Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States National ¦tots is In unorganised cemmunl¦ ess eessrtor information an how to •T,,t,r local divisions of the Secial§7 party mmf •btota...

...Let us make the revival of the Socialist Party In Kansas something to be talked about...
...Nothing ¦ haws up a Hard-working newspaper I «rtw more than to know that comI rasas from coast to coast are Vlth J them heart and soul...
...In apologising, the «nwi siiii explained that he had arranged ¦^htsetlng at the last moment and had sa4>ht time to put an advance aomnosemeat In The New Leader...
...5th A ». Another attempt to organize the branch- in the 5th A. D. will be made Friday evening, 8.30 p. m., Jan, 6, at the Freeman Mansion, 1246 Southern boulevard...
...New Jersey Hudson Count* State Secretary Schwarting has mailed a letter to each member of Hudson County announcing a general membership meeting at 256 Central avenue, Jersey City...
...Jamestown Local Jamas town has elected the following officers: Organizer and correjspondlng secretary, George W. Ostrander, 310 Jefferson street...
...4315 3rd avenue...
...23rd A D. The banquet tendered to Comrade ShiplacofX to celebration of his fiftietto MAMHA.TTAM BEACH HOTHL, N. Y. Live In a modern, fireproof hotel by the seuOer*) far leas than in the srewdsd city...
...Subject: "The Measure Ss^u^Party...
...Bwr* Pack - Under the auspices qf the Boro Park Jewish and English Sneaking Branches, a series of lectures will be given during the next three months dealing with various phases of the Socialist philosophy and movement...
...August flams ens Subject: "The, FSgcrdc Factors ht Kane Prejudice.' iwptom^Fbrnm Ova, WorfcnssxVs Chwhx Workmen's Furniture Fire Insurance Co...¦ The New- header is your best aSJetoie for bringing oat the fonts to MCksga tor keeping them in touch with 3w» hVtest doings, for creating Interest ansae every working-class group in your emuannity...
...18th A B. Branch 1, 18th A D., held the most successful meeting of its short existence on Friday evening, Dec...
...18, at the obisrooms... committeeman in each of eight Congressional districts, two years...
...Organization work, the establishment of Forums, drive for new members and hnllrttng of new branches are going an at a lively pace...
...i 3r«—Sth—ISstr AX...
...10, Girolamo Volenti...
...H, on the other hand, you feel •Sat we are making progress, take a I -sshute off and write us...
...Freeman Mansion, 1248 Southern boulevard, near- Freeman street Auspices, Socialist Party...
...20, as this branch wilL tender, a. reception and dinner to honor, of the 60th birthday of William Shapiro...
...And we enjoyed your letter Dauno...
...Auspices, TreITLfsri t. EtfAJeTeawSftOLDAl PftrTIf II Friday, Jan...
...Comrade Head has- been a newspaper man all his Ufa...
...Subject: 'Distribution of Wealth...
...age'awJudl^^Se RoeoTof SSaaawsa* JEUEtpi^wtff . fwMfeeawMawjT BwKwK IwVVsaWaW .afjeO*,, Tuesday, JsnT^lOv^SS^Ba...
...The Doctrine of Social Evolution...
...r'MKaini information...
...Tell" | oa frankly what's the trouble and SOU do all we can to straighten it oat...
...August Claessens will speak an the "Socialist Movement in the United States...
...B. 1 The branch win meet Monday evening, | Jan...
...Tickets are on sale in the various branch headquarters and at the County Office, 1167 Boston Road...
...Also musical program...
...Ptttehargh A class in Sociology has been organized under the instruction of Dr...
...The .evening, promises to be one well spent...
...We should therefor* be glad to help in a poverty-stricken state, where the farmers are unable to finance a campaign...
...8, at 4 p. m., a new forum will be opened in the j Bensonhurst section of the 16th A D. ; A series of lectures will be given every ] Sunday afternoon in the W. C. Center, 17316 20th avenue...
...A fine concert is arranged to begin at 4 p. m. The quality of the program win exceed that of former yearn...
