Dickert, Father

Where Is Hell? By FATHER DICKERT rpHERE are many phases of life these days that are so degenerating, so miserably annoying, even heart-rending, that no conscientious person -can blame people...

...Of course, yon will run a fine chance of starving along with everybody else, bat what is that to you, Bticksites...
...And it must be true, for chemists are no longer regarded as "nothing but idle dreamers," as was Edward Bellamy when he predicted the coming of these scientific wonders a generation ago...
...As for us, we're perfectly willing to divide up our working time with the leisure classes, not to mention our unemployed brothers, and don't care who knows it...
...Cod bless her...
...Why Darrow thinks the politicians are fooling the farmer and not fooling him is a problem we refer to the experts- in psychic disorders...
...Reading the speeches of Hoover and Curtis, and studjjfauj^the campaign of Al Smith, and then compax^r"*P...
...No trade unions here, no strikes and no pickets can meet this backfire across our frontiers against labor organization...
...Let the skudos as* Let the scads and shekels to the Faithful shoatl Soak 'em with injunctions...
...The work of the administration covers most 22^~J^?Xporkin«T das* life bu* here w^s>»H ISllllfdTiN shelter far w^ta-cla* families is still a problem in the United States, the ricHest country in the world...
...Frey is Robert R. Kuzynski of the Institute of Economics...
...You cannot expect much from the exploiting interests in behalf of the producers and consumers only in-sofar as it effects the better Interests of the Profiteers...
...Labor power is much cheaper there and the laborers have little or no experience in labor organization...
...A great deal of both wheat and corn is being ooatmeiea* for now...
...say, it's already ahead of schedule and, if these chemists aren't hanged or something soon, this country is going to the dogs...
...He accepted the Chairmanship of the Labor Bureau of Connecticut to work among labor men in support of Smith...
...cut production costs to meet the lower price levels...
...The Empire Saved...
...Their LIFE IS HELL •' , It is really a hellish state of affairs when a person willing to work cannot get work, while some are even thrown in jail merely for being hungry and out of work...
...In New York Chy workingmen pay from $10 to $15 per room per month for shoddy housing which varies from the death-trap and disease-breeding shacks to the jerj^-built cheap structures that are useless within ten years...
...But, are not hospitals i mesahsj asked the secretary...
...Mencken and Nathan, the bad boy Agnostics of the American Mercury, register for Smith...
...The building of American plants in the more backward areas of the world where a much lower standard of labor prevails must inevitably undermine trade union organization in this country...
...B. H. Crocheron, University of California...
...said the secretary, "but I m> pose you will have some big expenaa," "Oh," said his friend, "my wife wills, to the hospital...
...He declares that only a small part of the capital invested will affect American labor and adds that in any event American workers should buy sliares in financial and industrial corporations in order to check any baleful results to American workers...
...OIL WARD, CALVIN'S SOLDIERS By Covington Hall (With apologies to Oscar Ameringer) It has been announced that the campaign song of the G. O. P. (Grand Oil Party) tcill be set lo the tune of "Onward, Christian Soldiers /" The following verses, .while there may be more truth than poetry in them, are offered just to help our Republican friends get it straight...
...For many years textile capital has been shifting from New England to the Southern states...
...Housing facilities are literally an abomination...
...p»*s*oEg,JBjB» ^ESvEtEEj E*JEEjT *SP •P^*^BBES ^E£y EjES VHHkjH||k* Silk Worms, Sodbusters, Worry and Politicians By Adam Coaldigger gILK from cornstalks Is the latest miracle promised by the chemists...
...It is the one spot in the world where the workers have had a clear majority since the end of the World War, a majority based upon democratic suffrage and where all parties present their claims for support...
...It's clear as nud and easy as falling off the water wagon...
...All of them were paid for their work and after the election nothing more was coming from the Hearst bar'l...
...The Chicago Board of Trade alone sells 30.000.000,000 bushels of wheat a year or twenty-five times the ends* crop of the United States, and by warn sates of paper grain it fixes the price for all the real grainFarmers must have an organisation treated by law that will bring all the fsrav ers Into the same Tine of action, sen* as the tariff law does for the manufacturers, the Federal Reserve Bank set does for the bankers and the Interstate Commerce law does for the railroads, s» the farmers can have something to say about their own business...
