A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES POOR, LONELY MR. MARKLE ufrgLL, boys and girls, a lot of you may be looking W for new flats, or apartments If you'd rather, these jm. So I think you'll be...

...He writes that the N. L. has the goods on the would-be office boys of the capitalist class...
...i Leonard Kaye Is down in the State that made evolution famous...
...When be has something to say, he says it, and to the point...
...And wise beyond her learning...
...What joy or sadness Romance Cooks up for us below...
...And the winds above, made a song of love Bowed from a thousand strings...
...He ought to know most everybody in the country who can blow in a million bucks on a.forty-one room apartment...
...of any circle in the League...
...For while I sing of marriage, And wish the lovers well, Which one was the real hero The years alone will tell...
...It may be a tough winter for John as he will have to stagger along with only eighteen servants...
...News in general was handled from the '^"TlTCr*"* of men and women who, while they are workers, also happen to be human beings t Those first few weeks at "Leader's" hectic existence were happy ones for Thomas...
...With these bjeastngs, I leave yon to year •ova...
...And then in 1922, while still retaining on official connection with "The Nation" to which at present he is one of the contributing editors, he gave himself wholly to the League work, acting as Director with Harry Laidler...
...A description of a typical Thomas week, would take you from the attendance at three or four meetings, conferences with labor leaders, addresses to strikers in sweating halls on the East Side, to the writing of economic pamphlets and quiet talks with classes in sociology on some remote campus...
...William H. Henry, National Secretary, and many others...
...One of the speakers at that dinner was a newcomer—Norman Thomas and after the enthusiasts were done, he arose with a shrewd analysis of conditions in America...
...And in every newspaper office in town that fact Is appreciated...
...Except of course among the rich...
...Editor's Note: This article Is a timely reprint from he Bronx Bulletin of Oct...
...It was decided to enlarge the functions of "The Call," to make it a paper that would appeal to the interests of the New York ifbrkers outside of the field of Socialist activities, and Norman Thomas was selected by representatives of the more progressive unions for this man-sized job...
...The other officers are: Educational Director, Abe Kaufman...
...At this time, your aid is needed in getting eat the mailing- far lbs pdNew York Yipsel Activities Brooklyn Circle Thirteen, Seniors, has recelvec a letter from both the Executive and Central Committees commending it for thi services it rendered In making the Yipsfe dance a huge success...
...that weekly journal in which truth shines candle-like in the darkness of a world given over to the rapacity of innumerable greedy Interests...
...For one who had no official connection with the organized labor movement, be performed as organizer, collector of relief funds, tactician, publicist and all-around handy man, with an energy and proficiency which won him the respect of the veterans in the movement, many of whom were, and still are, violently antipathetic to Thomas' economics...
...And none could have suspected The ending that befell...
...It has pledged, its aid to the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters...
...columnists, Herbert Gaston, now on the staff of "The New York World," Paul 8 if ton, playwright and crack reporter, fresh from covering the Herrin riot for the United Press, Edward LeVinson, now the capable assistant editor of "The New Leader," Joseph Fliessler, who since then has done so much to make motion pictures bearable, Edmund Duffy, whose cartoons for "The Baltimore Sun" are reproduced the country over, "Bill" Feigenbaum, encyclopedia of Socialism, that gentle soul and interpreter of labor's aspirations, Ryan Walker—these and others of high standing in the newspaper world came together at Thomas' call to do something which no one had been able to accomplish in New York—namely the publication of a paper which would serve the interests of the city's three hundred thousand organized workers...
...Harry W. Clifford, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. L • • • M. S. Euclid, Ontario, CaL, sends In 2 subs...
...In between times you would throw In a stream of visitors, from some lone-wolf radical from the farm belt, anxious to tell Thomas all about his panacea for agriculture, to a copy-hunting reporter, sure to obtain a human-interest interview with a man who has the respect and in many cases the fervid admiration, of almost every New York newspaper man...
...Crickets were not cricking...
...At any rate, Herbert said in a speech that he worked with his hands, and certainly he hasn't done much work with his head in this campaign...
...Of course there is little to be said against these three magazines or many of the people who read them...
...The dally "New York Leader" which the staff turned out set up standards of journalism for future generations of labor reporters to shoot at...
...Withf the "American Plan" tof the open-shoppers, Dawes' Minute Men...
