Waldman, Louis
AL SMIYTH 20 YEARS BEHIND THE TIMES The Facts Abou The Democratic Nominee's Power Record By Louis Waldman (Socialist Candidate War Gov ernor of New York Statu) J^EW YORK has natural...
...The .compromise was offered by the manufacturers whose attitude has been one of a ten per cent, reduction since the notices posted months ago without warning to the workers...
...N. V...
...Adam Smith Where Thomas And Maurer Can Be Heard TOUR OF NORMAN THOMAS Saturday, October 6. 8 p. m., John Marshall High School Auditorium, Richmond, Vs...
...1.00 StanWy Marsh...
...I want to believe that this is happening against the wishes of responsible leadership of the churches, both catholic and Protestant...
...15., Aldlne CInb Dinner...
...X "To urge that if in your opinion prohibition is a moral issue on which the churches must speak—a question on which 1 shall not here pass Judgment—they should take more pains than they have yet done to rebuke tnd1 unblushing hypocrisy and corruption of many of their political bedfellows and should show more constructive seal in making this "noble experiment" rest upon popular support rather than an army of spies...
...For instance, the conconfinement of Mooney and BilSan Quentin prison to proof of Ratable type of bigotry which that 2"* Calilomlan, Herbert Hoover, has mentioned...
...5.00 Alfred B. Henderson...
...Hoover's little playmates and pay a little attention to the gang that trails with their own candidate...
...The Socialist Proposal We Socialists repeat: nothing less will do than a net work of integrated public authorities, federal, state and municipal, for developing and transmitting all power produced by coal or water...
...They might well ask their candidate, whose celebrated good nature seems to be unable to stand the strain of an attack upon bis principles, whether or not he will continue to.allow this wretched crew to support him, or if he will disavow them and all their works even unto the last and meanest district captain who is hungering 'or some sugar as the result of the coming election...
...On Bo is...
...According to fairly well established rumor Tammany's friends and Governor Smith's are among those who may profit by the seven or ten cent fare...
...Why have not the Democratic and Republican parties adopted a constructive .policy...
...Lawrence River New York could, it is estimated, develop 1,250.000 horsepower, while Niagara Falls on the American side could produce between 750,000 and 1.000,000 additional horsepower...
...The spread tetwsen what the farmer gets for werything from wheat to milk and *B>t the rest of us pay is shocking...
...6, a dinner at Rochester...
...Sunday, October 7, 8.30 p. rru, National Press Club Auditorium, Washington,, D. C. Monday, October 8, New York City...
...I doubt if the prophets and apostles would feel as much at home with the Republican Party—or the Democratic either— as some of our modern churchmen...
...5.00 Bias Novak...
...Saturday, October 27, Kenosha, Wis...
...Every sewer rat in Queens, every grafter and extortionist and crook U a member in good standing In the Democratic party...
...Mo, You we, the Democrats of Missouri have nominated Hay...
...Governor Charles E. Hughes was first, in 1907, to urge state development and private distribution of electrical energy...
...Why do these parties continue to make a football of politics out of water power instead of applying public interest, common senseand scientific method to the problem...
...1.00 Vred R. Whiteomb...
...Waldman will be heard at two meetings this Friday nigh?, one at the Sunnyslde Forum in Queens and the other In Public School No...
...L. Kaator, Yankton...
...New York City...
...The Socialist Party has to depend upon those Intelligent men and women who have a vision of a new and civilized America...
...Basically It is not over production but under consumption which curses the farms...
...We want Boulder Dam and Muscles Shoals only as steps to this end...
...Of course, *»• 8nuth fti his Oklahoma speech did ¦ proper thing by disclaiming any ¦** to have Catholics vote for him as *2<*m...
...My point Is that the public interest is sufficiently protected under either so that the development should proceed...
...Sunday, October 14, Vale Unlveral ty, New Haven, Conn., Hyperion Theatre...
...Wednesday, Oct 24, Syracuse...
...Smith t>ifr»»« prohibition Is a paramount issue In Milwaukee but not In Omaha...
...They want immeMe help...
...In 30 days the former Pennsy'vama state labor chief hopes to address workers in 14 states...
...l.M Erail Diets...
...In 1918, as a member of the state legislature, I was the author of ». water power bill providing for conservation and development of our water resources, and for public distribution to the people at cost...
...a democratic theory but I wasn't any too strong for it because I didn't think the state was ready for it, not that it was wrong, not that anything connected with it was basically unsound, but it was a little bit too early.'' BEHOLD THE GREAT PROGRESSIVE WHO BY THE POWER OF HIS OWN LIBERAL IDEAS IS TO RE-ORGANIZE THE BIGOTED, BOSS-RIDDEN DEMOCRATIC MACHINES INTO A VEHICLE OF POLITICAL PROGRESS...
...Jfcanwhlle I respectfully call to the ~y°n of my opponents the fact that ***toracial and political bigotry or inJ~*nee as well as religious bigotry in *h campaign...
