RULING AND FOOLING WETS, DRYS Drys Get Bogus Enforcement, Wets Get Their Booze, Politicians Get Office, and Voters Get Swindled AS THE political campaign comes to a close one fact . towers...

...That seems to bs the seats...
...there is no rugged individualism about our management of land, a management which creates slums and multiplies tenant farmers...
...a respectable butcher of Astoria, who had no powers, whose salary was $3,000 a year, and whose opportunities were small...
...The conviction of the sthelst *Jt*~* Mr...
...And his party...
...Thomas paid particular attention to Herbert Hoover's address in New York By, saying that his sincerity could not a donated but that "Its wisdom needs salyiis...
...For the simple reason," declares McBain, "that Congress has never seen fit to to set up the machinery for its more complete enforcement...
...Mass, Harvard Union, aoao hutch hears...
...The Guilt of Capitalism Thomas . ridiculed Hoover's statement that the government's management of the railroads during the war was Socialism, yet this control was necessary because "rugged individualism had broken down...
...It is not his purpose to reveal the deceit of the saaiiinn and yet one cannot read the book without beoff coovinced that they are either ignorant or that they ire playing a game of deception on both Wets and Drys...
...Mass, State Theatre, t pje-J Nsrthsssflia> Mass, S aav Monday, Oct...
...That's the kind of a little guy he was...
...Lawrence Gresser was ousted by Governor Hughes...
...He retired a poor man...
...Must we forever be chips in a crooked game played by political sharps in ewery election ? Let us turn to the experience of Canada* for light...
...BROOKLYN II a. sa...
...can never contribute to" an intelligent verjgL With the politics of the master brokers emptied of priaciples and issues...
...The only way not te threw assy your votes, my progressive fries*, ¦ to vote for the Socialist Party, The Soclalist vote will mesa SssssMssg set only aa a warning to the next asesv istration but la the buRdtox ef ear own party which is our ear/ sepa Hamilton Pish and Norman Bsnjooi are both able men...
...1—NEWARK, N. X, laoreJ Gardens... noon, NEW TORE...
...And they will be satisfied with nothing Jess...
...m Canada has had a history of temperancaVthe saloon, licensing and prohibition similar to our vn...
...Governor Smith knows and every intelligent man and woman knows that "even the most moderate Wets want wine and beer that are in fact intoxicating by any kind of scientific definition...
...I sneak to you prim».rilv not as to Neerroea but as to men and women," said Thomas, "comrades in this great task of keeping life going in tbis world of ours...
...too, was party boss...
...fMblished by Longmans, Green and Co...
...There should be reduction of representation for these states where citizens are disfranchised by force of fraud...
...Since then there have been five borough Presidents, all Democrats...
...Another strong appeal has been mailed to Idaho friends of the party to send contributions to help pay for this big literature campaign...
...Smith and Hoover in varying degrees are deliberately playing up or permitting their parties to play up to racial bigotry especially in the South...
...Tweed was a piker...
...Sunday, Nov...
...It is a matter of jgjndling both Wets and Drys...
...He was so eloquent and con! vlnclng that he was put in, and thus he | began 17 years of service as the fourth in I the line of Borough-Presidents — party j bosses...
...Pa—ale, Msaawtal School...
...basis of a 1 genuine party of the decent, common, people through which they will rule themselves without the aid of court clowns and papal knights and Pipe Potentates...
...Democratic leader of Dutch Kills', Fred Curran, Phillips' secretary, a fat, greasy, stupid looking wight, through whom Phillips tossed $80,000 to the campaign fund of Tammany Hall through the "Independent Committee of the Friends of Alfred E. Smith": Pete Campbell, collector of the fund to buy a solid gold dinner set for the Sewer Sultan and Keeper of the sife deposit box in which as high as $100,000 at a time'was kept on Ice to be supplied to the Royal and Imperial Pants Pocket at will...
...In a statement which appears in Idaho papers,Samuels is referred to as "the last of the Mohicans...
...Governor Smith by Bis vetoes <8d his best to continue this conation.- Probably we should not be •wing quite so much trouble about tt* size of election precincts and the ¦"dty of voting machines in New *»rk if Governor Smith had approved ¦at winter a bill limiting voting pre•tocti to a manageable size...
...Tammany Smothers Inquiry Now, there was nothing new in all this story...
...In 1925 Senator Karle...
...Government stores have the business in hand under strict regulations which wipe oat the features of the old saloon while the provincial commissions in charge of tba business educate the people "to a new standard of both purchase and consumption, and a gradual eradication of the unrestrained habits.which marred the old Hcensing* regime...