...In reality, the* are likely to be ordinary boobs, just as shallow and apish . as Babbit himself...
...That means it has stairs in it that you go up to the flat above...
...Without friends or money, many jobless, they are serving long terms, although presumed, according to legal rules, to be Innocent These untried prisoners are usually homeless men, migratory workers picked up by the police on suspicion because they are not well dressed...
...Thomas providing the emotional fire to Laidler's intellectual fuel...
...This new flat of John's is called a duplex...
...j> the whole...
...L«ng live The New Leader...
...To the bewild' erment of many old-time labor editors, it did not confine itself to detailed accounts of local union meetings, adulations fit officials, or lengthy treatises on teade-finlon policies...
...However, he captured three 1 last week who want the N. L. • * » * One of the modest young Socialists in the 18th A. D., Brooklyn, rounds up 1 subs...
...Or perhaps they could double up with some of the ?&nteen servants...
...No better circumstance or auspices could befall any newly married SoolalsjjV coupie...
...He knows further what )s and what isn't news, and no windy and undocumented denunciation of the status quo emerges from his office...
...Thi Friday evening...
...of course, that there is all sorts of back-biting, bitterness, and general hell to be observed in most city rooms...
...And to J^Binart" in "The New Yorker" sense, you've got to be exclusive, socially, I mean...
...Detectives work assiduously to hook them up with long lists of unexplained thefts...
...So for your honeymoon, young comrades, let ma suggest that you go out on the stump for Norman Thomas, Jim Maurer and the Socialist program...
...It went straight to the homes of the workers with sports stories on the front page...
...The moon, she too, shone giddy - And made bewitchment sure...
...Markle being lonely, all by himself in those forty-one rooms and We have a humble suggestion to make to John...
...It was about this time that there was formed a team famous in radical circles in America—the team of Thomas and Laidler...
...O. Carlson, Olean, N. Y...
...Reading The Constitution By Candle-Light Over in Passaic the strikers of the Amalgamated Textile Workers were barred from halls and forbidden to hold meetings...
...And every heart beat . . . laughter Echoing through the hills...
...Circle Nine Is attempting to procure new headquarter for itself...
...All they oad understood was that the American wage earner P»ys more for his food and clothes than any other **ge earner in the world...
...Beginning with Sept...
...Socialist Leagwa, SI Essex Street, Boston, Mass...
...His job was engineering, About the busy camp...
...Markie's It...
...Instead of holding < meeting, the members of the circle Jour neyed into the Bronx to attend a part: given them by Irving Newman at 13* Fulton avenue...
...The League in Its Tag Days 'collected $600 for the New Bedford strikers...
...A cricket was a cricket, A bird to him...
...nearly, is right...
...People who are really numskulls foist these periodicals upon you to create the impression that they are Intellectuals, Menckenltes, and really quite superior to the rabble...
...He might even find that his butler, Merlemont, was a Smith man too, and that might break the ice and the two, master and man, could sit before the 350th fireplace toasting their shins together in true democratic fashion...
...a bird...
...John ¦ay...
...This Friday night Seymour Goodman will deliver a talk on "The Concentration of Wealth...
...In matters of the heart...
...meetings all summer...
...WISCONSIN KNOWS HOW Al Benson, secretary of the Socialist Party of Wisconsin, sends in (103 to pay for subs sent to that state...
...Another bundle order goes on the Tennessee trail that Is being blazed by Leonard Kaye...
...As a matter of fact, J"* a fire-place would look like a mansion to some of them...
...However, the biggest bores are the ones who are usually unaffiliated with any radical group, or, if connected with some thing, Inactive and Indifferent...
...They went on strike for decent wages and living conditions not resating the wonderful "equality of opportunity" that JUs country affords every honest worker or how glorious it is to live under a capitalist system such as America's instead of under some seditious Socialist commonwealth such as they have abroad...
...I &»'t know exactly what they would do to pass j~* time away, as a lot of these ignorant coal-diggers hi*0 read- And about the last thing they could find 1060 Fifth Avenue would be a book...
...When you see them together, Thomas striding across a college campus or into a labor meeting, with Harry trotting along beside him, the physical contrast is amusing...
...Sidney Rothen-berg U leaving to attend the drama course offered by the University of Nort'* Carolina With Its large membership, it expects tc again have the most interesting meeting...
...ycrklefUa Is about the only way youTI get to meet John, ft I doubt if you will bump into him in any of the jircles through which you swing...
