Oneal, James

Socialists Take Over City of Reading WORKERS HOLD CELEBRATION AT INAUGURAL Old Party Tax Assessor Fired as Mayor Stamp's First Act-Socialists From Nearby States Join in Festivities—More...

...Kimball politely and firmly ventured to express the view that the National - Civic Federation report might be taken as the last word on old age pensions...
...They died as a sacrifice to the apathy of Americans who want no big wars but don't mind little ones...
...Upon the Ions...
...One word explains the Socialist victory m htesAJtW .It fa net "work" nor "popular di—ttefaction...
...Of the $10 initiation fee paid by the new member, $»M goes to the organiser and $1.50 pays for the paper and overhead expenses After the first year the member pays $1 per year to remain to the organisation and participate In its various benefits The member gets Ufa, accident and SiPknsSs luaatatasf at the cost of service under the following plan: Insurance stsUsttrs sliest that the east of maintaining tiosg worth nf them classes of insurance 1s ajtttfe^lass than «1 per aajjJJsBs^J^QjsJsjBaws^^hnao^ ^^ajja^ hmtsV-otsBattdL- WeaoCO** ever it exceeds the surplus required by the Illinois law it skips a month's assessment...
...There were Reading Socialists who had been conscripted and who had seen fighting overseas These soldiers did not intend to be idle while a batch of politicians and capitalists proposed to crush the movement these soldiers held dear...
...Nearly 26 years ago, they founded the Labor Lyceum and restricted membership to members of the Socialist Party...
...John A. -Lapp pointed out the absurdity of some of the statements made by the Civic Federation in regard to old-age pensions and dismissed as foolish the attempt, to meet the prahlwm...
...He pointed out that, as shown by U. 8. Department of Labor, only 5 per cent., of the workers are ever employed by a single employer for a period as long as 20 years...
...The old year which did not bring prosperity did not bring peace...
...Building has fallen off...
...The ceremonies were completed within fifteen minutes...
...council table were six- large clusters of red roses sent by various Socialist organizations...
...Under the workings Of this contract the l»rogrea* Buflder organisers write up the new members at the coat of one fee, moat of which goes to the organiser...
...They died for the prestige of the bungling Secretary Kellogg...
...Who is Mr...
...Ma>or Stump has for years served as president of the Federated Trades Council...
...Twice this number packed Into the chamber sad tha .tons...
...There had been other changes of administration in Reading, but there had been no change of power...
...WKh all his power and ¦™ea...
...I hold no brief for them...
...the Labor Advocate, sad a co-operative printing plant...
...Such unyfcorlxed war should rightly be a fBBUhd for impeachment of the Preai*¦*» It is not—and why...
...He says nothing about the way to correct such Mouses as* his Tammany friends flagrantly practiced in the last election...
...The generous donor of these broadsides is the National Civic Federation...
...How does it come that Socialists have been able to achieve this success in a typical American city with a large Industrial population chiefly of native-born workers...
...Some of the mischief of the Administration's policy is already part cure...
...Reading was not much affected by this, bat the long internal struggle, in other states and decline fat membership brought with it a similar decline...
...No wonder the canny Calvin does not choose to run in 1928...
...Bandits or patriots act pretty much alike tn guerrilla warfare...
...Who ordered this war to Nicaragua for which Americans are paying In money and in blood...
...Evidently they have a real hold in their own country, for the most recent fighting is only a few miles distant from the place where supposedly they were decisively defeated last summer... private penassns, especially cnali Haduij pensions, Lei-' fur MagnusOon of ~thc International Labor Office reviewed the progress of social insurance in all its forms and pointed to the increase In the number of plana put into effect in all countries...
...As for the rest of the usual indications of ¦sfljimlty they were adverse...
...The result wss that the Democrats were defeated and driven from office and the Republicans put in their place...
