Around Campaign Headquiters From National Reaiding Soesalisto Ostt * To Win Assembly Seats tot^smpstto rtl£2F*E&^t££^ Berks County, the Reading Socialists ar» making headway to the* effort to...
...Morris Rico was elected district secretary...
...Progressive Party which has been ahead by its leaders...
...Bmature, of Baxter SangTS was able to arouse so much aiihaftsZ aad hope among the aadaaaa^SstoaiW wore aeon to progress for cantor...
...The Labor Wor'd, bearing the faces and sketches of our candidates, with other campaign literature, will be' scattered broadcast till 'he close of the campaign...
...A.F.L., Recognition Sought The International Association of Mechanic-Welder*, a new tnde union, whose secretary is A. F. Morton, S803 Snyder ave., Brooklyn N Y, has issued the following statement: A NEW TB4.DE, A NEW UNION "Welding is tt.r new Trade, and the International AbiH-datlon of Mechanics is the new Unior This organization Is strictly a Craft Union "The Metal a:,d Bu"dine trades use the cutting or burrdTg torch, and also the Arc and Oas Weld i-g equipment, and admit Welders skilled in their particular line of work as members of their unions...
...H. 0---ina?sws1 secretary of the Socialist Party, saaa...
...Pennsylvania State Secretary Lhnbach writes Nations...
...She is to speak at Stamford...
...North Dakota 1 Mahlon Barnes reports that the Secretary of State of North Dakota has accepted the list of our electors and that our ticket win be on the ballot...
...overflow meeting at the mass demonstration en Oct 28, when Norman Thomas and Louis Waldman will be the principal speakers...
...the Assembly...
...Were it not for the wMe —'r eatress many locals of the party eaat st organised...
...The Postal Service places Welders on equal basis with other mechanics...
...Clerical help <s being volunteered daily to assist in the filing of cards and in the mailing ac-vlce and whatever is discovered as the first need finds ready hands to put It river...
...They are then those —rn-*r 11 m aja who suffer by the high eoet of tariff-protected materials...
...They are the smaller independent baeineea men who are being exterminated by the growth of gigantic industrial combinations...
...Tickets are already distributed widely throughout the city...
...28 gives s araaSMp list tioa to its report of Brown's aasavkt Morgan town the nigh...
...How much literature you can distribute—how many subs you can secure for our press—how many members you can sign up for the Party —how many people you can talk to—how big a vote you can help cast for our ticket on Election Day...
...The cost for printing is $5.00 per thousand...
...At Boyertown the Chief Burgees invited the speakers into the are ball...
...California Preparing To Greet Maurer Movement Sporting Ahead —Many Meetings Being Held—New Locals Startin** T OS Angeles, i,alif.— New life has been Injected Into the Celi/omia Socialist movement...
...Jesse Holmes will preside...
...Augustine Lonergan win be the representative of the Democratic Party and Eugene Dunnlgan, head ot the Department of Conciliation of the U. S. Dept of Labor, win speak tor the Republicans...
...One hundred Berger leaflets mailed to each of these districts would result in an astonishingly large vote, we feel certain...
...Socialists may hold the balance g power as they have done in sobs ftaw recent Idaho elections "On the whole, thsre h a mB*m number of elements of uncertainty in to present campaign to keep the peaataas of all parties talking the floor astir OSvotes are counted...
...The Campaign Committee, With offices at 15 Eastt 40th Street New York City, wants your co-operation...
...Ehnsa«_-A aW-ejae...
...then, the very next day, our cheek was returned with a statement that the date was already taken by another party, and there were no other available dates...
...The sympathy of rural erks was manifested to a very practical manner in both Bethel and Boyer town, where the speakers were Invited to "come maid* where It la warm...
...The ylpsels are functioning encouragingly, adding recruits, organizing mee.-ngs and scattering literature...
...It reminds the Old Guard, which kept tfc- movement alive during the period of repression, of the days when a &->cialist button was a badge of honor...