...This, it type...
...prominent Agnostic and pessimist, comes out for Smith because the latter is wet but tells farmers that they should expect nothing from either party...
...The families of workers are sacrificed here while in Vienna they live as civilized human beings...
...From this, the prices ran down %, S cents...
...That's not fair...
...You are used to it, aren't you...
...Make the Bonedrys happy...
...Ladies may get a asS and shampoo at a fashionable plage a*46 cents...
...Clarence Darrow...
...90-cent wheat brings stoat 46 a bushel in bread and so on throngs the list...
...nWjpe"- ate The New York World...
...A recasting of policies alone will meet the danger...
...for the more they have the more they want—and they mean to have it too...
...Kale, the Royal Master, leads against the foe...
...A New Name Goodwill will soon represent one-half of our (he meansf Piute's) national wealth of $400,000,000,000 (billions), If C. M. B»rron, editor of The Wall Street Journal, knows his arithmetic...
...Talk about "the coming revolution," why...
...Then the Socialist vote was included in this LaFollette vote and if Frank is right, Thomas and Maurer will get no votes at all...
...At the Sign of triumph, lo, the Red Hordes On with Sinclair's eagles, on to victory...
...isSiis^B^ pect a courageous economic statesman to stand...
...We shall not dignify this advice by any answer...
...What are you doing, or going to do about it...
...Nancy g> Scott, professor of modern European nkw tory at the Western State Teaches* beilege at Kalamazoo, Mich...
...And now just look at what we got for her curiosity...
...This is ^>ffset by men of the type of Hutchison of the Carpenters, I^ewis of the Miners and chiefs of the Railroad Brotherhoods who think that the party of Mellon and Butler and its boy Hoover are the real goods...
...Then there are the union leaders who conclude that since the Democratic party is being financed by anti-union millionaires their allegiance to it is the proj>er way to help trade unionism...
...Britain is up to the minute and getting uppitler every day in every way...
...The difference between Vienna and New York City is the difference between Socialist voters and Tammany voters...
...The capitalist seeks and always will seek the cheapest labor he can find...
...She told mi she pays 19 a month for her roam, set from 30 to 45 cents for a restaurant onv ner...
...Cheap production abroad is the heavy artillery of the American corporation which may level the walls of American trade unionism.* The capitalist ignores frontiers...
...Well, it's gone by a lot of names down history, "loot," "plunder," "tribute," "tariff," "chivalry," "tithe," "gouge," but none of them have beat "goodwill" for getting the goods...
...This beats the best we can do...
...There now, that's honest...
...He settles all doubt about the vote cast for LaFollette in 1924...
...We may add to this: dispatch that thousands of meml>ers of Berry's union charge that it has become such an oligarchy that it is impossible for a majority to have their will imposed...
...The Democratic party ought to do something about it...
...If there was a free open market for grain, based on the demand and supply of real grain, the fanners would ban little to complain of...
...Our whole lives might be a holiday it we were resolute to make all liber reasonable and pies rant.—Wa Morris...
...Durkee, the American Seaetarj el the Prague Y. M. c. A, told m gm story: One of his friends, a wage-worker, toal hlm his wife was soon to have a baby...
...Once Tammanyites and cartooning the late Charles F. Murphy of the Hall in prison stripes, they pay homage to Coolidge and his Heir Apparent, Hoover...
...Scientists asserts tharTtTe human brain is now subjected to a seyereTstrain by the complexities of civiliza- t tion and we do not wish to increase the strainCertainly the Psalmist did not have these gentlemen ill mind when he declared that "righteousness and peace have kissed each other...
...As Senators Srookhart and Nye say...
...Trust the people—the wise and the ignorant, the good and the bad—with the gravest questions, and in the end yon educate the race...
...In the July American Federationist he drew attention to one phase of American loans abroad...
...expand markets by seeking new customers or Increase use of old customers...
...One may get a single nan at an excellent hotel for SS cents a day...
...It is the veriest piffle...
...It is so, as I say...
...This big farm loss is absorbed, sneh of It in various ways by the "big interests" that control both political paruet, by the spread of about 300 per seat between what the producer gets and what the consumer pays...