...The piece de resistance was an address by Simon Wolfe, the Branch organiser, on "The Present Trend in England," and an exceedingly Interesting discussion following the address...
...The dinner will take place at the Philip Morris Mansion...
...The above is signed by a comrade living at Mountain Top, Pa...
...My wish Is that the clergy would aet as did the prophets of' oat when they rebuked waavwT* i*nw4ws cvf^wrMifTf^ tilt yoopftc* also that the labor leaders would wake up to a sense of Shear dssty and inform their following as to the true cause of their poverty and, distress and the way oat of the wilderness of couhtet and persecution...
...The membership and the eftt*\ clant work of Secretary Samuel Whitethorn, broke all records for the purchase doT dues stamps during December...
...Doing Great Work In...
...The executives of the Workmen's Furniture Fire Twenremie/ Ssmtetp an men experienced to the fteld and thetr daaare has always been the improvement, ef workmen'a conditions to the city...
...4215 Third avenue, corner Tremont avenue...
...JOT "Psyahokajy and Crime"*, Jan...
...Speaker, Joseph M. Osman Subject: "Psychology and Social Adjustment...
...The Sunday morning , Forum with Thanks to ute^'co-Speratlon'^f the Hebrew ^jghw-s yitoft sfjtet) -fansldsr and The'Thursday night lee torus at branch headqitarters^arc ^a remarkakte^sooeesa, by...
...It Is proposed i to have a joint meeting at that time : with Local Troy...
...Yrpseldom Chwelsnd Ylpsels, hare reorganised and^re starting, a series-of meetings, ta discum the social science* Ten lectures by a student e»T the- social srtens— begin Jam 13, oaajm lug slina ntsij norfcnmilcs, sociotags - and aertaV psgehoesggY They win be given, st Socialist hfsrkuisihiin...
...8, 2.30 p. m. Plans for the* coming campaign win be considered and local officers will be elected...
...Hill street, on Suadayi Jan...
...Wesson's gMBlstlet Keagwe The Women's Socialist League win hold another hassenpteflei party for the 1 benefit of the campaign committee at, Labor Lyceum on Saturday night, Jan...
...Swan Peterson...
...The mane of the hall win be announced later...
...See Secretary Merrill's report above...
...The Local contributed ten dollars to the State Office in appreciation or its assistance...
...15, at 2.30 P. M. Lew Head win speak on "Why- I Became a Socialist...
...8, 4 p.m...
...Every reader In Ohio should get in touch wlUt the State Secretary and cooperate fully so that the state convention may be made a great success and the campaign given a boost...
...I am interested to read in The New Leader of the strike of the miners in our State...
...t»VspuuSf»rW legfauatton that reautted^m the creaOon^of Uae servo...
...If the trades union leaders are determined to return to the capitalist fleshpots of the Republican and Democratic parties—that's their business...
...Coleman was a Socialist alderman ten years and attended four national Socialist conventions...
...will, be opened by Clarence S. Darrow on Feu...
...The Weekmen's Furniture Fire lsewrsnss Society has no cosmectioa whatever with assy other - tnaamnsss factor and nasurauy to not In the field for prcatt and dtvSdaadm It is primarily for ¦ wssadngamm of moaV eat means...
...Boatelstt BWrty, aawh A. IX ¦ «f . « ' * ^fc«lsx*akn71^rMs, Stawsksr...
...August Claessens... secretory ta^afhyor ESmhu % i ^>ala* laiinf Tasts ss atakhar nrtnohw* ^a^Sn^^janf^y irrtadtttownL r-T Peiuasyrvania *' item Leant* ik-iashnS Hew branches of the party in...
...Hennlngton Han, 314 East 2nd St...
...The Wishnsim's FurraV tare Piro tosuraace Ssctety wttitufiteus at 327 Bast Satit street This iwgnil—»¦ was organised 50 years ago by woriawgy* men, and at present, has a capital of $659,009, with insurance amounting to about 51 million dollars...
...Idaho socialists intend placing a complete state Ueket la th* Acid and organBtete awcrewSr...
