NEW YORK SOCIALISTS AT WORK New York City ¦ *— tat Button Day ¦ *j*5JTjs now being perfected foj ^^s»*s^i0ose-tc-riouse canvais or pfia*! «?iit 10 a.m. Squads o: laire the headquarters ol K»...
...B»Jt Bronx, Kings, we have voting BlI the task is comparatively Biitt ¦ desirable that we have every polling place throughnevertheless, every comrade B*2*er, even though he might BT^Ss'polling place at 5 p.m...
...Various corners...
...The number of street ap ba> been increased to four weeksi&OBi Is test reports the response Btttftaf...
...24, 8.30 pjn...
...Sunday urtinlng October ajst...
...Speakers, August Claessens, Rachel Panken, Evelyn W. Hughan, Algernon Lee...
...Monday, Oct...
...20, 8.30 p.m., Graham md Varet...
...SP£a£ers' Morris Oisnet, Henry Fruchter, Esther Friedman, Isidore Phihps, Philip Pasik and others...
...Speak^S,',i ^r"?^0 Thomas' Morris HUlquit Louis Waldman, Auspices, W. C. Branch p^'S, Oct- «. 2.30 pjn., Olenwood r^no^i Glei1uwood and 95th street...
...Wednesday, Oct...
...I Orosi hss left for Brookwood Latter* where he has been accepted •BOOKLTN skCsncVtssionsl District iCtapsign throughout Bay Ridge, i rax, Bensnnhurst, Coney Island, aa tad Brownsville, in this enori CBsgsational District, and with Unregistered voters is progressing 4fij...
...The branch wishes Eg*- to Comrade Block its sincere [7tr for an extremely enjoyable EL Tb» next lecture will be given E. sTyptt, playwright and co-au¦ / The Glorious Company" on Oct...
...It is urgent that • sal Bronx member attend and as:sSttngout the largest number of *n for the coming election...
...Tickets altostre Party on Nov...
...of all branch organisen •••fJtTmembers to marshall oui ¦> Day...
...24, 8.30 p.m., Tremont and Bathgate avenues...
...undreds of people are l at tod huge signs are also the «W taction...
...Various corners...
...22, 8.30 p.m...
...Auspices, Socialist Consumers League Sunday, Oct...
...Various corners...
...8:00 pjn...
...23, 8.30 p.m., Knickerbocker and Stockholm...
...Isidore PosnehTuna...
...Monday Oct 23: 830 pjn, "Philosophy Class...
...M. Feigenbaum Samuel Stodel, Joseph Tuvlm...
...Speakers report at 1167 Boston Road...
...Speakers report at 219 Sackman street...
...2neaJ' Hyman Ncmaer...
...Speakers, Jacob Axelrad, James Oneal, Hyman Nemser, Harry Schachner, Emll Bromberg...
...27, 8.30 p.m., Various corners, Speakers report at 1167 Boston Road...
...M. Feigenbaum, Joseph Tuvlm, Samuel Stoiel, Carl Cummings...
...38, 8.80 pjn.,15«th st BRONX . i1* «**• 5U> A.O.'s nera sri^i9' 8-30 P-"1...
...Various corners...
...IB, 8.30 pjn...
...The course of lectures regularly held by the ¦ Community Church during the winter season will begin on Thursday evening at 8:15 o'clock, the speaker on that occasion being Charlotte Perkins Oilman, widely known author and lecturer...
...Hall Meetings Oct...
...Speakers report at 204 E. Bway...
...Leon Rosser Land at the 8 o'clock Fellowship service of the Bronx Free Fellowship at Asure Masonic Te*nple,im Boston Boad...
...Various corners...
...BROOKLYN 4-14th A. D. Friday, Oct...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, Wm...
...Rsi Cb-operstlve League 167 W. 12 B 1:11 PA...
...Professor Joseph J as trow, distinguished psychologist and author and former president of the American Psychological Association will speak at the Community Forum on "Intelligence .and Stupidity...