...mKmJm^Lgresstve I am glad to support s* In fact, from my point ef Tjw**' n* other logical tttVMt *r*?j Sewer Pipe Democracy Of New York Kills Goat For the Happy Warrior Grafting Connolly and Pal Go to Prison WhUe Tammany Negotiates Treaty With Heirs of Plunder Ring—Raskob Ambassador to Sewer Pipe Court By Antolycns jjTtOM the beginning of the investigation of the Queens sewer ring to the end of the trial of former Borough President Maurice E. Connolly, one unseen figure and one alone dominated the situation...
...Florence Hartz Plank was arfcnpanlgt...
...Our duty and our hope must be mcopvtnctng white workers and colored that together they can conquer as neither group can conquer when It is the tool of a master class...
...fU game appears to be a ptatter of keeping Wets and Jrw at each other's throats and to satisfy neither...
...MAN* CHESTER, N. , Graaa Theatre, t pas...
...In the morning he take in New York, in the afternoon In hmwdtlpfti and at Boyertown and In the MBtof at the Orpheum Theatre and at te Labor Lyceum at a reception held In kk boner by members of the Socialist Ibsen's Clubs...
...Rugged Individualism" lit...
...The bankruptcy of that party and the attempt of its leaders to sell Its tatters to the leaders of capitalist parties is a warning of the necessity of the workers to organize their political power from the ground up and to retain control of the organization...
...The Smith water paver program is dangerously far from tKUAun—be has answered none of my Bastions about his attitude toward the yiqtysei' monopoly as a whole, or | about the method of regulating the transmission of power at Boulder Dam and elsewhere, which Is publicly produced...
...Gentleman Jack was a patriot...
...2) As our e%Weace in Judge Panken's district ¦st year made clear, capable watch** can do wonders even in districts Wetted by Tammany gangsters on W off the bench...
...That is, they have to do with the control of land, natural resources and the means of production for the common good...
...LOOTS, MO...
...The number required is 7,800, but watching the vote is very urgent this year and volunteers are needed...
...I pay tribute to joar dty officials for the work they are cbtcg...
...He was my choice for the presidential nominee...
...Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for President, accused both Herbert Hoover and Governor Smith of permitting their parties to play ipon racifll bijrotry especially in the South, and called Negroes to vote for the Socialist party as the only one offering racial equality in industry, politics and the courts...
...In other words, a knife can be wielded by more than one...
...And Socialism In Vienna has abolished shuns from one of the poorest, meet war-wracked cities In Em-ope...
...SI a! riltlHUBSAj Pa...
...Did you ever think that you chose two dolls on a string, two pea from one pod...
...Syracuse Has Good Meetings Syracuse, N. Y.—Wm...
...DL Monday, Oct...
...Literature was distributed and our Thomas meeting advertised...
...Even the smallest constituency is not coerced...
...When Phillips died of acute alcoholism after a boozing bout with persons unnamed (but not to this scribe unknown) he was laid to rest after a typical racketeer funeral In a $50,000 mausoleum about which are planted American flags... Is not Socialism which is responsible for the reparation policies, the 1 petty eiekerinr and the Imperialist)* rivalry that cursed Europe...
...tad New Utrecht lPrb School...
...He never came back...
...J«ly I do not need to tell prosJ*tive Socialist voters that we axe a party, not voting for indir**1*- We want support of the en**8ociaUst ticket...
...Smith knows that the answer is true...
...We are now facing a return of this danger...
...Roe to a letter to Dr...
...C H. Felton, State Chairman, and C H. Canunaua, State Secretary, have not only been giving their tune free to the party but have spent liberally of their own funds...
...the profits go to Boons* tain the cost of the service...
...The meeting was one of the best that we had this year...
...bootlegging as a trade is on the deeUnet temperance is esseooraged...
...And your machine was unable to bold the Queens Borough presidency that has been In the hands of Our Party since 1898...
...Real Issues ¦We Socialists have no hesitation in ¦ring that the real issue of this campaign is the building of a strong and clean petty of the working masses...
...In the year 1920 all Canada and all of the UnitsWStates were under a prohibition act Both-countries wl legally dry Since 1920 there has been^Jfcriarkable ch^pe in Canada and by cautious expenz^nt^ke Canadi^J people have worked out a scdutiosjK>f the j^blem wwMt we arc Mill tormented by the yJbtical broksm and ^B>r parties...
...I am "*°red to be of your company and ta the work you are doing a great 7JJ of fellowship...
...When Mr...
...Chairman of the CXjbbW*?1 understand that I am not a S**^J believe not a regular one...
...Governor Dlx had him investigated and one afternoon when the investigation was Just getlng interesting, Bermel boarded a street :ar, went to the ferry, crossed to and slipped away quietly to Europe— or his health...
...This is the concern of the Socialist Party and the Socialist platform...
...THE LIQUOR PROBLEM SOLVED The result of this system is ¦ dtuswmtj of eosrtrwl ¦ad regulation that is ever rakpmtihm to popular opinion...
...His name was Maurice E. Con! nolly and he went into office to clean up...