...t.00 A. C. Bruce...
...John Wilt...
...We know that Tammany Hall is an xious to make it appear that it is not concerned in the sewer grafts...
...TOUR OF JAMES H. MATHER Wednesday, October 10, Comberland, Md...
...I am sorry for both candidates...
...There are also the inland water falls...
...5.00 J. M. C« Ohio...
...State Engineer Roy G. Finch in 1926 reported that tht harnessing of the waters of the St...
...Send your contributions to The New Leader Campaign Appeal, 7 East 15th Street...
...If Gov: Smith to to ^Wandered a champion of racial tole?** *nd civil liberty he cannot afford r*CttPt in silence the support of Con*|"*an Davey, of Ohio, now Democratic r^tote for Oovemor, who was the au?*sf one of the worst .peace time sedlg tows ever presented to Congress... controls in partnership with cities transmission lines valued at $250,000,000...
...It took all these months to create the fiction that the Democratic party as snob is not implicated...
...As I have previously argued, the merger should never have been permitted, except on the assurance of [ at least a two cent reduction in rates^/rom T cents per kilowatt hour to five cents...
...Every man in the case knows, and all of them say—but not for publication—that the one issue in the sewer trial is our own Al...
...18, the Young Men's Hebrew Association, Williamsburg...
...In his Survey Dinner speech he said: "The Conservation Commission came into the Legislature in 1912 with a definite plan...
...Now and then there may be too much of one crop...
...He then sairl • "We find that the origin of the theory of state ownership and state control of water power development . . . belongs back to Charles Evans Hughes...
...The strikers also feel tnat tney are not fighting for merely a local victory...
...Raskob, duPont, Lehman, Owen D. Young, or any of the rest of the open-shop, labor hating:, power trust and finance capitalist gang that is ballyhooing for the so-called friend of the people...
...However, I do not write this letter to discuss this general issue but rattier to do tore...
...The New \***i\r-r . "Dear Comrades: "After six years In college I am at last a working man, punching a time clock...
...New York City...
...Tuesday, Oct...
...Hence they make a virtue of necessity and claim credit for economy as a result of merger...
...H. C. Baddenberg...
...We beg, at this moment, to call your attention to John M. Phillips, the late lamented sewer King of Queens, grafter and corruptionlst extraordinary, and the most picturesque and monumental scoundrel in his peculiar line the sainted William M. Tweedy an early predecessor of Al Snaith'aa bos*~9t TV,\ima, ny Hall...
...Owen Young Approves Commenting on the two plans of operation, Governor Smith's and his own, Mr...
...To plan marketing scientifically and Sminate superfluous middlemen Is *• great task...
...Tuesday, October 80, Clnclnnatti, O. Wednesday, October SI, Pittsburgh, Pa...
...Smith or any of his excessively thin-skinned supporters gets excited over the "whispering" of those who are shouting that they loathe Tammany Hall and all tt stands for, they might well tell the world whether or not they like this sewer business...
...Smith's Public Service Commission, is making a hypocritical appeal for public favor by announcing that the first fruits of the merger are a four and a hall million dollar cut in rates...
...1»0 Workers of Kalamasoo Stove Foundry, Kalamasoo, Mien...
...N. Y...
...Here Is a typical letter from m young man who listened to Norman Thomas' speech: "Editors...
...7, the Educational Center, 78 Throop Ave, Brooklyn...
...It can't be done, and under the Smith plan it will be the Younjs who win...
...Wednesday, October 24, Denver, Colo...
...Whatever benefits of cheaper financing of water power development there is in Governor Smith's plan will insure to the interest of the distributing companies...
...Pa., Labor Institute...
...His experience in office for many years has given him a fund of information on the need of a party of the workers and the power which the working class can exert through a party of their own...
...1*t W. M, Brian...
...Friday, October 2, Minneapolis, Minn...
...Why not, therefore, ¦* up a federal marketing agency, to Work in harmony with cooperat"u...
...Phillips Gave Smith's Club Part of Loot Queens Sewer Grafter Donated $TS',00 6 To Walker-Connolly Campaign Fund in 1925 A MAN is known by the cSsnpany he keeps...
...Hoover's plain speaking on reliwu bigotry in this campaign does credit * n* political good sense as well as to • toundness of his principles...
...The Democrats joined with the Republicans In defeating my motion...
...Sunday, October 7, S p. m., Hippodrome Theatre, Baltimore, Md...
...And those people who are getting so apopleptic when anyone criticizes Al Smith had batter lay off for a while from pointing the finger of scorn at Mabel Walker Willebrandt, John Roach Stratum and the rest of Mr...
...The governor wants to do with water power what the city has done with <ts subways...
...Governor Smith, as well as the Republicans would have the government develop the energy only to turn it over to private distributing companies...
...Walker'* conduct makes it clearer than ever that Tammany Is quite willing to hav...
...One of the best field workers and street spakers in the country has also been at work in the state for more than a week...
...Young's finance plan...
