An Encyclopedia of Labor '|*HB modern nwrnnrat of the working class la all it* phases at tardby a century old and jet It has produced an fanposing Hteraluni Its Out literary yentare*...

...Meanwhile, with an Increase of twenty million te tbe consuming population, seven per cent fewer workers are used for tbe actual production...
...Then came special studies of particular orcar.isstions, movements and prob'ems with the labor movement mora and mora producing its own writer...
...The Democratic party it a feeble invalid in many sections of the West and has been for many years...
...labor, upon tbe basis of Its trade anion organization, gets a son in the form of "better living conditions, more prosperity, and aaose harmony between labor and eaatha...
...It seems to be a competition between the two parries for the affection of the class that owns and rules the Republic...
...Here it Is a matter of marking time and, too often, retreat...
...I could not get a train for the State Capitol at 11 o'clock that night and would not get to Montpeller until 1 A M. the next morning...
...The hollow critic vends bis praise to hollow fools who feed hin...
...You participate in the drawing...
...But its oppcattko to tat» tabUsbed union can only icaB b si kind of fllr—which to tht keg ra will play into the bands of tat keen Mississippi FuV» magnolia...
...Youth labor power can be bought for one-half as much as adult Yet due to Increased productivity of machinery, commodity production has increased tremendously...
...You are the wise guy who does not want to "throw away his vote...
...tkii ill ¦ sai ¦-¦ 11 r.i i i ¦ aj crease over nineteen tab-tees...
...Thomas and Maurer on Bsofce m Organisation Education Solidarity FREE YOUTH Tsaag lw«M n sates swaw, JACK WASSERMAN EDITOR Published Every Week By The New Leader for the Young Peoples Socialist Leaffsw Freedom TALL and brave and good...
...Debs is omitted This certainly must be an oversight...
...Now a man is a fool who undertakes, any action without trying to realize his aim and he is right when he "says that he wants to win...
...They finally picked Hoover for their cleaner...
...In fact, the voters of the grea Northwest may be doing sane real tbtok Ing in trying to make up their mind* oo whether to vote for a man who Is not ai enthusiast for farm legislation but Is ai able engineer with scene demonstrated ca paclty for administration on a large scab or whether to vote for a candidate wb promises nearly everything, yet know little about the industry of agriculture But this thinking is liable only to toad ti the decision to take a gambler's chance Faced With a Sben-Game Organized labor, too...
...It ranks with cJcrtMnsJ'JJJg ter...
...Tbe sssBsbsr of unemployed, workers baa paased the fear million mark...
...Ambition and Its hollow schemes, the hollow hopes we follow, Imagination's hollow dreams,—all hollow, hollow, hollow...
...Northern eaat aaa are bound to be ""iBpafl...
...Tbe Democrats, having been unemployed for eight years, were poor...
...Socialist votes will be a big factor in the transition...
...At tbe present time, ability to understand and handle machines and the products of machhses, is the qualifying index to employment...
...Our enemies are not interested in winning with us...
...The hollow leader but betrays the hollow dupes who heed him...
...October 25...
...He means that he wants to win...
...In Virginia the anHMj"^ than local and the Vagina easts snappy little paper which fawn"" ! Into a Southern organ tor ear •JJ** Nowhere have I bam bmti than by the excellent Bsajtba^** Southern comrades arwngal farT...
...But WHAT does he want to win...
...The "q^jg^^^j^^i^^ Two Souls With But a Single Thought JT is not a strange coincidence but something to be expected that the Sunday papers that carried a report of Herbert Hoover's Elizabethton speech should carry a statement by John J. Raskob, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, which again emphasized the fact that the two parties are one...
...Labor, upon the basis of Its so-called "beer-nose" tendency, gets a whiff of liquor in the form of "more alky te the beer...
...The following another if no ship arrives...
...Strength is no longer a requisite...
...It venerates and hopes...
...the confines to which earlier problems of organization restricted them...
...Both proudly report funds received from bankers and big trust magnates...
...Is faced with i ¦bell-game situation, If, indeed...
...Your "Prosperity" "J^HE constant repetition of statements regarding our alleged "prosperity" by bankers, editors, capitalists and politicians is amusing...
...If you are a banker, a sweater of labor, a despoiler.of farmers, vote with your class...
