A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES THE CHATTER BOX More Sonnets to a Dark Lady f gNOW a miser's passion for his gold J gjrgen I am fronted by my thoughts of you. .yte I haJve gathered . .jealousy I...

...They see vast armies of men turned into military machines, all faithful slaves, obedient to the shouting of one man...
...The lust for slaughter, when once it bursts forth, burns so deep down In the hidden souls of men that It puts them on the same level and gives them the brotherhood of the tiger, the wolf and vulture...
...Ahmah-de-bellah was silent for a minute, when his solemn face gradually relaxed into a 'quizzical smile, as he replied that in truth Mahometans were no worse than Christians, so that it was quite likely—if the white elect of heaven, who knew how to make powder and guns, did not tempt the black man with their weapons—the commands of Allah would be followed with leas zeal, and implements not quite so dangerous...
...so that, to enforce the Prophet's order against infidels, they resorted to the white man's cupidity which authorized its votaries to enslave the negro...
...The "Savage" Learns...
...J^A yet, for even the experience of convincing yourJJ along the lines of effective radical propaganda, j* Play should be seen by all of us who seek to better SjMntsi equipment for the good fight that is ever ^or» us...
...And Chase Is right...
...Its horrors and its cruelties...
...yte I haJve gathered . .jealousy I hold ^ad hovdr over them...
...A slave Is a note of hand that may be discounted or pawned...
...Is the anything sweeter and deeper and stronger than a mother's love...
...that at my few words of command they could all 'be slaughtered and the kites and vultures would leave their bones bleached by the thousands on the sands or rotted in the marshy swamps...
...Suppose a few J ajU stir a rancor or excite a scar...
...A man, therefore, becomes the standard of prices...
...Man is born with a right to well-being and personal freedom...
...I have seen thousands of men, pale trembling with homicidal mania in their eyes become stark mad when they found themselves masters of a town taken from the enemy...
...I can readily see Moscow clutching at this aposure of American class warfare and fanning the quiescence of its brood into a new fervor for selfnfhteousness...
...My inquisitiveness prompted me to demand whether these holy wars spoken of in the Koran were not somewhat stimulated, in our time at least, by the profits that ensued...
...I know a tryst j ft never parted from...
...The archives of the tormer killers have been opened and memoirs are Issuing...
...Old theories must be tested out to the face of new facts and if they do not run with the rhythm of the machines they must be ruthlessly chucked away...
...War has always been considered as a noble occupation...
...Power is not happiness...
...I await the day which: will consume me In the soil...
...To this end we should invite those men and women, particularly the youngsters who are aware of what is going on to America in 1928 to Join with us in the struggle to do away with what is bad to the present industrial set-up and to hold to that which is good...
...Just think of sending lead and i>Tel crashing through the bodies of men...
...They demolish the homes of peace-loving and innocent civilians, trampling down human beings, grinding out lives, putting aa end to many a dream of love and aspiration and killing the blossoming buds of affection In the hearts of mothers and babes and sweethearts...
...As for this religious sanction given the traffic by the African's religion, we cannot resist quoting Canot's observations: The Koran commanded the "subjugation of the tribes to the true faith...
...They would all receive their reward in the end—in the hackail's teeth, the crows beak, in the worm's caress...
...And, when you come to think of It, in theperspective of the World War, is not this epigram of aa old slaver also a fitting one for the polished gentlemen who rule the nations for the glory of King Capital...
...Yet nations, as a whole, cannot live without yielding to this natural and Imperious instinct of death...
...Mankind are brethren...
...The officers who rode past on horseback with their shining swords, amid the glitter of gold and steel, tc the sound of the trumpet and the roll of drums—they were my idols, my gods...
...The Musings of a Captain of War By Samuel C. Seitz (A few fragments found in the archives of the late Field Marshall F. J. P. former commander-in-chief of the military forces of the British Empire...
...Thus the origin of capital and capitalists was explained by the assumption that a few practiced virtues and the mass practiced vices...
...fr I know that Norman Thomas has been preaching this up and down the country since last Spring...