...We should H'J, irfcrmstion before Election Day ¦Jbspt possible results...
...Speakers Jacob Axelrad, Louis Sadofi...
...19, 8.30 p.m... the figures are read off the HjttsSischUie...
...The first atowiged by the new 18th A.D...
...2. The tentative list of Kn Sskskd Algernon Lee and BruW**' BRONX Watchers blgr, Ort...
...Tuesday Oct...
...N. Cohen, Levick Samuel Block, Samuel Kan tor, -Theodore Shapiro, Wm...
...5th and 6th A. D. Wednesday, Oct...
...Saturday, Oct...
...Eastern Parkway and Kingston avenues...
...At the nine o'clock open forum, John Hbvtim Hohnea, minister or the Ootsonunlty Churchy will speak on "Which is Superior, Judaism or Christianity...
...Samuel D. Schmalhausen...
...Saturday, Oct...
...Various corners...
...Speakers, Joseph k. Weil...
...30 when EiSbtmsae for a Hallowe'en Party...
...Louis iJlS Morrta Extract, B. Schub SSL BS^V TtVOTt " « SrtlMth We^ Moi^ESacl*B**1 cort!ersne^L?Ct- fiA^P"1- Various w. Hughan, Morris Extract...
...Monday, Oct...
...M Feigenbaum, Isidore Corn, Joseph Tuvim, Carl Cummings...
...NEW YORK SOCIALISTS AT WORK New York City ¦ *— tat Button Day ¦ *j*5JTjs now being perfected foj ^^s»*s^i0ose-tc-riouse canvais or pfia...
...Henry J^hter' SamSaturday, Oct...
...Speakers, August Claessens, Jessie Wallace Hughan, Margaret F. Karlin, Rachel Panken, A. N. Weinberg, M. Stamen, Molly Weingart...
...Speakers report at 121 Second a\»2nue...
...19, 8.30 pjn...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, Jacob Bernstein, H. Scharlach, A. Mollin...
...Speakers, Louis D. Lieberman, Isidore Corn, S. P. Ulanofl...
...24, 8.30 p.m.,Various Corners...
...Speakers report at 204 East Broadway...
...19, 8.30 p.m., Various corners...
...Speakers, Wm...
...25 : 8:30 pjn., "Current Events" by" Edmund B. Chaffee...
...Karlin, Chas Solomon, Wm...
...18 a. D. i aopssm is getting along in fine i Members are busily engaged mallUs) copies of Bergers speech in Coned an additional 5,000 copies will •etrdered...
...23, 8.30 p.m., Hennlngton Hall, 210 East 2nd street, N. Y. Speakers August Claessens, Margaret P. Karlin A . Weinberg, M. Stamen, Molly Welngart' Auspices, Socialist Consumers League Thursday, Oct...
...20, 8.30 pjn...
...Speakers report at 167 Tompilns avenues...
...Louis WaltoarTwiUia^ Karlin, Charles Solomon, WmTM...
...Auditorium, "tomlifl Cooperative House, Mosholu Parkway, Bronx... Dr' O. F. Beck...
...Johns Place, and other corners...
...Speakers report at 219 Sackman st...
...Speakers, Wm...
...25, 8.30 pjn., Various corners...
...Speakers, Hyman Nemser, Emll Bromberg and others...
...SE.^Morrl^tKlrkPatrtC* £^B19b£^^'^ ister ™£?J7' S?7?- Speakers, SˆcAlTSSrS?I?na?' Crosswalth, Jacob Axelrad, Louis 8adoff...
...Frank Crosswalth, Louis/ P. Goldberg, Eleanor Levenson, Samuel H. Friedman and others...
...near 6th Ave, Brooklyn, candidates for office of the Republican, Democratic and Socialist Parties will tell why they should be elected...
...Various corners...
...tto Upper West Side Branch...
...2, together ;sto3Jrd, sre going nicely... nsxesrsging one and the members Mot their contribution to make nastoittsl Campaign one long to "*s*ered...