...such a revenue woeldsstw able the government te snbsase) swj young worker in tha form <j<JJ*C backing for living expenses...
...Instead of spiritual and Intellectual poverty there is a rich literature...
...As a matter of fact, he never wins although he thinks that he is always winning...
...He merely repeats that he does not want to "throw away his vote...
...To other in the labor movement, the main taint Is that the principle of the Republicai protective tariff Is the guaranty that tb American workingman will be assured o high wages and decent working condi Jons...
...Oh, Freedom, show your hood I It is for him you do all this...
...So BigBusiness came to their aid...
...We must trust tbt jaanaat * the workers on the grouad...
...Working class youth can never be stopped by such obstacles...
...These good aad liberal dttsens who perhaps bold to this same desire have a fat chance to help progress along by voting for or against liquor, or for or against bigotry, or for or against tbe equalisation fee, or for or against some happy warrior, or for or against any other element in an extremely T1—• social <staataan...
...The South a t hvtag faction of the way in which sfOasaai poverty makes for low wages a asset ence the need of a well rosadat axaat program for farm and city, kssshssa political...
...The Republicans are accustomed to the familiar enemy...
...Many of their wants are quite distinct and separate from those of their elder ocsnradet Their Intelligence also seems to be dearer...
...The samp arrangement can be made for state and local elections...
...His next Job Is to organtot toj aclallsts to produce a good tBewss...
...That is all...
...Add to this the fact that we have the smallest percentage of the total number of wage workers organized in trade unions of any country in the world...
...Both tbe Republican and Democratic groups offer the same solace for the political disenfranchised...
...At $16 per set tbe work appears costly snd yet many of us pay much more In installments for encyclopedias less servicable than this one...
...Neb.—Samuel Leriver, secretary of the Socialist Campaign Committee, announces that James H. Maurer, Socialist vice-presidential candidate, wul ¦peak at Odd Fellows Club...
...A section on the United States Is saaeBant except for two errors...
...Chapters en Agriculture The work begins with Agriculture and j concludes with Workman's Compensation...
...saw At Circle Six, Manhattan...
...As was to be expected, Hoover paid homage to the big business interests, the keeper of the candidate and the party...
...One of tbe most enUstesaaf aaaav ties te tbe country Is Uu stati oawai at Chapel Hill...
...You are one of a dozen st sea without sufficient food to keep all alive...
...Therefore, by adding the number of open shops (744 per cent) to the closed non-union shops (11.9 per cent) we get a total of 85 per cent of 185,390 plants that are unorganized...
...They are expenaeleas and plentiful...
...Wbate'er Z sa* Is Ilka flats tree,—asll hollow, hoQosr...
...for the insertion...
...which nothing from art to wages, culture J to craftsmanship, social duty to prices, Is excluded...
...Every prayer brings forth a titter Stands tbe stately Freedom...
...For beauty sweet still hides deceit... say whether one man had more Influence to shapii.g the German movement (hah the other...
...Raskob's list includes Standard' Oil, sugar, real estate, railroads and finance, and the Republican report counters with a similar list...
...conditions of Negroes in ttesstsataa and the poor whites on that aaaaa farms makes any regular van aa* at attractive...
...In a fine For-word to the three volumes 3. Ramsay MaeDonald calls attention to "the vrlde nnyc of subjects that a labor survey Includes 1 That, is the distinction of the powerful working class movements j . in other countries...
...At the same time the professional politicians know perfectly well what they are doing and are satisfied to keep the masses confused and uncertain as to where their real interests lie...
...Rata and than a lonely tgure issued a tract or a book which querttoned the whole basis oi the social order...
...side of the A. F. of L Of course,.this does not apply to the flrrt named organisation...
...The committee surveyed 187,390 plants and of these 74.4 per cent operate open shops and employ 813 per cent- of the 3,384,261 workers employed in manufacturing...
...Governor Smith is mildly cheered.for his success in reviving the spirit of the democrats...
...On the other hand Oompers is Included and rightly so...
...These Impressions are enhanced by the publication in Fngland of The Encyclopedia of the Labor Movement in three large volumes under the general editorship of H. B. Lees-Smith, M. P., and distributed In tbb country by the Lewis Copeland Company of Hew York...
...Everything from the latest highpriced model to the flivver, of ancient make, is included...
...Why not list the millions of shacks called "homes" and owned by workers as evidence of "prosperity...