...They are acclaimed as heroes, overwhelmed with honors, gold crosses, rewards and titles...
...No longer will I raise my sword in defense of useless slaughter...
...When war breaks out, when a few monsters get ready to bathe themselves in human blood, they tear out the roots from the mother's heart and kill the buds at their blossoming, not giving a thought to the cruel pain that would never cease...
...If we go back to muttering old formulae, rehashing ancient dogmas, we are missing an opportunity such as comes only once to a generation...
...The world was...
...tte campaigns of the Social Labor Party, the w«kers Communist Party, the I. W. W. and the •jWattst groups to convince the people of their spe**c means for a new order fall flat and futile against and brains because they scold and fume and rant, •JJh tongues of awkward lightning and sound of too thunder...
...I preferred to die on the battlefield than in a hospital of a disease...
...Mow that the fervent and fiery passions of my youth have died and in my days of leisure I am able to clearly see through the past, my heart aches when I think of the millions of men who have committed an infinite number of crimes —treachery, robbery, depredations, deception, incendiary fires, murders, such infamies that the annals of all the courts in all the world could not equal in centuries and yet were not regarded as crimes, I wonder if the beastly and savage instincts will not some day be killed In the hearts of men...
...The mailed fist of the censor muzzles speech no longer and the ears of those who are willing to hear are listening to the truth...
...Having been through the hells of war, I can smile at the shams, ore teases and excuses the despots of the past had made for lighting the fires of hell and bringing about war and bloodshed...
...War, the chivalry of arms, to risk one's life on the field of death was something to be proud of...
...A machine is something to be studied and used and it will be discovered that a machine is cheerfully oblivious as to whether It is adored or despised...
...I odd sit down and weigh quite dispassionately the nsis or worthlessiiess of the project...
...ordered thought is the only condition favorable 14« receptivity for our faith and its tenets...
...This silly tale of the economists was long ago laughed into oblivion when history was explored to ascertain the real origin of capital and capitalists, and the investigation revealed that the saints were really pirates and slavers, that force and fraud are not only the origin of the bourgeois crder...
...but that long after Its origin these practices continued to heap fortunes into tho laps of the saints...
...Picture the indescribable terror that seises the victim of brutality...
...MrJUirter Coleman...
...One gets a vivid picture of the Africans themselves and the participation of African chiefs In the trade...
...The campaign is over...
...Borne made and lost millions...
...sseawss those acres of fascinating ugliness, under the great cathedral-like domes above the belts and engines and the swarming men at work on them, and in places like them throughout the country, is contained America's most significant contribution to her times...
...Then, as a nigh commanding officer I was far from the dangers of violent death and plunged forward in my glorious pursuit When the great conflagration broke out in 1914, I entered the war as a major-general...
...The old glow I once felt »hee Meyer London carried the East Side for Socialan came up and I stirred quite visibly...
...The victors who emerge alive from the struggle and are credited with the largest number of killings are not disposed by their fellow-men...
...Other books of this type have been written but it Is doubtful whether any other exceeds this one In the sheer fascination of Its narrative and the picturesque character of its central figure...
...Our hands are not only against all, and all against tut, but we do not know the minute when we may be all against each other...
...And well indeed do I know the smug, ad smooth and subtle forces we have to endlessly "¦hat to put our philosophy across...
...One may close by repeating what a successful trader told Canot himself: "Men in our sltuaton are Ishmaelltes...
...Small contributions received just as gladly as large ones fttrtr State Journal...
...Coolldge can be before sending an extra batch of marines Into Nicaragua...
...Yet the murdering and butchering on a high scale Is considered honorable and just among all classes of civilised people...
...No amount of propaganda, prayer or exhortation wffl give them life, if the gods of the machines decree death...
...I have heard the roaring of immense monsters of death on a thousand fields of battle and have seen the marring and mangling of innocent human beings on vast stretches of desolation...
...Women love and respect them and they are looked upon with envy by those who have been unable to shed so much human blood...
...Abo do I know that while the rant and the shout of fflwjicss distract the hearing of people, they hardly "ft leave the brain peace enough for ordered thought...
