SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK New York City GEORGE R. KIRKPATRICK The well-known lecturer and writer. Oeorge R. Klrkpairlck, author of "War, What For," "Mental Dynamite" and Think or Surrender,"...

...This is a grave mistake...
...M. Feigenbeum, Carl Cummlncs, S. Stodel...
...8. Stodal...
...Lakeland Place near Boardwalk...
...Wednesday, Sept...
...Why do not the local comrades see to tt that a good supply of The New Leader and other literature is displayed for sale...
...Speakers, Samuel H. Friedman, H. Schachner, A. Baron...
...A. Weil...
...Tuesday, Sept...
...Why no collections, °r where collections are taken, why are they taken up so half-heartedly as if we Te doing something of which we ought to feel ashamed...
...12, 8.30 p. m.—Seventh Street and Second Avenue...
...Meeting of Socialist Women Monday, Sept...
...Tuvtm, Jos...
...It is of primary importance in a movement which is so dependent upon the pence of the eorkers...
...STATEN ISLAND Saturday...
...Thanks are due to Comrade Epstein for his tireless work in adding new members contiuously to the branch...
...Our candidates have promised to spare no effort in making this an historic campaign, and the members of the commit:ee equally promised to do their bit...
...Plans will be made of how and what kind of work this branch intends to do during the coming campaign...
...5th A. D. The next, meeting of this branch will be held Friday, September 7, at the County Headquarters, 1167 Boston Road...
...Frank Crosswaith, Ethelred Brown...
...Speakers, Frank Crosswaith, H. Oreenblatt...
...Z2d A. D. Now that the summer is o\'er, the 22d A. D- Branch of the Socialist Party anticipates the largest meetings In its history...
...The absence of literature at these meetings...
...M. Peigenbaum...
...Outdoor meetings held at Boardwalk and lakeland Place...
...Oeorge R. Klrkpairlck, author of "War, What For," "Mental Dynamite" and Think or Surrender," will be to New York City for speaking engagements from October 9 to 15, inclusive...
...More power to you...
...Samuel Friedman...
...Harry Schachner, A. Baron...
...The next regular meeting of this branch will be held on Friday evening, September 7, at the home of Comrades Mr...
...Thursday, Sept...
...McAlister Coleman, Samuel A. DeWitt, Max Delson...
...A. Weil, Joseph Tuvim, Carl Cummings...
...The first meeting after Labor Day saw the return of many members...
...We Admit It Excellent paper you are getting out...
...1 '¦ BRONX Friday...
...Comrade Jessie Stephen of the British Independent Labor Party, who is now in this country and Is speaking during the presidential campaign, will be at this meeting and she will give an interesting talk on how our British comrades carry on propagar...
...J- Socialists To Have Picnic This Sunday Maurer and Vladeck Will Be Among Speakers at Progress Park, Linden The New Jersey Socialists' state picnic vfil be held at Progress Park...
...For any New Yorkers that care to spend a day in the country, the park Is reached by Hudson Tube to Newark and public Service bus or street car to Elizabeth, and then by bus from Court House to the Linden City Hall, the latter being either buses No...
...It was decided by this branch to call a general meeting of the membership of all branches In Queens County to make plans for the camping in this section of the city...
...Speakers, I. George Dobsevage, Samuel Orr, Philip Pasek...
...Last year a good, number of the New York City Yipsels hitchhiked or otherwise made it their business to get to the picnic, and the New Jersey young people are looking forward to a considerable number of their New York fellow Yips paying them e. visit again this raw...
...Tuesday, Sept...
...Crculatlons are not built up that *»*, and the one hope for the spread of our ideas is to get our own newspaper into the hands of the people interested enough to stand at ouf meetings and listen to the message our speakers have to deliver...
...Chaffee at Community Church Sunday, Sept...
...Sept... the home of Comrade Matthias Palm, 41-51 77th Street, Jackson Heights...
...8.30 p. m.—13th Street and Seventh Avenue...
...Speakers, Isidore Philips...
...Art Young is a wow...
...cannot remember a time when iuch lively interest and enthusiasm was evident...
...There may be special buses from the Newark Tube terminal, so visitors should look for them...
...8. 8.30 p. m.—163d Street and Prospect Aveue...
...Speakers, Jessie Stephen, Walter Dearing...
...The important question to be considered is that of obtaining headquarters within the district...
...Linden, on Sunday...
...M (Brown...
...13, 8.30 p. m.—Pennsylvania and Sutter Avenues...
...Speaker, Isidore Philips...
...meetings I have addressed have had The New leader on sale...
...Speakers, Samuel Orr, Samuel A. DeWitt, Henry Fruchter, Samuel H. Friedman...
...I. M. Chatcuff, Ethelred Brown...
...of course, refreshments...
...o, and organization work among women and the secret of their success in enrolling hundreds of thousands of women...
...There will be games, dancing, and...
...September 15, 8.30 p. m.— Beach and Water Streets...
...Help Is Needed at Socialist Party Office Help is needed for addressing, inserttog and stamping envelopes for the ten thousand letters mailing to reach the Wrolled Socialist voter concerning the "nmary election d*f September 18th...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brown, Harry Schachner...