...Hp heaves it all into the Smith camp and says that it amounts to 5,000,000 votes...
...There now, you hayseeds, that ought to xrive the problem for you...
...Befriending Sodbuslera The National Groin Journal, official organ of the "Pit" farmers and grain speculators, speaking on "the effect of the presidential election upon the gram trade," to wit, verbatim, except (?) mark: "But aside from the regrettable class (?) prejudice introduced by the religious luesUon it is our opinion that Hoover is ihe safer candidate of the two as we know he helped President Coolidge veto .he McNary-Haugen bill both times...
...The workers pay from $8 to $13 more per room for the abominations which they call "homes...
...It announces that John J. Egan, a registered Republican and Secretary of the Connecticut Federation of Labor, has declared for Governor Smith...
...Or will you throw-out the LIFE LINE and tow him into the harbor, with a SOCIALIST BALLOT IN HIS HAND When we see the shameful forte nee ami wed in all quarters of the glebe, are we not impelled to exclaim that Jadas's thirty pieces of silver have been fructified across the centuries?—Madame Smetchine...
...Ah, well, I tried to keep Eve from eating that apple, but she wouldn't listen to me...
...On a basis of a $2,500,000,040 beam corn crop for this year, the fanned it they sold now, would have a lost of 30 cento a bushel or 6750.000.000, and If the wheat crop of about 800,000,008 bushes was all sold now it would result k* a law of 4530,000.000...
...Meeting of Great Minds JN the year when the ruling capitalists*and bankers establish their complete ownership of the Democratic ami Republican jKirties and the presidential candidates lunacy seems to run amuck...
...He cares . nothing for the flag under which his profits are produced...
...Solving a Problem "What is my plan for curing rural ills...
...Is Interesting...
...bled, and WE MEAN TO NORSK IT...
...The book is a translation from the German of Robert Dannenberg and it is simply amazing, this story of what workingmen have been able to accomplish in a great city stricken with famine and disease at the close of the war and constantly menaced by Fascist and militarist cliques since that period...
...Both Boos* and Smith are opposed to the McWarr" Haugen bill, so how can either of than expect any support from farmers...
...all for Big Biz we— Raw...
...What be won't do for them won't be worth mentioning...
...And so," said the secretary to m. "how can you wonder that i B not the BUG-BEAR to these people that it is to people in the United States...
...Of course, there were not that many votes cast for LaFollette but Frank is a "liberal" and he wants to be liberal in estimating this vote...
...That is what I paid three yean am when here...
...Raskob is pleased that Mr...
...A Farmer's Viewpoint The following letter which apptani in the New York Tunes presents the economic tragedy of agriculture and the unwillingness of the parties of **rlt*lt*in to deal wlt]j the situation...
...Men are educated and the State is uplifted by allowing all —every one—to broach all their mistakes and advocate all their errors.—-Wendell Phillips Socialism No Bug-Bear Abroad By Chester C Piatt :I> Prague is world-renowned for ft* am, ssasasnoa in music...
...Charles H. Van...
...for Herbert H. Efficaeoceel Magnates, lift tout voices, make the morsjs* "Glory to as*——^ Lord and Boss and Kiny*^ L^th^Bfa-dpoy yowl it, thru the welkin "jj...
...We cannot pursue the subject farther...
...Eleven-cent hop make 50-cent bacon, 9-cent cattle make 40-cent beef...
...Crashing the gates of knowledge is all right, but committing hari-kari on King Cotton and a lot of poor, innocent, hardworking peons and silk worms, is something else again...
...American capital is being exported in increasing volume each year for building industries abroad where labor and materials are cheaper...
...Worrying About Us The 'leisure classes are everlastingly worrying about what we low-down classes are going to do with our spare time when we get the six-hour day...
...That, plus lower price (wage) levels, plus a tariff (on world commodities), plus "dumping" on other farmers (if they'll let you), plus making everybody eat twice as much as their tummies can hold—that ought to get you the goods...
...Hoover always was, is, and ever will be a friend of the «xlbusters...
...Raskob will take care of the financial expenses, including salaries, of the Connecticut Labor Bureau...
...Talk about our having anything on the "mother country" when it comes to solving serious problems—forget it...