...The choice here is of leaving the control of the machines in the bands of profiteering hlt-or-miss opportunists or of devising some better method for making ti . most of what the machines offer...
...For the night at least...
...And there is a kite cry for action from every throat, while the limes of impotence burn them up utterly...
...War to me was a symbol of strength and security, fame, honor and glory...
...The hard hand of the hero's diatribe against flag, east, lord and the land slapped blood back into the purid body of my spirit...
...So by sacrifice and saving the saints stored up some "capital" and soon gave employment to the sinners who wasted their substance...
...he is a tax that walks corporeally into the chieftain's treasury...
...Five-sixths of the popoJatiea hi in ehems.All the horrors of the middle paasage are depicted with ghastly reahaao...
...But as time grew on the cannibal Instinct hardened the seal of the youthful merely a brood animal...
...It did not appear as a terrible day to me when the European nations began hurling their declarations of war at each other, pledging their manhood and vast resources to the vultures of death and destruction...
...Although superior to the wild beasts of the forest he should claim the right to life which they enjoy, Instead of organizing in herds and facing each other on the battlefield with a ferocity unparalled by that of the beasts...
...In me was firmly implanted the Idea that war was a noble and profitable pursuit, in which man's valor and heroism could be shown on the field of battle...
...l"or liberals and complacent righteous folk, this *ama Is thoroughly negative...
...The economic considerations by which the savage and civilised man, each with cultures as wide apart as the poles, fraternized in a common enterprise may be commended to those who doubt the influence of the economic factor in history...
...He's usually right except when It comes to politics...
...The savage was also quick to learn the "ethics" of the civilised man in pursuing trade and commerce and he was just as adept in giving a religious sanction to his profits as the white man was...
...On more than one occasion have I heard a soldier, hi the agony of pain and delirium, faintly murmur before pas ing away, 'Motherwife—baby!' In those days these words did not bring a tear to my eyes or a touch of sadness to my heart...
...Yet this mother nurses the child with her blood, she lays up her all and sacrifices everything to see this flower spring up into manhood...
...I can also see in a few isolated sections if the land small groups of impatient men and women peeing with clenched hands and angered souls before the words and scenes of this play...
...They solace themselves with war, where governments set in motion the military machines of murder and prepare to slay one another in a debauch of blood...
...The shame of looting and rape brings on a cowardly conception when held up to the art Itself...
...What is war...
...S. A DE WITT...
...The battle of the Marne and the hammering of Verdun finally told me that war is a foolish form of savagery, in which death and misery alone triumphed, but it was necessary to shut the eyes to its treacherous blows, accepting them as glorious achievements...
...The sword, the gun and bayonet, through the ages, have brought nothing to mankind but tyranny, despotism and a host of crimes which place man on a lower level than the beast...
...But in the heat of campaigning, the significance of his message seems to have been overlooked even by many of his supporters...
...The time is here for overhauling blue-prints, getting direction and plotting courses...
...The scjeet matter of any case like the tragic outrage of Boston last year must of its own dynamic passion any the frail artifices of any theatrical camouflage before its cataracting turbulence...
...The murderer is an outcast of society...
...Think of the maimed, the mutilated, the mangled 1 The masses about us have been hypnotised as to what war really Is...
...J AM an old, old man—bowed and feeble...
...I would then be a hero...
...But the point I want to make here is that all the writers whether they are talking about peace or education or novel-writing or race relations have in the backs of their heads the remorseless functioning of those machines in the G. E. plant at Schenectady or the smoke curling up from the stacks above Manchester or Essen or Singapore...
...It is not only an abeorbt&r tale of adventure but a graphic portrayal of the horrors of a traffic In human flesh that continued well into the nineteenth century...
...Prance sent her Rouen cottons, Marseilles brandies and gewgaws, while Germany sent her looking glasses and beads, and he adds: "Multitudes of our own worthy traders, who would hang a slaver as a pirate when caught, do not hesitate to supply him Indirectly with tobacco, powder, cotton, Yankee rum and New England notions, in order ts bait the trap in which he may be caught,* Financial Ooaaa...