...29, 4 p. m., Samuel J. Schneider...
...ThlB branch was organized by James Gamer, who kt secretary...
...An those who want to team tat tbjs Theatre Party should gat tickets now...
...22, "Woman's Changing * Status as Mother, Wife, Citizen...
...15, 4 p.m., August Claessens...
...I *ah-!g^m4-Trfir...
...the past few yean Ore losses bare mounted Into the million* of dnfllia The City of New York with all us remarkable nTe-fhrhttogt, rffS'tsissy was tesgffcsaQg rocked into bewilderment several ttesss 93 the past years when huge cm flag i a items eaueed she laws of many avea mat /mm h sewawrtw T SSSSS of fire usually takes Ms heavy toff among the many wossahgaauu- ewe stsBng in eongssted territory...
...New York City CUt Kxecotlve Ceamdusui The City Executive Committee will meet Wednesday...
...the other night...
...The first big |gB0h>irtkm comes from Comrade Morris HJllonU—a $10010* check...
...It is toltewsd kx S rasmhar of srnsUhr usshhlh tlons...
...If rtSttp Leader bad-carried our notice," jsajkha "(I- USJBd would have been Wwgfage...
...7 B East 15th street...
...There are a number of other live Bnehwhrts as that state who am anxious to get busy...
...A group of songs that carry the message, of the 'fight for A better...
...If you have contributed once, do it again...
...Thomas will speak oh "Democracy and Its Enemies," New York State eteeeed Safest Staavs Greater New York American branches have broken the record of recent years, declares State Secretary Merrilf, in the : sale of dues «*ampy purchased from the State Office during December...
...13th—19th A. D. All Brooklyn members are requested to reserve Friday, Jan...
...6, J. N. Cohen will address the Branch on "Democracj —Failure or Success...
...27,' "The raj ilwlauj af Inhusaxtoa Human Actkm...
...For in a very real and ga» tame at the word...
...At any rate: on the first Tuesday in November, 1928, we shall vote an Independent working-class party ticket...
...Three weeks, ago, the grodp held a dance for the young people of the neighborhood and drew «swj*j>tnw> Sfjrty persons* wiio piPOBslaK^ t© turn...
...Speaker, Dr...
...6, 8.30 p. m. Sneaker, August Claessens...
...Subject: "Influence of the Socialist Party In the Labor Movement of Great Britain...
...These is every Indication that the house win be sold out before the evening of the perThs annual affish'ol Bronx BksriaBste, their antertaiament and ball, will be hold Sunday afternoon and evening, Jan...
...The ehmtsan of^J?%enry Stump ss mayor mads it necessary to shhvnl a new manager for the Labor Advocate...
...Comrade Shapiro is one of the veterans of the Kings County movement and in the greater portion of hia SO years he has been one of the most active and devoted members of the Socialist Party...
...Brownsvine Labor Lyceum, 219- 8avckman street...
...Admission is free...
...927 Broadway...
...W : —— r 1* you feel that in any way we are : haling short of the goal we have set i hi the above paragraphs, don't just • anock the paper to your friends...
...Kansas Call for Nominations Acting State Secretary Ross Magtll has issued a call- for nominations for the following party offices: State Secretary, one year...
...8. at 10 am sharp, at the Workmen Circle Centre, 2095 Daly avenue, near 180th street...
...the purrhaaf of dues...
...I spent twenty-nine years of my life in the mines and am suffering now from working in bad air and powder smoke...
...On Friday evening, Jan...
...If you want to become a party member, write the State Secretary...
...Louis Labor, weekly organ of the trade unions and Socialist Party, reviews the political action of workers and notes that the independent movement of 1924 has disappeared...
...27, Ethelred Brown...
...Wisconsin Milwaukee William Coleman, Socialist member of the State Legislature and State Secretary of the Socialist Party, has resigned to accept the management of the Butterfly Consolidated Mining & Milling Co., at Ophir, Colo...
...The National Office has Confidence ht the members and has gone right ahead devetopteg the orgmnnntion worfc A small Secretary of Kansas to assist him, and, he is preparing to go Into the field, organise the party, and place a full ticket m the field...
