Presidential and Quebrnatorial elections the Socialists do vote...
...Mont.—Returns of the Socialist vote in Butte and Silver Bow County are very meager two days after the election and It win be several weeks before the vote In the state will be known...
...Pennsylvania (1*24, ne tlcket;l 926, 77.7*6) Hermlnle—Hoover 379...
...Smith 1M> nomas 8, j ' '<:'¦<" feajfc •SL.iJt.t'tK,-" -¦ * Nebraska (1924, mm ticket...
...Thomas 35...
...The outstanding features of thi Socialist vote are the following...
...Thomas 139...
...Fort Pitt—Thomas 181...
...Fltchburg—Hoover 6,649...
...Thomas 1,404...
...The National Convention—a surprising demonsration...
...In the Bronx, as was stated last week by August msestens, Socialist secretary, the loss of more than j 8,000 votes cast for Norman Thomas and Louis Waldman, for governor, is believed to be due to the theft of at least that many votes by the old parties who are believed to have been in a deal to throw Thomas votes to Smith, and Waldman votes to Ottinger, the Republican...
...Ohio (1934, mm ticket...
...1,8*3 1,764 Richmond...
...His appeal is so objective, factual, impersonal, and yet impassioned and colored with the sparkling charm of sincerity...
...After his exposure as s stool ' pigeon In the electrical workers union for the liver Iron Mining Co., Peterson was expelled by the union with right of appeal...
...Those who have heard him and particularly those who have worked with him have been enriched...
...roster, 46...
...Smith if...
...With Norman Thomas as our presidential candidate, and as such our outstanding and chief spokesman, our party has enjoyed a blood transfusion...
...Berkshire County—Hoover 33,906...
...1*26, 3,461) Cumberland—Hoover 19,634...
...Fulton County—Thomas 454...
...The Socialist vote cast in Erie County this year is the same total vote received for the past eleven years, whenever the full Socialist following could be induced to vote...
...San Diego County—Lena Morrow Lewis, 9*6 votes...
...Smith 3,061...
...Sorenson for Congress, 8,0*6...
...PAUL— (PP...
...Labor Spy Wins 1 Reelection to Legislature * DULOTH, Minn.—(FP)—Cbauncey A j Peterson, the steel trust spy exposed by r Frank Palmer of The Federated Press, ; was reelected to the Minnesota legisla> ture on the republican ticket from Du'. luth...
...Smith 3,415...
...1926, ne ticket) * LtaeotarUIe—Hoover 164...
...am ticket...
...513 436 26* Queens...
...Oreensberg—Hoover 3,166...
...TIM strikers bare formed a union, with the help of the Baltimore Federation of Labor...
...Thomas 60...
...Georgia .(1*24, ne ticket...
...Thomas 196...
...Delaware (18*4, ne ticket...
...mm ticket) Oarson Precinct, Jeff Davis County— Hoover 16...
...The city and county witnessed the same heavy Increase in the Republican vote which featured the Hoover landslide from coast to coast yet the Socialists forged ahead while the Democratic Party for the first time in many y an did not elect a legislative representative...
...We are Just beginning the fight," David C. George writes...
...48.673) lleisies Cswnty— <610 precinct oat mt 733...
...1926, ne ticket) Kntlre State—13 counties out of 36— Hoover 174,971...
...The vote for other Socialist candidates on the state ticket In this county is: Lieut.-Oovernor, 252...
...Shipstead Majority Breaks Minnesota Record...
...Smith 66...
...This year William C. Hoverter polled 3,719 In rural Berks and Norman Thomas, head of the ticket polled 2,861...
...He discovered his mistake in tune "to rectify it" the New York Times says...
...Here are figures on the other state candidates: Hahn Karlin Manhattan.......14,205 15,4*8 Bronx ............10,440 15,505 Brooklyn .........35,560 37,534 Queens...
...11,069 * 5,198 Genessee...
...Thomas 105...
...Thomas 5. Maine U...
...Most every seemingly hopeless situation brings forth a reaction, a voice to give it expression, a standard bearer to carry on anew...
...Nineteen Twenty Eight—again a national election—another opportunity—and for us an agony born in a consciousness of our utter weakness...
...City of Beaver Dam smith 691...
...Local newspapers commenting on this announcement state that this large Socialist vote is due largely to errors made by voters who pulled wrong levers on the voting machines...
...Local Cook County win held a general membership meeting on Ssnoxy i December 2nd, 3 pm...
...Approximately fifty new speakers were pressed into service for the task of carrying the message of Socialism to the farm and boroifgh voters...
...Thomas 9. Virginia (1934, 44*4...
...Smith 183...