...Wr Referendum sLkfew to ^ National ReferenRnsew hi the possession of every swl«tinl**r The new constitution H*m&sdopted at the National ConWHm April is submitted for discusHfj wte...
...Squads o: laire the headquarters ol K» JrJSa, supplied with leaflets ^M**/\uartr buttons and boxes H* *rsrtton of the branch organB**2nbers wU1 canvass the people ¦#-f2Sate vicinity, brln* them ^Jsociallsrn and ask for their sfsfcherf Needed H ajfc...
...22nd A. D. Monday, Oct...
...20, 8.30 pjn...
...26, 8 30 p.m...
...Bernard J Charles Solomon, a. L ShlptocifT' BUey' lsT1^!^19...
...Speakers, Samuel Orr, Samuel A De Witt, I. George Dobsevage, Morris Oisnet, Esther Friedman, Louis Painken, Isidore Polstein, Louis Weil, Philip Pasik...
...A. N. Weinberg, M. Stamen, Molly Weingart Thursday, Oct...
...Various corners...
...Thurseday, Oct...
...B. SchubT^ WEST SIDE .^J^Ff^y...
...25, 8 30 pjn...
...T^bor Temple, Fourteenth Street and Second Avenue, announces: Sunday Oct 21, 5:00 pjn, "Dante's Belt," by Dr o T Beck: 7:15 pjn...
...S^uo^S^I^?SJS^.P- Ooldberg "¦rt-yflyoet...
...Wednesday, Oct...^^JS... sad Dance in Brighton Beach ¦aeaberi of the Brighton SheepsIhiath of the 2nd A.D...
...24, 8.30 p.m...
...Theodore Shapiro, Samuel Kan tor, Maurice C. Miller...
...Speakers report at 121 Second avenue...
...Saturday, Oct...
...Brotherhood Public Forum, under the auspices of The Brotherhood of the Commonwealth, President Oscar H. GeigerTuesday, Oct...
...22, 8.30 pjn...
...22, 8.30 p.m., Sutter and Ralph avenues and other corners...
...Bernard J. Riley, S. B. Daublln...
...Speakers, report at 420 Hinsdale street- Speakers, Wm...
...Speakers, Jos...
...18th A. D. Friday, Oct...
...21, at the Community Church, Park Avenue and 34th Street, John Haynes Holmes will preach 11 o'clock on "Religion and Politics: Should the Church enter the Present Campaign...
...37: 4:80 pjn, "The Dance—As a Me-' drum of Creative Expression...
...26, 8.30 p.m., Various comers* Speakers report at 121 Second »vpn,,V sneakers, Louis Waldman, Wm...
...Samuel Orr, Philip Pasik, Morris Oisnet...
...pjn., various atreaT'llSSi^^!^^" "SS «TweiL^S^w!?^i*ewi,u^ Louis •Morri» Extract, B. Schub *ono£y...
...Speakers report at 204 E. Bway...
...Tuesday, Oct...
...L. Well, Samuel Stodel, Carl Cummings, Louis Sadoff, B. J. Riley, 8. B. Daublln, Simon Sarasohn, Gilbert R. Sackman, Frank Brodsky, H. 8pitser, Jos...
...20, 8.30 p.m., Various corners...
...Grand and Bedford Speakers, McAlister Coleman, James Oneal, Hyman Nemser, H Schachner, A. Baron...
...emhW will take place at the Civic ¦km «0 W. 164 street...
...Various corners...
...Speakers, Nathan Fine, Frances Parr, Walter Dearing, Zekor Antonaen...
...19, 8.30 p.m., Klngshighway ind East 15th street...
...It is urgent that ¦ Jtf member and sympathizer ^w|2rt to their nearest headquarB*?f cast 15th street...
...Speakers report at 121 Second avenue...
...speakers, William Karlin, L George Dobsevage, Samuel A. De Witt...
...24, 8.30 pjn...
...A. Well...
...Monday, Oct...
...Speakers, Samuel E. Beardsley, Louis D. Lieberman, Samuel P. TJlanoff, Joseph Leventhal, Harry TJlanoff, Julius Green...