...Railroad Shops, Mills, etc., compose the membership of this new trade union...
...J. Baskin, general secretary of the National Office, addressed the conference...
...The Times believes Q*t oae outcome may be that the Sotitlsh win hold the balance of power ta &s state...
...National Headquarters News From National Office, Socialist Party, waemngton Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois...
...There are 1,700 election districts in Philadel£hla...
...An extensive tour of the state by Jessie Stephen was planned...
...H* was informed that not only was Oct...
...He told aboutSsS he pat up to the Senate at that saw when he was expelled from aattafiTss trickery...
...The biggest steak ever cooked," was ordered for Mertlce Hudson and Amanda Rjttner, who vowed they would return to the picket line at the Allen Knitting Mills...
...The City of New York recognizes WeMing as a Trade Now that men are employed as Welders, for their knowledge and experience as Welders, by Private Concerns, City...
...The comrades are having a great many meetings over the state, and in the City of Milwaukee they are holding numerous street and hall meetings daly, as well as noon-day shop meetings which are well attended...
...Waste no time from this to Election Day...
...At the close of the latter meeting a collection of $12.10 was lifted and a number of Socialist party campaign books and subscriptions to the Labor Advocate were Throughout the county hi It bscointog increasingly Evident that the Socialist snri sss to Reading has convinced the people of Berks that a similar change aught be worth-while to the county offices...
...whfitS be held sometime in Oct...
...The HsUey Times of Sept n tha' some consideration to the ptaenato distribution of the vote of the panbTC the state next November wtav reference to the vote cast for the farms...
...It stands to reason that the Job Shop Welder cannot belong to any one of the— Unions, and to carry a card in all or them is out of the question, therefore he has been compelled to lorm las own Union...
...The electors are as follows: Bert O. Morrison, Robinson...
...Please try to locate the millions of wag* worker* In industry to the "new" Democracy of Smith and Urmsaana...
...The purpose of this organization is to br'ng these unorganized Welder* under the Banner of Organized Labor...
...None of these metals are welded by the Black* smith, Boilermaker, Sheetmetal Worker, Iron Worker, or the Machinist' These trades call on the Job Shop Welder, with his special equipment and torches, to weld the metals they are not familiar with...
...W. VA—John W. Baas who was transferred trcra Alabara a West Virgin ji b> the National Ctaaafia Committee has addr~j-ed a naawA* ot fine Socialist meetings Dltcontent brar in the state as unemployment Vitospread and, as Brown puts it, Hay as "pared down to the bone...
...The verdict was wildly applauded in the streets...
...Alex- Qe~ Groat, York...
...It has gone over UJtt a some recent elections...
...Ball and street meetings are being held nightly in varirus sections of Los Angeles and suburb* a:.d the enthusiasm is rapidly kindling into a blaze...
...He hi a great favorite here with both the Socialists and the unionists to our Windy City...
...The Third District Congressional convention win be held Saturday night Oct 6, at the Workmen's Circle Educational Centre, 72 Legion Avenue, New Haven...
...Bridgeport and New Britain...
...They are the exporting tadustriee in general...
...ltf 4U10S DECORATED READING, PA.—Osorge M. Rhodes of the Rehdlng Labor Advocate sends to a check for 100 auto plates "For President, Norman Thomas...
...N. 8th street and the Philadelphia Labor Institute, 808 Locust street August Claessens will speak and Dr...
...1,000 of these are good for Socialit propaganda...
...The Navy Yard* appoint Foremen Welders...
...Goodwin Olson, Ruso...
...Many people In Philadelphia are on the fence about the candidates, any many have been disgusted at the tactics of both old parties...
...ifj w l«»r "» Jagoshw mmm eab to Crawford County, Eaaaiari2 at the ansa Moose HanT* ^f^S The nrtnfltpal speaker of the afizaass was Or...
...Each speaker will be allowed one-half hour and one hour will be devoted to questions...
...His son, Roy StoahaSal councilman, at Mulberry, also speto^J All Socialists and sympattaasa — «I sited to attend the next rally...