...The Socialists vote in the State and congressional election 1836 was about 3,192...
...Long life, health, joy and success to you, comrade Norman Thomas...
...Thomas 191...
...Last year the Socialist vote in Buffalo averaged 6,000 votes...
...The campaign just ended revived the faith in many of us and our experience has rekindled our enthusiasm...
...Smith 93,953...
...Smith, 74460...
...Only the renewed life and vigor of our organization will manifest the influence of our splendid comrade...
...A most striking increase is reported from Erie county, where Buffalo is located...
...In his speeches there is no taint of personal grievance, no rancor, no demogogic appeal, no exploitation of bombastic slogans^or battle cries to imaginary armies and barricades...
...19*6, mm eendtdeU) Wray—Hoover S.414...
...563 * 517 • vote not received...
...We have known that the ¦ee ef voting mar nines, which red aces vote fraads ts a large extent, would show an increased Sseialist vote...
...1*26, no ticket) Hennepin County—Hoover, 116,173...
...Treasurer, 219...
...ma ticket...
...Illinois (1*24, 15,191...
...1926, ne ticket) City of Scottsvule—Hoover 4147...
...The Man Of the finest metal—steel tempered in the mill of reality, hardened by struggle and polished with a noble character...
...Scattering Socialist Returns In rpHX New Leader Dm received from the A Socialist Natlctal Campaign * Committee and other sources some fragmen. t*ry re**x> on the Socialist rote cast to the last national election...
...Chelsea-Hoover 3,753...
...Norman Thomas ran second in three county and twelve city voting precincts, receiving 4,000 votes in Reading and 3,000 In districts outside the city, making a total of 7,000 votes for the Socialist candidate for President...
...Potts town—Hoover 4,493: Smith 1,303: Thomas- 319...
...Lewis for U. 8. Senate, 11,507...
...Los Angeles County—Thomas 7,609...
...Greenfield—Hoover 44*4...
...Thomas 25...
...Thomas 17...
...other Socialist candidates: Hahn 151...
...We feel sere if all Socialist rates east throwghsrst the •sentry eswJd be honestly coon ted and tallied we would increase our national vote by several hundred thousand...
...No, he does not arouse his audiences to emotional frenzy—that intoxication whose effects so quickly dissipate—rather, and verily, so much more to our great need, he does instruct, convince, awaken and draw to himself and his great cause a superb trust and an assurance of ultimate triumph...
...Thomas 181...
...Poster 33...
...Lucas County—Hoover 78,460...
...Ordinarily, only three or Tour votes to a district were cast in past rears...
...Smith 31.218...
...The only explanation possible Is that he voted Republican once or twice after having once voted the Socialist ticket...
...The Brooklyn Times, under the heading "Large Socialist vote," says "the biggest surprise of the vote in Brookbaven Town was the unusually heavy Socialist vote east In many of the districts, and especially In Patchogue and along the South Shore...
...The SorliTkSx <*; Chicago are planning to place es assay , nominees in the field as seems adrksJMe ; for the spring aldermanic election...
...Smith 36*453...
...Thomas 307...
...The response to our Socialist message as conveyed by our new national leader, Norman Thomas, has heartened our comrades in all parts of the country...
...Clerk of the Supreme Court, 234...
...And then Norman Thomas, a new voice in our national wilderness, a willing crusader and an invincible leader...
...Smith 11,381...
...Wisconsin (1*24, 4*468 votes...
...rbomas 318...
...Northampton- -Hoover 4438...
...Of the 300 cabs In the city, euy sx were operating...
...19**, 1.4*1 vetes) Essex County—Thomas 1,086...
...In Bronx County, where the oM paper ballets, were ased, the •M story was repeated...
...Roth 14...
...Smith 349...
...Smith 13,607...
...The size of the vote when tabulated will not tell the whole truth...
...In 1926 it was 5,731...
...He also ran ahead of Smith in three rural precincts...
...Granted this, then surely, long life, health, joy and success to American and World Socialism...
...Thomas IVrftV - 8,Votes in Chicago...
...1926, no ticket) Fulton County—Hoover 5,933: Smith 8,873...
...the vote this year was 222...
...1*26, do ticket) Green River—Hoover 31...
...Thomas 34*0...
...Smith 9467...
...Weavers Old Stand—Hoover 96...
...Thomas 36...
...With a remarkable economy of language a simplicity of expression and illustration, a homely wit and with great fervor he fires his barrage or argument with maximum effectiveness...
...Smith 17,543...
...Foster 17...
...Thomas 358...
...Modest, intensely human, generous beyond restraint, a comrade among the humblest of comrades, a rare personality, he compels attention, admiration, respect and devotion from all who meet him Unsparing in energy, critical of his own effectiveness, yet he develops greater powers and brings forth finer efforts with every demand made upon him...