...I would rather be an obscure man, poor and despised, than rise to the height where new destinies of the world are opened through paths of blood...
...The financial genius of Africa," writes our slave trader, "instead of deviates bank notes or the precious metals as a circulating "w has declared that a human creature, the true embodiment of labor, is the most valuable on earth...
...I felt proud to think that I held in my hands the destiny of a division, forty-thousand lives...
...There is the night sThen memories began...
...Patiently in my fast declining years...
...he is a bill of exchange that carries himself to his destination and pays a debt bodily...
...Something cried out for a hurried end to all this patience and itaton with which I had finally learned to tether my isBoit longing for humanity...
...One phase of this romantic period of capitalism is recalled by a reprint of an old book by Captain Canot who participated in the slave trade (Adventures of aa African Slaver...
...They assumed two types of human beings—saints and sinners...
...Although you cannot cross the ocean i To heathen lands explore, Jt - You can find the heathen nearer, JT . You can find him at your door.* The "Romance" of Capitalism An African Slaver'g Story Reprinted By James Oneal VV/HEN it became necessary for the professorial economists to explain the origin of the modern order resting on invested capital, they abandoned history and turned to fiction...
...They carry in their murderous wake famine, disease and destitution...
...Throughout the book one gets a fairly good view of the economics of the trade in Africa as it concerned the native chiefs, the coast traders, the Spanish, American and other shippers...
...War is the greatest and most brutal of hells on this earth...
...Suppose you are A dead reality...
...It teemed wonderful to me that at the mere frown of one man inexhaustible armies, glittering with the symbols and banners of savagery, would pour into the battlefield from sea to sea, while Immense fleets of warships would spread their wings on the bosom of the waves and follow eagerly the thunder-clouds of war...
...Here and there he offers some shrewd observations regarding the traffic and its relation to bourgeois civilization and they are all the more cutting because they are true...
...Their social interests will continue to maintain hereditary bondage...
...In the light of our new knowledge the truth should be known...
...and they will sentence to domestic servitude the orphans of culprits, disorderly children, gamblers, witches, vagrants, cripples, insolvents, the deaf, the mute, the barren and the faithless...
...Is there anything purer, holler and more beautiful than a mother holding her dimpled babe against her soft, warm breast...
...It never occurred to me that It will be possible some day to proclaim the universal brotherhod of man, where we human beings could stretch forth our hands, embrace and love one another...
...the passing of slaves to suffocation, the splileanks of smallpox, occasional mutinies and the frightful losses from death while enroute to slave plantations...
...A name that makes nations tremble is not to be revered...
...These are the testing grounds for all our social and economic philosophies...
...Of the trade as a whole he declares that the white race had stimulated the negros' passions "by the introduction of wants and fancies never dreamed of by the simple native, while slavery was an institution of domestic need and comfort alone...
...It is to this volume that Norman Thomas has contributed his masterly paper called, "Advances in th;: Quest for Peace...
...this play, for all of its power, its truth, and ita ysdlng clarity, frightens those who might learn 2**h-tag vital from it, or just depresses those who ¦*«»tand all too well...
...One other quotation must satisfy our temptation...
...With the final shrieking and grief of the lass whose tslroeded lover was paying the penalty of his radical betefs, patience and deliberate reason re-entered...
...England had introduced her Birmingham muskets, Manchester cottons and Liverpool lead...
...This of course is natural but not so brightNo one will ever understand a machine either by hating it, or loving it...
...Easy enough too, to announce from the nearest soap-box that "the workers must take over industry...
...To them It means spotless uniforms, shining arms, manouvres with mechanical precision, parades and the grand word victory, which turns all heads and makes war appear as a virtue...
...tse almost obtrusive comedy relief of the Hebrew flsjiaoreman, the indigent historian, and the cracked bjiuc, are the last vestiges of the first intent...
...In our highly cultured and civilized society today, murder is regarded as the most terrible of human crimes...
...What had been a luxury had ripened Into a necessity, so that man had "become the coin of Africa...