...It passed through the fire of persecution during the war- rears, faced hysterical mobs, its prominent members were threatened and in *ev-_ eral cases were hunted by patrioteering maniacs who thought that Socialism could be crushed by terror...
...Not Congress, ¦eve to so far aa silence gives conMat, and certainly not the people, the makers of that Constitution which President Coolidge holds in sa•red awe never intended to give any President such powers of war as this...
...A faint Tm coming" from "Jim," followed by his entrance, caused a ripple of laughter as Maurer took his seat at the table where he will serve four years...
...In order to reap the measure of relief offered by the employes pension schemes continuous employment for a term usually 20 years or longer is generally required...
...Ingals Kimball blossomed out in a column letter to The New York Times...
...With this statement he ranges himself squarely on the side of the peace organizations in their controversy with the War Department — of several years' standing—over the question of what proportion of the tax dollar is due to war...
...The second round developed out of the announcement that St...
...Including the Pscgrass Bander, official paper, to the new mem her for a year free...
...And this is what they call prosperity to the richest country on earth where there are plenty of natural resources and skill to provide for us all...
...The first official act of Mayor Stump was to administer the oath of office to the two Socialist Councilmen, James H. Maurer and George Snyder...
...Simply ¦J***** Congress and the people by ~e*r difference have abdicated some ¦j tteir rights to protest...
...He relegates the tremendously important matter of distribution of electric power, if and when ft is generated by Stateowned plants, to "study and research" by the power authority Which he wants created...
...As sure as Socialism is the remedy for easatsflbsss,^so sure will the people eventually he forced to turn from haplsstlnt political parties and seek justice In a political party of tbsnjwn...
...Moreover, the second round destroyed the prospects of any large Legion organization that could be used by the reactionaries...
...1 But, it will be, said, these Nicaraguans are only bandits...
...corridor lending...
...He had been in the chamber a few minutes of ten and a call was sent down the corridor for tha missing: councilman...
...On the last subject, except for certain recommendations on workmen's compensation, he says nothing at all...
...Kimball is in any way responsible for the report of the National Civic Federation, though a better report for the purpose of boosting Mr...
...Even before these words are printed H ia entirely possible that some Wicaraguan bandits or patriots — it depends pretty much on the point of view—may take a pot shot at that very genuine and effective Ambassador of Good Will, Colonel Lindbergh, not for any hate of him but because they mistake the Spirit of St...
...sincerely hope "that something along this line can be achieved in 1928...
...Nevertheless, a necessarily hasty examination of the document reveals some notable weaknesses from a genuinely progressive standpoint...
...Two councilman of the old administration bold office for two more years, but the Socialises have a majority of one and can carry out any program which they may devise...
...Every member elected to office has been a party members for more than fifteen years and some trace their Socialist activities back 26 years...
...Families of 800 Miners Are Evicted (International Labor Nows Service) Pittsburgh.—For the miners of this district, the new year dawned with to vacate company-owned houses of the Vesta Coal Company, a subsidiary of' the Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation, by the Pittsburgh Terminal Company, a Mellon corporation, and by a number of other companies to Washington county...
...At Syracuse Oilown case by protesting, not against our mtarvendna ta Htonragua, bnt our choice of aids in intorvsnthm...
...While outwardly ncu^-paAsan at the present stage of political growth, the Progress Builders, as represented by Uheir leaders and outstanding members are ready to .join hands with the class organization headed toward industrial democracy which seems most promising...
...This action makes It necessary for the United Mine Workers of America to erect immediately housing capacity of 1,700 to li800 rooms tfi care for the evicted families...
...Professor Putney, after studying all -toe evidence, has concluded that such of military Intervention in Nicatofua as this would have been- held gflal clear down to the'time of the neosevelt administration...
...This party had intrenched itself in power by means of conceivable, corrupt, vicious and tyrannical methods...
...They trusted the Socialists' liui jtoi the Socialists had constantly maintained an organisation epdoh not only taught our theories of government but demonshiatad, In practical ways, that the Socialist Party la composed of resaagM capable of coping with modern problems...