...You bet he did, good, old Herbert— always the friend of those who like him, work with their llano's...
...hTlley Were pretty dumt> people and they hadn't heard that "The • American wage-earner gets higher wages Joan any other wage earner in the world...
...It must be that John Is a bit retiring...
...But there Is a tendency among wishy-washy radicals to use them as ornaments and as substitutes for original thinking...
...Thus my friends, ends the saga of David the son of Upton and how he took unto himself Bettina, daughter of David Mikol for queen and wife...
...J1*1 J'm sure that when Merlemont shows him «¦» column of The New Leader hell snap at the «"*Dce to show how really progressive he is...
...He gathered together a staff which in the opinion of many old newspaper men had not been equalled since the days of the old "New York Sun...
...One sub or more weekly until that time will show results in the socialist Party column...
...Dormant circles are beginning to awaken, and activities In every part of the city are on the Increase: ——— - * Beaut's Note: Will secretaries of cirrieyad federations outside of New York A Sub Week From Boosters Save yourself annoyance and disappointment by renewing the expiration of your sub...
...Circle Six has been holding meetings at fairly regular Intervals an summer...
...He fussed with one lung engines, And planned a dynamo...
...Let it be said here and now, and very loudly and clearly that in spite of the fact that it's a rare week indeed when Thomas' name does not appear in the headlines, he has never been bitten by any insidious publicity bug...
...They publish their intentions Right from the very start But ah.' among us mortals...
...e . If a tiny fraction of those who ate Interested in an independent press, could be reached by New Leader sob boosters, our circulation would multiply many times...
...He toiled the length of summer, Prosaically well...
...Realizing all to well the weakness of the labor and radical press, Thomas knows that until something better comes along, there is nothing for it but the old-line papers...
...the rare Bettina Was strong of heart and ear...
...Ill Forgotten was the engine, , The dynamo delayed . . . The stars at night gave all the light Desired by swain and maid...
...At any rite, living with eighteen other people in the same apartment doesn't strike ui as being exactly "alone...
...The singles come trailing along from E. Tobey, Kamet, CaL...
...State and National offices...
...t~Jnain "se for newspapers and other reading mat's* down there is stuffing the cracks in the walls to •**P out the freezing wind...
...But we started off to worry about Mr...
...There's a lot of time between now and election and Al's John, John Raskob, ought to be pretty thick with Markle...
...It has raised funds for the present campaign...
...31, 1927...
...a temporary summer circle, has disband' ed for the winter...
...Untried Men Kept Months in Prison & - While Mrs...
...And now the twain are married . . . And may their joy endure...
...For a year he worked at his desk in Vesey Street...
...He scores 3. • • * From Milan, Mo., R. Dellomsos sends in 2. • • • Seven more weeks until election...
...To be sure, they haven't done right by John Markle •sd John Raskob and Herbert Hoover...
...Chirps and whirring wings...
...Nor on the other hand, is he one who professes to shun publicity, for to he subscribes to a halfdozen press clipping bureaus...
...Heber Blankenhorn, himself trained in the "Sun" tradition of accuracy tinged with-a mellow humor, Evans Clark, who later on was to write the leading editorials on labor matters for "The New York Times," Howard Brubaker, that most brilliant of...
...To feed each trembling lamp...
...We do not see nor know...
...n The gods alone are foolish...
...thesis, which was later made into a book, on the theme of "Boycotts and the Labor Struggle," a work which set a standard in the field of labor economics...
...Carl Schmidt, Syracuse...
...Junior League The Juniors in Brooklyn have been very active during the summer...
...In both of these precursors to the great Passaic strike in 1926, Norman was decidedly active...
...Most of its member have secured transfers to either Clrcli Two or Eight, Manhattan...
...She heard his strong voice booming, But missed the pungent words . .. . . And when our David looked again, Birds were no longer birds...
...Always circumspective, And logically sound...
...The Leader crowd, however, were one in their love for Thomas, and in the short while they were on the Job, they turned out a sheet that threatened to raise hob with every newspaper tradition in New York...
...And they have money enough to afford anything...
...Well, anyhow, it seems, according to this magazine niece that^ Johnny has a forty-one .room apartment at Jo6 Fifth Avenue that set him back only three hunjucl and seventy-five thousand dollars...
...And It covered the largest murders, not as fully and gruesomely perhaps as the other papers, but at any rate It treated crime as something - significant In the social scheme...