...Comrade Lerner Is about to file the Socialist petitions...
...Of course, the figures come from an enemy source and there may be some exaggeration, but that something like this is true of this country no...
...A few like to swallow this sort of tribute...
...And you didn't throw it away...
...that there are "eight or ten" Socialist movements In tbe United States...
...Bfcbtoaa... with the Socialist Party and you will not "throw, away your vote...
...What Is tbe sense in proclaiming one's intention to rebuke bigotry in religion, in the face of tbe fact that tbe leadership tat both of the major parties is sold for matntatntng tbe...
...Demands Election periods are times of promise...
...You simply committed suicide...
...In rough outline this has been the story of the development of labor literature in every country where the labor movement has acquired Increasing prestige and power...
...but tbe whole dvihsed world Is trying to solve it T Waaa My Vete Te Oewaf Za an able address delivered to Carnegie all on' September 3Sth ltorman Thomas procWmed tt to be his desire to do what bo could to clear a way through tbe Jungle of tbe srT^>1try economic and social situation m this country...
...intelligent man or woman acquainted with the facts can deny...
...Simply that there is .something wrong with American trade union policies...
...j-ga The Young People's SodanajTJ* the organized expression of 0 youth ideals, calls on all ?**"--> all means In their power, for manda, which lead to »°*2Sili* LOUIS BABTJa7»»r Tlparl rtaiawa ^da At Its regular meetings, Circle Two Seniors, will Jtoaaa ¦ l Bedford strike...
...Now when the party brokers begin to playfully swipe even the slogans of their rival playmates, what is to be said of the two parties and their candidates ? Simply that so far as they are concerned we should cut out the election and save a lot of noise and useless expenditure of money...
...Millions of votes are thrown away by workingmen and women in every election, but those worthless votes are never found in the Socialist camp...
...Raskob declared that Smith "is a strong advocate of less government in business and more business in government...
...Upon the ton of these depends an Important part of the nation's Industry...
...Misa—W.a»aaa»ka practically single handedb " filing of the socialist atoekai ¦ sa state...
...So because a few comrades did not do as they were asked to do and send petitions back not later than Sept...
...As a rule, he does not say...
...Nevertheless it is not far Masses to ar when and on what terms s strlks ihdk settled...
...otherwise you vrul go to your grave with never a victory to your credit, . i \ Vrt«*r The Open Shop Conquest A SURVEY of tbe txpwmou of tbe open shop in industry has been node by a committee of the National Association of Manufacturer*, « bitter opponent of trade union organization...
...The past week also entertained us with reports of the financial contributions made to the two parties...
...f*a""T pendent upon the wages of /as* e*» •be compensated...
...Iurrssts of tasaw on these high profits wools gr» •» uiar federal income which eosJd to aw to establish a string of assawsf* f* try-wide free higher e*a*llsB»1J»> tutlons...
...At that ttene we got eooogh of a ¦back over the flguras of the army psychologists to undertake to do snmethtng about it Tbe problem of' nnteracy stffl faces us...
...They are scattered through the farms of tbe country...
...Unless we, and adult voters, are satisfied to continue to occupy our minds with psychological tin toys, we ought to get busy with some fundamental ideas that point In the direction of social reconstruction, —with something that would have a chance of penetrating th: Jungle...
...The man who does not want to "throtu away his vote" is the biggest loser in every election...
...An Encyclopedia of Labor '|*HB modern nwrnnrat of the working class la all it* phases at tardby a century old and jet It has produced an fanposing Hteraluni Its Out literary yentare* consisted of «(f?»ert perWtirali and pamphlets devoted to a few immediate question* of the hour...
...What is more, Raskob, in presenting the claims of Smith to the support of big business, used almost the identical words that Coolidge and others have used as a Republican slogan for six years...
...Thu wm help the party to get back a Uttle of tbe funds tt sends into our state to hem put our party on the state ballots...
...Editors and other officials of economic and political orranisatiens of the workers wul find it of special aid in their work...
...It is the political charlatans who exploit his ignorance who always win...
...Despite the fact that the state has been disorganised since lots, tbe Socialist campaign committee has been able to revive Interest among old party members, and what Is more important to put it in Comrade Loner's own words: "New forces are Joining us, more than up for old Socialists...