...The teiling points made by Thomas were appbaded by the audience which displayed Intense Interest in everything the speaker said...
...In-fact, it does not guarantee any satisfactory decision although many of Governor Smith's supporters think SO...
...The state organization has sent out 15,000 pieces of literature, including platforms, leaflets and pamphlets...
...Then he processed to parcel out the contracts, swarding them to his friends and denying them to people who had quarreled with him...
...who have been merely herded and hounded to the poto...
...Tammany didn't want the truth then...
...running against Connolly, repeated it—for his own, selfish purposes, of course—and no attention was paid to It...
...Great Meeting in Reading KUDTKO...
...What of enforcement of the Volstead Act... ¦seetiag, I pat...
...Behold, we tried to defeat the follower of the convicted man, but we lost...
...This money will b) seed In the Socialist party's national waptlgTi...
...Professor Howard Lee McBain is the author of a book, Prohibition: Legal and Illegal, published by Macmillans...
...namely, the test of personal fitness...
...And here let me "j*8* nay appreciation of the spirit ¦M energy of my associates on state throughout the country...
...They would say...
...If our methods of real estate speculation are truly individualistic, then Monte Carlo Is the crowning good of our civilisation...
...The Socialist expect to poll more votes to become an official party...
...Jjnoo to $9,000 for the Job-hungry hangers-on of the Connolly machine that renominated Patten for the brief one-year remnant of Connollys term...
...But Phillips got the gravy, large wads of $1,000 bills, which'his crew ~>l bootlicking underlings banked for him in their checking accounts or in their ¦afe deposit boxes...
...Build up a mighty protest vote as the...
...We are compelled to serve as chips in a poker game by our professional politicians while they prey upon ignorance and prejudice...
...RULING AND FOOLING WETS, DRYS Drys Get Bogus Enforcement, Wets Get Their Booze, Politicians Get Office, and Voters Get Swindled AS THE political campaign comes to a close one fact . towers mountain high before intelligent men and woggn who have studied the liquor issue of the two capitalat parties...
...Idaho Socialists Razz Renegade "Progressives" Declare Chief Leader "Last of the Mohicans"—Party in Big Literature Campaign BOISE, Idaho.—Idaho Socialists are making the most of the desertion by H. F. Samuels, former Gubernatorial candidate of the Progressive Party, to the G. O. P. and incidentally having a Utile fun at his expense...
...One of these dissenting provinces has also gone over to the new system this year...
...PRINCETON, Princeton Cafverstty, a* SJS Sua*, Thursday, Nov...
...But everybody knew that he was in a real sense the central figure of the whole business, and in the lobby conversation between sessions of the trial his name was constantly mentioned...
...Yet I recognise that all manner of Injustice from lynch law to political disfranchisement forces American Negroes to think of the race question day and night...
...The first Borough President of Queens was Frederick Bowley...
...Plight of our liberal friends who " *> anything—they say—for proPjjsivism except vote Socialist Is more pathetic There isn't a *ntfcal trace of progressivlsm to J* Hoover of 1928, and as for At "¦¦Hi -Well, to vote for him Is to tnrow away your vote...
...But Just the same he did everything Phillips wanted him to do...
...John M. Phillips was commander-in-chief, and he had the borough engineers' rig up sewer pipe specifications in such a way that no pipe was legal except the one brand of which he was the sole agent in the borough...
...Better let Connolly go to jail and break up his gang than risk the consequences of having the whole story pinned upon the palpitating bosom of our own Alfred Emanuel...
...McBain declares that enforcement is "a gesture of sheer hypocrisy" as Congressmen "bamboozle dry constituencies by orthodox regularity" in pretending 'to enforce the law...
...Everywhere Tammany people are loudly asserting that Tammany is not J responsible for the sewer scandals, t and that it was Tammany Hall that caused the exposure of the Queens sewer ring...
...It ess the halt of Be stupid, evasive pohcy of their ehtsk Whether Hoover or South k stead X fear there will be a kind of amis;SS SV llance to leave the United States bawsj the bag in a new deal on reasrstkes tat debts...
...breweries but these must deliver to tht government stores...
...An area may vote that certain beverages may be sold and-others prohibited...
...You are not, I have never jet met a man and woman who would tod up and state the difference between ibe Republican and Democratic parties...
...We cannot safely fight prejudice with prejudice...
...It would be easy to riddle Hoover's speech in detail, —t prefer to accept the challenge of his philosophy of individualism...
...Does rugged individualism describe the present American economic order...
...FIVE PER CENT RULE 90 PER CENT Why is the referendum faulty...
...4th—la the 18th 'rriss My District, BROOKLYN, sisalsg MAURER DATES Satnrday, Oct...
...Ocostaiauy Al Smith picks up sdme bright SM shining project of Socialist origin stick like s magpie, he takes to adorn his am nest He never - builds a Socialist tat: now and then he tries to take a Socialist shirt when in ordinary decency » ought to take a whole Socialist suit...