...For some reason or other BZrtah ban been received rather B'JJj ¦ argent that every active Swhshsr her duty to vote...
...Various corners...
...23, 8 pjn, in the Parish House of the Church of the Atonement 17th st...
...14th Congressional District Friday, Oct...
...Speakers, Margaret F. Karlin, Louis D. Lieberman, S. P. Ulanoff, Harry UlanoS, Julius Green...
...25, 8.30 p.m., Bedford ind South 4th streets...
...Halpern and others...
...Street Meetings ~~ MANHATTAN Friday, Oct...
...Speakers, Jacob Axelrad, J. L. Afros, B. J. Riley...
...Qennsn PL ggBsB Branch in cooperation ¦seTcrrrille and Bohemian branch-1 Kg boH a campaign meeting in the kltspis,\239 East 84 street, on PriEetg, Nov...
...Speakers report at 204 East Bway...
...24: 8:30 pjn., "Philosophy—Augustine," by Dr...
...All speakers report at 219 Sackman street...
...FeT enbaum...
...Various corS Speakers report at 1187 Boston Speakers, William KarutT I Uri^Orr...
...Halpern, M. O. Miller...
...23, 8.30 p.m...
...Simon Sarasohn, 3. L. Afros...
...Various corners...
...Wednesday, Oct...
...Various :orners... Bass, Jaraslaw and other wo)**toaei are working hard to make ¦ stors success...
...M Feigenbaum, Joseph Tuvlm ri^nda^' ?ct' 2h 830 P-m- Workmens Circle Center, 3510 Church avenue Brooklyn...
...27, 8.30 pjn...
...Saturday, Oct...
...August claessens, Margaret P » P^rT11' ^ HP^8,.,Jam...
...Oct 22...
...New York SE5E ^Waldman, Samuel E Beardsley...
...Speakers report at 204 East Broadway...
...Various corners in the 23rd, 2nd, 18th and 22nd Assembly Districts...
...Various corners...
...What to the Central Problem of Modem Civilisation...
...Speakers, Louis P. Goldberg, A. I. Shiplacofl*, Samuel H. Friedman...
...George R. Kirkpatrick, August Claessens, Jacob Axelrad Tuesday...
...Isidore Corn, I. M. Chatcuff, Wm M. Feigenbaum, Samuel H. Friedman, Isidore Laderman, Hyman Nemser, Isidore Philips, Charles Solomon, A. I. Shiplacofl, Joseph Tuvim, Jos...
...8.30 p.m., Arion Place ind Bushwlck avenues...
...Born parv Labor Lyceum...
...Various] r Spe*keri1' Oeorge R. Kirkpatrick L pea Dobsevage, Henry ifrijchter SnT^H^O^ P^ r,^°ndJy' S01 32' 830 P m.,Varlous eorSpeakers report at 1167 Boston Road...
...SM> pjn^arious corsLwin 5^r,iJ2*Bk Crosswalth...
...Speakers, Samuel E. Beardsley, Louis B. Lieberman, Margaret F. Karlin, Joseph Leventhal, S. P. Ulanofl*, Julius Green, Harry Ulanofl...
...Saturday, Oct...
...Solomon, Samuel H. Friedman...
...Harry A. Overstreet...
...Speakers report at 121 Second avenue...
...Areas ire being made for watchers, saw and the handling of large ss total the final weeks of the apt ^Temporary headquarters at son address is attracting a great iiHsnuon...
...20, 8.30 pjn...
...24, 8.30 p.m., Schenectady and St...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, James Oneal, Hyman Nemser, H. Schachner, A. Baron...
...H- Schachner, A. Baron...
...Samuel stodel, Eleanor LeVenson...
...Wednesdsy, Oct...
...23: 8:30 pjn., "Russia since the Revolution...
...STATEN ISLAND Saturday, Oct...
...Speakers, McAlister Coleman, James Oneal, Joseph A. Well...