...Nobody was menacing those rights...
...The great saaJartty of ¦iiisins gat less than they prodaee aad they snisti a majority of Ua votes that prodaee this tawaMgr...
...The fact of the suffering established is beyond argument, the American Association for Old Age Security came into being...
...Later they will launch a co-operative hail insurance project...
...However, since the debt, except for the negligible proportion of a fraction of one per cent., was incurred for past wars, the Treasury Department has consistently so classified it...
...The next stage is the purchase of goods en bulk by the organization's own trained employes...
...They also established their eight-page weekly jspee...
...In order to make such co-operative, enterprises possible the Progress Builders had u> enter the political field and gat through a favorable law...
...On the injunction evil he repeats his old and wholly inadequate suggestion of a hearing before a temporary injunction can be granted...
...To Sgsft their desperate needs something ajore is required than the professional sptunism of Herbert Hoover and all fjh economists and corporation heads the midst of comfort and r seek to banish poverty by gittg 'ever their version of Cane's formula: "Tear by year AmerK g| yetting more >and more pros}fcout to every way...
...The vote remained promising through these years of trial but the party workers were few...
...We cannot raise the dead...
...These included the Women's Socialist League of Reading, the 6th ward branch of the Socialist Party, the 19th-llth-12th wards, the Labor Advocate, the People's Printing Company, Inc., and the Socialist Party of Allegheny County...
...It is worth trying tc Cnd o"-t whether the moral infhiersco ef united action by the PanAmerican- people will not have a more pacificatory effect than the whole Marine Corps...
...Unemployment is a tragic problem in every Industrial center...
...By Murray E. Kins Roswell, New Mexico...
...personally and as Chairman ¦M|*« Senate Committee on Foreign to spite of some excellent be usually fails us at the „He has not forced through ¦Mto'SM- SnjSSJBltohfiBSk Of whr LawJSH American policy...
...It is Mr...
...Courts would be left still with the right to punish for contempt in injunction cases without any trial by jury...
...But the Pi ogress Builders have no intention of stopping at the point here described... of nearly 130,000 people...
...In so doing, we will perfect the political power with whisk the workers of America can work out their own salvation...
...The snswsf is: by persistent and continuous hard work of education and propaganda...
...Is protected and guaranteed by the best co-operative law in the United states, is firmly established and operates at actual oast of service...
...ft is not so...
...It was evident that they believed' that this was not merely a transfer of office, but a transfer of power...
...This is true in what the Governor says and what he fails tc say on such significant matters as housing, injunctions, water power and social insurance...
...It is a ndbaral conninpnism of their free lance tactics and of flhe refusal of the American oXfthois to build an » Strong party With a definite program of International cr> operation In pisee Of raterrention...
...U. S. Spends 82% of Funds On Its Wars Mellon Admits Heavy Cost of Past and Future Military Conflicts (By a New Leader Correspondent) WASHINGTON.—In a report of " the Secretary of the Treasury for the fiscal year ended June 80, 1927, submitted last month to Congress, Secretary Mellon attributes 82 per cent, of the Federal expenditures for 1927 to past and future wars...
...The situation in the coal fields and the textile nulls everybody knows...
...Timely opics by Norman Thomas -»V THE wild and extravagant rev•sky of New Tear's Eve, up and tjjfcwa aowded Broadway in New (fork, marched a brave little group of -gao «f the unemphyyed, men to whom <£e east' of one night's party along flit great White <Way would have meant a decent living for a year...
...No Straggle There Of coarse It Is a terrible offense to even bint that there is sach a thing as a class straggle in the United States, bat even the most hardened reactionary will hardly contend that the bitter straggle between the miner* and mine owners is an example of hnman affection In the industry...
...On groceries, dry goods, furniture, fuel and" gasoline, members here tell me they are saving from »5 to better than $29 per month...
