SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK National a. xtirl To Referenda* Vote •JaLal executive Committee hvs r»*~^M,th more to the time ali^yoUPf on the nation*! refer1 \ um adoption of the...
...The second of these ventures will be on Dec...
...Indiana 3» State Secretary of Indiana reports 11 general distribution of literature etg made...
...Members of the various organizations represented on the Youth Committee on Peace, a group of students from Union Theological Seminary and members of the Young Poale Zlon... 1167 Boston road...
...Iowa lLateralis, State Secretary, reports tot, active campaign right up to Bka day...
...21, *J the National Secretary on %tm SOCIALIST VERBAND '"iLeTltas...
...l was instrumental In having the group start...
...The largest number of Socialist watchers for may years covered the polls or* election night throughout the County...
...The judges who win award the prize of $1000 in the contest are 8. L. Fothafel ("Roxy...
...Organisation Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Teaag Feeeart Seetahwt League, tl Essex Street, Baa tea... the first So-'-'- speech send there m many years - -A it was i aetrred...
...Bell, with their two young daughters, Florence Mitlln, Minnie Pilat...
...MANHATTAN 6-8-12 This branch will meet Monday evening, Nov...
...Upper West Side The branch will meet Thursday evening, Nov...
...Comrade Rose Rubinstein of the Bronx Circle No...
...November II, at 8 p. m. a Youth Peacs Rally win be held at the Azure Masonic Temple, 1591 Boston road...
...Until further notice from National Headquarters, the group will be under the jurisdiction of the New York League...
...We consider that a most ylfol act on Lester's part...
...Eaght or ten words, pot together in a snaTJ0F lwirssfi, stimulate a national business more definitely than almost any other factor, say butlntaa psychologists, who are trying to figure out a reason...
...Jessie W. Hughan, the organizer, extends an Invitation to aU Yipsels...
...12 o'clock young people representing various youth organizations win convene in front of the New York City Customs House at Bowling Green from which point they will commence a parade which wUl be a part of a general anti-war demonstration...
...McLevy addressed the New Haven League of Woman Voters Friday afternoon...
...and Mrs...
...New York City City Central Committee The City Central Committee will meet on Wednesday evening, Nov...
...Theatre Parties The first of a number of theatre par' ties under the joint auspices of the City Office...
...Leon Rosser Land, leader, has turned the meeting over to the Youth Committee on Peace for Armistice Day, Sunday Nov...
...His rework in New Bedford as well * a tbt tag city will undoubtedly as* s hearty welcome for him...
...The Y.P.8.L...
...i. They printed a small six page folder which contained the announcement of the meeting...
...Youth Peace Parade Saturday...
...Leon Rosser Land will speak on "Pacifism and Religion" and there will be short speeches by May Boskln...
...November the Sixteenth, Sarah N. Cleghom, author of Portraits snd Protests wUl read from her poems "Ballads of Revolution" at the Cooperative League, 167 W. 12th street at 8:15 p.m...
...There Is much sentiment rSodalisn in the old Booster state 11 healthy vote seems assured...
...Five new members were ad sp...
...He is an ardent 7 god a scholar in American Hlsfe consider his history the proper „ Jewish working class...
...There is no better • to do educational work than be0 ejections...
...Branch 402, and the Workmen's Circle School, organized a Committee under the auspices of which an open forum will start on Nov...
...The co-operating bodies are: Fellowship of Reconciliation, Youth Division of the War Resisters League, Union Theological Seminary...
...To make the program still more interesting, there will be music, five minr*s talks and poetry by young people... 610 W. 164 street at the Civic Club Rooms, 8:30 p.m...
...Youth Peace Rally Sunday...
...Secretary August Claessens will be present and an effort will be made to improve the status of this branch...
...g r» OKGANIZE AND EDUCATE . w ortanize a big Party for Sota...
...Anyone wishiner Information concerning the party should get In touch with the State Secretary, Martin F. Plunkett, Room 82, Poll Bldg., 23 Church St., New Haven...
...The Sholom Aleiehem Apartments near Mosholu parkway...
...I think next month jo be » fairly good jone...