...The bureaus were scrapped arid that was the last heard of them...
...Backfire Against Unionism JOHN P. FREY is one of the very few men in the American Federation of Labor with a long range view...
...queries Prof...
...Senator . Norris and Senator . Wheeler have aU made the inquiry...
...If they didn't jxpect any one outside of "the trade" to oick it up and pass it on...
...Let the Bankers know We are not divided...
...Collecting profits on two hundred billion dollars worth of nothing, no "trustees" In history can beat that...
...No, that's taken care of, too, by s passion, for six weeks before the baby a born, and six weeks afterwards...
...But Chicago oakes the price on grain for the whole world, and through a gambling system of "futures" big buyers manipulate the market and depress prices by a flood of paper grain...
...Socialism fat a philosophy of the wash of life, with Ha economic thought ass Base, which, once aiulisslesi ***""*, a flood at light on all the motmas at education, sanitation, music, art, amratare, ethics, tow theology, er sesawa...
...Readers can draw their own conclusions...
...Will you do your part— do something, or will you allow your neighbor to drift down stream with the usual flow of mud and slime...
...Well, if we can't put it to any better use than our leisure classes put theirs, the sooner we work ourselves to death the better it will be for everybody...
...Being a farmer and thus interested at the farm question, I wish to Invite your attention to the following: Wheat growers are now getting 90 cents to $1 a bathel for wheat, while the average cost far growing is about 41.65 per bushel, meal on the average yield of thirteen boshes an acre...
...The Miracle of Vienna •ptlE Britjsh i^abor party has done a big service by publishing a small book on what has been accomplished in Vienna by workers who control that city...
...A good seat Is 13 cents, kfoiBu oast 10 cents...
...J Among those who have tried to reassure Mr...
...He overlooked these questions in his speech of acceptance, but he will yet have to speak out on them...
...New corn for later delivery a now selling at 57 to 60 cents a Burial while the average cost of growing h abas 90 cents, since the average yield far the whole country is about 36 bushes * acre...
...Therefore, the only possible relief for the exploited workers, and the starving thousands who cant get work is a BIG SOCIALIST VOTE And it is up to us—ALL OF US— you too, to get out this vote, and to let the people know, and fully understand, what is really before them, that they may vote right, vote with knowledge and Intelligence...
...But that lb not the only or most interesting fact la this promise of the chemists, latere are others...
...Also where does The World's candidate, Alfred Emmanuel Smith, "stand on the whole question...
...We can accomplish as much in every city of this country but it cannot be done through parties managed by the Mellons, Butlers, Raskobs and Lehmans...
...She'll ¦ be lovelier and more charming than ever, | and she's enough of that as she is...
...Married women could then properly look after their homes and children, and life tfould be made worthwhile...
...It aught not to be allowed...
...in the city proper and in the suburbs of Vienna within ten years houses and apartments have been built by the city which are superior in design and comfort to the homes occupied by men with professional incomes in this country...
...We may add another danger...
...The Republicans in 1901 charged Hearst with inspiring Czolgosz to assassinate President McKinlcy but the Republican National Committee this year is sending Brisbane Hoover Dope to the press for republication...
...It is hardly necessary to say that Frank is a "progressive...
...No, no, medical attendance, sod a doctor of our own choice, is FREE," ¦ "Splendid 1 So all you will be out *tD be the loss of your wife's help at hone...
...We merely add that in 1908, when William Randolph Hearst ran his personal candidate, Thomas Hisgen, for President, he organized similar bureaus in each state with a labor leader at its head...
...Southern cities are also frightful on this score...
...His appointment wa9 made after meeting George L. Berry, National Chairman of the Labor Bureau, who recommended Egan to John J. Raskob, Democratic National Chairman...
...The Empire Is saved, at last, glory hallelujah...
...Oh, no, for workmen in my claaaV caUon they are free...
...Harding, HI., Sept...
...Berry is President of the Printing Pressmen...
...Up and at the fael From the little Green House let the virtue flow...
...H. Oil ward Calvin's Dough Boys, mooching as in w» With the cro$» of Croesus going on before...
...Since the rise of the Raskobs and their ilk in the Democratic camp Malone thinks that it is sufficiently purified to warrant his support...