...29, at Hunts Point Palace...
...A Ql meeting and concert win be held Bfihj evening and a banquet will be B| Saturday night, [y hwS» The Bkte Year a Success | aaseunced last week a call for orLgtnwioo funds'is being sent out Funds at beginning to arrive...
...11, 8.30 p. m., in Room 505, Peoples House, .7 East 15th St...
...Subject: "The Necessity of the Socialist Press to the Labor Movement...
...Schenectady Forum Schenectady's Labor Forum, organized by the central labor body...
...Admission is free...
...1 receive only 7H cents on...
...regardtag organisatJon L^i the i*o*nlr>g national convention...
...while for December of last I year only 600 stamps were taken...
...Quamtiosfr To SmwUk OS isgiiss n silk of New...
...But we refuse to be with them...
...Above ail, contribute—and DO IT NOW...
...All comrades and friends arc invited...
...lSth A IK { This Sunday afternoon, Jan...
...Subject: "Current Events...
...h» I StraachiS Wushtae H. afeetry, Mavawn»> fc**«ativ» Secretary, 8653 , —Staaftaa awaa isxd...
...Her subject Is- "Love's Coming: of Age" and the tales of the • four lectures are: Jan, IS, "Origin of 3 Family": Jan...
...87 minutes from Times Square, B> U. T. Brighton Beach Station...
...Avenue C. Anspires, Socialist Party, 6th—8th—13th A D. BRONX Friday, Jan...
...Every glOO laeuraavce eases ten cants a year...
...Monogamy on A Trial...
...Oh Friday...
...929-, "Sex Education...
...Subject: "The Measure ol Social Progress...
...Good NewsSocialist Party branches in Greater New York, exclusive of the language federation branches, beat all records tor several years in...
...9. Samuel A DeWitt...
...Thomas to Speak Norman Thomas hat been engaged to j speak at the evening session and mami bers should acquaint their" friends with I the lecture which is given' under the joint auspices of the party, the...
...Language branches obtain stamps > through the "^tfrw1 Language Federa| tions...
...World are to be mimeographed and sung at the meetings of the group...
...Subject: "The Socialist Movement Here and Abroad...
...5, "This ComI pa nam ate Marriage...
...The New Leader has no other parpens than to '¦'eerrt the labor and Socialist movek ¦ stent sad this means serving yon and V 'geate- yes lord We are mo a tit-piece .'"fa*-no enejues, e*M**le grewps within r. g*> PwMy...
...maid, valet end telephone service...
...9, in Room 402, h^-.k.a, qrrrrr...
...i respectively...
...A. Well...
...The sessions En Be heB in the labor Institute, 810* Garni itrast...
...A schedule of dates and topics are as follows: Jan...
...Sunday, Jan...
...Nominees should accept or decline without delay...
...M. Felgenbaum...
...6% 8:30 pan...
...Labor draws the following conclusion: "The only representative of political independence is the Socialist Party...
...13, 9 p. m~, James Oneal...
...Esther Friedman will deliver a series of four lectures...
...8, 4 pm...
...The Ptovh^gtown^Thea^^rms "^%iS^T b^tontt B*rnhW*WJ$L be given with the expert cast of the Fseehsostown Playhouse...
...22, Ethelred Brown...
...80 and since 1931 has represented the union to the Federated Trades nanus U The Social<st and Labor Mpsamea* to .Reading rook& forward to...
...Lecture Calendatr - - - lew a, YOmTK Sunday, Jan.- A II a. m. Speaker, Judge Jacob Panken...
...Send from 50 cents up, according to your means...
...112 per week toe two...
...Comrade Head is a very forceful sneaker and Is considered a very valuable acquisition to Socialist ranks...
...Widest has issued the official call for the state convention which win be held in Cleveland...
...13, a special meeting win be held at headquarters, at which t-iwrio t>i<» agenda tor the coming NfttlimaJ Convention will be discussed, with the evening given over to a discussion on disarmament...
...It makes me feel badly that I am not in a position to help them...