...The Debs Soccer Club, A-hich represents the Norman Thomas for President Club, is diligently practicing for their coming contest in the Hebrew jsmerican League, Ads are coming in steadily for the banquet in October...
...Samuel H. Friedman...
...It is expected, jf the weather is fine, that there will be a record attendance...
...Tuesday, Sept...
...JESSIE STEPHEN Socialist Party and Workmen Circle Branches and other organizations desiring the services of Jessie Stephen during the month of November for a lecture or series of lectures at their forums are instructed to make their requests as soon as possible and to notify the City Office without delay...
...A. Baron...
...Ethelred Brown, Frank Crosswaith...
...Frank Crosswaith, Isidore Philips...
...Speakers, Wm...
...Speakers, William Karlin, Walter De axing...
...12, 8.30 p. m.—Bay Parkway and 69th Street...
...I suppose that only one in ten...
...Speakers, Samuel Block, Samuel Kantor and others...
...AH "members of the Socialist Party and ?¦ P. S. L. who can possibly spare the 'time are urged to come to the City Office, 7 East 15th Street, ~any time, day or eve."tog, September 13th, 14th and 15th, to °elp on this job...
...4th A. D. Every active member of the branch is urged to be present at the next meeting an Wednesday evening, September 12, at the East Side Socialist Center...
...Comrade Stephen expects co return to England immediately after Election...
...Ethelred Brown...
...11, 8.30 p. m.—Lee Avenue and Rodney Street...
...11, 8.30 p. m.—Fifth Street and Avenue B. Speakers, Ethelred Brown, A. N. Weinberg, Molly Weingart.' Wednesday, 8ept...
...BROOKLYN 18th A. D. A meeting of the Campaign Committee was held on Wednesday evening, Sep ternoer 5, in Cohen's Office, 1705 Pitkin Aveue...
...More of this anon...
...Speakers, Frank Crosswaith, Joseph Tuvlm...
...Keep up the good *°rk...
...and Mrs...
...6-8-12 A. D. The next regular meeting of this branch will be held on Monday evening, September 10, at the headquarters, 96 Avenue C. 22-23 A. D. The first meeting this Fall to be held by the Washington Heights branch will :ake place Tuesday evening, September 11, at 3785 Broadway...
...It can be sold as I have discovered by experience, even in New York...
...8.30 p. m.—13th Avenue and 42nd Street and 64th Street and 20th Avenue...
...The election of a campaign manager and campaign committee will also take place and preparations will be made for a lively camnalan...
...Thursday, Sept...
...Speakers, Isidore Corn and others...
...Louis E. Weill, William Karlln...
...The next speaker is Prank Crasswatth...
...Speakers, Frank Crosswaith...
...11, 8.30 p. m.—111th Street and Fifth Avenue...
...Henry Gross, Henry Fruchter...
...MANHATTAN , 3-5-1* A. D. The next meeting of the branch will be held on Tuesday, September 13, at the People's House, 7 East 15th Street...
...Saturday, September 8, 8.30 p. m.— Havemeyer and South 2nd Streets...
...Speakers, Jacob Axelrad, Samuel H. Friedman...
...A. Weil...
...I would not address a meettag ffi Britain, nor would any other Socialist speaker, if the comrades did not do their share by going around with the hat...
...A thorough discussion of the political' situation in the 18th District was held and plans laid down for the most vigorous campaign the 18th Assembly District has witnessed in a decade...
...In all the years I have been working tot the Socialist movement in Britain, ¦ad they are many, I have always seen » good display of newspapers, pamphlets end books...
...8. 8.30 p. m.—Sutter and Hendrix St...
...If there afe sufficient lecture engagements obtained during the month jf November she may prolong her stay during that month...
...Saturday, Sept...
...Speakers, Jessie Stephen, Carl dimming*, Wm...
...Speakers, Frank Crosswaith and others...
...Speakers, Theodore Shapiro, D. Breslaw, Louis Epstein...
...Ben Goodman Thursday...
...All those branches that desire to obtain Comrade Klrkpatrick's services are instructed to get in touch with the city office at once as to date and terms...
...All women members of the Socialist Party of N. Y. City are invited to attend...
...7, 8.30 p. m.—Brighton Beach...
...Speakers, Jessie S'ephen...
...Membership of this branch is increasing at every meeting...
...34 or 36 (Yellow) or No...
...M. Feigenbeum, Jos...
...Isidore Polstein...
...Saturday, Sept...
...8. P. Ulanoff, J. Reicher...
...7, 8.30 p. m.—Mermaid Avenue and 24th Street...
...Money is absolutely necessary to the success of our propafanda, and we have a right to ask supPorters and sympathizers to contribute to that end...
...In the afternoon there will be an important conference with special reference to plans for the complete reorganization of the state by keeping a full time organizer in the field not only during the campaign, hot afterwards...
...12, 8.30 p. m.—Sumner and Floyd Streets...
...We shall lose nobody's respect in the process, «cept that of =the people who don't latter any way...