...j Five dollars for subs and best wishes ! for the N. L. and those who "are fighting to make it a success," from C. T. Stoney, Salt Lake City...
...McaLkTER DBUCKts: _ "This Is Norman Thomas" 6—Thomas And Laidler Team By W. E. Woodward Author of "George Washington, The Man and The Image,** "Bunk," "Lottery," and "Bread and Circusses...
...But it had paid the price hi the loss of advertisers, and the falling away of more faint-hearted of its subscribers...
...Markle out we just have a hunch that one or two of these Annies who haven't seen a regular bed since God knows when, might somehow be parked for the win.er ? °fe of those forty-one rooms...
...Another comrade who Is going after subs in an intensive way, is IS, Walker of Anderson, Ind...
...He planned a way for super power...
...William Matthews, Rockaway, N. J...
...Didn't the Democratic publicity, crowd put your name along with Frank Walsh and Fred Howe as belonging to that Progressive group which is supporting Smith...
...He says that's just a beginning...
...We nearly missed Alfred Baker Lewis this week...
...Many of those held are charged with larceny, the offense for which Mrs...
...The gtory says that he "lives alone with his servants...
...Maldng both ends meet occupies enough of our day thinking and night worrying, to keep us mentally monogamistic...
...Knapp Is surrounded by conveniences and lives In a special room in her jail, but prison authorities say the Tombs is one of the four worst jails in the country...
...Members of Liberal clubs anc "Thomas-for-Presldent" clubs to th< nearby high schools will be invited U Join the circle...
...But their alleged thefts are in petty amounts...
...And so they struck...
...For when Bettina first appeared, She smiled with no intent...
...The prospect tor a sub who wants to "think about it" will make up his mind quickly if the booster has sub cards right on the spot • • • HERE'S HOW COMRADE CASPAR HAS PLACED THE N. L. ON A HALF DOZEN STANDS IN ROCHESTER...
...The wandering members of Circle Two Seniors, are returning to the fold, with one exception...
...But in addition to this mite there are alterations, * decorations and so forth that will tote up to a million dollars...
...A campaign committee has been elected to co-operate with the Harlem Branch of the party...
...There were more complicating circumstances than merely these narrated within the poem, but these wars trivial indeed against the fine spice of romance, that now immortalizes the Pioneer Youth Camp...
...NEW I.JAOEB, readers w^tomfr THE CHATTER BOX rpHE Saga of David Sinclair, son of Upton Sinclair is to be told here, with especial regard for the incident on how he took-unto himself that fair Bettina Mikol for his wife: * 1 Hear then ye thanes of Gotham, And all ye thralls afar...
...And now there came to Join him, on this collective adventure, the towering Thomas, to whose elbow Harry's head scarcely reaches...
...The superficial and overenthusiastic optimist is another...
...True, they did not have any of the ancient trimmings: the engagement ring, the pre-nuptlal announcement the parents offering their offspring, the automobile parade to church or synagogue, the grandfeast and the silly Innuendoes after the meats and wine...
...That is the great beauty of our system of what Hoover calls "equal opportunity...
...At Its next meeting It will finish the study of Norman Thomas' "What Is Industrial Democracy...
...There is a great deal of unqualified bunk about the supposedly "happy families" in newspaper offices...
...And words poured out and rippled In cataracting thrills...
...Is getting along nicely...
...Like the rest of the staff, he got down to the office on Fourth Avenue right after breakfast, and worked until the following dawn...
...I think the miners could somehow ¦"jjsge to pass the time profitably in Mr...
...The chronic pessimist Is one ol them...
...Manhattan Circle Eight has been holding outdoo...
...Next door, in Paterson, the silk workers were striking, under the leadership of Evan Thomas, Norman's brother, who had come out of Jail, and through all the tortures that a "liberal government" could devise for the breaking of the spirit of the conscientious objector...
...You never talk to servants on Fifth Avenue, just motion at them for champagne or a yacht or whatever you-may be out of at the moment...
...We know that good, old American thrift and turning up at the office promptly at nine o'clock every morning will get the humblest coal operator anywhere he wants...
...the professional patriotic organizations, chambers of commerce, the Klan and the American Legion, all combined to restore normalcy to America and busting the unions wide open, the harrassed workers tightened their belts and started a series of strikes in retaliation...