...Bandits or patriots, what business is this war of ours...
...There were a few minutes delay as "Jim" Maurer was found to be among the missing...
...This was the overwhelming preponderance of workingmen and women who attended...
...It might seem crude to say that Mr...
...The oath was administered by retiring Mayor Shannon, a Democrat...
...A co-operative cigar factory was amo organised and oat' of the prams »c tb» co-operative they have paid for their Labor Lyceum, a substantial three-story brick building at 628 Walnut street...
...Kimball, in purely disinterested fashion, was the solution of the problem, not state legislation...
...The political aim of the Progress Builders is a party of the real producers—the' wage-workers and farmers—for the pur- 1 pose of gaining possession of the government and using the powers of government to assist in the establishment of a co-operative commonwealth...
...Nor did the American boys who fell in the jangles of Central America die for some future canal...
...It Is easier to stay out of countries like Nicaragua than to get out...
...Kimball's business would have been hard to get...
...On housing he says that he may have later recdrBmehdations to submit, but he gives no indication that those recommendations will lead to municipal housing with State aid—the one way out of the menacing misery of our slums...
...They died for the profits of investors who sit safe at home...
...Louis for one of the planes that has been bombing them...
...It is generally admitted throughout the state that the Progress Builders were responsible for this change...
...A large anditoriurn was obtained for a mass meeting and announcement was made that Maurer would answer his accusers...
...They are organizing a co-operative insurance concern of their own covering homes and farm property on the basis of service at cost...
...The people of Beadtng who elected HoclsHaSa to efBee did not do so In blind protest against burdens and Ixoflfljefp, Tbqy knew what they wanted aad they voted for it rathe* *Iub1sspauxet what they did not want...
...In fact, he is in charge of the employes pensions bureau of the Metropolitan...
...Interesting Polities r In the insurance field the Progress i Builders are now entering the second stage of development...
...Their political quarrels are not pur business and American marines in Central America destroy such moral leadership as the Admlnstration seems to be seeking by Its tentative proposal to France for a general treaty outlawing war...
...In his report for 1925, Secretary Mellon attributed over 80 per cent, of Federal expenditures to war and issued the warning: "This wUl be tha inevitable situation aa long aa war la the method of settling international disputes...
...But this was not swffli snej far Reading Socialists...
...Despite this falling off of activity, Reading Socialists through 26 years of hard work had founded a substantial oasis for their local movement...
...This crusade, as might be expected, obtained plenty of publicity in the newspapers and the feeling became intense in Reading...
...With the installation of the SoctaUat officials in office thgv ^tiTirt »^^^^*^r^^- *^^ej* e^Bs^^^^^^^g^^^^ejsjss^s^^TBSs^^^ss^sj naspojnstbssJfot ties ysjB*msmSnw...
...Beginning early Monday morning other visitors began to arrive and before the hour for the change of administration the'City Hall was packed with Socialists and their friends...
...Kimball's name has unfailingly appeared as the protagonist of employes pensions schemes and the critic of old age security legislation...
...Frank V. Whiting, general claims attorney of the New York Central Railroad, and James W. SaUtvan, -a labor leader*' Two of the five members are officials of life Insurance companies,—the two companies which are selling employes' pension schemes most vigorously...
...The Lyceum became the headquarters for meetings of the local trade unions The Federated Trade Council meat* in the Ls> ceum as well aa twenty or mora trade onions The result is that today the building, printing plant, and, equipment are valued at $100,000...
...One of the main points of the War Department's contention was that the interest and retirement of the public debt should not be included among war expenditures...
...Faces that had not been seen in Socialist circles for years began to be familiar...
...The result was a Socialist guard of soldiers at the Maurer meeting and "Jim" spoke without being molested...
