THE HEIGHT OF POLITICAL DEGENERATION gO ENDS the dirtiest and most disgraceful political campaign in American history. With two parties the exclusive property of vulgarian millionaires; each...

...Our conscience is- clear...
...But «» the atadsdl bearer in this "-T-*f i hart bid pe-| culiar opportunities to know the asaaatl of generosity and loyalty, sad the cspe-l city for bard work with no rmrd an I the reward of Jlmmle Hlggtna ohieb tan I characterized our Socialist itrhal thai year...
...power stand aad did txplsai ^^mJj thing else in bis effort to anpeww^l aervetive as Hoover, Battel tu* I panyl___I Jack Skurnlcfc New York, awe»**jM paper to a necessity » baa...
...Into the temple also swarmed the vulgarians of Tammany Hall, led by the Happy Warrior, happy that he had brought the gang next to the bags of cash...
...Women who have never voted since they received the franchise share in the mania of the moment and are led to the registration by their panic-stricken mates who are frightened as though some terrible calamity was impending...
...I But these words win be read ay no* I of you before election day- We taawt J pause, therefore, for fellrttartcs Wei must work till the votes are counts...
...what to empsiee in the East and what to ignore in the West, but above all, how to divide and win...
...You editors, who shape opinion, you have shared in the disgraceful debauch...
...FOR WANT OF AN ISSUE There were real issues and real problems but they did not interest the two-party union...
...Smith another...
...each with Fat Cat angels to finance it...
...Is it surprising that super-power and electricity magnates like Young and Raskob are spending large wads of cash for Smith's program...
...They do not know, but time will heal the wounds you have inflicted...
...awBw»m^m ton speech left P"t?aa*rmaoafwjja on...
...We should have mm and *c-1 men wherever possible near tat pdb a I remind voters of our existence...
...What of you ? You who pretend to educate the "mob...
...all of which time, change, and access to treasures of the ruling groups had obliterated...
...Then pay day will come...
...The keepers of the temple were expanding their mastery of Latin-America and using sons of laborers and farmers to enforce American might in Nicaragua...
...Hoover would help them one way...
...Its soul was attracted to the money vats of this group, hs face was turned to the East, its back to "the wheat and corn belts...
...Did Smith employ a Negro stenographer...
...Raskob a Fat Cat who found it no more difficult to change from Republican to Democrat than to change his necktie, welcomed the Happy Warrior into the temple...
...Smith need not be alarmed...
...more sure of utterly destroying rational judgment, more certain of insuring that division of the multitude so essential for the dominion of the ruling masters...
...1 Senator Norris's support of *** J account of bis Muscle Shoah neither disappointing nor J Read my letter to him and ym wa^i that I bint at some of the J^^gM reasons for the Senator* etsns...
...If the Democrats are right He is at the head of the Democratic National Committee and Smith is His chosen Leader...
...Did Hoover dance with a Negro girl in the South...
...The Happy Warrior and his advisors had no difficulty in negotiating a treaty with the keepers of the temple...
...The bargain was struck...
...It provides for public ownership of superpower but the perpetuation of profits for superpower magnates through distribution of light and power...
...Be almost eTfilstnsd swat S...
...The agreement was signed and scaled and the last faint trace of difference between the two parties disappeared with the signing of the solemn covenant...
...In either case the profits of the magnates were to be guaranteed...
...He and Hoover have simply engaged in a pleasant sparring match truli no intfaajoa of hotting each other although TIMELY TOPICS QNE ot the pleasure* I bad jrcaaajl myself was to send a personal letta-l of appreciation to M»»»rtfs in variow, a-l ties throughout the whole country, avl phatically including- Mew York to (hull them for what they did to make nry art-1 ous meetings so pleasant sua to fin at I such deep Joy to the ieflooahip of at J campaign...
...He gave only the lowest and most servile jobs to Negroes, thus following the practice of his backers in the South...
...Catholic and Protestant, Fundamentalist and Modernist, Jew and Gentile were ranged against each other...
...The rates of compensation for workers injured in industry are more and more paired down each year and many workers are complaining...
...What about the tariff...
...As issues disappeared there was nothing to discuss and without discussion thinking is unnecessary...