...Governor Smith admitted as much on December 14, 1926, before the Survey Associates' Dinner...
...10.00 Nathaniel J. Billson, New York City...
...There are no arguments for discrimination between churches...
...That is the indictment of our any system of production and distribution...
...Waldman Dates Announced In addition to the two meetings for Waldman this Friday night other meetings so far arranged include the following...
...R.«» Wm...
...The General Electric Company, behind which Mr...
...BufCaJo, N. V...
...174 in Brooklyn...
...Portland, Ore...
...Lawrence in the section bordering New York State can provide four times the power that can be generated at Muscle Shoals...
...Slayer Mesa I'm upeaK In addition to Louis Waldman'a meetings it is planned to have Norman Thomas speak at some of the larger mass meetings up state with the Socialist candidate for Governor McAUster Coleman, candidate tor U. 8. Senator, win also be one of the speakers in the up state campaign...
...Sprague CooUdge and Lincoln Pair ley were the other speakers...
...The Federal act had its origin under a Democratic administration...
...It took two days to get all the facta out, but finally on Monday it was learned that about half that sum was tossed by the corruptionlst and extorter of bribes into the campaign for Mr...
...Thursday, October 18...
...10.00 H. Nielsen...
...sow, so far as possible, instead of ktlpmg farmers at the cost of consaws why not try to help both f armss and consumers at the cost of the ¦Wdle men and processers whose Paent methods undeniably result in sanitation and waste...
...Louis Post Dispatch of September 23rd, Got...
...We thus see that Mr...
...Monday, Oct t, the Statea Island Museum, 4 p. m...
...Give us what you can and we will give you the party of your heart's desire...
...Add your name to this list...
...A few of these cards are already coming in with financial contributions and the committee expects every live Socialist to do his bit...
...00 Chester C. Piatt...
...Similar questions bother the peach growers of California... to buy it from the privately owner and privately operated generating plans...
...J. C. Wlsman...
...Thomas' letter follows: — "TO THE PROTESTANT CHURCHES OP AMERICA: "Intimate observation of conditions in my campaign travels from coast to coast convinces me that religious prejudice is being dragged into this campaign, openly and ¦ secretly, on both sides In a degree that Is profoundly hurtful to our democracy...
...Socialist Party has no rich investment brokers, no' wealthy bankers to finance the campaign which Norman Thomas and the ether Socialist candidates are conducting with such conspicuous success in ths forty-eight state...
...These commissions are to make contracts with an admittedly corrupt and unscrupulous public utilities combine, that, every day, thanks to the breakdown of Governor Smith's vaunted regulation grows more powerful...
...l.St Jennie L. Harvey, Cleveland...
...J.JS Aaroa Ratasaa, Chelsea, Mass...
...Whatever the Supreme Court may decide, every day the city delays to give notice of recapture and to put into effect some intelligent plan for the subways not only costs the city thousands of dollars but makes the hope of any decent settlement grow fainter...
...ticket but was denied his seat...
...Superior Elks Hall...
...Friday, October 13, Marion, Ohio., Central Junior High School...
...Faced ¦ with a continuance of short rations and a bitter winter, thousands of textile strikers have voted against a proposed compromise of a five per cent, reduction in wages...
...Live Oak, rla...
...It distributes electricity at a cost of about two cents a kilowatt hour, while the average charge in the United States la around six cents...
...G. Gaeldenhaar...
...The New York act was enacted by a Republican legislature and signed by a Republican Governor, Nathan L. Miller...
...We are on the high road to a gennine party of opposition to both old parties...
...1 00 A. Lefkowitz...
...I am aware that this interpretation has been disclaimed, doubtless sincerely, by many Protestants...
...On Thursday, Oct 11, Hoaa win speak in Rochester with Waldman...
...Smith's program will put the liquor issue into partisan politics for a generation, to the hurt of all other issues and causes and to the delight of the bootleggers...
...Mi., tl.00 Darwin J. Mennlt, Bellrport...
...6.00 Gastave Bassler...
...So stew was the kgisIr-Vre m take advantage of these "ft?' V...
...On Friday, October 19th...
...10.00 J. H. Arnold...
...Let us inquire further into the record of Governor Smith and his party on power development...
...No society eaa sarely he flourishing and happy of which the far greater part of the meeaeers are peer and adserabJe...
...Ilbaea, N. Y...
...20, the Borough Park Lyceum, Brooklyn...
...The) make and unmake...
...Of course the governor hopes and plans that under this plan, the state will have "something to say" about the price to be charged the consumer by the distributing corporations...
...l.M Thomas MeGoo...
...Walker and the remainder in the general election that followed that primary in the interest of the whole Democratic ticket The money, Mr...
...Nevertheless the farmers cannot wilt for a completely Socialist world to put things right...
...such as the upper Hudson, the Genes-ee river, the state canals and a nrinv ber of rivers and falls too numerous to mention...
...Georg- Welby Van Pelt, Tacoma Park...