...His work and the work of other Socialists ia the trade union* for many years have brought Intimate aad sympathetic rslafhw itfM *^fti^^m^m ^hht em|sj4sei.Jg| the unions in a rnmHw of activities laid tfte bastf for a mu<iiiin( that could not be destroyed, however much its week might be hampered temporarily" by patrioteers and terrorists...
...The figures were immediately taken up by organisations interested in education and other constructive projects and were published from one end of the country to the other...
...Steel Is down 18 per cent...
...The Socialist vote, as a result, showed a considerable increase, but the majority of the members of the organisation voted Republican as the surest way to throw the Democrats out of power...
...Does were fixed at am dollar per year...
...Beast) ing has a commissi on form of government in which the legislative and executive power is lodged, in...
...I now feel at home...
...NE of the gravest problems confronting the farmer and wage-earner is the Increasing uncertainty of employment and existence...
...The public first, became Interested in this inquiry in 1920, when the late Doctor Rosa of the United States Bureau of Standards published his tables and charts of Federal expenditures which brought out the startling fact that -out of every dollar, 93.7 cents was being spent for past and future wars, while only one cent was going for research, education and development...
...Then came the internal quarrel in the party with the "left wing...
...He exposed the mercenary character of the "patriotism" hawked by the politicians and tools of the manufacturers and this first round in a duel between Socialism and reaction was won by the Socialists...
...Nevertheless, the' figures were bitterly attacked by the War Department, which issued a statement In the name of Secretary Weeks, completely ignoring the fact that two Government bureaus had been responsible for this method of calculation of expenditures, and characterising the Bureau of Efficiency chart as "a carefully conceived effort to deceive...
...They were simple and differed from others in only one respect...
...Kimball's Job to sell these schemes...
...Did they enlist to kill and be killed under that tropical sun to a fight which is none of theirs and which they do not understand...
...Would it not be germane to inquire bow much does the Metropolitan Ufa and the Equitable contribute, directly and indirectly, to the upkeep of the National Civic Federation?' Might It not be illuminating to go a step farther and fiud out to what extent these contribution* covered the cost of the National Chde <a»a—t*i inmttrv into old aoa nenslonsf Party Organization Made Victohr Possible Is Mayor Stump's Word to the Comrades By J. Henry Stump (SocimU* Mayor «f ftesssW) ; Asfcebf by a representative of The New Leader g# .American Appeal whether he had any message to send to aMpstf and sympathisers throughout the country, J. Henry miimpWyrlsllsl Mayor of Reading, Pa., Issued the following statement...
...It is a common saying down here among Progress Builders that they are getting their insurance free...
...About 1,500 member* were enrolled and paying dues... bands of four councilmen and tha mayor, who is' president of the council...
...The failure of capitalist politicians gava, us/WAr opportunity, but it was organised effort which awakened,<|JB"waters to notion and enabled the Socialists to grasp the opportunity when It came...
...Governor's Smith voluminous report mod recommendations on the ?o>ernment of the State of New York will enhance hie reputation as an'able administrator...
...The most significant remarks at the meeting of the association were heard in the ante-rooms when the news of the Federation's attempt to forestall action on old-age pensions reached Washington...
...A belief that this was simply a well-timed attempt to discourage any effective action on the part of groups now studying and advocating old-age pensions was expressed by a great many of the economists attending the conferences...
...The report has now been made public...
...A Mr...
...Kimball and the report is not so tenuous, however, as to quiet all suspicion...
...Epstein was not long in coming...
...In 3ther words, the Al Smith socialist ¦oust still support the Governor on lis personality, his administrative iWlity, his tolerance, his attitude on jrohibittbn rather than the extent of lis pr^ogressivlsm...
...Employes pensions schemes, said Mr...
...55ss)Hfa little group which dared to IHJnthw what the dying of another fir of Coottdge prosperity had Etfl to them was only a tiny f racSsBof the great army of the unCplnjnff m the United States...
...Own Paper and Cooperatives Great Assets There is a story back of this Socialist triumph that is as inspiring and dramatic as anything that has happened to the history of the American movement...