...In fact, the votes of the Socialist candidates will go to Smith if.Frank is correct f We pass on to Dudley Field Malone, FarmerLabor party man of a few ye^fs ago, who was certain that the two capitalislparties were hopeless...
...He declared that overseas industries financed by American capital will so compete with American plants that the number of the unemployed in this country will increase...
...8, 1934...
...All of them arc'"thinkers" in their special lines, some of them "leaders of opinion...
...All you gotta do to become plutes is to keep on cutting down acreage until there will be so little production the human race will have to pay you your price or starve to death...
...But you will have a doctors MB n pay, of course...
...Everybody in it will be wearing silk j and that, as all fundamentalists know, | means rum, especially to woman...
...Sure you are...
...What, for instance, Is going to become of "King Cotton," his plantations and peons, not to mention the silk Mandarins and their worms, when common, ordinary cornstalks c^n be churned into silk...
...And ¦ where does he stand on Roy West, on Muscle Shoals, on Boulder Dam, on the proper support of the Federal Water Commission...
...The beet seats at the opera oast the equivalent of T» easts...
...And if we nurse the baby the pension It dog...
...He declares that the farmer is fooling himself if he falls for either party bunk, yet Darrow does not understand that this logic regarding agriculture must apply to John Barley- : corn...
...J. D. COUalAH...
...By this time we are getting along swimmingly with our leading thinkers and we are prepared for the stunt of Frank Walsh of Kansas City...
...Never in political history have there been such queer shifts, alliances, labels and reasons...
...I met a lady from the steak who is living here, doing 1—1 riihmj work at the University (Dr...
...He will seek it in his native land and across its frontiers...
...American capital is also building a variety of industrial plants in the Latin-American countries and China is a rich field of American invesl> ' ment...
...so long as they can hold THE REIGNS OF GOVERNMENT...
...Berry as go-between is also congratulated by the General Motors chief for having no silly prejudices against open shop policies...
...It is the difference between intelligent trade unionism in politics and the trade unionism annexed by the Raskobs and Olvanys...
...Still, by putting the right men In office everybody could have work, none would need to overwork...
...Egan is willing to accept Raskob's approval despite the fact that General Motors has not been a corporation favorable to trade unionism...
...City apartments with all modern conveniences, with gardens and fountains, and with light and air from two sides, are available for workingmen and their families...
...Hearst and Brisbane appear on the scene...
...Well, where...
...This is true not only of New York City and the other large cities but it is true of the lesser cities in all of the industrial cities of the North...
...In Vienna the workingtnan pays an average of $2 per room per month for the most sanitary and comfortable accommodations that experts in housing and hygiene can devise...
...Home Secretary Sir William Jix-Hicks ! has suddenly issued an order that here! after the "London police—for purposes of j identification—of the pups, not the peel' ers—must henceforth measure the tails of all stray dogs they encounter...
...Just what the trade unions got out of this no man knoweth, but another bar'l is flowing and the beverage is fine...
...The Flowing Bar'l DISPATCH last week to the New Work provides a theme for a sermon...
...This Earth, this Life is here and now could he a ' paradise—a Heaven on Earth through proper adjustment jf Labor, Commerce and Government, rhere must be a change in the manner of the Ruling Powers, by changing the texture of the Officials of Our Government...
...So should the worker...
...By FATHER DICKERT rpHERE are many phases of life these days that are so degenerating, so miserably annoying, even heart-rending, that no conscientious person -can blame people for cryingout in distress...
...With Raskob and General Electric, or with Roy West and Insull...
...Over freedom's altars, over sacred sod, Loose the Little Satchel...
...His hope lies in close affiliation with international trade unionism of industry as industry, not by grades of skill in each plant...
...This is the penalty which they pay for Tammany rule with its^ contracting, realtor and corporation allies...
...While Mencken announces his choice he at the same time declares that, men like Smith who cling to religion must "have a screw loose somewhere," but in the last analysis he prefers Smith to the Methodist "bounders...
...Briefly this: Decrease production by reducing acreage ; reduce foreign competition by tariff...
...Compare this with New York City...
...The above digest of the dispatch is colorless but it could also be explained as follows and be in accord with the facts: "Mr...

Vol. 7 • September 1928 • No. 40

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