...Thursday, October 11, Pittsburgh, Pa., Carnegie Music Hall, 4th st...
...Reading Plans Maurer Greeting October 10 READING, PA.—(FP)—All Reading is expected to turn out to give Councilman James H. Maurer a rousing sendoff as he starts on his national campaign tour Oct...
...Emory R. Buckner, prosecuting the case, got more admissions out of Mr...
...If there is any doubt as to the substantial likeness of Governor Smith's plan and that of the Republicans, permit me to call to the stand as a witness, Mb Owen D. Young...
...AL SMIYTH 20 YEARS BEHIND THE TIMES The Facts Abou The Democratic Nominee's Power Record By Louis Waldman (Socialist Candidate War Gov ernor of New York Statu) J^EW YORK has natural wate falls, sufficient to develop abou four million horse power of dec trical energy...
...Today the Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission distributes close to a million horsepower to more than 350 cities and towns in Ontario...
...The Bible, if memory serves me, contains no Volstead Act, but it is fairly explicit on matters of the exploitation of the poor...
...Ontario Started in 1907 By 1912 the great success of Ontario with government generated and distributed electrical energy was well on the way to completion...
...That may be better than ¦fflkruptcy for the farmers and lthe tang run it may possibly build up (aural prosperity so the city workers wot feel the pinch of higher food prices too keenly...
...Louis, Mo...
...Paso Roblas, CaUf---J. W. Wens, San Jose... working on concrete plans to *¦ end, some of which I have seen...
...Saturday, October IS, Grand BapMs, Mich...
...The vote was taken by ballot in the local unions whose members are affected by tve strike and the result was announced Monday afternoon...
...Thursday, October 25, Omaha, Neb...
...The bill was endorsed by the State Conference of Mayors as the best water power bill ,before the legislature...
...scientifically to guide marketing ¦* progressively to eliminate mid•anen...
...When the bill was about to be buried by a reactionary Republican committee nroafcled over by the present chairman of the Republican State Committee, Edmund MacHold, I moved on the floor to take the bill out of committee...
...What the company has done is to give up a small extra charge for coal permitted by the Public Service Commission last winter when coal was dear...
...things: 1. "To warn you that your support of the Republican Party on the prohibition Issue, a support which many of your leaders give not personally but quaal-officially, is being widely and dangerously construed, or misconstrued, ss a direct interference of church with state based, at least partially, on reliaious prejudice...
...Friday, October 19, San Francisco, CaL Saturday, October 20, San Francisco, CaL Sunday, October 21, Los Angeles, CaL Monday, October 22, Los Angeles, CaL , Tuesday, October 2S, Ogden, Utah...
...Undoubtedly he does not know the interest taken in his political fortunes by the loaJhsome creature who domlnated the great Borough of Queens for years, who grafted millions of dollars, who extorted tribute from everyone who sought to build a sewer there and who died in a drunken brawl, a victim of acute alcoholism...
...Nevertheless I find everywhere the conviction that not only is the great activity of certain Protestant church bodies and leaders in supporting Mr...
...MUwankee, Wis...
...Robert T. Brake., Hanover, N. Y...
...Mayor Walker and Tammany Hall are ip to their oM tricks of trying to fool :he people without hurting the transit interests...
...They ought to have given up this charge long ago and a complaint had been filed against them or was about to be filed against them for not giving it up...
...Meanwhile he and his Board of Estimate have put off action >n the Untennyer plan until November, that is, tin after election...
...8. B...
...We know that Connolly was one of Mayor Hylan's most ardent supportr -s in the 1925 primaries for renomination as against Tammany's own Jimmie Walker...
...Before Mr...
...1.00 Wm...
...R. Brainard, Uttle Bock, CaUf...
...N;ot only is the money for development to be supplied by a public corporation but these vast sums are to be free from federal and state taxation...
...British Labor Party Hits at Communist And Liberal Parties LONDON—The annual labor • Party Conference, which opened at Birmingham Monday, overwnelzninrfly adopted a resolution barring Communists from delegations to nations 1 and local party conferences or meetings...
...Harvard students enthusiastically applauded all the Socialist speakers and stayed for more than an hour after the meeting to ask questions and obtain literature...
...The stakes are high, and the game is unscrupulous...
...The answer is clear: The fight over water power has degenerated into a struggle between competing power interests intent on grabbing the.people's last remaining great natural resource for private enrichment...
...For that reason they look to yon, the men and women who work rather than those who own...
...They promoti or destroy the political fortunes oi men...
...In 1912 with the Democrats in control of the upper and lower houses and with a Democrat in the governor's chair, a commendable water power bill went down to defeat...
...Undoubtedly Al Smith is above these sewer rats...
...What has that champion of party responsibility, Alfred E. Smith, who gave us New Yorkers both Mayor Walker and our blundering Transit Corp mission, to say on this situation...
...legislation and legislators...
...Henry Jaeger who has been assigned to -this work was once elected to the State Assembly on the Socialist...
...Here are 13:e contributions received to-dare...