...The Progress Builders' leaders recommended that the members use their ballots to oust the Democrats and urgd them to do it by voting the Socialist ticket...
...Kimball some time ago contributed an article to "The Annalist" setting forth his preference for employes' pensions plan...
...Insurance Men Wrote PensionData Civic Federation Lends Itself To Boost Business of Metropolitan By Edward Levinson pi OVXRNOHS...
...These are the committee members, with their connections outside of the Civic Federation James B. Kavanaugh, vice-president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company...
...They realize the big reepon-" tibility that has fallen to them as well as the opportunity for complete control which will be theirs two years hence...
...Reply to Mr...
...Just as the Progress Builders use their organised power to compel a more* economical and cheaper handling of articles of consumption, they are using this same power to obtain for the members life, sickness, accident and even employment insurance at the lowest cost and least risk obtainable under present conditions...
...John Tucker of Chicago would speak under Socialist auspices in (the auditorium...
...The next step contemplated is the ass of private dealers as their direct purchasing agents o ftmlk orders at wholesale prices, such agent to perform this function for a stipulated wage or salary...
...The difference " between a asmterested approach to social prohitm and that of the National Clvtc j>jereflon w**f American Efeoaomio Association and the American i Asaoetatiost for fcahdr Legislation...
...Employes pensions schemes are financed with the aid of Insurance companies, notably the Metropolitan and the Equitable Life Insurance Companies...
...Prom this co-operative they obtained a contract that ahoWthss the initiation fee paid by u to Its own field organiser...
...In the meantime," said Vice-President Phillip Murray, "we have completed the erection of about 2,300 rooms in the last five weeks to house 1,100 families and have moved from 1,800 to 1,900 families Into private dwelling, abandoned churches and other buildings...
...If it will not, if the Nicaraguans must fight, let I them do their own fighting and learn like other peoples- out of their own foUy a better way of life...
...The tnapw^MBK seeder In nsailhUs sage ess waa "organization...
...The connection between Mr...
...Each councilman is also thy...
...The Labor Advocate la more than self-sustaining and its stock Is owned by the Labor .Lyceum Association...
...They played a large part to the general demand for reduction of armaments which culminated in the Washington Conference...
...Maurer Made a Target "Jim" Maurer became a conspicuous target for this propaganda and threats were made that he would be "run out of town...
...They decided to capitalize the mania and hurt, it at However, the storm did not break until shortly after Or armistic, when the soldiers were returning home from Europe Anxious politicians and jingoes of the Manufacturers' Association began a subtle propaganda in fraternal lodges and even in the trade unions to turn sentiment against the Socialists as "traitors to their country...
...When the United States entered the World War, the membership of Local Reading had reached its peak...
...Still more significant is the report that the dock workers at the port of Managua have struck nominally for higher wages but really in sympathy with these bandits...
...The Socialist movement in Reading has had an experience similar to that of the movement in other American cities...
...Working people now had their own representatives in office...
...point have our alleged prog*y*» to Congress failed us more r*Mw- Senator Borah is silent...
...They came to the inaugural ceremonies and later to the Socialist headquarter* on Walnut street where the party owns a three-story building, publishes am eight-page weekly paper, and rims a successful co-operative dear factory and a printing plant...
...members of State legtola tors, welfare agencies and organisations of the Rotary genus are being supplied, free and unsolicited, handsomely printed reports on old age pensions...
...Members lost interest and the work fell to a faithful handful...
...E To Socialists everywhere I would sound the message of organisation...
...Votes and Results The SmUM am i ill—I never prosessd eaythseg sasro than that these who atednss values ahaaM have what they sradaea...
...He repeats fine sentiments about the sanctity of the ballot and recommends publicity of campaign funds before election...
...The farmers and home-owners will get thes* policies on the mutual cost plan without paying any 'fee other than the Progress Builders' initiation fee...