...then there isn't much in the way of what we J™0 read "The New Yorker" call "divertissement" in a ?™ shack on the hilla of northern West Virginia...
...They called on the Civil Liberties Union for help, and by candle light a few intrepid souls read aloud the Bill of Rights of the Federal Constitution, and that part of New Jersey's constitution which upholds the principle of free speech...
...And so It was with David, So scientific-bent...
...May we suggest that a good way to avoid being catalogued as a pest under one of the above varieties is to get busy and aid the party In the coming election...
...And for your wedding present, let us hope, yon will have tne joy of seeing an overwhelming vote for the Party from all parts of the nation...
...As a rule they may be seen flaunting a copy of the Nation In one hand, prominently displaying the green cover of the American Mercury in the other, and reinforcing themselves with the New Republic...
...They not only participated In the Tag Days held In New York, but also in those held in Paterson and Passaic...
...While all the time unconscious Romance simmered on below...
...And here within my telling I sow a dubious seed...
...It was just hard plugging slang and steady devotion to duty that got John into that duplex and don't think for a moment that we Socialists think otherwise...
...Statements from Thomas get printed...
...Newspaper families get along about as well as families anywhere, which is to say...
...rrnioSE in charge of the publicity -*- for forums, lecture courses...
...We happen to know that there are several thou•sn coal-miners who are sitting up nights right now and doing a bit of wondering...
...Tulle Bothmar and Henry Sapkowitz, treasurer anc chairman of the committee in charge ol the affair, have been voted gifts for then services as a mark of appreciation frozr the City League...
...She heard . . yet did not hear...
...Treasurer, Winston Dancis: Secretary, Mar1 guerlta Rublnow...
...IT WAS some time in 1918, when political and social systems seemed falling' overnight, that the League which iad grown mightily by this time, held a dinner to celebrate the sweep of revolutionary forces abroad...
...And he smiled back quite gravely, And turned the engine crank...
...It has been aiding the Party at the various local...
...And the height of all Indulgence, A metaphoric word...
...Published Every Week By The New Leader for*the Young Peoples Socialist League THE PESTS By SIDNEY HERTZBERG THE socialist and labor movement is blighted by a large variety of pests...
...Knapp was sent up...
...In commenting on the varied activities of the League during the past summer, presumably a dead season, the Executive Secretary predicts even greater activity for the winter...
...He was still editing "The World Tomorrow" then, and In 1921 he took on another journalistic Job, that of Associate Editor of Oswald Garrison Villard's "The Nation...
...Then John wouldn't have to see ae,n any more than he does most of the servants...
...Bronx Activities Circle One has also been active in the campaign preliminaries...
...He passed his bar examination, but found nothing in the law to feed his interest in the rebellious labor movement He went over heart and soul to the Intercollegiate Socialist Society, edited their little magazine, "The Intercollegiate Socialist" which won a unique place in the radical literature of 1913-1919, and spoke wherever there was a breach in academic walls, or an audience of undergraduates, no matter how small, to give him ear...
...Organization Education Solidarity FREE JACK WASSERMAN YOUTH EDITOR Young People...
...It Is decidedly a good idea to have definite though not unchangeable ideas about things, and to be actively concerned in putting them across...
...But mentally they are a hand-in-glove affair...
...For David born of Upton, Had both feet on the ground...
...Now, of course, we don't want to crowd Mr...
...As a Matter of fact, I met Johnny only in print, in BiagVine called "The New Yorker," which is supgosed to be read fay smart people exclusively...
...After graduating from Wesleyan, he came down from New York, and wrote his Ph.D...
...He writes from Knoxvlllo that he Is continuing to pick them off and the way he sends hi the subs, proves It...
...At Its last meeting It elected its officers for the next six months...
...schools, dramatic groups and eoncerts, will find THE NEW LEADER the best possible advertising medium...
...Lillian Kaplan is in charge of it...
...But that's_nofreason why the Al Smith "progressives" shouldriT go after John and try to get him to go' Democratic...
...How David came to Pioneer Youth, And unborn Lochinvar...
...The N. L. is refreshing and exceedingly interesting as compared to the Papers of the kept press...
...Sometimes on the long trek to the bath-room past Walls described as "panelled in imported antique oak, pute and other woods" or being carried by twelve of the servants up "the great, commanding stair-case of wrought iron and bronze," John could hum to himself "The Sidewalks of New York" and smile at his reflection in one of the 638 mirrors wearing a brown derby...