...Mayor Daniel Hoaj of Milwaukee wtn be chief speaker at the Maurer mass meeting in Reading...
...11.75 John Ripple, Lowell...
...Every one of them says that if the scandals had popped now instead of last Fall it would have dealt a death blow to the Smith candidacy...
...If the voters want a repetition of the New York City traction mess with its wretched service, constant demand for increased fare and disgraceful cheating of the city on its investment, then by all' means they should vote for Governor Smith and the Democratic ticket...
...Thomas asked...
...L. 1...
...809 Dr...
...Both are progressive...
...a dry, for the Senate and it would never do for the Governor to go to a wet city In a dry state to explain what's wrong with Brother Hay...
...Saturday, October IS, 12 noon, City CInb, Cleveland, Ohio...
...10 as vice-presidential candidate of the Socialist party...
...Milwaukee, Wia...
...Loins where someone might heckle him on prohibition but in the little tows of Badalla...
...Saturday, Oct...
...Larlaaor, Pa... 6:30 P.M...
...The rates distributing companies are permitted to charge under this court ruling will be substantially the same as the rates of the privately owned generating and distributing agencies...
...Sunday Oct...
...Funds should be sent to the Strike Relief, Labor Temple, New Bedford, Mass...
...Meanwhile Brother Hoover has added nothing to his few fleeting words in discussion of what he called "the noble experiment'' of prohibition...
...Five years before Smith was declaring that action was too early the Ontario experiment had begun...
...Governor Smith's Plan It is no secret that Governor Smith's plan enjoys the favor of a large portion of the power trust Witness his support in this campaign by Owen D. Young, chairman of the board of the General Electric, one of the most powerful of the utilities groups in the field...
...In the same statements he proceeds to quote Mr...
...To consider regulation first: The scandal of the Public Service Commission, of New York, all its members, Governor Smith's appointees, in authorizing the billion dollar merger of the Brooklyn Edison and Consolidated Gas companies without a public hearing and flagrant disregard of public interest, is too fresh in our minds to require comment...
...Saturday, Oct...
...1.J0 John Beits...
...10.00 Jos...
...It was agreed by all present that thai meeting was cue of the moat successful conducted at Harvard by any noltta-al party in this campaign TOOLS' IN MARYLAND CUMBERLAND Md.—William A Toole reports the prospects of arousing good Socialist sentiment in Cumberland and vicinity...
...Cincinnati, Ohio 10.00 Total te October *nd...............»S07.tS Thomas Tells Churches Rum Not The Issue Open Letter to Protestants Says Stand Is Being Taken for Bigotry * TN an open letter to the Protestant Churches of America which he made public to-day, Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for President, took exception to the contention that prohibition is the greatest "moral" issue before the electorate...
...23, Thomas will also speak in Syracuse at Syracuse University and will then go to Rochester for the night meeting On Thursday, Oct 25, Thomas and Waldman win speak at a large mass meeting In Kim wood Music Han and oa Nov...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas Socialist Candidate for President PI IOWA the farmers last month when we were there were worried dt an abundant corn crop bring low prices...
...He is the governor's acknowledged advisor on water power and was mentioned as possible candidate for chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic nomination for . Governor...
...We know that it is also whispered that Tammany intends to have its henchmen cut Patten and vote for the Republican candidate, so that the Tiger can march across the Queensboro Bridge and organize a new branch upon the ruins of the shattered Connolly organization...
...1-J* Wm...
...Harvard Liberal Club Holds Enthusiastic Meeting For Thomas CAMBRIDGE, Mass.—The Harvard Liberal Club was crowded at a fine Thomas for President' meeting held here on Tuesday night...
...2.00 Win...
...There was once a Democratic president who said: "I am: proud of the friends who support me...
...N. V...
...100 I. A. Bean...
...The New Leader has set Itself a quota of $2,500...
...Young in support and explanation of this plan...
...The Governor continues: "As Owen D. Young said: 'A public corporation whose securities would be exempt from taxation under the Federal law and the state law should produce, if properly set up the required money substantially cheaper Victor Hugo Circle At Le Cercle Victor Hugo On Saturday, Oct...
...Hence the political presmre which has made both Hoover and Sttltb endorse the principle of government aid in marketing the crop ¦spins, though they are vague in method and Smith much as he wants ike firmer vote won't plainly say the words: McNary Haugen bill or apstetion fee...
...Nor do we, at this moment, rerer to Frank Hague, the Southern labohatlng Democrats and the Tammany Hall district leaders of Manhattan and the Bronx...
...The two meetings, thus far arranged for Mayor Hoan are at Buffalo on Sunday, Oct 7, where he will speak with McAllster Coleman at a large mass meeting...
...This was his answer to frequent hints to the British press of a plan for Labor and Liberal co-operation in the general election to prevent the loss of seats to fitter party through a threecornered light against the lory candidate...
...It is a fact that the reason the trial is being held now and not at another time is the Al Smith candidacy for President...