...Speakers, Samuel E. Beardsley, Louis D. Lieberman, Joseph Leventhal, S. P. TJlanoff...
...20, 8.30 pjn...
...8:30 pjn, "Psychology," by Dr...
...20, 8.30 p.m., Rockaway Parkway and Rutland Road...
...The Bffer the member to vote is Nov...
...23, 8.30 p.m., Lee Avenue and Rose street...
...In Hltothere at the most important bk...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brow* Walter Dearing, Frances Parr, Zekor Anton0611 * Saturday, Oct...
...25, 8.30 p.m., Public School 104, 5th avenue and 92nd street, Bklyn... Miss Daisy Blau...
...ssfet will be held Friday evening, j, at 830 Westchester Avenue...
...Jacob Bernstein, L Philips, H. Scharlach, A. Mollin...
...Speakers report at 204 E. Bway...
...7th A. D. Friday, Oct...
...Speakers report at 204 E. Bway...
...Speakers, Prank Crosswalth, Jacob Axelrad, Frank Brodsky, Louis Sadoff, J. L. Afros, Simon Sarasohn, S. B. Daublln...
...have ar¦« entertainment, Vechertnka and ¦h Saturday evening, Oct...
...Speakers, Frank Crosswalth, Jos...
...Speakers, Jacob Axelrad, J. L. Afros, Ethelred Brown, Jacob Bernstein, Frank Crosswalth...
...Sunday, Oct...
...Speakers report at 2528 Mernald avenue...
...RnadM voted not to amalgamate...
...M. Feigenbaum, Samuel Stodel, Joseph Tuvim, Carl Cummings, Isidore Corn...
...19, 8.30 p.m., Daly Avenue and 180th street...
...Speakers, Samuel H. Friednan, Herman Greenblatt, I. M. Chatcuff, Jos...
...Public School 48, 18th avenue and 60th street, Bklyn...
...13th-19th A. D. Friday, Oct...
...We will make a WJ^t to cover as many polling ¦•"She named to insure an honsWi our votes on election night...
...Saturday, Oct...
...Monday, Oct...
...22, 8.30 p.m., Hooper and South 3rd streets...
...21, n a.m-> Poma atre, 2nd avenue and 11th street...
...8?° P-m-P«bhc School «VV,™ ,treet Md Sutter avenue Bklyn...
...20, at !** Jrd street, Brighton Beach...
...8th Congressional Dist...
...8:15 pjn, •'Poetry Forum," by Anton Romatka...
...A. Weil...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, Esther Friedman, Philip Pasik and others Tuesday...
...Wednesday, Oct...
...Thursday, Oct...
...8.30 p.m., Various corners...
...Saturday, Oct...
...Tuesday, Oct...
...Speakers, Charles Solomon, Jessie Wallace Hughan, Wm...
...25, 8.30 p.m., Hopklnson Mansion, 428 Hopklnson avenue, Bklyn ; Speakers, William Karlin, A. I. ShiplacofI ! Louis P. Goldberg, Chas...
...22, 8.30 p.m., Various corners Speakers report at 1167 Boston 2...
...27, 8.30 p.m...
...Various corners...
...A. N. Weinberg, M. Stamen, MollyWedrieTday, Oct...
...PUBLIC FORUMS "The Laboratory of Charles P. Steinmets's Dreams" will be discussed by Dr...
...8.30 pjn...
...Louis w«m...
...Speakers report at 96 avenue C. Speakers, August Claessens, Algernon Lee, Rachel Panken, A. N. Weinberg, M. Stamen, Molly Welngart, Ben Goodman...
...Speakers, Margaret F. Karlin, Samuel E. Beardsley, Louis D. Lieberman, S. P. Lieberman, S. P. TJlanoff, Joseph Leventhal, Harry TJlanoff, Julius Green...
...August Claessens, Rachel Panken, Evelyn W. Hughan...
...and address by Dr DonTlPPet: 8:«> pjn...
...The Public is invited...
...M. Feigenbaum, Samuei Stodel, Joseph Tuvlm...