...You were good enough to send me your paper gratis this last year...
...A Ooldenweiser...
...Single admission, IS cents—at the Baro Park Labor Lyceum, 14th avenue and 42nd st...
...Subject: "Svqlution, Bioiogkml and Social...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, 23rd A D. Sunday, Jan...
...Chairman, two years...
...MANHATTAN The sundag~Porum bx this branch win begin its work on Sunday evening, Jan...
...BROOKLYN Friday...
...Socialist Party Plans and Progress Through The States National ¦tots is In unorganised cemmunl¦ ess eessrtor information an how to •T,,t,r local divisions of the Secial§7 party mmf •btota inateaetlasn, -UgSjSj charter application*, raem;1...
...The committee has many Carets* ssatiens...
...I wonder what the youngster • 1928 wilt brlng.ns...
...10, at 8.30 p.m...
...13, 8.3fl p. to...
...He- was editor of the Pasadena Star-News for ten years and was discharged a year ago because of radical speeches...
...Ateaaodsr Goldenwetser...
...Workmen's Circle and the Socialist Educational Club...
...In I December, 1982, it purchased 1,540 i stamps...
...and the thiad Sunday morning at 10.15, in conjunction with the Social Science Sunday School in international Lyceum, James street, North Side...
...This is a Milwaukee company of 600 stockholders, most of them workingmen...
...The attendsasa> was shm and although a speaker hskhlen Invited to talk on a-matter of asssstag Interest to everyone in the hall, hat aha of his audience put such a tUTI—* .on the proceedings that the Ma feU fiat...
...Troy and Conors The reorganisation meeting of Local , Cocoes, scheduled for Jan...
...I bluepencil my articles in My Paper, The New Leader and pass them along to my friends...
...literature agent, Falke Broden... net only a five wire but a man who understands the movecorart button to Comradt Cammans to aa> stet him, sncF more Is to foBbw as soon as It can be spared a £mUV9Sat...
...Subject: "Principles- of Socialism in Theory and Practice...
...Appeal for Help By the time this appears...
...Reservations can now be made through Chas, Dann, c-o Caslon Press, 797 Broadway, Brooklyn, and at the City Office...
...Missouri St...
...It pays you to use it...
...Two new applications were presented, one by Comradt Wolfe and one by Harry Trencher, whe is himself a recent acquisition...
...I know what striking means to them as I have been through' that experience more than once...
...J jahsaatko te> aa> tiaskfSt tko teas atea-aarnti Mew RStsst hhu Oa*> sihsr' Imiirtusl mw$Mm Da pan mhteribe to the thieves whe steal elections from the Saateatek JwaWl They auhearlhe to yoa...
...which in turn buy directly from the National Office of the Party...
...Subject: "Development of the Labor Movement to the United States...
...6, 8.30 p,m...
...Questions' and discussion...
...Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Auditor...
...Speakers and topics |are as follows: Jan...
...Ten valuable prism win be distributed...
...Ysah sav elsnsa...
...And here as a contrast to the age of the writer above is die following from Bonne- What of Hwddnmp, antes., "Although I am only twelve years old I know that...
...We believe that our comrades and friends are going to back us up in our effort to put the Sociahht Facts wbere it should be and where It most be far the big campaign...
...Send all nominations to the State Secretary at Gamett...
...Sundag, Sept 8, 11 mm...
...a. greater future tor the Labor Advocate in the capable hands if Rhodes...
...Subject: "Evolution of Industry and Science...
...He Is vlce-nresldent of Typographical Union no...
...233 So...
...They should get in touch with Comrade Braun and co-operate with Mm fully...
...I. M. Chatcuff win report on Beading, Pa., inauguration...
...5. State Secretary Merrill has made the point that Party locals unable to conduct forums should induce organized labor to start educational work, thereby giving occasional Socialist speakers - a! chance to be heard by elements that most need our message.' Incidentally, declares the State Secretary, subscriptions to the New Leader or New Leader-Appeal | are good things to give friends...
...105th street and Somerset avenue...