...RUM, RACE AND RELIGION EMERGES Finally there emerged three *1saues "--hooxe, re¦%ioavand Negroes 1 N. ckotJon was Our* tjaJcnlated to awaken slumbering prejudices and hatreds of mankind...
...Tolerance,"' yelped the intolerant...
...With the triumph of the imperialist section of our capitalist and financial rulers at the dawn of the present century their intellectual leadership began to exhibit a steady decline...
...Our banner is clean...
...It might be a minor consideration to be mentioned with caution but not stressed too much...
...For more than seventy years sugar magnates of Louisiana a Democratic barony, had supped at the tariff dinner...
...Much of the other welfare legislation is emasculated because that fighting group is no longer present In other words, even statutes implying potential good for the working class are often either worthless paper or [their potency is partially smothered because workers have no direct power in the legislative hails...
...It is loyalty to a part?, a I cause, an ideal...
...SMITH EMBRACES HIGH TARIFF Orlly one minor matter remained to complete the two-party union of upper class politics which had been evolving for at least two decades...
...It will blaze in the coming years...
...To the National txecntrn Cianw I tee, to the Campaign Conrmlttes and Us I campaign office, to the conmrntea sad I workers all over the country ay hart I goes out in admiring sppredaboa...
...The fat men at the top of American society opened the doors of their temple to the Democratic leaders...
...As the electoral struggle closes subterranean hates smoulder which promise riots at the ballot box on election day...
...How were they to face the multitude outside the temple without issues and without differences...
...Smithites and Hooverites helped themselves and then turned to the simple folk outside who gaped, who wondered what the transaction meant...
...The bags of cash were opened...
...You the "best minds" of bourgeois politics...
...Messianic misfits and strange creatures of strange cults per formed their holy dances...
...The textile interest in the South had also become a giant "infant" which nursed at the tariff bottle...
...I When I wrote that we awtt *>> *J the votes are counted I debrt •**iBl we should then go to sleep *Sf spwy ten months...
...You who...
...In all states where wbnebesl tickets the comrades are mark* ¦ I nwcent fight...
...Ten million more voters in the election which has witnessed the complete ownership of the two parties by the ruling class of the nation...
...A Mayor Walker in New York had his counterpart in "Bill the Builder" in Chicago...
...What is it...
...Tstt I means electioneering Oil the bat sad* I moment...
...These comrades, Uke ctbsato*"*I states, are putting up a real ¦••¦"j Our liberal friends in Hew Tort vm «¦] so blindly enthusiastic ft* Wats* **fl Roosevelt ought to bear I«b W*^KI on state issues...
...A serious problem faced the two-party leaders...
...In this year the Democratic Party was successful in its love-making...
...Ancient feuds stalked like ghosts in an American political campaign...
...For the moment you ride hysteria to victory but the masks you wear will not serve you long...
...Ten million more voters when there is no issue and no principle at stake between the two-party leaders...
...Some steep saw* * • iJ needl But the real Job of baawai»r| party will only begin after eesmat^l That is the Job that wffl eeemt ""T more to amy about it later...
...And when I say pkaene I ¦"¦I It...
...Republican oil graft was matched with Democratic sewer graft in New York...
...The Democratic party, however, still displayed some Platonic affection lor the middle classes while it wooed the upper range of the capitalist and financial nobility...
...Thus we were launched on a crusade of medieval Itates as a result of the agreement in the temple...
...You, who represent "civilization...
...Should it be the old cry of "turn the rascals out" and "put good men in?*' A pit yawned for both signers of the treaty...
...Some Pleasant Sparring QOVERNOR SMITH'S reply to the charge of Socialism made by Hoover last week centered chiefly around his (Smith's) power program...
...You at least have provided a dark background where men and women can see light and our torch is raised...
...How coerce their minds, how hold their attention and gain their patronage for the two-party show staged by the keepers of the temple...
...And they the revelation btr...
...what would be the issue when there was no issue...
...Smith passed on to a consideration of welfare legislation in New York State, but there is a significant thing about this welfare code...
...I I want especially to urge the sant #• I orous possible work for oar saw abet I In many cities our chance of beeceenj •* I official party depends on the vote at* 0**" I ernor...