...Tammany wasn't bursting...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas Socialist Candidate for President THERE are few cities in the United States where there is even an apFBXimately honest count of the vote, far instance, there are whole Assem"> districts in Greater New York "here not only I but Herbert Hoover *ID be lucky to have any votes countsi tor us...
...There may be a licensed area and adjoining^it one that is not licensed, or the sale of beer by the glass, or prohibition of such sales...
...There was no formal evidence to connect him with it...
...Koruh spoke here at an open-air meeting October 12, which was attended by about 250...
...Professor Reginald E. Hose has surveyed CanJa's problem In his book on Prohibition or Control...
...James Maatsea High School, BROOKLYN...
...Thomas was inUidetofl by School Director Raymond & Hones, another warm reception was •eeorded the Socialist nominee...
...The scandal "brok^" fiist when it did because of the Smith candidacy for President, and the trial was set for September in order to give Tammany i Hall time to demonstrate to the country, to its own satisfaction, at least, that I the scandal did not concern the organization of the white-haired lad of Oliver street...
...a. Steady progress toward toaerawflawl disarmament...
...Our Canadian Mighbors have ^m?n t^M to solve their problems becousMthey have a po^cal^mtcm uhch enables citizens m register their u-ill^^^tpUc lau1 and administration.' in this country wej^^ound hand and foot by an archaic Constitution so that 5 per cent of the people can nullify the will of 90 per cent in the matter of amending the Federal Constitution...
...We pledge ourselves to one Justice for colored and white...
...You always vote ajsintt someone...
...They have been staging the biggest swindle m the history of American politics...
...Indeed throughout the country labor has paid spiritually ss wen as materially for the degree la which it has allowed Itself to be used to keep the colored man down...
...A body of judicial interpretation is^volving...
...Sometimes a contractor would put In a low bid and get a contract,, but for some reason he would not want to fulfill it, or possibly Phillips did not want him to...
...In A Httle book on politics intended to blast fakerism fBJBH Bennett Munroe declares that it should "be plain to anyone of normal mentality that ballots cast by men...
...The present mess keeps the voters in a turmoil and plays into the hands of empty-head politicians...
...with civic pride then, so again it waa hushed up...
...S3 naev tlons...
...But what did they care...
...How much was really stolen all told in all departments can only be imagined...
...A week before the trial began, a primary election was held and Tammany Hall was careful- to nominate a i candidate against Bernard M. Patten, j the choice of the Connolly gang for . Borough Presidentv and to let the j world know it...
...Hoover's own, both of Ben have moved a long way from Adam tank and the 'rugged individualism' tbleh Hoover lauds...
...a* go* for the war...
...Let us be charitable and assume he is still honest, j The procession of witnesses who testified under oath in the Connolly trial constituted the tatterdemalion army of the Queens Democracy...
...That man was Governor Alfred E. Smith...
...It would have to set up a "giant bureaucracy" penetrating the smallest community and involve a cost so enormous that it would stagger the taxpayers...
...ft is a remarkable study of the problem in its legal asotcO...
...Drive out the thieves 1 and racketeers of both parties...
...All attention of the voters is concentrated on this "issue" and the politicians reap a harvest of offices out of the ignorance of the voters...
...Socialists and intelligent people in general have nonobjections to a referendum of the nation on the liquor question but it certainly offers no easy solution for many wars...
...With all its limitations...
...Votes cast for Smith or Hoover on the...
...But the Democratic party killed the investigation...
...What other plundering there has been remains to be exposed...
...What Sx Socialists are doing here is the most decttre sort of campaign...
...And as to the moral you are at liberty to draw your own conclusions...
...OeSBseB of the Bastern Division of the I*lw"jJ Wheeler Campaign in MM **•• Tuesday in support of Worse* for President in a sialiMB»M*TJ Thomas-Maurer Independent '"¦^Jl "It to entirely all right Is sstse'J aald Mr...
...It was estlmeted by Socialist offi«ak that an equal number of people were tsaec away...
...In every way the handling fo the question responds to the experience and wishes of the people affected...
...It did on the day of the wry seawceremonies connected with so" ~"J^J into the Workmen's Ctrcks ^ m reception made the date O8**** 'truly memorable in my expsrisws...
...4th BrowasvMe Labor Lyceum, BROOKLYN, evening...
...Tammany got s surprisingly bat **$• ta Queens...
...There is not enough human energy to waste on racial prejudices when these great issues of life and death are at stake...
...Albert Decker, who extorted donations of $500, $1,000, $2,000 and $2,500 for the $44,000 dinner set from contractors who wanted Phillips' favor and who rigged up contracts for bidders In his office in a stable on Merrick road...
...Sunday, Nov...
...Sanday, Oct...