...Esetafton, Pa...........S.00 H. Both...
...Pasadena, Calif...
...The Courts Block Lower Rates As to contracts as a means of protecting consumers' rights: the recent decision by the Federal Courts in the New York City subway case, in which the court ruled that the investment of the city as well as the investment of the operating company, is the basis for fixing rates blasts this sole remaining defense of Governor Smith's plan...
...The other on standing feature was the declaration of George Lansbury In his opening speech of no coalition with the' Liberal Party...
...Comrades, the hour has come...
...The campaign oognmittss is also having posters printed with the list of national and state candidates prominently displayed...
...Yet to persist in an attitude so generally misunderstood ought to raise serious question...
...They regulate the public regulatory bodies and dominate tc a startling extent our educational and informative institutions...
...Last Friday a fat greasy bulk of a man lifted himself Into the witness chair and admitted under cross-examination that bis name was Fred Curran, that he had been private secretary of the late Phillips, that he had carried hundreds of thousands of dollars of Phillips' stealings in his private bank account and that at Phillips' behest he had invested between $75,000 and $80,000 in the Democratic campaign In 1925...
...I Thursday, October 11, Youngs town, Ohio...
...We . know that Tammany Hall ran a -candidate for borough president in the recent primaries against the handpicked candidate of Maurice E. Connolly, now on trial for his honor and his liberty... is now building the largest hydro-electric plant in the world—the Queenson-Chippawa Plant on the Niagara River...
...I am proud of the enemies that I have made...
...Tuesday, October 9, Peterson, N. J. ^Wed^eaday, October 10, Wilmington, Del., New Centnry Club...
...He writes that the "btg shop strike on the Western Maryland did for us around Hagexstown what the mine strifes did here...
...Tieom» Pmrk...
...And the difference between us and Governor Smith—to say nothing of his party—is characteristic of the differences between Socialists and those politicians who want to stand in, at the same time, with the Owen Youngs and the consumers...
...Samples of the state platform have gone to all the local uigsnisstloa which are urged to give this document as wide a distribution as possible...
...They elect and keep ir office Governors...
...According to the friendly St...
...The strikers realize the sacrifices that are ahead, but they, also rely upon the support of labor organizations and friends all...
...Julian H. Weiss presided and Dr...
...It's Your Party-- Make It Powerful...
...They figure that this latest episode in the most notable labor struggle ever waged in New England will inspire friends all over the country to see that the physical wants of the strikers' families will not be neglected...
...ass Henry Morgan...
...K. Brown...
...I doubt If the prophets and apostles would feel aa much at home with the napnWinsn parts/—or the Democratic eUshii as some of oar modern churcheS-S-eTjafc) -__ >«a...
...Every horse power of water not used is lost Why This Waste...
...The Bible, 41 memory serves me, fwtttnt no Volstead Act bat ft Is fairly explicit on mat lets of the exploitation of the poor...
...sources that the New YorV . on April 9, 1918, was l?d u< «! that the "waste is a!mo~t a eViuv ." Unlike the use of other natural resources, such as coal, oil and timber, the use of water power means no permanent consumption and eventual depletion...
...with their monopolies of gas anc electricity, and their devoted allies the Democratic and Republics...
...Governor Smith opposed this type of grab end countered with his own well known program as an alternative...
...Detroit, Mich...
...Undoubtedly he would scorn to mingle with them...
...The history of water power fn New York State stamps the Democratic stand for conservation as hypocritical and false...
...Lawrence1 water falls...
...a meeting of particular Interest will be held...
...All this is to be done to supply electricity "cheaper to the distributing company...
...The plain truth is that Herbert Hoover cannot make the Republican Party honestly dry or Al Smith the Democratic Party politically wet...
...If they had surrendered the textile workers in other localities would feel the blow as they would be compelled to either accept a wage reduction or also face a long struggle against a wage cut...
...Surely Governor Smith, through this ingenious plan, has proved himself as well or better fitted to serve the power trust, than Mr...
...Governor Smith has admitted publicly that his plan is not a Democratic one...
...than a private corporation could obtain It,'" The Governor adopts Mr...
...Nor is this an isolated case...
...At least that is what the death certificate says...
...Other meetings will be announced soon... the line our efforts should take...
...Hoover in defense of prohibition unwise in itself but that it u a mask for religious partisanship...
...1.** John Doerfler...
...The Wisconsin Socialist Mayor is one of the most earnest and effective speakers In the movement...
...New York, Oct...
...Socialists are making a strong bid for state legislative seats in Reading districts...
...I hope there will be many more of them in years to come...
...Cumberland, MA, Youngstown, , Detroit Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles 'are blued for Maurer speeches on his outward trip...
...In Idaho when we were in Foeatello the farmers representing' mes states debated whether to leave put of their potato crop in the pound or give it to cattle...
...Sunday, October $1, 10 a. m., Jewish Folks Theatre, New York City...