...In an other modern countries we find a significant contrast...
...Of these abroad one notes the Inclusion of Marx...
...The three volumes are amply illustrated with portraits of notable men and women, and scenes and institutions related to tbe Labor and Socialist movement The large type makes the work more easy for the eyes than most encyclopedias and tbe red binding is substantial...
...Socialism, and other themeg...
...among the students...
...Every iron and steel factory, blast furnace and rolling mill, foundry and machine shop, automobile and textile shop, needle and lumber trade, office and department store an demand their share of the brain aad brawn of working class youth...
...Volume n. There Is a succession of photographs of the Parliamentary Labor Party in this volume, five In number, the first one taken In 1904...
...It is, tbe only practical thing to do...
...16 Bast 40th st...
...It make • particle of difference hew trade union sts guess...
...The loud guffaws, the creams of delight or anger, and tbi •oars just for the sake of the roar, an effective if in nothing else, at least n lelplng to put off the day when we maj ise our great political campaigns aa oplortunltles In adult education...
...New York City...
...This waa the period when the Labor Party realised its brief tenure of power as the governing party...
...You pull the straw that means death...
...We want to win, but we want to sviti with our class, not with the Mellons, Hoovers, Butlers, Raskobs, Olvanys and Smiths...
...But only adult workers can ever be turned aside by such subterfuges...
...Omaha Ready For Maurer OMAHA...
...It regards Institutions and systems aa the off-spring of their age...
...In both cases you are counted out...
...Never mind what you won...
...Closed union shops comprise 15.7 per cent, of the plants and employ 7.4 per cent, of the workers...
...We know, we know I Unto him, you also bend your will so lowl" "Oh, Freedom, brave and good...
...Trade union leaders are fertile in ideas and knowledge not only within the restricted area of their own organisations hut in the gen-ral field of social, political and economic problems...
...True, some persons of Intellect)»ti am social itandmg are planning to vote t "rebuke" bigotry, or to free the countr of the "curse of prohibition," but it doe not appear that the whole mind la work tog in these cases anymore than it 1 where decisions are being made by person who lay no claim at an to twa^n—t^i dis Unction...
...The contributors have been chosen with special care and while the bulk of the material refers chiefly to the various phases of the movement In Great Britain the sections on the movement and men in other countries give It a wider Interest to the Englishman as well as to others...
...Only by givtrar politt-al and educational snpport to some comprehensive plan for social letuuslnnrlun on tbe basis of Justice and human well-being Is it possible to find ultimate' satisfaction...
...On the other hand the eMer Liebkneoht gets recognition althcugh U would be difficult...
...Their ripest piece of fruit is Smith...
...Next week another...
...One must die today...
...A crown it is a hollow thins;, and hollow beads oft wear it The hollow title of a Una, what hollow hearts oft bear It...
...Many swaTtow this sort of staff...
...fame time, wages are falling...
...It is also probable that, this is one reason why Smith is getting financial support of quite a number of industrial and financial kings...
...I am very sorry to report to them that the party did not file in our state because petitions with over ISO signatures for our party presidential electors were placed in the mall on Oct 1, and did not get to me until 8 P. M. on Oct 2, the last day to file...
...The heavy pedaling on this theme is itself evidence that the ballyhooers fear that many of us are unable to locate the "prosperity...
...A single page photo is sufficient for t«lP and 1939 but la 1934 the Labor representation Is so large that the photo requires five folds...
...But even a Hoover, te order to work efficiently In a capitalist regime needs on...
...srjcM sky will continue her talk eg tbe Class Struggle.'' ^awsswBsi...
...The tbrata* few forget that time has_paa»g workers were considered fssuj*" -3 they could read, write, and coast ss-r fingers...
...If we are all so happy, why continue to call attention to it...
...Added to the summer residences and city palaces of our super-rich the ballyhooers could make a fine showing...
...Everyone Is given a promise or more...
...They constitute almost one quarter of the total number of wage earners of tbe nation...
...No hollow wiles nor honey'd smiles of ladies fair— I follow...
...Intelligent and whole-heartedly devoted to the cause of social reconstruction.—Norman Thomas and James B. Maurer...
...Bnphatlc^lly the Oonassaat aws Is entitled to civil rights agskat taw oppression...