...Progress Builders here tell me that their insurance is costing them around $8 per year per »1,000, which Is considerably less than half of what private Insurance companies charge, who operate on the principle of charging all the profits the business will stand...
...Jim" Maurer had been elected to the Legislature on two occasions and capitalist politicians saw in the war mania their opportunity to crash the rising Labor and Socialist movement...
...It sought to translate into effective legislation some measure of corrective of the system that turns broken men and women of advanced years into objects of uncertain charity...
...They are anxious to see a great unification of the farmer-labor-Socialist forces of the nation and are ready to do everything in their power to bring about such a unification, and...
...4 , WhihtMSt a compact aad eafceresrt organisation teVtgive direction to w^ayawifaign, all efiach* weald have been wjssAsjflf without orHHiilloTliioi popntai illssslSSfai linn, caused by eeodjieeh or corrupt officials, woedd leave the guesses easy prey to neMiteai fakers...
...Economists Hit Federation Pension Report vr/ASHrnGTck...
...Abraham Epstein, secretary of the American Association for Old Age Security, replied through The New Leader and the dally press...
...King is writing far The New Leader abeat new sraareaatve and radical tendenrles among the farseers af the West...
...That is the, feeling in Reading among worktogmen...
...Let us build the party now In every city and kamSBt...
...It may be recalled that Mr...
...They found In Illinois a oo-operatlve life and casualty company that Is absolutely co-operative...
...They are operating largely like the late Non-partisan League of North Dakota...
...With much of what ae has brought to pass and which he recommends, Socialists are in hearty agreement...
...head of a department...
...I doubt, howetor, if Sandino's men are strong simply aa bandits or as a result of aid from some mysterious foreign source...
...Three years later, in response to a request from one of the Senators, the United States Bureau of incUacy brought the Rosa figures up to" date',' and prepared by the same method a chart of estimated net expenditures for the fiscal year 1924, which was published by the National Council for Prevention of War...
...Appreciating the situation, they are .preparing for thorough organization in every ward of the city and a thorough program of education...
...At this point, the National Civic Federation appeared in the picture...
...This gives an idea of the magnitude of the work and shows the urgent necessity for a continuation of the drive on the part of labor and all right-thinking people to help the mine workers in the maintenance of decent standards...
...Socialists Take Over City of Reading WORKERS HOLD CELEBRATION AT INAUGURAL Old Party Tax Assessor Fired as Mayor Stamp's First Act-Socialists From Nearby States Join in Festivities—More Victories Are Plaaned For By James Oneal READING, PA.—Promptly at 10 o'clock Monday morning the city of Reading passed into the hands of a Socialist administration when J. Henry Stump took the oath of office as Mayor...
...This failure of Senator Borah and other progressives a* more than personal...
...Who is Mr...
...Faithful Handful Carried Party Through...
...By this time military expenditures had returned to somewhat more normal proportions and the' percentage due to wars had been reduced from 93:7 to 85.8...
...Endorsed Socialist Party At this stage the political activities of the Progress Builders are opportunistic...
...What they mean by that is that they are saving more than enough on their purchases as a buying organization to pay for their co-operative Insurance...
...It requested that action be delayed until it had an opportunity to gather the true facts on old age dependency and make recommendations accordingly... ~r~'>in i—iii ¦ susiissiiiib tin tog paint in commenting on the' National Civic Federation suggestion that employes, pension schemes operated by employers of labor should be sufficient to cover the need for old age security...
...Wheeler speaks with uncer••jh tones...
...This brings, us to the political and ultimate alms of the Progress Builders...
...By virtue of their respective offices, Maurer becomes -the head of the Department of Finance and Snyder takes over the Department of Publjc property...
...Its leaden had sunk to the criminal level of grafters and gangsters of the worst stripe...
...The friend of the aged, via employes pensions schemes, happens to be a high salaried employe of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company...