...Welder- within the Jurisdiction of the Pteamfl tiers...
...Boilermakers, and Iron Workers weld almost exclusively on Steel, and from the very nature of their work, belong to either of these Unions, especially so U they have served an Apprenticeship in Welding for those trades, therefore we do not seek them as members of The Inter atlonal Association of Mechanic-Welders...
...They are fighting to elect at least two congressmen this year, and every fair-minded person in the vicinity of Milwaukee should co-operate with them...
...The response is encouraging...
...The Trade Unionists are called to rally at the Labor Temple at 8 o'clock to hear this distinguish...
...They promise him a big meeting aad he wfll give them a tag treat Iowa > T. S. McCrnUs is pushing work of organization and spreading the light In every way possible...
...They are the importing iaatostrtol They are the to vesting bankers concerned with the fiaaartog of foreign trade...
...Jerome Davis of Yale attended the meeting of the Executive Committee for the purpose of talking over the plans for the three-cornered meeting which will be held by the Trades Council Forum Sunday, Oct 14th, in one of the largest theatres to the city...
...The ready response which this drive has received has already shown its popularity...
...She orders a large -number of dues stamps and reports that a new local has been organised Jn Altoona and that another is being wg seized In Erie...
...His meeting 4s to be held on the afternoon of Oct...
...OW local* are being visited and revived, new ones are being organized and rectu'ts are being added at every gathering...
...A large number of uno'ganlzed Welders throughout the United States and Canada cannot, and most of them will not Join any one of these several unions that have use for the skilled Welder...
...At both miiHrtgs several young man watted into the crowd with the view of disturbing the »~»""r bat Jager as handled them that they remained sad added to the interest...
...5. Local Hamden bin nominate candidates, for the State Legislature at the same time and Dlaee...
...Crawford County, vnm Meeting Leads to Aa*agi JOtMM...
...The next big Job there win be to build up a strong party organization and roll up a healthy vote...
...We ask all Trade Union Members to bring this new c.rganlzatlr>n to the attention of Welders who ere eligible to membership, and to use their influence on their Delegates to the 48th Annual Convention of the American Federation of Labor in our behalf if they believe we are entitled to this consideration...
...Southern California has set her stakes to deliver her quota of votes for Thomas and Maurer on Nov...
...oast brass, oast bronze, cast asantinsha monei motel, malleable Iron and many others...
...Illinois Chicago National Secretary Henry hu been Invited to represent the Socialist Party in a big free-for-all debate between all political parties on Nov...
...Philadelphia The Party Office have sent appeals to an Important number of oomrarinn asking financial aid in securing 100.000 of the Berger speeches...
...At Bethel the hotel proprietor provided a room in which the Socialist campaigners and their audience of 40 earnest men and several woman, considered political matters In comfort...
...The sosdemr of Music had been reserved for ens of aarfes dates——pending final arrangemeats with ear National Campaign Office The data of Ost 18 was set sad the Academy assured as that we could have this date...
...Since that time, the Acetylene Process together with the Electric Arc, have made such progress that today Welding is dependable, and many men ana women are employed aa Welders, and welding is recognized as a trade by empkyers...
...No other trade, can legislate for this class of Weider...
...With tin Pro, gresslves out of the running, tab 8eau> 1st vote will be materially lacreesat tto year...
...Around Campaign Headquiters From National Reaiding Soesalisto Ostt * To Win Assembly Seats tot^smpstto rtl£2F*E&^t££^ Berks County, the Reading Socialists ar» making headway to the* effort to Sleet two members to...
...We- submit this official pronouncement to our raadgra with this-suggestion...
...The second touting aJso proved productive of literstars sales...
...Bicwn reports last ant everybody is wiling t-j discuss BasasSB but they are hapless because at to* at funds to take lull advantage of a towable situation...
...T. C Peterson, Fargo...
...The Government recognizes Welding as a Trade, and permits Welders as a group to represent themselves...