...What is back of this alarm of the Republican leaders is that they want something 4s harmless as their own party to fight "The two-party system itself is an issue," says the Times correspondent...
...Bat X hear c many other "Intellectual*" in thia preal dential campaign who are barring In tb feeble glow of the thought that "how w have the opportunity to make a deflnlt social gain by voting for a possible winnt who baa done some piugneslvu things...
...They are neither interested te more prosperity for the buyers of their labor power, nor te the alleged liquor table...
...Bat wh* saw literacy test is this...
...In the United States the trade unions have produced no native literature and 1 this is mart ad evidence of then- spilrtual and intellectual novel tj...
...It takes society as it finds it," writes MaeDonald, "with Its institutions, good and bad, warn out end still vigorous, with Its habits, beneficial aad perverse, social and antisocial, with all Its rich inheritances of civilization...
...If we were as keen as we ought to be, re would be as much disturbed over the ow state of social thinking manifested hi heae Important political '•""pVgn as we were in 1»1T when we fssmd out that a lot of Xaliows at draft age coakl net read or write...
...He declares that the labor movement "embodies a view of social unity and organisation, from...
...If I can help to accomplish this, it will be the best heritage I can leave for my children I am also happy that tbe two men who are carrying the Socialist banner te this campaign are of the cream of American manhood...
...Now Tammany is whooping louder than ever—the raiders see spoils in the offing...
...What is the answer...
...In other words, they fear that the death of the Democratic Party will bring to the front a party not kept by capitalists and bankers, a party that will raise real issues, that will fight for the working masses...
...Jaures, Bakounln, Lenin, Lassalle...
...Unless Southern Wwkn aa and colored, can be organhat asaaZk and politically... for the Hoover-Smith parties and you will not "throw away your vote...
...Us hollow, hollow, hollow...
...fur one, I want to make my vote count by easting it in favor of a body of social thought that has been built up for the specific purpose of making this a better world for everybody...
...In practice both are the same, for a trade union finds it practically impossible to function in the shop which is rigidly managed on an open shop basis...
...I nave forwards only some Socialist literature because dont know of any Al Smith literature 1 the exact meaning of that term...
...sMkns* labor are increasing...
...Suppose you are drawing straws with a dozen men to see which is to die...
...Enlarging on this idea, he gives the' following sweeping view of what comes within the scopu of the movement that does not stand still, that keeps abreast of a changing society, and that la keen for the conquest of new opportunities...
...With the improvement of machine efficiency, fewer adult workers and more young workers can be used for increasing production... foolish Heathen I Why do you blind us so...
...The ancient buzz wagons purchased for a hundred or less dollars on the installment plan are themselves a -social contrast and evidence of economic skimping...
...They have a "wide j range" and do not fear tc tread beyond...
...If you are a worker who is sweated and despoiled, vote with your class...
...The hollow friend who takes your -band la but a summer swallow...
...Bbetnas* country and hospitable...
...A number of volumes of the addresses and writings of the late Samuel Oompers, two volumes of his autobiography, and two volumes of an A F. of L. Encyclopedia represent the literary contribution of the A. P. of L. to American labor history...
...Baww ee would Increase ccoiuinpBoB, *Tlng class strength would tree asa^ organization would be strong "^^a...
...Abroad there is advance...
...clalism has brighter prsaaafca*' South In the lum^i^ tw^, ^ * dared to hope...
...It is no secret that these tendencies are giving many leaders much concern...
...The young people of BJt^^g class need more and Mors *gga They want It and they v»mmmr Let the government slice S fits, support working class room » dents, and it is real...
...19th and Capitol streets...
...numbers and inf'ie"** to tats saw w tools of their Jobs for their «VThere are a few capnantf «JJWj who point to the lncreast In ^ the nations youth, and .^JLTi of more free schools...
...Why do you bend our head this low...
...The Party will pay Yipsels for their services at the national office...
...And, heaven ksea South needs Socialism...
...B k something to bare sustUtulad s nveps cent cut for a ten ser east est and fe have forced from tbs assaiinyi n a prosat that hereafter no cut wtn bt MSI eaat on thirty days notice...
...This generosity on the part of the opposition is not altogether disinterested...
...they have not found it too formidable and they are not sure what wild, unreasonable antagonist might succeed it...
...states aao to everything that really counts r What Is tbe matter with the minds of our "intellectuals'' and their lesser followers that they engage te trivialities while social systems continue to favor the few and exploit tbe many...