...How proud I felt and how stiffly I marched at the side of my platoon, the shining sabre swinging to the movements of marching feeti It was indeed a great sight to watch the gay uniforms file by as the manoeuvres were In preparation and listen to the scowling of the cannon...
...As they succeed or fall in America's real cathedrals, they survive or perish...
...For myself as a Socialist, a believer in orderly, eduaitansl and political worklngclass action toward the ^operative ideal, the "Gods of the Lightning" strikes ^th stultifying depression...
...Man, since time immemorial, has been carrying a terrible burden on his shoulders which at times, subjected to the phantasmagoria of fame, conquest, religious and commercial gain, would dim the horizon of the world with the clouds <fi war and bloodshed...
...F. 3. T. We somet' >es fear that the movement : . absolute truth In advertiiine h; :s not yet embraced the political managers, who say, for Instance...
...Yet war does not merely consist of a man to man contest on the battlefield...
...A number of them have come together in a provocative symposium called, "Recent Gains in American Civilization," edited by Klrby Page and published by Harcourt, Brace and Company...
...Canot had little patience with the British, who posed a horror of the slave trade...
...My ears have vaguely listened to the moaning, the anguish escaping from the lips of the wounded and the dying as they lay helpless in their hoveringx between life and death...
...Age and disease were often concealed by these methods but the white traders soon obtained knowledge of these tricks and it became more difficult to dispose of impaired or diseased negroes...
...The Job it seems to me then is a research job first and foremost...
...Perhaps the play was originally planned by its gifted utbora as a human interest drama with all the high od low lights of the theatre so shrewdly placed as to gt across the main purpose of propaganda without dtcung directly the always exposed sensitivities of oe middle classes, who are the great theatre support B this land...
...4) edited with an introduction by Malcolm Cowley...
...Think of the widows and orphans...
...No man has imagination enough to paint its death agonies...
...Listen to any of them when speaking * the public and you will understand what I mean...
...Ought radicals encourage and attend plays of this nt...
...Love was nothing more than the fancy of a weakling who strove to win another weakling, a woman...
...Incidentally, one gets an interesting view of the co-operation between Christian and Mahometan in the slave trade, each might regard the other as an "Infidel" and yet both be on the most Intimate terms of friendship because of the profits each obtained from this human commerce...
...Certainly, the holy wars of Christian civilisation have their counterpart In the patriotic complex of the African chieftains...
...The African could be just as eloquent as Mr...
...Well indeed do I know how necessary propaganda 1 ft* our cause...
...At that time In continental Europe youth was fed and drilled and praised and bullied in the hellish art of destruction...
...I wish to deny definitely that there is a man or "•nan In any walk of life, normal in physical develop•art that cannot think...
...There is no doubt that most of a who dream and work in our own measured way for Mice and peace and plenty to all mankind are just utaraHy too kind and sensitive for such overpowering tender...
...I deny quite earnestly to 1,1 aristocratic intellect the right to call one class "mother of any people too low for intelligence or *°arht Even the bald fact that they are driven like t*tu« year in and year out to the polls, and vote with•* apparent reason against their own well-being does * preclude' the fact that they are all capable of **tal activity for their own good, if they are pajjyiy and intelligently approached with which to per*m their trying tasks...
...Thus, slavery is not likely to be surrendered by the negroes themselves as a national institution...
...How wonderful did life appear to me at that time...
...The court scene, follower so quickly upon the horror of the district attorney's trickeries in his sanctum to frame up innocent men, broarht me to the verge of revolt against even my era faith...
...And brutal truth that it be, nevertheless...
...W WTTTH Norman Thomas hi the course of this last " c*«P»i«n, I had the oportunity for a cloae-ua picture of that grossly material yet somehow mystic thing called "mass production.We...
...And it is an amusing commentary on the opinion held by those outside the Socialist movement that a reviewer for a New York paper expressed great surprise that a Socialist could find anything good in American civilization...
...He should not be a slave to a few self-appointed warlords and masters, in whose hands lay his life and death...
...It was a common sight to see the doors of houses give way to the blows of their rifles and terrified men being pierced with bayonets, as they ran to the streets, and In the houses could be seen women screaming and struggling In the arms of their assailants, striking them in the face with one hand, while with the other they struggled fanatically to retain their clothes...