...He has been invited to speak to the students of Mount Vernon College, and we know that he will do Justice to the subject of Socialism, for McCrtths is s forceful speaker and a student of our philosophy He Is also arranging to speak in Washington and to Montezuma In the near future...
...Think and act...
...State Campaign Manager M. F. Pmnkett reported that street meetings throughout the state for the last month have been very weU attended and much lierature was sold and given away...
...ssS and^larger mast meeting to thjB • Among the other speakers wasTn'^2 eras BTmtsaat comrade, R, r. ahaawfS years jOhL, who was the Stat - - * stats, senator in Kansas, havfnPfl* elected hi 1812...
...The editorial says In part " "Another factor to consider h the a> delist vote...
...We tried unsuccessfully 10 engage three other large halls, and at last found that the only haU to Philadelphia seating over 1,000 people that was opea to us was the Labor'institute...
...Secretary Neistadt orders another bundle of New Leaders for use at the man meeting...
...He welds east Iron, east steeJ...
...Norman Thomas has come and gone but he has left a host of admirers who have sworn eternal fljelity to the cause of Socialism and are throwing themselves Into the campaign with a new-born zest But even this great event, by reason ol the Interest it awakened, is to be overshadowed by the recettion which is to be staged for James H. Maurer...
...Manager Carl O. Parsons has also started to raise an unlimited fund with which to frank out Socialist platforms to every household in his territory...
...Headquarters that the comrades to' Pittsburgh are expecting a recordbreaking crowd at the Norman Thomas meeting in Carnegie Hall on Oct 11...
...Maryland Thomas in Baltimore Local Baltimore is an set for the mass meeting Sunday, Oct 7, at 2 p. m., in the Hippodrome Theatre where the Socialist presidential candidate, Norman Thomas, will speak...
...A. Halvorson...
...The local has organized a campaign committee to alliance with the Workmen's Circle and the committee is getting down to work... Paper Predicts Increfta*^ Socialist Vote in IdaJi...
...Maurer to Chicago When James H. Maurer comes back to Chicago, the Socialists plan a big time for him...
...The National Office, at 2653 Washington Blvd., Chicago, expects your undivided support.' We have plenty of good solid literature, including all kinds of books on Socialism and standard leaflets at a price you can afford to purchase, besides all kinds of supplies to help you build Party membership...
...The Workmen's Circle Educational Center held a banquet Sunday night Sept...
...Connecticut The State Executive Committee met at the State Office Poll Building, New Haven, Sunday, Sept...
...One of oar Campaign Committee, who was president of a conservative organization, wrote them asking for a date...
...They are priced at 1:5c and may be secured at the Socialist Party Office, 80S Locus...
...Wisconsin At Benson, State Secretary, reports that the campaign is getting hot there for our Party ticket...
...4 st the Chicago Uptown Forum...
...He knows hit own conditions best, sad believes he eaa handle his grievances to his own satisfaction snd protection more r.bly than they win be handled by any Union in which he is classed as a svechtiist "It is the sincere desire of The Tatarnational Association of Mechanic-Welders, that this 'ass of Welder be recognized as a Trade by the American Federation of Labor, snd we seek a Charter lathis Trade which does not at present fan within the lurisdlction of »ny of the Metal or Building Tmeses afiVlated Uptons...
...Whom the '"New"Democretic Party Will Speak For Walter Uppmaan of the Hew York World aad one o* tt* eMsf spokesmen of Al "Smith and toe "new" Democratic Party outlines to •the current number of The Tale Review an those element* the party will care for...
...After an address by J. Baskin, $500 was raised toward a t5,000 drive, which the Center is conducting...
...We did not feel satisfied with the answer...
...Elisabeth Oilman win predds...
...In the forenoon of that date he has been invited to address a forum conducted by students of Northwestern University and sponsored by some of the teachers of the university...
...belie vtog It is better to have them in the fold than out, financially and morally...
...In 1916 Acetylene Welding was declared merely a Process...