...If a province votes some modification in the general provincial law, a« eAtctwral^iviaioo ar even a smaller -STOW or even a ward or a number of wards in a city may be dry if it so votes...
...1—READING, Pa...
...Wbss I of Communist meetings I refer S) has happened In Pennsytvanta •** Virginia, not to the amusing«®r*"™ Communists to make Ben Cutke «¦¦¦> of an Aimee Semple MePher** MSST plng...
...Connolly got his Indirectly...
...There is but one course for decent and self-respecting people In Queens and everywhere else...
...Experiment in one province won supporters in another till all provinces were won...
...On the other hand, it Is a semi-Socialism which has helped In the extraordinary war-wrecked cities In Europe... means that a referendum to be successful must be dmast unanimous and that is practically impossible...
...Banyan ler...
...Bright Reformer When Bermel went out a bright young lawyer who had been a city magistrate at the age of 24, began to shout "turn the j rascals out...
...It fi an honor to be associated with As Usurer...
...Smith's regulatory commission in New York State and his shocking use of the reactionary public service commissioner, George Van Namee as a campaign manager and fund collector, to say nothing of his dependence on those great power magnates, Messrs...
...17—KENOSHA, Wta...
...Nevertheless experience shows two JJJbji: (1) Men and women with a JjUe courage who act like human ¦**¦) not like scared sheep, can ¦"Bjr get their votes counted even ¦ New York City...
...Low wages in the South are at least partly the result of the fact that the bosses can divide the workers and pay the white man not with money but by flattery that he Is white...
...In this spirit I ask your support believing that a socialism which cannot conquer a CfBKttre race prejudice is no true sockmfem sad that true socialism is the only Mi to a solution or our social ills...
...the iaHaonee of IhgsMf ha polities has not come back...
...Yet Wets and Drys drift on from futility to futility and the only thing certain is that the bankrupt brokers of high hat politics will gather votes from the gullible while we drift dangerously to a republic ruled by an oligarchy of bureaucrats... these EuVpean conference...
...You always are turnkg eat the rascals to put somebody else In power...
...Thomas delivered five addresses In Jeer communities...
...Then the contract would be saaSgncd to another contractor, who would pay Phillips anywhere from $14,000 to $84,000 for that assignment—always In cash...
...When Socialists say that society should take the rental value of land which society creates, they favor the Individualism of the man who dwells in his own home and not the wild chaos of exploitation which now characterizes our policy...
...If a gang of thieves can get away with $10,000,000 in ten years in one item alone, it is a strain on even the natural credulity of Americans to imagine that everything else was Jake...
...He went to Sing Sing...
...Pa.—Both the Republican sat Democratic presidential nominees esse in for their share of criticism when Mean Thomas, Socialist candidate for naseent, addressed an audience that unfed the Orpheum Theatre Sunday net...
...I pay homsjt to Maurer, who single-handed, has one more to get progressive legislation Usui any other man...
...The Connolly gang and the "Clean Government" League (the Tammany annex) are now united In a harmonious party and Tammany Is fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Connolly gang, each with' a fraternal knife concealed behind its back in the interest of the Higher Plunder...
...4ta — Imalpaislid Temple...
...He would give the story to the campaign committee of his party, and they would use it...
...That ru one time I almost wished the Soealkts had not been victorious...
...Therefore, leave it to us to reorganize the Queens democracy on a Tammany basis...
...He ilso sought to be party boss...
...Because, as Professor McBain points out, thirteen of Smith's Democratic dry states in the South which contain only 5 per cent of the oifcon's population can nullify the will of 90 per cent af thepeogle in all the other states...
...Did you mr think Urwhat a despicable level party prernmenS has sunk...
...It may be good for votes but that is true of all bunk...
...k Roe Declares in Favor ¦ of Thomas and ¦¦^1 Gilbert g. Roe of New York...
...errand boy to Phillips, clown and court jester to the ring...
...It wasn't that tad that they made so ouserebh s isssfei with regard to the foreign poBey of B* Republican and Democratic part}* at Iks discussion the other night to tat 0mmunlty Church...
...Smith, in Arkansas, rsno 1**"* Interference with Communist ¦••'¦•V a blow to true democracy...
...DEMOCRACY FINDS A WAY Beginning in 1921 the provinces, one by one, dissatisfied with bootlegging, poison liquor, impossibility of thorough enforcement, and a general demoralization began to go over to a policy of nationalizing the liquor traffic and regulating it in accord with local sentiment By a combination of local option and a referendum every two or three years in each province the law is modified in accord with experience and changing sentiment The system has worked to such satisfaction that by the year 1927 every province, except Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, has been won to the new system...
...Following upon which these things developed...
...It would be just the same if these thirteen states were wet They could impose their tiB upon 90 per cent of the population of the country...