...The tribal life of the Africans, some of it grotesque aad much of it revolting to moderns, as It relates to slavery and the slave trade is also made vivid...
...The nightmare of my stirring years pass vividly before melt seems as though I will not be able to pass my remaining few days In peace unless I relieve the depression that is bearing heavily upon my mind...
...jjj while you run the gantlet of your men, [BOW the joy of loving you again...
...What Is life after all A short drama which invariably ends in death...
...Adventure, greed, romance and sheer reckless daring entered into the calling of the slave trader...
...He reports a conversation he had with a British captain over a flagon of wine...
...They should study the foolishness and savagery of the past and in a spirit of friendship should unite to serve one another in the true fraternity of brotherhood...
...The human kind looks upon him with a repugnance of horror and tear, and everyone clamors that be should pay the supreme penalty...
...When the band struck up a battle song I could just leave my company, charge at an enemy I had never seen, cut him down with the fury of a madman and feel proud at the noble deed...
...Here and there brilliant minds are at work attempting to inject some meaning other than the all too obvious one of mere goods production into these apparently inscrutable machines...
...If our modern capitalist adulterates his goods or the Puritan ship captain 200 years ago mixed his rum with water, the African chief was equal to using bloating drugs to give a buxom appearance to a slave or to impart an artificial gloss to his akin if he was not of the "prime" type desired...
...Canot made several fortunes and abandoned the trade but it appears that he could not resist the lure of it for he later returned to it...
...A peasant in his lonely cottage with his wife and children are more content than were Alexander, Ceatar or Napoleon, whose names will forever be blazoned in the History of Time...
...It 1 seemed, divided into two distinct factions—in one part were friends and In the other enemies...
...went through two huge modem Industrial plants that are making a new sort of revolution in the world —the Ford plant at Detroit and the General DecMo works at Schenectady...
...The highest Ideals of the human heart and mind win only be achieved when the beautiful lines of the Scotch poet, Robert Burns, will be fulfilled: "That man to man the world over shall brothers be...
...Slavery was a common custom in Africa before the coming of the white man and the need of alien capital for slave labor merely expanded the domestic African traffic into a world trade protected tor generations by the "Christian powers...
...where armies become mad and Intoxicated at the sight of the red liquid dripping from the wounds of their enemies aad give way tn the ferocity of that beast instincts...
...and I even ventured to hint that it was questionable whether the mighty chief of Puta Jallon would willingly storm a Kaffir fortification, were he not prompted by the booty of slaves...
...They see these vast armies of men thrilled and stuplfled bythe sound of drum and trumpet, converted into Instruments for murdering and shedding human blood on a large scale and yet they applaud them and refer to them as heroes and defenders...
...Delicious as this admission of the African chief is, we are not surprised to learn that the "patriotic" motive also supplies a sanction for raiding interior tribes for captives...
...It is only a repetition of their own knowledge so thunderously repeated, as to turn their gentle beings away for fear of being "aftned altogether...
...1 Toere are so many left to weave a mist I £ legendary glow...
...They are cheered by the mob because they have been successful In their mission of death...
...The Socialist movement for all its recent gains, for all its practical Idealism, has not yet come effectively to grips with this central problem of our times, the relation of the machine to humanity...
...My conscience exceedingly bothers me because I have spent almost fifty years of my life as a leader of infuriated men, who did not question their superiors but merely went out to slaughter and be slaughtered...
...And when the authors themselves were swept into the path, they could dowry little except tell the brutal truth of it and let it jo on its own route of devastation...
...I can even now picture that great moment in my life when I received the Insigna of the Royal Crown and my commisison as sub-lieutenant in the army...
...At the conclusion of bis contribution called, "New Outposts of Business and Industry," Btuart Chase says: "But the honest student, no matter bow radical, must admit that these gains are provable facts today, even as the honest student, however conservative, must admit the precarious nature of their status...