...Although uninvited, thi Editor got his snare of the "eats...
...is the Message with a 'renewal from D. L. Wright, Canton, Ohio...
...and some more Blankety . . . blank . . But ah...
...Then what a satisfaction it would be to Johnny Markle to sit in his thirty-ninth room and say to himself, "Well, old man, whatever else you may be, you are a Progressive...
...Is on the trail for sube...
...And then most of our marital sins are mental anyway...
...I figure that John must be for Hoover because Hoover has always been for John and the other coal operators...
...And ™st's where they made their big mistake as Markle jW Mellon and Hoover and the rest pointed out to ¦nem with injunctions and evictions and State police...
...It proves, too that our radical and S"milTig young ones are powai less before the same urge and emotions that scoped end ensnared us old lads within the fine net of natural purposes...
...The New York Call," under the leadership of the militant Charles W. Ervin, had made a gallant fight for Socialism and the progressive labor movement through the black days of reaction...
...They have been doing the Jlmmle Hlgglns work for the party and the league...
...Florence E. 8. Knapp is finishing her 30-day sentence for robbing the state of nearly $30,000 while Republican State Secretary, a score of men have been lying in Tombs Prison from four to ten months awaiting trial on charges of which they may be acquitted...
...The principa speaker has been Ben Goodman...
...The nuisance who comes around after the excitement and harangues everyone in the vicinity on the subject of why something or other did not come out as it should have and then puts his hands in his pockets and disappears until something else happens that does not meet with his approval, is all too familiar...
...Circle One, Coney Island, being onl...
...But then I forget...
...And you, great thanes of Gotham, And you poor thralls afar, Know what potent magic Is lodged within each star...
...S. L. Mohler, of Lancaster, Pa., saw a few copies of the paper and as a result sends in f« to be used In sending free copies to prospects...
...A saga is a poem Of hero and his deed...
...At its last meeting 11 listened to a talk on "Socialism and Trade Unionism," given by Henry Rosner of the Social Problems Club of C. C N. Y. Circles Nine and Ten are resuming work for the year...
...Abe Wlsotsky Is the new organizer...
...This tribe is lukewarm to almost everything that takes place...
...A Director for the League of Industrial Democracy is a job that makes up in color, excitement^ and variety of experience for what it lacks in the way of financial return...
...Didn't Herbert help bust the dirty miners.' anion wide open...
...That some professed Socialists are slow j In subscribing for their own papers, is the observation of F. F. Brough of Ames| bury, Mass...
...They are wondering just how they are going to get tnrough another winter out in board barracks in Northern West Virginia, for example, with relief funds from a crippled union getting lower and lower and U>e kids getting thinner and colder...
...Only Norman Thomas", said a diner, "representing America was unable to present a revolution to us on a silver platter...
...The present campaign is the best opportunity we have bad to years to gamer in the sabs and to make The New Leader a tremendous farce for the labor movement...
...Although the story doesn't say so, I take it that John Is for Hoover...
...30, the circle will meet on Sundays...
...The stubborn thing,was misaing...
...It was as usual the coal-miners and the textile workers, and those proletarians among the iailgoad "aristocrats," the shopmen, who bore the brunt of this unequr.1 warfare...
...Delegates to the Central Committee are the Organizer, Treasurer and Dora Barkln...
...You see, John was able to save up from the pennies he scrapped together as a coal operator in Wilkes-Barre...
...OfacteWw, aMajp^jj^j^ff i^ rades Hedman and Rantanen, of the Finnish Branch of the party...
...they are poor children of poor folk . . .But never you mind, my dears, even these days, it's best to be married poor, if you expect to stay married...
...Laidler is preeminently a research man, with a flock of books and pamphlets on economic, political and social matters to his credit...
...Editor of a New York Dally Thomas was to have a brief, but highly instructive contact with the day-by-day business of running a labor paper in New York...
...So I think you'll be Interested to meet Mr...
...On Yon Kippur night, in conjunction with Circle Thirteen, the circle win hold its annua dance at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum Circle Six, recently reorganized...
...It has aided in the raising of funds also...
...fie is arming himself with 200 s* 'blanks...
...I • * * W. F. Deltz of Lake Charles, La...
...Next Week:—Wrecked Hopes, New [ Determination...

Vol. 7 • September 1928 • No. 40

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