...with the two parties kept by the Lag interests, the liquor "issue" gives them an opporSnj'ty to "herd and hound" the voters for many years...
...Da Bats la a brfl| liant article In the current Nation shows I how our race prejudice poisons the springs of politics and thwarts and hinders liberal action...
...If that is the price we are willing to pay for present conditions it is the price that will be exacted by governing officials in the coming years...
...Thomas went on te program the Shllllngton Male Chorus, Saaprking 25 voices, under the direction tt 1. Herman Miller, rendered several ambers...
...There is no final solution of the problem except the...
...No incentive is provided for asorf agents to encourage drinking and in many province* tsB* amount that may be purchased by one -family is lina'tad...
...He shut certainly win be defeated and yn liberals will have to aire the editor d the New Republican to explain the aa niflcance of your vote...
...Raskob and Young, ought to deprive the real progressive, to say nothing of the real Socialist, of any confidence in the Governor's proper handling of the power situation...
...Many pom, who were listening in on the props), telephoned asking Thomas to tell rfwxkjos aspects of the presidential campegs, especially concerning Teapot Dome ad Tammany Hall...
...Private profit is taken out of the traffic except in the case of the...
...Before Mr...
...Investors, not workers, eheaet say for our forgiveness of debts...
...Not a single contract nor assignment was legal without the signature of the Borough President...
...When backward states think they need a literacy test It must be applied without reference to color...
...For the benefit of earnest students of the New Liberalism, the following Oute of Queens History is submitted:— Queens Borough was born with the City of Greater Nevr York on January 1st...
...It is a deadly fciswer...
...CTTT, Great Bah of the City CoOego...
...I have Just been Sooth sad was appalled once more by the price the Southern white worker pays for his race prejudice...
...Canada has made a solution effective which has been urged by Socialists in many countries...
...the peopla are cms* scions that policy and law may be shaped by refer* endnmi every two or three years* and the prohlesjl is not a football for designing pelWeJaae...
...Facing this tremendous expense Congress prefers to make a gesture at enforcement...
...Connolly Fourth in Royal Line Connolly was the fourth of an illustrious line of Queens Borough Presidents, every one of whom was leader of his party in the county as well as Borough President...
...Thomas Speaks To Big Crowds in Pennsylvania Presidential Candidate Packs Reading Auditorium and Broadcasts to Many Thousands in State—Pays Tribute to Debs and Maurer—Answers Hoover PHILADELPHIA—Addressing a mass meeting of Negroes in the Royal Theatre .ast Sunday afternoon...
...The) Moderation League made up of people of aO opinions took the initiative when it was apparent that the old system was unsatisfactory and unworkable...
...I believe itth the poet who said, "When God made Qeoe Debs he broke the mold.' There Is, tee sever can be, a successor to Debs, bat *e must carry on the work where he left off...
...Curley Joe Cassidy was Borough President and party boss...
...It was not Socialism which brought on the World War," said Thomas, "it was not Socialism which has made a tragic wreck of the British coal Industry...
...So do all his partisan's...
...Moreover, none of the railroad officials were removed when the government took charge...
...No matter which party is successful there will be no change for the better for either side in this controversy...
...How did Canada come to change her mind...
...We need courage and intelligence...
...Then Canada has the advantage of a real democratic political system which permits of change and which registers changing views as they occur...
...If Tammany Hall is such a great organization and If Al Smith is such a wonderful man, people have a right to know why his benign and much-advertised influence for public good and the public spirit of the philanthropic Wigwam organization were unable to cross a narrow river and Influence a ' sister organization of the same party jin another county...
...It would have been most effective ammunition against the Sappy warriors...
...A plea for contributions made to the flvtd in the Orpheum by City Purchasing stent Wilson was answered with contributions totaling MOO...
...GOVERNOR SMITH'S BUNK What of Governor Smith's idea that Congress should by law "find a more scientific definition of what constitutes an intoxicating beverage...
...4th—PyUdaa Teaspta, CONEY ISLAND, 2 sun...
...The spectacle of men who a few years ago were telling the voters that the old parties were bankrupt and who are now supping at the same table, with the old gangs is a big lesson to Intelligent voters...
...This is due to the 'W^r^fo^AVm 6f Iftt^foTrftfis of tfie* itate^* to amend the constitution...
...The most favored contractors were those who paid prices for sewer pipe that were simply staggering...
...Tint," said Thomas, "let us make it Bar that Mr...
...His name was not heard in open court...
...N. New Jersey Caaege mt W«otea, Rutgers CsUege, and AgrWattaral CvOegc...
...The one way out Is the way we sedelists have suggested: fortieses ef *• Allied Oebts, not as a matter ef kgds* right, but of common sense on thee seditions: . 1. An abandonment ef repsesksf based on the lie of Germany...