...Despite his indifference to the human cargoes he shipped to Cuba and his ruthItrrr—- in dealing with slaves whan octal n measure of admiration for his penetrating views which often cut through the shams of the "civilized" exploiters of white civilisation...
...The Job Is one of pattern-making, not speech-making, however much the latter may stir men to thought...
...There is as yet no organised movement, whether of labor, of the consumer, or of the common citizen, strong enough to hold the outposts which industry, in its few years of prosperity, has almost gratuitously flung forth...
...And I have the presumption to suggest that, one reason may lie in that curious state of mind found among so many Socialists which consists in blind hate of the machine...
...And better still °» w» sJQ aware of how the great electorate of the ^nba reacts to the shrewd and almost silent manner i» which they are given the doses for their drugged •amber...
...The saints were few In number and their sainthood was due to the fact that they abstained from eating the same rations of food and wearing the extravagant clothing worn by sinners...
...Mew York: Albert & Charles Boni...
...The excited appetites pf the Caesars, the Napoleons, the Vladlmirs, the Rasputlns, the Hollentollems, the Poinceres and the Habsburgs had to be satisfied, vile creatures formerly controlling minions of men and finding in war the certain, quick gratification of their lust for money and territorial gain...
...Canot, declaring his "incredulity of British philanthropy," which "would never cease until abandoned her Indian wars, her opium smuggling, and her persecution of the Irish...
...The highly-colored accounts of the terrible slaughters on the fields of death are read with much Interest and anticipation...
...As a captain under Lord wtt^viner in Egypt and a colonel in the Boer War I first realized what war really was, but its horrors held no terror for me...
...jiST Monday night at the Little Theatre seeing L Harwell Anderson's and Harold Hickerson's "Gods i the lightning . . ."- A finely acted play, a "wob|m> tract on radical strike leadership, on the injusjjt of American justice, with the horrible Saccc-Vanttti ftory woven in full pattern for theme and motif, j li terribly difficult for an avowed Socialist to give ^criticism on a play like this, when so much of it jwirp and woof of his own philosophy, and yet a put deal too academically removed from his own jjtctic belief as to basic tactics for revolutionary peace...
...It was the last act with its climax of futility, yes with even the arch-priest of futility walking in hlmetf, escaped from the death house, that settled me hex into my old self...
...Instead of continually scheming and planning for each other's downfall and bringing on wholesale murder and desolation...
...Of this Canot wrote: "There was no absolute idea of 'extending the area of freedom.' or of territorial annexation, but It was wonderful to behold how keen became the sovereign's sensibility to national wrongs, and how patriotically he labored to vindicate his country's rights...
...they will send the felon and the captive to foreign barracoons...
...To this end wa should now perfect the organization bunt up in the campaign...
...Easy enough to shout, "prosperity," "high tariff" or whatever from a Republican platform...
...Empires have fallen, crowns have been shattered to dust and governments have been turned upside down...
...The Socialist Party alone offers the starting point for any such adventurous expedition into realities...
...They fill the world with orphans and widows, whose sufferings will never cease as they soar in rain to the skies...
...And both of us, I think, came away convinced of the comparative unreality of schemes political, economic, religious or artistic in the face of the great whirring queston-mark which the pattern of the machines was making...
...If now an of us go along to a collective consideration of what Ues immediately before us—the challenge of mass production—the campaign will have been one of the most fruitful to our history...
...I Mt through three acta and five scenes of honest tjstcry, and even my own calloused convictions came ts with a new tinge of feeling, a rebirth of unreasonag emotion, an altogether too refreshing Impatience...
...It is time for the human race to unite and form one vast universal organisation of love, good-will and progress...
...And while all of them give Indication of what they are after in general and furnish substantial proofs for their unexpected (In some quarters) optimism, not one of these able observers can assure us that we have the collective wit to consolidate what gains we have made, to make ourselves masters of these damnably obdurate machines...
...I came out a sadder and *Mker man...
...The song I made to heart will always sing, and sing, In spits • Ql til this cold demeanour we parade...
...Canot appears to have understood the hypocrisy of the ruling classes and their retainers who hunted down the slavers and eventually abolished the slave trade...

Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 47

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.