...John W. Brown Now Speaking in W. Virdait FAIRMONT...
...Lippmann has the floor: They an, first of an, the farmer* Whs flspaad upon exportrng their product...
...The Falrmori Tim:- ij HTnisI h-to reports of-the Socialise i siii|iibjs~Tbl Issue of Sept...
...ass to bulk large in the poliUealSI of the Idaho dallies and these Bam now recognise that the Socialist Pars fc an important factor for orssBsaasB £ the state...
...Th<> "All around Welders" employed in Job Welding Shops, Ship Yards...
...The effect of Jagsr's work- has been to greatly increase party activity aad the local is now pi«mmg for an...
...You can specify the leaflets to be sent to your section, or you can leave the choice to us...
...Philadelphia Academy Bars Thomas Rally Socialists Hire Two Other Balls To House Meeting Qn October 16th £ PlUttmWSla aalMlail Shff Local Hnnea lists ess atsatty rrwsppohited at not being able to secure the largest ban to the city for Norman ithornas, they have planned to mass the Theories meetiag one of the best 'ever, bats...
...State and Federal Oovernment.lt430ves.our contention that Welding Is a Trade, and no longer a Process...
...They are excellent material, and any comrade who has a real Interest in a big Socialist vote should send to the Party office as large a sum as possible...
...Norman Thomas speaks for the Socialist Party...
...These speeches are franked and require no postage...
...It is expected that this will be the largest political meeting to be held in New Haven during the campaign...
...21 to welcome Maurer...
...The Identity of the two capitalist parties to all essentials s» wmahastsrrt by the Socialist speakers...
...BOISE, Idaho.—c...
...Aside from the large auditorium of the Labor Institute, they have seemed the banquet hall for aa overflow avwtiag, aha they confidentially export to All botb...
...Communications nave been sent tu %'J regkitred Socialists requesting their cooperation in organizing meetings and opening up the way for speakers and organiwa...
...18 available, but that there were five other dates available to October...
...The work of the Mb Shop Welder hi not corlfined to iron or steel...
...Thomas la New Haven Prof...
...The New Haven District ot the Workmen's Circle held its annual conference Sunday, Sept 30, for the purpose of electing a new district commander for the ensuing year...
...National ?i Waste No Tans... arnia C tails of this meeting will to tamsabS soon...
...6. GIRL HUNGER STRIKERS FREED KENOSHA, Wis.—It took a Jury five /minutes to acquit Kenosha's two girl hunger strikers on a picketing charge after the girls had refused food for eleven days...
...street the Pocketbook Workers Onion, 1013 Arch sw, the Waistmakeru Union, 52 N. 10th street The Forward, 131 S. 5th st, the Philadelphia, 10...
...Union Labor Leader, and we are assured they will be there...
...Jager Holds Snecfcasfnl VMS to*By^aoiswT"ra" spta>' of a*eoM eiantoav,about my^^ai^n* im only In dm said the interest to the meettag -Jagers logtejnade a fas* tmpras...
...Large quantities of literature are distributed at all meetings...
...Every Socialist in Soutnern California is urged to invite his friends to an ALL-DAY festive occasion at Br-okside Park in Pasadena on Sunday, Ot...
...These are some of the elements out of which aa opposition party has aeremarilv to he constituted.'* Mechanic - Welders' Union Is Formed...
...This forum is a capable organization and a large crowd is assured...
...The Socialists of the 12th Senatorial District win meet at 48 Belmont Street Ham den, Friday evening, Oc...
...Local papers as Irefi as the college paper aarriea notices or the mooting...
...The Issues of the various political parties win be brought out aad discussed thoroughly...
...This win be the big Socialist meeting of the campaign and if the weather 1» favorable a large audience is expected...
...fered but thai was stratgritensd ant at a JjfPee station and the speaker held the feswd ajiSniaaid tor three hoars...
...At another mSba^fp^BLmt...
Vol. 7 • October 1928 • No. 42