...Raskob Negotiates Treaty of Amity When the word of that "maneuver" got around, however, the Queens people began to whisper very quietly that In reprisal—more in sorrow than in anger, of course—the good people might punish the organization that had Invaded the virgin sanctity of their borough by not quite coming up to expectations in the size of the required Smith majority...
...FOOLING BOTH WETS AND DRYS With what results ? The prohibitionists are fooled...
...Comrade Henry Jager spoke at another open-air meeting- October 14...
...The tea were thrown open at 7 o'clock, *—t I tat...
...Which is just what they want, because with a dwindling population in Manhattan, Tammany needs another and a growing county as an annex to keep the leadership of the city in the hands ot the Sachems...
...Tharsasy, Nov...
...S. An increase m taberttanee ssd ¦* come taxes on that class which a— srt« fits by the foreign debt elaSSf * *•* and has no mind to forgive...
...O. Wednesday, Oct...
...Thomas Answers s Hoover in Rochester ROCHESTER, N. Y.—Centering his awjbardment about the so-called "rugged EdMdnallsm'' which Republican leaders ssert for the policies of their party, Norasn Thomas, the Socialist candidate for ftendent, declared In a large meeting bee that the nation is threatened with aptoitatlon of our basic Industries and attic utilities by "capitalistic dynasties...
...Every charge that was made last winter and aired on the witness stand was known years ago...
...In the primary election...
...He did...
...We say that there will not be freedom, peace or plenty till workers with hand and brain organize together economically and politically as workers to rid the world of waste and parasitism...
...All of a sudden, the noble Raskob saw a great light, and in the Interest of Harmony summoned the leaders of all Queens factions to the Blltmore and told them to Get Together for the -x>d of the cause...
...Bungling the slavery issue by the politicians brought us dangerously near an intolerant oligarchy...
...Smith's proposals on farm relief Ski ester power are scarcely more Boosts* than Mr...
...You always are running away frost the lion Into the tiger or some other vQj animal You think you are getting kawwhere...
...Sunday, Oct...
...and Phillips' word was law...
...Is this situation hopeless...
...The Crrfl Rights amendments of the Constitution cannot long survive the present tendency...
...It was, Instead, directed against tat mighty movement of Socialism...
...New York City, taaswst...
...They are induced to support candidates who are pledged to enforcement...
...It appears to be , bi-partisan leadership of deceit...
...Comrade Jager spoke for four hours, holding the audience spellbound...
...17—WW KDPOBD, Mass...
...A kind of oasis in a aeert of capitalism...
...That looked good as a working basis to the patriots of 14th street, and they set -to work to knife the Patten ticket, to support the Republican-candidate—quietly and discreetly, of course—and then after Patten's defeat to appeal to the people of Queens on the facts...
...It would not surprise them if Smith didn't carry the borough at all...
...He says he and Phillips didn't get along very well, and that they were on opposite sides of the political fence, that while he was in the Hearst-Hylan gang opposing Fourteenth street, Phillips was in the Jimmie Welker Al Smith camp...
...Parkview Pataea, Saturday, Oct...
...Knowing these things I come to you to say that the Socialist Party asks your cooperation as comrades in the common cause of ridding the world of poverty, tyranny and war...
...Maurice K. Connolly signed every contract Phillips wanted to Slave awarded, and tossed out every bid that Phillips wanted tossed out, even if a: bids had to be thrown out and the job re-advertised...
...Andy Zom...
...Sunday, Nov...
...and refrained frcm doing everything Phillips wanted him not to do, and he prospered mightily...
...Hoover's speech was not properly directed against the Democratic Piny...
...4th— Thomas Jeffersea High School, BROOKLYN, evening...
...Smith aid Hoover solemnly affirm that they will enforce it yet everybody knows that it has not been enforced...
...Smith's proposal for modification along these lines is sheer bunk...
...Four years later the city charter was changed, giving the Borough Presidents great pov.-ers in the awarding of contracts...
...j Bernard M. Patten has been Borough President six months...
...And the swindle is to ooljnae for many years if the politicians have their way...
...Joseph Bermel was a respectable florist when he became Borough President...
...The intelligent voter will aim to smash this deceit with a Socialist vote on November 6th...
...Beading to Socialists is a kind of nattaul possession...
...I believe that ail, people who think that the duty of a gov- I anient is to represent the people hon- ! esttj, are grateful for the Socialist victory | Is Beading and for the work of Mayor j Simp and his associates...
...Contributions may be sent to C H Cammans, Room 37, Shaw Building, ioiae, Idaho...
...What an aggregation of opea sleepers, small town politicians, and kg city grafters...
...Thomas was schedu'ed to go on the gajram st 8 o'clock, but by 7:30 every at of the 1,473 seats In the house was (SBjsed and several hundred persons wn ttandlng in the foyer and aisles...