...Smith 16,736...
...Springfield—Hoover 38,518...
...1*2*, ne ticket) Entire state (complete), Hoover 67,685...
...A new Beesasst I Party branch has been rsuniiis on tk* • mrth Side sod a second meeting ef...
...Thomas 109...
...Crosswaith is also a regular contributor to the Boston Chronicle, a Negro weeklt, and he has also been asked to contribute each week to a Negro weekly in at...
...Frank was la Philadelphia a few weeks ago where he addressed a large meeting In the Gibson ¦ Theatre...
...33,863 34,3*0 31,95* Madison...
...The New Leader is in touch with responsible officials In each of the fortyeight states and win publish the vote state by state as it is made public In the meantime we offer the following reports...
...1,764 1,602 1,899 Richmond .. 240 194 199 Cattaraugus ..'____ 604 870 391 Wayne...
...boosted the price of gas on the drivers, it capped the climax on a long series of abuses vbito characterizes the company's labor policies in every part of the country...
...Iowa (1924, no ticket...
...The Socialist candidates for the Legislature, Andrew P. Bower, Jesse George, and William C. Hoverter came within a thousand votes of last year's total Reading vote despite the Republican sweep...
...They base their arguments on the fact that the Socialist enrollment has steadily declined in recent years being only 1,272 In the county at present...
...Thomas 3. jawlmta Hooves 631...
...Thomas 78...
...Smith 9,056...
...719 • 333 Kings...
...Karnn 143...
...Smith 44.466...
...Thomas 58...
...1926, mm ticket) Webster County Hoover 3,670...
...1926, 2.996) Chicago (complete), 8,003 votes for Thomas...
...234 * 86 Livingston...
...Thomas 144...
...Florida (1924, no ticket...
...This was no error...
...Republican County Committeeman Charles Pfetfllny alleging that he made a mistake himself by voting Socialist when he intended to vote Republican...
...Smith 367...
...1*26, 4*492) Marx Lewis, in another column of The New Leader, this Issue, estimates the vote for Thomas in the state win be about 15,000...
...j , The increase in Sseialist vote is as enigma ts The New Leader or the Ssetalist party...
...The vote for George and Bower, city legislative candidates, with several precinct totals not Included, was 7,257 and 7,227, respectively, compared to 5,625 and 4,625 cast for James H. Maurer and Bower for the same offices two years ago...
...He never appealed...
...Thomas Vote High Despite the high totals of both old party opponents, Norman Thomas polled a strong vote in every precinct in the city and held second place In 13 out of the city's 67 voting districts...
...At the head of it all, fighting against terrific odds, barehanded against armor plate, stood our splendid comrade...
...Thomas It...
...Smith 14*3 and Thomas 93...
...Smith 1,66...
...Watertown — For Governor—Ottinger 7,602* Roosevelt 6,071...
...The Socialist vote In the county is three times the Socialist vote cast one year ago...
...The figures given in blackface after each state named Is the vote 'east in the' years 1924 and 1936 for the state-wide Socialist candidates...
...Smith 34,044...
...Smith 17,513...
...Here are the 11 counties in New York City which have been heard from thus far: New York State Vote (11 cosnUes eat ef 6* report**) Allegany ____ 586 661 346 Bronx...
...The encouraging Increase In the rural Socialist' vote was a surprise even to the Socialists themselves and Is of particular significance in view of the fact that it came at a time when the entire country was agitated by the injection of religion into the national campaign...
...His voice over the radio has dispelled all kinds of static...
...Schenectady County—Hoover 39469...
...Smith 64...
...Hamilton County—Hoover 30,433...
...Battle lines are reformed, a new host is hastily gathered and in all parts of the country the cry echoes—march on...
...New York (1*24, **,1«9...
...Philadelphia—Hoover 409.962...
...His message is the finest expression of modern realistic Socialist thought delivered in the manner of the social scientist* His attitude is that of the true statesman, his enthusiasm and zeal places him among the great idealists of all times...
...Smith 9X00...
...Smith 103...
...This second meeting will be held Sanday at 3 pju- in the Salem Baptist Church, corner of 13th and Lombard streets...
...Smith 13466...
...Santa Clara County—Hoover 31,'655...
...Smith 1,306...
...Lena Morrow Lewis, for U. 8. Senate, 71* votes...
...for Governor, Roosevelt 3446...
...Thomas 145...
...Sherr for Congress, 19,001...
...1*26, 3491 rmUm) . Mew Haven (complete...
...Montana (1*24, 466...

Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 48

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