...Subject: "Fusion — When and With Whom" Course ticket, 75 cents...
...A real human document isn't it...
...this State are a certainty and With the Presidential campaign la prospect snuito of oamotom wttl he lnawit Stench Wbstsett, Fayette County, has bom organised with eight cbnrtes T«""h—» and mors to come...
...Tickets are tr.00 each...
...I appreciate your kind new very much...
...AatfBssswa QfttMaataLam &fia* flQ^a* hsaatfiaj t^Tfc A*^bllZaslsBv£ VCJlJU^a^BV Jan.' 12, A. L Shiptecoff wHI teetare on "Art Tsar* af Soviet Rossis...
...A steady stream of applications for membership are coming into the city office...
...hgtOOKXXN 5MS St< A. D. The executive committee of the branch has decided to hold business meetings twice a month...
...The class meets the first Sunlay each month at 337 Fifth avenue at 3 p. m...
...the Federations, and this rebate is in ; turn spilt between the State Office and the locals with which Language Federa| tton branches are affiliated...
...Here, for example is a letter that made anryone on the staff do his task with •sawed determination:— •- "This * the mat day of the oh) year...
...PA., 4 SUBS...
...These events are open to the general mblic and all socialist* are invited to 'jring their friends- The contribution if beautiful gifts for prizes made the last card party held by the women comrades a very satisfactory affair to winning players...
...The members, agreed that they should have a better ¦.awmcanctlite of the basca af Socialism...
...a Socialist as* aaher weekly aawh as The New . fjaasnr h a coepssaawe onitrpalsoi . .Them of aa whs- write and pashah •Lam booad to, yea, the readlr, wish *; tSpltsrr"r abmag ties...
...Far the State Ticket For United States Senator, Governor...
...I wrote twice that I was not able to pay far It, but yoa kept on sending it...
...Boro Fark m^SSSkigk_ Jft'ldsaVjr, trail...
...Easton has enough signers tr> obtain a charter but more signatures obtained before applying for one...
...Contributions are essential to this work...
...First of a series of four lectures on...
...The Greater City bought 1,600 stamps last ] ! month, including 200 dual stamps...
...8. has been j postponed until the 15th...
...Marks avenue...
...Send In names or other Socialists and sympathizers...
...homeUae comforts...
...He is a member of the executive board of the Federated Trades Council and the WisUmon and the Wre rbjhtrn Onto which ^Batt-aawkkan...
...I Refreshments will be served...
...California Loo Angeles The Socialists of Los Angeles will hold a mass meeting in Symphony Hall...
...Comrade TTahss aa old-timer la Tennessee and acting Stats Secretary, wattes the National organization as well as the Sochutets in his own stole that he Is beginning his work In preparation for s state ticket...
...We hope every who mads or bears the can...
...I am now well along in years and living on a pension out here in the mountains, for I could not afford to pay the high rent charged in the cities...
...the ranges eataseaav Tbs.mates nf IwBCstUeCawf 111 lllaKriwt tV...
...Subject: "The, Coming National Campaign.* Workmen's Circle Center, 2096 Daly avenue, near 180th street Auspices, Socialist Party, 7tb A D. East...
...Auspices, Socialist Party, «th—Sth—12tft A E...
...Subject: "Cross Currents and Disruptive Movements Affecting the Socialist Movement in the United States...
...Lectures, start at L30 p.m...
...Each second meeting win be devoted to a lecture and discussion . Next meeting is Tuesday, Jan...
...Speaker, August Claessens...
...Ohim State Secretary...
...each stamp sold [to...
...August Claessenf, executive secretary, will speak on the coming national convention and the prospects of the Socialist Party In the comtog Presidential campaign...
...Speaker, A I. ShiplacoO...
...Come and bring a friend...
...Phone Stieepsnead- 3000...
...Dan Harnett's famous radio orchestra win again play, at nod ttoet is to store for all who- coma' Branch Seven This branch will meet Tuesday, Jan...