...Sir Angelo Paine, Papal Knight, who carried a $10,000 bill in his purse and showed it to newspaper men, much to the disturbance of their heart action—these men and more were the real government of Queens and every one of them Is a booster for Al Smith...
...Communism has done more for Dark Russia in ten years than centuries of Csarlsm...
...1, FtssBeet T. M. C A, I asa...
...He himself did not care to be bothered with trifles like bank accounts or bookkeeping...
...A Tribute to Debs m opening bis address at the Orpheum, Ttanu paid tribute to Eugene V. Debs departed leader of the Socialist party to thou he was compared by Chairman sssa "So higher honor can come to any am," he declared, "than to be called upon to lead the Socialist party...
...They are wasted by both Wets and Drys...
...War, hunger, injustice, speak a universal tongue...
...He spoke until way »st midnight and the audience stayed ud listened, Where Thomas And Maurer Can Be Heard THOMAS DATES rrMay...
...The utter breakdown of Mr...
...I How do you like it...
...And they did...
...That Is why the same Tammany that killed the story in 1921 and again in 1925 undertook in 1928 to smoke it out and make the Queens Democratic organisation the goat...
...The Large Bag of Loot That plundering in the matter of sewer pipe was accomplished by one of the slickest gang of racketeers and con-men that ever came down the pike...
...S uyone in this hall thinks he knows IUbe glad to listen and while I'm llstenBX rn ten a funny story...
...The basic problems in America have to do with the way we make our living...
...fiejesT- prsUsse are literally thrown away...
...fcd aLBANT and SCENE CTADY, N. Y. Sunday, Nor...
...All of which is a little ingenuous...
...When shortly before 8 o'clock, Mayor J. Scry Stump walked down the aisle with lac arsatdenttal candidate, a burst of appease, punctuated with shrill whistles, pwted them...
...Oct PASSAIC If...
...In $1,000 bills...
...Address Broadcast Bs speech was broadcast over radio ¦tattoo...
...short, this is an appeal for **<*ere—not only In New York City ¦* everywhere against the vote ¦**•« of both old parties...
...It la a Iragody in any country when any group feels compelled to vote along -line* of race or language...
...4—READING, Pa...
...I only agreed to no for President when it became obvious that Beading couldn't spare htm...
...The candidates get the offices, the prohibitionists get a hypocritical enforcement, and those vko are wet have their wetness satisfied...
...Another aspect of the problem is that by messing (he liquor problem the whole character of the government is being changed...
...Hants Potni Pabes, THE BRONX... one test for the right to vote and bold, office...
...To be intolerant eW *Z?Zm tolerant merely helps P*0** ** against democracy and «**J**L m I want to close this eottSSB tss appreciation of the magnificent •»»¦* J got in our Socialist city of »»*"J#J and with far deeper appreclat***^ Job Mayor Stump, his ccJleefOBlISi party are doing to that city...
...Samuels and other "progressive" leaders have crawled back into the ranks of the parties which through two-party legislation years ago forced them to organize Independently as a third party...
...Sunday, Nov...
...I accept your applause as your eatoement of their work...
...He is worth a million dollars j today...
...About 5,000 of the Thomas letters to farmers will also be mailed to voters, , as well as 6,000 new Idaho pamphlets which show why the more than 50,000 LaFollette voters of four years ago should support the Socialist candidates...
...Beside, Smith's evasions on racial bigotry foreign policy, injunctions, unempkw.' ment Insurance, water power, etc, make him the candJdau who has the to get progressive votes at the cbes> est price yet offered...
...But In 1928 It was different Senator Karle knew the story, and he is a member of the party of Fall and Daugherty and Sinclair...
...if Smith could not influence a sub-division of his own | party across the bridge to refrain from plundering the people, how can his influence be expected nationally to reform the notorious and corrupt par-j ty whose national candidate he is ? The plundering of the people of Queens county of over $10,000,000 was in the single Item of concrete sewer pipe...
...hour earlier the lobby was pa...
...In 1921 the Meyer Committee came down from Albany and unearthed the Phillips-Connolly story...
...That's the Democratic Party that Is going to purify American politics and whose spokesman is talking about Salt River and Elk ills and Teapot Dome and the Oh.'o Gang...
...What a contrast between the two countries...
...WRAW and he frequently made itatltx, humorous and otherwise, for the ¦sent of his "unseen audience...
...Let us remember that the age of the pioneer, the age of free land, the age of the self-contained community has definitely gone...
...Borough Presidents had no power in those days...
...They passed the high prices on to the city, and the city collected In high assessment...
...T am aware that we who struggle for Justice have no easy road...
...Socialist way, but a reactionary political system and worship of private profit in business condemns us to be victims of charlatans for some years to come...
...Tuesday, Oct M—BOSTON, Fsrd Hal sad Waamgferd Aaaitorhua, Wednesday, Oct...
...Twesday, Oct...

Vol. 7 • October 1928 • No. 45

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