...Reduced to plain language, the Governor Smith plan is this: The government is to invest its funds, construct power plants and turn the power developed over to private companies which are to sell the power to consumers at rates to be set by notoriously ineffective public service commissions...
...Hobart* Mills...
...The utilization o this power, through Modem engi neering and science, would free al men and women from drudgery would lift the heavy burdens-now resting-on millions of farmers ant housewives...
...Cincinnati, Ohio...
...There is not enough food...
...This Is a plain unadorned falsehood...
...the transit interests win...
...Curran said under oath, was donated through an organization known as the Independent Committee of Friends of Governor Alfred E. Smith, which is an official Queens Democratic campaign organisation...
...There is no essential difference between the Democratic plan advocated by Governor Smith, and the Republican proposals...
...New York Oitv...
...a "Finally may I ask why prohibition is a great moral issue on which church leaders may quasi officially give their support to a political party while they keep silence on imperialism, armament the coal tragedy, the power lobby and civil liberty...
...They are holding the fort on a long line in the textile industry...
...Instead of regulating the utility, companies in the interest of the public the commissions are regulating the public in the interest of the utility companies...
...W« Socialists have stated our wiltarnest to take the McNary Haugen IB or a revision of it as an emergency measure...
...We do not refer at this moment to Messrs...
...May I ask why prohibition - Is a great moral issue on which ?hurch leaders may quasi-officially give their support to a political party while they keep silence on imperialism, armament, the coal tragedy, the power lobby and civil liberty", Mr...
...The move folk wed » similar one by the recent annual Trade Union Congress at Swansea and showed « united labor-trade union front against the Communist wing I in the labor movement...
...G. Welby V»n Feet...
...over the country to pull them through" tor ar victorious settlement...
...neither » wvohrttoaary...
...Devere Allen, editor of "The World Tomorrow.'" will speak on "The Real Issues of the Campaign...
...Young is friendly to Governor Smith...
...There was sufficient strength to impeach Governor Sulzer but no great longing to take the opportunity to save water power fo^ the people...
...Standing in the waj of this great accomplishment an the powerful utility corporation...
...tS.OO Dr...
...f-JO Bornham P. Beck with...
...Mayor Daniel W. Hoan of MUwakuee win also be heard at a number of meetings...
...In his campaign Waldman will give some special attention to the evasive program of Governor Smith on the water power resources of the state...
...Regulation of public utilities has broken down...
...Young said: "It is for the state to choose between these two methods...
...Every day's experience convinces me that there is only one half-way hopeful road out of the mess, and that is the agreement of the parties to give legal efficacy to a national referendum on the subject...
...He proposes (1) contracts between the state and the private companies and (2) regulation by public service commissions...
...23, the Convention Hal),'Rochester, with Norman Thomas...
...Thomas, Hoan Dates In N. Y. Announced State Socialist Campaign Swings Into Action— Up-State Meetings Being Arranged rpHE campaign of the Socialist Party in the State of New York begins in earnest this week with the first list of meetings arranged for Louis Waldman, oandidate for Governor, and other candidates on the state ticket...
...With your help we cart continue this campaign which is reaching literally thousands of those who have never before heard of Socialism...
...He Is not only holding street meetings up state but biasing the way In a number of towns for meetings to be addressed by state candidates and rousing interest in party work and organisation...
...Walker wants to appear before the Supreme Court in behalf of the :ity in the seven-cent fare case, though it is a safe bet our Prince of Wise-cracksrs has 'never read through any brief » the question...
...New York City...
...In the afternoon of Oct...
...Wednesday, October 17, Seattle, Wash...
...Harry Kelly will speak on "Whj I Am An Anarchist," at a luncheon meeting at "The G^een Lai.tern," 25 west 24th street...
...Mayor Walker's impudent proposal to discriminate against churches which run forums or which discuss what he calls politics is worthy of bis record and typical of Tammany's dislike of certain types ct publicity...
...The McNary Haugen bffl won't do the farmers any good at iD unless by taking care of the surpba abroad it raises the price of food a home...
...Falfa, Colo............M A. B. «d«r»rAs, Graze, Okla......^---- S.00 Wa...
...Friends of Smith" Got $75,000 Thereupon the astute $1,000 a day Max D. Steuer, battling to keep Mr...
...Ontario began its work in 1907...
...New Bedford Union Spurn Cut in Wage Despite "Approaching Winter, Textile Strikers Refuse To Take 5% Slash (By A Mew Lease* Csi leasee)!eat) T*»TEW BEDFORD, Mass...
...There are arguments for the taxation of church property...
...St» can he afford to accept in aiH5""» support of the Democratic Pax* to T^'v^*7Z£Sm an itsgrees •Tit SSSm7 *and •tojttdob"w Mberal htoliin slai ezpeet to vote ta Tentta ssMjb Tssteie tut the Dsmooratk torty mm* Or ate dtogracefui fast that the Texas Omcjd Jmy and heal authorities have Is* a* lynchers who celebrated the epenine of On Houston convention by hangtag a Retro go ocenptetelj unpunishIt would appear rrom ms spetcow mo answer* to questions that Gov...