...The roadoiV Interests and - .agra-ase the ssaae, namely to *> - a*, te saw- pewee to hasten the cem¦ ,4uf- of a setter order of society, here thorn was practical evidence of how •ftm neat Leader serves the movement in |K hattsnce that occured at a branch essstius...
...I enjoy reading it...
...George M. Rhodes ha* been elected to succeed Stump...
...Many SSO negBgerjt and unconeerned iigyanwlH Are-insurance many fall to Insure Shear sates charged by large fire-lnariranaw sompsntea R is because of this that the New Leader desires to call attention horn of the most vital institution* is the ettyt organtoed and devoted to tha> wetlarr ot the workingmen... December, 1903, it bought 600: j in the corresponding months of 1824 and j 1925, the purchases were 550 and 370... the organized labor movement, who are not \ yet convinced that labor should take up independent political action.' Mayor Wr"in of Milwaukao has promised to give New York State at least two speeches on his next trip Bast...
...age'awJudl^^Se RoeoTof SSaaawsa* JEUEtpi^wtff . fwMfeeawMawjT BwKw IwVVsaWaW .afjeO*,, Tuesday, JsnT^lOv^SS^Ba...
...Fraternally Yours mm tiana said it before...
...1* Q is In Philadelphia...
...Comrade Magill may be in the field organizing the party...
...1 The past two ajiastinas eotwdstered the Mexican situation...
...outdoor sports...
...Indications are that the Socialist Party will have to nominate Its own Presidential ticket...
...Subject : "Enemies of Society...
...Subjeot: "Tea Years of Soviet Russia...
...The State Secretary, Ross Magtn, Is wtihng to wort for reasonable wanes and will do the very best he can with the aid of bis osn car...
...A. D, East This branch will meet Sunday morning, Jan...
...Auspices 16th A D. Br...
...Sneaker, August Claessens...
...In the last state election ff—¦ cast an unnousUy large Socialist vote, and- this year they expect to elect some man...
...Nathan Miller of the Carnegie School of Technology...
...Printer, Superintendent of Insurance, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Attorney -General and ten Presidential electors...
...a?s attracting pr Joseph OsmanT*noted* h«ilAiei,""n> stnattor and authnrity an nsynnlogj wm deliver n smtes ofjem tecteres an Kcbctogy and Sex Adjustment...
...But we rise , jf to sag it again, very loud and clear, m UP ions leaser is yovb paper That naus » htt more than the ...Mat set-tin* nswsgnpsr SMawiha Mfavaaace...
...Whether aa American Labor Party or the Socialist Party, for the 1928 November elections we must have a national working-class party ticket in the field...
...4215 Third avenue, auspices, Tremont Educational Forum...
...snaaksx.•aassaWeleMr" aawuWewksgePwslwr' ?'* *~ Lyceum7 hy^ttS...
...recording and {financial secretory, Carl A. Johnson;, treasurer...
...Friday, Sept 13, 8 JO p. m. Speaker...
...nST fafamaMork resmrwhag t ejini~ Htaratare, platforms, etc., ] «ar te oMaaae* from the National f National lUinlfci h* atae* j vha Wati"T"l Executive Committee Lm mart Saturday and Sunday, Jan...
...Adrrusston Is 15 ¦ cents...
...Tickets arc an sate at the bsanch and at the City CSSee...
...your paper is the best Socialist paper published...
...30, at Its headquarters, 1465 St...
...Louis A conspicuous front-page editorial in St...
...of the K. KC. read in local and branch meeting* win not ssf get to ssafcs Ids or her coir* tStaOaneW right away and- just ss large as it san ha ^__ . Organisation work has already begun...
...M» wfcSk> JKMSL &Jt*mmw\WZ w-a&AwSu^ Lyceum 319 Sackmaa street- anwawnsjL Boatelstt BWrty, aawh A. IX ¦ «f . « ' * ^fc«lsx*akn71^rMs, Stawsksr...
...Subject: "Debs, the Apostle of Socialism" ; Jan...
...HssaWawTwt aBstawaCaaa...
...A revival In party tor terest and organization is evidently better than a year ago...

Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 3

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  Kanda Software, Inc.