...Yipsels Needed at Campaign Office All Yipsels who have spare time in tbe evenings and all day on Saturday and Sundays, and are looking for employment are requested to apply at tbe National Office, 15 Bast 40th street or to see Comrade Umansky, at tbe Rand School...
...1 Profit increase does not tasja wsaaj class prosperity...
...LOUIS L CLAT, ' BarlmgtoB, Vt TIMELY TOPIC By Norman Thomas Socialist Cmiiimt forPremlm * ITlsxwhkrx m tha teen *-*an article by ChstSs a^eansT*1 our Southern trip...
...Its spirit Is historical...
...They are two souls with one thought...
...All Hollow I stood beneath a hollow tree, the blast It hollow blew: I thought upon the hollow world ana all its hollow crew...
...B ¦ not what tfc workers wanted or what we had bosa...
...You win...
...This is the Machine Age...
...In this country of taflasaf stock sans prosperity it is i sorrowful thtag that th gallant New Bedford arks had a cow to a compromise settbawat asssat d i clear-cut vie ton for the vorkeo...
...HAVE Just received a note from a A able young Columbia University it structor asking ma to eend ban Btaratui to help him come to a decision en th pisstlori of whether to vote for Al Smlt or tor Norman Ibomaa...
...There are short biographies of the contributors and longer biographical sketches of notable men and women 'Identified with the history of the British movement and the working clam movement in other countries...
...MaeDonald Write* rare ward The general plan of the work follows that of the usual encyclopedia...
...He is the easy tnark in politics...
...Except on a gamble, this la a^BBMavsj i good deal to come out of a political situ ation In which thus far the major lame appear to be liquor, bigotry and the Mc Nary-Haugen farm WU...
...Consider-1 ing the tremendous Influence of August I Bebel in the history of the German movement one is even more surprised that there Is no biography of Bebel...
...Unto him you also bend your sight so lowl" ANNA POMBRANTZ, New Jersey...
...Their promises are heaped high...
...Our enemies are certainly not asinine in politics and that is why they always have power...
...Be more of a man and less of a parrot and you will win some day...
...I wssg^issa^' tbe names of tbe coraradsvaa»-5*< active in helping as la ttjegb, a^* vula, Charleston, sa and Ifcssa^i as if you were reading a ^.IT^ hero role...
...That to easy aqg at the present time...
...Two-Party Fears QNE of the most illuminating surveys of the political situation is contributed by Anne O'Hare McCormick to the New York Times...
...Raskob apparently anticipated this phase of the Hoover address and issued a statement timed to appear at the same time...
...We know, we know...
...To acme, however, It does seen » mean a great deal If one candidate hai a rather unusual record fcr having aide legislation favorable to labor...
...Now there must be several million autos that are rattle traps and these are counted in...
...We will be on, and stay on, the map and the Soclalistmovement'' Vermont Fails To File The New Leader: I know you will let me take a few lines te The New Leader to outline to my Vermont comrades the party standing te my state...
...What is more to the point, many leading Republicans are anxious that the Democrats make a better showing titan they did in the last two elections...
...The corresponding figures for dosed nonunion shops are 11.9 per cent and 1-3 per cent, A further analysis of these figures is essential The only difference between the open shop and the strictly non-union shop is theory...
...But the asinine voter who does not want to "throw away his vote" substitutes the action for- the aim...
...What are you thinking...
...Also vague and boundless...
...It is for him, you think we suffer te bliss...
...What does he mean...
...The author Is also mistaken In saying...
...For that reason there is a transfusion of much financial blood into the withered veins of the Democracy, while Republican doctors stand by hoping for the recovery of the patient We are certainly living in an interesting period and a political revolution may not be as far off as some people imagine...
...Asinine Voting ^BOUT the most asinine reason given for voting a certain way is that the voter does not want to "throw away his vote...
...aal A big hole would be dog ¦ "LS number of young wsge-earnen awjaw* The return of adult labor weato assw» the lines of the unemployed...
...The collapse of one wing of the two-party arrangement would be a disaster to the ruling classes and they know it...
...She has covered much territory and her articles show the utmost confusion among the voters and the most absurd and contradictory reasons given in support of many views...
...The autobiography really standi alone a* the other publications mentioned are really reprints from a variety cf sources...