...Welby via p»iu.jaewa Park...
...The state power law enacted in 1921 was, as State Engineer Roy Finch states, patterned after the Federal Power laws...
...Right "* a socially minded commission ¦Waant, John Serata, of PhiladelWs...
...Young is as well satisfied with the Governor's plan as he is with his own...
...In the meanwhile it may be a pretty serious matter for Use of them...
...They have no coal and many of the children are without adequate clothing...
...Busrhloi, Versailles,' JmJ...
...Relief Is now the most vital problem of the struggle, more vital than during the summer when heat and clothing were not important essentials...
...This statement was made by the Governor in the New York Times of March 5, 1926...
...They may be bankrupt by the bounty of their crops...
...5.00 C. W. Brooaall, Washington...
...Lone, Massllon, Ohio...
...Yet in the world as a whole millions are hungry and some are starving...
...Jaeger has for many yean been a familiar figure as an open air speaker...
...and Shevlie Park...
...I n Governor Smith's own words: "When we speak about furnishing cheaper light, heat and power we mean that we will furnish it cheaper to the distribututing company than such company is now...
...I have no easy solution to offer to your problem...
...It's a great sensation to be earning your own living and to be able to do as you please with your wages.' To celebrate 1 am sending you a check for $25.00 of my first month's earnings ts aid in the present campaign...
...Connolly out of prison stripes and a jail ceU, got certain admissions from him, the most interesting of which was that much of that money was used in the primary campaign in the interest of Al Smith's pet, Jimmie Walker...
...H. Seamtn...
...The Socialist candidate has made an'exhaustive research into the Smith record and has unearthed some interesting facts which show the "progressive" Smith in a rather unfavourable light...
...In Smith's position any other *84 would have been folly, and Smith **° loot whether the bigots on both vill follow the counsel of their J**8*, to a matter that only tune can SB...
...The^ reverse is true about water power...
...There axe rumors that his death was even more shameful than that...
...B.00 Kurt H. Sell...
...Greenfield, Mass...
...On the St...
...1.00 M. Mardfin, New Llano, La...
...But more and more insstently the question arises: If the government should set up machinery to help the farmers market a surplus, why not machinery to market the whole crop...
...Morris Ernst of New York is to be congratulated on keeping up the fight and showing up this hypocrisy...
...1-M K. h. h...
...The Socialist Party looks to yon confident that you will understand the reasons for our appeal...
...O. C---- 10.00 John Kosin...
...Friday, October 12, Detroit, Mich...
...Why have these enormous natural resources been permitted to go to waste when in the cities and villages so much hard work could be lightened, so much more prosperity for all people spread around...
...What constitutes 'public Interest' in the eyes of the General Electric differs vastly, however, from the general conception of that term...
...Sunday, October 28, Chicago, m. Monday, October 29, St...
...Sunday, October 14, Milwaukee, Wis...
...J*» is much expert detail work to ¦ done in devising a suitable plan •* he is a public benefactor who •"tributes to it kr...
...S-00 D. M Els...
...By way of a through cultivation of the field the state campaign headquarters, in New York City has sent a letter to every enrolled Socialist voter in the state with a return card for use in stating what the voter can do in helping the campaign...
...The decision of the strikers was followed by a great mass meeting at which the result was widely cheered, thus showing a dogged determination that Is the most inspiring of any struggle in current labor history.The big problem now is that of winter relief which faces the heroic strikers and their families...
...Thry already control the city...
...Most emphatically I believe that the churches do well tn providing a forum for a discussion of Issues of social thies...
...Tuesday, Oct 16., Phtla...
...I am sympathetic with the difficult position of churches and their leaders who at one and the same time want to support the principle of separation of church and state and yet recognise that politics and life are so knit together that the church cannot deal with social i ethics without touching political issues...
...Thursday, Oct...
...Thursday, November 1, Reading, Pa...
...Powers Hapgood, militant young Harvard graduate, coat-miner and the husband of the Socialist candidate for Governor of Massachusetts made a fiery speech that brought prolonged applause...
...Smith Is not to speak in St...
...The big New York power merger, approved by Gov...
...After which Mr...
...Knowing that the record points an accusing finger at him and his party, the Governor explains his party's failure to act when it had political power by a typical Smith alibi...
...These public utilities maintain i powerful lobby in Albany...
...14, the Workmen's Educational Center, 78 Throop Ave., Brooklyn...
...Young is the directing genius, was one of the units of the Frontier Corporation which attempted to secure in 1926 the rights to exploit the St...
...JJ» Geo..."* Mrs...
...a-Oe Fred Klakle...
...3 la Albany...
...That looks to Socialists much ¦«t*r than merely to market surIssss with government help...
...Sunday, Oct...
...L. I---- s 25.00 L. Stark, BrooLlTn...
...Fraternally yours, "BURNHAM P. BECK WITH...
Vol. 7 • October 1928 • No. 42