...It meets at the Rockaway Mansion, New York...
...S. P., and J. N. Cohen, S. P., are organizing young people in their Brooklyn Districts^ Two new units have already met...
...The members will also vote on the National Referendum Ballots...
...This work win commence immediately...
...A well-arranged concert program wul also take place at the forum on every Sunday...
...The theme is going to be "These United States...
...In a $1,000 Musical Instrument Slogan Contest, the Mu«lc Industries Chamber of Commerce declares it prefers a concise, snappy slogan of a few words...
...Florida Comrade Feldman, Secretary of Local Jacksonville, reports that the local has added eight new members and that he has made arrangement* for open forum meetings- He asks for speakers to ass't in carrying on the educational eaamcuem the local has undertaken...
...S. Benjamin Daublin and Sy Sarasohn for their campaigning...
...The 18th Assembly District has been emphatically placed on the Socialist map...
...Bronx Fellowship In place of the Sunday evening Fellowship Service open Forum at the Bronx Free Fellowship, meeting at Azure Masonic Temple, 1591 Boston road...
...Branch secretaries must file their tabulated report with Secretary August Claessens on or before Dec...
...When folded it served as an envelope, size 9 by 4Vi, with the address side bearing portraits of Thomas and Maurer...
...With the reorganization of the 18th A. D. branch after the close of the 1927 campaign, there appeared better prospects for Socialist activity in the 18th during 1928 and appearances crystallized into reality...
...Poll Bldg...
...Abraham Kaufman...
...John Nevin Sayre, of the Fellowship of Reconciliation win speak on "Can We Abolish War In Our Time...
...Leona Ftnestone win read poetry and a special musical program which includes solos by Rose Wltebsky, Genevieve Kaufman and Hilda Gluck has been arranged...
...Joseph Tuvim...
...BRONX It wul take a few days to learn what the results of the "-Tp-'gn were in the Bronx...
...A brief discussion will follow...
...especially requests that Its members take along banners and emblems...
...Central Branch A special meeting will be held Tuesday evening...
...These are only some whose activities have been consistent...
...This refer¦rjnportant to the Party and our five It due conalderaUon ^Jj^r The vote will clone in '^branches on Dec...
...Still another page is devoted to a comparison of the presidential Candidates of the three parties and the rest is excellent propaganda matter which is given a good typographical display...
...a. He received the greatest applause by far than was received by the old party sdcalters...
...The vote will close Dec...
...Be then the first true merit to befrltnd...
...There win be an intensive drive for Party building in the many branches...
...16th A D. The next meeting win be held Friday evening, Nov...
...Room 82...
...The convention acted to decrease the number of apprentices through enforcing the rule forbidding members to allow more than one son to enter the trade...
...the ifcmous movie lmpressario...
...The open forum will be conducted for the entire Winter at the Savoy Mansion, 64th street and 20th avenue...
...Party National Referendum All branch organizers and members will please note that voting on the new ational Constitution of the Socialist Party has been extended for one month by the decision of the National Executive Committee...
...Our job is to i i Mg party membership and have c that will enable It to carry our att to the millions...
...It will start on ov...
...nwjriSH FEDERATION altde Belvo, Secretary of the Fin^ocauist Federation, writes that at moving forward in fine shape...
...Another page carries an appeal to the working class and a fine cartoon from the Pittsburgh Press showing Wall Street as a fat man in a cart at one end of which Is a donkey and at the other an elephant...
...v.-ithin two weeks...
...For * Who would like to correspond with JJJJ present his new address: cio J Bug, 159 Annette 8treet, New Bed4 Vast, Organization Work Continues Oscar Lawrence of New Brunswick" reports that he has formed a really active circle in his town...
...M. F. Plunkett...
...18 at 11.30 a. m. sharp with Comrade Claessens as the lecturer and also with a concert...
...New York, are blessed with an embryonic Ylpsel Circle...
...The strenuous campaign conducted by this branch has made necessary the postponement of meetings, during the last month, consequently a number of important matters must be acted upon and the program for the winter activities will be planned...
...Circle One, Bronx The Educatuhal Program for this Sunday is on the subject of the Election and the next step of the Socialist Party...