...To be sure, superpower might be discussed as a problem, but as an "issue" it was a matter of which is the best way to-insure continuous profits to the magnates in the distributing department of the industry...
...Bcceovett aa*V| himself by bis use of Cbaaawaa* I Name...
...Both gangs of high hat leaders had at Washington messed up the whole problem of liquor and then discovered that it was a godsend to them as an "issue...
...Bat strenuous esmpafcaat] my wife's illness, and the great ate of at I list to address compel me instead a *> I sort to this more general stateasnt I I do not flatter myself that the aagavl flcent loyalty of comrades, known and avl known, is a personal thing...
...If Smith declared that he favored continuance of public ownership of the postofTice but that private corporations should have the distribution of the mails for their enrichment the proposal would parallel the Smith program for superpower...
...a b an*-1 thing better...
...Marching hosts of awakened men and women you now despoil and deceive will tear them away, will take your power and another political revolution will be at hand...
...In the "net tea en*J| have bad the pleasure of caap»»W"'| with Louis Waldman la nee Ted a»"| amd asary lX>novan Hsiigosd ta "aaaaaW* I setts...
...And this is your handiwork...
...Consider the matter of workmen's compensation...
...Out in the interior were hundreds of thousands of farmers stripped of the savings of a lifetime...
...each capitalizing old fears and hates thafcome down from the days of the religious wars, both have achieved the nadir of stupidity and dishonesty...
...Rustics were ranged against rowdies, the city against the countryside, and pledges impossible of redemption were made to the gullible...
...The masses outside the temple waited while the signers of the pact deliberated what to say when there was nothing to say...
...A renewal and be bopwawg Z!n?wT'<WBtaH-f^JCT...
...You the "leaders of opinion... to divide the voters when there was no division between the leaders...
...Republican primaries in Pennsylvania and Illinois were paired with Tammany thieves in New York City...
...Within were the money vaults of the upper oligarchs and the leaders were told to help themselves...
...Olvany in New York was a close relative to Vare in Philadelphia...
...Meantime i^is a fact that in this election where honor, principle, issues, differences and convictions have completely disappeared over ten million more voters have been herded into the registration booths than were registered four years ago...
...Turn the rascals out" was poor stuff...
...First the Negro...
...We sat I have watchers in aaaay cams, a» a» att I the vote is counted...
...Would the Democrats keep the tariff faith of the old Republican keepers of the temple...
...THE BOOZE BOTTLE DANGLED But the shameful orgy was not complete...
...The charge was swiftly repudiated...
...A pint of grog was dangled before tlte voters which was countered by sanctimonious promises of enforcement...
...The Socialist Party and its friends have fought a clean fight...
...That multitude faced acute unemployment in the industrial centers...
...And we shall work to hasten the coming of that day...
...boast of your ?«rb*irtio»/*: Spattered aad dripping with filth and sbame, yoa erawirW ot this wallow prepared for you by the upper class leaders of capitalism...
...each without no genuine issues, each mired in the filth of the worst phases of American politics...
...Bigotry," bawled the bigot...
...It was an "insult," said Hoover's backers, the most "shameful" charge which had been made against him...
...Moreover, the decline has been continuous since the disappearance" of a fighting group of Socialists at Albany...
...If the masses knew and understood the crimes you have committed against humanity they would hurl you from your power next Tuesday...
...wltat to say in the South and what to say tn the North...
...They would...
...Having stamped their heels into the face of the Negro, the wretched leaders reached back into the centuries and dragged religion into the arena...
...And they mat a»» I their jobs...
...In this century iron and steel had risen to a first class power in lower Alabama and this big capitalist interest also had a tariff appetite...
...The world was as unsafe for peace as it ever was...
...If one side is right God is chairman of the Republican National Committee and Hoover is His First Apostle...
...The Socialist vote will be the one evidence of sanity in this insane year of upper class politics...
...e| ask questions which Nonb *»TmJ Smith has overlooked...
...Your power will be gone...
...WTRj" T- .seal he renews...
...And you "liberals" who have participated in the carouse...
...How were the leaders to whip these humble folk into a fury over nothing...

Vol. 7 • November 1928 • No. 46

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