...Meetings of this branch are held every Tuesday evening, at the home of Comrade Bass, 3045 Humbert Street...
...Then the money...
...Canvassing committees will soon be on the job interviewing the enrolled voters and urging them to join the party...
...In Hudson County, the comrades are purchasing an old truck and will parade the streets with it, for brief street-corner meetings, ana lor general advertising of our candidates and party...
...Jessie Steahen...
...Speakers, J. A. Afros...
...This meeting is being called to order by temporary chairman, Hilda GT Claessens...
...The speakers will be James H. Maurer and B. Charney Vladeck...
...Extension of branch activity in New jersey continues, with some that were dormant for a long time to life, with oldtime zeal for street meetings, literature, distribution, etc...
...The members are arranging a get-together the latter part of September, and a ball in the winter months...
...13, 8.30 p. m.—158th street and Broadway...
...Let us be- bold about it...
...Brighten Beaeh-Sheesehead Bay Br...
...The Women's League Is rounding up the women voters...
...Not only are all women invited but for that matter everybody who is Interested is welcome to attend...
...Speakers, Jos...
...8.30 p. m.—Kings Highway at 13th Street...
...7. 8.30 p. m.—Bristol and Pitkin Avenues...
...12, 8.30 p. m.—Kingsbridge Road and Morris Avenue...
...Louis Lieberman, Harry Ulanoff...
...No matter how eloquent the speaker, however convincing his arguments by themselves these things do not make Socialists, r Once the audience has dispersed, the message of the speaker is liable to be forgotten, or only hazily remembered, if something else is not offered which will clinch the argument and keep the facts fresh in his mind...
...13, 8.30 p. m.—Sutter and Ralph Avenues...
...7. 8.30 p. m.—Grand and Pitt Streets...
...Two of the branches of the Workmen's Circles are arranging to attend en masse, hiring buses for the occasion...
...Literature is intellectual dynamite, blowing away the rubble and ruck of capitalist prejudices and Mess, In which the workers' brains are to_often buried...
...Comrade Kantor, one of the oldest .nembers...
...Herman Greenatatt...
...Saturday, Sept...
...Street Meetings MANHATTAN Friday, Sept...
...13, 8.30 p. m.—Washington Avenue and Claremont Parkway...
...Speakers, Samuel Orr, Jacob Bernstein, Ernest Bezousk& Thursday, Sept...
...I want to see more literature on sale and'am personally prepared to boost it...
...Friday, Sept...
...8, 8.30 p. m.—Wilkins and Intervale Avenues...
...9th, at 11 A. M., Rev...
...Speakers, Ethelred Brawn...
...Saturday, Sept...
...Monday, September 10, 8.30 p. m.— Sutter and Hinsdale...
...Arthur defter...
...Louis Painken...
...13, 8.30 p. m.—Fort Hamilton Parkway and 46th Street...
...7 East 15th Street;, for the organization of a permanent Women's Committee and the formation of plans for a campaign to reach the women voters of Greater New York...
...Importance of Literature at Our Meetings By Jessie Stephen CINCE I came to New York, I have addressed some scores of meetings, and one thing has impressed me strongly...
...7, 8.30 p. m.—163d Street and Tiffany...
...Louis E. Well...
...Friday, Sept...
...14, 8.30 p. m.—95th Street and Broadway...
...13, 8.30 p. m.—Bathgate and Tremont Avenues...
...7. 8.30 p. m.—180th Street and Daly avenue...
...Speakers, I. George Dobsevage, Morris Glsnet, Frank Crosswaith...
...What are my comraues prepare^ to do...
...Tuesday, Sept...
...September 8, 8.30 p. • m.— Beach and Water Streets, Stapleton...
...Jessie Stephen...
...Monday, Sept...
...7. 8.30 p. m.—169th Street and Boston Road...
...Edmund B. Chaffee, Director of the Labor Temple, will preach at the Community Church, Park Avenue and 34th Street...
...15, 8.30 p. m.—137th Street and Seventh Avenue...
...Friday, Sept...
...8.30 p. m.—Hooper and South 3rd Streets...
...A committee was elected to work with the 8th Congressional District Campaign Committee...
...Orr, 901 Beck Street, Apartment 32...
...This is hardly fair to the comrades who are doing their bes't to produce an interesting and informing paper...
...More money means more propaganda, and grater activity...
...His subject will be "Politics and Preachers...
...That is the reason for the success of the British Labor Movement without any doubt...
...The Executive Committee of the branch Is now discussing plans for further strengthening of the organization and increasing membership...
...Speakers, Jessie Stephen...
...BROOKLYN Friday, Sept...
...Letters will be sent to enrolled voters inviting them to attend these meetings...
...10 On Monday evening, September loth, at 8:30 P. M., a meeting will be held in the Peoples House...
...7. 8.30 p. m.—Bushwick Avenue and Arion Place...
...204 East Broad war...
...10, 8.30 p. m.—Tompkins Avenue and Hart Street...
...Queens Jackson Heights Regular meetings of this branch during the month of September will be held on the 12th and the 26th...
...Louis P. Goldberg and others...

Vol. 7 • September 1928 • No. 38

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