...Karlin, Louis D. Lieberman, Samuel E. Beardsley, S. P. TJlanoff, Harry TJlanoff, Morris Goldowsky, Julius Green...
...Wednesday, Oct...
...Red NlKht) Various corners...
...23rd A. D. Saturday, Oct...
...Speakers, Hyman Nemser, Harry Schachner, A. Baron...
...Some large halls and public tfBMttngf have been arranged up to l krery section of the district is iswnd with literature, street meetad otter activities...
...19, 8.30 p.m., Hevemeyer and S. 4th street...
...Various corners...
...O. P. Bect^hursday Oct...
...24, 8.30 p.m...
...23, 8.30 p.m...
...Thursday, Oct...
...Her subject will be "Females: Plus and Minus...
...Speakers, McAUiter rMZ.n ^pfSS^shipHacof^e<lm,ln• Chmrle» 8olomon- I4 *»SlPi2&}9.' 8 30 pjn-PubUc School 4. Pitt and Rivlngton streets...
...Speakers report at 604 Sutter Avenue...
...Jacob Axelrad...
...22, 8.30 p.m...
...The Baettaf will be held Oct...
...August Claessens...
...22 to Thursday Oct...
...Speakers, Frank Crosswalth...
...Speakers report at 96 avenue C. Speakers, August Claessens, Margaret F. Karlin, Rachel Panken, A. N. Weinberg, M. Stamen, Molly Welngart, Ben Goodman...
...Monday, Oct...
...Tuesday, Oct...
...Speakers, Isidore Philips, Jacob- Bernstein, Lilian Tepllts, A. Mollln...
...Saturday, Oct...
...a. Well, Harry Schachner, Emll Bromberg... V. F. Calverton...
...22, 8.S0 p.m., Tremont and Clinton avenues...
...24, 8.30 p.m., Roebling snd South 2nd streets...
...H!Lj) organisers must file their reRSsscretory Claessens, City Office, KJE *r*et no lBtˆr 10811 Nov' 18" V MANHATTAN ¦ hi M» and 10th lahl rwnlrig was the object of the ¦ailOct...
...Ben Goodman, Morris Extract, B Schub, Philip Hansel...
...25, 8.30 p.m...
...Raws ni elected delegate to* the Esffsl in place of David Mikol..., 11 a.m., the.first Of a Sj i nettings for the instruction of »tin be held...
...Admission free, everyB"1-* xt-li A. D. Hitnacb met Tuesday evening, Oct...
...Comrades FelgenSaasMate for Congress, Cummings, Jfto wr Senate and Tuvim, candl'¦iajsfflbly, will be p: esent...
...Anita S. Block, ReadBtoW pW> tor the Theatre Guild, RJai "Social Revolution and the F- An interesting discussion fqjLaCto lecture...
...The branch regrets ¦am that one of their most active aatoi had to terminate his work...
...The Socialist message is ak| eanied into new fields...
...Speakers, August Claessens, Algernon Lee, Ethelred Brown, Jacob Bernstein, Frank Crosswalth, Isidore Corn, Margaret F. Karlin, Rachel Panken Esther Friedman, A. N. Weinberg M. Stamen, Molly Weingart Julius Umansky... Prof...
...Speakers, Bernard J. Riley, Jacob Axelrad Louis Sadoff, Gilbert R. Sackman, Frank Brodsky...
...Tuesday, Oct...
...Monday, Oct...
...Tuesday, Oct...
...S. B. Daublln, Harold Spltzer, Joseph N. Cohen, Simon Sarasohn, Levick, J. L. Afros...
...Speakers, Samuel Block...
...Speakers, Wm...
...23, 8.30 pjn., Various corners...
...At 8 p.m...
...26, 8.80 p.m...
...SPe^ers, Oeorge R. Kirkpatrick, Louis-'Waldman...
...Saturday Oct...
...Friday, Oct...
...Speech Improvement" by Miss Beatrice Becker...
...22, to Thusrday Oct...
Vol. 7 • October 1928 • No. 44