...The forum will be conducted In English and in Jewish...
...The play will be "Sun Up" at the Lucille La Verne Theatre, 39th st...
...9. in the home of Comrades Orr...
...A good mr — has been ¦ a llarshaUtown...
...Enclosed you will find my re; lor October...
...The rate would be even higher if the slogan adjudged the best were to be less than ten words, as it conceivably may be...
...Party branches and other organizations, will be held Monday evening...
...Other meetings have recently e^ejdat Fort Dodge, GrinneU and California ~* labor World, the party weekly in ¦ date, published a special Rumanian slsrfor distribution among Rumani waken...
...The parade will start from the Custom House on Bowling Green at noon and will march up Broadway to disband at Union Souare...
...This issue was expanded ¦fen columns with only a few items ad to English...
...18th A. D. There is no greater pleasure than in going over the results of a political campaign and apportioning credit and censure where each is deserved...
...Four pages of solid *g matter without one advertiseX were used to appeal to Rumanian o to support the Socialist ticket...
...It is much better than j a* to* reports lately.—In fact, April > a the nearest that exceeds this in iof membership...
...November 10 at...
...Beside these indoor rallies, the branch started with one street meeting a week during August, raising it to two weekly during September and four weekly during October and up to the end of the campaign in territories never visited previously bv Socialist campaigners...
...Leon R. Land of the Bronx Free Fellowship will speak on "Pacifism and Religion...
...15 in one of the rooms of Temple Israel Community Center, 210 West 91 street...
...Lillian Kaplan will upheld the affirmative and Jack Shulman win say No...
...New Haven The Socialists of New Haven and Vicinity gathered at the Workmen Circle Educational Center Tuesday Evening, held a social and listened to the election returns over the radio...
...refer1 \ um adoption of the pTopoaed constitution...
...Frank Crane, known to millions as an author-Journalist...
...There are 3 d the larger locals that have not snplied themselves during the g'and will, therefore, order dues \y That means a large order tor aaW and perhaps December...
...but tM his talk broadca-' " Vl» radio...
...taste ss you organize by keeping up atributlon of literature—pamphlets, a sod leaflets...
...13 at the headquarters, 1167 Boston road...
...Local Norfolk reports a iiosi organization campaign and that r ire planning to build a powerful il Local Richmond has increased its abeship to twenty-five members, aide George assures the National tx flat the Virginia comrades will esse fully in the work to be done c tattoo...
...Admission being free therefore...
...Ml Beck street...
...Julius Umansky, Selma Dalles, Gaylord Russell and William McFadden...
...Esther Friedman and Irving M. Knoblocr- wul be present...
...22-23 A. D. The branch will meet Tuesday, Nov...
...Special credit for the conduct of the campaign is due to our Campaign Mansurer, Jack L. Afros, to our candidates whl did not spare their time or energies...
...23 Church st^ New aven...
...The Verband J^lng two propaganda tours, one ~i Block through the south and 'it rest, and a more extensive one ,—if to cover the nation...
...One of them will be c'.eflnitely affiliated with the Y.P.S.L...
...Music Industries Offer $1,000 Prize for Slogan Why Is a slogan...
...The 18th A. D. branch has made its debut after a long period of inactivity and silence following unon the recent war...
...His praise Is lost wbe stays till ah commend...
...A one cent stamp carried this to the voters...
...This is being held under the auspices of the Socialist Party, 305-10 Assembly Districts...
...Circle Six, Manhattan There win be a debate to-morrow at 62 East 106th street on the question of Soviet Recognition...
...BROOKLYN Bensonhurst Open Format, The Bensonhurst Branch of the Socialist Party In conjunctiva with the Workmen's Circle...
...In the ease of a ten-word slogan this would be st the rate of 8100 a word...
...The play on this occasion is "Singing Jailbirds" by Upton Sinclair under the auspices of the New Playwrights Theatre which opens at the Province town Playhouse...
...3rd A. D. The branch will meet that Friday evening, Nov...
...The time and Place: 4 pm...
...All our forces should be marid to one big drive for members, n new recruit voting our ticket gi be visited and urged to Join...