...Without a hood Stands the stately Freedom 1 Harsh and bitter, Cruel and rough...
...The drift offers no encouragement and old policies fail to inspire, yet the drift cannot continue without complete sterility being the fate of the unions...
...You made your straw count as you make your vote count...
...There are also contributions on Fascism, Communism, Birth Control, Chartism, Anarchism, Divorce, Education, For* elgn Policy, Maternity, the Middle Class, Temperance, Taxation...
...Higher education has keoaet...
...Naturally, the contributions relating to the Labor Party and its work bulk larger than any others and this la as it should be...
...Moreover, the loss in membership of the American trade unions in the past ten years, about a million, is about the same as the increase in the membership of "company unions" in the same period...
...The chap who does not want to "throw away his vote" never has power and never will have any so long as he acts in accord with the stupid phrase which we quote...
...and, applying ti them the law of evolution in its inter actual and moral aspect aa the law of progress, it strives to prune out the bad and adapt the good to a more ample goodness...
...To the Washington sad mWawiaa rades also I want to txprea ay sjsraV atlon for two of tbe aaat wxttnrtat meetings of the csaapsjgs...
...The Striking advances made by the Labor Party is evident In certain illustrations in...
...Wis' this literature In hand, the teacher's pre* torn should be solved, for he has a wall trained mind, and doesnt need anyorj to ten him how to think...
...The work la evidence of the maturity of the British labor movement and a tribute to the scholarship of the men and women who have made that movement the power it la to industry and government...
...Its religious and moral codes written and unwritten, and Its still greater riches In 'he promise of fulfilment...
...We are not interested in winning with our enemies...
...It gives to each a historical defense, offers each a historical judgment, j applies to each that still has promise the !completion of that promise" He does not : hesitate to refer to all this as "the pro-1 gramme of the Labor and Socialist Party...
...But In reality Democratic label ind Republican labor, even without think ng at all, will tend to vote as they mean o vote all the time...
...It takes gtttaaj fight for Soclausm in tbs gasa^ * these comrades are deb* ** >ob...
...nilessHj i seemed like horee to flod that sress T...
...Kropotkin, Trotsky and I even Rodbertus but, -irshgely enough...
...The Republicans ate anxious that the poor thing shall not die and one gets the impression that the Republicans will provide it with medical attention if that becomes necessary...
...sal, Sydney Rothsoaat at gasa...
...The omatessary thing is solidarity ¦ as* nab And that Is menaced by tbs dad ass fostered by the Oiiiiiu'iiiiMi to kb* Mford...
...The number of automobiles in use is a favorite citation...
...Their demands must eventually be heard...
...Unexpected concern for the fate of the Democratic Party is heard in dozens of Republican headquarters...
...28, tbe Socialist Party wm not be on the ballot te our national election...
...Let's have a lottery on election day or throw dice to decide which political firm of big business is to rule at Washington...
...I also want to thank all my Comrades who worked so bard to place our party on the official ballot and I hope that everyone who can will send a dollar to our national campaign office...
...I past that their system has grown tough, and indigestion does not trouble them...
...of an industrial awakening, sa a« that awakening k too largely saa cheap labor which in th* loog r^T * prove to be a curse and cot a eema* tbe South as well as to the na...
...On or/ Soothes *h had a short but deHghtna van that at was enabled to address a sage asftaa at a meeting arranged by tbt gehasa student publication, The Tar Bat hv f essor Sanders mtroteoal at, law avowing hh Sodallam...
...Sect work* had all tlx defects of the immature character of the working class and Ha movement at Una stage and yet they vers a forecast of writing* that were to flower after the movement came of age...
...These capitalist political agents are particularly careful that no specific promises are made and no specific demands met The Republicans, having wallowed through a mess, looked about for some cleansing device...
...If anyone has any doubt on the que* ton of whether the current president!* political campaign la developing a psychoogical situation favorable to dear thinkeg and to the sound education of the vot:rs, let him listen a while in some distant :1 ty to how a distinguished speaker oi tither of the major parties Is "skinning' us opponents...
...The Political Shell-Game How I Will Make My Vote Count By Henry R. Liaville, PiiiMhsI at TtoaTesttoers n-aam a* Mew Testo...

Vol. 7 • October 1928 • No. 43

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