...It is ridiculous nonsense to say that we are merely protecting our rights to a canal which some day we may want to build in Nicaragua...
...There were five members of the Civic Federation committee which conducted the investigation and presented the report...
...Surely he must be keenly interested to write such a well-informed and persuasive letter...
...The New Leader last week commented on the more salient features...
...The six American boys who lie dead under the tropical sun of Nicaragua doubtless enheted to "see the world," to escape the rigors of the frozen North and for ah the other reasons dangled before their eyes by enlistment posters...
...These savings amount to moch more than all their co-operative, insurance...
...Railway traffic shrunk by 13 per cent, to (he lowest level for the autumn season in six years...
...All day Sunday straggling delegations of Socialists arrived in Reading from Pennsylvania cities and nearby states to attend the inauguration in City Hall and the all-day celebration to follow...
...The professional patriots snapped at the opportunity to smash the hated Socialist organization...
...Arthur - Williams, vice srasMent af the New ' York Ssassn Company...
...In looking about for such protection the organisation heads followed the same principle they followed in dealing with the problem of obtaining cheaper goods: they searched0 the nation far the best existing co-operative Insurance wimpanies with the Idea of using the organised power of the Progress Builders to obtain the best possible contracts with them...
...61,250 each...
...At the very least we should announce our intention of withdrawing all troops following an election and we should ask the Pan-American Conference at Havana to arrange for the supervision of election...
...The black war years brought with it a trial that tested the stamina of the members...
...Tucker j had been indicted by the Federal, authorities because of his authorship of a leaflet on the war entitled, "The Price We Pay...
...Few men have made a ¦*¦»disappointing record than Senr?*orah...
...The famous Hoover report which was meant to show such unprecedented prosperity for the workers proved that in 1923, tha last year for which we have definite figures, even those people fortunate enough to have jobs received an average wage of only...
...First Time ia City Hall In the corridor, as the Socialist offlrials were receiving congratulations, one workman was overheard to say: "This is the first time in fifteen years that I have been to the City Hall...
...Workers Flock to City Hall to Celebrate Inauguration of Their New Public Officials The council chamber in which the ceremonies took place is small, and only about fifty people could be accommodated with seats...
...Farmers of Southwest Want A Labor Party For 1928 Race (This Is the Udra hi a series of articles In which Mr...
...The professional "patriots" prepareC to be on hand, but they did not count on one factor...
...Another round was fought shortly after which resulted in a draw, but also a moral victory for the Socialists... the entrance was) Ailed with others...
...They are moving toward this objective cautiously in view of the Individualistic and conservative mind of the average American farmer and wage-worker, on the theory that collective group action has become a necessity with all existing classes and that if it is properly directed it will develop a collective mind and a co-operative society...
...In the last New Mexico state election the task they set out to accomplish was to oust the Democratic party from power...
...In fact, Mr...
...That is to say, he has not even come up to the conservative demands of the New York Federation of Labor...
...These achievements are regarded only as the opening wedge to bigger things attained through welldefined stages.' In the field or organised buying the first step planned la the best utilisation passible of existing privately owned agencies of distribution...
...By paying the initiation fee of the Progress Builders, which Is 910, the new member obtains at his option without further fees, fife and casualty protection at the cost of the service, the advantages of the organised purchasing power of the group, .and other benefits...
...Expect Further Victories In 1929 the Socialists have every reason to believe that they will replace the two hold-over councilmen with two Socialists and thus be responsible for the work of all the councilmen...
...William J. Graham, vice-president of the Equitable Life Insurance Company...
...The papers are ahout£s*tfe*»of of prosperity in 1927 money value of last year's fina crop* was 6*33,000,000 above <aas ghev&rggt to add that jt was WM #900,000,000 below 1924...
...For some years the Pennsylvania State Commission on old age pensions and other official agencies have been gathering a mass of data revealing the destitution of America's aged workers...

Vol. 7 • January 1928 • No. 3

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