...One page carries a comparison in three columns of the position of the three parties on important questions...
...Admission is free and everyone is invited...
...For the next year we of the 18th promise increase dactivity...
...The ii pot forth in the work of campSg ibould continue...
...Vfn our previous report we have m told you of the activities of the 7 aocfcutst Verband in the cam* gjjieed 001 repeat that our 1 j-gf, and our special number of far exceed our financial i«tinow at the close of the eam*JVan conscientiously say that we 'ieeeded in spreading Socialist ZZi among the ranks of the ^Jjrters...
...v - McCrillis 1 erdy talked to a groun . pie...
...Every ntetabar is Breed to make an effort to attend...
...In addition to canvassing and mailing thousands of pieces of literature, the conduct of the campaign was characterized by the staging of three rousing indoor rallies in Public School, the last In conjunction with the 23rd and in which Thomas was the main speaker...
...Mast JACK WASSERMAN EDITOR Published Every Week By The New Leader for the"Young Peoples Socialist League ** saahatn returning to N>» York ¦JJOke wul arrive in New York •telay to reorganize accounts with ¦JFfii...
...Tickets are now on sale at the city office and Party branches...
...will participate In a peace parade Saturday afternoon...
...Perhaps that is why the pubhe gets a chance, every once in a while, to win large sums of money by writing a popular slogan...
...Pennsylvania Ptttebargh Pittsburgh So-ia'isK resorted to a unique method of advertising the meeting for James H. afaurer on Nov...
...Yipsels Invited to Reading Next Friday...
...Cost, details, and so forth, will be given later...
...with 'id District secretaries on Dec...
...In the past ten years $10,500,000 has been paid out to aged and infirm members and in death benefits...
...The Party expects to start a membership campaign Immediately after the election...
...The open forum will take place every Sunday morning at 11.30 a.m...
...Gus Fertik...
...Harry Trencher...
...Virginia Sate Secretary George, sent a report it National Office that their camp was ending in good shape: that sap were being held right up to ate day...
...Full information concerning the contest may be obtained at any music store throughout the country, yr by writing directly to the Contest Committee, Music Industries Chamber of Commerce, 45 West Forty-fifth street, New York Bricklayers Hear of Big Figures BOSTON—Union bricklayers were chesty over figures submitted to the national convention in Boston showing $3,865,000 in the treasury...
...The cart is In a circular enclosure with only one exit and no matter whether the donkey pulls the cart or the elephant performs the lob the fat man is hauled through the exit which leads to the White House...
...8 pm...
...Youth Section of the Bronx Free Fellowship, Young Poale Zlon and Young Peoples Socialist League...
...The *vnly definite thine they have decided is that a good slogan la about the btst thing a big business can have...
...The principal thing U. be borne in mind, according to the rules, Is that the successful slogan win convey the idea that everyone can and should play a musical Instrument and emphasize the fact that no music gives the same satisfaction as that which we play ourselves...
...14, in Room 402, Peoples House...
...and Frank Presbrey, one of the outstanding advertising authorities In the ration...
...Meetings in the Bronx were excellent and great quantities of literature were distributed...
...Connecticut The Connecticut Socialist Party campaign closed with a number of successful street and shop meetings addressed by Jasper McLevy, candidate for Governor and Martin F. Plunkett, candidate for U. S. Senator...
...And now at the close tiBipalffn we turn to our normal *«reontemplate a number of acWe are publishing- the History 7 flatted States, written in Yiddish ^»de H. Rogoff...
...Prices range from one dollar to three dollars...
...20, 21...
...t our rank and file Jimmle' Hlgglns, such as Harry Feldman...
...In New York there are two apprentices to every five journeymen, it was brought out...
...9, at the Workmen* Circle Center, 7316—20th avenue...
...Watch out for the 1929 "Commonwealth" Calender...
...John Nevtn Sayre, secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and editor of the World Tomorrow, win speak on "Can We Abolish War in Our Time...
...Comj-off while writing the history the needs of our working Tjt rives the most elementary facts l*ooT»tes on them to teach his ^Xmercian politics...
Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 47